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    1. DJ#138: Grandparents

      by , 04-08-2016 at 10:58 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was involved in a Scrolls tournament, 3 v 3 in a round robin format I think. I told my brother about it afterwards and how much fun it was.

      Dream 2: I was on a train and having a hard time standing up; every time the train stopped or started I almost went flying lol.

      Dream 3: I was working in a kitchen, first day on the job. Someone had told me that the two bosses loved to drink on the job and would reward me if I helped them to do that, so I filled up two glasses with alcohol and gave it to them. They thanked me and told me to keep up the good work. I didn't have any tasks to do at that time so I went and did some dishes. The bosses came over again and saw I was volunteering with that and were impressed, telling me I might earn some extra.

      Dream 4: I was going to my grandma's partners birthday party. We arrived in the front yard and saw a whole bunch of people standing around outside the front having a good time. I went over to my grandma and asked her where the man of the hour was, but she said he was quite ill and was keeping in bed. We went in to see him and he gave us some presents, I think I got a diary.

      Dream 5: My grandpa (other side of family) was dying, so we were all going in to the hospital to see him. While in the waiting room we talked about random stuff, like my dad's weight loss and my stepmum almost crashing when driving in the snow. Eventually we go in to see him, and he seemed quite scared, repeating some strange facts about death like how your leg is the first part to go, and how just your body dies but you carry on, trying to reassure himself. It was quite a harrowing dream.

      Fragment: Out in the desert, remote town

      Dream 6: At my grandparent's house, everyone was watching this movie that was like a cross between Star Wars and a Vietnam War movie, except about China I think. Anyway I stopped watching and went into the living room where some random people were playing magic the gathering. They asked if I wanted to play, I said I didn't have a deck and had only played a couple of times, but they said they could give me one and it would be fine. So I joined in and we played and talked about the game. After a while though the light was turned off for the movie watched as it neared the end, so I went back to watch it. At the end someone from the evil side was a traitor and killed the 'Darth Vader' of the film, on his own side, before getting killed himself. It then had a voiceover about how the good guys escaped and went on to found a great empire.
      Tags: non - lucid
    2. [08-04-2016]

      by , 04-08-2016 at 09:25 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in my house, packing books into my backpack. Then I was in my school's toilet with bunch of classmates. A tall and slim dude in gray hoodie was writing something in his notebook. He looked like he was writing something really important. Later on I was sitting in a bus driving to my village. It was noon, the Sun was shining, beams of light gave some moody glow. We were driving through forest. I was sitting close to a girl wearing black jacket. She had dark hair, I avoided unnecessary contact and was just sitting, waiting for my station.
    3. #225 - Young love as seen in le movies

      by , 04-08-2016 at 08:51 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      This is best described as a kids movie (like another version to 'My Dog, Buddy'). I was the kid and at the start there's a sad intro, it shows me and a group of bullies surrounding me that knock me in the back of the head and say "Huh, if I was as bullied as you then I wouldn't even come to school" and then they walk away.
      The next scene is me meeting a similar like-minded kid who's really cool, we become best friends. We happen to look quite similar though I have brown hair and he has longish blonde hair. We've got our bicycles and we've arrived outside a mansion, the movie is kind of 3rd-person atm. We throw some kind of pie at the mansions gates and make a run for it. It shows me hopping on my bike which I had left on the ground. Behind me I hadn't realized that my new friend had his bike stuck between the mansion bars. As I bike away thinking he's fine, the mansion gates open and the cops arrive.
      The next scene is me arriving back at the suburbs where I live, it's night time now. There's a girl there who is apparently my girlfriend, we talked a bit and she told me to be careful of my new friend, something about her not trusting him. I give her a surprise peck on the cheek and she 'eeks' all surprised-like. She gets all embarrassed, she then pulls me over to the side of the house and peers around making sure no one is watching. She leans in and kisses me on the lips, but I notice someone has popped up with a cellphone and took a picture of us. What a prick. I bolt after him, I can't remember if I caught up because the next thing I remember is walking into my 'home'.
      I open the door to the house, it's supposed to be my friend Daniels' house, except he's moved out and I'm just staying there until I can get a new living space. I sleep downstairs apparently but I walk through the front door instead, I see Daniel sitting there in a silver-grey suit, his dad sitting forward in an armchair and his aunt crying in another chair. Oh, shit. This is heavy O_O... I think his sister is there too, standing off to the side a bit. I have no idea what I should do right now, so I just continue on towards the kitchen. Maybe I should have just left it and headed downstairs? I'm pretty hungry though...

