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    1. An Occurrence…

      by , 05-05-2014 at 11:05 AM
      Morning of May 5, 2014. Monday.

      My computer (the older one in the front room) does its thing of crashing and shutting down after being on for about a minute until a few attempts at restart by either dropping it sideways a few times or wiggling the CPU and partly broken fan around a bit and adjusting the fishing line reel succeeds in it working correctly again. Still, as is sometimes the case, the “recovery” window comes on, but it is not quite correct. I am used to incorrect random “error” windows, blue screens, multicolored mosaic random messes, and DOS screens of plain text (resulting from the fact that the CPU is malfunctioning until cooled down a bit more), but this one is eerily familiar. It reports (in a rather atypical font) “Your computer has recovered from an occurrence…”

      Next, it happens again. The computer is so screwed up that the blue screen strings are longer and part of one hexadecimal value “carries over” onto the side of the vase-like black desk lamp fairly close to the right side of the monitor. It is getting pretty bad when a computer error message expands out onto the surface of another electrical item (a different one altogether), but it seems perfectly normal. Another attempt or two and the “Your computer has recovered from an occurrence…” window displays again.

      Where have I heard that before? The desktop is full of identical icons. They are all of slightly painting-like owls, body a quarter turn to my right and head turned facing out towards the viewer. Only one desktop icon is different and it is of a painting-like well on the lower right corner; the “old-fashioned” kind with a rope and bucket and even a little roof. Then it dawns on me that something funny is going on. I must have the “Owl Creek Bridge” virus (which I do not think is a real one). Thus I realize that my computer has “suffered” from “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”. The “wishing well” icon must be clicked on to get rid of it. Terrific… However, I leave it as is for a bit…and decide to see what other people had experienced with it.

      I visit a forum where someone says that the “payload” of the virus is waking you up from your dream - which does not make sense. Another says that the “payload” is making your computer disintegrate, whereby someone argues that it “disintegrated” because it was a dream and did not exist in the first place, but the other person posts a pile of ashes saying that is what is left of his laptop. The argument seems to continue for several pages and seems to go into a tirade about who is controlling the missile launches.

      I then make the decision to click on an owl and see what happens. There is the odd electronic clacking of the computer-simulated “mouse click” sound and my head jerks back. I wake up with my wife touching my lower face, some sort of odd partial reversal of the actual “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” movie. (“waking me up from my dream”).

      Ever since earliest childhood, I had wondered how in the world dreams sometimes seem to amusingly and very “cleverly” build up to a not-yet-unfolded event or sound and have plots or themes that come way before a “concluding” real-life environmental event. That is probably one of the most unusual paranormal-like aspect of dreams (for example, I once dreamed of seeing myself, or a “copy” of myself, holding a broomstick near an overturned washtub and ready to hit it like some sort of odd musical task. After a fairly short time when I had fully “absorbed” the imagery and was already aware of it, I heard a sound in real life on the carport that sounded just like a wooden object hitting metal - my mother confirmed that was the only instance of the sound that woke me up). Not all dreams work like this of course, as some are “caught by surprise” in the middle of a dream, but many are not, too many to be coincidental as such, and too correct in the continuing detail to be chance. It is an odd type of precognition I suppose, of the several different types. Many people would claim the sound caused the dream, which is of course, a ridiculous cop-out. How can a dream come before the sound that supposedly caused it (although, obviously, this does happen at times in other cases)?

      Updated 07-18-2017 at 02:29 PM by 1390

    2. April 23rd, 2014 AM - Circular Hotel School

      by , 04-23-2014 at 03:41 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      This dream was long and detailed but when I woke up it fragmented and I find it hard to describe some of the things I saw and experienced, even though I can still "see" it in my mind. There were two parts to this dream. (Possible Trigger Warning for some people near the end of these dreams.)

      First part:
      Hotel on top of the Mountain.
      A short, corpulant man with short dark hair, who looks like Danny DeVito (so I will call him Danny though he was unnamed in the dream) invites me to his room in a highly populated hotel on top of a steep mountain for sex. Though it is a large, lavish hotel, people live in the rooms like apartments rather then rent them. I agree but he then insist on taking me to a privacy room, called a Sky Room, so we can get it on in peace without people listening in. The rooms are very close together and very small, all with a light yellow colour scheme (walls, sheets, carpet, all light yellow coloured) and it's easy to hear your neighbours.

