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    1. Meeting with Obama (Non-Lucid)

      by , 12-11-2015 at 11:03 PM
      I was in my local church and I was meeting Barack Obama as a president of Poland. Sounds weird?
      I was standing next to two bodyguards when something attacked us so we needed to hide quickly. We ran to the altar and opened secret doors on the floor.
      Someone pushed me and I was falling down for a long time (like here). When I finally hit ground, I have met my dad! We were in some kind of tunnels. There was dark and wet everywhere. We have looked around and what we have seen?
      Potatoes! They were there for a long time, but still not rotten.

      I found some kind of doors and when I opened it I was in someone`s bedroom. One kid said something to me and I have sat on his bed. Then, suddenly chatbox like from Minecraft appeared. I tried to type "/setspawn" with my mind when I heard footsteps, I think it was his mother so I have run away.

      Updated 12-12-2015 at 09:12 PM by 89251 (Added info about bodyguard)

    2. N8: ...

      by , 08-16-2015 at 09:27 PM
      So I dreamt that I was going back to elementary school for a visit with my class. There was something going on. If we found a pig in a wedding dress, and a baby cow, we'd get a prize. I found the pig- it was in a closet. Then I walked past a 3rd grade classroom to see that the kids in there had already found the cow. Then the dream shifted- I was at a hospital waiting room at night. We went outside (my mom, sister, brother and I) To see... Barack Obama! He needed a ride somewhere. That just seemed so strange to me, I did a reality check. My finger didn't go through my hand, but sort of "melted" into it. Eh, still, that wouldn't happen IWL! I plugged my nose too, and could breathe perfectly! I tried to take off to fly, but couldn't! I "woke up" and immediately did a reality check. Nope, still dreaming. I got up, but as soon as I did, I "woke up" again, and did a reality check, only to find that I was in yet another false awakening. I tried shouting "Clarity now!" a few times because everything was blurry, but it was no use. After a few more false awakenings, I woke up.
    3. Nina and Boat Ride, Sandwich, Can I Keep It???, Obama and The Search for Kaomea

      by , 03-28-2012 at 02:31 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Nina and Boat Ride, Sandwich, Can I Keep It???, Obama and The Search for Kaomea


      Dream 1: Nina's last Avatar Come to Life?

      I remember being with a group of characters ranging from Naked or Solid Snake from Metal Gear, a few Sonic characters, Nina's last avatar with the light blue character I can't even remember the name of, and a few more.

      This dream felt like a parody, apparently, we were all set on vacation, it seemed like it because things were peaceful, except with the part with some male tried to poke fun into "killing" me.

      I think I was supposed to sleep a few feet away from the guy, and apparently, I'm Tobi before he got his new mask. I found myself shifting consciousness between him and spectator mode a few times.

      When I was resting on the bed, things felt weird, like I knew the guy who was in the big bed with me (because the same gender had to sleep with one another instead of the opposite gender for obvious reasons).

      I think I wanted to use Sharingan, even though I wasn't even facing the guy lol. It just felt awkward being around this person.

      I think I even asked the person if they have their gun with them, and some times, he doesn't even respond, so I quickly turned around assuming he's trying to shoot me with his gun.

      I have a gun of my own as well, it's just that I was worried that he might use his first.

      Then the dream shifts to where it's day time, and I see the character with the light blue hair Nina used to have as her avatar come to life.
      (I don't know if the avatar character was male or female, but everyone assumes it's a female in the dream).

      I stay pretty close to Nina, and she looks a little sad, and I'm wondering why she is sad. I see she has a gun, and it's longer than mine.

      Lmao, she has a longer weapon than me. Hers has a 9 inch barrel, mine has a 6 inch barrel. She lets me see the gun for a while, and the same guy who was sleeping in bed with me
      (note: when I say sleeping, don't assume sex, we were paired based on same gender for safety reasons for the opposite side).

      Then the dream shifts to where we all are on a big green tank that looks like it came off a game like Metal Gear Solid 1. Apparently, it is flooded, but it isn't a problem for me since I'm standing on water.

      The environment is mostly water, we were just either on a boat, tank, and other forms of boats like mini-cruise ships, yachts, etc.

      Everyone is complaining that the tank is flooded, and it's almost close from going underwater. Then Tails from Sonic disappears, and I'm wondering where the hell he went to.

      He comes back super fast to find an alternative for us to travel and presumably go back to our homes, ideally, the utilization of portals.

      I forgot some of the characters that went to their "home" area, and I lost track of what happened when I stepped into my portal.

      I do remember Tails saying that once a person steps into a portal one time for a certain period of time, they can never get back out of the dimension the portal carries them too.

      I believe the portal gave a preview of what would be on the other side, so there was no worries there.

      All I remember for that one.

