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    1. Second Half Of Percy's Dare Gone Orgy - Weird Other Stuff

      by , 09-28-2014 at 03:33 PM
      Too lazy to record my other dreams, but it was a very colourful night again, riding camels through Bavaria, where Israeli Shekel were suddenly the currency, and in dream I thought they belong to Egypt. I actually thought, I would suddenly remember that Bavaria has a border with Egypt and how practical camels would be in the mountains...
      Endless rows of old women with trolleys, selling flee market things out of them, some sort of criminal story, with girls getting abducted, and me having myself abducted, too, to help them. Didn't do any good - some naughty stuff happening instead.

      Aanyways - I journal because I got lucid on a street, and I hadn't even planned for that, but in dream I remembered, that I had still not done really everything for Percy's dare without shoving and "trampling" people while manically shouting I would be late.

      So I did that, without the clock this time - kicking and shouting and shoving people, didn't know how to accomplish "trampling" them without knocking them out, and that seemed too drastic somehow.
      Most didn't react initially, some looked really annoyed, but didn't fight back. Quite the opposite - throwing myself into a thick throng of people lead to - well. To what bodily contact in lucidity almost always leads with me...
      In the end it was an absolutely overwhelming street orgy - all I could see were people in various states of undress and action, so when in Rome...
      Woke up pretty wired from that - but didn't wake up "too early" this time - that's a new one, actually.
    2. Mike Shows Me His World (Lucid), High School Band, and Classroom/Donuts/Pickles

      by , 09-28-2014 at 02:07 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was waking up in what seemed to be my room at my house. It was dark and nighttime. I was looking at my dresser, and something seemed amiss. My TV wasn't there. I was dreaming!

      I got pretty excited, because I knew it was the beginning of the dream. I had quite a bit of lucidity ahead of me. I went into another room, thinking as I went, trying to figure out what to do with my lucidity, when I remembered CanisLucidus's dare, or at least the first part of it, to make Mike, my spirit guide, appear. I was in the bonus room and saw that on the couch sat my parents. It was quite dark in the room, like it had been in my bedroom. My dad was smiling at me, sitting right in front of me, and my mom was next to him on the right. I wanted Mike to appear, so I decided to try the Canis approach to making people appear in his dreams. I turned around to face away from my parents on the couch and said to my dad
      "You're going to be Mike!"
      I had no idea if this was going to actually work for me, but I turned around and saw that he had, in fact, changed! He was an older, rugged-looking man with straight, slightly thinning and slightly whiting shoulder length red hair. The red seemed to be mostly closer to the tips. He also had a mustache and a small beard. Even though he (once again) looked different, it was definitely him.
      "Mike!!" I said. I gave him a big hug.
      "Where have you been?" I asked.
      I don't recall his exact response, but he was telling me he had been busy doing other things. I kind of expected him to respond with something like "I've been here the whole time!" or something cheesy and predictable like that.

      Mike then asked me if I wanted to see his world. Of course I said yes! I don't remember if there was a period of transport or not, but we were then there. We were outside. It was sunny and bright, and actually appeared to be quite Earth-like. There were humans like us walking around, quite a few in fact; we seemed to be in a town or neighborhood. I wonder what made this world different from Earth? I then thought that this was a very Earth-like planet, but it was in a different dimension. That made much more sense to me.

      We then proceeded to go to his house. I was introduced to his mom, though I don't remember exactly what she looked like. I was a little nervous about meeting her since I was from such a different place and that I wouldn't know much about this place if she asked. We were in his house for a bit. It was easy to tell that he felt at home in this world. I felt like an outsider.

      Then, I think we were outside again, and he was showing me some solar powered thing that charged when held under the sun. It may have been a cellphone, but at any rate, it was a small black device that looked similar to some cellphones. He was guiding me on how to hold it under the sun, telling me I did a good job when I figured it out. Well, there's one difference, more emphasis on solar energy. There were other slight differences, I knew there was, but I didn't know what they were yet.

      Around this point, I also looked at some text on a sign that looked like it said "Kristia" or something like that. I looked away and back to find that it was now gibberish. The K was still there though. Yay for wonky dream text!

