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    1. False Awakening - Levitating a Curtain as a Reality Check

      by , 11-07-2014 at 12:25 AM
      I woke up in my room (false awakening), but there were two things wrong; it was way too bright, and the window was on the wrong wall. As a reality check, I focused on the curtain and levitated it to the middle of room, and then it vanished. I figured great! Now I can go and explore my dream house! Btw, I’ve never managed to explore my house in a false awakening. I leaped from my bed in excitement, and then I woke up. Dang!
    2. #49 - Cliff fall accident/Offerings...?

      by , 11-06-2014 at 11:41 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Dream 1 - Cliff Fall Accident
      Me and my dad are talking on the edge of an outback road and we're look over the cliff next to us. Below us are a bunch of trees and bushes on the hill, and below that is a wave cut platform and then the ocean. I see a couple people sprint down the edge. I ask my dad "How are you supposed to run down a cliff?", "well how do you think?" he replies, "I mean you could let the momentum carry you and then slingshot off a tree branch to slow yourself down or something". There was a cat on the cliff-face behind us, I remember that my mum had been climbing down the hill, I look around for her but I can't see her. I look back for the cat but it's gone too. I move a couple branches out of the way and spot a slumped body by ocean. I enter a panic-overdrive state and somehow just catapult myself down the cliff, slingshot off a branch and land next to her. "MUM!!!" I screamed, tears rolling down my face. There's an eel caught on a couple branches and it starts wriggling free, it has 2 beautiful blue stripes along its back going from head to tail. My mum gets up and snatches at it, "damn, almost had it". "I thought you were dead mum"... "Nah I just scraped my hand", she shows her left hand, it has a 1cm deep flesh wound in it. I offer her some bandages from my right hand (I don't know how I got them) she says "No thanks, I want some real bandages", "These ARE real bandages...", "No they're not" "Argh damn it mum -.- you're being immature".

      Dream 2 - Offerings...?
      So there is this ancient queen, we make offerings to her to open these conduits that will bring her back into the material plane. There are 5 conduits, they look like giant eyes, and they're situated on the top of a wall. By this wall is a deep black shadow, he is the king, and he is orchestrating the summoning of the ancient queen because they're lovers. Their shadows kiss as some point, it seemed romantic. I then accidentally kicked his TV (Which was a projection onto a cardboard sheet, nailed into the wall), he gets pissy at me. He's trying to tell me off but the connection is bad on the TV and he has to re-tune it, like tuning into a radio station. By the time he finishes retuning the TV we're over it.
    3. Construction site / Mech pilot and superhero / Trouble flying

      by , 11-06-2014 at 10:26 PM
      Before bed, I read over some of my DJ and the current TOTM thread. I get in bed at 11:10, wearing my mask, and wake naturally at 1.

      The construction site
      I'm walking around the construction site next to our house, seeing what's here, when I spy a stack of poorly cut plywood. I remember advice about how constructions sites are *great* places to find scraps, so I decide to start my collection with this piece, then go look for the foreman to find out if it's OK to take and to find out where I can find more. As I'm walking, I look at the board and realize that it's already been stained. I have second thoughts about whether it's actually scrap or not and decide to head back to the pile I got it from. I end up walking under a big "tent" and jumping down a short steep incline caused where some of the ground angled down and some went straight. There's some larger machinery here under the tent. As I'm continuing to walk back towards the pile, a car pulls up nearby. I'm worried it might be someone who's going to take me to task, but it ends up being Josh instead. This is great! He's been a foreman before, so if I've done anything wrong he can vouch to the site's foreman that I'm an OK guy and didn't mean anything by it. Now a second car has pulled up, and I'm talking to a shorter middle-aged guy. He's looking me all over in a very detailed way that makes me a bit uncomfortable. Finally I ask him what I can do for him, and he says he's here to record the history of <thing> and needs both my scan data, which he's already collected, as well as the results of some surveys we need to take. There are a handful of trees around. I try to take a pouch filled with these papers and climb high to escape, but it doesn't end up working and I decide to come back down.

