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    1. Inside a Nuclear Plant and a Ranting Old dude

      by , 04-01-2016 at 05:04 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was at my friend Patrick's house and me, Pat, and Emily we're just chilling. Pat and Emily were playing what looked to be Halo 5 while I sat on his bed watching. Emily was sitting in a bean bag chair and pat was sitting on the edge of his bed. I remember they were playing split-screen and the game had just ended. The leaderboard came up and displayed their kill/death ratio in 3 different rows. The 3 rows were all different colors, one red, one blue, and one gray. I saw that pat had died once that game and now had a total of 66 deaths in his entire multiplayer career. Emily had died 5 times and now had a total of 7 deaths in all of her multiplayer because she hadn't been playing the game that long.
      It was my turn to play so I took the controller and played multiplayer solo, so I had a full screen. I remember activating God mode and flying around the map in the game. Suddenly I became a part of the game, and everything looked just as real as waking life. I flew over an enemy base and as I did so, I saw a ton of enemy droid looking robot things. "Be careful dude, the demon robots are pretty violent" Pat said from who knows where. I down below me as I flew over the base and I saw a few robots moving in an erratic motion. They were moving as though they were possessed or having a seizure. It unnerved me just looking at them. Suddenly I found myself getting shot at. Huge missiles started flying past me and exploding not far behind me. I knew I was going to die if I didn't get out of the sky quick. I looked around momentarily. The sky was partly cloudy and the moon was shining brightly. The weather was fairly cold and the constant wind only made it colder.
      Not far ahead of me I noticed a huge nuclear power plant. I saw 2 huge reactors and I thought it'd be a good idea to go inside of them and talk shelter from all of the missiles. "Surely the robots won't blow up their own nuclear plant" I thought to myself. I flew down into the left nuclear reactor. Each reactor was painted white with two red lines going across them in the middle horizontally. Immediately upon entering the left one I realized just how dangerous it was. All along the walls were rotating blades and all sorts of booby traps that seemed to be there in order to prevent anyone from going inside. I slowly descended down the many levels of this reactor. As I did so, I accidentally hit one of the huge rotating spiked blades and died. Seconds later I respawned just at the top of the nuclear reactor. Once more I descended into the reactor, but this time I was more careful.
      I slowly maneuvered around all of the rotating blades and went down to the 3rd level of the reactor where there was an open floor to stand on with no booby traps. I then realized why I was here- to shut down the reactor. I was now alone walking around inside of the reactor. It was fairly noisy because of all of the blades constantly rotating. On the right wall of this level I was on, I noticed a power terminal. I walked over to it. It looked like a giant futuristic computer of some sort. I turned it on and looked for a way to turn the reactor off. Seconds later I came to a screen that displayed all of the reactors functions. There were tons of functions, and they all had weird names too. At the bottom of the screen I saw a button that allowed one to turn off the entire reactor. I pressed it with my finger and everything powers down. It is now extremely dark and there is only one light on on the floor I am on, and it seems to be an emergency light.
      I continue looking at the screen and press another button by accident and everything turns on once more. "What the fuck" I say out loud before quickly pressing the off button again. Everything turns off once more and silence returns. Suddenly the area transforms and I now find myself in the living room of my house standing next to one of the lamps. Wade and his girlfriend Shelby were sitting on my couch and my other friend Alex was sitting on the floor playing with two large dogs. I look over in the kitchen and see my teacher Mrs. Koenig along with Mr. McGinnis and an Assistant principal from my school. "Since when did she have 2 husbands?" I thought to myself "That's really odd". I then noticed that Mr. McGinnis had completely jet-black hair whereas in waking life his hair is half gray. Behind Mrs. Koenig where my sink was I saw that there were a ton of dishes that needed to be cleaned. There were so many that it took up the entire back counter top. All of the dishes were either red, blue, green, or clear it seemed, so they were basically tupperware.
      "Cory, these dogs are so cool" Alex said from behind me. I turn around and see that the huge dogs are now all over alex licking him to death. I walk over to them and pet them. Their fur is really soft and white with brown spots. I notice that Wade and Shelby are now cuddling on my other couch. Shelby gets up and tells me something but I don't remember what it was.

