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    1. Time Travel & Florida et al

      by , 11-29-2010 at 06:22 AM
      The second night I have seen results from posting here. Things are happening more in my dreams because of my new interest and postings.

      Dream 1: Dream Meets Lucidity
      As usual I am walking around but then I see some people that like they are playing some kind of shoot'm up game. There are some big chubby guys dressed in those brown sheriff uniforms ducking behind those huge metal shipping containers. There were also girls doing the same thing on the other side of the lot this was all in but the girls were in black bikinis. This looked like fun so I ran up into a warehouse and up to the second level to have a good view. When I thought about doing some shooting a gun was provided as pictured here Dry Spells...-eagle.jpg
      I am usually lucid to some degree and that was true now as well. The gun I held was all too real. I held it up and looked at it and felt how heavy it felt, heavier than I thought, this was a serious weapon. I cocked it open and took a look at the bullet from the chamber, and knew just how much damage this slug could do. When I thought about shooting those girls with this gun it made me sick. I no longer wanted to be in this dream.

      Dream 2: Daddy Long Legs! Dry Spells...-ddlonglegs.jpg
      I was over a friends house (they haven't lived there in ages) and was happy to see all the same faces from so long ago again. They all looked so young again! Before I could enjoy my reminiscing 2 women knocked at the front door which I was standing next to so I opened the door and said hello. I have never seen these people before and this little side matter was sapping my lucidity but I wanted to see what they wanted. "Would you like to see some of our samples?" the younger woman said. "Sure" I said half heartedly. They held up a brown paper bag with some little boxes in it. I reached in and a daddy long legs spider got on my hand. They are harmless but still they feel creepy, so I said "Daddy long legs...." to tell them I got one on me and to help knock it off but they just went on explaining what they had. The spider crawled up my arm and as I was saying "Daddy long legs!" again and again as it ran up my back and down my shorts!
      I woke up and could still feel that creepy feel their feet give you on my butt! I laughed at the silliness of the whole thing and wrote down dream 1 and 2.

      Dream 3: Time Travel Over Florida
      I was seeing a view of Florida from about 100 miles up, I could clearly see the coastline of it and a few other states. Still this was Florida 125,000 years ago as said the small sign/scroll on the state it said 125k. As in this picture the state is huge and more much fatter. Dry Spells...-fl13000yo.jpgI moved in hoping to go down and explore but as I did the time on the scroll started to fall and the states shorelines moved in quickly. I a few seconds Florida looked like it does now and the counter reached 0 and disappeared, then I understood that I was moving in the direction of the future. As I moved closer the states borders shrank till it got so small it was mostly a thin needle of a state that then shrank back into the continent leaving behind the longest line of beautiful coral reefs. These reefs stretched from the continent to down around the everglades and I got a sense they are one of the jewels of the Earth (125,000 years from now) and that there was so much different and wonderful aquatic life down there. In some way I wondered if I should be feeling sad for all that human stuff that was down there being lost but I did not at all, not one bit. I was now over the reefs and I marveled at how beautiful they looked.
      I immediately woke up to write this down but was so tired that I took the chancy path of recording it to memory instead. I'm lucky to remember this at all I guess.

      Updated 04-21-2011 at 06:50 AM by 36469

    2. Some dreams

      by , 11-29-2010 at 05:56 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      I am listening to a recording i made of vivaldi on guitar... when It comes tot he one solo part, I notice the backing guitars are removed... I'm confused about this.


      vague memory of going on a large hill with some sort of churchor other ancient looking structure nearby.

      Weird and boring dream.

      I'm near the same place as the hill. I see a bunch of people walking away... I was following them earlier but stopped because I was feeling really weird. I walk into a grassy area and spot something like a church. At first I think it's a Masonic hall or something. I see lots of doors and staircases around it when I go up to them I realize they are only an illusion and are painted in...

      I somehow find the right door when someone walks out of it. I nonchalantly walk through the door the other guy just came out of like it's normal. I go in and find a tiled room where people are playing music. I enter to play but for some reason I can't. I notice Micheal there and we make friends and leave the place. I enter the same grassy area from before except it's night out. I wonder how it transitioned to night time so fast.


      I'm with nomad and we are watching a scene. He is explaining that Asuka is visiting ehr former lover from a previous lifetime. The one where she killed herself shortly after he died in that lifetime.


      i meet up with Asuka... we are in soul bodies... purely soul and we begin kissing. I canliterally feel the love more intensly than anything. I also think she was merged with the woman I am supposed to meet.
      Tags: asuka, nomad, weird
    3. 27 November 2010

      by , 11-29-2010 at 05:51 AM
      Alien invasion, billions of them, but they are small, almost microscopic. Also, they are not physical beings, but data, and they kill like 90% of the population of Earth by converting people to data. I slyly tell Ana that it is our duty to repopulate, and she agrees. We proceed to make sex, but with a condom. Also, Kendra was a survivor. She told me her dad was dead, and I was kinda indifferent. Oh well.
    4. 23 November 2010

      by , 11-29-2010 at 05:47 AM
      I was at the student union, and an attractive girl asked me if I was in some fraternity. I lied and said yes. We went back to my dorm and started making out. She asked again, and I said no. She then just faded away. I realized I was dreaming and "woke up". I was in my bed and Alex was in the room with hair painted green, yellow, and orange. I told him about the dream. Then I woke up for realz. First FA I remember. Was cool.
    5. the others

      by , 11-29-2010 at 04:52 AM
      I think we were chased by ghosts. Dragged, vacuumed in direction of points of will. I kept hold of the door frame. Then running, flying some more around until I realized we were the ghosts as in the movie 'the others'. I wanted to tell it to my companions, but woke up.