      Mech pilot and superhero
      I'm playing / experiencing some kind of game. I'm currently piloting a small mech. I've left the interior of the building and am now in what feels like a small control room. The room's power dies and I have to turn on my lights. As I leave the room, the door closes with a solid CLICK and I know the game is using the plot-point of power failure to make it so I can never get back in there. I hope I got all the items I'll need. Walking around the corner, I run into <?>. After talking with him, I turn another corner, getting ready to destroy the back half of the building. I see a door that looks like it should lead back into the now-dark control room, and I'm curious about it.

      Now I'm with some other people in a downtown parking lot. Some of the people with me, as well as myself, are super heroes. A man comes running, breathless, to tell us that nearby is a bird with a shadow bomb. I'm the fastest, so I head off (fly?) to check it out. I find the bird in a hallway, hanging from the ceiling over a trash can. It seems to be sleeping. People nearby are oblivious to its dangerous presence. I carefully get the people's attention and instruct them to leave the area quietly and orderly, and they actually start to do so. Unfortunately, my father-in-law happens into the area, sees me, and decides to come over to see what's going on. I try to warn him away, but the bird wakes. It enters into a discussion with my father-in-law in which my father-in-law reveals that he's kind of bored. The bird says that he'll remedy that and drops the shadow bomb. Now I'm in a room somewhere. The bomb has gone off, and things have become very strange. All the light has a purplish glow to it, and I look like I'm covered in bruises. Even so, objects in this strange light also seem much clearer, much sharper. I'd never admit it to anyone, but I kind of like the effect. We'll figure out how to get us back to normal reality soon enough, so it shouldn't cause any real damage.

      Trouble flying
      I'm inside somewhere, in a very strange layout. I'm trying to fly and not having any success at all. A man arrives to help me out and runs me through some basic exercises. He has me lay down on the floor, on my back, spread-eagled, and then somehow will myself towards the ceiling. It works, and I start to rise. He's been flying (or at least hovering) the whole time. Now we're in another part of this strange place. He's otherwise occupied so I decide to try it again, but this time I can't manage to get off the ground.

      I return to bed at 1:20 with a bit of SSILD, waking at 5:45.

      Fragment: Something about a restaurant kitchen and a wide selection of nice knives.

      I return to bed at 5:50 but don't actually fall asleep, and eventually I just get up.
    4. Elevator escape and a Dreamsphere Chronicles attempt

      by , 11-06-2014 at 09:37 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      As far as I can remember the dream began with me being chased by something or someone inside of a big building. Once again its dimensions were not from this world, it had 6 or more elevators in the middle and an absolutely exceptional spacey staircase. There was stuff and garbage lying all around and in order to get to the lower levels to escape I had to remove the garbage, for whatever reason. I apparently couldn't use any stairs, or didn't have the idea. Eventually I arrived at level 2 in an elevator, and realized something odd about the dream, pinched my nose and realized I was dreaming.

      The elevator opened to a maintenance shaft, through which I floated instead of crawling. I turned around once, not sure why, but the path behind me did not change at least. I exited the building but was still rather high above the ground, a dangerous or deadly height for a normal human. I thought about turning into Ryuuko, so I did that and glided down there, the place was somewhat industrial yet rural. While flying I saw myself from behind for a short moment, and again Ryuukos scales were mostly green, this time however the inner parts of the wings were a flashy blue. I looked at my hands, I could see the claws but the proportions were off, the fingers had totally wrong lengths, which I could fix however. While they were largely covered in green scales, the insides of the hands looked rather human in color if I remember right. I landed on something container like and I thought about trying to breathe fire, but remembered I didn't have the skill and needed some skill points from quests and the likes to enable it. There were a few people close by (I think they wore cloaks or something along those lines), so I tried talking to them but when I was asking for a quest I suddenly couldn't talk anymore and
      woke up with a rather dry mouth. Meh.

      Well, I tried to stabilize a little with my mind but I think I should've paid it more attention. Also next time I turn into Ryuuko I should try to not just adapt to her body, but her mind as well. In the beginning of the game there'd be no way she'd just go to random people and ask them for a quest. Next time around I should ask the game, the dream itself for a quest or something like that. Also the transformation was not complete again, I forgot to add the 6 tentacles on her back. Also I was obviously not in Cardia, so I need to fix that next time as well.

      Updated 11-06-2014 at 09:51 PM by 48127

      lucid , non-lucid
    5. As you wish...

      by , 11-06-2014 at 08:40 PM
      Two wee non lucids....

