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    1. Realistic, doubting, sex, lucid dream. LD

      by , 06-28-2017 at 02:21 AM (Come on, let's go for great nightlife adventures)
      I’m on the sofa with my brother and some friends. I lay down on the sofa and after I stand up and naturally realize it’s a dream. I get out the house and go in the garden it is night, I watch my house and it looks so realistic that I have some doubt if this is real life or dream. I start shouting and the light in the kitchen turn off and I heard some noise in there. I say to myself I must find somebody, so I decide to go to the neighbor’s house. I jump the wall and go in their house, I see a woman. I start shouting at the woman and I start having doubt again but I see the decor help me realize that it’s still a dream. So I take the woman and put her down and start having sex and I’m starting to lose the dream and wake up.
    2. Summary of last week | Two bonus ToTM attemps

      by , 06-27-2017 at 08:30 PM
      Here's the summary:

      Dream: 985
      LD: 93
      SP: 30

      This (last) week:
      Dream: 17
      LD: 0
      SP: 1

      (That sleep paralysis wasn't scary or anything, I just couldn't move and that was it)

      I finally got lucid dream again, and not just one but two and for the same night, too. I tried to do the bonus ToTM (flipping the world upside down) twice, but I didn't succeed. I'm dumb because I was supposed to do the others first, as they're easier and actually possible for me, but okay then... It was fun tho. Here are the dreams:

      #1The dream begann non-lucid. I was in some underground cave. It was full of water but I could see and breathe just well. It looked like Minecraft... I was swimming (diving?) around and tried to find exit at some point. I started controlling my actions more and more until I just thought that yeah, this is a lucid dream now. I tried to do the world flipping thing but I got something horribly wrong because I flipped MYSELF, not the world. But the world seems to be upside down on my perspective, so it counts, right? No (or does it??). Okay, I guess it could have worked in some way actually, but it didn't. I tried to keep that pose for a while. It was interesting. Then I woke up.

      #2 I got another dream right away (DEILD? Was it?). I was in the same world (I just knew) but not in the water this time. I tried to do it on ground. I didn't have that much control that time, but it was still a LD.

      Updated 06-29-2017 at 04:42 PM by 93459

      lucid , non-lucid , task of the month
    3. Overtime

      by , 06-27-2017 at 07:20 PM (Nonsense and Conundrums)
      Not much for dreams last night, only remember fragments as I had a hard time sleeping. Here's what I remember.

      I'm in the back room of the library after working all day. It's getting dark, and almost everyone has left. The oddity is all of the staff is still here, and we should definitely be closing up by now, but no one is making any move to do so. Also, every clock states a different time.

      Other things happen, ending with being held hostage, but my restless brain no longer remembers the details.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Short lucid again

      by , 06-27-2017 at 07:00 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Started I was waiting at a bus stop with my dog. It was super windy out almost knocking me over. It was night time almost pitch black. I looked across the street to where the mcdonald's is supposed to be. I notice 3 big and black tornadoes in the sky coming towards me. I turn and run with my dog. I go around the corner and walk for a bit.

      Suddenly I'm on the bus with my dog and we are driving through the storm.I become lucid because I don't remember boarding the bus. I walk around the bus for a minute but everything is too black and I lose the dream.

      Jamie Returns

      Dream about an old friend. We are in some dark back yard with a large dark green tree. She says she has to explain everything to me so I will understand. She goes to the tree and finds an opening I follow her inside. Inside is like another world. There's something strange inside. There are lines of white powder flowing down from the walls. Jamie starts snorting lines... ummm okay, then disappears and wakes up (She ways into some drugs when I knew her but not heavily.)

      suddenly i'm outside the tree and it's on a high landing. i'm holding onto it because I don't want to fall. Some guy with a beard walks by and says something to me but I'm not paying attention.

