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    1. 9/12/10 My dog in trouble

      by , 09-13-2010 at 12:41 PM
      It was night time and i was home alone with my dog then my dog wanted to go outside so i let her outside a few seconds later i hear her crying and so i ran outside and there was a cayote corning my dog so i beat the cayote to death before it could harm my dog.
    2. JILD Test - Day 2

      by , 09-13-2010 at 12:22 PM (Ranbow Island - Otis's Dream Journal)
      Quote Originally Posted by Waking journal:
      Today was supposed to be a day off, but i filled in for a co-worker. The day wasn't entirely horrible, and work was almost fun. I had the best home made lunch. Tonight I'll remember to jot down all my dreams if i wake up so that i do not forget them.
      I remember nothing. Once again I feel like I've been hit by a train, everything aches, and I feel like I've been awake all night.

      Side notes:
      JILD Day 2- Nothing
      JILD Test Summary - Inconclusive, not enough days.
      side notes
    3. Fingers, Mirrors, and Steaks

      by , 09-13-2010 at 11:56 AM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: September 13, 2010 – Morning, 5:00AM (USA Eastern)
      Text color legend: · NON-DREAM · NOTES · DREAM · LUCID ·

      (Note: I forgot to take my B6, Ginkgo, and fish oil with my dinner, so I took them at about 9:30PM, which caused me to have many issues falling asleep. I stayed up for a few more hours that I would usually stay up, reading a few articles on DV before my eyelids became heavy. I crawled into bed around 4:00AM)

      I am standing in a a house trailer that belongs to my grandmother. I am quite familiar with the layout of the rooms and everything inside. I immediately became lucid, as I know my grandmother had passed away many years ago and her trailer is no longer a place I would visit. My mom was in the living room, and I was standing in front of the breakfast bar in the kitchen. I talk with my mom for a bit about why we are here. She explains that my grandmother was in the hospital and we were here for a visit. After talking a bit more, she walks back into the bedroom. I walk out into the living room and lay down on the couch to watch some TV, but the remote control will not work. I put the remote down and got up to push the buttons on the TV. The buttons do not work. I check the power cord to make sure it's plugged in, and everything looks like it's connected. After staring at the blank screen for a bit, trying to make it do something, I gave up. No TV! I lay back down on the couch and drift off to sleep. (Note: dream within dream.) I was having a short lucid dream, of which I cannot recall any details, when my mom came in the room yelling about something. I don't recall what she was yelling about. I woke up from the embedded dream, sort of irritated, and yelled back at my mom. I said, “You ruined a perfectly good lucid dream, please stop yelling and leave me alone for a little while.” While I was yelling, I raised my hands to make gestures and saw that my fingers didn't look quite right. After yelling, my mom went back into the bedroom, grumbling under her breath. I look at my hands again and count 7 fingers on the left hand and 8 on my right. My fingers were quite deformed. They were skinny and bent around, some of them crossing over each other. I began rubbing my hands together briskly while I stand up and walk toward the bathroom. The first thought on my mind was, “Find a mirror! I have a definite mission to complete."

      I enter the bathroom and look into the vanity mirror, while rubbing my hands together to help keep things stable. I am trying to remain calm and collected while my face quickly melts down and my eyes fall down below my nose. I observe for a few seconds before looking away from the mirror to look at my hands. I stop rubbing my hands and look back into the mirror. My face is moving in and out as I breathe, gaining more depth in the third dimension with each breath. I slowly raise my right hand in front of my face and my fingers flew off and go into my right eye socket. There are a couple of very long skinny fingers still attached that are trying to go up my nose. I lower my hand slightly and all of my fingers come out of my eye socket and reattach to my hand. When I raise my hand slightly, my fingers go into my eye socket again. The repeatable transition point seems to be once the fingers raise past the nose in the mirror. I raise my hand higher and my whole hand goes into my right eye socket, all the way to the elbow. All of my fingers begin falling out of my nose, bounce off the sink and go into my left eye socket. I lower my hand slowly and all of my fingers reattach themselves.