      I was also remembering that I had another part of the dare to do, but everything was so fast paced, I couldn't seem to recall it. There was a brief point where I did, but Mike was in front of me walking, so I didn't ask and forgot about it.

      We were then going around town, and his appearance kept changing, which is what he's good at doing. I'd look at him, and he'd look different, but still had something about his face that made me know it was still him. He, at one point, turned into this short, very dark Indian-looking woman with short black bobbed hair. He was next to me, then started to walk in front of me. I cannot recall where we were going at this point, all I know is that we were outside.

      Throughout the dream, I had also been doing random finger count RCs to make sure I was going to stay in the dream, sometimes coming up with 6 fingers, but it was usually 5.

      We were then sitting down somewhere. He was back to his form from the beginning of the dream, which was kind of a relief for me. I then really wanted to kiss him. I focused on his lips and leaned in. I closed my eyes, there was a slight delay on his end, but we kissed. I was concerned about my eyes being closed and how that could very well wake me. We kissed a couple of times before...

      I opened my eyes and I was in my room...kissing my husband. Ha! Well that's good at least. I looked at my nightstand and saw that many of my things, my notebook, phone, DS, etc. weren't there, but were on the floor. I guess I somehow knocked them off the nightstand in my sleep. I asked my husband if I had been doing anything in my sleep, and he said I had been singing a song. Ha!

      I then, at some point, figured out that I was dreaming again, and had had a FA. I found Mike again somehow, though I couldn't tell you where. I feel like we went back to his world for a bit, and we were talking about something when the dream finally ended for real.


      I was in high school band again. We were going to have to stay until after 10:30pm, which, in the dream, was when classes ended, for band rehearsal. I was complaining to my friends about it. We weren't happy about it.

      I was then sitting with the other clarinet players in an arch in the front row of seats in the band room. We were trying out for chair placements. My band director played a scale on the clarinet he was holding and told us that was our tryout. God, I hadn't played a scale, or the freakin' clarinet, in forever. It was assumed I was going to go first even though I was sitting in the smack dab middle of the arch because of my last name. I said
      "Don't look at me! I always go first!"
      The attention was taken off of me. I looked at my mouthpiece to make sure my reed was placed on there correctly.


      I was about to walk into a classroom to watch some kids while the teacher was out. I wrote something on the floor right next to the inside of the doorway on the right in chalk, a couple of sentences that kids would write over and over again on the blackboard for getting in trouble, though I can't remember what the sentences were. I hoped that the teacher didn't expect me to write them over and over again on the blackboard.

      I then was walking into the class. I walked in the front past the teacher's desk which was in the middle of the classroom. There was someone else in there at another smaller desk close to the end of the front. I started to think about how I would discipline a student who was doing something wrong. I looked to the blackboard and saw another, smaller board on it. I could make them write their names up there like I had to do when I was a kid, but I doubted that I could speak up enough to do this; I didn't want them to dislike me.

      I was then putting cake donut holes in bags when the other person there asked me a question, asking me if I would do something, a hypothetical question. I said yes, I'd do it. She was shocked by my answer, but I had meant it in a different way than what she was taking it in, and I tried to explain myself to her. I was then putting dill pickle slices in one of the bags with the donuts. I had only put a few in there before I realized that was a terrible idea. I took them out, but there was still a little juice in there.


      I had a dream before my LD, but I was so excited about the LD that I completely forgot it! Still super stoked about seeing Mike again. It has been awhile!

      Also, thank you Canis for (inadvertently) giving me a method of making DCs appear! Also, I completed half your dare. Does that count for anything? XD
    3. Fragments

      by , 09-28-2014 at 01:41 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I hate dry spells.

      Something to do with me playing Minecraft. I had built this large house with a whole bunch of doors on one wall. When night came monsters began pouring in because I forgot to close the doors. At one point a creeper blew open the wall and mobs began coming in the hole as well.

      Some cartoonist was showing me drawings and animations of how he had pulled pranks on his roommates in college. One of them involved cutting open a tube of toothpaste.
      dream fragment
    4. Dive bombing old women

      by , 09-28-2014 at 12:45 PM
      A dream where I decide I was going to fly...and I did. There was a group of (mainly) elderly women gathered in an open area near my "friends" and I apparently decided that they were somehow threatening my friends.

