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    1. After getting drunk w/ mike's friends

      by , 02-21-2011 at 10:28 AM
      The Dream:

      I'm teaching Cassidy how to fly. I don't know why. I know I was semi-lucid because I could control my flight. We were in a dark city with brick walls, like the ones in Spiderman. Mom and Ashly were also there.

      I briefly remember hanging out in Aaron's livingroom like we were the night before.
      Tags: aaron, drinking, mike
    2. Mutiple dreams and a fasle awakening.

      by , 02-09-2011 at 09:53 PM
      1st dream:
      I am in some bar, celebrating a friend's birthday. I am not sure which friend because the mixture of people was so bizarre, that I can't figure out which one of my friends would know all those people. The drink menu was very strange, and I end up ordering some weird cocktail made of gin and beer. I guess I figured that since it sounded so weird, it must be decent, otherwise they wouldn't put it on the menu. Wrong. A woman who doesn't seem to like me at all in waking life was there and was being very nice to me, making all sorts of pleasant conversation. She first recognized me in the bathroom by seeing my boots from under the stall. I do wear those boots everywhere i guess.

      2. I was on the front porch of my parent's old house, playing the banjo. I was getting pretty good at it and was having a lot of fun. Then a group of people I went to high school with walked up my driveway. "Hey, we heard you were sick, and we thought we'd come see how you were doing." one of them said. (I am sick with bronchitis right now in waking life, but in the dream I had no idea what they were talking about). I told them I was fine. One of them asked if I had a towel they could borrow, so I ran upstairs to get one.

      3. I wandered through the park by my high school where that 15 year old girl was recently beaten to death by an unknown attacker. I felt a bit weird. I had spent my whole childhood playing in this park, but now it felt sinister, even though it was a sunny day. I heard a small laugh, and turned around to see a small baby all bundled up in the grass. No one else was in sight. I picked up the baby and carried it out to the street. There were police everywhere, many of them trying to calm down a hysterical woman. Somehow I knew she was the child's mother. I put the baby in her arms and she cried with happiness. With one hand, she unhooked a chain from around her neck and put it in my hand. There was a small gold key attached to the chain.

      4. False awakening:
      I could hear my roommate calling for me and I woke up (or so I thought). She stood in my doorway and asked me which tube of toothpaste was hers. I was confused because she always uses that all natural hippie toothpaste with no chemicals or whatnot. I tried to sit up to answer her, but I couldn't move. I couldn't even move my lips to speak. She kept standing in the doorway, obviously thinking i was pretending to sleep or ignoring her. I was completely paralyzed, unable to make the slightest movement or sound.

      When I actually woke up I had to ask her about it, because it seemed so real.

      Updated 02-18-2011 at 09:23 AM by 41911

      non-lucid , false awakening
    3. School Trouble

      by , 01-29-2011 at 04:20 PM (Trial and Error)
      The second of two dreams, but an alarm killed the first one.

      I come home to all of my roommates and on of my roommates teachers (not home in real life but roommates/teacher in real life). Everyone looks really sad. "What is it?" I asked. L, my roommate, explains that she messed up with a simple mistake on an animation assignment, and holds it up to me to show me the error. She continues to say that in a different part of the assignment the teacher wanted the drawing bigger. I am confused because I still don't see why everyone is so sad. Her teacher is drinking some hard liquor and seems even more depressed.

      I soon realize that her teacher, Trey G, has been fired and that she herself was academically terminated. I become enraged and begin to yell about how the assignment should have every little to do with her GPA and that the assignment should not be that bad of a grade anyway. I realize that Trey is there because he must have gotten fired (I know it is a separate issue that is just happening at the same time). I say to him something like "You know that I could rally up students for you with no problem at all in protest, people love you." (true in real life ^_^) His expression melts and he says "really." He never acts that way in real life so it surprised me. He is the tough as nails, nothing bothers him guy.

      We decided that we had to do something about everything that was happening.

      Suddenly a tour of students from our school walks through the hallway. (For some reason we can see them, it is like we have an archway instead of a front door). They are going to see the school RA for a tour, one of the new students I have meet in the film program runs in to say hi to me and gives me something, (I forget what it is), then runs out. since L used to be an RA her heart sinks even more because she feels like she lost everything.

