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    1. Dream recall: night of October 22, 2012. 4 dreams

      by , 10-24-2012 at 02:10 AM
      So My first night of trying to do dream recall, I think was a success. I remember 4 dreams. But two of them were like mini dreams and I wake up in between most of them. But I take notes on all 4. I guess i'm just one of those people who can naturally recall dreams .
      Here are my notes:

      Dream 1:
      • I was going up a castle
      • with some friends
      • random dragon at the top

      Dream 2:
      • someone in a white dress was i my room
      • my light was on
      • In the dream I was thinking about lucid dreams
      • The person started screaming

      Dream 3:
      • Something like a refugee camp in my highschool
      • lots of tents
      • People were using elevators
      • I started using my laptop

      Dream 4:
      • Hotel room with my band friends
      • wierd homeless guy staring at us
      • horror movie feel

    2. Last Night... ?

      by , 05-09-2012 at 05:51 PM (My Dream Journal; Mentis est Infinata)
      Bah, had a dream last night but I can't remember a thing about it. Minecraft, maybe?
    3. Getting some Dream Recall

      by , 04-14-2012 at 01:26 PM
      April 14, 2012

      Wrote my affirmation before bed in my dream journal: I remember and record my dreams upon waking.

      [I woke several times from about 3am onward. Several dreams woke me, but I moved, and like smoke, the dream vanished. I figured out that I had to say something to bring myself into a waking stating so that I could remember and write. A few other times, I simply fell back to sleep. ;P After a few times of waking and not remembering once I moved, I decided to speak aloud and mentally recall my affirmation.]

      1. A man I knew from High School was sitting on front porch steps with his Norwegian ex-wife and their daughter. She was very pretty - fair haired, light blue eyes, clear complexion. They were getting their picture taken and kept switching places.

      -back to sleep-

      2. [This one almost slipped away] Something about a guy. I was telling him to do something. I woke up and remembered what I told him and what we were doing - then I moved and forgot.

      -back to sleep-

      3. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers - an avalanche occurred and the eldest brother was taking the captured women back home. (I watched this movie the previous night.)

      back to sleep-

      4. Saw the Earth from space. Watched the Earth rotate. It was so beautiful and blue. Saw space...blackness.

      -back to sleep-

      5. I was in a hospital and I was giving an RN something (I knew as soon as I woke but as I moved to record this I forgot). She asked me, "Got anything new?" (Seriously? I give you a gift and you ask for something else?)

      -back to sleep-

      6. Someone [name was not even in my dream] on this forum was pointing to the dates in my older entries and saying, "Aren't you gonna have some new ones?" It was in a critical way.


      Side note: I'm not sure if this is just how dream recall develops as it's been so long, or whether my affirmation needs tweaking? Because waking about every 20 minutes to half hour was really annoying!
    4. More Affirmations

      by , 04-13-2012 at 03:04 PM
      April 13, 2012
      Last night, I wrote my affirmation: I remember my dreams vividly and recall them in detail when I wake.

      Then, I drew a line beneath the affirmation, read for a while, and before I fell asleep I repeated the affirmation.

      It seems I forgot to clue my subconscious in on a few things:

      1. I need to actually write the dream down.
      2. -or maybe this should be #1 - I need to stay awake long enough to do #1.


      I woke several times during the night and I KNOW each time I woke it was because I had a dream. I remembered the dream when I woke .... BUT...I rolled right over and went back to sleep.

      Tonight, I will adjust the affirmation to INCLUDE staying awake to record the dream.
    5. On the right track :)

      by , 04-10-2012 at 02:46 PM
      Last night was the first night I went to sleep with clear intentions of having an LD. But getting to sleep, on the other hand, was not so easy considering I stayed up until 5am. I didn't LD last night, but I had many dreams that, upon waking up, my first thoughts were, ''that would have been the perfect moment to realise you were dreaming!''.