      Dream 2: Sandwich

      I'm outside, and there are good amount of DCs to make this dream like it's some type of event in college. I was walking with the group, probably just natural conformity to see what's going on.

      I hear two girls talking behind me, and one mentioned that she received 23rd out of 24 on something, I'm presuming it's a test or something of the sort, and she got a lot of credit for it to transfer for her degree, most likely.

      I'm still walking with the large group of people, just listening in between walking.

      Then some other girl was telling how she got 50 hours added on. I was kind of interested in this eavesdropping, and wondered how a person can get so many hours based on a test they took?

      I eventually ignore the rest of their conversation, and the dream shifts to where I'm inside a room that looks like lecture rooms in the Biochemistry Department at College Station.

      I'm near the entrance, and apparently, there are note cards with our names on it. They're supposed to tell us which section we have to go to, and I assume things went based on the people in the line.

      This leads me to assume that my name will be on the card that I will pick up, but it was for someone else, a female to be precise. It started with an "A." and the last name was just too long for me to remember, not insanely long, just a bit.

      I turn around, and see it's a girl that resembles the girl who I sat next to in Physics Pre-AP at the second to last High School I attended. Let's call her Andrea.

      I put back the card quickly on top of the stack, and the same card is Andrea's name apparently. So I go search a little bit through the stack of note cards with our names on it, and eventually find my name.

      Apparently, I've felt I had this dream before, not too long ago, maybe this was a reset that happened a few minutes after the original.

      I thought I would be assigned to the 3 Biochemistry professors, and all three of the main ones where there, at least the ones that I had my first semester.

      But I'm assigned to go to row 501, and went I checked the walls that has the signs with the number ranges for the rows, it wasn't in this room.

      However, there were doors to the right of me to go to the other rooms.

      I turn right and open the door, which is still located at a high level near the entrance I'm at (the room is structured like a regular big lecture room).

      I'm in the other room, which feels shorter, and for some reason, I feel like I'm not going to have a lot of fun with whatever professors I'm being paired with other than the previous 3 in the last room.

      But I still check the walls for the signs, and finally found 501 after some self-questioning on where it was.

      Then the dream shifts to where I see a pretty enticing sandwich in a poster, and then someone is telling us how a sandwich is heated up 1000s of times in a store, just to make us cognizant the next time we decided to heat up the sandwich.

      Dream 3: Can I Keep It??

      I'm riding my bicycle for a while in this dream, with some parts of walking. There's this small dog that has a long body, but is short in size. It isn't really bothering me, but I wanted to annoy it for some reason.

      I follow it for a while, and I do something to make it pay attention to me. It's trying to bark, but I can't hear anything from it, seemed like a really weak animal.

      I ride my bicycle a little faster to see if it can catch up, and it barely can do so. Then I see some girl and what seemed to be her mother. The child asked the mother if she can keep the dog.

      This seemed like the classic "Only if you promise you'll take care of him" thing parents usually give if a child wants a pet, and then she says, "Okay."

      The dog is still chasing me, but it's so short in size, it's hilarious seeing its little legs trying to catch up to me. Then I look at the girl, and the dog goes to her, since it is her new pet after all.

      Then the girl and the mother look at me for a while, and then changed their focus on what's ahead of them.

      Hopefully I'll get a lucid from this WBTB.

      The time was around 5:45 AM, and I figured I could still WILD in that time. For a few minutes I tried remaining still, then I had the thought of getting to first base with Melanieb, and went with that thought.

      Then I decided I should clear my thoughts out instead of hugging my pillow fantasizing about Melanieb. >.>

      I tried to keep aware that I'm drifting to sleep, but I decided to just sleep instead.

      Dream 4: Barack Obama and The Search for Kaomea (DILD)

      I wake up (FA), and I believe my father is asking me for some money. I was wondering why he would need money, but either way, I told him he can use my debit card.

      Then I told him that he can use another alternative, and he tells me,

      "Oh yeah, I forgot about that."

      So he gives me my debit card back, and I see my wallet has a picture of me when I was a child? He heads out to work I'm assuming, and I get up from bed.

      I get a text message from a girl named Jalisa that I used to have for my English Pre-AP class in High School as a Freshmen before.

      This text message seems to be a response to something I texted to her before apparently in the dream.

      But things get even weirder, the response says,

      "Nothing, just smoking drugs illegally <3."

      I speculated if this was actually Alyzarin texting me rather than Jalisa, because I remembered that Alyzarin had a dream where she sent me a text message.
      (it also seems that she never had an Instant Message dream before).

      Like usual, I forget about this and just not worry about it. Then I take the time to observe the house I'm in. I move around slowly, just to take in the detail. It's a little hazy, but not too much, I just woke up, but things clear up a little bit.

      Then I pass through these beads that were hanging on top of one section to go into the a different room.