      From the outside the hotel looks like an ancient European castle of dark grey stone, but inside the layout is not square but cylindrical. In the center of the hotel is a large shaft called the "Elevator" which goes up to individual themed rooms for rent that exist high in the sky and supposedly offer the hotel residence some privacy for a few hours (hence why they are called "Sky Rooms"). To get to the hotel on top of the mountain, people must take a large ski lift (called the "tram" in the dream) from a valley far below. The journey is long and dangerous because sometimes the wind blows the tram right off the wires and people die plummeting hundreds of feet to the ground below. After learning about the dangers of the tram I understand why people decide to stay and live in the hotel rather than risk coming and going on the tram.

      Danny and I look around for one for rent but they are all occupied and the next one won't become free for two hours. I see a timer slowly counting down the time. The countdown time 1:31:00 sticks in my mind for some reason, after I see it on Danny's countdown clock. Danny and I sit in silence in his hotel room, occasionally smiling at each other, but our passion for sex quickly fading as the time slowly ticks away. I vaguely recall being in one of the Sky Rooms and hearing people in one below ours having sex and thinking "These are not as private as advertised." Despite remembering thinking that in the dream Danny and I never actually rented a Sky Room because none became free before we both lost interest in each other and went our separate ways.

      I woke up and laid awake for a few minutes, contemplating getting on DV to record this, but I was too tired and decided to go back to sleep. I am surprised I remembered as much of the first part upon awakening as I did, but maybe because the second part was similar in some ways.

      Second part:
      Space Military School
      The same circular hotel with the large elevator in the middle still exists, but now it is located in orbit around earth. The hotel rooms are now classrooms or training rooms and not living residences. Some students and faculty members do live there if they are rich and can afford to, but most of the students are poor and live down on the Earth, and have to use the Elevator everyday to get to class. The base of the Elevator is located in a thick, dark temperate forest and it's shaft reaches all the way into space.

      I am waiting for the Elevator car to arrive and I wander behind the shaft and see a two-storey log cabin with many windows. Through the windows I can see dozens and dozens of owls and they all seems to be flapping against the windows in an attempt to get out. The owls looks like snowy owls, but most are all different sizes and there are a few color variations other than white and brown. I notice one very small owl that is colored bright red with golden tips on it's wings and tail. I can't see anyone inside the building and I can't stay to help the owls as the elevator car arrives and I have to get on it or I will miss my class.

      The school is run with very strict rules and poor students are treated with less regard than wealthy ones. The Principle is a Commander from the Earth based Military and treats all students of all levels and background as soldiers in training. He dislikes being the school master and dreams of the glories of war. The Principle is a handsome man who shows interest in marrying me for some reason and one night he kidnaps me after class and takes me to his quarters. He leaves me in the care of three of his male subordinates with strict instructions that I am not to be harmed. I am imprisoned in a white room and not allowed to leave until I agree to marry the Principle. While I am locked in the room the Principle organizes the students and uses them as soldiers to attack facilities on the earth. The subordinates in charge of watching me hear about the attacks and get drunk to celebrate. The three of them become so inebriated they forget about the command that I am not to be harmed and I am viciously and repeatedly gang raped. When the Principle returns he is furious that I am bruised and bleeding and emotionally detached because of the rape and he violently kills the drunken guards one by one with his own hands. The dream ends with the Principle trying to comfort me but I just gaze out the window looking into space without responding to him.
    3. Hypnagogic Bird Dance Tributes

      by , 11-11-2013 at 07:02 PM

      October 19th, 1968 - In real life, we had visited an old married couple that day. I did not record their names (would have to look at certain old letters which I do not have access to right now) and I personally only traveled there with my father (or remember it as such) one time, possibly connected to the Love family but I am not sure. I think the area was near or at Quail Hollow. At any rate, they had two small owls living in the eaves of their porch - they seemed to find two sections of a concrete block at the top of one section to be a good place to play peak-a-boo from. I thought it was kind of nice to have a pair of owls in one’s home. Looking back now, I do not recall what they themselves thought. I later dream of wandering alone at night through mostly shoulder-high grasses and cornfields (recurring as a younger child) and near an occasional tree. I seem to be focused on finding the owls. I mostly only see shadows and engage in “shadow-play” on a tree for a short time. (As stated before, I believe that one’s shadow in a dream represents their waking self, especially in lucid dreams - plenty of overwhelming evidence I had recorded for that.) I am fully lucid eventually, but still in a state of wandering about.

