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    1. Dream Paralysis

      by , 10-08-2019 at 01:54 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      I fell asleep with a bit of tension in my mind . I became lucid at this oddly constructed bus .
      I was sitting there looking out a window and then suddenly I realized that a woman was sitting tightly behind me with her kid.
      I cursed at her with a scottish accent (thank you limmy) then I asked the dream to transport me where I should be
      then I suddenly woke up.

      Or I thought so.
      To my suprise my cousin was standing by my bed watching me menacingly, he was saying something I didn't understand, then my vision gut blurry and all, I was in sleep paralysis so i felt like I could barely move or move my face but i stumbled out of bed partially paralyzed. I knew it was not him, I thought I'm being burglarized by someone who I hallucinated to be my cousin. He then went out and I heard noises like if things are being packed . I tried to stand up and look at him while repeatedly asking who he is...
      Aand then I woke up for real, realizing none of it was real.
    2. 12 Sep: Tobogan competition, missing an exam and disgusting cyst

      by , 09-12-2019 at 10:17 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      At some city with a river and I do my daily travels with a little boat across it. I also use the boat as a tobogan on certain land areas. One day there is a competition for urban tobogan sliding and I rush to participate, but it is only guys and they mock me and bully me. But I join anyway.
      Then there is some vice police that is annoying everybody, because typically this event is associated with a flourishing prostitution parallel business. The cops look at me sideways because women here usually are hookers and also I am half-naked because of my sports outfit which is a bit like a swimsuit.

      At the university, about to have an History exam, but I am in the Biology department gathering stuff I have been leaving there. It's 5 minutes for the exam, but I want to leave everything neatly packed in boxes to pick them up later. I check the time and call a friend to ask for the room where the exam will be. She says it is 5 pm and the exam finished hours ago. I say it's impossible because 5 mins ago was about to be 2 pm.
      I'm freaking out about my time lapse. I spill a cup of coffee that's on a table over another girl that is apparently taking a nap on a chair. She wakes up, I tell her about the exam and she tells me not to worry because all exams were delayed to next week and my friend was probably trolling me.

      I notice that the cyst I have on my back is soft and squishy so I squeeze it. It moves down and stops at my hip. It drips really smelly gook when I touch it, so I go look for a bathroom. I can't find one and for some reason I end up on the street and realize I am fully naked now. The cyst now looks like the cocoon from where "the" Alien comes out and starts to open. A jelly gook with jelly eggs starts oozing. I squeeze to get it all out and also start spewing mushrooms, starfishes and octopuses. Then, closer to the end, tree leaves also come out and then it empties. I feel extremely light and I can't care less about being naked on the street.
    3. Alternate Timeline (time-dilated dream)

      by , 11-11-2018 at 04:55 PM
      Note: For Privacy reasons, I will leave out the dates and some of the details.

      I find myself in an unusual world, it felt surreal, but I'm not a stranger to this kind of experiences. I didn't have a body. I was a floating point of consciousness. It seemed everything was made up of pieces of reflections. It's hard to explain. I ask my guide where I was and I hear her voice in my mind - "The Fractal World" and she explains it interconnects different realities. I was fully lucid all this time. I decide to go into the past and try to save Kana. I didn't focus on a time, I just wanted to be taken to a time that will ideally help me save her. One of the fractals pulsates. I go towards it and all of a sudden the world collapses and I wake up in my bed.

      I was groggy. I do a reality check half-heartedly and confirm it's not a dream. I look around sleepily and was surprised to see I was in my old bedroom, the one I shared with Kana. I look to my side and she was lying there awake looking at me curiously. I become wide awake. She looked so frail. I grab the phone and look the day, it was the day she was taken to Casualty (ER)! I try all possible reality checks multiple times and none of it shows I'm dreaming. I have had time-dilated dreams that are so realistic that reality checks become unreliable.

      Kana says weakly that it's not a dream. She says that when she finds me doing reality checks repeatedly. I feel her temperature and she was chillingly cold as if there was no life left in her... exactly like it was that day. I didn't care if it was a dream or not at this point. I am not going to let it happen again. I insist we go to ER right away and this time we go to another hospital. The hospital we were going didn't have our best interests. Something I didn't know back then. I had my own health problems leaving me sort of crippled, but I fought through it despite the pain.

