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    1. A lucid (or was it?) Lucid again! (or was it?) And again (Oh come on!)

      by , 03-31-2016 at 10:43 AM
      As per usual nowadays, this all happened at the top of the morning. It cannot be because I only then manage to accrue enough melatonin, because I've taken supplementary melatonin at various points of the night before and merely slept dreamless sleeps.

      I'm in a very large office building (DS) and I hear someone talking about office decorations (Christmas?) But I can only see a very large and brightly coloured plastic dildo, on a wall inside one section. (what??!!) I suddenly realise that I'm wearing pyjamas (and my sleeping mask) and think "I'm asleep!"

      I move outside the section that I'm in and immediately feel that I'm waking up This time I start to spin but to no avail (usual story lately). I lay there, musing about what had happened, then realise that I'm at my desk explaining to my (DC) fellow employees that I've just had an lucid dream. The penny drops...I'm back asleep...and then I wake up again.

      It happens once more, but this time I'm telling my wife (who's asleep in our other bedroom)...and then I'm awake again. If they were all false awakenings, then the plot definitely thickens. Can I really dream that complicated scenario? If it had happened tomorrow I would have pondered on the fact that it is April fools Day and the brain apparently has independently-functioning sections (and maybe there's a joker in the pack)

      Aside from that little farce, things have been quiet, with just one recent "sweet spot" in my mediation/sleeping routine. I managed to conjure up a "video" (I can never make out any clear content...maybe it's always just a typical dreamlike jumble.) It was playing very fast and I tried to instruct my brain to slow it down.

      Whenever I manage to create the basic "square shape" I merely have to think "a red square" and it instantly in-fills in red. But I could not get the "video" to slow down. Maybe there are 2 separate brain departments "video" and "wire-frame shapes" and the latter one is run by a few simple-minded neurons. Maybe the "video" dept has a bunch of techie-neurons who are far too busy to listen to a noob like me. Just a thought (if you could call it that)

      I'm not claiming this as a lucid (I think it would be bad form to do so) Frustrating, but never boring for long, is how I view my current dream/brain/meditation/falling asleep research. IMO we really have to show the brain respect, because there's no guarantee that we are in complete control of it. (if at all)
    2. False awakening, nearly lucid

      by , 03-31-2016 at 10:27 AM
      Wake up time - 533

      I was on a bus with an old time friend listening to music, I couldn't remember a lot of it, but I also remember meeting another old friend which it felt uneasy but on the bus,he looked different but very real. I noticed how my phone battery was about to go off. I'm not sure why but I had the feeling I was dreaming about something to do with REM, there where these qualifications I would need to get to be a certain dream search. We ended back at his house and my dad knew his dad and we was chatting about how my dad use to be a painter.

      I woke up, not in reality and asked myself the question (why didn't I do a reality check in my dream?) (Why didn't I check my state?)

      I wasn't in my bedroom though that's the weird part
    3. Lovemaking and Comic Book Cake

      by , 03-31-2016 at 09:31 AM
      Morning of March 31, 2016. Thursday.

      I find myself in a new composite setting and this one is mostly modeled after the Cubitis living room. What is different is that the door to my room is not present and a bed is aligned along the west wall (which would have covered the door had it been there as in reality). Also, the front door to the carport is instead implied to be an arched opening to another room. Very light blue curtains hang down over the area.

      I am lucid but not yet near apex lucidity. Still, I focus on my perception for several minutes. Being directly linked to the preconscious and my conscious self identity, I start to think about the nature of ghosts and such (and creating a haunted house adventure) but I soon change my mind. Instead, I decide to create a sexual encounter. As curtains over an otherwise open doorway is a form of autosymbolism that designates division of liminal space (the metaphorical “barrier” between dream self and conscious self while in the dream state), I use it to vivify and sustain my dream as I have done in many other dreams. (Additionally, a carport or porch is liminal space in both dreams and reality and is typically the last setting when occurring in a non-lucid dream. Knowing this as I have since childhood also aids in vivifying a dream.)