      Updated 10-17-2018 at 03:48 AM by 6012

      Tags: jamie, lucid, tornado
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Video Games, Yu-Gi-Oh! and Hiding

      by , 06-27-2017 at 06:22 PM (Dream)
      Side Notes
      Vs Hades
      I was playing a Kingdom Hearts Game, just defeated a boss then I realized I'm going to have to fight Hades again.
      We're in a hallway it was like the Underworld in KH2 but there was lava and acid.
      I did lots of air combos on him, he had a KH1 Life Bar, he was on Orange health.
      I fell in the acid accidently and healed myself. I remember in KH2 Blizzaga did lots of damage on him.
      I checked my shortcuts but I didn't put it in there, I had to scroll down to Magic and scroll to Blizzaga.
      I get damaged but I have Once More and Second Chance, I air slide to the other side of the room and run.
      I pause the game, Donald's behind me which he didn't show up previously. When I am pausing the game I can see Sora's
      MP restoring.

      Finish Him!
      I was at E3, I ate 5 slices of pizza. Two of my friends Steve and Kevin were playing some 2D fighting game.
      I remember Steve was playing as a Ryu like character while, Kevin was playing as Sub Zero.
      I ate another slice of pizza and left a slice on a table.
      He beats steve and I hear "F*** him!" but I was probably mishearing the game, it was Finish Him.
      Kevin does a chain fantality on the Ryu like character.
      I comment that it's hard for me to remember the fantalities and supers.
      We're at school and I say "I wonder if they have a (Video Game) specific bus." We're heading to the buses.
      Some person next to me says "They don't have School Buses for Specific Games, idiot."


      I was at School, in some classroom. I think it might've been a first day for the class.
      Sometimes teachers on the first day do an activity for the students.
      Our teacher made everyone play...Yugioh, you can only pick two cards and you have to see if you can beat your partner
      with only two cards.


      At School, again. I remember being on the blacktop at Elementry School and being in a room with someother kid hiding in a locked office from aliens at the High School.
      How do you guys like my new Color Code? Whenever, I type my dreams up: I forget most of them but as I write, I start to remember my other dreams. Unfortunately, I couldn't fully remember the 'Hiding' dream.
      June 27th, 2017
    6. TOTY Success - Saucer

      by , 06-27-2017 at 05:18 PM
      This is a DEILD where the dream forms outdoors with not much around. I think about the alien task of the year. I confidently know the flying saucer is up ahead. I see it by a rock formation. The ship is somewhat oval shaped with rigid panels. I enter and sit and there are lighted controls above me that I press to get the ship moving. I explain to my copilot who is already inside what I'll say when we get to the planet as my way of reminding myself the points of the task. It is not long before we arrive. We stop and I get out of the ship. This alien planet is not very interesting. Its dark, I'm on ridge at a ranch-like setting with less around, overlooking a bland desert city somewhat lit up in the distance, below and well out from the ridge. The aliens are seemingly formless. I'm making out only a watery shimmer in the space I assume they occupy. I hold up peace fingers and say my line "I come in peace and I want to learn your ways" and then I ask them to teach me something…I am led to a small garden, up ahead near some possible living structure, growing something like vegetables and they telepathically tell me "food and family (are what it's all about)." I think more about their appearance as the scene fades and I get an image of a black draped and black crepe-faced or masked figure. The craft was quite cool but the planet was not very exciting. I should have let my mind run wild with all of the exciting possibilities for where I would land, which might have produced something more spectacular.
    7. Broke a Dry Spell

      by , 06-27-2017 at 04:31 PM
      Gotta break out of the habit of changing my technique when I'm in a dry spell. I so wish MILD would work, because the setup seems pretty easy but it hasn't and it won't for whatever reason. Lying in bed with a "Clear,Quiet, in the moment" mind and waiting for sleep to overtake me has been my best entry into lucid dreaming. A notable thing I remember from the lucid dream was that it was very cold. I did my very best to stabilize the dream with hand rubbing but it only prolonged it another 5 seconds or so.
    8. 3 Dream Bonanza

      by , 06-27-2017 at 03:48 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Fell asleep at: 12:00 AM (My brother woke me up)

      Woke up at: 9:00 AM

      Dream 01: The Gun Shop of Little Significance

      I was in a seedy looking gun shop/waiting area and my sister and my brother were there. My other sister and my parents weren't there for some reason. I also saw a flyer that said something along the lines of "Halloween costume/Real ninja shit" with a guy using a giant shuriken on 'real ninja shit' that almost looks like the one Yuffie uses in the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts games. I was also spinning on a chair most of the time I was there.

