Morning of July 18, 2020. Saturday. Dream #: 19,570-02. Reading time (optimized): 2 min. My waking-life identity is absent throughout this dreaming experience. My dream’s backstory emerges as an atypical narrative where I am pretending to be a high-ranking military officer. I have an unfamiliar younger male partner who is working with me. Even so, the outcome is to result in delivering something to a genuine naval ship or a high-ranking officer. The narrative otherwise firstly links as a precursory factor to the usual instinctual summoning of imaginary kinaesthesia to vivify the dream state. In this case, the vehicle resembles a WWI US Standard B Liberty Army Truck, though with the driver’s side on the right. My partner and I are trying to convince an unknown civilian male to give us items from a research laboratory that relate to recent discoveries in molecular biology. He is uncertain if we are legitimate but decides to cooperate with us. He wants to ride with us as well, reflecting that he hoped he had put his trust in the right people. My partner drives the truck as my dream vivifies, and night becomes day. The streets and high embankments are all white sand as we travel. At one point, the vehicle goes onto a small wooden raft, and it simultaneously takes us across a river as if the momentum of the truck put it in motion. We travel around for a few minutes on a battleship that has areas that make it appear more like a cargo ship. The three of us stand outside a military base. A general walks out to greet us, and I salute him. He seems to recognize my partner and me but greets me as a “French pig.” I do not take it as an insult, but I am puzzled because I am supposed to be an American officer. The man we brought here does not seem to notice this contradiction. A private appears and will lead us to where we are to give what the other man took from the small town laboratory to the general. My dream vivifies as imaginary kinaesthesia and physicality exponentially increase when I focus on my walking I try to maintain as a formal swagger. We sit on what seems to be part of a dock. The general sits down farthest from the water’s edge. An unknown woman is nearby, and I consider I should show my identification. I intend to hold up my badge, but instead, hold my left hand up in a C shape as if holding an invisible one, as my summoning did not work. She does not say anything but appears slightly puzzled. We give the general the item. It is a resealable sandwich bag containing chocolate chip cookies. After he eats one, he takes notice of one that is bigger and of a lighter color than the others. Baked within it is microfilm. He holds it up to the light and studies one section of exposed microfilm in a thinner area of the cookie. “This is what I expected,” he says, and thanks us.
Morning of March 24, 2018. Saturday. I find myself on my own in the middle of a shopping excursion. The shopping mall is of an unfamiliar layout. I wander around for a time until I am more focused on my dream’s dynamics. Although I am not lucid, there is still a vaguely discernible summoning factor as with the majority of my dreams. I remember that I am married and have children, but no other conscious threads are present such as knowledge of my age or location. I am thinking of getting a tackle box, mostly for our sons for when they go fishing. I go to a lower shelf and pick one up and decide I will get it. Even though I perceive it as a tackle box, its appearance is that of a white Styrofoam egg carton. I consider that its design is as such to keep individual fishing lures from getting entangled by their hooks. From here, I look at a display wall featuring various types of fishing tackle. I consider getting one of my favorite and useful types from years ago; a yellow jig. A couple are near the bottom. I study the many other types, virtually every kind of fishing tackle I have ever used, including various plug lures and spoons. I absentmindedly carry the tackle box and jigs out of the store to the parking lot without paying, though I realize I will pay for everything I get after shopping longer. I put the items into the back seat of a car, from the left side. In attempting to go back into the mall, there is now an unfamiliar male painting the foyer. It is a darker cyan, and the entire walls, ceiling, and floor appear to be covered and still wet. (Of course, my dream self does not question this impossible sudden event.) The coat of paint has somewhat of a folded appearance, like the wrinkles and minor folds of a bed sheet. The painter, in blue bib overalls, is on a step ladder and remains cheerful. I am somewhat annoyed by this challenge. I attempt to go in, but I soon consider that I am now partly covered in paint when getting halfway to the opposite door. I subliminally reset my dream and I am again back outside the store (as I was prior to the previous event), wondering how I can enter. I notice that there is now an additional foyer to the left of the first one, which two unfamiliar females walk through to go into the store, so I use this one. I start thinking about getting some snacks for my family. Eventually, I approach a large table in the center of one store, which apparently is a bakery. There are several large butterfly cookies (about the size of my hand) with multicolored frosting of mostly yellow, cyan, pink, and blue. Each is wrapped in cellophane. First, I see what I think is the price of 95 cents on a very small label. I then notice that the price on a larger label is two dollars. I pick up two to purchase but begin to wake at this point. Return flight waking symbolism (RFWS) has occurred in at least one dream per sleeping period for over fifty years, but sometimes there are multiple diverse flight symbols in several different dreams in a shorter sleeping period. Their specific nature seems directly correlated with both my subliminally discerned level of unconsciousness and vestibular system dynamics. However, in this case, the autosymbolism seems a fairly obvious rendering of “butterflies in the stomach” in subliminal anticipation of RAS modulation (in the sometimes unexpected or jolting transition of dream self to conscious self). Because the butterflies were a static feature as cookies however, the waking was softer than usual. The imagery was also beautiful and even reassuring.
