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    1. Return to...?

      by , 07-21-2017 at 01:16 AM
      He gave us these little plastic? dolls to swallow and that would take us there, I had a hard time getting it to go down. I do remember thinking that this seemed kinda stupid, but then I did manage to swallow it and could feel it get caught slightly in my throat. After swallowing or going through the motions of swallowing a couple more times, I finally got it down and pretty much instantly saw the change after I blinked. We were in a room, appeared to be a dining room and I didn't seem to be familiar to the place. But then a voice spoke out behind me and caused me to turn about quickly to meet the face of the speaker who spoke from the shadows of the doorway, "Well if it isn't you", I of course was shocked a bit to see him there but for some reason also frightened a bit. I got the feeling that I shouldn't have come uninvited, but I also got the feeling that I owed him something. Anyway, he took me aside to another room to chat, I remember nothing of the dialogue except that I shouldn't be there. But sense I was here, I was obviously there for him. The rest of the dream is a bit hazy but their were other guests there and they'd been eating so I was to dress appropriately. After that I think I woke up.
    2. Overrun by The Police

      by , 07-21-2017 at 01:08 AM
      1:10-7:54 July, 20th:
      Old home, Walking through halls with C, checking rooms at night and playing a game. See D in bed and mom in bed. At beach in the morning, playing with people. Then the place turns dark and police come in, running people down and stuff. I hide in a necromancers tower, then rush back to home which is now current home. It is on fire, and the police have gone through the area and are still there. Mom is outside with a sword, I grab a sword and we both cut off one head out of the five guys outside. Then we leave markings on the other three, an open gash in one's chest, a slight scar on one's face and a cut off arm on another one; something I noticed is they bleed black blood or really dark red blood. We hide until morning or so they dream says, then we go access the situation and the house is now the old home again. The dream says we kill the remaining few. Then we grab food and stuff in boxes and put it into a helicopter, we even manage to put a box of chicks into it and the were specifically saved so the police weren't heartless after all. I keep telling mom to hurry up, we manage to fit everything and I shut off my phone so they can't track us through that. Then before we are going to leave, I say we could pick up D and C because they are alive. When I went to get the food, it was from grandma's kitchen fridge.
      Things we gathered:
       clothes, small amount, mom was especially excited about a nightgown for her and lots of socks for some reason.
       frozen candy bars, nougats or something and also dry foods like crackers.
       box of chicks about five or seven.
    3. July 1-7, 2014 | Canada, 1994, Snow, Wind, Tornado

      by , 07-20-2017 at 11:18 PM (Fantastical Adventures)
      July 1
      -1-I went back in time to around 1994 in SE Canada, where I walked towards a house on the side of the road. When I got inside, I found the windows on the south side open with strong wind coming in. I shut one, but that allowed a pile of snow to appear. It tasted sweet and looked like sunscreen.
      -2-I was being hunted by someone. I ended up in a building, using my camcorder to zoom in on snipers in the far distance. Also, there was a guy that knew some of the area there and we were walking somewhere, through piles of leaves on the way.

      July 7
      I was running around to find shelter somewhere during an F2 tornado. Then I ran around trying to find shelter during a tan, F4 tornado on a farm with a bunch of empty buildings, none of which were satisfactory. Sometime earlier, my brother and I looked for cereal. I also landed a plane, played some Mario Party, and talked illogically about Starfox.
    4. Back on it.

      by , 07-20-2017 at 04:25 PM
      Been a while since I had a lucid dream. I really need to get in touch with Daniel Love about my technique. All I did was lay down and go to sleep after a WBTB. But the trick is that I was [bold] STAIRING THROUGH MY EYELIDS]. I knew instantly I was about to WILD when I felt my body completely relaxing, going numb and falling asleep. My eyes begin pointing downward. It happened all at once. All I had to do was start moving my dream body and I was ready to go.

      For like 20th time, I got outside my house and walked around. It was sort of clear skies outside. But the dream was short. I remember also I tried my best to anchor myself in the dream world. I said things like, "I am the dream" and tried rubbing my hands together. But I can't seem to get a lucid dream longer than 45 seconds.

      Updated 07-20-2017 at 04:30 PM by 28341

    5. First few flashes of color

      by , 07-20-2017 at 01:59 PM
      I woke up this morning.... Bored??? Not something I usually wake up feeling (I usually feel sadness, with a few tears coming out of my eyes). I also remember a few flashes of color- coincidentally they were my favorites. I saw purple, red, and i think a flash of bluish-gray. Not sure though. Although being able to remember something on my first night of trying is quite promising, though.
    6. July 19 2017 Non-Lucid

      by , 07-19-2017 at 09:26 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      Went to bed at 5AM and woke up at 3:40PM.