      Dream fragments
      -Something to do with being in a bus and thinking that I saw Yulia who was an old friend. Probably because I actually thought I saw her today but it wasn't her .

      Updated 04-08-2016 at 09:34 PM by 71238

    4. Nurturing

      by , 04-08-2016 at 08:32 PM (Here be dragons)
      A girl brought a egg in my house. It's bigger that my head with a rough, rocky shell. It's sitting on the kitchen table, in a ray of sunlight, as the girl argue with my sister. They are arguing about the girl character and attitude, my sister fed up with her. I know that this girl is messy and doesn't clean after herself, and is also quite selfish. I tend to agree with what my siter is saying, but want to avoid conflit so I don't join the discution.
      As they talk the egg hatches and a slender creature, looking like a mix of a ferret and an serpent with short, pure white fur slithers out of it, using his small clawed paws to scales the walls of the room. It's cute despite its strange way of moving, and I hope my sister doesn't see it and freak out because it remind her of a lizard. The newborn pet doesn't have a very sure footing yet, so it loses its hold and falls on me. I catch it in my arms, its body is very hot and muscled, almost hard. It cuddles to me, pointy muzzle nipping at my neck with a happy, chittering sound. It then jump out of my arms to climbs on the counter. The girl stops arguing with my sister to touch is, and it's fur turn velvety black.
    5. No dreams remembered

      by , 04-08-2016 at 07:44 PM
    6. wierd frags

      , 04-08-2016 at 07:26 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      april 8 2016

      since I got here on 31st, my dreams are weird. Almost abstract.

      - pregnant
      - something something
      - looking down many stories to the bottom of a highrise building, knocking down boxes and trying to aim them to fall on some bad guys
      - climbing up on a tower made from not stable boxes in order to fly from it's top to the other side, realizing the tower is about to fall so jumping ahead in hopes of taking flight before I hit the ground

      Maybe my diet consisting almost entirely of bacon, sausage and beer is to blame.
    7. 08-04-16 Surviving the Ocean Quest in the desert

      by , 04-08-2016 at 06:53 PM
      Non-lucid – NoteslucidInterpretation

      The following dream took place after a nap on 08-04-2016 so a few hours after the three other entries of today.

      I am at a pier, it is late afternoon or early evening. The pier is wooden and one or two ships are docked, also wooden and sailed ships – it feels like this time is around 2-300 years ago, or even set in a fantasy universe where technological development isn't near as advanced as today. It is cloudy and a bit windy (?).

      There are a few fragments before I recall the narrative picking up. Which include, being in a pub/inn, which might be on one of the ships or a settled part of the pier. There is something of communion – that is either gathering a party or just being there with friends or associates.

      When the narrative pick up, I seem to be floating disembodied above this inn and I notice the clouded weather as well as a sailor – your rugged, politically incorrect stereotypical privateering mercenary type. He is dressed in a sailors outfit – black and white – and he is making advances at a woman, a middle aged wrench, dressed similarly. She has long and curly red hair and is wearing a necklace that looks like a talisman of some description dressed in a dress of black and white with a lot of curly details.

      Our sailor is putting an arm around her and making an approach to kiss her, she is smiling and he seems rather determined if not even slightly hard handed in approaching this sexual situation. She lifts up her dress and he approach to enter her, she is smiling somewhat hungrily at him making him aware that she is willing. A person rush behind him and pushes him towards the woman – I feel this push, though watching the situation on our Sailor's left – which forces him deep inside the wrench sparking a concern on my behalf if she is even wet enough for such a quick entry – I don't feel the coitus aspect, only the push.

      Our sailor quickly looks about, but can't seem to find the person and so continues to engage in the sexual act. He is however quickly interrupted as many hooded men, dressed in black and a head or two shorter than the sailor starts swarming about. It is clear that they have malicious intent with the sailor and more and more of them approach. A feeling of intensity and excitement arise as the sailor starts fending off the assailants. While still inside the wrench the sailor looks to his left and throw a thundering punch in the face of one of the hooded men, knocking him out. But there are too many of them and quickly they complete their mission, which isn't exactly fatal as expected.