      Sitting in a coach outside a hotel in Spain. A fat middle aged man sits next to me.
      Man: -'Its so quiet in here, you should see it in the summer'
      I look around, there are no more than a dozen people on board.
      Man:- 'Of course, all the locals go to Africa for their holidays anyway'
      Me: - 'I suppose they don't really like us'
      Man:- 'Nah, the Netherlanders aren't like that'.

      In a car with my wife. She suggest we pull into a car park and tells me to park to the right coz the man wont notice. I stop the car - the area to the right looks like a garage and is packed with cars, lorries and machinery. To the left is a car park , and its pretty full looking, although there is a space nearby which looks doable with care. I'm still sitting in the car when a weasely looking man appears.

      That's it!
    6. Don't be evil, night flight

      by , 11-06-2014 at 08:09 PM
      I'm visiting someone, arriving in the yard behind her house, and I find two men doing yard work. I'm surprised, and when I talk to them, one of them complains about being summoned like this - straight out of bed, early on a Sunday morning. (Summoned in the magical sense of the word - he was asleep in bed, and then he was here being put to work.) I go into the house, calling out, "Babe?" There are a few other workers around, and they give me odd looks for the term babe. It occurs to me that the word may be outdated. Or it may be that the woman I'm meeting looks much older than me now, since her hair's white. You have to keep adjusting the way you address humans as they age - it's a headache to keep track of all this stuff.

      I find her and ask her about all this work she's having done around the house, and when we step aside from the workers for a moment I point out to her that summoning people on a weekend is rude, and besides, we're supposed to be demonstrating that we're not cartoonish villains here. What does she think she's doing, summoning up people like this? We are supposed to be reformed, we don't get to keep minions anymore. She protests that her helpers aren't 'minions,' but they most certainly are.

      I'm taking a little kid home to her family. Initially I'd tried to just send her home with the click-your-heels-three-times bit, but while we wound up somewhere familiar to her, it wasn't actually her family's house. So I'm flying her back the rest of the way - but the kid was so excited about flying, I gave in and kept flying around instead of just taking her straight home. It's a pleasant night flight - lasted a long time and there were so many beautiful views, I deliberately made an effort to remember all of what I was seeing so I wouldn't forget it when I woke up. But despite that, there's not much to describe - a lot of scenes of beautiful city lights seen from far above, and occasionally diving down low over traffic to amuse the kid. The lucid observer part of me wondered why the dream character part of me stuck to following the roads - I supposed it helped with navigation. At one point while we were diving low, we wound up passing underneath this large overhang at a trolley station, and I found it difficult to gain altitude again when shut in from above, so we landed in the trolley car.
    7. Creepy Cool WILD + Basic TOTM

      by , 11-06-2014 at 07:55 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      I was doing my usual really late sleeping in WBTBs, and I started getting the usual vibrations. But this time it was accompanied by some little demonic sounds. As I was transitioning, little demon voices started talking right beside my night stand haha! I understood completely that they were not real, but you know how you can feel more vulnerable in bed and get scared easy? Well I just felt like NOT starting my LD, and rather just crawl in deeper under my covers. But I resisted the urge and allowed the demon voices to do their thing. I don't have to look that direction if I don't want to. The dream had basically already started, I just needed to crawl out of the bed.

      I got up, left the room and my little demon buddies behind, and went down the hall into the living room. Light wasn't good, it was that early morning dull light. I could see 2 of my dogs on the couch, and I went over to Daisy and pet her and cooed at her a bit. The blinds on my living room window were closed, but it looked like there was really bright full sunlight starting to stream though. So I flew across the living room, and fly-phased (my new thing) through the living room window and landed outside.

      It was the typical for my front yard in lucids: 8am sunny and bright, and sparkly as if it had rained all night. No DCs anywhere. I waited too long to record this dream, but I remember just fiddling with random shit in the front yard. I even started getting bored because it got dark and cloudy again, and there were no DCs, and I couldn't think of a totm. I finally thought of Percy and recalled the leaves basic task he posted. There weren't many leaves on the ground, and it was kinda muddy still. But I gathered as many leaves as I could with a couple big arm swoops, and made a pile that was as big as me surface-area-wise, but maybe 2 inches tall at best. I just kinda flopped down on them, and instead of a satisfying soft crunch like you would hope, it was an unsatisfying wet, matted down sound. Yay lol.

