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    1. JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

      by , 12-04-2010 at 04:42 PM
      Floppy Neck (WILD)


      I was about to reply to some of my adoptees' PMs on Dreamviews, but I thought I'd get inspired to reply with something more interesting if I had a WILD first. I was quite sleepy, and feeling the effects of a severe hangover. I predicted a WILD would definitely be on the cards. Before getting back into bed I turned on a lamp in the corner of the room to provide a little light. It's annoying to have a false awakening into a pitch black room- and I hoped having a light on in the real world would affect my dreams.

      For a long time I lay on my back, to try and relax. Nothing much happened. After shifting position a few times,
      I thought I could hear someone talking. It sounded like a radio show. I listened carefully and made it louder. It turned into a roaring vibration coming from the sides of my forehead, then stopped.

      The next thing I knew, I was playing Halo. I assumed this was brought on by looking at the new map pack before going back to bed. Although for some reason I was playing Halo 1. The graphics weren't great. I was inside some kind of blue-tinted warehouse, and some maniac was flying around on a ghost. I stuck it with a plasma grenade and jumped out of the way before he splattered me. I considered taking the ghost (which wasn't completely destroyed) for a spin, but I felt myself starting to wake up.

      I was back in bed, unsure of whether or not I was awake. The lamp was on. As a kind of anchor, I tried to continue playing Halo with a controller I found in my hands. I kept my eyes closed, so I could still see the game I was playing, and used the "controller" to keep moving around.

      I didn't think I could sustain the dream this way,
      so I gave up and opened my eyes. I thought I had woken up and was disappointed. Just to be sure, I looked at my hand as a reality-check. It was missing. I dropped my arm in disbelief. Getting out of bed was a challenge. My neck muscles didn't seem to work, and my head just flopped back on my shoulders. I momentarily fixed it by pulling my head forward by the jaw, but then I was stuck looking at the floor.

      Suddenly I was back in bed. There was someone in the room with me. It turned out to be the dude who lives across the hall. I held out my arm and he helped me up.
      "What are you doing here anyway?" he asked.
      "Dreaming," I replied. "This isn't real." I knew this dream wasn't very stable, so I abandoned any ambitious goals I may have had. Instead, I stumbled into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. For some reason, I could only see my reflection in the mirror when I looked at it from an angle. There was no reflection at all when I looked straight-on. Unlike real life, I was clean-shaven, and my hair was quite neat.

      After another false awakening, I found myself in a supermarket, looking at some kind of media device. It was quite like an ipod, but was more square than my ipod touch. I scrolled through various music tracks, and found myself drawn to one piece: "In the Hall of the Mountain King".
      Downloaded when I woke up, a good choice. It wouldn't play in the dream though.
      lucid , false awakening
    2. Dec 4 2010 - Past Friends

      by , 12-04-2010 at 04:37 PM (Mah Journal)
      I was on some sort of rollercoaster it seemed. I was just sort of floating around and watching the environment around me. I saw a football game going on. Some people from my old school were talking about it.

      Then my vision became sort of like a fb interface. Then VA's chat popped up in my window, and we started talking. He started talking about lucid dreaming to me. I told him that I already knew what it was. He mentioned something about falling asleep into it, and I told him that I couldn't WILD. He then mentioned that he had a DILD once.

      Then I was browsing DV and saw my DJ. Then SA starting chatting to me too, and she gave me a link to DV. She asked if it was my account. It was. I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell her it was; surely it couldn't hurt, but do I really want someone looking at what goes through my mind? What if they decipher the meanings, or decipher them wrongly? I was quite puzzled.

      I chatted with someone else too, but I can't remember who.

      Eventually I ended up in this sort of back yard of some cottage. It was snowy and wintery, but yet I wasn't cold. I was apparently part of some choir, so I started singing. I did pretty horrible. I apologized and said that I didn't know the song, and someone retorted that I should know it. I then went to get the sheet music for a song that I apparently knew. I sang it decently. That was the end of the dream.

      Edit: Just remembered another fragment.