      The sailor, the wrench and now me are knocked into the water. The sea is somewhat turbulent, dark waves with frothy crests and we are thrown into barrels – which I observe from a distance further out the sea – and it is clear that we will survive this endeavour.

      A voice rings out over us.

      “you are not in danger yet, we do not intend to harm you further”.

      Associated with the voice is a sense of the hooded assailants following us over the barrels, as if they can either walk on water, roll on the barrels with their feet or fly above. They have a clear intention with us – they need us to do something, we find ourselves participating in a bit of an involuntary mission.

      There is a quick skip.

      When back we find ourselves in three dingy boats at the shores of a far away land. The sun is bright, not a cloud in the sky, and the sea is rather calm – yet the waves seem to be forcing us towards the cliffs of the shores of this remote land. I myself manage to pull up and start sailing parallel to the cliffs and manage to avoid danger.

      The cliffs are dark and contrast the rather bright blue water. They are black and dark red, with hints of brown here and there. Above the cliffs there is a vast area of sandy dessert shining brightly beige in the unimpeded sunshine.

      I notice that my companions aren't as fortunate when it comes to avoiding the cliffs. So while I could continue in my boat towards the sandy shores a bit further up the coastline I sail towards an area of the cliffs where I can see a naturally occurring “step” up towards the dessert.

      When I get up I meet up with my companions. A woman and a man, the wrench and the sailor – though on the dessert lands their identities seem irrelevant. It becomes apparent that we are now stranded, but that somewhere on this dessert land there is a city and we must find this and procure a ship. I remember being here before and I start explaining.

      “There are dangers here” I start out “There are a variety of animals on the desserts” and as I am talking about this I am reminded that there are a number of dinosaurs and beasts, dog like (Varghest) – but massive. I begin to inform about this, but as I do one of the threats emerge from behind a cliff out-spring, that forms a natural door as there are cliff walls on both sides of the hole. In the door appears a pink and chubby dinosaur and we don't get a lot of time looking at it before it shoots a bone projectile towards me and the male on my left.

      The projectile is diamond shaped, like two very pointy pyramids joined together at the base with 4 planes running towards the top in a square and pointy fashion. Both the male and I don't manage to dodge it, though I attempt to catch it before it strikes me in the chest – directly at the heart.

      As the projectile sinks in I am briefly afraid, but then a reassurance appear at a pre-linguistic intellectual level that I have a certain amount of lives, or layers that I can withstand before I collapse.

      I start moving towards the dino in a zigzag fashion and manage to catch the next projectile to immediately throw it back towards it. It sinks into it's throat and within a few seconds the dino is defeated and dead.

      Not long pass before a new one appear a bit further up on my right. It is half way behind a stand-alone cliff that rise steeply and pointedly from the sand. It shoots smaller – needle-like – projectiles towards us and I immediately take up the zigzag course again.

      To begin with I head pretty much directly towards the dino – which is smaller, not as chubby, but still pink – but then we alter strategy and decide to work together in unison, splitting up and approach the beast from different directions.

      I am finally the one that reach it and plug one of the small, but sharp and pointy needles off the head of the beast. I start perforating the throat of the beast, but the first sting does nothing, nor the second and I am reminded that a few holes will only drain the beast of air slowly, so I have patience and use agility to avoid getting in danger of being pierced myself.

      Immediate Interpretation: This to me is a hero's dream. The ocean and the confinement in barrels represents a forced emotional turbulent situation, that I will be thrown into and can do nothing but observe and await cessation of – this could easily be relating to Karen's and my relation, the frivolous sailor and the wrench engaged in promiscuous and playful endeavours, that turn into an emotionally tense situation that must be ridden out. Once the storm of this emotional turmoil is over I will find myself in a situation, where I have to overcome challenges, I am likely to have my heart broken and I will find myself in a situation where there is limited support and understanding available, though a few select allies will be able to help me out. The killing of the dinosaurs represent to me the fear of opening up to love – symbolism of pink – and that I will continue to approach this challenge until it is finally achieved, and integrated into my personality – the killing of the dinos – though this doesn't happen in one broad sweep.