      The hospital we were going to were unprepared to treat her from day 1, so instead of letting her survive and seek treatment elsewhere, they kept making her go for tests day after day without telling us what's up. It only became clear after she passed away that they were unprepared to treat her condition. So, essentially they were milking us of any money we had until she died instead of letting us go get treated elsewhere. They even refused to admit her in a room saying they were full. It came up later that they didn't admit her because they couldn't treat her. It was easier for them to have her die outside their hospital. So, long story short, not only did they not save her, they made her suffer a lot by having her do the same expensive tests over and over. However, what actually killed her was not her condition... it was septic shock from a procedure they did without anesthesia in ICU without consulting anyone or asking for Kana's own consent. Not only it was traumatic for her to endure the pain with no sedatives, the area got infected from contaminated equipment leading to all her organs shutting down. They didn't even do resuscitation when she flatlined a day later the proedure saying there was little they could do even if they revived her. She managed to hang on for around 1 day after the procedure saying she doesn't think she's going to make it but didn't want to leave without talking to me. That night, they didn't let me stay beside her holding her hand as she wanted. They said they don't allow "visitors" after visiting hours. Next time I was called in it was to let me know she has passed away. During her last moments, we had given her tests and scans to another bigger hospital which was quite a bit farther away. They said they were well-equipped to treat her, but now it's too dangerous to move her because her body was shutting down from septic shock. They were furious why we didn't bring her there before the procedure with contaminated equipment. It was still safe to move her before they did that precedure which pretty much sealed her fate.

      So, in this dream reality, I wanted to make a difference. I knew how it'll play out if we go into the same hospital. There is still a chance to save her if she doesn't get contaminated. I try to get Kana up from bed, she had no energy. She says she was too weak to go anywhere. I ask her to do it for me and she gives in. I manage to take her to the big hospital. I'll skip over the details. Few days pass. The flow of time was realistic. She was under treatment. She was in ICU for a day but got her own room when she was ready. She had some surgical procedures to treat her actual condition. The day she passed away comes and goes and she was still alive! I did reality checks every chance I got... it was still not a dream. I was happy, was I stuck in a reality where Kana survives? I was overjoyed. I go back to her room and tell her about this other reality where she doesn't make it. I give her a long hug and sit down beside her. She holds my hand tightly.

      Kana: "I'm sorry..."

      I look at her confused as tears fill up her eyes. The world around me distorts into fractals and I "wake up" in this reality, 3 years in the future, back in a world without Kana. I don't know what to make of it. Was it just a "dream" or did I experience a parellel reality where she survives?

      Updated 11-12-2018 at 06:00 AM by 68908

      lucid , nightmare , false awakening , memorable
    4. October 22, 2018 Semi-Lucid, Non-Lucid, False Awakening, Nightmare

      by , 10-22-2018 at 07:31 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      Earlier yesterday I took a nap. I became aware that I was dreaming but I wasn't really in control. The scene in front of my was flickering. It turned into this weird structure like the one from Interstellar with the bookcases but instead of bookcases it was the blue sky and the clouds. It looked like the same sort of image or block of space was going off in a bunch of different directions around me. I felt very high but the dream collapsed.

      I haven't had a nightmare that freaked me out in a long time until this morning. The dream was back at my house from when I was a kid and my parents were still married. There were things that happened earlier in the dream, but I started to remember when I was inside what looked like our garage. My father was narrating the dream. He was telling me about something that had happened in my past, something dark. I was myself now but watching my child self playing in the garage. There were these white strings that had bounced on the ground and were attached to something away from my view. My dad was explaining that I had discovered something, or something evil had discovered me. As he explains it, the object attached to the strings comes into view as my child self picks it up. I don't know the significance of it but it's this bell that looks similar to the liberty bell with a crack in it and a piece missing but it's small enough to hold in my hands. My child self becomes extremely terrified. I can hear my dad's voice get bitter. I'm freaking out now. The story is that two spirits took me that day up into the sky for hundreds of years. One spirit is a dead woman dressed in a gown whose colors are negative. I couldn't see the other spirit, but something was telling me the spirit I couldn't see was much powerful than the woman spirit and was controlling the entire situation. They took me up into the sky where there was an old floating house. It was weird because I could vaguely remember that I had been there before. My dad was so distraught telling me they took me up there for hundreds of years but for them it only lasted a blink of a second. I was just finding all of this out now.