      From what I remember, I was at some sort of camp. We're up very high in the trees with ziplines and our harnesses attached to wires. My mom is there. I'm trying to transfer myself over to another wire but the clips aren't working. There's an old man in the trees with me who I recognize from my pool who is trying to help me.

      I wake up. I start to sleep again trying to go back to the trees.

      I'm dreaming I'm back at college on this place called Devon Lane. There's townhouses with decks next to each other. I look over to the left and there's a fraternity and sorority next to each other talking on decks. The house I'm at has a bunch of my fraternity brothers out and about drinking and hanging out. I remember it felt like I had just woken up, but it looked like it was pretty much night time. People keep talking about how it looks like it's night time but it's only 2PM. It looks kinda like the sun is setting. I see my friend JP opening a beer. I ask if anyone wants to split a case of beer and three younger brothers on chairs jump up and come with me. We're walking up the street to the gas station. There's a pool to the left of us that we recognize some people at. We walk in and my friend Ali is there at the end of the pool, or someone who kinda looks like him. There's kids jumping like 30 feet in the air and then diving into the shallow pool but they're fine. I start to walk back to the door when I pass a girl in a white shirt. As I turn around, I see it's Dana. Someone asks me who she is and why we don't date anymore and I tell them a lie saying that she cheated on me. I wish I could have talked to her.

      I walk outside of the gate and pass my childhood friend's mom Dorris and a posse of people including this famous girl that used to be in my friend group in high school. I tell someone that. Then, everyone in the dream starts to tell us to look up at the sky. The sky to the right is incredible, there's these really colorful and elaborate shapes in the sky moving in some sort of pattern, and they change every 10 seconds or so. People are getting their phones out and I get my phone out as well, changing the patterns with some sort of filter I have. I remember feeling like the world was going to end in this dream, like things were starting to align and everything felt so right in that moment. It was all making sense, the sky was acting up that day, someone famous was in town for some reason, the girl I had wronged in the past was there for me to forgive. And I was okay with the world ending in that moment.

      I'm suddenly in this view of different regrets in my life coming before me. People I didn't like would come up, and I would simply just tell myself that I didn't care anymore and let the grudge go. Dana came into view, and I apologized and washed that regret away. Dirty things were appearing and I was just forgetting them from my life. I felt this high that I only get while in dreams. I felt like my body was floating upwards and I was telling God to take me away and I had tears coming out of my eyes.

      And then I was paralyzed and couldn't move. Those dirty things were there with me in this small space, and I was struggling to move. In that moment, I started to take on the form of my friend Kolby. Then I jerked myself awake.
    7. Close to WILD Again

      by , 07-19-2017 at 06:26 PM
      This morning I came close to successfully WILDing. I had a moment of hypnogogic imagery where I was trying to sit up in bed and "separate" from my body, which is how my perception always experiences WILDs. It was a bit vague and fleeting, but it was definitely there.

      I've noticed in the past that when I have little signs like this, I tend to have full success in the next day or two of attempts. So fingers crossed.
    8. 2017-07-19 Cafeteria cheating, weird chemical extraction

      by , 07-19-2017 at 01:58 PM
      Cafeteria Cheating:

      I was in a situation where I was being helped by my boss to either get free food that I wasn't entitled to, or more than I was supposed to be getting. He was kinda on board at the beginning, but then he said something about not really wanting to be getting caught doing it. I started feeling bad about it, and then work up.

      Chemical Extraction:

      In some food product or other mundane item, someone discovered that you could extract some potentially dangerous chemical could be extracted from it. This dream carried on for a while, but all I remember is seeing some guy at a table who was apparently carrying out the extraction.

      Shiba Inu:
      Someone had a dog that I wanted to play with. I was a bit worried that it would not like me, but it didn't get mad at me for petting it, so that was pretty cool.

      It's been a long time since I made any entries, and I didn't do an immediate journal, this is just what I am remembering in the morning.

      Updated 07-19-2017 at 02:25 PM by 91957

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Came close to viewing my own birth, was very lucid.

      by , 07-19-2017 at 11:58 AM
      Dark room lucid dream where I had a false awakening and was able to do the nose pinch reality check. Most of the dream was me in my own house and trying to turn on a light switch. None seemed to work. Eventually I go outside and look up to see "Star man" who is a reoccurring character in my dreams who is the outline of a man in the sky formed from stars. I go back inside and decide I want to try the jump into a painting challenge, but when I jump into a painting in my living room, I wake up instead.