      Looking up themes: Desert – loss and misfortune – you may be suffering from an attack on your reputation, feelings of loss and isolation. Could signify my fear of ridicule associated with writing my thesis – where I position myself as an emerging shaman – and the loss of prestige I have been expecting for not being the person who writes a PhD, but instead facilitate that others can do this. Dinosaur – outdated attitude or belief, you may need to abandon an outdated habit or patterns of thinking – old issues coming back to haunt you – This I think is very much related to my ego-attachments of the “happy couple” and how “love” is supposed to be played out in a relation between two people – the fact that there are a couple of allies with me might signify a change in cognitive schema's on the whole issue on poly amorousness and being able to let go of the fears of Karen being with someone other than me. Alternatively it might represent conquering my fears of loss in a love relation and the killing a discovery of true, unconditional love.
    8. A Huge Mousetrap Game, Multiple dreams and Dream Induction.

      by , 04-08-2016 at 06:28 PM
      I will start by saying that I was using a new technique that I found on YouTube. It was called "
      Lucid Dream Induction: Dreamwalker" I will add the link at the end. I highly recommend it.

      Dream#1: In this dream it was me, my friends Lindell, Dexter(Dex) & my husband Mike(he was asleep for some reason). These are very good friends of ours & used to be our neighbors. Lindell, whom I call "Lin" is like the male version of me w/ some exceptions so we are always doing goofy stuff.

      Anyway, back to the dream. We were in Lin & Dex's house & were listening to the previously mentioned excercise which at some point keeps repeating do a reality check so it was interjecting itself into my lucid dream which was pretty exciting for me...Dell decides to record us w/ a tape cassette player for fun. Apparently Lin thought it would be a good idea to play w/ this giant Mouse Trap Game, based on the kids version.. Mike was sleeping but we were all getting into this game & we all suddenly realized we were in Lin's dream. Boy did we get excited at this point. He was also very excited because that was his intenion. Lin went near the edge of a higher curve on the mouse trap & leaned his head over the track upside down which was hillarious so we were trying to make the mouse hit him as it came down the track... I could still hear the words from the actual audio telling me to do the reality checks so this was also in my dream & I did them which was so very incredibly weird but in a good way... We all were waking up, except Mike & wanted to try & get back in "Lin's" dream again so they told me to start the audio over... At that moment, I woke up in real life & started the audio over & layed back down & went right back into the dream! It was really cool. I think this is a form of chaining.... For just a short while I was back in the same dream which eventually went into another dream alltogether, which was my 2nd or 3rd dream of the night. I'm unclear if you wake from a dream & do something & go back into the same dream if it is considered the same dream or is it a new dream.

      2nd or 3rd Dream, depending on your definition was very emotional for me. This dream took place at a cabin somewhere. My ex-girlfriend Gail was there (actual girlfriend whom I was in a relationship w/ for a long time & was previously my best friend, she moved away), my husband Mike, me, my kids & some kind of monster. Gail kept trying to "get w/ me" & my husband came around a corner of the cabin while she was grabbing me & got really mad. He was screaming, "I knew it!" and we started arguing w/ me trying to defend myself. We were all trying to get away from some monster I coudn't even see but the car & truck wouldn't start & it was all just all kinds of bad... I was just glad when I woke up... I'm not surprised by this dream at all. My husband & her do not get along at all & I severed all ties from her years ago. I showed her pic to Mike this week from FB. Let me be clear here. I am not friends w/ her on there either but I do check on her every now & then because I will always care for her & she has multiple kinds of cancer & won't be around in a few yrs & its sad. He understands this. She & I were both victim's of domestic violence & she was there for me & helped me to stand up against my 1st husband. Anyway, I'm sure the picture triggered the dream.

      Lucid Dream Induction: Dreamwalker

    9. Control a fiction?

      by , 04-08-2016 at 06:17 PM
      D1 - I am playing god and creating people, but I need the correct material in correct propotions. Everything is under control ~^

      D2 - I am in my classroom, the idea of control is a figment of someone else's imagination. The kids have no connection with me, they are "playing up" refusing my control. I send one child after another to "sit out" but they are milling about like walking dead zombies, and kind of hostile too Oo.