Date of Dream: SUN 23 JUL - 2017 Dream No. 159 - Adventuring In Abandoned Lands The dream started off with me at home on Easter Sunday, where I was going on an Easter egg hunt around the house. I then started placing eggs around my brother's bedroom and would find them later, afterwards going upstairs and seeing the cat go crazy. She walked towards my bedroom and just stood in the doorway, looking at me with her eyes wide open and a face like she was teasing me. I yelled out from the far end of the house, “Shoo!” and she went running out as fast as lightning. She was in another room but the family wanted her outside, so when she came into the front room where I was, I picked up a plastic bag next to the couch and waved it at her. This really startled the cat and she ran out the back door, never to be seen again. My mum was relieved as she could now prepare to continue for Easter lunch. The phone started to ring and my mum got mad because she thought it was a sales person calling on Easter Sunday. It just turned out to be a stranger that called the wrong number and said to my mum that he wanted his choc chip cookies. My mum ended up inviting him over for lunch but he said that if he was coming at all, he would come on Monday. I said to my mum that it was okay because we would still have leftovers for him to eat. The dream then skipped to me walking down this random path, still thinking about the cookie guy that called. Another stranger, a woman, appeared beside me and we turned left to walk across the farmland that was closed off to the main track... I had to explain to her that these farmland paddocks were closed off. As we continued walking towards the swamp and then the lake, others started to slowly appear and join us. Eventually, I felt this familiar, unique, warm energy which made me come to the realisation that Dreamy WB was walking with us but then I couldn't see her, she was invisible to everyone including me. At one point on the walk, the group reached a small town and there were all these shops there. I thought we were going to stop there to take a break but we didn't and rather continued into the forest. I was at the back of the public toilet shelter when Dreamy WB became visible and pulled me aside to show me something. She had her hair more straight and tied into a pony tail, wearing all black sports clothes. She pointed to this bush that had these miniature plain donuts, the size of hair ties, growing on it that were coated in sugar crystals... She tasted one and then she told me taste one. Those donuts were the most delicious things I had ever tasted and I told her I wanted to pick some so I could take them home. Then there were some donuts appearing in the colours of pink, yellow and blue, all in the neon spectrum. I didn't pick many donuts before she told me to hurry up or we would lose the others. So in a rush, I picked a really big handful and scuttled off with her. We were trailing behind the other people who were way ahead in the distance. I then woke up. Dream Trophies Achieved: - None
Updated 07-27-2017 at 12:34 PM by 93119
Date of Dream: SUN 28 MAY - 2017 Dream No. 121 - Separated Sections Dream 121 A - Never Enough Time For A WILD The dream took place on the grounds of Camelot Rise Primary School but it was all Killester students. I was walking around with JS and at the same time, looking for WB whom I thought would most likely be in the library right next to the office area. I then had an idea that I was going to go to sleep and attempt WILD. So JS walked off while I found somewhere to lie down. I eventually found a wooden bench in the main area of the school and lay on it. I started to fall asleep and try not to move at all so I could be aware if I was to enter a dream within this dream. At one point, I did feel like I was about to slip into another dreaming state but then for some reason, I automatically woke up. Apparently there was only two minutes left before classes would start again. When I got off the bench, I saw WB standing beside the unit of the multipurpose room and her appearance seemed smaller and cuter compared to real life. I don't remember anything else about this dream. Dream No. 121 B - Keep Her Safe At the start of the dream, I find I was doing something strange and unusual with chocolate chip cookies. That soon passed and the dream scene went to something else. There was this gravel landing/taking-off strip in a desert and there was a smallish looking metal aeroplane on it. Apparently, mum, NB and myself were returning from our Croatia holiday. When on the plane, I figured that I wanted to sit about two seats away from them as I did have Dreamy WB with me. She was in the form of a small plush toy with her hair in the style of two braids. Still, my mum sat next to me and my brother sat behind me, so I quickly had to whisk Dreamy WB away from my lap and have her under my left arm, against my body, on the side next to the windows. I was pressing her really hard to make sure no one could see her until our destination was reached. The dream scene then skipped to me showing random people holiday destinations like I was on some Getaway show. One place was this deserted lighthouse-like winery that was all dark inside. I don't remember anything else about this dream.