      I continue to stare in the mirror, watching my eyes stretch so wide my eyeballs almost fall out. Suddenly, I hear someone call my name from outside the bathroom. I look at the door, and notice that I had forgot to close it completely. I run to the door and push it shut the rest of the way. I walk back to the vanity mirror and decide to stretch it all the way down to the floor so I can walk through it. Feeling a bit rushed because I know someone is walking toward the bathroom, I grab the bottom of the mirror frame and pull it firmly towards the floor. The mirror offers some resistance, but complies with the stretch. While pulling the mirror down, the sink and cabinet disappear into the floor. As soon as I finish stretching the mirror, an older guy walks into and through the bathroom, into a connecting room. He is giving me the “death look” as he walks by. I stare back at him with a very defensive, angry glare while he passes. I look back at the mirror and touch the glass. My fingers pass through the glass without any resistance. It is very cold on the other side of the glass. I take a step back and walk into the mirror, only to bounce off of the glass. The surface would no longer give way and let me through.

      I am getting frustrated with the mirror, and decide to abandon it and walk out of the bathroom. I walk outside, through the kitchen window and climb along a chain-link fence on top of a narrow concrete retaining wall. I came upon some bushes along the fence which are scratching my legs on the way by. The feeling of the scratches sent waves of chills through my body and caused me to nearly lose my grip on the fence. I looked at my hands for a brief moment and my fingers were thoroughly wrapped around the top of the fence. The wall leads me into a very small, one room house. The walls are blue-gray and so was the floor. There is a small window on each side of the room, but no doors. I can see a close neighbor cooking food on the stove from one side, and someone talking on the phone to the other side. The third window is as black as outer space. The room was entirely empty, except for a small wooden chair in the corner. There seems to be nothing of interest in here, so I exit through the same window which I came. I climb up and walk along the fence and return to the trailer I came from before. There is very little detail on the return journey along the fence.

      I climb in the kitchen window and find a huge pile of rare-cooked steak laying all over the stove top. It smells freshly cooked, and has a pile of fresh blood puddling under the steaks. I pick up a piece of steak and try to eat it. It was as heavy as a rock, tough as leather, and tasted like rotting flesh. I throw the steak on the floor and try to eat another piece. It is also tough as leather, but has no taste. I throw the second piece of steak on the floor also. A puddle of blood begins to form around the steaks on the floor. I look at my hands, counting 8-9 fingers on each hand that are very long and skinny. There is a lot of blood dripping from my fingers. I rub my hands together and I can feel the slimy blood smearing around all over them. The smell of rotting flesh begins to fill the air. I rub my hands on my pants to clean them off.

      The layout of the trailer has completely changed during my outside excursion. There is no longer a bathroom in the hallway next to the kitchen. The living room is now a large dining room with a formal setting. There are candles in the center of the table and all of the places are set. I cannot find an exterior door, anywhere. A mirror is visible through a doorway in a different bathroom. I walk into the bathroom and find a mirrored shower door. I back up and run as fast as I can into the mirror, passing through it with no resistance. This was the dream's exit.

      Updated 02-19-2011 at 04:16 PM by 36447 (Added color legend, improved formatting.)

    4. Not much

      by , 09-13-2010 at 11:48 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      All I can remember is that it's night-time, and I'm at my dream version of LostInLA's house. When I go inside she is around a corner at her computer, and some strange man is in the house. It turns out to be her brother.

      The end.
    5. Day 3

      by , 09-13-2010 at 10:56 AM
      Shocking, shocking recall last night. Woke up a few times, dreams on the tip of my tongue... all have is one meager fragment...

      <B>Dream 1</B>

      I am at work, and a carton of stock arrives. There is a yellow envelope in it, which suggests freebies for me. I open it and there are two DS games in it. A copy of Art Academy, and a copy of the New Scribblenauts game... but it is like on of the preowned games, that has a made up cover.