      I am trying to control things and have expectation of things that are unacceptable.
      I need to accept what is and go with the flow, not try and force what is into another shape.
    10. Dream from last night

      by , 04-08-2016 at 06:17 PM
      I was with my good friend "M" or "J" and my old good friend "T" We were screwing around in the city making trouble. Eventually the police are apperently called. We wait a while for them becasue we want to run from them. Finally we see the car. At this point we are running but we know it will catch us. So I cut into some back yard and they follow me. This continues for a while with me making decisions about where to run and my friends following with the police close behind. Now it is "J" and "T" and we are in this junk yard kind've. The police are on foot now. We are climbing buildings and such but eventually we cant go any further. Im climbing a fence which T is already on and the female officer grabs my foot. T rolls back over the fence. Then the dream does this weird recap where it goes over what happend and how T when he rolled back was risking his life and I wasn't willing to do that.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Hazy dream from a day ago 4/7/16

      by , 04-08-2016 at 06:12 PM
      First dream journal entry. Please let me know if I'm breaking any rules or doing something wrong.
      Hanging out with some of my friends. There are some girls hanging out in a bedroom by us. Might have been all girls or not I don't know. I go in there with $20 and give it to a hot girl asking for a blow job. She says no but says she will say that she gave me one. I'm like cool. She immediately blurts out what I asked her and how she didn't give me one. She keeps the $20 and I can't get it back. I think I do end up getting it back but I enjoy talking to her so much that I go in there again with the $20 and she gets it again. Later in the dream my friend, we'll call her "S" gets the $20 for me. It's all wet and I wrap it around my wrist I think. I remember thinking how I was going to go give it to that girl in the bedroom again. That's all I remember.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. 08-04-16 Killing the Waiter/Manager making a pass at mom

      by , 04-08-2016 at 05:37 PM
      Non-lucid – NoteslucidInterpretation

      I find myself in a lounge like area of a restaurant, that has more of a private living room vibe to it. The illumination is quaintly dark, looks like it is illuminated by torches on the wall or dimmed lighting. I am sat in a sofa setting, two square coffee tables in front of me, with someone one my side I am unfamiliar with or can't remember. The sofas are rather large and comfortable, made of dark brownish leather.

      On the opposite side in the other sofa is my mother, and she is holding the menu. We are laughing at one another, but it is a laugh of irritation and irony. The menu is rather limited – and their certainly isn't any vegan options. We look for the wine list, but find out in some manner, maybe just intuitive knowledge that there isn't anything to select from.

      The manager comes over, he is also our waiter or maybe a waitress has called him over because we have complained. He starts explaining that of course there are options and that this is the menu he is running, completely ignoring our complaints. At the same time he is making an obvious pass at my mom, and I think “cheeky fucker” - reading that he is using his sexual advances to avoid dealing with our problems.

      He is your typical short, hairy and somewhat greasy Italian or Greek stereotype, speaking in an Italian accent. He starts out being stocky and somewhat round but over the course of the dream turns extremely skinny, though he maintains his open and deep cut shirt and full dark moustache.

      After a short while with him constantly leaning in towards my mother trying to get close to snatch a kiss and overload her sensual senses I have had enough. I get angry. I stand up knock the menu off the table with a backhanded slap, so it goes skittering across the dark redish/ochre tiled floor, towards the entrance where real dining tables are placed. It comes to a halt by one of these tables. There are two or three waitresses standing over there looking anxiously towards me, if not quite in shock – they are dressed in a typical white blouse, black skirt and apron outfits.

      The manager gets up and he is now much thinner and smaller than I. I go and grab him by the throat and pull him towards the area with the dining tables. I start strangling him, anger rushing up through my stomach like a volcano spewing out Lava. I don't recall if I say anything to him, though I have a feeling that I tell him of my dissatisfaction with him using sexual/romantic advances in order to avoid dealing with the valid complaints about the place we have.

      I let him go briefly and pick up one of Karens's t-shirts – a light purple coloured one – and wrap it around his throat and pull tightly together. I notice that none of the people around me are trying to stop me despite me being in the process of killing the owner.