Date of Dream: WED 5 APR - 2017 Although this dream is called "Lucidity Quirks", I did not become lucid. In this dream, I was seeking becoming Lucid and the entirety of this dream was about WB trying to get me lucid. In the character list, WB and Dreamy WB are seperate characters... But in this dream, WB possessed real life qualities and had all her "cool" friends with her and then this is the same person who is trying to get me lucid. Dream No. 92 – Lucidity Quirks It all started when I was just randomly walking around on the grounds of Camelot Rise Primary School. I was looking for WB as I had something to ask her. When I was in the main assembly area, I saw WB walking from the asphalt area where the basketball courts were. We met just outisde the canteen and I spoke to her. At first, I was asking her some random garble but I actually caught myself and stopped. I then asked her my real question which was, “I've always been wanting to become lucid but have never been able to. Is there some way you can help me?”. WB said that she could help but first, she had something else to do. She went inside the canteen and put all these cookies to bake in a small metal oven, which was supposed to be at 280 degrees. Just then, all of WB's friends started flooding into the canteen and started to distract her. Some faces I do remember vividly were EL, BT and naughty BB. BB actually came over to the oven and put it on the maximum setting so WB would burn the cookies and therefore would have to start all over again. I caught BB out, telling her off and then turning the oven back down to 270 degrees while watching the cookies bake for the rest of the time myself. I then took the cookies out of the oven when I thought they were done. When the cookies were out of the oven, WB's friends had left and stopped bothering us... Maybe they weren't bothering her but they were bothering me. When we were back outside, I checked my watch (analogue) and it said it was 1:25 PM. I then panicked and said that there was only 5 minutes before we would have to be back in class. WB reassured me and told me not to worry, she would keep me out of class to bring me into lucidity. I still worried because I thought if the class teacher, Mr G, caught us outside, I would be in massive trouble. So she brought me over to the 5/6 playground, away from all the classrooms, to a private area in between two bushes where there was piece of play equipment that she used as a bench. I was under the belief that I would enter lucidity by falling asleep on WB's lap. The only thing that happened when I fell asleep on her lap was that I entered a completely different world with her that was even more fake than the previous one. We were no longer human either... We looked like drawings from someone's digital art. I then woke up. This is Dream No. 92 (on WED 5 APR) and the lucid dream was Dream No. 93 (on THU 6 APR, only the next night!), so maybe although the attempt to get me lucid in this dream failed... Some subconscious process carried on into the next dream.
Updated 04-29-2017 at 07:09 AM by 93119
Since my last journal entry I have had very bad recall and been very busy with the start of school on top of that so I took a little break to figure out my new schedule. This morning I woke up and realized it was a good time to get started again and did MILD. 09.08.2016 12:00 PMHanging Out With Juliana (MILD) I am Supermans side kick or something. We are fighting Lex Luthor I think. There is an old lady crossing the street and Superman says to help her while he fights. I go and fly her across the street to her hotel and help her find her room. I get a sense that this is a dream and wonder if I will become full lucid. I finish walking her down the hall just to make sure I feel I finished that dream plot and do a nose plug. I think specifically about how I shouldn't fly out to superman and continue the fighting. I fly out the window and fly around Hollywood. I land and find myself in front of a 5 story building. I remember my goal is to just have a nice talk with Juliana so I stick my hand back. I feel her grab mine but it takes some focus to make it feel vivid. I say hi twice and then she responds. I look back and this time she has a buzz cut! It looks pretty good actually. She and I start walking and talking into the building and I say, "Wait. Every time I see you we start walking somewhere urgently. We don't have to go anywhere today let's just hang out and talk." "Okay, but lets go right inside here and sit down." She says. We go in and it's a hospital. We go in one of the rooms and sit on the bed. There is another patient in the bed next to us but they don't mind. I find on a table two giant delicious chocolate chip cookies and we each take one. It is really good! I say to her, "Could you show me more of your magic. Like something flashy and cool like the fireworks from last time." She says, "Sure!" and snaps her fingers and there is a bright blue flash surrounding her hand. "Cool!" I say. "How about something even more creative! What else can you do?" She says, "Okay. Look at that trash can." She points at it and a spark flys from her finger and into it. Two eyes and a mouth emerge from the front of the trash can and it starts talking in jiberish! "Cool! What happens if you make it inanimate again? Let me try." I have finished my cookie and stick out my finger to give it a try. The garbage can looks scared and pretends to be normal but I can tell it is just faking. "Here." Juliana says and sends another spark that makes it go back to normal. I start to destabilize and wake up or have an FA, I don't know, but I DEILD. I am in the loby of a hotel and skateboard out the door. Strange, I don't know how to skateboard well. I skateboard and follow someone on a bike. We fall into a pool and people try to help us out and I destabilize again. I am in a residential neighborhood and very unstable still. I walk up to a car and feel it. There are flowers growing out of the engine. I am stabilized now and decide to summon Juliana again. This time she has a brown pixie cut. It is much easier to summon her this time. We go for a walk and talk. "Do you know Androx?" She starts to think. "He is a talking cat, or a witch or something." She says she thinks she knows who I'm talking about and that it isn't supprising he found me. I say he sent me to fight evil witches and she starts laughing. "What? Are you an evil witch?" "No it's not that I just don't think there is such a clear line between good witches and evil witches. It just dosn't work that way in my opinion." "So you arn't a good witch?" She shrugs. "Well I guess you are a neutral witch then and I am okay with that.", I say. We pass by some people who are playing music loud. It is like metal mixed with drum and bass. As we walk away Juliana uses magic to make it louder. At the drop we can't help but start dancing to it. We can't really tell if we should be head banging or dancing like its electronic. haha I eventually wake up and decided to write this down before I forget it. I keep falling asleep though and eventually have a dream that I am Purple Man's pawn like in Jessica Jones.
