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    1. May 13, 2023, 8:00 pm

      by , 05-13-2023 at 07:33 PM
      Nap dream after 3 hours of sleep followed by work and watching videos about the SEGA Dreamcast.

      I was with a group of friends, allegedly my roommates/high school best friends, but the people looked very different and cannot recall whom they actually looked like, but the friendship was clearly there.
      We got tickets for the Beyoncé concert in a small Y2K chrome blue looking discotheque and entered the club (I couldn't actually see Queen B, but the vibe and crowd were there and I could recall single ladies playing vaguely.

      My friends were all dressed in their "coolest" clothes (the clothes didn't match with eachother, things like black cap with a green spencer and white tennis blouse sweater, Osiris type of shoes and there was this huge 2010 vibe going, they generally looked like they were around 13 years old)

      They all entered the venue which was in the middle of this suburban neighborhood in what could be both my hometown as well as Berlin.

      Halfway through the show, they changed outfits (like legit went home and back to put on different quotes) and we returned to the club where Beyoncé and her fans had now moved into the basement stage, which was accessible through a hidden trapdoor and staircase on the stage she was performing earlier. This whole club, even the staircase and basement had this dark blue/Indigo and black colour scheme.

      My friends sat there chilling with girls, meanwhile I was thinking about cutting my dreadlocks, something I have been occasionally thinking about as well in real life, especially after seeing people I know as well as this musician/YouTube channel I've been watching regularly called Ocean did the same.

      There was also this older woman from Tumblr who briefly appeared in my dream because she knew about the SEGA Dreamcast of which I was talking about on Tumblr. And apparently I had once again posted work info on my Tumblr which made me search through hashtags in a state of small panic despite my workplace not knowing about my Tumblr blog.

      Dream was in English I think, maybe briefly in Dutch.

      Thanks Beyoncé for guest starring, my subconscious couldn't afford you but it was cool thinking I was in the club where you played.
    2. #195. Keeping Up Appearances

      by , 08-13-2015 at 04:10 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Mulcair kicks Harper out of his office, and the group of politicians and staffers watch a jug on the desk to see whether their party actually won the election. If the jug fills up with mostly orange liquid, the NDP definitely win.

      They do, and the newspapers are printing stories that are all about the doom of Canada.

      I'm apparently one of the staffers. Mulcair seems nice, even though (in the dream) he has a reputation of being quite cold and ruthless.


      There's a family similar to the Queens in the first season of Arrow. The younger sister is angry and hurt because she's being deliberately shunned by another member of the family. They're in public, but she runs away from the group anyway, despite the paparazzi that are around. Some of them follow her, and she ducks into a seller's tent that is inside the mall to hide from them.

      Later, a group of us are in an elevator. I'm examining the multiple security cameras, which apparently aren't operational because the family demands a lot of privacy.

      There's a problem with the elevator. On the main floor, about half of us pile out quickly before the doors slam shut behind us and the elevator quickly starts going back up. The technician is working on the elevator so that it will come back down and let the other people out.

      I briefly see the person that I reported to directly in a job that didn't work out very well earlier this year.

      Beyonce is performing inside the mall.


      I'm a teenager having a sleepover. We're all girls. There are three of us. One of the girls might not have asked her parents if she actually was allowed to sleep over.

      We talk about how one of the girls really didn't like the imagination game that we were playing. I said that maybe we should play Gargoyles or something. She asks if that's a computer game? I say no, we could just pretend we were gargoyles, that would be more exciting than pretending we were in school (or that we were having a sleepover?)

      That girl goes home in the morning. I ask her to tell her brother to call me (while making the "call me" hand gesture.)