      Earlier I dreamt I was fighting a neighbor and when ended he screamed after me: " You had predicted this."
      non-lucid , memorable
    6. 11/27/10 Lucidity at Hogwarts!

      by , 11-29-2010 at 04:12 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: Tigress, MoSh, and I have all planned on a shared dream this night. Since Tigress and I have yet to both remember a Harry Potter dream, we're going to take another shot at the dreams where we're at the sorting, but this time MoSh wants in on it. He says he is going to see if Asuka wants to come, too. Since I have been having problems with my WILD's, my light / sound machine took a crap so there went my preferred technique to enter a WILD, I have asked Q to make sure everyone makes it to Hogwarts ok. Even if I'm not lucid, I will still be there, but I won't be as able to go fetch anyone else who hasn't made it there on their own.

      I am in a room that looks very familiar by now, considering I have been in there a couple of times already, and I have a strange sense of de-ja-vu. I know I have been here before, doing this exact same thing. I look at the walls of the circular room, the tapestries look familiar, the large wooden door on one side of the room… I can tell everything that is about to happen… such as I know a woman that looks like Professor McGonagall from the Harry Potter series is about to step through that door and start talking to us. I can tell what she is going to say, well most of it, anyway… in the version I am 'remembering' I hadn't really been listening to her very closely… The feeling that is going along with this is really strange, it seems like I am in some kind of surreal world even though everything looks very normal… at least for the interior of a castle. I hear the door open and McGonagall, she doesn't just look like McGonagall, she IS McGonagall, enters the room. I look around, feeling almost like I might be stoned… I'm not sure how I would know that since I've never been stoned in my life… "What the fuck?" I say, more to myself than anyone else, "This is fucking crazy…" I note that I am also dropping more expletives than I normally do…

      "Watch your language!" McGonagall says, this is the first thing out of her mouth, "You have all been given the opportunity to attend this school, at no cost to you, to earn your education in witchcraft and wizardry… I would expect a little more respect than to have the first words out of your class be ones like that!" After making her dislike of cursing abundantly clear, she changes the subject and starts talking about the things we will be learning there in Hogwarts, it sounds like a lot of cool stuff, the kind of things I can only do in a dream right now. Wait a minute… a dream? I am reluctant to do a RC, I don't want to be dreaming, I think it would be awesome to be able to learn magic on this plane… but I do the nose pinch RC, and discover I am dreaming.

      "Shit!" I let the expletive out without even thinking, I am just disappointed at the fact this isn't real. My expletive makes McGonagall stop mid-sentence to address it. She has seen who had cursed this time, she is looking directly at me. She says if I am put in her house, I will have to clean up that language or I will be finding a lot of trouble. I brush that off with a, "Pfft," I already know I am not going to be in her house. A voice off to my left says, "Is she fucking serious? You have got to be fucking kidding me!" McGonagall seems more than a little annoyed at the fact more people are cursing now, but she continues with what she has to say rather than getting distracted back to the subject of cursing.

      I follow the sound of the most recent expletives and I find Tigress standing in the group of people watching in the direction of McGonagall, though McGonagall isn't actually visible right now. She says no one is going to tell her what she can and can't fucking say. I greet her, and she recognizes me, she says she had been looking for me, and is glad I made it in time. McGonagall has opened the door and people are filing through it now, Tigress and I are near the end of the line, and I see two more familiar faces. MoSh and Asuka are also there. They come over and file into the room behind us, there are only a few stragglers left to follow in after them. We all line up in the front of the great hall waiting for the sorting, and since Tigress, MoSh, Asuka, and I were some of the last ones in, we are now near the front of the line to be sorted. I notice something surprising… Vegeta is sitting at the table with the instructors… is Vegeta a teacher here? I had no idea he might be interested in teaching at Hogwarts again…

      Note: In a previous series of Harry Potter dreams, before I was journaling online, Vegeta was there as a part-time instructor teaching the students martial arts, energy control, and other abilities that are not reliant on wands, so they could more easily defend themselves against the allies of Voldermort.

      The sorting goes pretty much as I had expected, the sense of de-ja-vu continues, but at least now I know why. A couple students I don't recognize are sorted out to Hufflepuff and Gryffindor… then it is MoSh's turn, I hear him say he doesn't want to be put in Slytherin, but thinks he might be because he turns into a snake… I comment that where you go isn't based on what transformations you're capable of… He says he knows that, and goes over to put the hat on. After a hesitation, the hat finally assigns him to Gryffindor. MoSh looks very relieved as he goes to the table, and Asuka is right behind him… McGonagall calls to her to stop, she hasn't been sorted yet, she pauses, points at MoSh, then reluctantly comes back and puts on the hat. It assigns her to Gryffindor, and she runs over to the table to grab a seat next to MoSh. Tigress watches that and then it is her turn to get sorted into a house, she goes over and puts the hat on… it assigns her to Ravenclaw. Wait… is that different than past dreams or the same? I can't be sure of that, I also have a memory of her being sorted into Gryffindor, but I am not sure what happened in the neighboring worlds… McGonagall snaps me out of my confused thoughts, telling me it is my turn to be sorted. I go over and put the hat on… it is getting redundant, but I arrange to be in Slytherin yet again… and it complies. I am thinking at this rate I am never going to get the chance to be healing anyone even if I am in Slytherin…

      I head down to the Slytherin table and have a seat in an area that is mostly clear, the closest person is several seats away from me. I think it might make me look anti-social, but I really don't want to deal with a bunch of people I don't know right now, so I really don't care. The rest of the sorting is boring… I am paying very little attention to the proceedings when I notice someone sitting right beside me. My first thought is to get annoyed, there are plenty of empty seats without having to sit right beside me… I look and see it is Draco beside me, he has an expression on that I don't see on him very often… a smile! Like in this photo of Tom Felton, who plays Draco Malfoy in the movies! I had intended to tell him to leave me alone, but I am a bit surprised at seeing him sitting there smiling at me and I hesitate on telling him to go away… then I realize that we're in the same house, so we're going to be around each other… and if I'm going to heal his heart, I will have to be around him at some point… So I don't say anything. Crabb and Goyle are immediately behind Draco, and they go to sit down on the other side of him. Draco tells them to go away, there isn't enough room for them here… Goyle says there are plenty of seats, indicating the stretch of about six seats between Draco and the next person. Draco just repeats that there isn't room for them, telling them to go sit somewhere else. Crabb barely gets out a, "But…" when Draco, losing a bit of his smile, just says, "Go!" Crabb and Goyle slink off looking dejected and find seats a bit farther down the row.

