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    1. Star Wars 2-Night Dream, Dream Character High School

      by , 08-15-2017 at 07:02 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I am in my high school spanish classroom. The teacher is talking about a project that is due on monday, and says there is nothing planned for the next few minutes of class, meaning the students are free to do what they want. Some of the people in the class are dream characters or just imagined people and others are friends from WL. Students are talking about having a party over the weekend. I was considering going to the party for a bit just to hang out and then going home, and not staying for the whole thing.

      Jack (my DC) says something about bringing lots of food to the party. Somebody else responded by saying they had a "big bag". In the context of the dream this was a slang term that meant someone ate a lot. I think the term was derived from like a big grocery bag.


      I was on the swamp planet from star wars (checks wookiepedia) Dagobah. I am learning how to be a Jedi with the help of Luke Skywalker and Yoda. Yoda says something about how practicing not enough for something and overtraining yourself are both equally bad things to do, and that one must find balance somewhere in the middle. Luke skywalker tells me that while I do have potential in the force, I do not have very much, so I should take things very slowly to learn to be a Jedi.

      I end up constructing a lightsaber out of spare parts, though it has a small handle and short blue blade.


      The dream actually continued the next night (Last night) as I remembered previous events being relevant and still having the small blue lightsaber handy. I was the captain of a rebel ship. The admiral tells me the empire is coming and star destroyers appear and a space battle starts.

      The dream shows this unusual angle of the battle. I order the fighters launched from my ship and some of them chase each other down to the planets surface. I see the battle happening near the surface of the planet. There is a large highway with hovercars on it and alongside the highway there are these huge statues of mushrooms with faces on the stems the size of skyscrapers. A few are complete but most of them have scaffolding and internal framework as though they are being constructed.

      I then notice that our ship is now disabled while I was distracted watching the fight near the surface and we're pulled into the hangar of the star destroyer (just like in the opening of A New Hope). I leave the command room and head to the hatch where the stormtroopers come in, and when they blow down the door I start fighting them. I hold a gun in my right hand and the mini lightsaber in my left, using it to block shots while also shooting back.

      I notice how easy this is. I'm covering my squad and taking out the enemy without any real effort. I figure I must be using the force and not knowing it. I get excited and think to myself "maybe I can fight off all the stormtroopers and get control of the star destroyer, then use that to hyperdrive back to a safe place, and bring a large, powerful ship with me." That is of course, where I lost the dream and woke up.
    2. An argument of Ownership, long

      by , 08-15-2017 at 03:30 PM
      August 15, 12am-3am
      At my current home, really early and it was foggy. I felt like heading out for a walk and one of my cats came with me, my big grey fluffy one I call Jeester. Walking along I saw the blue sky and wispy clouds looking like someone was breaking them apart, it felt good out though and although chilly it wasn't too cold. I wasn't actually checking the mail, I was just going out for a walk. You could still see things but the fog was like a hazy mist infront of the eyes and much to the effect of blurry just waking up vision. I went as far out as the Cul-de-sac and the fog was thicker at the end of the road, you almost couldn't see anything.

      Which is why I had to look twice when I thought I saw a figure down there near the stop sign, I squinted and did see someone approaching. It felt weird though, a slightly fearful vibe came sailing toward me and once I saw my cat start running I did the same without hesitation. Didn't know who it was or if it was a male or female, but I did know the fear increased and raised my heartbeat as I neared the front door of my current home. I rushed inside and closed the screen door carefully so I knew it closed and then kinda slammed the actual door closed and locked it. I didn't see my cat inside so I assume he hid, everything inside seemed to be normal as I took a brief glance around as though whoever it was might have followed me in.

      When I saw it wasn't so, I calmed a bit but still felt wary and less protected on the lower level; I went upstairs and immediately woke mom up, actually she was already partly awake and did look sleepy even in the dim light. I tried calming down and telling hear but everything came out so jumbled because I was out of breath, I guess that running really did me in. Luckily I was able to get out, through choppy and gasping sentences, that it was foggy outside and I saw someone and ran back here with Jeester.