      I remember around four different dreams. One involved being trained by an old man in a town with my cousin; he sends me on a quest to learn skills from someone else and off I go...on a parachute! A good friend of mine tags along, too. We sail through a valley, and I remember thinking that there are mountain lions about...cos, eh, why not! When we pass a river we're attacked by crocs, and that's all i can recall from that.

      Another saw me visit a friend and his brother I hadn't seen in 5 years or more, in RL. The meeting was very awkward, and it started with me pointing out that their pool was in the front garden as opposed to the back. They look at me weird and although they dont say anything, I get the feeling that never had a pool to begin with. We got out to the back and enjoy a nice mean (with lots and lots of bacon, mmm); i try to chat to their mom, who kind of ignores me, and they take me inside to watch a film.

      Another brief dream, which actually started from the one above, but once I woke up and went back to sleep, had a dream focused on this: i found a smartphone, and it had a trailer for a movie on it. I clicked play and it brought me, first-person, into a bathroom where the shower curtains were pulled. When I pulled over the curtains (cos i was there now), there was a girl crying with blood on breasts and when I looked right, her brother was there with clingfilm around his face, smeared with blood, and suddenly a dark figure just appeared behind the brother wioth dried blood all over his body.

      Hmm, I'm a little foggy on the fourth one now...I think it had something to do with TV shows and my friends?

      But, anyways, when I finally woke up today, my first thought was to keep my eyes closed, because I had been reading the many various techniques to induce and LD. So my mind is clearly on the right path, my dream recall has always been rather good, and after each dream I immediately realised where the neon-THISISADREAM reality check would have worked best. I also remembered a lot of internal dialogue I had, question where the pool was thinking that there was danger in the valley, so hopefully that means something.
    6. Possible accidental dream recall night.

      by , 04-05-2012 at 04:27 PM (I hate Titles...)
      and Water
      and Wind
      and Earth
      Death and Destruction;
      Life and Birth;

      Hand in hand in hand these all go.
      Only one will kill my Foe.
      Two will kill my friends galore.
      Three kills me forevermore.

      Brightest dark of darkest days,
      Protection from the harmful space,
      Betwixt the covers, another place.

      Eyes are closed,
      Thoughts are gone.
      All are one,
      In the land of never sun.

      Forever free
      to always be
      anything I can see.
      A friend,
      a ghost,
      Of whom I like most
      Appears before me.

      "Come, lets fly!" s/he says to me.
      Snags my hand, set's me free.

      In the meadow,
      stands two people,
      waiting on one other.

      We land lightly,
      Ever slightly,
      In the shadows.

      "I'll go now." says the ghost.
      of the one I like most.

      Sadly s/he flies away,
      Having nothing more to say,
      I wave goodbye, trot on out
      preparing for the coming bout

      The two in the meadow.
      There now stands another fellow,
      Words are changing; rearranging.

      Forming now, a group of friends,
      Together 'till the very end.

      'twixt this land of sheets and meadows.
      ghosts of friends; friendly fellows.
      alas, times up, we wave goodbye.

      to share our thoughts in another time.
      another place in a different space,
      one more last friendly face clouds my face
      before I'm completely wide awake.

      It's once more the ghost
      of one of whom I like most,
      Grabs my hand, and makes a plan.
      tonight again,
      Same time
      Same place,

      As I'm thrown back to the space,
      rushed along at a breakneck pace.
      I smile.

      I grab the hand,
      from that ghost,
      the one that I
      like the most.

      I reach in fast, before I'm gone,
      to the land of the rising sun.

      One quick kiss before I'm done,
      a tear escapes.
      I am gone.

      Betwixt the sheets, I awake.
      Force myself to a sitting state.

      Grab a pen,
      A paper too.
      I have an entry I must do,
      Quickly now, 'for it's erased.

      In that ever harmful place.

