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    1. Nightmare after nightmare

      by , 12-17-2016 at 01:49 AM
      I had a whole night of nightmares about Mike. I didn't get much sleep at all. When I went to bed I had a raging headache & it was making me not lay still so I felt queezy too. Mike said I was saying "Don't tell Mike" while I was sleeping, lol. I told him yup that would be me telling a cab driver that you were acting insane. I only remember fragments & I didn't want to ruin Mike's day so I just talked to him when I woke up instead of writing it down. He's on vacation & he didn't need little crazy me to interrupt his vacation by saying "hey I have to go write down all my creepy nightmares I had about you last night". I just told him why I had them. He was w/ my while I was Christmas shopping & he doesn't really like to shop for Christmas especially on his vacation so both of us were stressed out. I'll just be glad for it to be over this year. I have a better plan for next year after some success w/ some online shopping this year.
      Tags: nightmare
      non-lucid , side notes
    2. Nightmare after nightmare

      by , 12-17-2016 at 01:49 AM
      I had a whole night of nightmares about Mike. I didn't get much sleep at all. When I went to bed I had a raging headache & it was making me not lay still so I felt queezy too. Mike said I was saying "Don't tell Mike" while I was sleeping, lol. I told him yup that would be me telling a cab driver that you were acting insane. I only remember fragments & I didn't want to ruin Mike's day so I just talked to him when I woke up instead of writing it down. He's on vacation & he didn't need little crazy me to interrupt his vacation by saying "hey I have to go write down all my creepy nightmares I had about you last night". I just told him why I had them. He was w/ my while I was Christmas shopping & he doesn't really like to shop for Christmas especially on his vacation so both of us were stressed out. I'll just be glad for it to be over this year. I have a better plan for next year after some success w/ some online shopping this year.
      Tags: nightmare
      non-lucid , side notes
    3. Putting the visions to paper

      by , 10-14-2016 at 08:54 AM
      I've had numerous reoccurring dreams over the past decades. I tend to hold onto what some may consider nightmares. But I have made efforts to try and retain that information by sharing with personal friends. Many of them have heard my ramblings of the Black House and the more recent above ground cemetery of the dead. I have met and talked to a few family members who have passed and passed their messages onto other members in which the message made some sense to them. I'd like to note the martial arts guy whom I've seen there. He's goofy and a prankster. No one comes to visit him though. He seems to appreciate me noticing him.
      Other projects that I need to write about include a breathing church and a couple other hellions that are products of torment. Not to spill all the beans at once, I want to explore these places further and more importantly record what I find.
      Lastly, I'll make note of the Fields. I'm sure that it's not the actual name of the place but more so a name to reference that vision in my life. While the fields doesn't seem to be a reoccurring dream/nightmare (thank God), but it is an experience that I had when I was extremely sick and delusional. My belief is that I had died for a short period of time. So, the fields is that special place in Hell for some.
      Again, this is me putting the mind to paper. Not expanding on this now but pushing out important topic that need covered.
    4. A Rape, a pillage of a house & flying hospital

      by , 09-27-2016 at 06:52 PM
      D1: Non-lucid nightmare: I was being held down & raped by some man I didn't know. It was so intense I woke up.

      I tried to go back in to get a lucid out of it to do the TOTM but no dice.

      D2: Non-Lucid: I was with a big group of ppl & we were pillaging a house for random stuff. We were lost & just came across it. The family was the Duggar Family from the show 19 kids & counting, (Was weird cuz I quit watching that show some time ago) The father got really angry & was trying to make us leave.

      D3: Non-Lucid: I was in a flying hospital. Yup, I flying hospital indeed, lol. I needed to get medical attention for something but never new why. I had 2 female friends w/ me. I was trying to find my husband (not any husband I've had in this lifetime) I didn't look like me. Both mine & his appearance kept changing. It was really weird. And our genders kept changing too! Finally I found him & we closed the curtain on an open ER Room w/ the curtain but it wouldn't close all the way around. A couple of my friends, both women whom I seemed to be really good friends w/ were saying "GO for it!" And watched us have sex, lol.