      Dream cuts to us in the car I look out the window to see a baseball field where the grass is starting to die in places, I think we are going to protest and try to get L back in school and Trey his job back.

      I think after I wake up that it might be my anger toward current school budget cuts in reality, since tons of good people are getting fired.
    4. Strange video, more finals anxiety

      by , 01-17-2011 at 08:52 PM (Insights from Id)
      I am making a video for a school assignment, when suddenly I am in the screen and the video is actually happening.
      I am sitting cross-legged on the floor of a classroom with a final exam on a board in my lap. I am anxious. The exam is for my writing class, but the questions are all very silly, with equally silly answers. I consider each question carefully before selecting an answer, and wonder why I thought this exam would be so hard. A puppet frog (similar to Kermit but not exactly the same, smaller) keeps trying to distract me. I answer the last question, then raise my hand to get the teacher's attention.
      Suddenly, everything changes into a commercial for a brand of beer called Happy Birthday. Everyone, myself included, is drinking beer and singing Weird Al's Happy Birthday song. It's a huge party. Someone spills beer on me, but I don't care.
      The screen changes again and I am in a soap opera. Someone brings in a tray with the frog from before in it, but it is dead and has a bent hypodermic needle sticking out of its back. "Who would do such a thing?" the guy holding the tray says, and somewhere, a woman starts crying. I am angry. I killed the frog because it would not leave me alone, but I cannot tell them that. I know if I keep my mouth shut, I can get away with it.
      Now I am out of the screen and watching again. Adam Sandler comes on the screen, then looks directly at me (or the camera, however you want to see it) and asks, "Will you drink a Happy Birthday with me?" I realize that there is a beer in my hand, and I drink, celebrating that finals are over.
    5. The wizards of UU

      by , 08-14-2010 at 07:34 AM (Kjarva's dream journal)
      I am out fishing with one of the wizards of unseen university, in a boat on the sea.I think my companion may be Mustrum Ridcully but I'm not entirely sure. I have a horrible feeling that something truly awful is going to happen and the very thought makes me feel miserable. I have a sneaking suspicion I might be rincewind in this part of my dream but really have no way to check. We catcha mackerel each, I remember looking at the colours of the fish.

      The scenery shifts and now myself and my flatmate are sitting on a sweeping stone staircase somewhere outside. I pass him a bottle of what I think is Jack Daniels but now that I think about it, it didn't look right. It had huge bubbles in it, like when you go to tip a big bottle of juice down the sink, I noticed these when he was pouring a glass. Also there was something wrong with the label, I cant remember if it said something different on it but I think it was more like hyroglyphics than words on the label. We both poured the whole bottle in our glasses and I can remember thinking that It was gonna really hurt in the morning.

      I look down from where we sat and there is what appears to be a skeleton leading an army. He has a big purple cloak on, and he is shouting in genuine surprise at the troops behind him. He is trying to send 4 little mini motorbikes up the stairs to get me and the flatmate but of course, the bikes can't get up the stairs. They are painted funny, like the bullet that used to try to shoot you in super mario is painted on the front. Not exactly like that, but the closest thing I can think of, it's like the bikes had little faces.

      Woke up, knowing that there was more to this dream but brain is refusing to produce the details..

      Just remembered another dream but it is pretty gross! A cat I'd never seen before is in my house and I'm at the top of the stairs watching the little invader approach. It stops every few steps to take a dump and out of it's business crawl these little grasshopper like bugs that are running up stairs to get me. I run into my room to grab some sheets to hit them away with but they are all gone when I turn back round. The cat, it's mess everything is gone

      Remembered another frag while I was brushing my teeth lol.

      I was eating some kind of toffee like a worthers original and it totally stuck my teeth together. I tried so hard to open my jaws but couldn't. With one final try I managed to free my teeth but not without pulling out a filling I have in my back tooth!

      Updated 08-14-2010 at 02:51 PM by 32157

    6. #119. A Dalliance With the Damned

      by , 08-03-2010 at 07:08 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Apparently, this dream follows directly after #118. Also, I'm stealing titles directly from Mike Carey's Lucifer.


      Sam and Dean want to kill the devil. I "help".