      I woke up in a false awakening in my dad's old house. I ran to the door with my mom on the phone, I was asking her if it was real. She couldn't answer which told me it had been real. The door was locked and I was frantically trying to open it because I could feel the spirit behind me. I burst through and ran downstairs to see my dad in the kitchen. I walked over to him crying and wrapped my arms around him.

      I woke up in another false awakening, this time in my current room. Because my closet door was open, it made a tall giant dark figure in the corner of my eye. I was in sleep paralysis. At first, the shadow wasn't doing anything, but then I thought it might move and it became evil. The thing just flew at my face and was hovering there. I was stuck in a flinch terrified. This lasted a few moments before the evil thing made a lunge at my face and I woke up this time for real.

      Eventually, I went back to bed and had this dream that Donald Trump was about to do something entertaining yet destructive to the entire world, like a giant show that would lead to some sort of bad thing happening. I was with another person, I think maybe my mom, living this story of two agents who were going to stop Trump. I had been caught by a secret agent who brought me into a room. Trump ordered me to get beat up or something. The agent had taken off his belt and had hit me and was planning to kill me. Trump all of the sudden flew at the agent and knocked him out. Turns out Trump was my mom in disguise. We get out of that room and sort of ninja jump over a pond away from bad guys.

      I'm now in this pool surrounded by buildings with a few of my friends from college including lauren and there were a few kids I didn't recognize. Someone whispers for me to flip over a floating device she's on but she gets off. Moo tells us there's not a lot of time left for us to stop Trump and the only way to get there is through this amusement park. He tells us to jump on this roller coaster on the second to back left seat because there is this really strange robot that sits in the seat with you or something. Moo Owen and I jump into the station and get into the carts before other people can. They just seem to let it happen and get back in line. Most of us are in the back cart. I look up and see Moo's on the other side of the train next to this cowgirl robot and I realize that's where we were supposed to get in. The ride starts and we hang on. It starts to go up a hill as I ask Owen when we should be getting off. Moo yells that we need to get off at the next slow part. The train takes a few turns and then starts going up another hill. We jump onto another rollercoaster track which is made of what looks and feels like brushes for shoes or maybe horses. I'm struggling to get a grip and finally start gaining some traction. Someone yells that we need to get ready to surf. The rollercoaster takes a dip downwards and we start standing up surfing on this rollercoaster down a hill. In front of us is this wide alley with buildings on both sides that contain rides and rollercoasters coming out of the buildings. The idea is that we need to jump from ride to ride in order to get through and stop Trump's plan. The dream collapses.

      Updated 10-22-2018 at 07:36 PM by 59595

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    5. Freaky Storm Tempest

      by , 08-20-2018 at 11:15 AM (Nef's dream journal)
      This morning I dreamt that there were freaky storms and tornados going over my house.
      It all started when I looked out the window in the living room due to the loud noises outside. I saw that pretty much the whole street except the buildings were flying in a linear matter right , there was a rainstorm and the wind was so strong that we panicked that this is the end for us. It was surreal, things went flying in a linear manner , not like in a real storm where things fall apart and fly everywhere, it was weird, and scary.
      Then we went out at a point , now there was no wind no storm, things were a bit damaged around me but it didnt seem to be a full on annihilation of the street. Then I started to hear the noises again, it was tornados. one touched down nearby so fast and then passed by us so fast it gave out a machinery sound. Then another came and another came, I almost got caught up in one.
    6. Nightmare number 999

      by , 05-30-2018 at 03:46 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      I or my mom was driving a car somewhere. Then we got struck by a lightning. Mom stopped the car and then I woke up.
    7. Nightmare (1) w/snake.