      Instead of dashing through these beads
      (because I know they're annoying as hell when they get stuck on some gap in the clothing you're wearing) I take the time to go through them slowly. I let the hanging beads slide through my head slowly, and I took this time to try and phase through them.

      To get the feeling of the phasing sensation, I remembered the sound where Aelita enters the tower in Code Lyoko.
      (She phases to go into the tower).

      (from 1 seconds to 2 seconds of the video is what I mean by the sound)

      The phasing doesn't work because there's one more bead sliding slowly on my head, and I didn't bother trying to go through this process.

      I go to this new section, and it seems that I'm inside a garage. It has white tiles, and the walls have a turquoise color to them. I told myself,

      "This place is weird...."

      I do a nose plug reality check.

      I breathe through my nose a few times, hearing the weird sound that comes from leaving a small hole for air to come through my nose.

      So I held my nose even tighter, making it harder for small gaps to come through when I'm breathing. Now I'm more sure that I'm dreaming.

      I didn't do any stabilization techniques because I was already relaxed enough in this dream to even bother doing it. The vividness augments gradually, and eventually reaches the level of waking life.

      I know I'm dreaming, but how this dream is becoming like waking life amazed me. I head out the door, and now I'm outside.

      I press my back against the brick wall to the right of me, turn to my right side, bend down on my knees.

      For some odd reason, I felt like doing something like I'm on sort of mission, like Assignment Ada from Resident Evil 4.

      When I'm crouching down, I take my left arm and move my hand on the side of my neck, then I said, "He knows...."

      (I don't know why I did, just felt like doing it lol).

      I move around a bit outside, and it seems the sunset is almost starting to rise. I look outside a little bit, getting a little bit lost in the experience for a few seconds.

      Then this red car zooms RIGHT at me, but instead of being scared and jumping as a reflex, I did a way better job at keeping my cool.

      The person driving the car made a pretty fast entry with it, I almost thought they were going to crash the car completely. Then I look inside of the window of the car.

      It's tinted, so it's a little difficult to see who's inside of it. I had feelings of being afraid of who was going to come out, but if it's a red car, it just had to be some DC trying to get my attention.

      I see the person inside the car looks like Barack Obama, and he's looking at me with a serious demeanor. His lips are a little bit elevated, kind of like a serious pouting face he puts up.

      His eyes look serious, and when I see a DC that looks serious, I tend to augment my feelings of being afraid of something bad happening. But instead of acting like a wimp, I decided to just suck it up and keep my cool.

      I knew I was dreaming, so there's no need for me to be afraid anymore like I am in non-lucids. Obama comes out of the vehicle, he's coming from the left side of the vehicle, so I guess that's one element that this lucid is getting right.

      (I'm saying that because I had a dream where I thought someone came out of the passenger seat in a dream a few days ago, and I assumed that it should be from the left side, since I still have the basic thought that since I'm in America, it should be like that).

      He comes out, still heading backwards (not coming at me) to the left side, goes around the back of the vehicle, and heads in my direction. He's looking at me, still serious and all.

      For those few seconds, I thought to myself that he's going to do something bad to me because he's still looking serious to me.

      Then I reformed back to remaining my cool, he wasn't going to do anything to me. He stands there, waiting for a response from me. I reach my hand out towards him to shake his hand.

      "Nice to meet you, Barack Obama," I declared to him.

      He responds with a nod, but not with a smile or anything like that, he's still having a stoic demeanor and a blank visage, seems that nothing I'm going to say is going to make this guy a little more positive.

      But I do find he's complying with me, so there's no need for me to see a change in his demeanor.

      Then the thought of finding Kaomea came to my mind.

      I follow him going to another vehicle, a silver or white Ford truck I believe.

      I asked,

      "Look, I'm sorry, but....can you help me find Kaomea?"


      He nods again, no words, maybe a silent yes, but I didn't pay too much attention to that. Seeing his nod was enough acknowledgement for me.

      Then I asked him "Tell me, what do you know about Kaomea?"

      He responds, "She's remorseful."

      When he declares this to me, I'm in shock.

      I stay there for a while, loosening my face because I can't believe his response.

      I asked, "Can you tell me why?"

      "No." he declared to me.

      (All right, be laconic in your words mister, I don't mind, as long as you're going to help me, I don't care who you are, as long as you're going to help me find Kaomea).

      Instead of going back to the red car, we head to some other vehicle to drive where Kaomea is (or could be), and because it's Barack Obama I'm talking to in the dream, I assume we're in Hawaii. (Yeah, I know, not really something to use for good measure, but whatever).

      I follow him, and it seems he's going to another vehicle, a silver or white Ford truck I believe. I open the door, then I felt someone's presence behind me, and I turn around.

      It's just a person going along their own way, and they're looking at me for a few seconds, probably to just see what's between each car just as a reflex.

