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    1. Ninjas at my Aunt's house.

      by , 01-10-2010 at 06:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      I can only remember this dream in fragments.

      I am in a house that is of my Aunt Estelle's house. The house is dark, but full of people like there is a party going on or something. I cannot recognize any of the people because of the darkness and I keep bumping into them. There is something about going to the bathroom on the first floor several times.

      I gain control of my actions in the dream but do not become aware that it is a dream.

      Still in my aunt's house there is suddenly less people walking around in the dark but suddenly we are all dressed like Ninjas and are weilding Samurai swords. I have the longest one. While the others attack me they cannot damage me because their swords are too short to reach me. I cut, slash and kill my opponents, which shocks Moordryd Paynn and his Dragoneyes Crew who are suddenly watching from nearby.

      I cannot remember the middle of the dream but near the end I am walking across a field, chasing a man who is my target. Still armed with my samaurai sword, I know I have to kill this man. Obstacles like bushes and small tress keep rapidly growing in front of me to hinder my progress. I am slowed down by having to cut away at the rapidly growing plants with my sword. The sky is yellow ochre coloured and suddenly floating dots or bubbles fill air and surround me, multiplying like cell osmosis. This doesn't impede my pregress but is really trippy to watch.

      I find the man I have to kill near a shell of a burnt out brick house in the middle of the field. The man clambers up a large oak tree to get away from me. As I approach the tree I realize that I am unable to reach the man even though he is sitting on the lowest branch of the tree which is not that far from the ground. I have suddenly shrunk in size for some reason and cannot complete my goal.
    2. Middle schoolers, hidden temples

      by , 02-27-2008 at 02:38 AM
      Original dream dated Tues. Feb. 26, 2008:

      Dreamed that I was stocking shelves, some woman wanted to buy a whole bunch of boxes of large furniture, I said we couldn't hold it - she'd have to just come back and hope it was there. Boss was upset that someone in receiving mis-spelled something important (a name, apparently Freddie Mercury or a singer from Queen). Then, I went to the bathroom, but the toilets were weird - in wooden boxes that looked like they belonged in a sauna, and your butt touched the toilet bowl - and I was really afraid I'd get urine on myself.

      Then the dream changed, and I was remembering being a middleschooler on my way to class, but we had to go through this weird forest maze thing, and some of the other kids ahead of us had played some mean pranks. The path was supposed to be lit, but they'd turned off all of the lights, so the other kids and I had to wander through the dark. We kept close together and made sure we could hold onto each other, but the path wound around a lot. Eventually, we found one of the light fixtures and turned it on. We were worried that we would be late and miss the tram, but we didn't. You rode the tram by putting a coat hanger under your clothes and hanging yourself on the tram, but we didn't have time - it was already moving - so I just grabbed onto a bar. My friend objected to this, but her alternative was to miss class, so she did the same. At the next tram (we had the transfer), we had time to hang ourselves up but I didn't really feel like it, so I just grabbed on again. The tram driver got very upset about this and wrote both of us up for it.

      Meanwhile (this is the same dream "universe") there's this very arrogant king who thinks the world revolves around him, and he has a stupid little beard... in any case his advisor (who is a pretty decent guy) takes care of everything for him. They were having their own morning, which involved riding flying birds (the advisor's was a different breed, and smaller) to a meeting with a representative from another country, who for some reason was an anthropomorphic wolf rock-star. The king actually wasn't a bad guy at all, just really deluded. "I'm very well-known, or at least, that's what my advisor tells me".
      The rockstar started talking about how he met his wife at a forbidden/hidden temple in the jungle that they had discovered, how he'd been welcomed by the priestesses and she'd danced for him, etc.
      The rockstar talked about how he wasn't really eurotrash, it was just a show for the masses. The king didn't really seem to believe this, sardonically commenting, "Oh, I see. The eurotrash act is just a front for the masses...?" But the other guy was oblivious and just happily agreed.
      The guy and his wife had 4 kids in this weird stroller which the mom was really proud of (she'd gone from exotic foreign priestess to soccer-mom in about 5 seconds, apparently) and then the guy mentioned how much his dad had paid for it. She started freaking out about the (insanely high) price and yelling about how she had become a rich white bitch. "Oh my god, I have become a rich white bitch!"