      Mom seemed slightly in disbelief, but went downstairs anyway because she had to use the bathroom. I took a seat downstairs in the living room and noticed the curtain closest to me was open but not the other one further away. I guess someone had already but up and about before me, or maybe we didn't close them.

      Anyway when mom came back she mentioned how I was right, it was foggy and felt weird outside. I nodded in agreement and looked to her for what to do but she simply sat down at her desk and although my fear had subsided at this point, I had no doubt whatever was out there was still there. At this moment C had awoken and came downstairs, mom had started writing and C went to the refrigerator to grab a donut.

      I wasn't aware we actually had any donuts in there, but wasn't in the mood for food anyway. I just listened as mom said we should be saving them and then she wondered if they would deliver donuts directly to the house, I think the number she had in mind was 365. I guess her plan was to stay in the house until the evil outside was gone? Despite her repeating that we should save the donuts, C still took one.

      It started raining very suddenly and then D woke up, he kind of got a half explanation about what was going on when he got downstairs. But he needed to use the bathroom so he took an umbrella and went outside in the rain and I stupidly stood near the door inside and shouted at the forest that "You better not touch him! Don't you dare hurt him!" I only just realised when D came back inside that the door and walls connecting the door had turned into walls of a ten and door of a tent.

      Instead of thinking on that, I focused on hurriedly zipping the now circle tent flap closed while the rain sprinkled. It actually got jammed and I almost gave up but pulled one zipper up and one zipper down, that worked but now there was a gap at the bottom where the walls should connect the floor. The pieces tying them had come undone and nobody else in the house noticed the change, so I kneeled down and started tying them together while the wall caved in slightly like the tent walls do.

      Outside my cat saw and hopped on my back, further making the task difficult and further bending the tent wall in on me. One might think this would make me aggravated or annoyed but no, I simply adjusted my position and got back to work. I suppose I was feeling much more secure and confident now that everyone was awake, even if they weren't helping or seemed to care. So when I saw someone's legs and looked under the gap to see a slightly chubby lady striding toward me with a word on her shirt, I immediately didn't run but instead thought she was Athena.

      She wore a skirt that went to her knees and flowed out a bit, it looked plaid but wasn't and was actually more grey. Her t-shirt was a pink colour and as she came nearer the word Athena came into view on it, I immediately felt more confident even though it looked like the A on the end was blurry as though I had put the words there. Her rounded face complimented her apple shaped body and chubby thighs did not hinder her back straight walking. Her hair was brown and not super dark but slightly dark brown, it was just past her shoulders.

      When she stopped near the house, I gently pushed my cat off my back and crawled under the wall through the gap I'd been working on, to approach her. I said what my min had been running through about three or four times by now, "You're Athena aren't you?" She didn't smile because she already was but she did throw a kick my way, which surprised me and I jumped back. I might also note the rain had stopped at her appearance. I came closer and said if she wanted to fight we should do it away from the house, here or where I pointed my finger which happened to be the path leading to the shed.

      She walked there and I started bouncing on my feet and put my arms up like a boxer knowing I looked quite ridiculous but really not caring at this point. Then, when I thought she was going to make a move I stopped her and said I needed to use the bathroom first. Pointing infront of the car that was pulled up near the front of the house, I said she could wait there and then we'd fight. She walked over there and then I spun back around and repeated for her to stay there until I come back, I'd be fast. I suppose I felt a little like she wasn't there and my disbelief made me think she might be gone when I come back, so after my repetition I went to the bathroom and used it very quickly.

      When I came back to spot, I saw she wasn’t there and doubt came to my mind for a fleeting moment until some little ways off I saw her. Sitting down on what appeared to be a bunch of garbage, but as I came nearer I realized it must have been something like clothes, it really looked like pressed together shirts. Anyway she had a fire going, lit all around her but a small opening left open for a metal place where meat was cooking. To her right there were a many dead corpses, animals rotting in the sun and waiting for their flesh to be ripped from the bone and cooked to perfection. They mostly looked like lizards of various shapes and sizes, mainly small; though one did look like a baliwog from Oblivion’s Shivering Isles.