      Can't remember where I was, but I think AN was maybe there. Someone, I think KA, asked, "So how many people DO like you then?" I shrugged and told her I didn't know. I said that AN seemed to, but who could be sure of everyone else? saw flashes of a few other people, and then it ended
    3. Fighting game with 2 friends

      by , 12-04-2010 at 04:25 PM (Robo's Dreams)
      I am at my friend I's house, M is there too. we are playing some sort of mortal kombat game, I am playing as some sort of gremlin with a bladed fist/hand thing, I don't remember who I fought as. I beat I farily badly, so he handed it over to M and simply stated, "Kick his ass." I selected the same charactor, and M selected a dragon, it looked like a silver Riddly from metroid. I fought him and was giving him a fair run when he changed his stratagy, he dove underground and began assaulting me by attempting to strike me from underground with his clawed fist as big as my charactor.

      I timed my jumps to avoid his claw, and counterattack. It began to feel like a boss fight that I had memorized he was so predictable, then I realized I had been looking at the wrong health bar, instead of me being near full health, I had one hit to go, M burst out of the ground. Knowing that one hit would kill me, I focused on dodging his attacks and landing blows where I could, I got his health within a few hits of my own, and the screen disappeared, I looked around and realized it was in the next room over with M and I. I thrashed at the buttens wildly, hoping to score a hit, I tried the grapple button, but I was too slow, I could tell that I had lost.

      I woke up.
    4. Super Flying Car!

      by , 12-04-2010 at 04:18 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: November 30, 2010 – Evening, 8:30PM-11:00PM (USA Eastern)
      Text color legend: · NON-DREAM · NOTES · DREAM · LUCID ·

      (Note: I went to bed early after a nasty migraine struck me. After another dry spell, I had a lucid with fairly good recall. My doctor put me on Procardia XL a few weeks back, and my body is taking some time to adjust to it. I've had quite a few good dreams lately, but no recall at all.)

      I am standing in a large, open industrial building with several other floors above and below me. The air smells musty, and the space is dimly lit. As I'm looking at my surroundings, one of the overhead lights shorts out and drops sparks all over the floor in front of me. I jump back and fall through the wall behind me, then into a completely different room. Standing back up and looking around reveals that I am in an office that has no door back into the industrial space. I become lucid at this time. I look back at the wall and say, “This is the only way back into there.” I take a couple of steps backward and run into the wall at full speed. I pass right through the wall with no resistance. While passing through the wall, my vision is all choppy and jittery, a lot like using the “idspispopd” cheat code in the old Doom game.

      I am in the industrial space again, and now there is a car sitting in the middle of the room. The car is an import with dark tinted windows and a spoiler on the trunk. The color changed from jet black to a iridescent blue as I walked toward it. I get in the car and the engine starts without even turning the key. There are 8 pedals on the floor, so I begin to press on them. None of them would make the car go, so I grab the shifter and shove it into a gear. The car starts to move forward and speeds up when I shift to the next gear. I found one of the pedals that speeds things up, so a combination of pressing that pedal to the floor and shifting makes the car go much faster.

      I drive the car through the building and out through the wall, landing on the rooftop of another building. I shift several times and the car rapidly accelerates, jumping off the edge of the roof. After flying through the air for a brief moment, I enter another building through the wall which looks like a large hotel. I blast through a couple of rooms and right out the other side of the building. I jump from roof to roof and saw a cop sitting on one of the rooftops. He gets me with the radar gun and turns his lights on. I know there is no way he is going to get me, so I start shifting faster and fly off the roof. I get into another building through the window, then end up in an elevator shaft. I shift a couple of times and rocket straight out through the roof of the penthouse. I am able to level out and fly over the city for a bit. After flying for a bit, the car starts falling back to the ground. The ground is getting closer and closer. Pressing the pedals and shifting does nothing but rev up the engine. The car started to nose-dive toward the ground and I could not change the direction or stop it. I woke up just before hitting the ground.

      Updated 02-19-2011 at 04:13 PM by 36447 (Added color legend, improved formatting.)