      This brings me to the now. (November 11, 2013. Monday) A large number of sandpipers and curlews gather in a dance of life. It is almost like a ritual. They give tribute to the predators in awe of their power perhaps, but they do it out of a genuine natural instinctive rhythm of a sort, not just as a sacrifice to the naturally more-intelligent, more-powerful hunter-type nor as a consuming fear they may be eaten. This seems to create a harmony of sorts, a temporary truce with the “lower” curlew and sandpiper forms, but which all are needed in the “chain of life” so to speak.

      There becomes a point where the timid curlews, when back to back in pairs, are completely safe. Dancing back to back, they fool the ones who seek them - to instigate harm to them - by appearing as a completely different form…the great horned owl…or perhaps a “new” creature even more mythical and mysterious.


      SEVEN BILLION people on the planet and only a very small handful with regular dream journals within the total of ALL the dream journal sites on the entire Internet. After I posted this one (also posted here: http://dreamcatcher.net/blueopossum/15096 )…

      Two other people (out of the seven billion on the planet) posted owl-related dreams on that site (even the same kind in one, a great horned owl), shortly after my post (one being apparently pre-dated, as it appears after mine), both with photographic imagery:



      You can tell by the number in the URL how close together these were posted and both after mine.
    4. Blue sky and owls

      by , 10-03-2013 at 10:35 PM
      3rd person, this image of vast blue sky and white clouds, even on the ground, which is perfectly flat and reflective, reminds me of salt flats, and in the distance there's a bed with a body lying on it, and a figure walking towards it. The dream zooms in to follow the figure, a middle-aged man here to return his lover's soul to his body, the man in the bed, 20's/30's ish, curly blonde hair. There's a second body on the bed, a naked woman, and unexpectedly, when the man revives and sits up, the woman sits up too.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      While reading an article on the internet, I start thinking about the symbolism of owls as messengers or representatives of wisdom, and that the information they deliver is always reliable even without knowing the source. After some more internet browsing, ending up looking at TV listings, I decide I need to get away from the tv/internet, I should go meditate, clear my head. (Disappointed I didn't actually get around to meditating before I woke up, I'm curious how that would have gone.)
    5. Hogwarts Hufflepuff Challenge! 8-29-11

      by , 09-28-2011 at 01:09 AM (Mancon's Wild and Crazy Adventures in the Dream World)
      Hi everyone! I haven't been posting in my DJ for a LOOOOONG time, and feel really bad. I got out of it, and need to get back in. I will be starting again today (Permanently this time!)

      I woke up around 4 AM and attempted a WILD. I got into SP and saw HI of floating door handles around me. I used VILD to get me right into a dream outside of Hogwarts.

      It was early morning outside at Hogwarts, around 6 AM. I could feel the crisp, cold air on my skin. It felt nice. I looked around, and noticed this dream was extremely vivid. I noticed tiny things like bugs flying around, the texture of every little thing, and all the vivid colors.

      I started to walk towards the entrance to Hogwarts. I pushed the large, wooden door open and stepped inside. A few people were walking down the halls. They all looked like they were in a hurry for something.

      I looked down at myself, and noticed I was wearing a bright orange robe. My skin was very tan, and I felt very short. I quickly changed into a Hufflepuff robe with a flick of my wand.

      My wand was a dark green color, and was mossy. It had many details, and tiny bumps on it. I walked down a white marble hallway, and decided to complete the "Learn and perform Alohomora on a locked door" task.

      I summoned a short person, who looked like a wise elf. I always imagine the best teachers to look like elves. I told him I would like to know how to perform Alohomora.

      His eyes were twinkling (literally), and he told me to draw the shape of a key in the air with my wand, and then point it at any locked door and say "Alohomora!". He grabbed my arm, and we flashed into a dark blue room filled with wooden doors. He told me to choose a door, and then he disappeared.

      I looked around, and one particular door caught my eye. It had an engraving of an owl on it. The owl was moving, just like most pictures in Hogwarts. I went over to it and drew a key into the air. I could see the outline of it. I pointed my wand at the door, and the outline of the key started moving towards it. The owl caught the outline and the door slowly creaked open.