Preface: Bed at 10pm to catch up on sleep! Unfortunately, exercise had me worn out last night. No echinacea or vitamins before bed; I was too tired and I forgot. DR 1 I am at a university or school event of some sort. I am with a friend, her boyfriend, and a child. Most times, this child appears to be a boy. My friend and her boyfriend separate for some reason, and I am supposed to go with the boyfriend to get something or find something (papers from the school). I let him do his thing, because there is a small photography gallery showing that we (all of us, mainly the child) have been invited to. The child is very excited to see this, so we are rushing along to get to the room. When I get there, a man is handing out small booklets (prints of the show) for sale. The guy opens the book and its pictures of "cookies". All kinds of elaborately decorated Christmas gingerbread cookies. The one that I most remember is the one that appears to be strangled. Half of his head is coming off. Anyway, the child is so excited and wants to buy one of the books. He/she has given me his wallet, so its in my purse. I go into my purse to get the wallet and he tells me that the book is four dollars. I find four dollars in silver coins and I give it to him to pay for the book. The wallet is a long checkbook type wallet and has a rose pattern (black and pink). When I go to put the wallet back inside my purse. The child gets upset and says that its his/her wallet. At this time I cannot distinguish the sex of the child, because his/her face is so beautiful, dark brown curly hair (big ringlets), fair skin, rosy pursed lips and big brown eyes- a heart shaped face. He/she is so adorable. I say, "I have it right here! You gave it to me, remember? Do you want to hold it?" The child is okay with me holding it. We hang around a bit and then we leave. As we are leaving, I meet up with my friend's boyfriend again. We receive news that half the world has fallen into the sea. This is huge news, and it seems that the world is going to be over. Immediately, I become a third person, and I am looking down at the earth from the sky. In satellite view, I can see Spain and France flip over and fold into the water, as if someone has folded a piece of paper. The same happens to Africa. The rest of Europe, gets completely folded into Russia- and then everything goes under the water. I get freaked out and return to first person. People are crying and there is a lot of commotion. We are oddly calm and begin to make our way out to find the car. We find my friend. She looks kind of upset. I can feel its because her boyfriend and I have been hanging out and we had a good time. She is not happy that she left her boyfriend with me (?). She's not even upset about the earth. The university/school is huge! Its takes us awhile to get back to the car. I get into the driver's seat. Its a small sedan. The boyfriend gets into the front seat (?), and my friend and the child get into the back. Everything looks that dimly lit color again (golden brown sepia tones), only there are no torches or streetlights. I don't know where I am going but there is a lot of craziness about the earth on the radio. It seems that only the North American continent has survived. Side notes: Colors- Mostly the dimly lit orange/gold tones. This is a change from the normal white/grey color scheme. Child- This child appeared so handsome and beautiful at the same time. This is new for me in a dream; I can usually tell the sex of people in dreams, if not by appearance then by feeling. Coins- There were lots of quarters in my purse. In the dream, I had many of them in a plastic bag, which I took out to retrieve the coins. That is odd, but I do hate how change rumbles around and gets dirty in purses. Cookies- These cookies looked alot like the gingerbread cookies that my small nieces and I made last Christmas. They kept putting too much icing and making them look so different, so I started naming them. Earth-Probably the biggest calamity I have had in a dream lately. I didn't think I was capable of imagining that the world could just fold over into the sea. Interesting bit about Russia.
I was standing by the kitchen table in the apartment. My boyfriend wanted to go get wine but I said we were both too drunk to go get wine and we had already drank enough gin and vodka. That is all I can remember and that one was a dream that seemed real because it was kind of consistent with recent waking reality (I was in the apartment drinking gin before I fell asleep) but I asked my boyfriend about this and it didn't happen IRL. I just recovered a dream fragment from my memory. I was in a locker room. It was a large, brightly lit, rectangular room with a white, square tiled floor. Each floor tile was about 10 inches, so they weren't really small tiles. Either it was a co-ed locker room or it was a men's locker room but the men just let the women use it because there were two guys in there and a woman was in one of the stalls. And I was in the locker room but I must have been hovering in the air because I could see the woman in the stall changing from above. The woman walked out of the stall and the two guys were standing nearby talking and one of them just glances at the woman and then continues talking to the other guy. Wow. I just remembered another dream from last night. I was in a cookie shop where there were cookies in trays like a buffet of food but it was just cookies. There were different sized bags for different numbers of cookies. I got the five cookie bag and I was trying to decide between a chocolate oatmeal cookie and some other kind of cookie for my last cookie but I accidentally ended up with two extra cookies but I was embarrassed to put the cookies back but I was also embarrassed about having extra cookies in the five cookie bag. I went to the cash register to check out and then I think some kind of catastrophe happened and everyone just left with their bags of cookies.