      There's narration, and a set. I'm both in the story itself and the story is being filmed. It's all about a whole bunch of "darker" characters interacting with one another. One of the characters who exists in the light is fascinated by the idea of talking to a couple of the characters who stay in the shadows.
    3. My world of fragments

      by , 01-26-2015 at 06:41 PM
      Date: 1/26/2015
      Method: MILD, Mantra
      Total Sleep time: 8 hours
      WBTB Time: 15-20 minutes

      I remember three fragments:

      1. I was writing a letter to GOD and asking him when I will see him and/or what will it take to see him
      2. I was riding in the car with with Beyonce and Solange (this should have been a dream sign for me...never ever will happen in my lifetime)
      3. False Awakening: I was writing in my dream journal about riding in the car with Beyonce and Solange
      4. I was making coffee in my walk in closet and someone was trying to turn on the stereo (also in my closet) and we couldn't figure out how to turn it on.

    4. The Flying Beyonce.

      by , 08-05-2013 at 10:28 PM
      Date: August 5, 2013
      Method: WBTB & MILD (WILD attempt during WBTB)
      Total Sleep Time: Don't ask

      Dreamed I was with Beyonce at what seemed to be the circus. She was performing an act on the trapeze where she was suppose to sing at the same time she was doing these amazing flips, all while flying. My job was to toss her the microphone from the ground at the exact moment of a flip and she was to catch it with one hand while holding on with the other and start singing. Well, let's just say I got my part right by tossing the microphone at the correct moment. She did indeed catch it, but she fumbled with the mic and it fell in her lap and she missed her mark. I woke up soon after this, but I'm sure if this dream was to continue, I would have been fired for making the Queen B look bad!

      Note: Well, it is no surprise that I am not being very successful with my attempts to become lucid during WBTB. I have never had success with WBTB & WILD, so I believe that I am not really sure what to do except try to stay awake while my body is asleep. I always end up falling asleep and wondering what the hell happened that morning. Lately, my total sleep time is just not enough and I know this is making my lucidity suffer.

      Got to do better!
    5. military man and mansion; golf beach; bathroom worries

      by , 02-03-2012 at 03:40 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      A kind of short, cocky-looking Latino guy with kind of tall, wavy hair was walking through a door. The guy was wearing a military jacket and no shirt. He had a girl on either arm. He was kind of giggling to himself.

      The guy seemed to be walking into some huge mansion, which was probably his. The idea seemed to be that the guy had gotten rich somehow, possibly through rap music. He was really gloating about his success, which was really pissing me off. I wondered why the assholes were always the successful ones.

      The man was followed by another guy, who I assumed was the guy's brother. The brother looked a lot like the man, except that he looked a lot more gentle-mannered and worn-out. He may have been partly bald. The brother also entered with two people, possibly family members.

      The brother was then followed by a lot of other family members. I thought it was at least good that the man was letting his whole family in on his wealth.

      But now it was like the group of people was some kind of tour, taking a walk through Beyonce's mansion. The group was mostly young adults and older kids. Everybody, walking through the mansion, had the feeling that they would be able to make money like this, too, someday.

      I was following the people through the mansion from a backward view, like I was facing people and looking through a dolly-camera as it tracked through the rooms. Each room of the mansion had different colors for the walls. There was one room with yellow walls and another room with sea-green walls.

      In the room with sea-green walls a young, white woman was looking at a bunch of empty picture frames that hung on the wall. I had turned around to face forward and look at the woman.

      The woman asked me, "How do they get the money for the models for these things?" I didn't know how to respond to that. Apparently the woman thought the picture frames had all been made to order or built by hand, instead of just bought.

      I walked into another room, which was mostly dark. It was a really big room, almost like a ballroom. But most of the room couldn't be seen in the darkness. I stood in the light of the room I had just left.

      Obscured from my view by some tall potted plants like palms was a table. Two people stood at the table. At first I thought it was Jay-Z and Beyonce. But then I realized it was Beyonce and some other woman. At first I thought the woman was white. But as I creeped around the plants, I saw that she was black.

      Beyonce said something to the woman about giving the woman advice, from one mother to another.

      Dream #2

      I was in some place like a locker room with a group of people like business people. The business people were all smarter and more put-together than I was. But they all liked me anyway, for some reason. We had just finished up something. We were now hanging around and laughing with each other.