      I dunno where the Idea to type up this thing came from, but it reminded me of last night, of which I remember very little about. I hadn't tried to LD last night, but maybe I did.
    7. Ship Departure and Four Leaf Clovers

      by , 03-27-2012 at 05:38 PM
      I am with my mom and some other close friends in a large mall with many levels. The bottom level is grand and people are selling bedroom furniture at their posts which are models of lavish and comfy beds. I come down the stairs and meander around until I find people quickly going through boarding gates. They show there tickets and are rushed on board to a vessel which I know to be a ship. I here the final departure call for one ship and I ask if they have any room on board for me and they say no. I ask another ship and she starts to find space for me and tells me they will be traveling to all these exotic islands. I ran away excited to go and I start telling all my family and friends but then the ship leaves without me.

      I also dreamed about a four leaf clover but I can't remember the context.
    8. Day 1

      by , 01-10-2012 at 01:49 PM
      As i'm already poor at recalling dreams (i literally remember one a month, since before starting lucid dreaming) i really want to change that and acheive this, I am putting all my effort into it and have researched the matter for some while now.

      I have gained a lot of valuable information not only through this site but through others including videos on YouTube and sites similar to this.

      I have my dream journal at my bedside with a pen, I have dream written on my hand. I have notes on my phone that go off every hour that say dream. I'm doing everything in my power to conquer this feat.

      I'm hoping that by using this website it will allow me to continue to think about lucid dreaming which will in-turn, help me to lucid dream.

      I don't know if i'm doing it right in all honesty, but this morning, i woke up (keeping my eyes shut and staying in my usual sleeping position, as instructed) and all i could think about was dragging a dead baby out of a bin or something along them lines. Weird, i know. But meh, i was happy to have at least have something on my mind whilst awakening. So i wrote it down.

      After waiting a few minutes i left my bed and trundled down stairs. Then i remembered even more, words can't describe how happy i was to have actually remembered something. But all i remember was a lot of weed (marijuana) on the floor, all ground up. I can't remember any emotions, but it's almost like i'd dropped a load and it was on the floor, maybe at the bottom of some stairs.

      Thinking about this, who's to say i didn't just make it up? The dead baby thing? When i woke up just to give myself some sort of satisfaction that i'm making progress. Either way, i'm quite happy with this. going from probably 2% dream recall to having one straight after i started teaching myself to lucid dream. It makes me excited to continue and i hope i accomplish what i've set out to do.

      Lucid Dream Dream Non Dream

      Updated 01-10-2012 at 02:12 PM by 52338

    9. MILD/WILD, Second and Third Lucid Dreams

      by , 12-16-2011 at 12:09 AM
      I was stirred out of sleep this morning by my roommate doing dishes at 6:30 in the morning... Extremely unappreciative of this rude awakening, I got out of bed and turned to a Terence Mckenna video to settle me down. After realizing that I wasn't going to get easily back into sleep, I decided that now would be a good time to try to get lucid.. so I proceeded to attemt wake back to bed, which I think I intuitively mixed with MILD, because I ended up visuallizing what I wanted to get into.

      I must say that I worked out fairly well. Once I was in the dream, that didn't really come on like an offically defined WILD because I didn't get any audio or visual effects as I entered the dream. It was more of a haze, and I was in the dream without realizing it. So when in the dream I became aware of myself and to check it, I looked down at my hand to see if my reality check would have changed, and it did as in my first lucid experience... mathy equations and drawings that I didn't pay too much attention to. As I checked my hand, which would usually have to word dream written on it, I felt like I wasn't' completely in control. Everything I did was more intuitive than controlled. But it still felt lucid, though blurry and unclear.

      So my second lucid dream was nothing really that impressive to me. Before I had been in the dream I visualized being at the beach. And so that's where I ended up! One I did my reality check I noticed that this TA for my geography class was there, and it was my intention to go over to him, but I just acknowledged him really and turned around looking for something exciting to do. The best I could come up with was flying so I took off, unafraid and went soaring through the clouds. And here is where I lost this one...