      That was the end of the dream.
    3. Don't be seen naked

      by , 02-11-2008 at 06:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      I had a dream where I was sleeping in my bedroom in the nude. I thought it was nighttime and I went upstairs (my room is in the basement) without putting on a robe because I knew I was home alone. When I got to the top of the stairs everything was bright and I realized it was daytime. I thought I would give it a go anyway and started to quickly walk into the kitchen, but through the half closed blinds I could see a postcarrier walking up the driveway. I jumped back to where he couldn't see but I was determined to get the the bathroom at the far end of the house without having to retreive my robe. The funny thing is that there is a bathroom right at the top of the stairs but in the dream going to that one didn't even cross my mind. I went into the living room and croutched down and went around the kitchen by going through the dining room and into the sunroom. I made it to the bathroom without being seen though by the time I got there the postcarrier had long moved onto the next house.

      That's all I can remember.
    4. Half and Half

      by , 02-24-2007 at 02:33 AM
      Original dream dated Feb. 23rd, 2007:

      I dreamed I turned into a man who was coal black on one side and snow white on the other. I was trying to give a reading of a poem for class, but one side of my body took over and the poem came out completely wrong. The side that took over was the side that was capable of being ONLY completely literal and rational. My professor gave me an F.
      I was angry, so I decided to go harass her. I went over to her house and found out that she had a side-business dry-cleaning underwear, but for some reason all of the underwear was red and made of wool.
      She was still sleeping, so I decided to freak her out by taking a shower. She had some Fructis shampoo that I liked a lot. At one point, she woke up and argued with me because she needed to get into the bathroom.
    5. The old Victorian house

      by , 10-30-2006 at 09:01 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      I am in a old Victorian style looking house looking down a long hallway with many old wooden doors. There was something about a dark-haired man in a red checkered shirt in one of the rooms off to the left, but I cannot remember the significance. There was also something about a rocking chair and a fireplace but the significance of that is also lost to me. Despite the old Victorian appearance of the house, it had a very modern looking bathroom, though I only remember seeing it while I went down the hall towards the room with the man in the red checkered shirt.
    6. Public school/Sunday school mashup (lucid)

      by , 08-06-2006 at 05:29 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      I had my second lucid experience on this night! I only had very limited control, but I do believe that it is an improvement because in my first lucid experience I had no control what-so-ever.

      The dream takes place about a block from where I live. There is a church with an expansive parking lot near the corner of the intersection and all of the outdoor scenes of the dream take place there. All of the inside scenes of the dream take place in what is very similar to the halls of the public school that I attended as a child. Even though, in reality, there are many apartment buildings, stores and a cemetery in the area surrounding the church and the road it is on, in the dream there was only thick, dark forest.

      At the beginning of the dream I was inside wandering the halls of the school. It was night time and it should have been closed but I saw former classmates and teachers around as well. There were no classes going on and everything seemed very random or downright chaotic. The was some sort of parade thought the halls and people where dragging pieces of electronic equipment or walking with baby animals through the halls.

      Someone walked by with six kittens on a leash and I could not see the person's face, but I remember thinking that the kittens were cute. I also saw someone trying to pull a baby elephant along but still did not realize that I was in a dream. I did not attempt any RCs because it just did not occur to me at the time. I saw an old schoolmate of mine named J.P and I decided to follow him.

      We walked down a long hall and went outside. Rather than the school yard we walked out into the church parking lot. There were several parked vehicles as well as cars driving past on the road. J.P sat down on the front step of the church and looked at me and said something. Though I can remember the sound of his voice, I cannot remember what he said to me. I walked over to one of the parked cars (a light grey or white, two door hatchback) and thought that I would drive home in it. I started the car and pulled up the the street, but I swerved out onto the road without slowing down or stopping and I cut off at least two other road vehicles.

      It was then that I realized I was in a dream, because I knew what I had just done was very illegal and not the proper way to drive. The first thing I did with my lucidity was put the dream in "reverse" and go back to the point of entering the vehicle so I could attempt an exit from the parking lot with the proper driving technique (what can I say? I am neurotic like that). The second attempt at driving was as well as could be but I turned around and returned to the church parking lot because I wanted to try and speak with J.P again. As I pulled in and parked I saw J.P going into the church. I ran to catch up with him and when I went through the church doors I found myself in the public school halls again.

      This time however, the hall was very long and very wide and there where several former male classmates from my grade 7 and 8 years sitting all along the floor. The majority of them seemed to be working on bike or engine parts and their hands were all greasy. Some of them looked up at me and laughed (they used to pick on me and tease me relentlessly) but I ignored them and continued to follow J.P until he too sat down and started working on some greasy mechanical stuff.

      I don't know exactly what happend but I lost my dream control, even though I was still aware that I was in a dream. I am guessing it is because I wasn't really doing anything special with my lucidity except follow people to see what they would do, rather than attempting things myself.