      Sam climbs into the passenger seat of the Impala and slips on the pair of sunglasses resting on the dash. He lets his head fall back onto the seat and rubs his temples. (I marvel over the strange purple glow of our surroundings.) The driver's side door slams shut, and he lifts up his head. Dean has his hands clenched tight on the steering wheel, and stares into the desert horizon with his jaw clenched. Frustration seems to roll off him in waves.

      They're back on the road before either of them says anything.

      "So," says Dean, "We can either drive to Death Valley, or fly to the Himalayas." His tone makes it clear what he thinks of the idea.

      "Death Valley's closer."

      Dean raises his eyebrows, "With our luck, do you really think the devil managed to stay stateside?"

      "I'd rather go to the Himalayas, personally." I say.

      The car almost lurches off the road. Dean twists around in his seat to look at me. "Don't do that."

      "We have wooden stakes in the trunk." Sam says mildly. "Trickster."

      "When has that ever worked?" I ask. "Anyway, why are we going to the Himalayas?"

      "We're not." growls Dean. His eyes are back on the road.

      "We're trying to kill the devil." Sam says reasonably.

      "Oh," I say, nodding along. "Why?"

      "You know," says Dean, "Prevent the apocalypse, save humanity, that kind of thing?"

      "There's a system of doors in Tibet that lead into other worlds. A psychic we talked to said that Lucifer left traces in the mountains that are somehow tied to these portals."

      "The Nevernever." I say. "Yeah, we should check it out. Keep an eye out for vegan faeries."

      "Right, I'm sure they're vicious little buggers," says Dean.

      "Oh, they are. Somehow, human flesh satisfies the parameters of their diet."


      "Nice office," says Dean, flopping gracelessly onto a black leather chair. He puts his feet up onto the desk. Bits of dirt flake off of his shoes onto the polished surface, and I hide a grin.

      Sam just looks annoyed.

      "Most of the objects in this room move along certain paths," I say, "Like levers. Get the right arrangement and the door will open right up."

      "Unless, of course, you know a shortcut." The voice is British, and female, and I turn around to study her.

      "Bela." says Dean. "Back from Hell already?"

      "Someone had a job for me," she says, holding up a gun and pointing it at him, "And I am very good at my job." She smiles. "By the way, you might want to hurry. I informed security you were here."

      Our eyes are drawn to the other hallway, where we hear a door click open. I look back. Bela's gone.

      "God-fucking-dammit," says Dean.

      "You figure out the combination," I say. "I'll distract him."

      I stride into the hallway without looking back. Standing there, looking livid, is a man in a business suit. He's big and round, and his hair is white where he still has any. He slams the door behind him.

      "Do you know who I am?" says the man, furious, "Do you know what I could do to you?" He pulls out a gun and points it at me.

      "Not much?" I say, pretending to consider. "Relax. We need your door to the Nevernever, and then we'll be out of your hair."

      "Impudence!" He snarls, "Just like my youngest son! I'll have you all killed!" He starts ranting about his plan to have me implicated in a gay affair with his son, followed by an elaborate murder-suicide.

      I peer around the corner into the main office, since he's not actually paying much attention to me. Like I'd hoped, the Winchesters are gone. I turn back to the man, who by this time is ranting incoherently. I cough politely, hoping to get his attention.

      He stops, panting.

      "While that's a very... impressive evil plan (and you wouldn't have much trouble framing those two for anything) there is one tiny little flaw."

      "And what is that?"

      "I don't die."

      The old man laughs and raises his hand - only to realize that he's no longer holding the gun. He freezes in shock and I wave a hand, banishing the Corrupt Corporate Executive to the late 51st century. He really won't like it there.

      I take Bela's shortcut into the Nevernever, circumventing the need to play with furniture again. I appear at the top of a cliff covered in vegetation, which overlooks a hotel swimming pool and hot tub.

      Sam and Dean stand on one side of the pool, facing off against Bela on the other side. I look for a way down, but there isn't one. I resign myself to jumping the fifteen-odd meters, knowing that there's no way for the fall to hurt me. I aim for the tile floor -

      Only to land on the very edge of the pool. My feet impact the edge of the tile floor and slip off the edge into the water. I grit my teeth, feeling my dream-body reset itself, and I pull myself back onto the deck.