    5. Doggone False Awakenings...

      by , 12-04-2010 at 03:29 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      I'm a Toys-R-Us Kid

      I am at Toys-R-Us with my mother, father, and brother. We are looking around, and split up. We are supposed to meet up again in a few minutes, but I get lost. Some type of adventure befalls me, though I don't quite remember what. Finally, I meet up with my family again.

      In this dream, Toys-R-Us looks like a greenhouse. There are many rooms in it, connected to other rooms. There are tropical plants around. (And fireplaces?)

      Letters to Lincoln

      We are talking about Abraham Lincoln. Our family (in the dream) has letters that were written by Abraham Lincoln's wife. We don't know exactly where they are, but apparently we were descended from her. We have a bunch of her old stuff, actually. I wonder if it is worth anything.

      The Church

      I am visiting a new church. It starts out with me listening to the church on the radio, but then I actually end up there. At first I think it is a good church, and well founded in scripture. But then the pastor begins to talk. He is dressed in some odd uniform, and his whole message seems to be about how he doesn't think Christ is the only way to heaven. He hints that Christ may actually not be God. "What kind of a church is this?" I think to myself.

      The preacher decides to show a movie to the congregation. It is about Barak Obama. As soon as Obama appears on the screen everyone stands up as though they were going to sing the Doxology. I am a little disgusted by this seeming idolatry. I had been standing out in the hallway watching through a door. I sit on the floor in a sort of a protest. People in the sanctuary decide to sit, too.

      Grandparents (fragment)

      I seem to remember something about going to my Grandparents' house.

      A Series of FA's

      Have fun sorting this one out:

      I wake up and check the clock. It is 8:45. I usually do a RC upon waking up, but I always assumed looking at the clock was good enough. Then I wake up. Not to be made a fool of again, I look at my hands. I rub them together. Nothing looks odd, so I must be awake. Then I wake up. I look at the clock again. It is a little hard to make out, but it looks like it's 1:45. Good, plenty of time to do a DEILD (I'm pretty sure this was a FA too. This set of dreams took place around 8:00am). I enter into a dream about Toys-R-Us. I pinch my nose and can still breathe. But then the dream changes so that this is actually not occurring, but is a memory of me doing a nose-pinch reality check in the past.

      I am walking down an aisle in Toys-R-Us. There are characters from Star Trek there. They seem to be advertizing a sale on Star Trek merchandise. There is also food and apple cider. I stock shelves a while, and see Angela Lansbury. She seems to know me. I try to think of how I know her.

      An announcement comes over the loudspeaker system, referring to the town we are in. I am reminded that I work in Wintersville, Ohio (I don't in real life. I don't even live near there). That is hard to believe for me that I actually work there.
    6. Lucid Dream #26

      by , 12-04-2010 at 03:25 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 8/10
      Vividness: 9/10
      Length: 10 Min.

      I was playing with a broken fosset and I noticed an omitrix on my arm. I realized that it was weird and knew I was dreaming. So I finally got it to shut off and went upstairs. I saw some cubs and tried to turn into one of them. It didn't work. Then I was trying to fly in a large field. I tried times and times again and kept falling. It was very vivid, the shadows were superb. Then these two assholes said something about doing certain things in MY lucid dream that I shouldn't have done. Then they started to sing. It was very annoying. So I saw a little white dot in the sky and made it crash into those assholes. Nothing happened, then I saw this lady that was hot and I took some thing and shot some white stuff all over her. She smiled at me so I took my dick out and tried to have sex. Then I woke up. I know that earlier in this lucid dream I did officially have sex but I can't remember when.
    7. Frist time writing

      by , 12-04-2010 at 02:08 PM
      comp lagged i clicked the post button twice som1 delete this plz
    8. Frist time writing