      The second part of this lucid experience was what I would consider as my third lucid dream. But really I can't remember the bulk of it. I went to do a second reality check and that my memory just lost the rest. It's a couple hours since I woke up so it just dissolved along with the other dreams I fell into afterwards.
    10. Holy improved dream recall, Batman!

      by , 12-14-2011 at 06:11 AM
      My dream recall has been improving greatly lately. I attribute it to drinking chamomile tea and eating some peanut butter on toast before bed, along with some other sleep improvements. Anyway, I've been able to recall up to three dreams a night, which is awesome! Here's a quick recap of what I've got written down for just the past week:

      -Ran into my ex-boyfriend at a super-fancy restaurant. He tried to ask me out again, and stuffed dried grass into my shirt pocket. For some reason, in my dream I knew this meant he was very serious about asking me out.

      -Went to the Ohio State Fair (LOL I've only ever been to Ohio once in my life, for a day...and it didn't involve a fair) and walked through the animal barns to look around. As I walked I realized the animals were turning into humans. They were all naked and filthy, and they stared out at me with blank expressions. It was unsettling. I reached a room where some of the "barn humans" were sitting on benches, watching a video recording of a televangelist on a cheap TV. They asked me if I wanted to watch the video, but I refused.

      This dream is pretty significant to me, because I think I tried to go lucid. I distinctly remember thinking "Wait, how do I know this is Ohio?" while I was dreaming. ON MY WAY TO LUCIDITY. AW YEAH.

      -These are all in the same night---1. I won a latte-making contest 2. I participated in a fishing competition at this huge (and to the best of my knowledge, non-existent in real life) college where I ran into a Buddhist monk. 3. I was alone at my high school's swimming pool watching mermaids swim around. Then this crowd of people came from nowhere and started some tribal ritual that involved killing the mermaids. I was heartbroken.

      -I baked cookies with children who had human bodies and bird heads. I remember a cardinal, blue jay, kingfisher and oriole. They were all very polite, and I had a really good time.

      -Found myself rehearsing for the stage version of The Lion King

      -I was in a bright, sunny, green field with songs fluttering around me like butterflies (I have no idea how to explain this, but they were songs and they were fluttering). I had a net, and when I caught a song, it would play. Sometimes the song was good, sometimes it sucked.

      Yeah. Here's to continued good recall. These dreams are really fun, or at least interesting.
    11. Better Dream Recall Today

      by , 12-13-2011 at 04:41 PM
      I remember being at a gas station/car service center and there was only 1 gas dispenser. For some reason, no one was there to turn on the fuel pump, I suddenly remembered it being a place my mom would go to a lot growing up---even though in reality it wasn't, I have no recollection of this place. Then it was night time, and I was in a car driving up this hill at what seemed to supposed to be some sort of military base. Then there were all these windy roads that were right on the edge of a rocky, almost straight downward slope. These roads reminded me of the roads in my uncle's ranch in Idaho, except in my dream, everything was very grassy and green. Then I was driving down one of these roads that led to some plants that were supposed to be east and below my parents house. They were some sort of poisonous plant in my dream, and when we got down to them, I was taking pictures of them. I got down really close to some plant bulbs that were growing spontaneously, and then I remembered they were supposed to be poisonous, and my left arm started to tingle a little bit. I took more pictures of the plants and then left the area. I know more things happened, but my dream recall is gradual, so if I remember the other things, I'll add to this later on.

    12. Some notes

      by , 10-19-2011 at 02:34 PM (The Stories of my Dreaming Mind)
      Okay. With the dreams I had two days ago, I was able to remember them so well all up until the afternoon. For some reason now, my dreams are a bit hazier so I'll actually write some dream notes down in the morning, right when I wake up.

      I also seem to automatically wake up around 4:34AM every night. I love how the body and mind works together. It's like, my body knows I want to try out the WILD technique, so it wakes up so that I don't have to be alarmed in order to do it. (The alarm usually causes me to forget my dreams immediately)

      I also realized that my first close to successful WILD was actually when I was sleeping on the couch for about an hour, woke up, went to the washroom, chatted with my mom, and then went to my bed to sleep.
      Strangely, I wasn't even really trying to WILD at first, but the strange sensations reminded me that this would be a good time to try it. And I got so close!