      Dream 02: Odysseus' Nightmare

      I had a dream where footage of Mario Odyssey was playing. It was Mario doing his thing in New Donk City, platforming on green blocks that I thought looked incredibly out of place. Then Mario (While still being in third person video game mode) made it to Pauline's pool.

      But it switched to first person and I was on the deep end of the pool and when I realized that, I immediately started drifting away. I told Pauline (A character in that game who was in the pool) to grab onto my hand (This was similar to the time I also almost drifted into the ocean this past year, so I had to grab another girl's hand so she could drag me back to shore). But for some strange reason, both of us froze in place. Like, when your disc has a scratch froze. Then it started to show livestream footage and the chat was going crazy because we were in the water and I was about to drown.

      I have a history with drowning so this dream didn't really surprise me in foresight. Tbh it almost seems like tradition to almost drown in every single body of water I come across. That ain't stopping me from getting in the water though.

      Dream 03: The Boring Joyride

      There was also this dream where me and my family were driving around the area behind the corn fields behind our neighborhood. We stopped at this run down parking lot area(?) and my dad got off first. And I forgot what happened next. The area had half a roof, there was broken machinery, and since everything was made of metal, everything rusted over.


      1. Using technology or seeing video game elements in my dreams are rather prevalent. Maybe that could be a potential dream sign?

      2. I also seemed to be "thinking" in the dream. I had thoughts that I wouldn't say out loud but also had nothing to do with becoming lucid. Can somebody explain this for me??

      Updated 06-27-2017 at 03:49 PM by 93490 (typo)

      non-lucid , side notes
    9. Dream - Find The Photos & You'd Better Believe It

      by , 06-27-2017 at 01:36 PM
      Date of Dream: TUE 27 JUN - 2017

      Dream No. 142 - Separated Sections

      Dream 142 A - Find The Photos
      I forgot what happened at the start of the dream. My family were staying up late at night to prepare for these three relatives that were supposedly coming down from America. My mum did say that she might even be up until four 'o' clock in the morning. I was then asked to use this photo sorting program on laptop to look for photos we could share with these people. Some times, my computer screen would glitch up when it came to graphics and so I had to call my brother over to fix it. He came and he showed me what to do... I had to select number 4 out of the five options... The glitch would put the option at 1. Although once, I tried graphics option 5 and I was in love with the cloudy look of my screen-saver. My brother did say that it was always best to choose 4 though.

      I then continued through photo sorting and each time the glitch would pop up, I would always put the screen back on option 4. I noticed that this photo sorting program was attached to my instagram account. There was this notification that had popped up, a 15 year old girl from Sri Lanka started following her. I decided to see who this girl was and so I clocked on her profile. It was weird, she was identified as Sri Lankan but then she had a Japanese appearance. The dream said that Sri Lankans nowadays have more of a Japanese appearance.

      After more photo sorting, my mum and come into my room, impatient. My mum tells me to hurry up and that she wants me off there soon. My dad adds that it's 2:15 in the morning. I try rushing now but at the same time I think to myself, “why rush me when you're staying up until 4:00?”. Soon I was done and headed over to the front room where everyone else was. I was standing next to the fireplace and the cat appears next to me. She then suddenly goes for my hand and is holding it in her mouth, pressing her teeth down! I use all my thought power to make it not hurt but at the same time, I am yelling for mum to come and help me. She's on the ottoman, looking down at her tablet computer. She can't hear me and so I yell at the top of my lungs, “Mum!” and she eventually makes the cat drop my hand. I don't remember what happened after that.

      Dream 142 B - You'd Better Believe It
      The dream started off with my driving down the hill on Jells Road on the way from the Burwood area. There were the traffic islands/speed humps that I really hated going over and it would jolt the car a lot. I eventually went to this unknown parkland that was only claiming to be called Jells Park but didn't look it it. When I got out of the car and shut the door, these girls in Killester uniform came up and started attacking me. I straight away started to call for Dreamy WB but there was no response. I kept calling and running around in circles for quite a long time.

      I then ran out of the area altogether and came across this truck which I think was the school in the dream. Once I stepped into the truck, I felt like I had lost them. EL and NBr were in there and so I spoke to them for a bit. I soon saw WB stepping into the truck and so I told EL and NBr I had to go. With WB was this other girl that looked very much like her but was in casual clothes. This time I wanted Dreamy WB, so I called both the girls over and rubbed my fingers through their hair to see if there was any difference with them. I then go, “Aha!” to the casual girl, “So you're Dreamy WB”. WB then pipes in that it wasn't and that girl was actually WB's friend.