      There was nothing on the other side! I slowly walked into it, and started to feel a pins and needles sensation all around my body. The next thing I knew, I was standing in a tall room filled with owls. There were all kinds of owls. Barn owls, great horned owls, snowy owls, etc.

      A barn owl gracefully landed on my shoulder, and whispered to me "Look up, you will find all the ingredients to create an aging potion, on that platform with a cauldron." I thanked the owl, and looked up. There was a floating platform in the middle of the air about 80 feet up.

      I super jumped onto the platform and could feel a cold wind blowing in my face. On the platform I saw an eyeball, a book, and a green marker. I picked up the book, but it was blank. I slowly dropped it into the black cauldron. White smoke came out of it, and I heard a banging noise. I picked up all the other items and put it in the cauldron.

      When I was done putting the last ingredient in, a cup appeared in front of it, filled with green liquid. I picked it up, and slowly brought it to my lips. It tasted like a sour green apple! I loved it! I drank as much as I could, but I forgot it was an aging potion!

      My legs started to feel weak, and I could see a white beard growing out of my chin. I started to look exactly like Dumbledore! A cane appeared by my feet, but when I bent down to get it, I fell! Oh my god I hate being old I said to myself.

      I used my wand to make me look and feel young again. The transformation to become young was slow, but felt good. Owls were still flying all around me.

      I couldn't remember if there was any more Hufflepuff tasks but I did remember one Universal task! I held out my wand and said "Accio...broomstick!" I felt cold wind all around me and a broomstick flew into my hand.

      I cautiously got onto it. It was little bigger than I expected (width wise). Right when I sat down it zoomed forward, and I had a hard time controlling it and hanging on! All the owls looked up and surrounded me. They grew hands and guided me to safety.

      Once I got to the ground I decided to try it again. I got on it, and nothing happened. I pointed it up, and it shot up! When I pointed it right, it went right and when I pointed it left it zoomed left! I looked for any windows or doors to fly out of, but couldn't find any. Just this long room filled with owls. It didn't occur to me I could just teleport out since it was a dream.

      I flew around the room for a couple minutes, when I fell of the broomstick! It was so unexpected, I just fell and hit the ground fast!
      I woke up, and could see that someone turned on my fan in the middle of the night.
    6. Elvish Misadventures

      by , 07-04-2011 at 04:18 PM
      1. I'm in study-hall, about to do some doodling in my notebook. The teacher says I draw too much and that I need to use study-hall for reading instead. So I reach into my backpack and pull out a rather battered paperback copy of The Silmarillion and locate my bookmark.

      2. I'm an elf, wandering through a forest. There's a blackish-gray wolf following me, but I figure he's just there to be helpful. Then one of my former classmates knocks the wolf away with a huge hollowed-out log and starts chasing me. I can occasionally hold him off with a spell, but I have very little power.

      3. I've been captured by an orc slaver, along with several other elves. The orc also keeps several huge owls on a leash. I try escaping several times, but I always get caught. Invoking the name of Elbereth doesn't help either. Eventually, we get to this hotel where the orc finds out he's only going to get about $8000 for the elves he's brought in.

      4. Outside my old high school, I'm about to set out on a journey with a couple other elves. We stop to gather bundles of a special kind of long grass that can be simmered to produce a nutritious and delicious soup. Somewhere along the way, my companions get replaced by two of my (human) former classmates. There's an abandoned house that's still fully furnished, so we stop there. I set about the task of making dinner, but my classmates keep messing with the recipe. Then they let in this beggar-girl who starts stealing various objects in the house to sell.

      5. I'm trying to eat some macaroni and cheese, but I keep getting sent away on errands, so I can't have any. I go on a huge rant about how you really don't want to find out what an elf with low blood-sugar can do.

      6. I'm trying to solve a sliding-tile puzzle that's booby-trapped with water balloons.
    7. I ran all night and day and other fragments

      by , 04-15-2011 at 07:41 PM
      1. I'm running away from a castle, and try to trip up my pursuers by using magic to do things like switch the outfits of two competing factions of guards. I think I ran into Legolas at some point.

      2. I'm trying to escape from a school building by crawling through air vents and windows. Somewhere in the surrounding town, I meet a version of myself with magic powers in a dark tunnel full of fake roses.