      About an hour before I went to bed my husband & I had an intense conversation about how we met & a revelation I had during the day. We both feel that some other force kept pulling us together no matter what we did. He pursued me for 3 yrs before I gave in. It was an intense 3 yrs. We also both married other ppl briefly but it just wasn't right. He would always turn up behind me at work & freak me out, lol. But I would anticipate him & he would make my heart about jump out of my chest each time w/ attraction. I was always afraid he was a coke/meth addict because he is tall & slim & has a lot of energy. I was afraid because I used to be an IV drug user in my twenties & I don't want anything or anyone like that around me. But then it turned out I should've just asked him earlier & believed him. Everyone we know was like "It's about time!" in the end. We still till this day call him my stalker, lol. But ironically we both believe we were supposed to marry to the ppl in between all of this, because they both died during the year following our marriage (also 3 yrs later, I made him wait again, lol). But before they died they both changed in some ways. My ex was always very bitter & angry. He was dying from liver & kidney failure & turned to God in his final months & Mike's ex was never bitter towards me & actually liked seeing us happy together, she died in a fire... Ironically my marriage to this man ended because of his health. I told him he was going to die & had to change his eating habits & I refused to sit back & drag my kids down this road of slowly watching him kill himself in such a way. I new w/o a doubt he would die. He then went back to live w/ his mother & sister whom he had lived w/ many yrs before he was w/ me so he was never alone... Anyway I think that's where my dreams from tonight came from. Except the first one. I think that was because Meesha Cat was mauling my head to get up & feed her & it triggered that rape dream cuz he kept grabbing my hair. Of course I'm sure some of what we talked about that I didn't mention here was helpful w/ that dream. We had a pretty in-depth conversation./COLOR]
    5. A pony, a lucid car accident & a teleporting angry me

      by , 09-01-2016 at 03:00 AM
      D1: Non-Lucid: A guy looked a lot like "Chuck" Saul's brother, from "Better call Saul". So I went there w/ the pony & it turned out to be something like a big feed store where you buy in bulk for animal food. He had some stalls in the back. The guy got really mad at me & said that we didn't deserve a pony & that we murdered our dogs. He told me we were criminals. Kept calling me a dog murderer. I was crying in my dream & in real life. I could here myself. So I knew I was dreaming but I still had to defend myself for personal reasons. I told him that wasn't what happened. I was hysterical & he kept yelling. But then he went around the corner which is the exact moment I knew I was dreaming, crying, & screaming. I started back in on him after I rounded the corner. He suddenly stopped & looked at me like I was crazy & said, "what are you talking about, I didn't say that."

      I woke up still screaming & crying & Meesha Cat was loving on me. Then I realized all the screaming had freaked her out & woke her up. She had peed all over my bed. This was not a good start to the morning. I had to get up & wash all my shit & console my poor cat. So I finally got back to bed about 2 hrs later... Oh, & the dream was some small guilt I still carry about rehousing our dogs due to my health. They all got homes & yes I now have a cat but she's never under foot like they were.

      D2: Lucid- Mike & I were driving to go see my Grandpa Harry. (He passed away 24 yrs ago) We were going around a sharp curve on what looked like the side of a mountain.It was getting dark & I was starting to panic. Something went wrong w/ the brakes & we were airborne. I was driving. I held his hand & said "I love you, Mike." I thought we were going to die! I had this strange feeling right then though. I had to try & do something. Part of me thought this has to be a dream & part of me thought this could be real. So when I told him I loved him & held his hand I went full on lucid. I slowed down time & willed us to be in a bubble away from the car & we slowly floated down.

      D3: I had a big fight w/ a guy who was treating like shit. Apparently he was seeing me & another woman. I got really mad & started teleporting all around which freaked him out while I was yelling at him. He was so confused, lol. I started to get lucid but my phone went off & I had to deal w/ real life. Sigh. That would've been 2 lucids. Oh well.