      The girl then walks away and WB screws her face up at me, asking me “who's Dreamy WB”... She looks at me like I'm a mental case. I then said to her “she's just like you but then she comes in my darkest times and protects me”. That's when WB's jaw dropped, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. I then further explained to her, “she has a higher conscience than you. Her conscience is that of a dream level”. WB doesn't sound sceptical anymore and rather, she is very interested. She asks me “wouldn't she have a higher awareness than that?”. I answered “You have an Earthling Awareness, she has a Dream Awareness”. Then a group of girls came in, being led by BT and they were about to start attacking me. I told WB I had to go and she told me good luck for finding Dreamy WB.

      I knew the girls were still after me but for some reason I didn't think about getting back in the car. I jogged up the other end of Jells Road and ended up in front of Wheelers Hill Shopping Centre. When I was there, the girls started to corner me. Once again, I tried calling for Dreamy WB but in a way like I had never done before... I found I was at some points, calling so loud that my voice was breaking and squealing like a little girl. It worked this time, I felt myself lifting off the ground without explanation. I turned my head and saw that I was in her arms now. Although Dreamy WB had a female energy, her appearance that was more of a male... She was wearing a skinny, red t-shirt and she had this dirty blonde, short curly hair... Her face was still like the real one though and she did not have hair anywhere else besides on the top of her head.

      So she was holding me, with my head now resting on her shoulder and perching, looking outwards. As she was carrying me, she was walking back towards the area where I had come from. We were cornered and I thought BT was about to swing a punch at me but then Dreamy WB quickly turns around and tells me to “watch out”... Apparently the other girl was due to swing a punch first. But before that could happen, Dreamy WB slammed her palm into the girl's face, pushing her over and that's when I woke up.

      Dream Trophies Achieved
      - Rack Off Mate! (Have Dreamy WB repel 1 nightmare)
      >> When she face-palmed the girl on the footpath.
      - Something's Not Right (Have WB and Dreamy WB appear in the same dream)

      >> When I told WB about her dreamy clone, later on finding that clone myself.

      I think it was so amazing, WB's reaction when she found out about her "dreamy clone". I'm curious to find out what would happen if they actually met each other. So the dream made it so I could really tell them apart. WB's appearance wasn't messed up at all, she was even in school uniform and rather kept an authenticity of her true state as well as her true personality. Whereas for Dreamy WB, her features were messed around with a lot which really tells you who belongs where.

      Updated 06-27-2017 at 01:57 PM by 93119

      non-lucid , memorable
    10. Lorenzo’s Snakebite (exposing dreaming and waking processes)

      by , 06-27-2017 at 12:27 PM
      Morning of June 27, 2017. Tuesday.

      Dream #: 18,453-02. Reading time (optimized): 1 min 30 sec.

      My dream begins, displaying snakes that are neither a threat nor where I am as if they were images on a screen.

      I mentally create a new snake with liminal dream control. The setting becomes distorted. I try to make myself see a snake crawl from our present home’s kitchen. The snake appears but is unrealistic. A second unrealistic snake appears.

      My level of awareness increases when Zsuzsanna and our three youngest children are near the front door, going out to the library (though it is night in the last scene). Although it is our present home, the setting is uniquely distorted (as always). A snake bites Lorenzo on the finger shortly after I warn everyone it is nearby. I am concerned, thinking he should go to the hospital. Lorenzo cries and looks at me. However, the situation becomes ambiguous, stemming from my imagination. Although I thought the snake was venomous, Zsuzsanna informs me it is not.

      They go outside. The porch steps are incorrectly facing north, straight out from the front of our house (a recurring error) and slightly higher than in reality. Lorenzo sits on the ground near the steps. I think he might still need medical attention as he seems faint. I go out and half-jump, half-fall off the steps (vestibular system correlation, which revivifies my dream) to sit on the ground and comfort him as “we” coalesce into emerging consciousness.