      I asked them and they said no but I wasn't convinced. I flew around the group at head height and tugged at the (woolen) hats of some of the women (such violence against what looked like a gathering of the local Women's Institute...is no-one safe from my killer-lust?)

      Cut to me singing a song (I think it was an original tune and melody) called "Would you like to live in my house?" If I was younger and back in the group it would be on my tape recorder by now. (it was in the 70's)

      So...apart from a middle-of-the- night dream that I firmly decided I could remember without struggling out of bed to write it down (and which I've now forgotten...except I know it had the DS "looking for something") it took me over 10 hours to get that dream.

      It's clear that I probably won't get lucid again in a hurry...maybe the original 3+ months if I'm lucky. Sure "a little help from my friend" galantamine might speed it up but I can't justify it to my wife. So, on I go trying other things.

      I juiced some raw beetroot last night (won't do that again in a hurry...my kitchen looked like Sweeney Todd's) I blended it with apple and grape juice and it tasted like...apples and grapes that had been lying in a ploughed field for a few months. Back to the beetroot tablets.

      My age clearly slows me down but I'll plod on and, this time round, I've (so far) avoided the dreaded "ill" feeling.

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    5. Mirror Me

      by , 09-28-2014 at 09:14 AM
      Morning of September 28, 2014. Sunday.

      This was an extended version of a long-recurring dream scene of looking in a mirror and deliberately trying to change my appearance in various ways even though I am only semi-lucid.

      This is a rather unusual state of semi-lucidity which often involves an intense “forced frustration” and somewhat of a need to instigate distortion or alter imagery without being more aware of the virtually infinite possibilities of the dream state when fully lucid. (By experience, I have learned that there are at least three very distinct types of in-dream lucidity, probably more when breaking down the more diverse nuances.)

      I look in a dresser mirror in a somewhat dark room (just with enough light to see most details of my face but in shadow) and attempt to force different perspectives and to distort how I appear in the dream (which is otherwise amazingly realistic and mostly consistent throughout). Based on my reflection in the mirror, I appear to move close to and fairly far away from the mirror even though my physical body remains in the same place in-dream (about the center of the room). This changing “zoom in and zoom out” perspective (which has also occurred in different dream types) and different range of views does not at all seem unlikely in-dream (it is probably number four on my list of recurring dream aspects that seem familiar and likely in reality, but cannot be). I also try to force a mock fear, due to the sort of tingly energy it creates (have done this in semi-lucid dreams since early childhood), but am unable to strengthen it, and no other beings are there except for me even though I change my appearance somewhat as a sort of pretense, but nothing dramatic ensues. Sometimes I had done it by lowering my eyebrows and squinting yet focusing on the immediate foreground (near my nose) so that my view is pair-of-eyes-shaped, with the idea the eyes-shape is from another being just in front of me (this being something I learned in a dream in 1972, age eleven, when I deliberately tried to create more energized nightmarish states but was usually unable to - however, this also resulted in the zooming in and out perspective which I did not realize was otherwise not possible in actuality, therefore not recognizing the dream state).

      Prior to this, there was also the typical cleaning dream, where I “polished”, refurbished, and “mentally repainted” aspects of the room. In this one, I also find various items under a rug including dust and old food scraps. I clean the room as thoroughly as possible.
      Tags: mirror
    6. Twisted Realm Adventures

      by , 09-28-2014 at 12:43 AM

      Updated 08-25-2016 at 11:46 PM by 71055

      lucid , memorable
    7. Walking All Over

      by , 09-27-2014 at 10:38 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      5:00 a.m.

      I was walking all over the place. I was in the mall, going up the stairs/escalator, and then back down. I walked in the grocery store. I put back stuff I already bought in the shelves (not sure why).

      I was walking in my hometown. I was with some people (or a person).