      I saw some neighbors appear next door, so I went to go talk to them, relieved for a chance to get unbored. I followed them into their house and I don't remember much else.
      Pretty sure I lost lucidity then woke up.
      lucid , task of the month
    8. Random Dream/Eye

      by , 11-06-2014 at 07:46 PM

      Dream 2

      I was creating a character that looked like it was from maple story. My mom was dissapointed with the way it came out and told me to start over though. But I stopped and looked out the window. Outside looked kind of red so I decided to look around outside. when I got out, I saw a suspicious character though so I ran back inside. While I was inside my house I somehow ended up downstairs in my brother's room.

      My mom was there and she had a large shiny diamond necklace with her. I was going to try it on but she told me not to because if I was pocessed and put it on I would die. That sounded creepy to me so I just left it with her and went upstairs. A tiny shadow animal was moving around the house so we decided to leave. My dad stayed inside with a gun though as if he was going to try to kill it.

      When we got out we somehow ended up in a huge airport where a lady was packing her stuff and trying to get her family on the plane or w/e it was. My mom and I entered too. But it felt like we were on a small cramped train ride. Inside the thing there was a random guy who started coughing on me. I moved to the side than got up when he spit. There turned out to be another annoying guy with him and they were both hovering with their heads above the ground. I left the place after that and ended up in front of my house.
      I saw as I entered my porch that there was a DC dressed like a person from the past. My mom than came out the house and said it was her friend's son and that she had to give him money. Not only that but she was going to give him me as a servant. I said no and flew away but woke up after a bit of running and flying around.

      Dream 3

      I was riding on the bus with a few people when suddenly the bus stopped. I was inside a basement with a few other confused people. I found this a bit creepy and was suddenly being pulled to the wall. Than someone grabbed me from behind and pushed me onto the ground. They tried to scratch and open my skull with something but I pushed them away and tried calling eye into the dream. My voice couldn't make a sound but the DC who jumped me stopped than dissapeared.

      I saw a few phones on a nearby desk and decided to phone Eye. But the phone was not working. I tried like three times until Eye answered. I told him to come and he appeared before me but he was invisible this time. I hugged him than thought about how real the dream felt now and how it won't be the same when I wake up. I told him I was probably going to miss hugging him and he said he knows. Than I started thinking of a few questions to ask him so I asked " What's your real name? Like your first one?" He responded with " I don't remember. It's been a long time." I found this funny and asked him "How can a person forget their name? You just don't want to tell me right?" He didn't answer though and just started moving around.

      I than noticed his appearance changed and he was now like a random 11 year old boy. I asked him if this was his true form and he said no. I observed him after that and noticed he had a square bandaid on his right wrist where his veins are. I than recalled how the last time I saw him he had a bandaid somewhere on him and a needle shot on his right or left arm. I guess my mind likes to associate him as the guy who gets hurt a lot or something. I looked at him for a while than woke up.

      In my next dream I plan on getting Eye to be more responsive so I can be more active in exploring the dream world with him. So I will do my best into becoming lucid tonight by focusing on the dream I want.

      Updated 11-06-2014 at 07:57 PM by 67570

      non-lucid , lucid
    9. 11/6/14 OBE-type transition caught to FA caught

      by , 11-06-2014 at 05:47 PM
      Vibrations, roll out? Wait. Roll out on Wife's side of bed...odd. Start to float walk through house but decide to...

      Float out through roof. While floating around...

      Wife on top FA. Stopping me from LDing? No, wants sex. Caught FA late when I hear snoring while we both appear awake. Fairly early LD. Wake from LD and log it 4 hours before getting up for day. 227

      Interesting NLD: beach behind hotel up steep hill. Arcade.
    10. The Talk

      by , 11-06-2014 at 05:25 PM
      I found out that an eight year old girl, one of my son's friends, was pregnant, and claiming that my son (also 8 years old) was the father.