      “The hand and arm of a beautiful young girl will emerge from between the curtains,” I say. Very soon, a graceful female’s hand and arm is protruding from between the curtains. I feel a strange but very pleasant sensation as if a veil is being pulled up and my clarity grows and intensifies. I then add more scenario detail and the ideal form of Zsuzsanna eventually steps out with an incredibly friendly and familiar essence. She is dressed only in light blue lacy lingerie. We make love on the bed (I am on my back and she is over me, facing me) and eventually my dream shifts as I allow it to. It is the same setting but there are other people present now, mostly relatives and a few unfamiliar people.

      I notice an Archie comic book on the table (on the opposite side of the room as the bed). It is open to a story where Archie seems to be interviewing or at least talking with a football player. Jughead is seated nearby. There is a plate with a piece of cake on it. I effortlessly will the small slice of cake out of the comic book onto the table and eat it.

      “Wow, this is the best cake from a comic book I ever had. It is fantastic!” I say. I pretend to almost pass out with delight. Witnesses, especially the personified preconscious, eye me with suspicion. The cake really is delicious, but perhaps they think it should taste like paper.

      As the drawing still exists on the comic book page, I will it out again and eat another of the “same” slice. “This is the best comic book cake ever!” I exclaim. I pretend to fall over backwards in ecstasy (the bed is now on the opposite side of the room by my will) and I deliberately decide to become unconscious and of course becoming unconscious in a dream is waking up into reality or so it is with me when I choose (though sometimes I wake when I wish by opening my “other eyes” in a dream, though this is hard to explain, but I have done it all my life with certain dream types, even non-lucid).

    4. 31/3/2016

      by , 03-31-2016 at 07:14 AM
      1) Sitting around a table. Very small portions of food. I complained to the woman sitting next to me and she agreed they were getting smaller. I asked for some more but just got a teaspoon of gravy added to the side of my plate. Bit of a theme here.

      2) It was lunch time in a school canteen. The children were all rushing over to get their lunch. I had to serve so moved a serving table around and cleared all the rubbish off the top of it. Continuing the food theme.....

      3) I was with a patient and noticed that he was interested in lucid dreaming, congratulated him and told him that I was interested as well but hadn't had a lucid dream yet

      Updated 03-31-2016 at 07:16 AM by 88643

      Tags: food, school
    5. Within Again

      by , 03-30-2016 at 10:04 PM
      Lately lucid dreaming hasnt been my priority but when I find myself trying again it results in low time and poor memory. Even when I wake from non lucids I find myself asking"what? Why cant I remember?".This is probably do to my lifestyle change and going asleep late even though I wake up early. But...I guess Im going to have to build up my dream recall again and maybe sleep less late.Sometimes I can't help it though.

      Anyways, I took a nap today in the afternoon and ended up becoming lucid. My goal was to interact with Eye or Dawn but I can't recall if I spoke to Dawn or not. He was present though. Just seemed like he was moving around from place to place.

      Im hundred percent sure I interacted with Eye though. We were together but than he separated from me too. After that I was walking around my house than stepped outside to avoid another dc who turned out to be a huge green chinese dragon.

      I called out to Eye to see if he would save me but nope. The dragon swallowed me so I shrugged it off and walked in the stomach. I might have met with Eye after that and mentioned something to him. But I don't remember. Yep...Thats how much my recall sucks now.
    6. DJ#129: Uni, Dota & Basketball

      by , 03-30-2016 at 09:04 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was playing a Dota game, it started off alright but our support was absolutely terrible, feeding and such and ending up abandoning. 4v5 we started to struggle, until their bloodseeker went absolutely insane nd started eating us up left right and centre. He killed all of us multiple times and the last time I just barely managed to get away to the fountain.

      Fragment: I was on the internet doing something.