      Draco puts his smile back on and turns back to me, saying now that the rude interruption is over… He pauses for a bit, then apparently decides I'm not going to say anything, so he goes ahead. He introduces himself, saying his name is Draco Malfoy, he adds that I have no doubt heard of the Malfoys… I lie and say I have never heard the name Malfoy before, nor the name Draco, so if he is thinking we have met before, I'm certain we have not. Draco seems a bit taken aback by that, apparently thinking everyone has heard of the Malfoys. He is about to say something when the Gryffindor table erupts in cheers, Harry Potter has just been assigned to Gryffindor, they're over there cheering, "We got Potter! We got Potter!" Draco acts disgusted at that, asking if I can believe the way they're acting over Potter. He looks back at me, not smiling, and says something about me knowing of Harry Potter and not the Malfoys, saying that is because Potter is always stealing the spotlight for himself… I decide to maintain objectivity as much as possible, not to befriend or antagonize Draco any more than necessary, so I say I have no clue who this Harry Potter person is, either. Draco looks at me, surprised again, so I add that if he must know, the place I come from is very far away, so I am not familiar with the well known people of their area… the only Potter I know is a Martha Potter, a really rude girl from my muggle high school who used to spend far too much of her time coming up with insulting things to call me.

      Dumbledore spends some time talking in front of the group, he is talking about the Tri-School Wizard Tournament, which is a variant of the Tri-Wizard Tournament from the books, and two people, one woman and one man, would be selected from each house to participate in a series of challenges. Anyone failing to complete a challenge would be eliminated from the tournament. If everyone finishes, whoever finishes last is eliminated from the tournament. This is continued until they have found their winner. There would be two other schools visiting us, and they would also have their participants, so whoever gets picked should go out there and make Hogwarts look good. He then adds that Vegeta is, indeed, teaching there. He says Vegeta is teaching a class about non-magical defenses, in case anyone gets caught without a wand, it is important to know how to defend one's self. Draco mutters something about not wanting to fight like a stupid muggle, I tell him I know Vegeta, and using his techniques, he could kick the ass of any witch or wizard in existence. Vegeta has power like Draco would never believe. He can see I am being serious, he looks at Vegeta again, this time seeming to think a bit more about him.

      Food appears, but I find I don't have much of an appetite. Draco is smiling again, now that he is sure I'm not a Harry Potter fan, then says welcome to Hogwarts, he will be glad to show me around. He eats a bit, then I ask him how he can show me around since this is his first year here, too. He puffs himself up like he thinks he's some kind of a peacock or something, and announces that his father, Lucious Malfoy, is on the governing board here, so I have been here many times with him. I know everything around here. He is smiling bigger now, apparently thinking that would impress me somehow, but I am not impressed. I just give a nonchalant, "Cool," as a response. He says he didn't catch my name. I hesitate, but then I tell him my name is Raven Knight. He repeats the name Raven a time or two, maybe trying to be sure he remembered it, and now dessert appeared. My lost appetite came back, as I saw all sorts of chocolate! Now I started eating, chocolate cakes, chocolate pies, chocolate candy, chocolate ice cream… Some delicious chocolate candies with a creamy white chocolate under dark chocolate and then a crunchy chocolate center…

      Draco is watching me make a pig of myself, though he doesn't seem to mind, he looks like he is zoned out into a trance or something. The remainder of the food disappears… bummer, no more of the candies. Everyone is getting up to head to the dorms. Crabb and Goyle come rushing over to Draco, apparently not thinking anything of the fact they had just been brushed off earlier… Draco has a plate full of the candies I had been pigging out on, Goyle reaches for them, but Draco pulls them away. "These aren't for you," he snaps at Goyle, "You can go get your own. Now get on down to the Slytherin dorms, I'll meet you there later." Crabb tries to snatch a candy, but Draco won't let him have any, either. Draco holds the plate out towards me, he says he saved me some of the candies I liked so well. I tell him I have had enough, though I am afraid I might be drooling a bit which would definitely give me away… Draco smiles and then somehow turns the plate into a bag, tied closed at the top, and he hands that to me. He says I can keep it for later, then. He says he will show me where our dorms are, I'm not sure how to get away from him right now… I feel like I might wake up, which is not good when I am right next to Draco… I tell him what I really need is a bathroom. He shows me where one is. I tell him I really think I might be a while… too much chocolate… so don't wait, I would find my way to the dorms and see him later. He hesitates, seeming disappointed, but finally leaves. I go into the bathroom and wake.
    7. 11/28/2010 - The Beach, and The Girl.

      by , 11-29-2010 at 02:46 AM
      Beforehand, I played Halo:Reach. I can't remember much of what I did before I dreamt.