      2. I was driving a car down what appeared to be a feeder. My friends Dylan and Emily were also in the car with me. I turned right into the parking lot of Kroger, a grocery store. As I did so I immediately found myself having been teleported outside of the car along with Dylan and Emily and we were now just standing in the parking lot. The car, however, didn't stop and continued at full speed into the main area of the parking lot. It was heading straight towards two cars. "Holy shit dude it's fixing to crash!!" I yell. Unexpectedly, as the car approaches these other 2 cars, it seems to acquire a mind of its own and it weaves right in between them without crashing at all. It then swerves around and starts coming towards a red van at full speed not far from where we were standing.
      Somebody is driving the red van and they are now pulling out of their parking spot fixing to leave. They see the car coming towards them and quickly pull ahead to get out of the way. The car zooms past it and goes out onto the feeder. I walk up to the red van. Inside of it I see an old man with short gray hair, his wife, and two kids in the back seats. He rolls down his passenger side window. "What the fuck are you doing?!?!" he asks me. "I didn't do anything, I've been standing here the entire time. Why are you mad at me?!" I ask him. Emily and Dylan walk over and start talking to the man.
      Just then I realize that I am dreaming. The man is still talking to me but I'm completely ignoring him as I am now looking around. "Later guys" I say to Dylan and Emily as the old man still tries talking to me. I walk down the parking lot and feel the breeze go all around my body. The sky is clear and blue, and the sun is starting to set. A wave of pleasure and power come over me. "Lets explore" I say to myself. With that I then decide to run back down the parking lot with immense speed. As I do so, I start off slow but then quickly gain more and more speed. I can feel the wind now strongly moving around my body and it deafens my hearing. I slow down for a moment and take in the realness of it all. I then take a deep breath and let it out. "Ahhh, this is good" I say out loud. Just then my vision goes out of focus due to instability. I gain it back for a second but then lose it once more and wake up.
    2. Dream #2 of 2 Today

      by , 04-01-2016 at 12:39 AM
      So in my dream I was at this country music concert & gonna perform with a bunch of other ppl & Blake Shelton was there. We were all in a big dressing room & I dropped my eye shadow that had a bunch of colors in it & they all got jumbled & broken inside. Some woman suddenly started asking me for eye shadow & I told her mine broke but I have another one & she got all hoity toity & said she needed "high quality" eye shadow & I said sorry but I can't afford "high quality" eye shadow but she used it anyway. And I was thinking what a Bitch she was, lol. But after that we all went out to perform w/ Blake on the stage & per usual, my cat Meesha came & woke me up... Oh well, it was not lucid & it was only more of a sleep fragment anyway.. Hopefully tomorrow will be diffferent.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. My dream about a rocket

      by , 04-01-2016 at 12:21 AM
      Dream #1 of 2 today:

      So that this makes sense to anyone reading this you should know the following. I used to work at the place where my husband works which is called Eagle Picher Technologies, & they build batteries that go into the space shuttle, rockets & secret stuff etc for the government...(Both my husband & I worked in Quality Control) I was injured there & that's why I can't work any longer. But we call it EP. And second Petra is from the tv show "Jane the Virgin" & "Blake Shelton" is a country singer/a member of the show "The Voice." But then again if you don't know who Blake is you've been living under a rock, lol ... Okay, so in my dream I was at EP & a whole bunch of use were taking turns with a welder working on a battery & then Petra comes in & I follow her, but not like normally follow her, it was more like remote viewing her at this point for some reason. She's trying to steal a rocket. But as I follow her we run into some Russian's who had gotten there first & they see both of us & then my cat woke me up in real life & it was over... It was a very vivid dream but unfortunately not lucid.
    4. 3/31/2016

      by , 03-31-2016 at 11:56 PM (BloodSand's Dream Journal)
      I'm in an airport with family. The airport has a lot of elevators and is very crowded. I'm trying to sort out some kind of mix up with some paper work for my grandmother and people keep reading a brand name on my sweatshirt and thinking that is my name, others mistake me for my grandmother when I present her papers. At some point I'm not sorting out paper work or talking to airport workers and more and I've split off from my family. I notice a girl sitting on a marble ledge by a food court. She has short hair dyed various colors in some places. I remember seeing green and at least two other colors. I walk up to her and something to the effect of “hello cutie”. She says hi and ask me what kind of music I like. I tell her I like just about every type of music but country. She says something to the effect of “Come on you've got to do better then that. I'm not interested in guys who can't answer this question correctly.” I get annoyed thinking I don't want to deal with a girl who thinks like that so I start to get up to walk away. She stops me. Her challenge of the question apparently being a bluff. She kisses me and sits on top of me. At some point I find we are having sex but I don't remember taking my pants of or even pulling myself through my pants. As she's grinding on top of me we scoot a bit on the marble ledge into a spot slightly less in view of the bulk of the crowd. She says something like “oh this is so nice I can't believe I'm not paying for it.” I sort of laugh and say “Oh no charge, but if we get fined for public indecency you're welcome to pick up the bill.” I then realize we are still out in public sitting on that marble ledge. I suggest somewhere more secluded so we head into the women's bathroom. It's still pretty crowded in their and not very clean. We head over to the men's bathroom thinking it's probably empty compared to the women's bathroom. It was bigger but even more crowded and kids including girls that were in their with their fathers presumably. There were a couple of isles in there strange as it was so we hoped to find a place that was less in plane view.
    5. #218 - Ball game