Updated 12-13-2015 at 05:42 AM by 89446 (I remembered more)
This was strange indeed. My parents were gone from our house and I remember I was trying to get into some kind of safe in their room. Except it looked like it had a normal dial combination padlock. Ironically, my parents have a locked closet in real life that they hide all the delicious snacks in, and I totally know the combination. (Shh, don't tell them.) But either way, it was the exact same combination in the dream. 17-47-11 How did I remember it in the dream? That's what really confused me. It could have been anything else, but it was the right combination. I eventually got into the safe, but my parents came home and I had to close the lock and go out into the kitchen. Things were different now. The power was out, and the house was very cold. There was even snow in the house. I remember opening the door to the stairs and seeing the snow sloping off the stairs, like it had fallen there somehow. I went upstairs to turn our air conditioner into "heat mode" somehow. But of course, it's an air conditioner, so there's no such thing as that mode. It got warmer, but then it got cold again. My parents left once more, and I was able to get in the safe and get cookies. Also, they were really delicious. Dream food is great.
Dream - Lucid I was in a city. I was trying to bake some cookies, all with different flavors of things on/in them. Some were, of course, chocolate chip, another was cinnamon I believe, and there were more but I can't remember them. I put them in the freezer when I realized that I needed to brush some sort of oil over them, so I did. I didn't think I was supposed to do it when the cookies were frozen though. Oh well, too late now; I'm sure they'll be fine. Then, something about being with someone else and we were running away from two cops. It kind of reminds me of one of those comedies with Seth Rogen in it, kind of like Super Bad or something; it just had that feel to it. We would hide somewhere in a building, like in a garage, and hope the cops didn't catch us. I kept going back to the cookies throughout the dream to work on them. My grandma was in this one too at some point. ~ Dallas and I were enjoying our last day at Disney World before we had to go back home. We both went off and did our own thing that day. I spent the whole day in one part of the park. I called it "Fantasyland", though it looked nothing like the IWL Fantasyland at Disney World. It had more of a pirate/water feel to it, with many rides that looked like pirate ships that would swing around. There was one that Swung around in some half-tubes of water. I didn't want to ride it because too much swinging around makes me sick to my stomach (true IWL; forget going on carnival rides!). Dallas had wanted to ride that one. I had told him he could ride it, but I didn't want to. Towards the end of the day, I was thinking about how quickly our time at Disney went by. I couldn't believe it was already time to go home! I also thought about how I had spent the entire day in one part of the park. ~ I was getting online to play League of Legends. I picked my character and was taken into the loading area. My character looked different; it was drawn in Rugrats-style art. In fact, it was from Rugrats (it was a character that doesn't exist IWL). I somehow went back to look at what character I had picked, and I had not picked any Rugrats character. I went back to the loading screen and it was still the Rugrats character. In fact, now that I was looking at it, everyone had Rugrats characters! It must be some event that Riot is doing to promote a new Rugrats things. I saw that the classic characters were there as well. I remember seeing some cut scene of them all coming up individually on the screen and saying something. My character did it, but so did the classics. I remember Tommy, Phil, and Lil. The game then started. The map looked wildly different; it was more Starcraft-like than LoL. We spent a lot of time just chatting with each other, not making any moves to do anything towards winning. This lasted for some time, maybe 15 minutes or so. I kept thinking about this and how the other team must be so far ahead of us. I then broke away from the team to go gather resources (another Starcraft reference). I noticed that the others were now gathering them as well. In fact, they were being gathered so quickly, when I tried to gather them, they disappeared super quickly! How odd. I then saw something on another screen to my left saying that the only people in the game were me and this other guy. He apologized to me because he told me he was trying to find someone to sell him some weed. I saw him say this on the computer screen in a chat, but then again I saw him, this time I actually saw him, walking around with a cell phone. He was trying to call people to sell him weed. Then, I was in the bathroom playing the game again. This time, there was that screen to the left on some what looked like hot plates sitting on the bathroom counter. It had some pictures of characters on it. I started to do something in the game, and the hot plate turned on, making this crazy noise. It also looked like it was plowing hot air into the air (kind of like a teapot). It didn't seem like what was supposed to happen, so I freaked out and turned it off. I turned it on again, and it kept happening. The air wasn't hot that was coming out of it, I now noticed, but maybe a little warm. Still strong though. I turned it off again and gave up. ~ I was sitting on this long, silver chair that was an outdoor elevator sitting with Laura, one of my old managers. It had a safety harness pulled down in front of us. It was slowly bringing us down. It was nighttime. It had something to do with going to work. I was talking to Laura about my work concerns. The elevator chair then got to the bottom and let us out. It almost started to go back up again when I realized I had left my purse on it. Laura grabbed it for me, and then it started to go up again. I thanked her. I then was walking into a fast food restaurant that I was apparently working at now. I had a bright orange long sleeved shirt on. I noticed that all the other employees had on light blue short sleeved t-shirts. Was I wearing the wrong thing? As I walked further into the restaurant, I noticed some people with bright orange on. I saw some short and long sleeves. I didn't feel so bad now. I then sat down at a booth, and my boss, an older Indian gentleman, was sitting there across and diagonal from me. Next to me sat another employee. The boss then told me to scratch out this word that was on my name tag in the background that advertised a certain product they carried and to write this other one in in its place. It was a weird word that started with "cha", but I can't remember the word right now. I started to scratch it off. He was explaining to me what they did: Each employee was assigned a product at the beginning of their employment. It was random. But then, after a bit, they were assigned a new one. That product was the one they had to push and advertise. I thought to myself wow, what a unique advertising strategy. The guy next to me was scratching his word off the tag as well. I then saw something written on a menu about employees all being given a nickname. It explained about one guy whose nickname was "Um" because he would slip the word "um" into almost everything he said, both in English and French.