      Explanation of details-Blue
      Side Notes-Purple
      Astral Projection/AP-Brown/OOB
    6. Judgement

      by , 08-28-2016 at 11:51 AM
      So I had a dream that I could hangout with Sans and Papyrus in the real world but then Sans suddenly realised that I was the anomaly who kept reseting the game over and over, causing him to suffer.

      So he decided to do the same with me, and he kept reseting my dream, for a while the dream kept repeating untill suddenly I was in a dark room, completely black and I was in some sort of Bath tub.

      Then a text appeared saying, "You feel the presence of both Papyrus and Sans, who would you like to see?" I picked Sans and then I slowly turned my head and saw Sans looming above me, staring me down without his pupils (?).

      He then grabbed hold of my wrist and said, "You committed 417 Sins...Judgement is mine now."
      He then stabbed me in the heart and I woke up.
    7. #265 - Evil doll girl

      by , 08-23-2016 at 08:23 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      I'll probably summarise this as I wrote the entire thing a couple days ago and my computer crashed...
      In a house with Josh, it's late at night and he's looking for something. We head down the hallway of the house which is unlit, the only light comes from the room we just left. There's 2 doors at the end of the hallway, he checks the one on the right and I check the left. The room I check is completely trashed. Wtf? "Josh! Get over here!" It looks like someone has broken in, wind is blowing the curtains around wildly from the open window. I see someone move in the hallway and expect it to be josh but he's moving away. Ffs. I close the door and decide to go get him and show him. I turn into the hallway and it's not Josh, it's a little girl.. Only, different.. She's got a back pack on and a doll hanging from her left hand. She's not facing me, and is isntead pacing slowly down the hall. "JOSHJOSHJOSHJOSHJOSHJOSHJOSHJOSHJOSH!!!!!" I wail rapidly in terror. She turns and smiles. But... She doesn't have a face. She's wearing a sack with buttons for eyes and a mock mouth illustrated by artistic sewing. It looks nightmarish. Josh rounds the corner from the lit room at the other end of the hallway, "Dude what the fuck?!" he says as he sees her. The little girl creepily walks off to the side and says "Oh well, looks like I won't have my fun.. tonight" an evil grin spreads across her face, is she going to kill us? She disappears into the darkness.
      What the... I wake up a bit shaken, I can't sleep for another 30 minutes or so, it was pretty freaky.
    8. Chop Chop Chop

      by , 08-10-2016 at 10:58 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      I had a nightmare this morning which doesn't happen very often. Usually when scary stuff happens in dreams I don't feel scared because somehow I percieve it as a movie or advenure. I have to admit though this one was pretty scary. It was almost as scary as the other dream I had this morning where I met Donald Trump!

      07:00 AM
      Chop Chop Chop (Nightmare)

      I am in Seoul Korea with my dad and sister for vacation and to visit some friends. The city is very modern and beautiful looking. We go on a feris wheel on an island in an artificial lake and get a great view of everything. My dad says it has changed a lot since he was stationed here in the army.

      Somehow everything transitions to how it suposadly was in the 60s. The buildings and cars are much smaller and used looking. Everything is painted with lots of bright colors though. We go into an area that is abandoned except for a brick building that is a brothel. Women solicit us from the windows. We try to get back to the better areas and have to pass by a hospital that is right next to a slaughterhouse. I see people carrying pig parts and human body parts between the two buildings.

      I find myself, despite the obvious red flags, going through the ally with my dad and sister. From around the corner a nurse with a face mask on is staring at me with a creepy face. I notice she has a cleaver in her hand as she takes a step forward. "Chop Chop Chop", she says. I run away but find the only way is into the slaughterhouse.