      Important: Note how Lorenzo is this dream’s sleep simulacrum (the subliminal association with being in REM sleep), as he is “feeling faint.” Note how the scene directly links to vestibular system correlation (the subliminal focus on illusory physicality and movement by way of staircase usage, which I often initiate deliberately). These two dynamics are vital in decoding dreaming and waking processes and have correlated the same way in many previous dreams. Additionally, a dream character using a door is a common form of autosymbolism for synaptic gating concurrency.

      It is also important to realize how the foundation of my dream stemmed from my conscious will with dream state awareness that transitioned into my dream’s unwilled scenario when I abandoned that alertness. That is how many dreaming experiences occur with many people either not admitting to it or unaware of their mental processes.

      Tags: snake, snakebite
    11. Trying to Save People on B5 thru Drugs, Staying with Friends Who Turn out to be Death Eaters

      by , 06-27-2017 at 12:08 PM
      06-27-2017 -- Odd HP/B5 mash-up. First bit I can remember, I am at the Hickory House, which is somehow on B5. I'm being lectured by one person (possibly Sheridan) that I can't save everybody, while being warned by another (probably Delenn) that I have to find a way to save them all! I'm not sure what's going on, but we're drinking something that is supposed to cause odd hallucinations, because it will provide us hints of the future. I drink the thing, and am waiting for the hallucinations to start, and there are bits and flashes of light and movement and stuff, growing into a brighter and brighter flash.

      And then I find myself on Hickory, and it is early in the morning. I'm extremely tired, but for whatever reason, home is why I am tired, so I can't go there. Somehow I can remember I was staying at the Goodwins before this, so I decide to go back there, though I fear it is a bad idea (after all, it's early in the morning.) In a sort of dream deja vu, I go there twice. Both times I open the screen door, try the door knob, find it is locked, turn to walk away, and then hear a loud bang that I fear I caused, but I can't figure out how. (In actuality, I think the screen door was on a strong closing thing, and as I walked away, it banged shut.)

      Anyway, I know I've done this twice, and am afraid the banging is going to have woken the family up and gotten them mad at me, so I'm about to rush away, hoping not to be seen, but as I glance back, the door is already open, and Barbara is standing there, so I turn back to apologize and explain myself. I explain that since I was staying there briefly the previous afternoon, before going off to however my mind was understanding this bizarre mash-up, I was just trying the knob, combined with mention of how tired I was. I'm also kind of nervous to realize I am standing here in my underwear. Instead of yelling at me, Barbara simply invites me back inside, and I somehow find myself dressed in a full set of blue pajamas, kind of collapsing on an extra bed in Jeff's room, more or less passed out.

      I realize Barbara dressed me by magic, and I'm Harry Potter. Jeff's starting to stir, and Marvin is there as well. They are talking quietly, and I'm only half asleep but acting like I'm fully asleep. Jeff is dressed in a green boy scout uniform, and my blue pajamas are morphing into the same. Meanwhile, I've swung back to a sitting position on the bed and am apologizing to Barbara again, except that I am starting to refer to her as Narcissa. But Marvin/Lucius is now and always only Sir. Oddly enough, Jeff stays Jeff, and thankfully doesn't turn into a Draco clone.

      Turns out something is going on today, and several of Jeff's Death Eater friends have shown up, and are slowly changing out of their green boy scout uniforms and into their red Death Eater robes, while Narcissa is cooking us all breakfast, trying to prepare us for the day. I'm feeling out of place, sitting here in my green boy scout/Gryffindor robes while everybody else has switched into their red robes, and my mind isn't even catching a hint of the odd color reversals. It does lead me to commenting on how some Death Eaters are perhaps not so bad, while wondering if I ought to dress up in red robes as well. Narcissa is looking at me strangely until I mention "Can't you just imagine the expressions on the faces of all the light-side wizards at seeing me that way?" and she starts laughing.