      So I sat down on the edge of the bed to discuss sex with my son to find out whether he has had it. He pointed out that this was awkward, and wasn't he too young to have this conversation. And I admitted that this was true, but if the girl was correct in what she claimed than this is a conversation we should have had even earlier.
    11. The birds.... started to speak hebrew (shorty)

      by , 11-06-2014 at 03:52 PM
      So I was here , on this never ending bridge , I was non lucid, I was flying like if its easy as breathing.
      I was not gone high I was flying on the bridge .
      There was black birds , not ravens, these birds were little.
      Then the birds started to speak hebrew . I was suprised , but this still was not enough for me to be lucid.
      I started to search for them saying 'where are you".
      Then I found a woman who was about to fall of the bridge
      the birds were taking mugs on her shoulders making her harder to hold on.
      I tried to help her, I flew off to her but then suddenly theres a city and the ground is under the women, now shes safe.
      So that was my dream.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Frags

      by , 11-06-2014 at 02:44 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I recall being in a city/urban area, encountering Manei and becoming briefly lucid. We started flying out over the ocean that was next to the city, supposedly to a location where we could talk. But I woke up a few moments later.

      I recall being with my cousins. For some reason they are both swearing a lot and that is weird because they are young (11 and 14) and don't normally cuss. I can recall we were playing in the backyard of my house together.
      We somehow got to this unrecognizable house that felt like it was in an urban area. My deceased grandmother was there making cookies for us. I can recall playing littlebigplanet with the younger of my cousins and using this paper material to make Chinese lanterns.

      I then recall playing Halo with my older cousin. This felt like an entirely separate dream. I was an elite and I had a sniper rifle and a BR. This felt like an older Halo game, like Halo 3 or even Halo 2.
      We began fighting. It was a typical Red vs Blue game in this map that was set in a ravine in the desert; a map that I don't recall from the game.
      Thanks to faulty dream-remembering-numbering, my sniper rifle seemed to have unlimited ammo and (even though I suck with snipers in games) I was just firing like crazy killing people with body shots. I then recall walking through this cave in the side of a ravine, dropping down behind him and assassinating a guy.
      Funny. Assassinations were added in the new Halo, but graphically and game-play wise this felt like and older Halo. Well, it was a dream, so. My cousin was complaining that I wasn't supporting the team. I told him that I was doing great and haven't even died once yet. He got looked at the scoreboard and got jealous that I had 11 kills and haven't died and he rage-quit the game, leading to me waking up.

      There were a couple of sludgy frags of us playing on this ice map with these bright green characters everywhere. I played horribly that game.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Dream Within A Dream