      Inside there is another nurse with a cleaver. This one has blood on her dress. I trip and she runs toward me saying "chop chop chop" faster and faster. She is about to chop me with the cleaver but I find there is some butchery tool on the ground near me. I pick it up and cut her throat several times. She stumbles back but doesn't seem effected by the cuts. She slowly walks forward again saying chop with each step. Right when I know I'm done for I hear a voice say, "Chop this." And a fire axe slams into the side of her head from behind. It's my dad!

      He helps me to my feet and we turn around to se the other nurse bent over backwards on all fores. Her head twists around 180 degrees to face us. She starts wattling toward us and I wake up.
    9. Popping people & government agencies showing up while we watched orbs in the sky

      by , 07-23-2016 at 05:42 AM
      D1: non-lucid: A nightmare in the twilight zone is the best way to describe it. I was in this house & I heard someone. People were popping in & out of existence! They would appear & disappear & then other people who appear & disappear. Most were coming back repeatedly & it was really creepy.

      D2: non-lucid: I chained right into this next dream. There were orbs flying around in the sky. A cluster of orbs. Me & other people were chasing them through peoples yards & suddenly government people appeared. They had set a table with all kinds of technological devices.

      I was watching a show about UFO's before I went to sleep.

      Side Notes-Purple
      Astral Projection/AP-Brown
    10. Nightmares about my dad trying to kill me

      by , 07-02-2016 at 12:31 AM
      I'm new on this, I decided to sign up today as I've been having this dream quite regularly now and it's been playing on my mind a lot.

      Basically, I have always had a good friendship and bond with my dad. But these past few years I havant been with him and I moved else where because of something. my dad recently got i touch with me after nearly a year, last month. Since then I've been having dreams about were I cannot scream, or talk.

      But this one dream stood out. I don't know how it started but I was running. Running into a woods, my surroundings was a lake, trees and an house. I ran into my house and I was crying. I was trying to scream and cry for help but it was like I had no voice box. No sound came out of my mouth. My dad was chasing me with an object. A knife or dagger I think it was, and he was trying to kill me. He was just chasing me and chasing me. I got trapped somewhere and I couldn't get out, I was still attempting to scream but still nothing was coming out... But then I awoke randomly from my nightmare, I had tears in my eyes. It was like 3 in the morning. So I don't know if I died or what?

      What does this mean? Dreaming about my dad trying to kill me? Please someone reply, as would let my mind ease down.
    11. Lucid Dream turned to a painful nightmarish false awakening

      by , 06-29-2016 at 10:20 PM
      I was having trouble sleeping, and the last time I checked the clock it was past 8 am I and woke up around 9 am, so it wasn't a long sleep.

      I was having a normal dream and I realized I was dreaming, I was excited but somehow I was floating over my bed unable to change my position. I almost always have full control over my body when I LD, but this time I had only control over my mind. I ignored that and tried to conjure something behind the door while floating over my bed and failed.

      Then suddenly I was in my bed thinking I'm awake but I wasn't. I had very painful sensations.

      I felt like a couple of balls are moving inside my skull, they were moving and crawling under my skin, and I was shaking badly.

      I also felt hot air coming out of my ears. I can't remember every sensation now, but I was in so much pain and trying to fight it. I tried to move my body and it made things worse. It all felt so real but I think at some point I realized that it wasn't because I tried to snap out of it and I woke up.

      It didn't feel like sleep paralysis because that's not how it felt in previous experiences but probably the same person experiences it in many different ways.

      I failed to sleep after, and I am still awake with only 3 or 4 scattered hours of sleep in the last 34 hours .