      I go back to sleep and manage to have another lucid dream. This is another false awakening and already know it's a dream. In my room I see a "Goosebumps" book that doesn't actually exist called Escape from Werewolf Camp" with a picture of a wolf standing in front of a cabin. The rest of my room is being packed up. I find my dad watching an episode of the simpsons where the kids are giving reports on various generals. I see a painting nearby and look at it, trying to imagine what jumping inside it will be like. It's a grassy hill with a few houses on it, and in the background are these skyscrapers. The dad dream character says it looks like a metropolis. I jump into the painting and find myself on the grassy hill for about a second before I wake up.

      I then go back to sleep and have a gambling dream where I am playing a sort of memory game but the cards keep getting mixed around. I then realize that it's a dream because I'm not on the internet playing a game, that I'm playing this game on the street somehow. I decide to just start walking down the street while talking about how I knew I was lucid since I'm talking to people online but without a mic or even wifi.

      I go from running to me rolling down the street on a skateboard and I was still lucid and decided that instead of continuing the painting challenge for literally the fifth time I would instead watch my own birth, and that in the playground I was headed for would be a time machine. When I reach the playground I see this piece of a jungle gym that's shaped like a car rolling around and I declare that's my time machine and I need to catch it. I chase it around before finally catching it and find the environment around me slowly changing into the front of a hospital. I approach the hospital and see that it is called the "Ethnically Hopeful" hospital, meaning racial harmony. I don't know the name of the hospital I was born at so I figure this might as well be it. I go inside, down a hall to a waiting room and tell the woman at the front that I'm here to watch a birth and she asks "Oh you're (my full name) here for the birth of (my full name)? I realize that my future self must have done this for me, and that it will be fun to go full circle and do that in a dream. I take the ID she gives me and take an elevator up to the twelfth floor. Unfortunelty I woke up when I actually reached the floor, but not before sharing the elevator with a Dream character who I had to keep from messing with the stop button on the elevator. I asked her what her name was because I remembered that was a challenge but instead of replying she turned to me and I recognized her as a character from a short story I read about a large woman in an elevator who scared a boy who had a broken leg and had to use the elevator. That's how I knew she would press the stop button.

      Updated 07-20-2017 at 01:19 AM by 63752

      lucid , false awakening , task of the month
    10. 2nd Unintentional DILD!

      by , 07-19-2017 at 09:34 AM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      The dream leading up to this was about how one of the science teachers would stick their students or even their assistants inside of a glass box I would like to dub a the "Death Chamber" to, obviously, suffocate to death. BTW if anybody gets that reference you deserve a cyber cookie. I was thrown into the Death Chamber when suddenly it malfunctioned. I open the door they threw my in from and exit into this totally unassuming room.

      I think it was an orange room with an elevator, mini sofas, and long windows. It was also on the second floor (Even though my school only has one floor). Then I start to get a strange feeling in my stomach, when I try to shrug it off, the DCs in the room say something akin to "You know nothing." I say "Don't play coy." in response and they respond like "Aw man, I thought we had em'."

      I didn't know it was a dream until I jump out from the window (Attempting to jump onto a tree). But instead of falling, I float. Upwards. Then and there do I realize I'm dreaming. And I try to fly intentionally.

      I flew by swimming in the air, even though I never swam in real life. So I was just flailing my arms and legs below me and hoping for the best. I also tried to fly by pointing at a specific destination and letting my body just float over there. No I cold see why everybody enjoys flying so much. I flew above a crowd of kids just to show off.

      I was floating on my way to this park area with a big towering...thing in the middle of it. I try to weird out this one guy on the way over there by grabbing his attention and flying about. He was an overweight policeman/mail carrier with a blue uniform and khakis.

      Anyway, I make it to this park-type area. Everybody's wearing white, the tables are white, I'm not sure but I think I even saw white flowers, and all my teachers where there. I also try fly-swimming my way around them. A few of them pay attention, a few of them don't, and some even try to talk to me. I didn't care what any of them had to say so I didn't remember much.

      Here's where it gets fuzzy.

      I go into my parents house randomly (My lucidity well intact) and try to convince them it's a dream. Yep. I try flying around them and my dad is like "Welp. Looks like we're dreaming.", but he isn't fully convinced. I remember to do an RC (Because I remembered if I interacted with DCs too long I'd eventually lose my lucidity) and plug my nose to breathe through it. A gust of wind blows through them and I feel extra giddy. I tell my dad to do the same, then the dream ended.