      by , 12-04-2010 at 02:08 PM
      Tonight i had a few dreams and i just remember parts of them. went to sleep at 2am woke up at 8.40am
      Dream 1
      THe first one i dont remember much i was in some sort of mmorpg scenario where i was the main character i could view the dream sometimes as 3rd person view but when that happened was like still me controling it from above but sometimes was first person view. i was in this place it like some desert with few plants and stuff hard to explain... i was runing arround there where like this mobs that walked arround they where to powerfull for me to fight at this stage and i knew it so i was trying to avoid them i was runing with this group and we got to a point where the mobs would see us when they walked their circle back and we just had to hide untill they pass so we could keep going so my group split and got into this little room was the only like structure in the place i was like ull get cought there! and went outside far from the mobs but they i could see them but their range of view count see me but they wallked very random and then got to close then i saw something like some fire attack i thought i was saved like some other player started fighting this mobs but then i was like what if thats some weird buff/attack thing and their actualy looking at me and when i tought that i realized it was it and started runing they where all after me and i was like dam im going to have to run alot to lose them so they dissapear and i go back (just like in mmorgps) but the more i ran the more i bumped into other mobs and i had at a point like alot of mobs after me 20-30-40 dont know and i was getting upset of all the runing arround thinking on how cool would it b if i was at the point where i could use maigic attack that are aoe and kill them all :S then i kept runing and was like dam im going to have to use this type of running setting of the game to run faster and before i did that i started slowly losing the mobs and i was like yay! kept runing and then i dont remember more.

      Dream 2

      this was a short one and i dont remember much just few stuff there was this little room and ther where like 3-4woman in there but there was two of them that where familiar, dont know who they where tho and i feeel like i was one of them.I was watching from a third person view a bit but then i was also it her it was confusing because this person wasnt me. The story of the dream was that they were talking something while organizing this receipts of the bussines they ran, this was all in some back small room with not much lighting but wasnt dark neither and there was a round table full of this receipts they were talking about something and the main girl i relate to said something that non of the other belived and was defending this stuff like something that happened during the shift and non would belive her so she was like ah! i wrote it down one of the receipt the proof and started looking arround in the mess of receipts and the other started beliving a bit but were not convinced and then the main character was like fuck it their to many and im messing this up but it did happen and the other girls where kinda convinced but not 100%.

      Dream 3

      i was in my living room with my 3 brothers was in the precent but not this reality because 2 of them where living in my house but in reality they dont live here no more. i was there and my little brother was making this toasted breads and they were me and my taller brother and then my oldest brother came in and was like i want some! my lil bro then divided the plates so he could fill anothe plate. we all ate and where watching tv and then we all finished eating because it wasnt too much, my little brother then said "arent you guys tirsty eh ! (and said my older brother name) he then said yes i am you should get some water or something, he then said "dude i made the food and they did (and said something me and my other brother did but i dont remember)" then my older brother replyed ur a bad brother u because you did this this and that (i dont rememebr what he said) then my lil bro got up i made ajoke about him because we all saw trough the lie my older brother said to make him get the water and i was like dude ur sucha pussy some of this guys just have to say ur a bad brother and random stuff and u then get sentimental and do what their asking... lol , no1 laughed because they wanted the water and looked like they where saying shut up with their eyes cuz they wanted the water, my lil bro walked to the kitchen then i was like dude!! get me soda i dont want water!! he turned and looked me bad and i was like man ur already going!! so cmmon.

      Dream 4

      i dont remember nothing abotu this dream i remember we were on this room that i think i lived there there wasnt much light i was walking arround was a little messy no much light and there was a computer then i walked abit and there was a round kitchen table in the small kitchen was like a studio apartment.

      Dream 5

      IN this one i was like with someone i knew we where outside the this hotel and there was like a redcarpet event like the oscars or something and there was celebrities arround i coudnt see them but i knew they were there and i was very close like on the photographers crowd but i wasnt a photographer. I then saw Jennifer aniston (one of the hottest celebs) walking i could hear the voice like when your watching the event on tv like "here is jennifer aniston stuning! as always blah blah" they were telling alot of crap but then started like talking about some failed relationship she had other than brads an was good that she is with another guy happy again and then he appeared was jim carrey they where together he was happy joking arroudn with the camera crew they walked together holding hands and i was hmm i like that couple he can have her ehehe he is good enough!. i then focused on the clothes both where wearing white clothes he was wearing white pants/shirt and she was wearing very nice white dress not a long one but to the knee, then i saw them walking away and i was like wait wasnt he married with kids?then then i saw thye where with 2 kids a girl and a boy and walked to the hotel i was then thinking dam must be nice to have ur father hook up with some1 like jennifer then i was ooh oh what if she is a bitch to them or if they hate her and started looking at how tthey where acting together. Then i saw this baby 5-7 moth baby in the floor alone and then her mother came runing and picked her up saing aaah how could you get away like that... and i was like how could u let a kid that age in the floor outside ...
      second part of the dream