      I opened a discussion about it here including a previous recurrent experience.
    12. Freaky Celebration & Baby falling down a stairwell

      by , 06-29-2016 at 07:34 PM
      D1: Non-Lucid--I was at this place which was like a Christmas celebration but they seemed like Morman's but somehow also occult like. Super weird. It was being in a place that looked like they should be holding a 4H fair but without the animals. In a building for animals. The people there didn't seem to want me or my friends there so I left. I hitchhiked to a nearby gas station on an oddly familiar old road. ( was watching Bates Motel before bed, lol).... I realized my purse was gone when I needed my billfold to pay at the gas station. I went back & the people there were now living in some really nice mobile home. The people there took me back to the 4H kind of place where we now bedded down like animals which was somehow against the rules. My friend wanted me to be curteous but I was mad cuz my purse & billfold was gone. But by then I had found them & was still pissed off cuz my phone in my pocket was now an old phone not my iphone. I told them they needed to give me back my phone or pay me like $800 for it. In the end they gave me cash when I threatend to press charges for the phone & on them personally for being sexual deviants. I said deviant in the dream but I was referring to them keeping the women & children being raped by the men but I never actually saw this, I just had the vibe.... Suddenly the festivities were back on everything was back to how it was when I got there in the beginning with my purse, phone & billfold all back where they belonged. I just wanted to leave & then Meesha woke me up.

      D2: Non-Lucid Nightmare!- My family, like a lot of us, were in this tall hotel with really nice rooms. I've been here before, this hotel is a reoccurring dream place but I haven't been there in a while & there is usually a casino there. Anyway my twin daughters (real life twin daughters) had twins. But each had given birth to only one but they looked identical & we were calling them twins. The family went off & left me & my mom with them. My mom said I was being over protective of them & she let one wander off. The next thing I knew it fell off a stairwell & hit a shitload of stairs on it's way down! Fucking horrific! A woman who was dressed like a high end servant but was also some kind of doctor. I don't know, she just looked out of place. After me freaking the hell out eventually the baby was fine & I woke up all hot & sweaty.
    13. Dream about an angry orange cat

      by , 06-10-2016 at 09:13 AM
      OK, so I had this dream today, about a cat, similar to Burger from the ''Angry Cat Video'', Orange Tabby.

      Basically, I went to this house, and this is the second time this house has appeared in my dreams. And my sister, who is a lesbian, and her fiancee were there, so were my cousins, the cat was clinging to me, and it actually felt like a centipede, rather than the normal claws in. It was quite an angry cat, that I was scared of the other ones, but apparently they were friendly cats.

      Yesterday, because of my Tourettes, I was actually meowing like an angry cat, possible realization of my Animal Nature? As a furry, I always thought I had Wolf in me. Now I feel like I have cat like qualities.

      The route to the house was scary as well, I have Lepidopterophobia, or Mottephobia, a fear of Moths and Butterflies, so I had to take a safe way to the route to the house as there were some Moths and Butterflies on the route to the house.

      Anyways, does this reveal my spirit animal as a cat, or half cat half wolf?
    14. Competitions- Also I reference the documentary "The Nightmare" on Netflix that I just watched

      by , 06-06-2016 at 11:27 PM
      I was in some competition. It started with teams & then it got down to 2 people. There were food competitions where logic was so out of the window & abstract. It was hard to understand let alone explain.

      No lucids lately & I just don't get it. Which is surprising because I saw the documentary "The Nightmare" on Netflix about sleep paralysis & my husband got a glimpse of the kinds of things that I have endured do to sleep paralysis. For me I believe there is something in our bodies to keep us from acting out our dreams but there are definitely other entities present around us all of the time. I would highly recommend this documentary.
    15. Dream or prank?

      by , 05-03-2016 at 09:31 AM
      I had a doctor's appointment. The recepcionist game me a key for a locker where I could leave my things. The hospital was like a maze, I had a hard time finding the locker.

      On my way back home, I realized I had left my jacket and phone in the locker, so I went back, only to see the hospital had become an asylum. I asked the whereabouts of the locker again to the recepcionist, but they were all crazy people, so I started running. At some point I noticed one girl looked like she knew what was going on, which made me stop. I said out loud: "alright guys, this is either a dream or a prank". For some reason, I ruled out the first possibility at once, deciding it was just those guys playing a prank on me. They admitted to it, which made me very angry because I had had a bad time. I demanded they gave back the things I had in the locker, and before anyone could notice me, I took off in my car so they had to come back on foot.
      non-lucid , nightmare
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