      1. I remembered all the things to do to not lose lucidity. It actually surprised me how much information I remembered, maybe since I spent several years in and out on the whole thing.

      2. I seemed to have a poor sense of vision or spatial awareness in the dream. Everything looked so "dreamlike" with colors swirling about, things that shouldn't even be there, and bloom effects. I didn't even try to explore any of the senses like touch, taste, or smell.

      3. I also remembered that I had a sort of tine limit in the dream, so I was trying to make everything as snappy as possible.
    11. Nonlucid Drop (+Short Lucid)

      by , 07-19-2017 at 01:35 AM (Lucid Time!)
      Some girl from a college class that I had met had brought me to her house in a very wealthy looking subdivision. She wanted to show me her new kittens. I think there were three of them. Something strange about her kittens though; they have the intelligence of small children and can say some basic phrases.

      I continually revisit her house once or twice per week. One of the kittens, a boy who is a brown and black tabby with white paws and a white chin likes to play rough with me whenever I come over. We are pretending to be secret agents on opposite sides during the cold war and at one point in where I capture him, hiding behind a black SUV in the driveway. I pick him up by the neck scruff then he spins around and bats me with his paws (claws in) and I pretend to fall over and he drops onto my chest as though he has just beaten me at fighting.

      The neighbor of the girl, a very tall balding middle aged man with a combover and cigar says that I am committing animal abuse and that he is calling the police. The police officer comes and tries to arrest me but I explain the situation saying that it's just play and when the kitten starts talking and explaining that he was the one who made up the game and he doesn't care if it gets rough, since he knows I wouldn't really try to hurt him. The police officer leaves and the dream ends.


      I am visiting my aunt's new apartment. It is somehow merged higher dimensionally into our house, and by traveling through a specific part of the house in a certain way, you can access the apartment. The apartment actually has the same layout as my house but is much cleaner and has different decorations. I see my aunt's new husband on the computer eating and notice that he has a cartoony big belly from eating too much and ask my aunt about it, but she is busy talking to my mom's friend.


      I am in a rock band with my friends; and we are preforming at my grandparent's house, or at least a location that feels similar to it. The rock band is kind of strange because of the instruments we have all chosen to play. I am playing a Hangdrum, S is playing a three-necked guitar and his brother is playing a keytar that is really small, like a children's toy. (I think I remember seeing the brand' Fisher Price' on the side).

      All's I remember is we are preforming a song for an audience of 6 or 8 people in my grandparent's garage and people are booing us, until A runs into the garage dressed only in short-shorts and an unzipped leather vest and screams 'Penis' repeatedly. The crowd goes wild.


      I get taken with my grandparents and parents to eat at the grocery store deli counter where there is a small sitting area (not present IWL). I cannot help but think what an unglamorous affair this seems like, as the four of them get involved in a heated discussion about complicated yet nonsensical political matters, and I continually try to indicate that I want to go home, and will walk home by myself.

      My father complains of a flapping sound. There is a soft plastic sign above us that is flapping around and he can't figure out why. I look up and see the sign and there is a big green metal casing with an electric motor in it that is supposedly there to pull up the sign but the mechanism is broken.

      My father complains for several minutes about why the store needs such a mechanism. I tell him if it bothers him so much he should tell the manager, but he says he won't do that because the manager would kick him out of his favorite store and it's better just to complain about it. My grandparents join in in finding things to complain about the store. I decide I've had enough and leave. (For some reason deciding to leave by walking behind the deli counter, into a storeroom and out the back door of the sore.)

      I head outside. It is nighttime and I am now on a beach. I see two Jacks out there who continually flex their muscles and strike symmetrical poses attempting to impress some girls. I say 'hi' to them and high five both of them simultaneously before walking past. I look at the moon and see that it is irregularly shaped and smaller than it should be. It looks like a large asteroid. I become lucid.

      I use some stabilization commands, and then start moving my feet in a skating motion to get across the water, the water turning to ice beneath my feet. I get to a small island where there is a swimming pool and a small building, presumably a locker room. I decide to practice water manipulation and with relative ease am able to force all the water to one end of the swimming pool.

      I then realize that I have to go poo and decide I should wake myself up to do so, hoping I can do a WBTB and follow up. But upon waking up I realized the feeling was some kind of illusion created by the dream.


      In one of my least-favorite brands of dreams, I was playing Minecraft. I was killed by some kind of enemy monster that was like an animated pool table that shot pool balls at me. I became disproportionately emotional, like a small child would, and started crying with outrage at my character's death.