      by , 11-06-2014 at 02:20 PM
      We've just returned from a funeral. My great grandma has just passed away no more than an hour prior. My family is suddenly all in one room and I'm in the hallway thinking of where to go and what to do. I hear noises--weird, indistinguishable voices coming from all angles. My head hurts. I close my eyes.
      I look to my right and see my cousin following me. I don't question why, I simply allow it. I noticed I haven't viewed my appearance all day. It suddenly bothers me because I could look ridiculous and not even know it. I begin to look down, and instantly, I'm appalled. I'm wearing a light blue-jean dress that comes to my high upper thigh(I'm a guy). I can only picture how ridiculous I look to others. The breeze of the hotel brushes my ass cheeks. A foul vision appears in my head. I push it away.
      My cousin is inviting me back to the room where the voices pierce like knives. I hold up one finger and look down. There's a pair a little black sweats just my size. I grab them and walk away.
      I find myself searching for rooms to change in. I open one door with computers and cameras. I feel as if I'm being watched. I keep moving.
      Suddenly I notice one room where no one is in. A man is vacuuming the hallway just a view feet ahead of me. His back is turned. I sneak into the room.
      I rush to pull on the sweats before he comes in. Before I get one pants leg on he walks in. I freeze. A smile creeps on to my face. I say, nervously, "Sorry, I needed to find a room to change in... I'll leave once I get these on." He just stares at me. He's wearing only a t-shirt and underwear. I see the outline of his penis. I blink and look up.
      "I'm not into that trucker shit anymore..."
      I stare at him trying to register his words. I blink and reply, "Sorry, I'll just leave.." I walk out.
      Then it hits me.
      I walk back in, very seductively, and touch his shoulder then his arm.
      "Hey. I won't tell if you don't."
      His belly hangs over his pelvis and he has brown skin, the color of a shaved wood, and he has short black hair and a long beard.
      "I told you, I'm not into it. I've grown."
      Without a response, I walk away in discouragement.
      The halls are dark and murky. I'm overwhelmed with imagination. Something comes over me.
      I see a family of five sitting at a dinner table. They're dressed very elegantly as if they've just came from a wedding. I sit down. They don't acknowledge me. They just keep talking. I listen.
      "I had 1 billion stashed for you, Charlie" one says. She has blonde hair that stops at her ears and curves into the start of her neck. Her skin shows sign of decay, I'd say she's around fifty.
      I look down at what I'm wearing. Black sweats, pink socks, and yellow jelly sandals. Without a question I feel myself get up, and walk away.
      I lead myself to the stairs and walk up, thoughtlessly.
      I enter a room where everyone's door is open. They're sitting in the dark with a faint t.v screen illuminating the walls. I smell the scent of cigarette smoke. It stings my senses. I start to make my way back downstairs, when a voice stops me: "Hey. We go to Purdue University. What's your name?" I don't know them. One has red hair, the color of autumn leaves, and the other has brown hair. I think of dark chocolate.
      "Dana. My name is Dana."
      Before I can blink, the orange haired one grabs for my hat. He puts it on his friend's head and they begin to wrestle. Then, they descend into darkness.
      I look ahead and see my friend Lex. Next to her is my other friend Jaina. I ignore Jaina and say hello to Lex. Jaina just stares at me. I think about our past and the mid-night walks and the hour long talks. She looks away.
      I keep forward and see my friend Noah and someone I just recently met. I wish I knew his name, but I'm too afraid to ask.
      Noah speaks of his weed and says it's more potent if it's dark(I don't think that to be true). I nod and smile. I look to my left and see the anonymous guy snorting lines of cocaine. My smile fades. I look away.
      I see Jaina on the couch. She looks so sad and alone. I walk over there and she ignores me. I try to start conversation when some weird girl interrupts:
      "Hey! Aren't you Dana? I used to see you at school. Do you remember me?"
      I know her from somewhere. Her face seems familiar. Memories flash through my head of various of others that resemble her. Then it comes.
      "Aren't you Jaina?"
      I look above and Jaina(the first one)just sits there, idly. She doesn't seem to do anything but smile.
      "Yesth" I notice this Jaina has a lisp. Why is there two? And why does this one remind me of the Jaina I used to know so well. The one I used to love with my aching heart. Dread floats its way into my thoughts. I start to feel empty.
      The young Jaina grabs my hand and we sit on the couch. There's people piling in from left to right. Faces that I've seen before. Eyes that I missed. Voices that once made me cry.
      Next to me is that boy from earlier. I hold my breath. I plunge.
      "What's your name?"
      He blinks. Then smiles.
      Shortly after, he lies his head on my shoulder. I could cry tears of happiness. This all feels like a dream. That in any minute I could wake up and it will all fade away.
      I close my eyes and wish for this moment to be eternity.
      I hold my breath and count to five, and before I can reopen my eyes, everything turns black, and I'm propelled into reality.

      Updated 11-07-2014 at 01:54 PM by 71606

    14. The Resistance - ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

      by , 11-06-2014 at 01:16 PM
      There were high speed rail lines in these giant tubes that linked cities together. They were built above the roads inside the cities and above bridges. Out in rural areas these tubes were just on the ground instead. I was given a birds eve view of the layout of this tube system as if I was hovering above and panning out. Now, I was on one of these trains and we had to stop them before they finished their system to rule over the land. This train was going fast too. The task I was given was to find a key symbol of theirs used as a passcode. It happened to be on the train. This symbol happened to be engraved on this tablet that was 3 foot tall by 2 foot wide and a few inches thick. Even though there were guards nearby, I managed to open a floor hatch. Then flipped the tablet over with my foot, causing it to go through the floor opening. I made a note of where I had kicked it out, near this overpass. I was pretty sure the guards were mad that I did this, but somehow I escaped from them before they got me.

      The dream scene changes, and now I'm with my team searching for the tablet in the area I had kicked it out. We had to be careful, they just happened to have security cameras next to the overpass. One of our team did find it, then we had to run since I think we were discovered by their security system.