      After a while of me admiring or rather studying the dead creatures beside her curiously, she got up and pulled a piece of the cooked meat toward herself; cutting off the top greyish part which looked to be fat, she skewed it on a knife and started eating; I saw a knife near mine and decided to copy her actions, except I also had a fork come out of nowhere so I used it. Amazed at the flavour of fish with chicken, I ate more until I had finished about a quarter of it, not much considering it was atleast larger than two of my hands side by side.

      I never got to eat the rest because a noise interrupted us and we both turned our attention to the clomping sounds coming from the end of the road out of the cul-de-sac. In the distance it looked like just a blur but Athena said it was Hades, I didn’t let that worry me so much sense she was so nice I imagined he couldn’t be too bad.

      But just then I also closed my eyes and saw what looked to be the top of a fanfiction story, the tags in it had Hades, OC, and The Goblin King; it was then that I started freaking out a bit and stated outloud that, that was impossible and he shouldn’t be here.

      Athena started running toward the cul-de-sac and I followed after her, the whole mess around us had vanished as though it was never there to begin with and I assumed we were running from The Goblin King behind us but we were also running toward Hades which to me didn’t seem that great but Athena split off to the left anyway and in no time, I found myself trapped between two taller men. It was actually terrifying for me and as I listened to them confront each other, I realized I was the object of their raising tones and that they were arguing over who I was claimed by.

      Which in any other case might have seemed funny to me, but in the position of sitting between them with my legs at the side and looking up to them I felt small and powerless. Looking up, my view was limited to their crotch which wasn’t helpful when I wanted to get up and shout in their faces. I did try to say stop but my voice seemed to be drowned out in the whirlwind of their shouting match, which sounded quite unique and almost funny considering their different voices.

      However it still wasn’t pleasing to hear that I had become an object to be disputed over in terms of ownerships; my emotions here were a mix of feeling kind of safe near The Goblin King and feeling kind of frightened of what they might do especially if it turned into a physical match.

      After some time of them pretty much spouting the same stuff back and forth and me just hunkering down between the small space they left and they tried to walk closer and get up in each other’s faces, I found myself briefly tied around the legs of Hades and I struggled to escape the rope bindings that had come out of nowhere to ensure my futile attempts of escape would lead to nothing.

      But I found I didn’t need to struggle, for I was soon released of them; however as I crawled away I found myself bound again in the same form except to The Goblin King’s legs. It was making me feel claustrophobic, luckily it didn’t stay that way for long and once again I was released; although this time I found myself gasping slightly, I needn’t have worried what would happen if things got physical though for in the brief seconds I was released I awoke and heard their bickering no longer.

      Note, The Goblin King wore grey lower garments and white shirt, brown cape, Hades wore black pants and t-shirt and he had this short curly hair that was slicked back behind his ears.
      non-lucid , memorable
    3. Broken Piano Key

      by , 08-15-2017 at 02:29 PM
      I was trying to play the keyboard to show someone that I still remembered how to play but no matter what I played the song wasn't coming together....than a key fell off.

      Updated 08-15-2017 at 02:36 PM by 67570

    4. Magical Gumball Machine

      by , 08-15-2017 at 02:15 PM
      Early evening of August 15, 2017. Tuesday.

      I am in an unfamiliar unknown setting, though it is implied to be a room in our present home. There is an unfamiliar tall chest of drawers against a west wall. It has a pale wooden design. There are five drawers.

      Atop this chest of drawers, in about the center, is a gumball machine. The main concept is that this feature is somehow able to manifest new items in any of the drawers at certain times, more so, every drawer simultaneously, though this materialization of items like new clothes, comic books, paperback novels, games, perhaps even food items, still seems based on needing to insert a coin in the gumball machine.

      I am vaguely aware of the events and the materialization, though I seem to be aware of seeing events as simulated without being directly involved, as the drawers open and close on their own a few times. I am wondering how many coins I have to activate this machine. There is no backstory or indication on what will materialize at a specific time or how to specify what one wants (though perhaps it is based on which coin is used). It may be thought-based, as such a dream implies non-lucid dream control as it is.