      Strange - I was on a beach, washed ashore with a unknown creature/person. I wasn't sure what it was who it was when I was out
      of the dream. It was female, and it was drowning ashore, choking and suffocating from water. I remember for a split second
      It turned out to be a blonde woman, then nothing. But for some reason I recall it being a cartoony creature that was dark
      skinned (not as in the skin color black, but dark as in shade.) and I was for some reason attracted to it. It was day time,
      the sun beating down on me on a tropical island with a jungle ahead of me. I went to rescue this thing/person, and attempted
      CPR (not mouth to mouth, but pushing 2 hands on its chest). I felt... as if I was romantically attracted - as if I needed
      to save this because it meant something of love to me. After feeling hopeless, it/she eventually spat out water, and was way
      to weak to speak or move. But it moaned. I picked her/it up, and felt the need to carry it to a safer spot to investigate. I
      also felt as if I accomplished a heroic action, in a strange romantic way. I was tired, but I carried it anyway - or so I thought.
      Hours through the jungle, with multiple sun spots shading through the trees. Along the way, she/he tried to speak and held my hands.
      I felt... in a strange way... like I was accomplishing something very well. I whispered "Stay in their..." or "Come on..." every once
      in a while. This female thing or person started to blink slowly, then not at all. I put her/it down on a plain circling around the trees
      in the jungle, aside a rock. She began to wake up, and I was breathing heavily. She knew I saved her, and traveled and worked large sums
      to save her. She then closed her eyes for rest. But before that she pulled me towards her, still breathing heavily and weak. To her mouth.
      She kissed me, and whispered something, then fell freely into a rest. I sat their kneeling beside her, amazed. It was incredible. I just sat
      their and watched her.
    8. Elevator

      by , 11-29-2010 at 02:17 AM (a teahouse inside my head.)
      I know I had multiple dreams last night but I don't know where one began and one ended or if I only remember one dream so I'll just write it as one long chunk.

      There was something about going to different classrooms in the outer reaches of the solar system (the space between each planet was a classroom, like the area between Uranus and Neptune would be one classroom). There was a lot about this but I don't remember much about it as it was in the beginning of the dream. At some point I was at "my school" and it was in this big field like space and a teacher or administrator walked up and told everyone to bring in rocks that were round because we would make planetary models out of them and they would become real solar systems (like we were playing god). I was happy because I knew I would have a ton of rocks for my project. When I got to school the next day I was mad because all of my rocks had been too oval or lumpy to qualify as planets. Then I was hanging out at school and a teacher (who does not exist in real life) who everyone seemed to like (though I knew I had never had) walked up and asked all of my friends if we wanted to go with her down to her car to get something. I decided to go with her and we went down a REALLY tall elevator to get to a parking lot out in an open field (not underground) where there was one car. It was a red hatchback and she opened the trunk, got something and then we returned to the elevator. It looked to be about 300 ft tall and looked like the glass was a portal to the stars (it looked midnight blue with stars and very realistic). The shape itself and the way it presented itself in the parking lot reminds me of the supreme scream at Knott's Berry Farm but only one of the towers. We were on our way up the elevator when we stopped on a floor where 3 cute 12th grade boys who are friends with my best friend's ex boyfriend were slumped up against the elevator eating blueberry pie with ice cream. They gave me a slice, the teacher a slice, and the teacher's toddler aged daughter (who hadn't existed until that moment) a slice. The one I like the most walked into the elevator with us after handing out the pies and then proceeded to spit melted vanilla ice cream up on the teacher's shirt. I high fived him and then we got back up to the "school floor".
      Tags: school
    9. Epic LD