      They head off to what they need to do, and I walk back to the Hickory House, where I now feel ready to head inside again. But as I approach the door, I am briefly stopped by seeing four of my friends walking up, dressed up as a set of super heroes, all different, yet with a hint of uniformity to their costumes that indicate some sort of team. The only one I can identify is David. They are iffy about letting me approach the house in my red robes, but I quickly explain and walk in. The first thing I do inside is approach my room, because I know my cat was left in there, and I figure with my being gone for a day, nobody is likely to have let him out, so I am fearing a mess. As I head into the second bedroom, I am thinking of a more recent cat (probably a cross between Black Lightning and Ray), but what I find is still the old marmalade of Cocoa and Sammy. I'm trying to coax the cat out, but it doesn't want to move. That's about all I can remember of this one.
    12. At Mammoth, Trying to Reach Unexplored Areas, Rock Throwing at Eisenhower, Sailing Disney

      by , 06-27-2017 at 11:59 AM
      06-25-2017 -- The first thing I can remember, I am wandering around in some of the outermost bits of Mammoth Cave, just puttering around, part of a small group which is being shown around. I am hoping to get into some of the deeper, less well-known portions of the cave, but the people showing us around have no intentions of letting us get deeper in, and deny the existence of the deeper sections, while I'm catching glimpses of of branches I can remember from other dreams that lead to dangerous or tricky sections of the cave.

      Soon we're outside the cave with cliffs looming above us, and there are some falling rocks which we have to dodge to remain safe. It is pretty easy, and fine, when it is just a few random rocks falling, but soon it is determined action of punks up above who are pushing them down, trying to nail us with them. So we're running around this way and that, trying to get out of the way. Soon this leads to being in more of a river-like area that is half circular river, half Eisenhower Park river (I've drempt of this before) and instead of throwing things on us from above, the natives of the area are throwing things at us from within the river, or on the banks. Still dodging though. (And somehow part of it is happening at the edge of Holly Way. Weird.)

      Somehow things are turning into a Disney thing, and I'm now trying to sail a small sail boat through the river, which is drying up badly, and somehow I end up 'jumping' the boat over a barrier, and into a restricted lake filled with rare sea-life. I know I am not allowed in here, but am hoping not to get in too much trouble, since I am not trying to go down into the water, but am simply sailing on top of it. Meanwhile, I am stuck in one end of the lake or enclosure, with the wind against me, so have to (and know how to) tack the sails to sail (quite fast) against the wind to the other end of the lake. Seemed much more detailed when I dreamed it, but has faded and can't be remembered well.
    13. Doing Local MSing Leads to Bomb Site in NY, Smart Werewolf Girls

      by , 06-27-2017 at 11:48 AM
      06-25-2017 -- Couple of short fragmenty bits tonight, but writing them down anyway. The second, right before I got up for the day and in less than an hour of sleep, I'm out mystery shopping, perhaps one of the four shops on Okeechobee (though it also has a certain feel of the shop area that is right down on Euclid, near Kevin's house, except that it is a couple hours out of town from other dreams). I've just finished the shop, in part by buying an entire tank of gas, which I am mad at myself about, because now how am I going to fit in all the rest of the gas I have to buy? Anyway, I'm trying to squeeze my car out around other cars and hit the road.

      I somehow find myself on a freeway, heading away from my next stop (that is probably right down the road) so I am trying to get off and turn around, just to find myself on the same freeway heading back the other way, when I suddenly find myself in New York, and I am approaching another gas station, but it is on top of a hill, and is surrounded by debris, and there are construction vehicles and stuff, and I realize it is the site of a terrorist bombing attack. I am considering taking a picture from the bottom of the hill, but even though there has been a lot of damage, I can see there are lots of regular people walking in and out of the place, so it looks like the store is still open.

      Since the drive is blocked off, and I am not physically up to walking up the hill I don't know what I'm going to do, but luckily I can see people riding their bikes up and down, so I pull my bike out of the car and use it to ride up the hill to the top. The pump area is gone, and the store is mostly surrounded by scaffolding, but there is a small area under an awning with a few jewelry-type display cases sitting in front of it, where a very small amount of things are being sold. Unfortunately, everything looks very expensive, and any time I catch a glimpse of something cheap, it seems to have vanished before I can reach it. One thing is the small candy in a yellow and black checker pattern rapper (something like Zazu?) but it's gone as I approach it. Another is a lollypop wrapped in a plastic and cardboard thing that would be hard to get it out of which is being advertised as the largest really fast lollypop, and again is too expensive. Finally I grab what I hope is a Charms blowpop, but instead it turns into just a piece of wrapped gum.