      by , 03-31-2016 at 11:27 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      I was playing a ball game with a bunch of people who are the same age as me, plus a couple teachers too. It was day time in my old primary school, though it seemed a little like a university and that fields were bigger. The ball game was a little odd, you basically grabbed a bunch of balls and you have a goal on each side (like soccer) but your way of scoring was usually dependent on your 'stats'. The stats were generic DnD style, str, dex, con, int, wis, cha. I think my brother or maybe a friend was playing too, and he had a very high strength stat so he would always punch the ball to score. Apparently this was the meta, but I had exceptionally high dex (like 18+ or something) so I was a kicker. There were 3 fields we played on, the first field I remember grabbing 6 balls and it was intense because there's a lot of balls to attack with and defend from. We migrated to the second field and this time I grabbed 5 balls for the game, it was still pretty intense. I remember my brother punching the ball and scoring, the power from it was intense. Eventually we migrated to the third field as school finished or something. The sun was setting a little bit, it was still bright out but the sky had an orange tinge. The amount of balls in this game wasn't really clear until later. I remember zipping about, I had the ball and was dribbling like a pro soccer player. At one point I think I'm vsing my brother and I just completely bypass him with a flip and some incredible dexterous foot maneuvers. I think I score a point, everyone is a little surprised at how effective my high dexterity stat was. I go to get the ball from the goal post, I scoop up 5 balls, they're all baseballs. 1 of them is 1/3 the size of the other normal ones, I thought this was weird. I wake up after that.
    6. DJ#130: Computer sreen and fragments galore

      by , 03-31-2016 at 09:09 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      I know I had 2 or 3 big long dreams but I tossed around as I woke up and they flitted away :/
      Fragment: Talking with Jamie

      Dream 1: I was at the dinner table and a computer screen was there in front of me. My dad pointed this out to my sister who started hitting it and laughing.

      Fragment: Something about Dylan

      Fragment: Something about basketball
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. 03.31.2016 Broken Ladder

      by , 03-31-2016 at 08:50 PM
      Lack of sleep the whole week. After Easter I have been cleaning and focused on getting some extra things done around the house. As a result, I have been sleeping a lot later 11pm ish.

      DR 1

      I was in a bar/restaurant. I was with two other people that I don't know. I went to the bar and ordered Sambuca. (I have not tasted Sambuca in years, so this was a surprise.) During the course of the dream I frequented the bar, ordering 3 total after going to a dimly lit room (empty dance floor?).

      DR 2
      I was with a man. We were trying to escape something or someone. We could see the second floor of a loft from where we were standing. We saw a ladder and thought we could use it to get to the second floor.
      The guy started climbing first and I helped him up. (Weird, because I am a lady and ladies are supposed to go first!!) When it was time to go up, I noticed the wooden ladder was kind of weak and seemed like it would break soon. I evenly spread my weight on both sides as I climbed. I almost reached the top when the ladder broke. It broke, but not before I could grab on to two thick wooden pegs at the base of the loft floor. So I'm dangling. I realize I am wearing heels, (pink ones) and I kick them off one by one. First, I try swinging my body and gaining momentum to make it up. That doesn't work. I finally just pull myself up and bring my right foot onto one of the pegs to climb up. The guy I helped never helps me. I make it up by myself. I wake up exhausted.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Game theory

      by , 03-31-2016 at 08:22 PM
      I had a dream sign but it doesn't seem to relate to something happening in my waking state
      so it must be symbolic of something. Trying to tell me something. Maybe that i'm trying to figure out the best possible route to take with my life

      D1 - I am in a game world but it is all very primeval. The world is vast watery in texture, colosal dark shapes battle it out.
      And I win and move on to the next world. All very very alien and abstract.