      by , 11-29-2010 at 01:36 AM
      Okay..I haven't had an LD for about a month..but last last night, the night of 11/26/10 i finally did..The things i remember were more detailed and vivid than any other LD i ever had.. I remember more things and I remember more how things looked like which was good! At first I remember I was in a scenario where I wasn't lucid yet. The night before I slept my bf dropped me off home after a date wen i was dreaming it incorporated a lot from that night. I dreamt that I was in my school in the Philippines, my old high school. That I was trying to find a ride to get home (Hawaii). It was night time. In my dream it seemed like I was still in Hawaii even though wen I awoke the setting where I was in seemed to be in Philippines. Any way I was trying to find a way home. So I looked around, I was in some kind of Philippine province but it became daytime. I walk around see a group of nosy girls they say something, then I say something back. I don't remember what they or I said. Anyways I see Beth (a lady who I knew back in my elementary school in the Philippines from wayy back when) for some reason in that dream I remember I looked up to her as someone who always gave me rides when in reality I hardly ever talked to her. Anyway I asked her if she cud giv me a ride home while she was swimming in a lake with her usual red shirt on but she said she was busy. So then I called my bf VJ, it didn't ring it seemed to go on voicemail right away. But in the dream it wasn't his usual vocemail. It was something different. Something kinda silly but I don't remember what it said. I said in the voicemail "Pls answer" Then he spoke..he said hahahahaha..this is really me..i was just goofing around with you on the whole fake vocemail thing..Anyways I tell him and ask him if he could pick me up (agen) and give me a ride..Then last night before I slept I remember VJ got stranded somewhere coz his car battery died..so in the dream he said "no..sorry..both my vans are broken." So then I saw my 2 cousins which live in the Philippines, I talk to them on some stuff for a while. I don't remember wat we talked about but then all of a sudden a van or big van taxi pulled up. My little cousin AJ said "Oh look itz grandpa Undo!" Then his mom, Tina said "Son, shhh!don't say that!" Coz my grandpa Undo died 8 months ago. In reality my lil cousin AJ always says things he's not supposed to say and his mother Tina would always scold him lyk that. I don't remember seeing much of them though, just heard their voices in the background as I seemed to get in the van/taxi. My grandma was inside with my sisters and cousins. It was night agen. In the Philippines my grandma always went around in a taxi or van. She asked me if she cud drop me off to my house. But i didn't say yes yet. I was thinking of wat to say to my mom wen i got home. wat fake excuse would I come up with this time? (Coz I always made up excuses wen I got home wen weird things happen) how cud I explain going out with my bf and coming home w/ my grandma? In that moment I was trying to make up a lie. I didn't know I was dreaming so my subconscious was trying to create some kind of explanation of how I ended up in that setting in the 1st place. It was funny now that I remember coz I was trying to think of a lie in a dream, where any lie cud be a kind of reality..i was trying to differentiate wat happened and wat lie i wud make up..but i think the dream made up how i got there and wat happened as i was thinking too.hahaha..So then I don't remember wat happened next. My dreams are like that. I remember bits and pieces, but miss some stuff in between. Like an incomplete sandwich. But anyways next thing I remember I was walking towards my college KCC..It didn't look like KCC. but i felt it was KCC. don't know if that makes any sense. Anyways, I walked towards it. And I saw some snow around..Little piles of snow around. I thought 'woah!snow in hawaii??how??'..As I was walking next to a big building..there was a sign with mixed numbers and letters on it..like a car liscense plate..in reality wen i see signs i always look at it, look away, then look back..that kind of reality check is 2nd nature to me.This time wen i looked back, the numbers were different..I did it agen..The numbers changed agen.. and agen..then it changed agen..then i decalared "THIS IS A DREAM" everything went black for a second. as my physical body was half awake..but i closed my eyes and said "stay in the dream.." "im lucid"..itz always like this..i fight evry now and then to stay in..and on most times i win the fight to stay in it. I get inside the building..I look around..and im amazed..i say to myself "wow..this dream looks so real!" "everything looks so real and vivid for once!" coz for once im looking around.i was 100% lucid..wen i got in the building, it looked like mcdonald's and i saw VJ sitting at a table. I don't remember how he looked like, but im pretty sure how he looked in that dream was not how he looked in reality, but I knew it was him..kinda like KCC, it didn't look like KCC but it was. Funny thing before I go on is, sometimes wen I see VJ in a dream we would be in an eating place..coz in reality we always ate out. Lyk one night ago I dreamt we were at subway since that day we ate at subway..while I was eating the sandwich i said "subway agen?" lol..but the place was not subway.Just last last night wen he took me to a Chijli's place for the 1st time in reality I said "woah deja vu!" this was the subway place wen I saw u..exactly lyk this.. ok going back, I saw VJ at a table..I go up to him hug him and say "do u know ur dreaming?this is a dream..im completely lucid and i know im dreaming..are u lucid?" (i did this coz in reality i told him, if ever im lucid im gonna go up 2 u hug u and tell u, U R DREAMING) he said "yeah..im lucid" in that moment i took him to a spot..we both wanted to go to tantalus (coz tantalus is a special place for me and him, wenever we talk in reality we always said we wud meet there or chill there in a dream) i closed my eyes took his both hands and we both spun around (dream spinning, this worked for me in 1 dream) but evry time i opened my eyes we were still at the same place no matter how hard i tried to imagine tantalus..so then i just stood still..i still held his both hands and i told him "ok VJ watever u do, don't let go of my hand..and wen u close ur eyes think of tantalus with me..and stay LUCID dont forget that this is a dream!keep repeating to urself that 'this is a dream' so that you'll stay lucid ok?" and he replied "ok".we tried but no matter wat we were still at the same place..Suddenly things got a bit of action.a black african american guy started chasing me..weird thing about me is in any dream i hav..most of the time there's always a part wer something's chasing me and im running..idk y..but itz in most dreams.this tym it was a bunch of gangster black ppl for some odd reason..me and VJ were near the top of a basement stairwell.I ran down..but wen I got to the middle of the stairwell..I thought "this is a dream. i can do anything ryt?" so i said let me try teleporting!idk y that came to my mind but it did..in dreams i wanna do anything and evrything..thatz just how my dream self is.so it took that opportunity..closed my eyes and thought of outside..and boom!i teleported..somehow i