      The End.
      dream fragment
    6. Gentleman in a Lucid Dream

      by , 09-13-2010 at 10:26 AM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Hello there. I don't recall ANY dreams last night. Maybe it's because I just slept five hours, or maybe it's because I lent my awesomeness to my girlfriend, who knows? Anyways I will give you guys one last old LD. This one's pretty memorable (even though I almost remember them all) and I had no trouble summoning stuff in it. I was supposed to summon a blonde gal, but ended up being a gentleman instead haha!

      I'm walking around in a very dark maze and I can feel that I'm starting to lose the dream. I concentrate real hard on the dream and manages to stay in it, perhaps by touching one of the walls. The dream stabilizes and I walk out of the maze and enter a club. I lose my lucidity and I'm standing on top of an escalator with Monica, and the club is huge. To get down we go on a water slide and end up on the dancefloor, which is filled with water. The entire club seems to be inside of a big mall and I'm about to take a couple of drinks from a tray. Monica points out how disgusting the water is and I decide not to. We splash around in the water some then I take her into my arms, and we walk away to another part of the place. "My panties feel wrong" she tells me and I tug on them to correct them. A couple of girls walk by and starts giggling. I get lucid once again, and I put Monica down. "Hey, this is a dream" I say and she asks how I could be so sure. I try jumping and notice that the gravitation is a bit off. I double check my taking a look at a clock on the wall. "Do you wanna fly?" I ask and she nods. I take her into my arms and after a few jumps, we're flying through the mall. From one wall to another we fly and I try teleporting and it works. I fly down a corridor and ask her if she wants anything to drink. She just looks at me and smile. I know what she wants and I snap my fingers. A can of coke appears in my hand and I give it to her. A second later I realise she prefers it in a bottle, and with another snap of my fingers, I'm holding a glass bottle. We fly into the main hall again and land in the newly created V.I.P section. We've got a large table for ourselves and I ask her if she wants anything to eat. "Hmm, I want fish" she says and I turn my back on the table and try summoning different dishes of fish. When I turn around, there are plates with fish everywhere. We start eating some fried fish with potatoes and I start to wake up

      Well that's it, man it sucks to not get enough sleep...

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
    7. Mathematics Fragment

      by , 09-13-2010 at 07:54 AM (Guessadoodle's Dream Journal)
      Mathematics Fragment (Non-lucid)


      Listened to an audio aid repository for half an hour before going to bed. However, I didn't get any lucids and recall was horrible.

      • I was taking the Mathematics Preliminary Exam in school when I realised I forgot to bring the construction set. Worried, I flipped through the paper to check for any construction questions and there were a quite a number of questions worth a lot of marks.
      Tags: school
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Friday recap, Golden Penis, Weird Jedi (lucid), Cough Drops

      by , 09-13-2010 at 06:56 AM
      Didn't post yesterday cause I had a school cross country meet, its fine b/c I also had to get up early for it which meant zero recall (I didn't have time to write in my DJ and forgot whatever I may have remembered).

      This morning was an entirely different story.

      First thing I remember is a fragment from what I know was a much larger dream... a golden penis.

      That's it, lul. Moving on.

      Next dream was a natural LD. I was a Jedi hunting a fleeing rogue Jedi through the wilderness. I ended up in the bay of a starship, whose inside seemed a bit like a French kitchenware store. I had fun using telekinesis to levitate and rotate plates and cups and stuff, much to the entertainment of my DCs. One DC was my nemesis... she was another Jedi, she carried a five-pronged lightwhip (like a ninetails but with 5 tails that all had knots on the end with metal around them from which a lightasaber blade could emerge) whereas I had only a one-pronged lightwhip (just a whip with the thing at the end). Suddenly, my telekinesis abilities all but disappeared. The most I could do was make a champagne glass wobble slightly. It happened to all of the other Jedis on board (DCs) too... like someone had flipped on a Force-jammer or something. I performed the hand RC to bolster my confidence in the fact that it was a dream, but even when it failed, all of my will still wouldn't't make stuff move more than a wobble. Then I went down some hatch doors with two male DCs and played out a real-life version of Star Wars Battlefront, moving through a labyrinth that was down there and killing droids and Jawas and stuff, when I cleared the stage the dream ended.