      D2 - On holiday, in some lovely warm and sunny country, where it is warm all year round. I am in a villa, apparently we have stayed here many times before. And were privileged enough to stay in the best part of the main house. Quarters with large opulent black leather seating and animal skin rugs and large bedroom. The room is glass (dream sign).
      I am walking down a thickly carpeted hallyway in the night when I see a familar woman approaching, she has long fair hair and wears a summer frock with a dark cardigan over her shoulders, white heeled shoes.
      Spoiler for Sexually explicit:
      Tags: game, glass, holiday, sex
    9. [31-03-2016]

      by , 03-31-2016 at 05:29 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was wearing a black suit. It was night, sky was full of stars and the moon was somewhat bigger than usually. It was in a catle of some kind, in a great hall where proms and balls happened. With other people from previous and current school we were descending down the stairs. Most of these people I haven't seen since a few years. One of the girls caught my attention - she had dark hair and dark complexion. It was a girl that I never really liked, and for some reason it has changed. She was wearing a red dress. She was smiling to me, I held her hand.
    10. Alex and Cassie

      by , 03-31-2016 at 03:10 PM (Journal #86)
      3/31/16: Two days ago when I took an unexpected Garfield-like nap (I honestly don't know what I was doing before then that resulted in this), I ended up with a snippet of a dream similar to one I had around 2012-13 after a reboot of Need for Speed: Most Wanted released on seventh-generation consoles (there were cars, but it had absolutely nothing to do with the gameplay and had a car not in the game); except here, it was shortened after a character was introduced, named Alex.

      When he was revealed, I saw something that looked like a mix between Nintendo's short-lived Virtual Boy red screen and modern-day pinball DMD (dot matrix display). I suddenly woke up when a DC--more than likely Alex--threw a hard sucker-punch similar to Nathan Scott on One Tree Hill and Luke Ward on The O.C. to an unknown subject in the face. Also, when he was revealed, there were Japanese hiragana/katakana symbols below his name. So this leads me to believe he's half-Japanese. I don't get why he would randomly get into a fistfight with another individual.

      However, one night later--after an almost brutal day, I find myself in a high school classroom (I think it was either a Southeast Raleigh or Sanderson High classroom) where teenage DCs are trying to get the autograph of the main DC who I think was starring as the lead on a show airing on either MTV or Freeform (formerly ABC Family)--also a teenager, but female and she's trying to get to know all of the students, including myself, as I think I was going undercover as a student. She also has some colorful streaks in her hair as well. I then see some stuff related to The Price Is Right that made absolutely no sense whatsoever and is not how the show works before my alarm clock beeps at 6:45 in the morning.
    11. Bridge to the White Temple & Clock Tree

      by , 03-31-2016 at 01:57 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I automatically understand that I'm dreaming, and feel no need to perform a RC. I begin by continuously working on increasing focus, clarity, and stability. I'm on a very surreal looking white bridge leading to a white temple on the other side of the narrow and deep chasm. The white temple has intricately carved designs worked through the upper portion of the roof. It is anywhere between 1 & 2 stories tall, nestled into the mountain face. On the other side of the bridge, near where I am standing, a black analogue clock is situated on the upper portion of a medium height tree. I continuously focus on saying: "Eric, Focus!" to gain stability, clarity, and increase mental focus. I decide to use the tree to implement some techniques from my Dream Yoga practices. I walk over to the tree and begin focusing on the tactile sensation of the tree bark. The tree bark is very rough, and contains shallow recess which work their way vertically up the trunk, maintaining slight curves throughout. I feel a whiteness coming over the dream and decide to meditate through it as it appears to be similar to the black void I encounter. However, this "white out" feels different than the void, and I feel myself awakening to what appears to be WL. With eyes closed, I run my memory backwards, and feel certain that it is WL. I go over the sensation of all fingers to make certain before opening my eyes in WL.

      *The white temple on the top surface of the mountain is similar to a concept I was considering incubating in which I would ask my spirit teacher how to be wake in dreams all the time. I pictured this scene at the summit of a snowy mountain.