      Dream 2: I took the train down to where the basketball stadium I normally play at was, however the whole area is sort of blocked off. I try to get through but can't really. I look through the window of the basketball stadium and see a few people inside playing, however I have a feeling that I'm not allowed to go in there. I wen back to the train station and met up with my brother who explained what was going on. He told me the Olympics were happening soon here and the Olympic village was being set up there. I asked him why they weren't using the Olympic village from 60 years ago but he said he didn't know why.

      Dream 3: I was on a cliff with someone else, skimming rocks down the cliff to try and get them as far as possible. It was a bit like a science experiment so they all had to be about 1.8 kg to count. I think we each threw two rocks before we realised that though so I collected them and measured their weight. One of mine as 1.7 kg so it was ok, but the other was only like 0.9 kilos so it didn't count. I went to find another rock to throw and found a weird purple one but it weighed the right amount so I threw it anyway.

      Fragment: Something about shaving and cutting my super long toenails.

      Dream 4: I was at a different university campus at a computing tutorial. The tut was really hard and by the end I was completely lost and panicking. Everybody went outside and sat around and talked on a football field. After a little while though an alarm went off and security guards came to us. They started interrogating us, saying none of us would leave until someone fessed up, and eventually someone put their hand up and was handcuffed by them. I walked over and could hear them crying, until I got close enough to recognise it was my brother. I walked up to the guards and asked them what had happened, they told me that he had broken a gutter on the edge of a roof. I asked my brother why on earth he would do that and he said he saw it has hanging low and jumped up to grab it and it snapped due to his weight. I told the guards to let him go as he hadn't deliberately down anything wrong. I don't know if they actually let him go because of this or not, but I know we had to go the regular city campus next as we were no longer welcome at that previous campus.

      We got to the city campus where we had a computing workshop this time starting shortly. I knew it was on level 10 of the building, so I started going up the escalator but my brother said the elevator was faster so I hopped off after a few levels. Somehow I lost my brother and didn't know where the elevators where so I wandered back down to the ground floor to try and figure out where I was. I walked around to the other side of the building and then reentered up a short escalator. I ended up in a food market of some kind, and was about to leave but I saw some of my friends hanging around there. I asked them what they were doing and they said they were getting lunch from a make your own kebab place. Intrigued, I went over to them and saw you could pay to get a skewer, two slices of bread and all the meat you wanted. I saw it was only $10 so I decided to get it as well. I put one slice of break at the bottom of the skewer, leaving the other for the top like a burger, and then looked at all the different meats. I got some bacon, lamb, pork and this amazing looking smoked beef. I ate that and then went up the escalators again. I met up with my brother on level 9 somehow, and he told me to follow him to the room even though it was the floor below. We walked in and it was an arena in darkness with a woman giving a speech in Chinese there. We sat down and it turned out to be next to a friend from high school. I asked her if this was the right place and she said no, so,, scolding my brother, I walked out and tried to get up to the next level.
      Tags: non - lucid
    7. Dream #2 Today

      by , 03-30-2016 at 08:05 PM
      Dream #2 today. I was w/ friends & family by a beach w/ a cool outdoor eating area where we were eating Chinese food hibachi style. For some reason I was being married off to some old Chinese guy which I wasn't looking forward to. But an old boyfriend from my childhood was there & we managed to sneak off together & get away from those people. It was a very vivid & memorable dream... My first husband was a Chinese chef & I worked in the industry & still have a great fondness for Chinese food & both of my sons worked also in the industry in there teens.
      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Gruesome dream but not really scary.

      by , 03-30-2016 at 07:44 PM
      Dream#1 today~ I was at this strange abstract birthday party w/ some ppl I know & some I didn't. My friends & I were trying to cheat to not participate in some sick party gift game... The object was to give some of your organs, yes body parts, as gifts to a child for his birthday. Then we went to an after party for adults & ppl were drinking & getting wasted so that triggered me to get away from the dream. I quit drinking almost 2 yrs ago just as a lifestyle choice which in turn gave me more vivid dreams like I had had when I was younger.