do things that i didnt even know i cud do..??but funny thing was..it was lyk i was watching a movie..coz even though i teleported i still saw and remember their reactions..they were lyk "oh no!she's gone..she teleported," a second i was gone i still saw their reactions in the stairwell weird..even though i wasnt there alredy. so then i was outside in the snow.me and VJ were running..we were at one point tryna get a taxi to get 2 tantalus and to run away..i think I remember VJ being in one..i try and get in..One foot is in but then i fall out.then i remember being out in the snow running from a bunch of black people..for some reason they were chasing me..dont know y..but here's the WEIRD thing about me..this wud always happen..wenever my dream self is being chased..there comes a point wer the ppl chasing me tries to rape me and my dream self goes slow on purpose..for some reason my dream self lyks the feeling of being trapped and helpless..dont get me wrong i lyk the fantasy in reality..but i wouldn't want it to happen in reality..so then my dream self suddenly went slow on purpose..i got caught..a black dude rubbed his finger on my private spot..dont know how i got out of there..but i did i guess..coz the only thing i remembered next was i was in some kind of house with VJ. The house didnt look familiar at all..VJ pushed me to a corner and I said. since tantalus is not working let's try the japanese place we always go to in Don Quijote(coz in reality that was our 2nd option meeting point). i opened my eyes and we were still in that house place..i was frustrated i thought.. 'y isnt this working??y did it work b4?is something stopping me?y?y cant i control this dream?' suddenly an old lady popped up..she grabbed me by the hand and led me to the next room..VJ followed..for some reason i thought 'is she my dream guide?' so i asked her..and she said 'yes.' then i thought she cud be lying..so i said "prove it" she said some weird advice..i couldn't remember all she said but i remember this she said "u try to give people advocacies (advice) all the time about things u don't even 100% understand" i dont specifically know wat she meant by this..im, guessing dream wise??idk..but then in my mind i though 'i gotta test this out..i gotta ignore her..make sure its not a DC' so then she leaves the room for a bit..me and VJ lay in the bed waiting for her to come back..to teach us how to transport to tantalus..but b4 she cud come back..the whole setting..just zooms out real fast..zooms out of the house..out of the city..out of the state..out of the country..and out of Earth..it goes up to outerspace..and the heavens scream/say "SHE'S NOT YOUR DREAM GUIDE." turns out that was wakingnomad..no wonder it sounded familiar!lol..anyways from there..i remember floating in space and floating down a planet or moon..all i know is it wasnt Earth anymore..it looked kinda small..like a small rock floating in space..seemed lyk the moon..but as i floated down i saw a pink pony..
      doesn't this piss you off..-my%2520little%2520pony%2520pinky%2520pie.jpg
      i was marveled at the sight..it was beautiful..the most vivid thing i have ever seen in a dream..it drew my attention..i suddenly floated down to the ground of that moon or planet..i remember that my perspective changed..i cud no longer see my body..but evryone cud see me..lyk watching someone holding a vid camera documentary kinda thing.3rd perspective..i was still lucid..i remember the crowd as i walked past half human half mutant animal-like figures looked at me like i was weird..was i human?was i one of them?i couldn't see myself..i walked past the crowd and saw the pink pony agen..VJ was there among the crowd..suddenly i see a few humans and they greet me..i dont remember wat we talked about..but it was me VJ and a couple of other humans on that moon..we were in the middle of outer space.i just remember one person.
      doesn't this piss you off..-maiara-walsh_dot_com-wintertcapresstour-2007jan10-d001.jpg
      she's an actress..weird..but i was testing out if she was my dream guide too..idk y but i was..so i tried ignoring her..and she went to work as a waitress or cashier or something in the middle of a weird moon or planet..weird..so then i remembered wat wakingnomad did..he tried flying in his dreams..so i stood on some sort of rock tablet thing jumped up and tried flying..the feeling was great kinda hard at first to control..like the 1st time i drove..but it felt soo good..i still remember the feel it gave me..it was soo real..i felt completely free..for some reason..i felt myself flap..like i had brown feathery wings..i felt i was a bird??i didnt see myself..but then wen i got down i tried flying vertical..with my fist pumped up at the sky/stars around and flew up vertically..then switched to horizontally..it felt good..i was still in 3rd perspective..but i got used to the view point..it felt lyk though at one point i was a bird with brown feathery wings then i went human..idk..i could not c myself..then i remember flying across the horizon..as VJ and the other frends i made were eating on a big wooden bench or table..so then i flew across that table..they were eating and in each of their plates i took some food as i flew and ate..but i didn't take from VJ's plate coz he was eating a bacon burger from Chijli's and i din't like bacon but for some reason wen i took a bite from my hand the bacon was in my hand so i put it back in his plate..i must've been flying so fast dat i didnt notice i took the bacon from his plate too..yuck..lol..the others were eating Chijli's food too..the cajun pasta i ordered that night in reality someone was eating. I then stopped flying..VJ took me to a spot and we tried for tantalus agen..we closed both our eyes..and in that moment it worked..we were at tantalus..but it was nightfall..that's wen i went half awake agen..i told VJ "oh no, im waking up" he said something..i dont remember wat but he said something lyk he needs to go pee..or maybe i do..idk something lyk that..evrything went black and i woke up to reality. 20 min later as im writing my dream VJ txts "good morning"..wen i call him earlier in the day he doesnt remember anything but as i went on explaining he started to remember some things..he remembers trying to get to tantalus the whole time..he remembers being in that weird house and he said "no wonder last nyt i remember a lot of it being dark..u kept telling me to close my eyes." he also remembers thinking to go to the moon for some reason..datz VJ he lucid dreams a lot but he doesnt like to take control..he wants to go w/the flow..maybe thatz y i went to the moon all of a sudden i told him.he were holding me and at one point in his dream he was looking up and thought to go to the moon..VJ is an excellent lucid dreamer but he doesnt know that the moon was a meeting place or anything he's just an avid lucid dreamer who doesnt know the knowledge behind it but just does it and goes with the flow..maybe thatz y i was rushed to the moon..and i didnt do it on purpose to get there..he remembers being on the moon and seeing animal-like things too..and he remembers being on tantalus at the very end and waking upto go pee in reality.wen he texted me that was a couple of min after he woke up from the dream..same w/ me..a lot of things went on in this LD..
    10. My first LD ever!!!!