      Contributing Factors: Open Awareness Meditation, Mantra: Awake In Dreams, Intention to Wake after dreams
      Reishi, Turmeric, Ginkgo, Omega 3s
    12. Game Show (For Garry)

      by , 03-31-2016 at 01:28 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      I am hosting a television game show. The game is played with a deck of cards. It can be played by one or two players. The game is called "Lucid Dreaming" and while the game is fun in its own right, it can also supposedly induce lucid dreams.

      My dream is quite like The Larry Sanders Show and might be inspired by the recent news that Garry Shandling passed away. Since I am hosting the show, the drama of the dream concerns the behind-the-scenes interactions with the cast and crew. I don't remember all of it, but I most prominently recall that I am upset that the show has become a vehicle to sell the home version of the game, rather than to support the practice of lucid dreaming. At the end of each show taping (the time when Bob Barker would tell you to spay or neuter your pets) I try to interject my message that the game should be about dreaming. But I get interrupted each time by my sidekick, Ed McMahon. And that part of the show is editted out before broadcast.
    13. Biblical Arms Dealer

      by , 03-31-2016 at 12:00 PM
      On a mission, I seek out a man who deals in ancient artifacts of incredible power. He's probably immortal, and has a staff I need. The amount of wealth and power he wants in exchange for these artifacts is so big, it can scarcely be comprehended. Obviously, I don't have that kind of money or influence, yet I'm still determined to get that staff.

      I confront him, an the staff just comes to me. The man tries to get it back, but the staff won't obey him. His desires are based on greed and ego, whereas I'm sacrificing everything in service of my mission.

      I think my mission was to save some kid or something
    14. A lucid (or was it?) Lucid again! (or was it?) And again (Oh come on!)

      by , 03-31-2016 at 10:43 AM
      As per usual nowadays, this all happened at the top of the morning. It cannot be because I only then manage to accrue enough melatonin, because I've taken supplementary melatonin at various points of the night before and merely slept dreamless sleeps.

      I'm in a very large office building (DS) and I hear someone talking about office decorations (Christmas?) But I can only see a very large and brightly coloured plastic dildo, on a wall inside one section. (what??!!) I suddenly realise that I'm wearing pyjamas (and my sleeping mask) and think "I'm asleep!"

      I move outside the section that I'm in and immediately feel that I'm waking up This time I start to spin but to no avail (usual story lately). I lay there, musing about what had happened, then realise that I'm at my desk explaining to my (DC) fellow employees that I've just had an lucid dream. The penny drops...I'm back asleep...and then I wake up again.

      It happens once more, but this time I'm telling my wife (who's asleep in our other bedroom)...and then I'm awake again. If they were all false awakenings, then the plot definitely thickens. Can I really dream that complicated scenario? If it had happened tomorrow I would have pondered on the fact that it is April fools Day and the brain apparently has independently-functioning sections (and maybe there's a joker in the pack)

      Aside from that little farce, things have been quiet, with just one recent "sweet spot" in my mediation/sleeping routine. I managed to conjure up a "video" (I can never make out any clear content...maybe it's always just a typical dreamlike jumble.) It was playing very fast and I tried to instruct my brain to slow it down.

      Whenever I manage to create the basic "square shape" I merely have to think "a red square" and it instantly in-fills in red. But I could not get the "video" to slow down. Maybe there are 2 separate brain departments "video" and "wire-frame shapes" and the latter one is run by a few simple-minded neurons. Maybe the "video" dept has a bunch of techie-neurons who are far too busy to listen to a noob like me. Just a thought (if you could call it that)

      I'm not claiming this as a lucid (I think it would be bad form to do so) Frustrating, but never boring for long, is how I view my current dream/brain/meditation/falling asleep research. IMO we really have to show the brain respect, because there's no guarantee that we are in complete control of it. (if at all)
    15. False awakening, nearly lucid

      by , 03-31-2016 at 10:27 AM
      Wake up time - 533

      I was on a bus with an old time friend listening to music, I couldn't remember a lot of it, but I also remember meeting another old friend which it felt uneasy but on the bus,he looked different but very real. I noticed how my phone battery was about to go off. I'm not sure why but I had the feeling I was dreaming about something to do with REM, there where these qualifications I would need to get to be a certain dream search. We ended back at his house and my dad knew his dad and we was chatting about how my dad use to be a painter.

      I woke up, not in reality and asked myself the question (why didn't I do a reality check in my dream?) (Why didn't I check my state?)

      I wasn't in my bedroom though that's the weird part