      I'm very displeased with this dream and mad at myself because I neglected to do any of my current lucid goals (Task of the Month, Serial Dream RPG, find a certain DC, try to dreamshare with my friend, etc...), I didn't even bother to try and remember any of them

      Anyways, next dream... I have all the details written but I'll summarize it since time is not on my side tonight.

      My grandparents were with me and my family in the car, we drove up to this weird constant wave off the coast, then we all went to the shopping district of the city we were in, my grandpa thought I had a sore throat so we teleported to what was apparently his apartment and he gave me this nasty gooey yellow cough drop which I refused, then told me how he had some other cough drops that he had been saving for 10-15 years, then the dream ended.

      And that's all for now... I'll go to bed as soon as I post this, and hopefully get some good material for tomorrow.

      Updated 09-13-2010 at 07:03 AM by 21258

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    9. The Rizzoli Files - 6

      by , 09-13-2010 at 06:45 AM (WarriorTiger's Visions of Misconceptions)
      Again... here we are.

      Part Eight

      I was on my plane flying home. I was in a rush and I had to tell the department what had happened. I don't know when I landed in Boston, or when I got to the PD, but I remember walking in as if I owned the place. "Allison what are you doing here?" I heard Maura ask. "Aren't you supposed to be in China?" I looked over at her. "Hey, Jane's not in yet. I don't know where she is... this is unusual for her." Korsak looked at me as he spoke those words. "I know. She's not coming in today. Hey Frost, can you help hook me up the the projector?"

      Frost did as I asked and soon I was showing them the video. "This was taken three days ago. I have tried making contact with each of you since, but to no avail. I figured the least I could do was come down and show you myself." Maura looked horrified. "God, all this time I thought Jane was just busy catching up with you. And sleep." "Well whoever they are... we should expect a ransom..." Before Korsak could finish a chime came, indicating I had a new email.

      "We have her. Don't play games. $1,000,000 USD." There was also a website and a location for drop off. I quickly loaded the website and there was Jane. They had set up cameras and we were watching her. The screen went dark and a button appeared that said 'Press to see Jane'. I don't know which one of us pressed it, but a blinding light came on and Jane became very startled. "I can get the money."

      -Note: Lost time...-

      I was standing with a gun to a guys back. "You give me the girl and the money, and let's say I don't blow your head off." He set the suitcase of money down and motioned for his men to give up Jane. "Now go before I change my mind and shoot you anyway." He took off to his van, slamming the door shut and squealing out of the warehouse. I walked over to Jane and unbound her wrists. She pulled the gag out of her mouth and removed the blindfold from her eyes. She looked at me and I went to hug her.

      I was surprised when her hand made contact with my face. "What the hell?" was all I could ask. "What do you think you were doing? You could have been killed? Did you know if they even had weapons? Have you ever fired a gun before?" She shot her questions out at me before I could regain my bearings. "I was thinking about rescuing you.. maybe that was a bad idea. I know I could have been killed. I was hoping that they didn't have weapons, and I love to go shooting."

      She looked at me, both pain and passion in her eyes. "That still doesn't give you the right to come in and.. and.. God." She screamed at me. "I'm sorry, what gives you the right to dictate what I do with my money and if I can come and save you." "They used me Allison. Do you know what that feels like?" We were screaming at each other. She was obviously pissed at something I did. Pretty soon she was screaming about the fact that she hadn't had this many problems since she met me, and that maybe she should leave. "Fine if you want to go, go. It's not like I am holding a gun to your head saying that you need to..." "GUYS!" I heard Maura shout into my ear. I paused my yelling.