Dream - Lucid I was waking up in my bedroom in the middle of the night. I saw that next to me there was no nightstand, and another bed close by. Definitely a dream; I have a nightstand. I got up out of bed and went to go try to phase through a long floor-to-ceiling window. Outside, I could see that it was actually a cloudy morning, not nighttime; I saw little slivers of light. I tried to go through the window, but instead of me going through it, it felt solid, and rose up out of its fixture and went outside with me. It looked kind of like a garage door would look like as it was opening. Wow, I bet this looked silly to my husband, who was in bed still. Speaking of my husband, I could faintly hear his snoring coming from waking life, and woke up. ~ I went back to sleep, and was again aware that I was dreaming. I got up out of bed and went to try phasing again. I approached a wall. This time, I focused on simply phasing through. I don't know how else to put it, but really, that's all I had to do was think that "This wall isn't solid", basically. It worked, and I emerged in what looked like an alleyway at first with lots of dressers and chests of drawers of all different types and wood colors. They looked old. The wall in this alley was a soft olive green color with a black border on the top. Instead of an alleyway though, it started to feel more like a big room. I approached a dresser, and really started to focus on my surroundings, taking in the color and vowing to remember it. The dresser I approached had something attached to it that had lots of small drawers and doors, kind of like a jewelry box. I started to open some up to see what was inside. I wasn't finding anything. Some of the drawers and doors were to high for me to reach, so I decided to try to make myself taller. I thought to myself I would be taller, and I started to rise. It almost felt like I was levitating, not growing, but nonetheless, it worked! I opened a small door and saw what looked like a small shadow box with some figurines in it. I remember a miniature white teddy bear and some furniture, but nothing else. Again, I started to hear my husband's snores, and I woke up. ~ The snores got so bad that I had to move to the other room to sleep more, so that's what I did. I then was dreaming of something that had to do with these big dogs I had. It's really hard to explain because it seems very abstract and jumbled in my mind. I feel like the dog care taking was kind of video game-esque. I had to go get something for the dogs. I went to Kohl's to get it. I was going up to some registers that don't exist IWL. I didn't recognize any of the employees there. I wondered where David was; he's normally up there all the time. I then approached a desk, I suppose it was the service desk, but it was round and in the middle of the store. Two boys were at it, one that had curly hair. They said whatever I was doing would take 15 minutes. Alright, that's fine. I waited. I do not remember what I got or if I even got it. At one point, I remember one of the dogs loving me a lot for something I did. ~ I was at my brother's wedding reception. Something about maybe Dallas and I's wedding too? It was in this place that had lots of pathways and slopes, kind of like a hiking trail. I remember seeing my brother and his fiance' after the ceremony. I also remember thinking to myself I guess they decided to get married early instead of in December. I talked to a lady about some food there. I was helping to serve the food. She wanted white chocolate macadamia nut cookies. I went to grab her some out of this plastic container with drawers, but then realized that there was another container of fresher cookies nearby. I went to grab one. She was trying to grab one out of the drawer container. I asked if she wanted that one or the other one. I think she took one of each, or two of the old ones. I can't quite recall. My brother's fiance' got cookies as well, the old ones. Then, I was talking to an older lady with short, straight hair about a hair stylist. She was telling me she had expected me to leave her the name of someone that I recommended in the city I live in, and I hadn't, and if I could please do so. I wanted to tell her it wasn't my responsibility to find her a hair stylist, but whatever, I wrote down the name of a girl that I used to work with at Kohl's who does hair. Then, something about someone Dallas used to work with at his old job. It looked like the job, which resembled apartments or a beach resort, was overlooking a beach, but the "ocean", upon further inspection, was just a really long pond that would fill when it rained. I saw where the pond ended. Dallas was shushing me when I was talking about something to this person because of someone at that job, his boss or something, could hear me.