      Then some sports team came into the room. They were like a soccer team at first. It was also like they were somehow a part of our group. But then they were some other group of people. They started getting really loud and rowdy, kind of to bully the rest of us and make us feel uncomfortable.

      Then the group of people became a whole bunch of black guys. They were all kind of skinny and grizzled-looking. One had a long, skinny, grey beard. They all wore really nice golfing clothes, with pale beige golfing sweaters. They'd all just come in from the links. They threw their golf bags all over the floor.

      For some reason I was laying on the floor. One guy saw me on the floor and threw his golf bag so it landed on my right leg. It didn't hurt very much. But I knew he'd done it out of disrespect.

      I stood up instantly and was right in the guy's face. I may even have been standing on his feet. The guy seemed passive, but not really afraid. I was yelling at the guy and doing something physical to him, to try to hurt him. I got madder and madder.

      Suddenly I was out on a beach. The beach felt small, almost fake. I couldn't see the water. There seemed to be a couple dunes of sand on either end of a small, flat area of beach. I stood near one of the dunes with a young woman.

      The woman knew, but wasn't quite telling me, that I'd gotten so mad just a moment ago that I'd committed some kind of really violent act on a group of people. I'd probably killed a few people. The bodies were now gone, but there were still small traces of blood here and there.

      I couldn't remember anything about the violent act, and the woman wouldn't tell me anything about it. She didn't even tell me outright that I'd done it. All I could figure was that I'd killed that group of black men in the locker room.

      Something about that thought brought the black man before me again. I was filled with rage. But for some reason I was now just flying over the sand. In the places where the dunes had been, or maybe just before the dunes, were two intricate sand sculptures, each of a city. The cities looked almost like Middle Eastern cities.

      Dream #3

      There was some kind of big tract of land with a house on it. The house was at the bottom of a kind of steep hill. The hill had a flower garden on it.

      At the base of the hill, along the side of the house, was a stone path which may almost have felt like a trench in places. At some point in the trench area was a door that led into some dark, cellar-like room. This was apparently a woman's quarters. The room also held a bathroom.

      The woman who lived in the quarters was probably Irish, pale-skinned, tallish, fat, with red-brown hair. She wore a dress of coarse, plain fabric, probably denim-blue and tan. She was probably a little grouchy, lazy, and mean.

      My sister now stood before me and a few other family members in a kitchen. My sister was very young, maybe nine or ten years old. She wore a pale blue skirt and some long, white stockings with blue designs on them.

      My sister was complaining about having gone down into the bathroom in the woman's quarters. She had opened the door while a woman -- probably not the woman who lived there -- was in the bathroom.

      My sister told us, "I'm not a lesbian. So I wouldn't try to see a woman naked. But when I opened up the bathroom door the woman did this." My sister grabbed her chest and made gestures indicating big breasts.

      My sister said, "Then she said, 'I'm married with kids, so don't get any ideas!' Like she thought I was coming into the bathroom to have sex with her!"
    6. Zombie City and Beyonce Rant

      by , 08-24-2011 at 10:07 AM
      Dream 1
      I was in a city full of zombies, It was dark. I became lucid and decided to fly, I couldn't so I fought along some guy against these zombies. We went on to a elevated train track like the Chicago Loop. I fought against the zombies and the person I was with got biten or something.

      Dream 2
      I was in my house/school (you'll get it in a minute) we were talking about where we should go to see a film. I was talking to my friend on if the would make a new Batman and Robin.

      Then I opened a newspaper to a page where it said "Beyonce, Butt In" with brackets resembling a butt and it only had pictures of her butt. I then turned around and Beyonce was there angry saying "Just because I go to a film being produced, doesn't mean I'm in the film" and "I don't need this I'm 84 and very stressed why does it always come down to my butt?".

      84 WHAT A FLIPPING DREAM SIGN. She looked normal though.