    5. Two Worlds

      by , 08-15-2017 at 03:22 AM (Dream)
      Side Notes (Side Notes)
      Two Worlds

      In the Car my Dad was going to drop me off, I said "Drop me off here." closer to the school doors.
      I get out my dad starts playing really loud dubstep-esque music.
      I walk into the school, it looks like middle school but it's high school.
      I see Celina talking to some people, I walk upstairs and someone is next to me.
      We walk for a bit and then our Teacher shows up out of nowhere and pulls a lever which a monitor shows up and 50 lights appear, the monitor looks like one
      you'd see on a highway that's black with orange lights.
      It was a 50th Anniversary for something.
      We walk into the class (looks like Mrs.S's classroom). The teacher is a woman all of the sudden, "I'll give you a hint: Candy."
      Everyone is excited to get some candy, a girl thinks "I bet its cookies!"
      And on a desk there is Chip Ahoy cookies so it wouldn't be out of the book.
      I'm sitting next to Kevin, he tells me "I wasn't here Monday."
      I told him not to worry because he was on a field trip (?).
      I look at his shoes and it reminds me of Dark Matter/Black Sky Camo from COD, I was going to say "Takes a 5 kills without dying to get that."
      The scene changes (still in the classroom) and there is Abraham, there wasn't much time left.
      There was one last ingredient.
      They found it, a small Black Cat.
      Abraham kills it and let's it blood run into a vial.
      Outside there are rabid humans.
      Abraham lets the Blonde Chick drink it.

      That was a weird dream, I know today is the day I'll get a Lucid Dream. I'll report to you guys tomorrow. A few weeks until school starts, my Senior Year.
      August 14th, 2017
    6. Nighttime stuff fragments

      by , 08-14-2017 at 05:24 PM
      4am-6Am-7am=3+ hours of sleep
       trouble sleeping, old home and going to cave area to fight lizard lady and grab something. Hide it with D, say can't sleep and went to bed at 6am and recall walking around lady's house to policeman and him saying go home.
       walking around area with flowers with a friend, we see a woman and man walk up and I start freaking out so my friend goes to get my pills. The man is kind of a jerk, atleast he speaks of not caring or thinking me less than him. But in the end he picked me up bridal style and I was happy, saying I'd wanting this for a while. He wore black suit and had a black hat, bowler hat or short top hat. Looked like Rufus Sewell, lady wore blue dress and plain at that and dull. But the area around us was dull, the colours were dulled as soon as they approached or maybe it was my blurry vision that made it so?
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Yard Sales / Vintage Electronics / 3-Wheeled Bike (Fragment)

      by , 08-14-2017 at 02:19 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: August 14, 2017 – 6:00AM (USA Eastern)

      I am riding a 3-wheeled bike through a development, visiting several yard sales as I pass through. At one sale, I pick up various vintage electronic items, mainly things with vacuum tubes. They only want $1 for each item, so I buy them all and load up the basket on the bike. As I pedal away, I notice that the bike is very heavy.
    8. Connolly the Werewolf

      by , 08-14-2017 at 02:14 PM
      Morning of August 14, 2017. Monday.

      In my dream, I am in an unfamiliar location though which is similar to an area on French Island that I last saw over twenty years ago. It seems to be an area where motorcycle races are being held, though they may be meant to be dirt bikes. A few stunts occur. It seems to be afternoon at first.

      Billy Connolly is known as a champion based on previous races. I do not recall his real-life status as a comedian at all. It is known that he is a werewolf, though this is not something that seems negative to any greater extent. He does not seem dangerous. He seems to be perhaps fifty.

      The race track is near the perimeter of a dense forest. There are many members of the public present at times, but not other times throughout the series of competitions. At one point, seemingly towards evening but when it is not yet dark out, Billy inexplicably transforms into a wolf, leaving his motorcycle near the middle of the track, which is slightly muddy. It seems to be his choice.

      He runs off to my right into the dense forest. Some people watch and it is believed he may not become human again or ever leave the forest.