      i then started walking in the hotel.. the redcarpet was like gone but i knew jen and jim went inside but didnt know where i wanted to peee and was walking to the bathroom saw the people from the reception looking at me i walked straight to the bathroom saying they can do shit they dont know im not a guest or going to be. i then started peeing and i was transformed to this small boy and the bathroom was like some big area an there where diff rooms the urinals where in one the toilets in another one and i was in the urinals and when i was walking inside i overheard a name of this guest inside the room he was a important man in the society, (at this point i knew this dream was familiar like a movie or a dream ive already had and i knew exactly what would happen) then i statted peeing and this guy who works for the hotel came in with this paper and was like hey and i was like im xxxxxx and i said the lastname i heard the guy was like oooh i was looking for u sir i didnt knew my contact was a kid.. he was like some corrupted person holdin this files and gave me the stuff i was scared i was thinking on goin out of there and throwing them on the garbage i then heard a mess outside (i knew there where people coming in killing every1) and the guy from the hotel said i dont have the document this dude has it and rats me out, since i knew this movie/dream i ranto the toilet i knew there was this ventilation on one of the cubicles an started climing in i thought i was in the clear cuz since i knew the dream i went to ahead of them and then while i was almost iinside the vent they pulled my leg and cout me, they got me outside and i was every1 dead and somehow i was outside in this parking lot i was missing an arm but they woudnt kill me they needed me cuz i was this xxx person who i wasnt really. but i coudnt say nothing or they would kill me and then in noticed they had blown the other in peaces and everything was burnt. then i over heard the police an they where like do it kid or ull be in trouble and now fake it like u fainted and ur hurt but then again i was missing an arm they said o ull be on the clear with that missing arm eheh... and when the police came there they where gone. I then started dreaming in third person view they police was searching the burnt stuff and saw this burnt bbq and opened it and there where the folders the maffia guys where took from the guy in the urinals and they had burnt the files the police saw them burnt but not completely burnt and carefully took them and put it on an evidence bag.

      thats it hope no1 reads this im very bad at grammer so this is a mess only i can understand this

      Updated 12-04-2010 at 02:11 PM by 39449

    9. Low recall and clarity lucid

      by , 12-04-2010 at 02:02 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Had an okay dreamnight. Got a lucid and I managed to stay in the dream even though it faded, which is something I haven't been able to do before! Even though the dream was long, and complex, it was filled with holes when I woke up...

      11.30: Bedtime

      05.15: Fragment
      *I'm running down a mountainside towards a lake. My sisters and brothers have each caught some kind of fish, and I want one too. I spot a red lobster at the edge of the water, and I head for it.

      05.15: 40 minutes WBTB

      07.10: Weird Lucid MILD
      I'm with Felix and G in his appartment, only it doesn't look anything like it. A few people are wandering around, most likely going home after a party we've just had. I have no clothes on, and I have to take a piss. I get up and cover myself up with one hand. I open the bathroom and two girls scream when I try to enter. I walk into the kitchen instead. After a while I'm on the couch again, trying to put on some underwear. A few people at the door is looking at me, smiling. I notice that my balls is showing and I laugh and tuck them in.

      Dream skips. I'm walking towards a road, going away from the party. I spot an excavator and I walk up to it. There's no one inside and it's moving around on its own. Suddenly it tries to get to me, and I have to jump around to avoid getting crushed. "Wait! What is going on?!" I yell. I notice my co-worker Niclas standing a few meters away with a remote. The machine starts moving faster and I jump up on the arm and hold on for dear life. Just as it starts squeezing me over the stomach.