      I turned around and saw some random former schoolmates exiting from a classroom door and going outside. I was pushed by an invisible force (I was fighting to regain my dream control at this point so the invisible force was probably my subconscious trying to move me along) to the door that the students were exiting. It turned out not to be a classroom but a small, single stall bathroom. It was dirty and empty and the fluorescent light was flickering ominously.

      As the male classmates all stared at me, I went into the bathroom and attempted to do my business, but the door would not close properly (neither did the stall door now that I think of it) and I felt embarrased and "on display." I finished as quickly as I could and tried to wash my hands, but the taps spewed some disgusting brown liquid. I got out of there as quickly as I could and went back into the hall to find that all of the male schoolmates who were sitting on the floor laughing at me - except for J.P, who just looked at me with a sad expression on his face before returning to his greasy work.

      I remember running for the exit doors because I was upset and embarassed but the the faster I ran towards the doors, the further away they seemed. I acknowledged that my dream was turning into one of those weird stretchy hall dreams, but I did not have the control over my body to stop myself from running. The only thing I could think of doing was saying to myself over and over again "This is cliche and boring. This is cliche and boring."

      The dream ended there. Only after I woke up did I realize that I should have been said "more clarity" or "more lucidity" rather than "this is cliche and boring." Oh well, next time.
    7. Surreal Motorcycle Stunt (bathroom wake-up call explained)

      by , 01-10-1991 at 07:10 AM
      Night of January 10, 1991. Thursday.

      Dream Number 47,590 (original system). Optimized 1 minute 45 second read.

      Waking-Life Factors Underlying this Dreaming Experience:

      I had slept about 15 hours, the longest I ever slept in my life. It was a cold evening, and I had felt unwell. I wrapped myself in blankets and slept on the floor of the northwest corner of the sun parlor of the Loomis Street house in La Crosse, Wisconsin. My head was northward. I was sleeping on my left side in a fetal position.

      Dream Content:

      I stand near the doorway in the bathroom of the Cubitis house. There is not much light (at first) other than a soft yellowish glow from outside via the small window, but it seems to be nighttime. Several unknown people are standing around, and their attention is on an unfamiliar man on a motorcycle. He readies himself to perform a stunt.

      The motorcycle turns slightly, moving from its orientation toward the toilet to being in line with the window, its headlight brightening. The motorcycle rises into the air with a soft mechanical humming, going toward the window, simultaneously "shrinking" (caused by distorted distance perception) as I wake with a need to use the bathroom.

      CAUSATION (not "interpretation"):

      With this familiar dream type, imaginary kinesthesia (vivid but illusory movement and motion) begins because of vestibular phasing, caused by emerging from REM atonia (solely a result of REM sleep). (All dreams in this mode result from vestibular phasing during emergence from REM atonia but with slightly different narrative types.) This association results in imagining my dream body as a vehicle to compensate for the illusion of vestibular phasing. (There are thousands of matching examples of this process in my online journal.)

      Virtual Amnesia and Dream Errors:

      A motorcycle would never have fit in the small Cubitis bathroom. The bathroom window was too small and too high for a child to climb through. I am in the Cubitis house to prevent associating the dream state with real life. (An imaginary bathroom while sleeping is useless.)


      Try to grasp the reason the motorcycle first aimed toward the toilet but with the outcome that it left my dream's imaginary setting through the window despite the surreal (and nonsensical) implication because of my attention vacillating from dreaming to waking out of a biological need. The crowd (lack of privacy) was a secondary factor in making my dream's imaginary bathroom unusable.

      Updated 09-06-2021 at 04:11 PM by 1390

      lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    8. Splat!

      by , 07-02-1989 at 01:02 PM
      Morning of July 2, 1989. Sunday.

      I had been painting the larger bathroom on the second floor of the King Street boarding house for my landlady. It is a sort of greenish lighter teal color (much the same as in reality).

      After I finish painting, a large crane fly suddenly appears and lands on the north wall near the sink at about shoulder level and with a sudden splat (creating the impression of very small droplets of paint flying out from the surface of the wall), creating a strong focus on tiredness. There is also a sense of disgust that is close to literal nausea.

      Induction factor: water (man-made; bathroom sink). The setting is known and realistic and somewhat public (shared boarding house bathroom). There are no other characters. I seem to have a physical body as I had been painting. Return flight factor features as a crane fly. The mood was primarily of a sense of annoyance and disgust. Additional coalescence factor: paint (fluid), coalescence (as crane fly hitting wall) undesired; seemingly “blocked”. Possible explanation: being subliminally aware of something on my face, possibly my own hair. I also tend to dream of insects in a negative context when being too warm or too cold in addition to being overtired.

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