      "You okay?" Asks Sam.

      "Fine," I say, standing up and composing myself. "I don't die, as a rule." I notice Dean's weapon is trained on Bela. "Neither will she, you idiot."

      As if in response, Bela spits a gob of blood onto the tile.

      "Oh," I say, "They gave you a time limit."

      "Apparently we're looking for different things," she says, her voice low, "Don't get in my way." She turns around and disappears into the cave system on the other side of the room.

      There's a collective breath of relief.

      "So," I say, turning to the boys, "Did you have a plan?"

      "Find the devil," says Dean, "Shoot him in the head?"

      "So, where is the devil?" asks Sam.

      "I don't know," I lie with a shrug, "You guys said you wanted to go to the Himalayas."

      "You said the devil came here!"

      "It's what I'd do," I say innocently. "Anyway, plane tickets are in Sam's backpack. I have to run."

      When I disappear, Dean is looking a little green.


      I find him in a warehouse, beside a cracked-open wooden crate. Empty green wine bottles litter the ground, and Castiel himself - back in his original vessel - is sprawled out on the ground, leaning against the box. He has a half empty wine bottle in one of his hands.

      I appear next to the crate, eyeing Castiel thoughtfully. I grab a full bottle and sit down on the concrete, popping the cork with a thought. Castiel's eyes roll up to look at me.

      "Bad day at the office?" I ask, clinking my bottle of wine against his.

      His face twists into a frown. "Being rescued by Lucifer didn't exactly set me up for a promotion."

      "Well, I'd tell you they'll get over it," I say, taking a sip of wine, "But this is Heaven we're talking about. That lot can hold a grudge into eternity."

      Castiel snorts. "You're not helping."

      "Should I?" I ask, genuinely curious. "You wouldn't accept any advice from me. I'm the Deceiver, after all."

      Castiel is quiet for a long time. I go steal chocolate bars from another section of the warehouse.

      A Dalliance with the Damned. Scare Factor: 3.

      WakingNomad provided the narration for the warehouse scene. Somehow. I think Microsoft Word was open in another window while I was experiencing the scene itself.

      Also, I've somehow rewritten Season 4 of Supernatural subconsciously. So yeah.

      P.S. I make up most of my dialogue. I don't remember the exact wording, so I improvise. I am a vile, evil attention-monger, I tell you.
    7. An Easter’s Valentines

      by , 04-18-1975 at 10:18 AM
      Morning of April 18, 1965. Easter Sunday.

      I am lying in my bed in the morning, seemingly just prior to dawn, but not certain of the date, thinking it may be a day or two before Easter. The Easter Bunny (not seen directly but mentally perceived as an ordinary brown rabbit) had somehow brought me a glass of root beer and heart-shaped cookies with pink frosting. (My unconsciousness is confusing Valentine’s Day with Easter to a certain extent. This has happened in other dreams.)

      The Shobijin (miniature twin girls from the 1961 movie “Mothra”) walk across my bed towards where my head is (left side). (I have a sheet over most of my body.) It seems as if they think that I cannot see them. Still, they soon look directly at me and warily watch me drink my root beer and eat a cookie, which tastes sweet.

      For some reason, since early childhood, the appearance of miniature people usually creates a vivid and very lifelike level of awareness (compared to other non-lucid dreams), despite the impossibility and how it does not trigger lucidity.

      The Mothra egg (as an underlying influence which did not appear in this dream) is likely associated with Easter eggs. I had seen the movie in February of this year, on the sixth according to research.

      My father had a rabbit farm, although rabbits are also associated with being unconscious and dreaming (as in “Alice in Wonderland”) due to most species living underground in burrows. Thus, they can be typified as an induction factor (as here in being the foundation of the apparent backstory) and a second-level dream sign or dream state indicator.

      Although Mothra is a flight symbol, I have not typified the waking symbolism as such despite the appearance of the Shobijin. Still, that is the primary connection of the shift back into consciousness (which is otherwise directly flight-related in over one in five of my dreams, based on RAS and inner ear dynamics while returning to consciousness).

      Updated 12-02-2017 at 08:47 AM by 1390

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