      I realise I'm dreaming. I climb up to the top of the excavator's arm and sit down at a table there. I start writing down my dreams for some reason. I can hear a loud thud coming from an eerie looking building on the other side of the road. Every other second or so. I jump down and take a look at my hand. It looks like all of my fingers have melted together a bit. "I should find something to blow up" I think, but the light is fading fast. I realise I have to stabilize the dream and create light first.

      I try to scream the word "Light!" by it ends up being a thought in my head instead. I guess I was too close to waking up. I realise I have to root myself fast. I throw myself down on the ground and starts touching the asphalt. The light is now completely gone, but I refuse to wake up. I keep on feeling the asphalt and concentrating as hard as I can on my sense of touch. To my amazement, I don't start to feel my body. Suddenly I can feel two walls, like I'm in a corner. My sight returns to me and I realise I'm in my bed.

      Once again I'm closest to the wall, and I can see small lights in the room which I recognise as the refrigerator and other stuff. I take a look at my hand to make sure I'm still dreaming, and I spot 7-8 fingers. I get up. And wake up.

      11.15: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 10 hours

      Supplements before bed: 2 x Omega-3, Calea Tea - 2 tablespoons at WBTB

      That's it! Atleast I got lucid. And now when I've succeeded in staying in my dream even though it fades, it should be easier in the future. I didn't recall much more than that dream, but I think I had another short lucid. But I forgot to write it down. If nothing happens tonight, I will do a WBTB again tomorrow, trying out G+C for the second time.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 12-05-2010 at 02:53 PM by 36346

      lucid , dream fragment
    10. The mystery of the finger.

      by , 12-04-2010 at 10:37 AM
      I have to say I had this dream when I was 5 years old.
      I shall try my best to describe the dream.

      I was riding in a car to I guess a shopping center or something. I believe I was walking around with my siblings, parents and one of my uncles. I remember feel tired. And after a lot of walking we were eating dinner somewhere.
      And my uncle ended up showing me a magic trick and it was him pulling his finger off and I saw the finger physically separated from the knuckle and reattaching it. (and trying to look where the finger would attach back on either the finger or the hand showed a weird greenish effect that resembled television static)
      He ended up showing me how to do it and I was doing it in the dream.

      And that is all I can remember of the dream at this point.
      I am assuming it was a lucid dream cause I remember pulling on my finger so many times when I was around that age and expecting it to separate and have the weird effect.
      Tags: magic trick
    11. Collection of nightmares I have had

      by , 12-04-2010 at 10:28 AM
      Back over 10 years ago I had this nightmare ones and I still remember parts of it.
      Ants were crawling everywhere in the house they started to merge into bigger and bigger ants and then they started to eat everything and crawl everywhere. And then I woke up.

      Probably 3-4 years later I had this one.
      I was on the front porch of the house the family dog walked in then all of a sudden started to attack everything. And I had to fight the dog and I think I ended up killing it in the dream. D:

      Not sure when this one took place and I wouldn't call it a nightmare.
      I was laying in bed trying to sleep and then I started to dream of driving a car on a race track, I was going fast and then I lost control and crashed into a wall and woke up.

      Well I don't think I had many nightmares in my 17 years nor do I remember many of them.
    12. chased

      by , 12-04-2010 at 09:20 AM
      was in a matrix where the authorities for some reason were after me. They hunted me with helicopter while I was asleep at a friends place. The searchlights came into the room, over me, stopped, and then they said my name through a loudspeaker. The atmosphere was highly frightening. I'm in shock. I'm such a nice guy. What could I possibly have done?

      I'm obviously trying to become lucid.
    13. A bit more from last night...

      by , 12-04-2010 at 05:29 AM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      I'm on a boat, and there are really huge catfish swimming in the water next to us.


      Part of the "Monk's Twin" dream: we are watching the news story about the corrupt senator, and he is being followed by the cameras. He walks into an open manhole.
    14. Harry Potter lucid dream

      by , 12-04-2010 at 03:47 AM (Awesomeness's quest for lucidity)
      Real life Dream Lucid Nightmare Dream sign
      For me to remember, dreams are #067300, and lucid dreams are the color below blue, #4169e1. Nightmares are dark red, #8b0000, and dream signs are the light purple, which is up one and left one from blue, #483d8b.