      "You are still live." I shut my eyes and sighed. I pulled the wire out of my shirt and slammed it onto a table. "You were wearing a wire?" Jane asked. "Who all heard that?" She got close to me. I thought she was going to push me. "Maura, that's all." I still wanted to hug and kiss Jane, tell her that everything was okay, but at the same time I was still very angry. "If you are leaving, then leave. I have a plane to catch. Back to China. And a deal to finish. I expect to start working on the project soon, so that means I will be gone for at least three months." I picked up the suitcase and walked outside.

      -Note: More lost time...-

      I was sitting on my private jet waiting to go back to China. Jane had not called me or even spoken to be for the last couple of days. I had to get her off my mind and get back to work. A song came on, Godsmack's "What If." I listened to it and realized I couldn't be with out her, so decided to go to the PD and tell her.

      Meanwhile... *Jane POV*

      "I don't know Maura. I can't just do that." Jane was saying. "Jane, I have never seen you happier in the entire time I have known you. Trust me." "Maybe you're right..." "Right about what?" Korsak asked. "Right about being in love with Allison." Maura told him. Jane sighed. She had no clue that I was leaving that day. "Jane, if you think you even might love her, you need to tell her. Stop being so stubborn." "Fine, fine. I'll call her."

      My son answered the phone and told Jane that I was flying out, back to China. Korsak offered to drive her to the airport.

      *Back to me...*

      I was riding a motorcycle I had just bought way too fast, and way to dangerously. I was risking my life, my being, maybe my soul to get to Jane and tell her how I felt. I could not afford to lose another love of my life. I nearly ran into the side of the PD skidding my bike to a stop. I shut off the engine and ran into the building. No one was at their desk, so I hoped that they were in Maura's lab. I ran down the stairs and hall, bursting the door open. "Where's Jane?" I asked, slightly out of breath. Startled both Maura and Frost turned around. "She went to the airport..." Frost started. "To look for you. Allison what are you doing here?" Maura asked me.

      "I need to tell Jane I love her."

      *Jane's POV*

      They had to arrived in excellent time, but also in poor timing. Jane asked the manager at the nearest office if my plane had taken off yet. He told her no and directed her on where to go. She sprinted down the terminal and hurried outside to see my plane taking off. "Hey Jane, its okay don't worry. She said she'd be back. Give her some time." "No Korsak. I don't think she'll come back to me."

      *My POV*

      Maura, Frost and myself sat near Jane's desk waiting for her to come back. I was a bit antsy. Jane and Korsak walked through the doors and I stood up. I wanted to run to her, but I didn't know how she would react. "She's gone Maura," Jane said. I had kept myself well hidden. "Jane, I think that..." "No Maura, its over with her. Damnit, I can't believe I let her get away." "You didn't," I said as I stepped out. "What?" I pulled her into a deep kiss. At about the same time her parents walked through the door.

      "See Angela, I told you she was gay. You never believe me anymore." Jane broke off her the kiss, a flash of sadness washed over her face. I held her hand tightly. She turned around to face them. I had been there before and I knew it was going to be hard. "Mom," she started. "Janie, you don't need to explain anything to me," her mom said. Her dad looked right at her. I thought he was going to disown her. Then he looked past her at me. "I swear, if you break her heart, I'm going to kill you." "Dad, come on! You can't say something like that in a police station." "Oh come on Jane," Korsak said, "I'd help him."

      "What?" Jane said. I could see nods and hear agreements from other people. Maura just smiled at me. "I'm sure you'll be okay. I can tell you care very much about her." She gave me a tight hug.

      -Okay, so this is where the Rizzoli Files currently end. They have occurred over several nights, and I hope that they continue. I also hope that you have enjoyed reading them, as I have enjoyed dreaming them. It would be a great dishonor to my dreamscape if they were to end here, so wish me luck in dreaming more of Jane Rizzoli and the Rizzoli and Isles team.-
    10. 9/12/10 dream fragments

      by , 09-13-2010 at 06:38 AM
      Finally, I'm remembering parts of my dreams from the previous night.