      I was at some kind of animation showcase. Rebecca Sugar (the woman who created Steven Universe) is there. She shows me a new Steven universe episode. I don't recall much of the episode, other than there was a part in where Steven was a young toddler, maybe about 2 or 3. This was when he said his first words while Pearl was feeding him ice cream and he licked it off her fingers. It seemed like the typical cute SU moment but there was some off-putting music playing and I thought something scary was going to happen.


      Later there was a portion of another animation that had two people climbing a huge stone face underground. They looked like some re-interpretation of Milo and Kida from the disney atlantis movie. Milo got a metal spike in his arm and started bleeding profusely but then discovered he had some type of healing ability and was able to heal the wound.
      lucid , non-lucid
    12. Snakes!

      by , 07-18-2017 at 11:09 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      2017, 07-18


      I am at my house with my mother. It isn’t the house we currently live it, rather it’s the one on Calle Kino where we lived quite a few years ago. We go outside to take the garbage and recyclable bins to the end of the driveway. I push one and she pushes the other. We get them out ok and then turn to come back in. When I turn around I stop so quickly that I fall on my ass. There is a rattlesnake not far in front of me. I am probably within striking distance right now. I start to move slowly away from the agitated snake. I glance behind me to make sure I wasn’t heading towards anything dangerous and I see another rattlesnake behind me! Looking around I see a total of five rattlesnakes around my mom and me. I manage to get to my feet and then my mom and I take the only opening to get away from the snakes.

      Once we are back safely in the house my mom seems to completely forget the snakes ever existed. I, on the other hand, am paranoid of finding snakes in the house. I look around the rooms but I see no snake. I then hear a bark from outside. We have an enclosed porch on the back of the house and the dog is waiting outside the sliding glass doors that lead outside. I recognize the dog as our current dog, Max. My mom opens the door and goes into the enclosed porch. It is getting dark out now so I can’t see into the corners of the enclosed porch. I get a flashlight and shine it into the darkness at a suspiciously shaped object. It’s a snake! There’s a snake in the enclosed porch now! I tell my mom and she urges the dog to hurry from the outside door into the main house. We go in after and close the door. I look at a cage on a table and see my hamster inside. I am thinking I haven’t fed my hamster for far too long. I sprinkle food into the cage and the hamster eats happily. I am wondering what to do about snakes when I wake up.
      Tags: hamster, snakes
      non-lucid , nightmare
    13. 2 Non-Lucids

      by , 07-18-2017 at 08:21 PM
      1. I returned to California and my old job in the housekeeping department at a resort. I was about to go to work, talking with a dream character roommate, when I remembered that I wasn't able to do that job anymore due to health issues. I wondered how I was going to be able to do it, decided I would have to start slow to keep from ending up in the hospital again.

      2. Still in California, but the dream shifted. I was a companion of the Doctor-- Tom Baker era. I had witnessed or heard something in some building (I don't remember what), and told him about it. He said he believed me and we began traveling all over the world to investigate: first Venezuela, then London, and finally Galveston, TX. We traveled in a car, but the car was able to instantaneously arrive at our destinations.
    14. Classic Old Candy

      by , 07-18-2017 at 06:10 PM
      1) I was with my mom who left me with two doctors outside in the street. I felt like she was kidnapped so I went to look for her but a picture of a snake distracted me. Not to mention a big cop who tried to hold me down for having a green pen that when you switch the colors let out a poison.

      2)I had an odd dream where I found candy on a bed that was brought by someone who went to a kids party. I ate old candy like now or later, smarties and jaw breakers.

      Next thing I recall is being near a counter and being suggested chocolate mnm.

      3) A dream where I hurt my bird by mistake by trying to catch her. from under some boxes.I was mad at myself as I looked at her bruised stomach and tiny pinch of blood on her feathers. I slightly felt like I should put her out of her misery but I decided to let her rest and find a way to heal her.

      Updated 07-18-2017 at 06:12 PM by 67570

    15. Can't remember cuz I didn't sleep much/ Update on my personal status

      by , 07-18-2017 at 05:31 PM
      Lately I've had some pretty good lucids but I didn't get much sleep last night. I'm taking a break from here for a while. My family has undergone some major life altering events that need my attention. I'm hoping by writing this that it'll have some subliminal affect on me & I will want to write again here in my journal. I'm not leaving for good for sure. I do have to suspend my paying executive membership for now after I write this. My husband just lost his job of 35 yrs because a company bought them out & are making radical changes without thought to the fallout. I obviously have to cut my spending due to this change for the time being. I really miss you all & hope to be back soon.
      Tags: side notes
      side notes