    9. Hidden Trap

      by , 08-14-2017 at 01:59 PM
      I had a semi lucid dream where I was trying to escape a collapsing building. Once I got out I was at a snowy town where someone popped out of the ground and called to me. He wanted me to press a button that was apparently going to save the town. But after pressing it small fish that had lived like humans imploded with a poison hidden inside them. The guy I trusted than ran away laughing as I picked up the fish slowly trying to help them but the ones I touched just spun out of control in pain. I than got up and heard a sad music play. A scene than appeared of a man with a pick axe working through a field of spirit monsters.

    10. in a Minecraft prison tower? trapped by the joker??

      by , 08-14-2017 at 01:51 PM

      I was in a minecraft prison tower with someone who idk but he seemed to be a friend.
      we were being imprisoned by the joker, we didn't see him but he was talking through a mic and speakers.
      then the joker went to do something, i'm not sure what it was but me and my friend took the chance and escaped through the window.

      then we found out that there were multiple towers, we chose one of the towers to go conquer and make our own, so we went in, we knew that there would be traps all over it, so we tried to disarm the traps, but i made a mistake and ended up blowing up the whole tower with the TNT from the traps

      and once again this dream was longer and clearer than the previous so that's progress
      looking forward to have lucid dream soon!
    11. Interrogation room... kinda?

      by , 08-14-2017 at 12:50 PM

      I was dreaming as kurosaki ichigo,
      and i was in an interrogation room, I was being interrogated by a cute lady with glasses, but after a bit, i realized that we were just talking about lucid dreaming lol.

      i think i'm getting better at recalling my dreams, this dream was longer and clearer than the last, hopefully i'll keep improving.
    12. First entry

      by , 08-14-2017 at 11:24 AM
      this is my first entry.
      this was on 12-8-2017 but I'm posting my previous dreams at once.
      before having a dream journal, i rarely ever remember my dreams.

      so my first entry was really vague.
      all i can remember is that i was in my room doing something ... aaand that's it lol

      we'll see if i start improving over time!
    13. Dull Marshlands

      by , 08-14-2017 at 06:40 AM
      August 13, 6am-10am
      Somewhere in a buggy marshlands, the sun is coming up and I sit on a boat. Yeah I'm on a boat, but what's more is that the boat appears to be a miniature when moving across the water. I don't know the man directing the movements by the wheel, but I know I asked to join him on his trip and he let me. We don't talk much, I'm not too surprised his motorboat can plow through the marsh waters like the plants are nothing, I don't even know where we're going. But we stop, a little ways from a house and I'm instructed to stay in the boat. I do so and wait, waiting, waiting a while and waiting for quite some time until the sun seems to be near setting. He comes back, nothing new and no conversations. I do wonder why the boat is so large if there is only the top deck and no indication of a door to a bottom one or a storage area. But the boat starts up again and I pay no mind and we swerve left and right, there are alot of curves. We finally end back at a graveyard, the stones and white and the grass is grayed. He docks the boat near the graves and then we part and I awaken.
    14. 2017-08-12 Standard chase/escape, and an interesting one I don't remember

      by , 08-14-2017 at 05:38 AM
      Pretty normal adventure/escape kind thing, not particularly violent, just getting away. Fun dream, I don't remember much detail.

      After that I had a nice long dream, but I started thinking about WL before I could get a handle on it. I just remember that it was good.
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    15. YAY another lucid!

      by , 08-14-2017 at 04:12 AM (Awake to take in the view...)
      It's been too long since I've had one!

      The first dream I had last night was non-lucid. I was back up at school, trying to find my new apartment. This will become a reality in a few weeks.

      The second dream was where I was in a church, and was going to go on another mission for my church. Well, I've already done that, and you generally don't do that again. The sheer absurdity of the premise clued me in to the fact that I was dreaming. Unfortunately, my level of conscious awareness wasn't as high as it could have been. The people in the front of the church building were really buddy-buddy with each other, definitely not professional and all, and one guy told me all of their names. I can't remember if I did anything cool as a result of my lucidity, though. :/ Work in progress!