      We met up at this old factory/warehouse where we found that some other of our team members had broken their computer code and had developed a virus to attack their computer system to take it down. Our virus was put on a music cd and smuggled to us so we could analyze it. It was chopped up and encoded into the blank areas between the music tracks. I watched as they de-ciphered the hidden chunks. Before we could go further, we had to cover our tracks we were there. I helped move these pallets of inventory around the factory to do so. As we finish up one of the ladies catches my eye and I was checking her out. The dream fades out though and ends.

      Though this dream was a non-lucid, it was pretty cool anyways. This dream turned out to be more exciting than what I could have come up with lucidly, lol. The timing of this dream happens to coincide with the annual Guy Fawkes "remember 5th of November" thing, weird.
    15. Hugely Populated place, Weird restrooms, School, Chocolate-covered cherries

      by , 11-06-2014 at 12:26 PM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was with my dad, mom, and grandpa. We had just arrived at some kind of water park. This entire water park was enclosed by a dark green fence, and the rides inside surpassed the height of the fence greatly. I could the lines for each ride from the parking lot. It was so crowded that there could have easily been millions of people at this park. Once my dad noticed this he said that we weren't going inside because it was way too crowded. This was the one time I agreed with him, I didn't even want to wait in those lines. It looked like it would take hours upon hours just to move a few spots up. We all decided to go to some area that was right next to the water park, but it obviously wasn't a water park.
      Here we passed the restrooms. I decided to go and take a leak just to get anything out of my system. I walked into the restroom and what I saw surprised me. The stalls in this restroom were so low in height that you could see a dudes penis while he was sitting down, and that is exactly what I saw, twice. The entire restroom was completely full. Two specific dudes were sitting down in those two stalls, and they were taking a crap, it was just like they were taking a crap right out in the open. I looked around for an open urinal, but those were all occupied as well.
      Suddenly, a random black dude washing his hands accused me of looking at some dudes penis. "Nah dude, wtf, I don't even do that. Im straight". He started breaking out laughing, and so did many other guys. I gave up on trying to go to the restroom and just walked out.

      2. I was outside of an old school that I had been to before, it looked like an intermediate school. I was in the grass on the outside of the school just standing next to a door to the school. My mom, dad, and my sister were all with me. As we were all standing here I felt my glasses mess up(how odd, this happened just yesterday). I took them off and adjusted the nose pieces(the exact pieces that messed up yesterday). They looked really dirty so I wiped them off and then adjusted their position. After that I put my glasses back on. Suddenly my sister punched me in the stomach. "You don't have abs sometimes, but you have them other times, I don't get it" she said.
      "I always have abs, they don't disappear" I told her. She then shrugged and turned around. Just then I spotted a few friends from school and talked to them. Later on I went inside of the school and walked around by myself. The school was pretty dark as there were no lights on inside. It was still visible inside considering the daylight shining in through the windows. As I walked down a dark hallway somebody gave me some clothes. Had I been naked this entire time? Im not sure at all honestly, but I put on the clothes.
      Whoever gave me the clothes gave me a pair of brown/red joggers, a red shirt, and a red snap back. I guess I already had shoes and socks on. Once I got these clothes on, I made sure to pull up the ankles of my joggers a little bit to keep them in fashion, and then I made my way down the hallway. Not far ahead of me I saw Zyn, a guy I knew from school, and he was wearing joggers too. I continued walking and eventually came to a classroom filled with computers. I immediately spotted yet another guy wearing joggers, it was a random black dude, and his joggers had the exact same design on them as mine did, except his joggers were all black.
      I walked up to him and asked him where he got his joggers. He said, "Dude I didn't steal your style, I let you borrow a pair of my own joggers. The pair you are wearing right now is mine." "Ahh aright I gotcha man, appreciate it, you letting me borrow them", I said. "No problem" he replied. In my mind I was thinking to myself, "No wonder these smell like BO(body odor) when I got them."
      I walked around the corner to another side of this classroom and encountered my architectural design teacher, Mr. Barber. We suddenly started talking about laundry and how often we each had to clean the house and stuff. Out of the corner of my eyes during our conversation, I spotted a few boxes of chocolate covered cherries.

      (Would finish, but don't have the time right now.)