Updated 09-05-2014 at 03:28 PM by 32059
Dream - Lucid I was at work, but my mom was working there too. She had been there longer than me. In fact, she was one of my bosses. We were getting a corporate visit that day, and everything had to be perfect. When I got there, I was quickly told what to do by another boss, a woman. Then, I was left on my own without a clue as to what needed to get done. She had spoken so fast, I couldn't keep up, and I was still fairly new, so I didn't understand the priorities like they did. I looked at all the projects around me, and started on one of them. I was making these animal models out of some kind of dough, like a sugar cookie dough, and putting them on a pan. There were bright, neon colored icings there as well. I did some normal cookies as well, because I was pretty sure that's what I needed to do. I "remembered" seeing animal cookies and regular ones before, at least I thought I did. I did a few of those, but went on to do something else. There was some pink, Lego-like model of a castle that needed to be put together for display purposes, but I didn't think that was a priority since it wasn't edible. I then had to go to lunch. I was with my friend Charles for lunch. We were in the break room, which was dark. When my hour was up, I realized I had forgotten to punch out for lunch. Shit. I couldn't think of what to do. I was then back in the bakery, and my mom was there, freaking out, saying I should have done the Lego thing first, and that I wasn't supposed to make the dough into animals. I was supposed to make the dough into tight spirals with the frosting in it. I started to do that. I "remembered " that an old work friend, Shelley, had done the animals when she worked there. She had posted pics of her with them on Facebook. The animals were actually just a seasonal thing. The corporate visitor then came, and was walking around with my mom, giving disapproving looks and saying things weren't right. Ugh. I knew I would be in trouble for it all, too. When the visitor left, my mom came up to me, and I started to cry because I was so frustrated and upset. I was afraid I'd get fired. My mom was sitting down at a table and mocking me as I cried. She would copy me in a childish voice. That made me even more upset. ~ Again, I was at work, but it was a mixture between my current job at the bakery and my last job at Kohl's. I was in the bakery, but I felt like it was still Kohl's. I wondered why they had rehired me. I heard people talking about it, and they said it was because they really needed the help. I was working on something with one of my current managers, Will. I worked with him the whole time. He was very positive and uplifting, unlike the last dream where my mom was freaking out and mocking me. It was then close to the end of my shift. I needed to go get some new white note cards; I had just bought some, and they were all browning on the edges, as if they were old and dirty. I think I was going to do this with Mary Katherine. We had discussed that at the end of my shift, at 5:30, we would go. I then was in a freezer at work, though it did not look at all like the freezer we have IWL. It was smaller, boxier. I went in and shut the door. It was cold, but so quiet; it was surprisingly peaceful in there, probably because when the door shuts, it locks and seals to keep any outside air out. I really liked it; it shut out all the noise. I had to go back out though. I went back into the freezer soon after, and thought it would be a good idea to meditate in there. I shut the door and started to begin my thought process on meditation, but someone opened the door. I figured I probably didn't need to be in there meditating anyway since I was at work. Then, I was done with my shift. Dallas had texted me to ask me if I wanted to meet up with him at 5:30. I couldn't, because I was meeting up with Mary Katherine. I can't remember whether or not I told him this, but I know I thought about doing so. I was walking around a lobby area that looked more like Kohl's than the bakery. There were a few babies crawling around on the floor. I said hello to one, a red-headed baby boy. He said hello back to me. He didn't sound like a baby, but more like an older child. I knew this was a special child. I "remembered" him being there all the time. I said hello to a couple of other babies too. I was then talking to my friend, Ashley. I was trying to explain something to her, a way I believed I think, and she countered me by saying I needed to adjust my views. She then referred to two other girls that were there. They were sisters. She said it was ok for them to think that way, because they had it hard when they were children, but it isn't ok for me to think that way because I didn't. One of the girls, a bigger girl with long, wavy dark hair who was working behind a counter, nodded in agreement. I saw the girls' mother there as well. It upset me a bit that Ashley had said that to me. I thought that maybe, in a way, she was right, though. Then, I was outside sitting on a bench. It was nighttime. I feel like there may have been snow. Amy Z., the mother of one of my childhood friends, approached me with a baby, and said I needed to meet him. She held him up to me, and I said hello to the baby. He said hello back. She tried to give him to me, but I said "I actually have to be somewhere." She took the baby away. I was then with Ashley again, somewhere by the freezer. She was saying something to me about the freezer, something about making snowballs or snowmen out of the snow that would collect on the floor. I still had some feelings of anger towards her for what she had said to me. I thought about not replying to her when she spoke to me. I don't remember if I actually did or not. Then, I saw some weird images that were supposed to be the freezer, but it looked like a 2D game of Tetris. There were different settings that could be turned on and off, and some went on a timer, like a deep freeze kind of thing that would cause it to snow inside the freezer by blowing frigid air. A drill came through the floor at one point, ending the game. Maybe it was on a time limit? There was a voice speaking about it, but I can't remember what it said.