      One of the store employees is wandering around commenting on things to people, and I am just waiting to make my small purchase, wondering if I will have to suggest a hand-written receipt, when I hear him saying something about Uber or Lyft drivers causing him problems by hanging around, and I have to resist making a comment. Then I hear the three young girls saying something about Son of Interflux, and I have to say something, but can't find a way to jump into the conversation. Somehow it is mentioned that the girls love reading and are very smart, and there is a little boy who looks much like Anikin, who is playing with a small box that he then causes to warp into a model of a space ship that then flies to a shelf and puts itself away, while it is somehow revealed that the three young girls are werewolves, but they are well-treated by their family. Very strange mix-up.
    14. Runescape Farming (and Other Games) Turns to Flying thru a Balloon Convention, Flash Flood in P-Lot

      by , 06-27-2017 at 11:40 AM
      06-17-2017 -- No idea where I am or what is really going on. This dream was earlier in the night, and I have had more time to forget it, and it made less actual sense, anyway. Somehow I am standing in front of a sort of farm plot that looks like a Runescape allotment patch, and I am sort of planting plants or pulling them up or something, except I think I am mystery shopping (or at least laying out my route for mystery shopping, which makes no sense. Doubly so, since I am stopping at every fourth plant, like I am laying out a tram line on Locomotion. Just very strange.

      As I'm working on this, a friend walks up to me (it's probably Nick Vasile), asking me questions about electronics bits and things, and I am carrying a bunch of stuff with me. I have a computer, keyboard, drive, monitor, the whole line-up in my arms, and I also have a large white something (book? Drawing pad?) that I have found or purchased or whatever. The location stays largely the same (the farming patch is just there) even though the focus of the dream is changing, and I find that I am at a balloon convention or possibly a clown convention (I only see balloons, no other clown 'arts' being shown or talked about, but some people are wandering in clown makeup.)

      The large white thing is now something clown-related, but still I have no clue what, and I am being warned by a couple of friends that the person who is in charge of the whole thing is somebody that doesn't like me. So I end up wandering off and just leaving my stuff sitting there, as I wander through a lot of the building, seeing a few people twisting balloons, and a couple of people giving lectures, and just wandering around a bit.

      I spot the guy who is in charge (he looks like a thinner, younger Ronald Cross [who is/was probably a perfectly nice guy ... I don't know because I never had a conversation with him ... but something about his face always looked unhappy, in or out of clown make-up] and manage to avoid him, but it is getting more and more crowded, and to have more room, I start kind of jumping up on walls and things, and kind of flying around the place, maybe about fifteen feet in the air. Soon I'm being confronted by the guy who is in charge, and he is infuriated that I am flying around the place, because only he is allowed to fly around here! Since I am a far better flyer than the hypocrite, I decide to just ignore him, fly higher, until I am up in the ceiling, and he's struggling to follow me, and then just fly back to my stuff and leave.

      So I make it back out of the building to the farm patch (which is finally not a farm patch, but a bunch of dealer tables set up outside) and am trying to gather my stuff back up together and stick it in a large backpack, and I turn out to be just in time, because a couple of people are poking through my stuff, thinking it is stuff being sold by the dealers, and I kind of have to pull it from their hands and explain "Um ... that's already mine, sorry." I'm trying to get my stuff together quickly enough to get out of there before the guy who doesn't like me can catch up, but Nick's computer has had a system crash, and he needs my help to copy over part of the system from my computer to repair his. Problem is, we may not even be using the same brand of operating system, which is just making things more troublesome.

      Add to that, we're outside, and it has just begun to storm, with fairly heavy rain and lots of lightning starting to flash. I'm trying to pull the computer stuff under a small awning, and thinking it really is time to get out of here, when the punk leader shows up and starts making threats (yet is worried about the lightning, even as he tries to make light of the danger), when we are interrupted by somebody reporting the storm is causing mass flash flooding that is on it's way, and he points at a small hill a short distance away where I parked my car when I arrived this morning, and mentions anyone who is parked over there better get their cars moved before the flood waters arrive.

      So I grab all my stuff best as I can, and start to fly over there, looking for my car as waters begin flowing into the area. You would think the hill, being higher ground, would be safe, but no such thing. The car park that was a flat collection of marked spaces this morning has turned into a multi-floor parking structure with all but the very top level being inside the hill, underground. Secondly, there are a tremendous number of cars, and like in another recent dream -here-, to fit them all in and save space, they've kind of been shrunk down. The waters are pouring in, the structure is being destroyed, and actually the whole scene looks a lot like that other dream, except this time we aren't in any danger, just our cars are being ruined.