      For part of a dream sequence, I was in this city at night. I remember being at some event or performance inside a concert hall/theatre, along with the crowd present. Then I remember leaving this theatre building and heading down this dark road in the city (no street lamps or lighting) and having a black cloak on. I might've had some sort of mask on too, and was carrying something but forget what. And my appearance was threatening, and felt tough and assertive. The majority of the crowd was behind me and only a couple people were already in the area I was walking through.

      I was also around a suburb area near some farm land. It was daytime and the sky was light blue and a few clouds. I was walking to and from places, and there were people around again. I am not sure what my tasks were.
    11. The Rizzoli Files - 5

      by , 09-13-2010 at 06:28 AM (WarriorTiger's Visions of Misconceptions)
      So here it continues...

      Part Six

      I couldn't tell you how much time had passed. Not exactly. I just knew that I was up and walking around. True it was with the help of crutches, but hey, at least I was moving. It had been hard not to run in the race that both Jane and Maura were running in, but a week in the hospital, and a severely damaged leg had kept me busy. Between therapy three times a week, and the longer hours I was putting in at the office, I was not even going to make it to cheer them on.

      I was surprised when I received a phone call from Maura late in the afternoon. My mind wondered if they had already finished the race. "So, get good times?" I asked her. "No actually. There were two murders and we wont be finishing until late tonight. I won't tell Jane if you come down here." I replied that I would see what I could do. 'Man, it must have been one hell of a race.' I thought to myself.

      It wasn't to long before I found myself standing, mostly, slightly away from Jane's mother and father. I watched as both Jane and Maura ran up and crossed what appeared to be police tape. The two of them cheered and hugged each other. I whistled and clapped my hands together, making sure I was steady on my feet. All of them looked over to me. Jane ran over and I rebalanced myself. She rubbed my torso in an intimate action. :Hey, I thought you couldn't make it." "Hey," I wanted to kiss her. "I thought it would be day when you finished." She flashed a smile at me.

      -Note: Maura's POV.-

      "Who is that?" Jane's mom asked. "That's our friend, Allison." Maura replied. "Oh, that gay chick that Jane saved?" Jane's dad asked. "Well I wouldn't say she saved her, but she did find Allison's rapist." Maura explained. "Well I don't like her." "That's not a nice thing to say Frank." Jane's mom started in.

      "Is Jane dating her?" he asked Maura. "I really should walk around, I don't want to get cramps." Maura excused herself from the situation.

      -Note: My POV.-

      Jane was close to me. She whispered something in my ear and I laughed a little. I hobbled over to where her parents were. "Look, you guys must be tired. Why don't we go out to dinner. I'll pay." I asked. They agreed and I grabbed my cell phone. "Bring the car around." A limo came to pick us up. We then went to a restaurant and ate some food, talked a little. The entire time I felt like I was being scrutinized by the father. I paid the bill like I said I would and dropped Jane's mother and father off at their house. I told my driver that he should also take Dr. Isles home. I asked Jane where she wanted to go. "I want to go home," she said.

      We headed toward Maura's house, but before we could reach there both her and Jane had fallen asleep. Maura had fallen asleep on the chair, and Jane on my shoulder. I brushed a hair out of her face and she reached up and cuddled with me. I was in heaven.

      Part Seven

      I was in China. A meeting in China to be exact. My leg had mostly healed, Jane and I had been dating for a little while. I made her a care package before I left. Set her up with a web cam so that we could talk while I was on the other side of the world from her. The metting we going well. I had asked the Chinese government for permission to take photos of Hong Kong for a game we wanted to make. They told me anywhere but Hong Kong. Though it was odd I agreed to the terms and they stepped out of the room to discuss the rest of the details.

      My computer chirped. I walked over to it. A small notification told me it was Jane.