      by , 04-17-2018 at 08:02 PM
      I was with C. And he was staying with me and my mom, i think we were just in a hotel. We were traveling somewhere. In the dream, I felt like i had a nightmare where he sexually assaulted me while sleeping. I was crying and telling my mom about it. The next night in the dream, I slept in my own room in the hotel. I had a pillow covering my face but nothing else because I was hot. C came in and sexually assaulted me. I begged him to stop but he kept going. I was sobbing, being loud, but my mom didn't hear. I would beg him and say "please don't, I said no" and he'd be like "oh? no? how are you going to stop this?" and proceed to sexually abuse me. I was trying to get away, and that's when I saw this green venomous snake slither up him with out him noticing. I stayed quiet accepting what was happening, and that's when the snake bit his back. He screamed in pain and i ran out of my bed room freely.
      He acted like he did nothing wrong. I ran up to me sobbing, telling me that it was a poisoned snake and it will make all his teeth fall out. And then he had transformed into an old lady, who looked like she abused drugs, with out any teeth (if there were teeth, they were all black) and she was generally terrifying. I stepped out of what was the backyard (That looked a lot like my old houses back yard) and then i woke up.

      I feel a general love for the snake, lol. The snake really saved me.
    8. Story of Cocoa (time-dilated dream)

      by , 04-01-2018 at 10:14 PM
      Hi guys,

      This dream spans through the course of seven years within the dream. Quite a bit of the daily activities had become fragmented as a result. I'll also be condensing the events so that it's more concise. The dream fluctuates between lucidity and non-lucidity. However, during lucid moments I choose to let the dream unfold on it's own.

      The dream starts off non-lucid. I'm with my significant other who has passed away, I'll address as Kana. We are surrounded by whiteness. There is a false memory that we been meaning to conceive a "soul child" astrally. Kana and I are both female. Kana says it's time. The white emptiness beneath us ripples and our energies meld as we astraily conceive our soul child. I feel drained and I awake.

      I look around in my bedroom without moving not realizing I'm clutching something close to me under my blanket. "A dream?" I sit up and notice an otherworldly infant in my arms. "Yes, this is my child." She opens her eyes and we gaze at each other. "Oh yes, you are Cocoa." Cocoa smiles. This is the only time she smiles in a long while.

      vitamin B-6-cocoa.jpg

      Following months...
      Over the weeks I have moments when shroud of that reality fades and I'm lucid. Adapting to a life caring for a child was hard, but I manage to get by with the help of my mom. I hold on to my secret of my lucidity to myself. I begin to see something strange with Cocoa. She seems to be completely unable to feel guilt, pity, remorse, or sympathy. She seem to have no regard for safety of those around her and she seems to crave human blood, often biting into her own thumbs to suck blood if no one else is nearby.

      Soul Child
      As months turn into years and my getting accustomed to this reality my moments of lucidity doesn't have much effect. I was detached with the waking and I had grown to accept that my soul child is different from others. I even feed it my own blood to satisfy it's craving. It was not before long she starts exhibiting otherworldly powers. I communicate with kana in my head as I do in waking and ask her if we made a mistake bringing this child into this world. As Cocoa grew older, the more destructive she became. Watching over her, making sure no one is harmed, was taking a toll on me. In moments of lucidity I was tron between continuing my waking life and leaving this world behind. The waking world seemed so distant. Kana assures me that this was a time-dilated experience and for the moment guiding Cocoa was all we could do as there is good in her.

      One of the chilling moments of her childhood was when she asked me to rip off my eyes and give it to her because she thought they were pretty. I had told her it's not right to ask someone of that nor to expect it and there were better ways to appreciate things.

      As a 7 year old Cocoa had become more calmer and mature. For a while it seemed like she was breaking free from her shroud of madness. I been weaning off feeding her my blood and on her birthday she says she no longer thirsts for blood and apologizes with tearful eyes for all the harm she has caused and all the pets she has killed over the course of her childhood. I was relieved. She was getting stronger and stronger, it was becoming difficult to care for her when she is so powerful.