      by , 11-28-2010 at 11:23 PM
      Nov 28, 2010

      Ok so all I remember of the dream that happened before my lucid dream is I was driving on wooden planks elevated over a muddy swamp. We made it to a dead end where the planks stopped but when I turned around to head back I wasn't driving anymore, I was crawling on the planks. I was very angry because they were covered in mud and it would ruin my phone. The whole dream had a creepy vibe to it. Anyway after about 4 ft of crawling I was suddenly on my side in a bed in a random room. I rolled over but when I did I saw something dark and horrifying in the corner of my eye and it was standing in front of my mom. As soon as I could see it, it let out a shrill high pitch cry, that blood curdling scream and I felt like my skin was crawling. I think this is what woke me up but not fully.

      I woke in my bed but realizing that I was slowly coming out of SP I stopped moving closed my eyes and focused on breathing. Almost a split seconds after closing my eyes I heard that Horrifying scream and my skin was crawling again but this time I knew it was SP and about 2 seconds later bam I was in a bed wide awake.

      I was like, ok, scream over, am I in my bed or not. I didn't want to know I just wanted to know if I was dreaming. I instinctively grabbed my nose. I could still breath. I checked 4 more times, I have actually tricked myself in a dream once because of only trying once. So I was confident in myself knowing I was dreaming and was lucid I was soooo excited but remembering to stay calm. I got up out of bed, for some reason, knowing my best friend would be in this dark unfamiliar room with me. He is in about 90% of my dreams. I went over and woke him up. He got up and he actually walked to the door and opened it for me and then he walked through. When I left the room I was walking down the OH SO familiar hallway of his house. We went to the kitchen flipped on a light switch and bam kitchen light came on. He did what he pretty much always does in his house and that is Get something to eat ha. The light switch thing confirmed all my ideas that the rules all of you make and follow only apply because you believe them. For some reason his Mom was hiding under a table that has never been there before and arguing with him about something.

      At this point I decided it was time to take control. I walked to his front door opened the door went down his front porch steps and stood in his yard. It was a beautiful night. There was a cool breeze and the moon was full. It was exactly like his yard except way off in the distance I could see a huge city, he lives in the country. I decided that regardless of what happens I was gonna try to fly. I knew it was possible, i have had dreams of flying and I knew that it was a dream and in dreams anything is possible. So I bent my knee's like I was gonna jump then I pushed off and slowly took to the sky.

      I just took it all in. It was unbelievable. I was actually lucid dreaming. Then one thought ran through my mind. A rule that I have read on the forum and for some reason believed. I read that taking on something like flying can take a lot of effort and wake you up. As soon as that thought ran through my head everything started to fade away. Quickly I spun. I spun as fast as I could. 2 seconds later I was way up in space. Looking at the stars. I floated there content for about 20 seconds and then I could see my arms and then my wall. I was back in my room, on my bed. Did a reality check and sure enough I was awake. It was Unbelievably Wonderful. I cant stop playing it over and over in my head.

      Thanks for reading.
      non-lucid , memorable , lucid
    11. Elderly Pirate and Something About Being in the Army

      by , 11-28-2010 at 07:42 PM
      i havent posted in a while because i havent had any dreams i could remember. today i had two, but could only remember part of the second one. sorry about this being all in lowercase, and for any typing errors... once again im in an ipod. im just too lazy to start my computer up.

      the first one starts out as me being a pirate. apparantly im an old, retired pirate, and my hobby is collecting coins. im digging around in a shallow swamplike pond, grabbing at the shiny things i can see under the surface, lifting them up to look at them, then puttung them in a basket. the coins are all old ones, varying in size and shape. they dont look like anything ive seen before. im veey excited, because ive "hit the jackpot" and found a puddle with lots of coins in it. a pirate friend comes along, and is jealous that im finding all the good coins. i tell him that ice been looking for years for one certain coin, and i cant find it.

      in the same dream, im not the pirate anymore, but a servant to a queen. she brought me into her bedroom and is showing me the wood floor, complaining about it always being wet. i notice she has a lot of crap on the floor thats getting wet, so i throw it onto her bed, and look at the floor. one side is completely dry, the other looks like a puddle. i guess she wants me to figure out whats leaking, so i look closely. i then notice that the puddle now looks more like left over mop water, like someone was mopping the floor there and it hadnt completely dried yet. i poinr it out to her. "see those streak marks?" "no, i cant see anything." i grab her and place her in the right light. she gets surprised, and tells me that the ghost of the elderly pirate must be making her floor wet, since he used to be the guy who swabbed the deck. i didnt know that he had died, so she explains to me how he died. the scene turns into a flashback, with the queen talking in the background, explaining what was going on.

      the old pirate gave up in coin collecting and tried to tame water girrafes (girrafes that lived in water) and teach them tricks. every time he blew a whistle the girrafes would jump out of the water at the same time. for some readon, this was cruel, the girrafes plotted and tried to find a way to kill him. one time, when he blew his whistle, a panther jumped out of nowhere and killed him. just then his old friend came along and pulled a crayfish catchy thing out of the water. inside was the coin the old piratw was looking for his whole life. the friend showed it to the dead pirate, and he somehow smiled.

      after that, i had a dream about being in the army. all i can remember is that they had to test you to make sure you were capable of being in the army by making you walk across a canyon on a thin beam of wood. i was afraid of falling, so i crawled across. the other army people said i was cheating, but the drill instructor was very impressed and commended me on thinking outside the box. then there was something about playing badminton and hunting impalas, but i dont really remember anything about it.

      Updated 06-17-2011 at 08:45 AM by 34686

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Lucid Dream #25

      by , 11-28-2010 at 07:06 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 7/10
      Vividness: 6/10
      Length: 5 Min.

      Me and some girl were walking through a forest and found an old man. We followed him to his mansion. Then I became lucid, someone threw me a football that I missed and didn't catch. So I went and got it. I used telekinesis. Then I threw it and it went into the pool. Then I found this shed and I said "when I open this shed that little skinny broad will be there, ready to fuck." When I opened it she was in there. She looked at me and then I woke up. The End.
    13. Dream Lucid Overlap

      by , 11-28-2010 at 06:44 PM (Dreaming on my feet)
      Type: Lucid, Memorable
      Lucidity: 8/10
      Vividness: 9/10

      I'm just going to write this one as a pretty direct translation from my dream journal.

      Library with my Dad.. return to the library later with my friend alex. I'm sitting on the couch with my cousin L and also J.Z., a girl I used to like and respect in highschool, in the same library, playing guitar. I think we are all playing music together and the sound is incredible and everything just flows together like water in a stream, really beautiful. The dream changes and we are exploring a massive basement in a house, supposedly JZ's, concrete floors and generally abandoned. Feels like a warehouse almost. One room we enter has a big worksmiths metal cabinets with boxes of junk and tools, as JZ passes by she laughs and pulls a joke by pulling out in succession boxes with rocks paper and scissors out- very funny and cute. We leave and go to 2 other rooms, one is dilapidated like one of those rotting/falling apart old abandoned houses I saw quite often in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, also massive and completely empty, like a house inside of this basement. The other we enter and close the door, steel push handle pretty classic big heavy door. There's a huge AC/furnace in the room big enough to power a hotel, and there is a massive storage unit which JZ jokes that she might use if only she were tall enough to reach it, and indeed it is about 12 feet tall with no way to access it.