Updated 07-31-2014 at 12:37 PM by 32059
17.01.2014Katsumi from DOA and Delfino Square (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I'm trying to walk in a linear path that has a close resemblance of Delfino Square, but it's much more detailed than that. Seems I'm walking down an alley or an area with a lot of apartments on both sides. I see Katsumi from DOA that's almost wearing this same attire below: Spoiler for boobs: Things start getting weird where the dream skips a bit, or at least how I try to walk looks skipped and out of sync. First, I would see a backside view of myself wearing a brown leather shirt and dark blue jeans as well. I would be slightly midair, almost as if I was materialized a few inches from the ground with the left leg straight, and the right leg bent at an angle preparing for a walk. Then it would skip a frame to me landing, and it would skip a bit more and reset me to the same positions a few more times. Then I get the option to teleport by mentally selecting the HUD on the bottom that gives me choices to go to 1 2 3, and I presume these must be sections of the environment I'm in. Katsumi is getting closer and closer the more I teleport myself, and I can't remember else for that dream. _________________________ 17.01.2014Party Over Here & Paper Thin Menus (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID Party occurringI grab some cookiesSit next to guy similar to waking life counterpart Rll(roul)Guy to the left of me orders huge meal, I see fried octopus legs and maybe ranch dippingI want to prepare an order as well, and eventually found a menu that was as thin as a paper towel. 18.01.2014Female Blonde Child at a Festival? (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID >Female blonde child at a festival >She looked like she could be much older, but her visage is child-like, and I didn't get the chance to analyze her body composition at the time. >She seems to be glancing over at me for a few seconds, and then looks away at what seems to be a festival starting >The environment seems to be blurred out, and there's higher focus and detail on the girl's face. _________________________ 18.01.2014Hey, It's That Guy From That Other Movie! (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID False awakening >Woke up feeling as if I was in waking life. I didn't bother to check if there were any peculiar aspects within the dream simply because it looked like the exact model. > Darker setting than usual >Looked at the television to find a highly detailed visualization of someone that I recalled glancing over in a movie some relatives were watching the day before >When I told them he looks like that same guy, I see one male relative of mine looking at me and slightly smiling a bit, but he doesn't seem to be doing so because of my existence. It seems like he's in slow motion. >Things felt awkward and I don't know what happens next
Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps. Dream 1(fragments): I was talking to dragons in skype chat and somebody posted a pic of some skull. Dream 2: I was watching some video where a dragon challenged some spaceship pilot to fight a mechanical copy of him. Then it turned into game that looked somewhat like fraxy, the ship surely looked like default fraxy one and mecha dragon was made of red parts, the fight was going in cloudy skies on very quick speed and was lasting quite long, going through various attack patterns and phases. At one point video randomly switched to something about cookie recipe, and then back. Game switched to more horizontal-style and there was something about weakpoints, then there was another phase and then video just faded to black. It faded in and was showing some bar, and a dragon was here and his scales were multiple colored. Then pilot came and they started talking, they were friends now, then pilot says that it's too bad that he can't make cookies right now and dragon reminds him about recipe. Dream 3: I get woken up by a DC and i feel that i am dreaming, i go to balcony but it's closed, i try to phase through but curtain gets in the way and i kinda get stuck, then dream glitches and i no-collide fall through the world into blackness, i land onto something and then wake up again, still feeling the dream, i try to get up but DC gets into the way, then dream fades and i wake up properly.
I am in an unfamiliar classroom, it's is part of a school/mall/fair. It's my third grade teacher. I'm sitting next to this girl I knew in elementary, she takes out Oreos, and mini bags of cookies and tries to sneak them to only me, but then all the students around us see and hold their hands out begging for cookies loudly. This get the teachers attention, and she walks over and scolds the girl, I ate the Oreo before she saw and slipped the mini bag into the girls backpack without being seen. I think I'm still in trouble though. then at the end of the class the teacher comes around and gives each student a sticker with a grade on it and a little ball with a picture on it and on the wall towards the exit is the chart that says what picture is what grade. I expect bad one's, she give the cookie girl bad grades, but then she comes to me and gives me an A+ sticker and a ball, she said it was because I cried from reading the book. Then the bell rings and we get up and I take my ball to see what it means on the chart, it is a B+. Then we go outside and it's a shopping center/carnival, I see a girl I used to know and she tells me to follow her so I follow her through play tubes, and then she goes down a water slide and I don't want to get wet so I go around but then I never see her again. Then I'm in a field with carnival stuff laid everywhere, a whole group of goths are mad because the big corporate company took their spot beneath the trees that they wanted to set up their tents to camp, Then we realize they took their stuff down for the end of the day and i tell them to set up camp there before they return. Shortly they return and this big woman runs up to me screaming in my face to have this stuff gone but I ran away from her. Then I turn into an RV, I'm driving on the train tracks following trains and i go through this thing where the train will go over fish tanks, so I go over it and I barely balance, I realize how amazingly a car can turn when you are actually the car and not just driving it. I make it over the tank and the people sitting around having coffee cheer for me, and I exit to this underpass that has a view of the ocean and a whole bunch of goths are sitting on cement ridges having a view of it, I'm me again and walk over there so I can sit and get a view but none of them want me to sit near them but I see people I used to know want me to sit with them but they pretend not to see me.