      I send her to school with caution and ask for Kana to watch over her. I see something that sends a chill down my back. As I was about to leave, Cocoa was smiling. The last I seen her smile was when she was a baby. I wonder what's wrong with me. Why was I not feeling relieved by my child's smile? Something didn't feel right. I go to the mall and look around just hoping to pass the time. Something didn't feel right, but I could quite place it. I order a sandwich at a cafe and look around. I look at a ceiling lamp above me and think "I can turn it on and off by snapping my fingers". I snap my fingers lightly. The light flickers on. I snap again, it flickers off. I look around nothing has changed. Everyone is minding their own business as if completely unaware of what I had done. My phone rings startling me. It's Cocoa's homeroom teacher's number. I answer it only to receive a weak voice saying "Cocoa" followed by a shrill blood curdling scream. I rush to Coco's school already knowing what I might see. I arrive at a scene with blood everywhere. Dead bodies everywhere. I had enough of this dream. It seems Kana and I failed guiding Cocoa. Amidst the bodies stands a blood soaked Cocoa. Upon seeing me she rushes at me and clings on to me with a tight hug. Saying she was sorry over and over, saying she only reacted to darkness in their hearts. I hug her back tightly. "I'm sorry, Cocoa, we couldn't save you..." and place my hand on back of her head. Her entirety pulses and I start absorbing her into my being.

      I wake up crying. I do a reality check and check my phone. It has not passed seven years. I lay back on my bed looking at the ceiling and wondering what the dream meant.

      Updated 04-05-2018 at 06:41 PM by 68908

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    9. lots of dreams

      by , 03-26-2018 at 09:40 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      I should have posted sooner.

      Ghost house.

      Mainly remember being outside a house kind of in the country. I was in the backyard where all these walkways and bridges were. I went up to the back door and found that it was locked. A woman came to the window and said to go around front. She was outside suddenly while we walked to the front and said that the front area is where you hear all the ghost voices.


      I was hanging with A and we were trying to get into an abandoned area. We were in a townhouse complex at night. He motioned me to follow him across a parking lot. So I followed him. As I was running across the parking lot I noticed A wasn't there. But I saw him a few seconds later by an open door. I ran to the door and noticed that in the door was a change room. It was quite populated. I notice A looked really young in the dream.


      I woke up on a couch in a locked room. I have false memories of being trapped there and tortured. In the room is my captor, a balding fat man in a wife beater. He says it's time to eat and pretends he's making food for me. I stand up on the couch and see a small window. I can't open any of them, one turns with a handle but there's a space open to small for me to crawl through. I sit back down for a second when the man comes to the couch. I realize one of his arms is like a deformed half arm and half wing. It's wing shaped but messed up and has 3 human like fingers sticking out of the side. I go to the window again when he turns away and hear a voice in my head say, " get out the window now.". I turn back to look at the man and for a second i wanna clobber him while his back is turned but i am too afraid. I go back and shut the window quick before he notices wind. The man then pulls out a rubber suit and tells me to get in...

      More exploring

      Brief dream of walking into some woods with people one guys says his spirit guide is with him and asks if I see him, he then points in the direction of where his guide is supposed to be. I look back and see nothing but wind blowing. We walk farther and I say be careful because there's wolves in these woods. My brother is also there and he says, "Yeah they have huge teeth like this," He opens his mouth and suddenly has huge wolf like fangs.


      In this dream my dad is driving me into the country to visit Jamie. Or it could be her dad driving. I can't remember,

      Updated 10-17-2018 at 03:38 AM by 6012

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable , dream fragment
    10. Bloody Gums

      by , 02-11-2018 at 05:10 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Fell asleep at: 12:00 A.M.

      Woke up at: 9:00 A.M.


      I'm in my parents' car when I start picking at the inside of my mouth. There's something...stuck up there.

      So, logically of course, I pick at it with a freaking pair of scissors. I finally get that thing out (That think being a piece of my tooth); Then my gums start to bleed. I stuff my mouth inside a towel and wait for it to pass.