      Now here's the really incredible part of this dream - I realize that I'm dreaming when I experience a sort of dream overlap which I haven't ever experienced before, I described it upon waking like this:

      Somewhere along the line I realize that I'm dreaming because I feel LIsa's foot moving next to my ear. It is like my view is 50/50 in the dream state, half of my perception is occupied by feeling her foot moving and see the foot/ my head interacting in some sort of architecture rendering mode, all grey and blue lines like a vector model of the scene mapped out - on top of that or simultaneously I see the dream scene, the room and L and JZ on top of that. It's like a ripple in the dream state.

      I tell L this and she says that we should wake up since it isn't good to leave out your instruments while we sleep since the temperature change at night could ruin them [lol..s igh] but I insist that it is okay, trying my best to convince her not to wake up, which I do wind up convincing her not to. I feel this sensation of overlapping dreams several times. Lisa jokes that she can't open the door as if we are stuck in this dream room, and JZ and I are like wtf you're joking and she is, we all run out of the room laughing and vault up some big concrete stairs with yellow large painted railings like you see at loading docks at supermarkets. At the top of the stairs we walk into the same library that I have already visited twice tonight, and though I don't realize it we are all sleeping in some corner of that very room [so I believed at the time]. L asks what I want to do now before we wake up, I think about it and recall some hilarious joke images I saw earlier in the night [ or maybe in waking life] that I wanted to enjoy again or recreate.. I feel the dream starting to fade, so I touching things and focusing on their texture- clothes, large leaves on a potted plant nearby, stone of a raised circular sitting area, and finally the carpet on the floor, which has tiny raised squares and is soft with a very pleasant active texture which brings my dream back into full vividness [sweet, first time I've remembered to use this and it as very successful].. at this point though I lose some lucidity and walk over to the library computers and pull up the images which are displayed in some sort of WoW/WC3 program, some of them are funny internet type joke images and just weird, but after going through a few I get bored and feel that L is waiting for me so I log off and find L and tell her we can wake up now, and I actually do wake up : )

      SO.. pretty incredible and exciting experience for me. When I woke up I was totally blown away by what had just happened. Becoming lucid in a dream within a dream shared with other dream characters! haha! I realized I was dreaming when my perception was interrupted/expanded [I wrote down this phrase "interruped/expanded" in my DJ and I feel like it describes the sensation perfectly- has anyone else also had this experience?] to the view of the food near my head on the pillow. I wasn't fully fully lucid though I don't think, since I had confused my situation in that the last dream I had exited to be waking life, instead of just being the last dream I had experienced. Also, this lucid had a much different feel to it than all my other lucids.. in those I became totally aware that I was in my head and imagination or whatever, and thought only about my control over the situation and what sort of things that I should do, almost like I'm set in that white loading dock in the Matrix movies where you can summon guns and everything, but with nothing really happening around me.. But in this dream I was aware that I was dream while simultaneously enjoying the freedom of interacting with a fully formed dream scenes and stable dream characters.. I really enjoyed this a lot. In the other lucids I was so focused on my own ability, my own power, that it felt almost crippling, like I was trying to grasp desperately onto what I might be able to do, my lack of capability for control, etc. This dream felt so free and revitalizing in comparison.

      I think that perhaps the overlapping perspective may have been an actual awareness of my physical body, my head on the pillow, and the foot may have been a hallucination that my mind used to compensate for a stable world environment.. what tricks the mind plays in order to keep itself afloat! Really beautiful experience though. I hope everyone is waking in their dreams, and having liberating experiences.

      Sweet jam I just found, not anything to do with dreaming but fun to write a DJ to hah

    14. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, and I fight zombies again!

      by , 11-28-2010 at 06:40 PM
      Now, I know for a fact I forgot a few dreams because I ended up having to sleep on the couch last night. But I did manage to get a few dreams down.

      11/26 -
      I'm in a movie!- Someone made a movie about our school, and we were all in the gym. We ended up lining up and getting our roles. I played myself, and they named me "Lethal Mike". (Fitting, I guess)

      11/27 -
      I fight zombies again- A group of friends and I were bogged down somewhere fighting zombies. We had a little bit of relaxing time, and one of the guys was being very, very rude to our medic. She gets sick of his attitude and starts telling him off, and then we all have a flashback of why he became an asshole. Don't remember the flashback.

      Any eye for an eye makes the whole world blind- I was walking down the hallway and I saw a girl I know. Then a man came out of nowhere carrying his girlfriend in his arms. I decided to out do him and grabbed my friend in one arm and raced down the hallway. When I set her down she wasn't too happy :S. Then I went to spanish class, which was really weird because class was in the hallway and we had a sub. I began writing about what I had just done. Then, out of nowhere some freshman came and started asking me questions about someone in my class. "What's her name?" "Her name is Xochitl (note: That is her spanish name). Why do you want to know?". They tell me that her and her friend was making fun of them, and they want to return the favor. I explained to them that that is not how you treat women for one, and that an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. I decided to go walk around the school. Seems they were playing a drumming movie in the cafeteria, but I wasn't really interested. I bumped into Foley and we started talking as we walked down the hallway. For some reason he had about 20 bags of cheese puffs in one giant plastic bag.
    15. Airport...

      by , 11-28-2010 at 05:47 PM
      Not much happened last night but dreamt about going to some airport again this time to drop someone off, don't know who she was but I remember her saying "Before I leave I want to see the pillars, I never got to see them last time" I think she was referring to some ancient ruin near the airport...