      Yay! My first lucid dream where I actually did something. This was the last dream of the night, and it was VERY long. I don't remember all of it, and I might not remember everything in the right order.

      Harry Potter dream
      I am Harry Potter, and I am in the Harry Potter universe. Over half of the dream happens, then I start remembering stuff.

      I go up an elevator into some secret base. The lights are dark. Someone's giving me a tour of the place. There's all sorts of technology in rooms with walls made of red chain link fence. There were some other people there. He showed me the rooms. Then he pointed to a Tesla coil inside one of the rooms. Later, we get into a conversation about who can enter and exit the complex. I asked if Malfoy could enter. He said no.

      NOTE: Spoiler ahead, select the proceeding text so that it's visible only if you've already read the 7th Harry Potter book: (Or if you don't care)

      I argued. "Why can't he? He's actually good! He was horrified when Dumbledore died, and never wanted to kill anybody! At the end of the Battle of Hogwarts he switched sides!" The tour guide was adamant. I couldn't convince him.


      Me and a group of people ran to some room. The entrance was a small wooden door frame at an angle, with a shield sort of thing instead of a door. It looked like a film of rippling cyan water, but you could put your hand through it like air. You could see through it. The room was filled with cameras. We needed to put something (A shoe? Not sure.) inside it. I ran through the shield and stepped down a small staircase of cameras, threw the object inside the room, and climbed back up. I wondered if the cameras could see me.


      We all apparated away. I don't remember apparating, but I know that's how we all got where we were. We were at a group of four picnic tables in a 2x2 grid, on the roof of some tower, thousands of feet in the air. There were no fences on the edges to keep us from falling off, but none of us were concerned about it. Everyone apparated in with black ponchos on (in the dream, everyone had to wear those to aparate) and then took them off. Then we all started eating food.

      I waited a while, and asked someone, "Aren't we supposed to be fighting Voldemort?". He just kept eating. I stood up between two tables, with either foot on the benches of the two tables, and said to everyone, "Why are we eating? We need to keep fighting Voldemort!", No one replied.


      I was shopping somewhere with my Dad. I heard lots of people saying "Oh my gosh, it's Harry Potter!" and stuff. I dropped something we bought. It was a foot and a half wide red ball. I chased it through three shops. After the second, someone picked it up and tossed it somewhere else. After the third shop I finally got it.

      We entered a shop to buy something. The walls were green.
      I suddenly had the thought that maybe I was dreaming. Out of curiosity I tried to hand whistle (which I can do very well in real life) and it failed. I felt air blow up I pant legs. Yeah, I'm probably dreaming. I tried looking at my hands, because apparently hands look weird in dreams, and... whoah! I had four fingers on one hand, one of them floating in mid-air, and three tiny fingers on the other, with no thumbs at all! I am so totally dreaming. What should I do? Fly? (I forgot to do the increase-clarity follow-through) I tried to fly. Instead, I jumped over ten feet into the air and slowly fell back down. I said "Look, Dad!", but he ignored me and continued focusing his attention on the store clerk. I kept hopping and looked around. I looked at all the corners and walls of my surroundings. I was amazed at how the mind can paint such realism, yet it's so difficult to put it on paper. My dream started to fall apart. I unfortunately realized I was dreaming near the end of my REM cycle, so I didn't have much time to play.

      I'm glad I finally had a lucid dream that lasted. I had decent control for a beginner. I heard some people couldn't hop very high at all on their first try.

      Updated 12-04-2010 at 03:40 PM by 37551

      Tags: harry potter
      memorable , lucid
    15. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 12-04-2010 at 03:32 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      ˇSingle Sentence Sizzler!®

      Evasion (Non-lucid)

      Quote Originally Posted by Mzzkc View Post
      Evaded extermination by using short range teleportation to stay one jump ahead of the red-laser wielding hunters in a rather confined, futuristic city-scape.