      Updated 03-30-2016 at 07:47 PM by 90317

      Tags: dream about
    9. [30-03-2016]

      by , 03-30-2016 at 07:01 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in a huge library, there were many people sitting near tables and reading. Someone came closer and gave me an "Underground admittance". I took an elevator and quickly arrived in a dark cavern room built over with wood. Some parts of it were lit. As soon as I left the elevator, everybody rushed inside it to get to the surface. Only I and manager of this level stayed. He was a black man, wearing a green uniform. When he saw me, he said "Welcome to the underground level! We are surrounded by endless darkness, and as you can see, only this wooden construction protects us from perilous danger!"

      I wandered around the cavern, wondering what's going on. In one place I looked in between wood beams, staring at the strange blackness. I moved somewhere else, and between the beams I saw a beautiful tropical beach at sunset. Another look - and another beach. There were dangerously looking storm clouds gathering upon it. I called the manager and asked "Are our brains generating these beautiful landscapes as a way to deal with this unusual darkness?" He looked a bit surprised and said "I'm not certainly sure, but it is possible."

      A sudden earthquake occured, lights in previously lit area turned off. Manager shouted in panic when he realized that we were stranded down there. I tried to open an evacuation shaft, but a chandelier almost fallen on my head. I tried again and opened it, only to discover that no human is able to climb up through it. He said with hope "They are preparing to save us... they really are!" I said "You know what? They really do, because I expect it, and in lucid dreams, expectations and belief are the most important factors!" I didn't even noticed that I'm back in my house and that the man turned into one of my classmates.

      We talked for a while in my kitchen. We both wanted to go to toilet, instead of it we both peed there. Suddenly he turned and shouted "Oh shit! Grandma!". We ran to another room, I held the door so nobody could enter. It was my parents' bedroom, but only mother was sleeping. Suddenly I heard a shout "Hey! What are you doing!?" - it was my father going back from toilet. I tried to explain "I thought it was grandma!" to which he replied "How could she get here?"

      I left him and went to toilet, thinking if this is a crazy dream that could become lucid, but I woke up soon.
    10. Neigh.

      by , 03-30-2016 at 05:44 PM (Here be dragons)
      Not much time for dreams lately, RL is kicking my ass a bit. Here's a dream about horses, because why not?

      I'm in a messy house with a lot of clutters and white walls. My mother is bringing something back from somewhere. She parks the care and there's a trailer linked to it. She brought in two horses; a grey one with a spanish built, a lipizzan maybe, with a wavy mane and tail; and a alezan one, with a roughter built, more quarter-horse. The second one is a bit bovine, and do nothing more that grazing a bit. The grey one is something else. As soon as we have him in his pasture, he find a patch of bare dirt and rolls around in it, overing himself with the bright orange soil. I pick up a brush and call him. He trot up to me, head held high, and stop in front of me. I start to brush out the dirt, the sky turning dark but the light not changing. It's a long process but it's not tedious; it's almost meditative, and both the exercise and the body warm of the horse warn off the cold of the night. I lean against it's back to take a breather, tucking my arms under my chin and looking out to the pasture. The smell of horse is strong but pleasant, and his skin is slighting shaking each time my breath touch it, as if it was a fly. I can barely see the other horse; the light around us seem to stop a few paces away.
    11. Poor recall

      by , 03-30-2016 at 12:51 PM
      I didn't remember anything from last night.
    12. Old high school building

      by , 03-30-2016 at 07:48 AM
      At my dads there is this old highschool building thats been there for like 200 years. For some reason its abandoned and a bunch of teenagers are loitering there just kinda being mischievious. I'm walking around the school whenever I notice a girl with blond hair and bright blue eyes following me. I start running she's getting closer and closer still. Somehow I'm now wearing skates and I'm flying down the hallway. She cries out," Wait Katelyn, let me see your face! I'm dead! You went here with my descendants!" I fly into a window AWAY from her. The last thing I remember is seeing a browser pop-up and one of my friends's picture is up there. And he's got long blonde hair like when he was in high school.
    13. 30/3/2016

      by , 03-30-2016 at 07:43 AM
      Woke lots last night but too tired to write dreams down, so forgot most of them.