      Immediate Interpretation: Killing the waiter, who is making a pass at my mum could represent that I am frustrated with my own preoccupation with engaging in a sexual and romantic relation with Karen, which I have seen have the capacity to pull me away from writing my thesis. Alternatively it could be representing an intuitive fear I have that she is somehow “playing” her sexuality at me instead of dealing with the emotional problem I feel she is experiencing, when she is simultaneously pushing me away and also want me closer. It could also represent that I am aware of a manipulative aspect within myself, where I am using my own sexual advances in order to avoid dealing with an emotional issue I am experiencing myself – which makes sense as this 2 day non-communication deal has stirred up some anger and confusion.
    13. 08-04-16 Aggressive Oral Sex

      by , 04-08-2016 at 05:29 PM
      Non-lucid – NoteslucidInterpretation

      Karen and I are lying in bed and we are getting friendly touching one another. She then turns very angry and decisively try and perform oral sex on me. She is very angry and is trying to bite me, though I don't get the idea that she is trying to mutilate me. I try and fence her off a little – as I am not interested in having sex of any kind in this emotional state – but she keeps making her advances, and I keep trying to fend her off until I awake.

      Immediate Interpretation: I have experienced a fear that Karen is engaging in sexual activities with me in a forced manner that is she is doing it either to avoid confronting an issue or to please my expectations. In this dream I see the aggressive push for oral sex as this fear of her trying to stifle communication of an emotional/personal problem – as she is blocking her throat chakra – and I feel irritated and misunderstood because she doesn't seem to understand that I am more willing to listen to her concerns regardless of what it may implicate for our sexual relation.

      Note: When we had sex the night before and we were lying naked next to one another, looking into one another's eyes she looked away timidly and said “the bodily unrest is back now” and after looking at her and asking where it was, she went on “I had it silenced for a while there” in a cheeky tone. For this reason I think it is rather pointless looking up things and frankly this interpretation makes so much sense to me. Also the anger she is displaying in the dream is representative of my own budding anger at her not feeling comfortable with opening up to me about this bodily unrest, also because it might have implications for my actions – however she may simply not be aware of what it is.

      Looking up themes: Willingness to receive pleasure – talking about sex. We are talking about sex and I am explicit about my attraction to her. It could represent the recent fascination with anal sexuality.
    14. 08-04-16 Skii resort with Krimi

      by , 04-08-2016 at 05:08 PM
      Non-lucid – NoteslucidInterpretation

      I am at a ski resort. It is an oblong one, with the slopes placed after one another on a straight line. It is bright and sunny outside and the pistes are covered in snow and the scattered pine trees are dark and green looking healthy.

      I am speaking with Krimi, who is there as well wearing a bright yellow ski outfit. On the way up in a lift he is explaining that he is actually getting bored of being there. “Sure it is nice enough and fun to ski, however when you do it day in and day out repetitively it becomes so similar.” I acknowledge this position and express my agreement, though I have only just arrived and am eager enough to ski.

      Some fragment of talking to Duki at the top of a piste.

      Immediate interpretation: Think this relates to the new and exciting relation with Karen, and that we are reaching a plateau where the newness is no longer a sufficient element to build on/learn from. While I have just arrived and still find it exciting Krimi could represent my fears of Karen not really finding the relation stimulating on the same premises.

      Looking up themes: Snow essentially can mean a lot of things – the one I found most relevant :To see the sun shining through landscapes of snow, foretells that you will conquer adverse fortune and possess yourself of power “ The colour of Yellow is related to the solar plexus chakra and deals with self-confidence. In this light the dream could be taken to mean that I can emerge on the other side of a personal problem – either related to Karen, the Psychedelic Research Association or with Bjarne for stalling him – stronger. Dreaming of skiing could mean that I am pushing my mental and/or physical abilities to the test – which suggest my relation with the Psychedelic Research association might be the theme for this dream.

      Updated 04-10-2016 at 04:56 PM by 35291 (Anonymous)

      non-lucid , side notes
    15. April/8/16

      by , 04-08-2016 at 04:35 PM
      I only remember fragments of this dream. I went outside with some friends.

      I dreamt that I was with my brother and my cousin and we were on one of the 'Fire Emblem'-Stages from SSB4. I still have this image in my head of seeing me in third-person-view when I noticed that I WAS DREAMING (1st LD)!!!! BUT then I wanted to rub my hands to know how it feels and the moment my hands touched I was kicked out and woke up. I WAS SO UPSET! IT WOULD HAVE BEEN AN AMAZING DREAM!