      Note: For some strange reason I became lucid..."

      I was going to say hi when I heard her scream. I stepped out of the visual range of my own web cam and watched as a horrific scene played out. One guy grabbed her from behind. She kicked and screamed, and even bit the guy's hand. He threw her to the floor. Another guy pressed his knee painfully into her back. The first guy turned around and must have seen the light on the camera. He picked it up and dropped it on the floor. The camera rolled and aligned perfectly with Jane's face. I could see the fear in her eyes. She mouthed something to me, I think it was no, and then the camera was smashed. Static played across my screen and I quickly typed in a command that made the video chat save.

      I pulled my cell phone out. I was going to call Korsak, or Frost, or Maura. I had to call someone... anyone. My financial adviser looked at me. I could just teleport there and kick someone's ass. I shut my phone and the world faded to black.
    12. MTG Fragments

      by , 09-13-2010 at 06:21 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      MTG Fragments (Non-lucid)


      One of my friends from cards was celebrating his birthday, so we had card night. Low recall, slept a few hours only.

      All the dream was about Magic The Gathering. I was not Emperor but playing as a guardian. The game was fun.

      Missed dream signs:
      - Unknown.

      What I would have done if lucid:
      - Unknown.
      dream fragment
    13. Riding the R1

      by , 09-13-2010 at 06:20 AM
      I started off in the driveway at my fathers, with my dad standing next to me. My stepmom pulled up riding a gray Yamaha R1. It was slightly damaged like it had been down one on each side at low speeds. I got on to ride around the block and see how it rode. It was very uncomfortable at first, then I didn’t notice it anymore. As I was going around the block, people were everywhere, and “someone” told me they were looking for a Rottweiler that got loose. I saw the Rottweiler in a yard but for some reason the people couldn’t see it.

      As I was riding, the road changed to roads I have never been on. They were curvy, mountainous roads. I got to a security checkpoint which was in a small square building. What I didn’t realize at the time of the dream was while I was in the checkpoint (yes, in a building), I was no longer on the bike. Instead I was waiting in a long line. All of a sudden time flew by and I was back out on the bike, riding down a long road. I realized I couldn’t see anything, because it was all of a sudden the middle of the night and my lights no longer worked.

      I decided to keep going cause I figured I could see enough (could barely see the outline of the road) and ended up sliding out around a curve in front of a car. The car drove by without any problems and I was unhurt. I got back on the bike and started back towards the checkpoint, trying to get home. When I got to the security checkpoint, they wouldn’t let me through since I had no headlights and no taillights. I begged for them to let me through to go back home. I then woke up.

      My first dream journal, hoping to eventually get to lucidity.
    14. 5 hours of sleep = no recall.

      by , 09-13-2010 at 06:05 AM (The Mind is Power; My Dream Journal)
      Went to a big music festival Saturday night and I ended up staying out until 3:30 and not falling asleep until past 4am. I got up at 9:30 and couldn't remember anything but I'm not too surprised or disheartened. I feel like any given night could be the night
      side notes
    15. War dream, and pause menu?

      by , 09-13-2010 at 05:57 AM
      So I was having this dream about being in some kind of war, and me and my troops were forced into a building because of some kind of fire alarm. Well, the enemy ended up dropping napalm on us. So somehow, I got out of the building and ended up flying around in what I can only describe as a metal box of some sort. I picked up the enemy general, which happened to be sadam hussein, and dropped him off at my base, hoping that my fellow troops would deal with him. Well, they were still stuck in the building. As I got lower to the ground, i was met by a man holding some kind of napalm ball, threatening to throw it at me. I told him to take it easy, I woudld comply. As he led me to some prison cell or something, I realized that this was merely a video game and that I could leave any time I wanted to. So, I closed my eyes and waited for the game menu to appear. When it appeared, I picked "Log out and wake up"..... so somehow i must've known all of this wasn't real, and I guess somehow I had to know I was dreaming. Weird