      A very depressing dream

      1) In the lounge of an old stately home with big windows. it was dark and foggy outside, we had to go outside to look for the dog. We were chasing around moorland. Then an old 'friend' appeared who used to bully me at school, he started to make fun of me, he was trying to get me to buy a really tacky loking old mirror with plastic on it I think as a present for someone, and I refused and he made fun of me even more. Then I was in the kitchen of my childhood home, there was a pile of presents on the table, I opened the ones from my mother to me. They were obviously very expensive, I think she had bought them in the shop of the stately home we had just been in. I didn't like them though, then started to feel very depressed and angry with myself that I didn't appreciate her presents. About now I think my parents mentionned that they had booked a weekend away for themselves for Easter and started telling me how marvellous it was, and I was jealous. I thought that killing myself would be the only way out, but decided that I didn't agree with suicide. A half empty plate of food landed on the kitchen table, I asked if dinner was being served, my mother told told me yes and I needed to go and get some, she poured herself another glass of wine and walked off. I went to the dining room, my whole family including grandparents were sitting around the table and had almost finished without even inviting me, there was no plae mat or cutlery in my place. I started to get some food but my brother and a friend had started clearing up and moved everything before I could get much food. I followed them to the kitchen but still couldn't get at the food a they were all crowding around so I gave up.
      This was the saddest dream I can ever remember. I woke up feeling very depressed and suicidal, then realised that this was real life and that I am actually quite happy.
    14. Waking up late

      by , 03-30-2016 at 04:55 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I had just woken up(false awakening) and I was laying in bed. I looked at my phone and saw that the time said 11:07 a.m. "Holy fuck I'm late!" I said as I sprung out of bed. School started at 10:30 today so I was already 37 minutes late. I stopped worrying about how late I was as it wasn't going to change anything and I got up and walked into the restroom to take a piss. I pulled down my boxers and immediately noticed(it gets explicit here) that the tip of my dick was as blue as blueberries, or even as blue as the cookie monster. "What in the fuck" I said as I looked at my dick in astonishment. Just then I got my phone and searched online for "what causes blue tip of dick" (lmfao wow). My phone brought me to twitter and somehow brought me to my friend Alex's twitter.
      I saw that he had just tweeted, but it wasn't a normal tweet; he tweeted a dick pic. "Wtf is Alex thinking? Everyone can see this shit he's screwed" I said out loud. He captioned his dick pic "Why is the tip of my dick as red as a cherry?!!?". It then occurred to me, my tip was blue; his was red. "What does this mean?" I thought to myself. It then also occurred to me how gay this was, and I immediately exited out of twitter as I found no joy in looking at Alex's dick(lmao). I looked out the bathroom window and saw that the sky was overcast. Suddenly I found myself to have teleported on Alex's street right in front of his house. "Maybe I should talk to Alex about this? What if there's something wrong with our dicks?" I asked myself.

      2. I was inside of a grocery store walking around and getting food with my dad. The store's lighting was dim as it tends to be in my dreams, and the floor was a buffed concrete that was so buff you could see your reflection in it. My dad and I started walking down one of the frozen food aisles. It was slightly cold. Every where I looked on this aisle I could see all sorts of frozen pizza. "You see that over there son?" my dad asked me. "What?" I replied. "Over there" he pointed not far from us in one of the frozen sections, "That's pizza that has dog meat all over it" he told me. "What in the fucking hell" I remember thinking to myself. I was now semi-lucid. "Who would ever eat that? We don't eat dog meat in America" I said. "Yeah this one guy bought it not too long ago and it was on the news. He died after eating it" my dad said.
      I remember feeling a little sick to my stomach despite how I have a strong stomach and don't get sick by just looking at things. I walked over to where the dog meat pizza was and got a closer look at it. There was only one left. It seems that people really liked it and many of them were buying it. As I looked at the dog meat pizza I noticed that it was just a regular piece of pizza except its crust was pale white and there was a huge slab of frozen dog meat on top of the entire slice. "How could anyone ever eat this? Why would anyone ever kill a dog and sell its meat?" I thought to myself. After that my dad and I continued walking around the grocery store and I remember getting alot of food and putting it in the grocery cart.