      So as I fly through this ever-more-flooded mess, looking for my car, the structure is getting deeper and deeper, and each time there is always another level to go down. The water is kind of reversing the shrinking process on the cars, but not properly, so you end up with cars that have returned to their normal size for most of the length of the car, but then perhaps the entire engine compartment will still be six inches deep, six inches tall, and about a foot wide, warping out to a normal-sized car. I'm having no luck finding my car because there are so many gray Toyotas in the world, so I start using my keys to try and beep the car, and each time I do, in the distance I can see a plume of water spray into the air. I approach the spray and finally find my car, in the deepest level of the structure, filled with water (hence the spray) and only half-unshrunk, and I pull it free and start trying to pull out the shrunk portions of the car and kind of shake it back into proper size and form. Weird.
    15. Camping Trip Turns into Attending WWE Event Illicitly. HHH and Steph Ignore Me, Vince Doesn't

      by , 06-27-2017 at 11:25 AM
      06-17-2017 -- Am on a camping trip somewhere, no idea who with, where, or why. Just somewhere out in the wild, and somebody is arguing with me about how much I have or haven't been a part of things. They don't think I've been around for most of the stuff that day, but I have memories of doing the day's activities, so I think they're nuts. But about that time, the single unit parking lot tram type of vehicle leading off for the latest activity is starting to drive off, so I'm running along side, trying to pull myself aboard.

      The next thing I know, I find myself at a huge stadium, where they are getting ready to host one of the major WWE events (probably Great American Bash). Somebody may have announced it, or I may just know, but I think we're in Baltimore. I don't have a ticket, can't afford one, and probably wouldn't be able to get past security to get into the actual seating area, but nobody does a think about my simply wandering around. The ring is positioned on a large stage very like the one at Videopolis, which means there are curtains around it, and it is slightly raised ... it's like watching a wrestling event at Videopolis, and for a temporary place to sit, I walk up to the edge of the stage and pull myself up on it, sitting right beside the curtain, where I'm mostly out of sight of the crowd (people looking closely might spot my legs dangling at the end of the stage.)

      There's another person here, an older teen, much like I suspect I am in this dream, who looks a little wild, has very curly hair, and may actually be one of the WWE wrestlers, like Santana or something like that. He settles down on the stage like I am, and we just watch as the wrestlers come and go and wander around. Actually, don't see any wrestling going on. More like people are being introduced and things. Some of the wrestlers are being called up on stage, and as they approach and wait their turns, we get to meet a couple of them. I think I kind of wave to a couple of big names in passing, and at one point Dean Malenko is standing right next to me, so I make a comment about enjoying his wrestling in WCW, and mentioning the whole Man of 1,000 Holds schtick, and he seems like a nice enough guy.

      So we're sitting there for a while, when people start joining us, sitting on the edge of the stage, and soon four of us are lined up, HHH, then the other guy, then Stephanie, then me, all pressed fairly tightly together. Problem is, at this point I find I'm sitting there wearing only a bathrobe and my underwear, so I'm kind of holding the bathrobe closed because I do not want to either offend Stephanie, nor, if the cameras ever swing to catch Steph and HHH's reaction to anything, do I want to be broadcast with my underwear showing. I am thinking about mentioning to Stephanie that I met her here in Baltimore at another Great American Bash a few years ago (in another dream, though I think in that dream it was in Indiana instead of Maryland), but I decide not to draw attention to myself, since I don't belong here, and just feel uncomfortable pressed against Stephanie while holding my robe together.

      Soon Vince has come around and joined us as well, but he gives me and the other guy a bit of a strange glance, and soon after the other guy has left. I'm still sitting there watching stuff, until Vince starts making comments under his breath about security and having people arrested, and I realize that unlike everybody else, he's not going to just ignore the guy who doesn't belong, but is just sitting quietly, and I understand that the curly haired guy 'got' this realization quicker than I did, and that's why he ran off. I stand up and wander backstage, hoping that I can avoid any security, but still nobody seems to care, and I'm thankful that Vince is willing to let me depart under my own steam. I wander around backstage for a while, passing other wrestlers, interviewers, and production people, while looking for a way out of the arena.