      My mouth feels numb just thinking about it...
    11. The Nightmare that scared my childhood

      by , 01-05-2018 at 06:47 PM
      When I was in elementary school I was around 9-10 years old and one night I had had this dream where I was in this dimly lit hallway that had purple and green lighting
      I'm of first nation descent and at the end of the hall was a small room where I found one of those big animal skinned drums you see at pow wows and a few drummers that I knew were all sitting around it drumming and singing. This dream doesn't get disturbing until I walk back down the hall and see two doors, one is for the girls bathroom and the others it for the boys, I go to open the girls bathroom and as I open it I see my sisters dead body hanging on a hook that was attached to the inside of the door. Her eyes were open and lifeless and her mouth hung open then quickly my dad comes out of the bathroom grabs the door and swings it shut. I wake up and I was so disturbed that I was shaking and was afraid of my dad for a while after which is odd considering I love my dad and tho I do remember the times he'd get angry and grab my arm a little too tightly but he'd always apologize after and he'd never hurt me on purpose so the dream was real confusing.
    12. Halloween-themed dream

      by , 12-15-2017 at 02:37 AM (BahamutZERO's dreams)
      Wow, it's been quite some time since I wrote things in here! I've gained a renewed interest in journaling my dreams lately. My mind got a bit rusty on recalling at this point, so I can't recall as many details for certain as I used to. So let's see how that evolves.

      I had a dream last night that seemed to be all about halloween and horror. The color scheme was very dull and bordered on black-and-white. It featured me, my sister and my friend from Hungary. We were dressing up, but I only clearly remember that the friend was dressed up as Dracula. (I watched the Dracula movie from the '30s a couple weeks ago, perhaps there's a relation to that)
      There was also a rather disturbing scene where we were driving in a dark forest in a car, and the car had a towing crane. In front of the car was my sister dangling on the hook of crane, wrapped in bandages and writhing in pain. We didn't seem to be particularly bothered by it.

      Well, that's all for now!
    13. eternal wish

      by , 12-04-2017 at 12:13 PM
      so I'm imprison with a gyspy that has magical power and can grant wishes so she ask me what do you wish for I reply more wishes then fall asleep
    14. darkness manipulation an the tree of fire

      by , 12-02-2017 at 08:24 PM
      so this dream starts off as light an dark matter jus swirling around in space so I try to make universes while my eyes are closed so the swirling light and dark matter can do what eva it want to the bending of my will so I start crushing the darkness over and over the shutter of light flickers back and fourth then its a sudden shock everything just becomes a abyss nothing in life matter but this blind wake everything is nothingness and I want to return to the darkness over and over again as the dark matter makes up its own life I find myself upon light where I'm looking for a burning tree as I'm staring everywhere I find myself engulf in clouds under the blue moon light as I'm looking for this tree I see dream false replica forms trying to find the burning tree as well as the burning tree keeps burning it says you will attain magical powers if you find the tree that everlasting and burns for eternity as I was in the darkness the tree started to become on fire as the dark matter nightshade becomes thicker and blacker the tree goes out as the fire was never burning at all as the fire goes out on the burning tree

      the abyss takes control then starts forming a fiery shade of black abyss as a tree disenagrates an turns to nothing but ashes as thy burning tree ends the story of the darkness sets in forever as the dark an light matter become more blind to itself the story of darkness never ends as the burning trees starts another fire of shame
    15. Drug trip

      by , 11-24-2017 at 08:20 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      In dream I was on the streets
      And by the wall of an apartment I saw a little table with two trugs, they were some sort of things u had to eat, the table description said that it was drugs made by "russian hackers"and that the first is for beginners.
      So I took the first one.
      then seconds after i started to "hallucinate" : the things in my hand started to shapeshift, and so did the whole dream around me.

      Then I saw agent 47 from hitman codename 47 (thats a pc game) multiply into thousnads , covering my vision, then it all got blurry and now I started to see and hear demon faces all sorts of scary shit
      and I panicked
      and seen some surreal sh1t
      Then I snapped out of it and felt sick for real but I still didnt wake up ,only seconds later

      note: I copied it from a chat cuz I'm so lazy
      Tags: drugs, nightmare
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
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