      3. I was in my own car, but I wasn't driving it. I was sitting in the passenger seat as my sister drove. I don't know what led me to let her drive but something told me to let her try it out. We were driving home from somewhere and were now on the feeder. The sky was completely covered in clouds and it looked like it was about to rain. Suddenly we came to an intersection and the light was red, but my sister kept on driving. A car was driving towards us from the right and had to slam on the breaks to avoid from crashing into us. "What the hell are you doing?!?" I asked my sister. She then continued to drive across the intersection and she ended up running into a curb and driving over it. I felt the entire car bump up and I could hear the concrete slamming into my front bender.
      "Okay that's enough Kayla pull over. I'm driving us the rest of the way" I told her. She then pulled over and we switched seats. I started driving. We came to the last intersection before our house and as we passed it I noticed that under the bridge we had to go under, there was 2 firetrucks and an ambulance. Lying on the road not far from them were 2 guys. One seemed to have gotten both of his legs torn off and half of his face was gone, and his skin was pale white and he was bald. The other guy wasn't far from him and he was missing an arm and was covered in blood. "Holy shit dude are you seeing this?" I asked my sister. "Yeah" she replied.
      I then "realized" that it was all just acting for some sort of show and continued driving home. Suddenly I found myself driving down a deserted road and it was now nighttime. My sister was still in the passenger seat. There were lights all down this road, but it was still fairly dark. Beyond the boundaries of the road on each side was thick forestry. I remember coming to a stop and parking in a col-de-sac to find out were we were. We were completely lost. I pulled out my phone and looked at my location. My GPS said that I was in Virginia. "What.The.Fuck" I said out loud. Just then my aunt Hope and my other aunt Beverly walked out of a house in the col-de-sac. At first I didn't recognize Beverly as I haven't seen her in years.
      Hope was quiet, but as usual, Beverly was no where near it. "What's up Cory?" Beverly said in an energetic tone. She then walked up to me and picked me up by my nutsack with one arm. Oddly enough it wasn't painful. She was now holding me up above her head with her right arm all by my nutsack(I must be strong down there **insert slick emoji with shades on** xD).
    15. Chained sucess! Or was it.

      by , 03-30-2016 at 02:37 AM (My Robotic imagination)
      Alright After many times of waking up during the night by the time morning got here I was no longer sleepy however, upon laying down and thinking about my previous dream this is what happened.

      I'm in some kind of kitchen and it is daytime. My mom is in the dining room and I'm looking through some windows. There is water in the sink and it began to fill up. I quickly became lucid and mentally warn the dream to stop now. The water continues to fill up until it is over flowing. There is a coffee maker plugged in on the floor and I ran out of the kitchen before I get shocked. I feel like I'm being drawn back into the room and gets fed up with the dream. I wake myself up right into SP. I was expecting this. It is a way for a dream to continue to work even after you wake up, while in SP I warned the dream that I can end this here and now and look for a new dream to take your place. I was in my bedroom and and there were no vibrations that usually forces me to break out of SP. I allowed myself to drift back into the dream and found myself in the same dream I just woke up from. I forgot to think about the previous dream first, shit. I'm in the kitchen next to the windows I was looking out of, the sinks were gone it was only a counter with some things on top of it. I looked around for the coffee maker, it was gone then I realized that I was in a different room and the one I was in was next to this one, so I went to it. The sinks were there but this time was full of dishes and pans, seen some water there that was dark in color under the pans and turned away fast then found the coffee maker. It was still plugged in where it was the last time but looked like it had seen betterdays the glass container (what ever the part that holds the coffee is called) looked like it was water stained and had been there for quite some time.