      His hair is black and saturated with hair gel. He's wearing an aqua blue hoodie, and dark blue jeans, the fancy kind of jeans that look clear and smooth.

      To be more general, he looked pretty light in skin tone.

      His face, I can tell he is Hispanic, or maybe he could be Hawaiian, but his skin tone was like apricot or a peach kind of mix with that variant of color.

      He's taller than me, by 1 or 2 feet judging how far I am from him, which is around a distance of 3-4 feet, so it would be natural for me to turn around as a reflex.

      I wave my hand just to be positive towards him and said, "Hi," with a grin on my face. He responds, "Hey" and smiles as well while he heads to wherever he's going.

      I did that small gesture to sublimate the fear of someone being behind me (the person wasn't out to get me of course), and that person did look pretty real to me, seeing as I could get a good description of his visage.

      I focus my attention to getting inside the vehicle. By this time, I feel a lot of time has passed already, so I do another nose plug reality check. Still breathing through it, and I tell myself,

      "I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming!" to make myself more aware instead of relying only on a nose plug RC.

      I look at the view inside the vehicle. Then this is the part that pisses me off.

      I started to think, "Wake up! Wake up! Waaaake up!"

      Nothing is happening at first, still in the vehicle, but then I had the urge to just wake up.

      I wake up, with my eyes still closed.

      I had two options, do a DEILD since my vision with my eyes closed is blurry and has that mystical feel to it, or just open them.

      I honestly do not know why the freaking hell I would just freaking want to wake up???

      I've done that before in a lucid looooong ago where I had amazing control, but I decided to cross my eyes to the front of my nose, which caused a slight strain on them for me to wake up.

      I would've DEILD, but when I woke up, I saw to my right that the Alarm clock has the time of around 7:10 AM.

      Updated 03-28-2012 at 03:44 PM by 47756

      lucid , non-lucid
    4. Riding Totoro Out of the White House [lucid]

      by , 01-08-2012 at 08:03 PM (I Have a Problem)
      Date: 01-08-12
      Length: 15 Minutes
      Clarity: 10/10
      Control: 10/10

      I was laying in bed using Ev's Singularity App when I began to WILD without even trying.
      My mind was already asleep.

      I got up from my bed and Sean and Reina were there, I think they were talking about Daily Grace.
      To stabilize the dream I started spinning really fast and rubbing my hands together. I almost fell over at one point, and was beginning to black out, so I decided I should go slower and be more careful.
      I looked at my closet doors and I told myself "when I walk through those doors, I'm going to be in Barack Obama's bedroom. I opened the door and sure enough, Michelle Obama was laying in her bed in her pjs giving me the weirdest look. I walked down their stairs which turned into Y-po and Y-gong's house.
      I remembered telling Stephanie that if I lucid dreamt, I would dream of flying on Totoro's stomach like Satsuki and Mei. I told myself that when I opened the front door, Totoro would be standing there with his top, waiting for me. I opened the front door and I see Totoro just hovering in my grandparent's fountain. I run up to him and for some reason there was a big pile of dog poo on the edge of the fountain. I jump on his stomach and we begin to fly away. We passed the neighbors' kids and I heard one of them say, "It's Totoro!". We flew higher and higher and I told myself once we landed somewhere I would be like Harry Potter and cast spells and fly around on a broom. Totoro's fur was super soft and kind of carpet-y. I closed my eyes for a second while feeling it and realized what a stupid idea that was.

      I woke up staring at my wall..

    5. Organization (Between 20th July 2011 and 21st July 2011) First Dream

      by , 10-19-2011 at 12:50 PM (Oneiric Mirror)
      I'm with A. M. in the former home of my grandmother. He has a son.
      The kid is blonde with blue eyes.
      It has a yellow babygrow.
      A. M. turns to me and says that today we gonna playing football.
      When we arrived to the football field, I realize that the field is a mixture of petrol stations and a dirt field.

      One of the football poles (of my team) was between two gasoline stations.
      I fail some goals but a little later i score one, the ball goes very slowly between the legs of the goalkeeper.
      I start running and screaming goooooooooooaaaal!
      However A. M. wonders where his son is, and he says that the child is with T. A. , he's taking take care of him.

      Suddently the police or some sort of a special force appears... and suddenly I'm in a helicopter with the leader of this special force ...

      Barack Obama is the commander of these special forces. He's about to throw me from the Helicopter. He as metal discs
      in his hands and feet,they function like the Iron Manīs propellers.

      I put some metal discs in my own hands and feet too.

      He dominates that technology better than me. I try to take a swing at him...but he suddenly disappears.
      The Helicopter lands and a white-coated scientist comes to me and says that F is expecting my orders.

      Itīs seems im some kind of leader of some sort of organization.

      I grab some propellers, put them in my pockets and go away.

      Updated 10-19-2011 at 01:02 PM by 49505