      3. Autocunnilingus?

      4. Running away from a former classmate who's trying to force himself on me. I throw a basketball cage at him.

      5. Playing on a tree-swing. I watch an owl in the branch above me catch and start eating a duck.

      6. I'm in a room full of drawers of stuff. I decide for some reason that I must be dreaming, and do the nose-pinch-breath-test to check. Of course, once I realize I'm dreaming, things get all vague and unstable, so I start touching everything - books with embossed covers, polished rocks, a stone knife (which I cut my thumb on and had to go find a band-aid). I think I got so obsessed with touching objects that I forgot it was a dream again. -_-'
    8. Dannon's Journal of dreaming.

      by , 06-27-2010 at 05:53 PM
      This is a dream from last year:
      Flying Cats
      I am by a small tree in a meadow near the edge. I am sitting under the tree trying to figure out a rubik's cube but just when I am about to solve it all the colors are all messed up again. I notice a shadow fall on me so I turn around and look into the tree. There is an owl sitting on the branch looking at me. Then it swoops out of the tree and turns into half-cat in midair. As it lands it turns into all cat. The cat comes up and rubs against my legs and I pet it. It is purring. Then another owl jumps out of the tree and turns into a cat and comes over. Pretty soon there are about five owls jumping out of the tree turning into cats and jumping back, turning into owls and landing back in the tree. They keep doing this. As they land they roll around on their backs like happy cats when they get high on catnip. They are like little owl/cat griffins.

      Another dream from last year:

      The Story Time Cafe Presents: A Night In the Faerie Kingdom
      I am with Mieko one late full moon night in a park. I give her one of my magic potions. We share it actually. It is Datura and Mushroom tea I want to show her a little bit of my world, you know? Because she has never known anything out of the ordinary.

      We walk around and we walk up to a large oak tree. There is a wooden door in the side of the oak tree with a brass knocker on it and a doornob and wrought iron hinges. "Watch this!" I say and I knock on the door. An old elf lady answers the door. She is about four feet tall and wearing a shawl.
      "Come in, come in!" She says. Mieko seems apprehensive so I smile at her as if to say "It's alright, come on." And we walk in down a spiral staircase. The old lady is very happy to have us there. The stairway opens into a large living room/kitchen. It is dimly lit. She introduces us to her husband who is an old hippie elf. He looks like he had a hard life smoking pot so he decided to retire, relax and smoke pot, you know the kind? He smiles at us but seems too stoned to talk.
      The wife offers us some cookies (elves make the best cookies) but I politely decline and I give Mieko a look as if to say "don't eat food from this world if you want to come back." The wife says that the cookies used to turn out better when they used wood to burn in the oven, but the park rangers made them switch to gas. I think that is funny that 1. the park rangers even know you guys are here, and 2. They could make you change from wood to gas.
      Together the husband and wife lead us back to the staircase which goes deeper into the ground. I can see that there is a whole world down there! Or a whole underground city village full of little houses like this. The husband says "Won't you go deeper?" I want to go but Mieko wants to go home and fold laundry.
      So we don't go. We climb back up the stairs and out the tree trunk and there we are next to the old oak tree again. The breeze blows the branch aside and a beam of moonlight lands on me and when it does, I see that really I am all alone burying a toad under the tree! It is kind of like in the first pirates of the Caribbean movie when the moon shines on the bad pirates you see who they really are: skeletons. But in this case I was really alone burying a toad, not with Mieko! I felt confused like I was having a Datura flashback.

      Anyway, that lasts for only a second and Mieko and I go into town to a place called "The Story Time Cafe". This is a place parents can bring their children at night with their sleeping bags and pillows and leave them there while the employees read the kids stories all night so the parents can go out. All the parents are going to this concert so we go also.

      At the concert I wander away from Mieko and run into the old hippie elf! He has some more hippie elf friends with them and they ask me to be in their band! They like the way I play music. I say "Well, I'll have to think about it. I don't think I can make it down underground for practice that often."
      "That's OK!" said the hippie elf. "We can come up here to practice, but we will have to play shows underground." "Alright!" I say.

      I run into Mieko again and I tell her about it but she says that I won't have time to be in a band because I have to mow the lawn everyday.

      Then I am on the stage at the Story Time Cafe telling this to the kids. It was all a story I was telling! I am sitting up in a sleeping bag on stage.
      Tags: cats, elves, faeries, owls