      I think I'll try having myself wake up every time I sleep for the first hour, and try the WILD at that time. Waking up in the middle of the night trying to WILD is a bit of a hassle anyway... Plus I'm sometimes scared of the dark in the middle of the night

      I think it will be more successful the next time I try. Wish me luck!
    13. Dream fragment. (Non-lucid)

      by , 08-07-2011 at 04:55 PM
      Welcome to DreamJournal 2.6 (Non-lucid)


      Dream Fragment.

      I was in a house, I'm not sure where it was though. I specifically remember looking at the two giant TV's because I wasn't sure which one I wanted to connect the X-box 360 into. I was moving around this one giant TV with ease and then a person walked in and told me something(I'm not sure what).

      Updated 08-07-2011 at 05:17 PM by 48827

    14. Notes.

      by , 08-03-2011 at 05:55 PM
      Dream Re-call issues.
      I start meditating last night to no avail. I woke up this morning with nothing but a blank memory where my dream should have been so I tried to lay as still as possible with my eyes closed and asked myself what I was dreaming about but nothing came to mind. If I'm correct it may have something to do with how long it takes me to fall asleep. I'm not under stress and I get around 8 hours of sleep every night so I don't understand why the dreams disappear upon opening my eyes. I used to be able to remember my dreams very well but the ability has gone away. I think the next step will be self-hypnosis and I will try my best to find some way to fall asleep quicker. I know it's unlikely but I'm hoping that the dreams may be so vivid that my brain is keeping them away from them. If anyone has a way to help me with self-hypnosis please feel free to PM me.
    15. Tripping Balls? Maybe.

      by , 03-30-2011 at 10:06 PM
      Still pretty vague on the recall, but I tried to write a few thoughts about my dreams this morning when I woke up.

      I was with about three other people, one of them was T. We decided to take some mushrooms and trip balls. After we had taken them I realized that me and T still had our son with us and we hadn't found a babysitter. I started to freak out a little. One of the other people, a girl who felt familiar, was angry with me for something I had done (I don't know what it was.) It felt as though I had done something morally wrong (taking shrooms) and/or it was like I had violated some social norm that she felt strongly about. I don't believe the girl was anyone in particular but a representation of a personality type I clash with on a major scale.

      This fragment sort of combined itself with my workplace. The girl had made me so mad by her being so harsh towards me that I decided to quit my job. I also remember one moment where I had walked back over to where she was sitting and sat down; I had this strange image of myself, like my reflection had flashed at me (kind of like cameras do in movies when there is intense dialoge* going on.) The expression on my face seemed remorseful and even though I was still angry with her, I was trying to patch it up. I don't remember saying anything to her.

      And about the shrooms, I had been expecting to trip and was scared about tripping while taking care of my son. But I didn't feel any strong prescence of the drug's dreamlike effects. I felt different, but still sane. I remember thinking at some point that the shrooms didn't work so we'll be okay. And something about putting our son to bed anyway.

      That's it. Hopefully if I keep trying this pen and paper thing I'll recall more dreams. Also I think what really helped was I had my hand hanging off the bed as I feel asleep and I fell asleep holding the pen hoping it would serve as a reminder while I was sleeping and for when I woke up to write something down. Kind of like taping two fingers together to fall asleep consciously, I don't know. And the dream hadn't come to me right when I woke up or within the few minutes I layed there, but it came in the middle of getting ready for work. Just a few thoughts for myself.

      EDIT: Another interesting thing, when I got to work this morning, one of the girls I worked with made me have an extreme flashback of the feeling in my dream and of the girl in my dream.

      Updated 03-30-2011 at 10:09 PM by 38721

      non-lucid , dream fragment
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