      - I woke up earlier and was supposed to write some keywords down but I was so comfortable.
      - I slept on my write (same with yesterday and yesterday's dream).
      - I tried to focus on my breath and awareness. I gave up halfway through because it feels nice to just sleep.
    8. Thor and Twimble

      by , 09-27-2014 at 08:19 PM
      Relaxing with Thor in his apartment with his elven people. Talking, watching TV, lots of laughing. He says he's going to cook a spinach twimble for me (eggs, spinach, cheese, jam)
    9. Greek Ruins to Father Room OST + DILD

      by , 09-27-2014 at 07:49 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      Started with me in a old time broken Greek building where others and I are running from something as we travel further to the ruins. Then one guy and myself fall down from exhaustion as the others encourage us to both get up and hurry. We both pick each other up and continue running till everything went black as we all enter a tunnel. When I came out of it I could see the deep blue sky however the people I was traveling with was gone. I started hearing all of them upstairs and by the sound of it I assume they were in some type of trance. I decided to check what was going on and realize they were being possessed by another person with an object in his hand. They appear to be forced to worship him so I hid under a few dusty rocks and swiftly ran to prepare myself for a jump over the ledge and tackle the guy. After I tackle him his control over the other travelers was broken. The other traveler jump over the ledge as well as we begin to go further in till a false awakening occurred. I woke up in Father room with two people also lying on the bed that I didn't know. The girl on my left told me she didn't like my existence and thought it was best I go away. I turn my head around to her direction and ask her would she like to fight me then? She says no so I try to encourage her on about who ever defeats who can erase their existence. She agrees but tells me not right now while quickly tossing me a bag of random snacks to me. I grab it and began to get excited for the fight. The other guy to my right on the bed thought the whole thing was a waste of time. That's when I kept lying on the bed and fell asleep there. I woke up in the gym wearing a cave man outfit and I had red converse. I was sitting on the floor as there were a few others doing the same. I was still feeling drowsy as the same girl from before tells me to move away a little because I was in her grey seat. I rub my eyes and move. That's when the disco lights started appearing, flashing over the dream. Then the gym teacher appear with cane and wave it around pointing on who she wants to get up. She chose the side I was on so I went in the closet to get some items. That's when I notice my Father at the end of the seat and decided to go to him.

      After I did I hang on the wall and was then approach by two students and one teacher that show my results in the class. My father was checking the results out as one student kept bothering me on what I got. It didn't take long for myself and the student to begin fighting. I remember looking at his eyes as we hit each other thinking why can't I realize this is not happening but as the fight went further I lost my little suspicion and continue in till a false awakening occurred. I woke up with two rings on my index finger. I was surprise that I woke up with them because I had lost them a while back. Though I have no idea where the green Irish spade ring came from it look great. I quickly began thinking this must be a dream where it manifest something I wanted back. The dream was a little blurry and as I check my hand it was wavy. I came and check the timer and it states 1:36PM. Then in the dream I felt very tired and did not take long for me to lose lucidity. Lucidity Time: 21 seconds.
    10. Recurring DCs as characters in a book

      by , 09-27-2014 at 06:17 PM
      I'm reading a book. There had been a series I'd loved that ended some years ago, and now the authors have put out a new prequel series featuring some of the side characters - one of them is the Magician.

      Scene changes slightly - instead of just seeing words on a page, I'm now seeing the scene described in the book. The Magician and Julie are having a standoff, just arguing with words at the moment but willing to cause damage if it gets to that point. I'd been looking forward to seeing a scene with Julie. In the main series, it's established that she and the Magician had a long and complicated history, but we only actually see her once - learning more about her is the main reason I'm interested in this new series.

      But Julie's personality here is drastically different than it had seemed in the main series - I actually hadn't realized this was meant to be her until just now when I heard her name (she's using two of Julia's usual aliases). Her portrayal's so different that it just seems like bad writing, like she's been reduced to a caricature. And that complicated history she had with the Magician seems to have become a standard characters-who-irritate-each-other-wind-up-getting-together plot. In the years since that first series ended, the writers have really gone downhill. So I decide I'm just going to ignore this characterization, this new series in general, and focus on the main series instead.

      For (supposedly) unrelated reasons, a character on the Magician's side puts his hands over his ears and starts singing to avoid hearing what the Magician and Julie are saying.

      Updated 09-27-2014 at 06:23 PM by 64691

    11. 2 Lucids, In the pool, Exploring new things

      by , 09-27-2014 at 06:13 PM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was standing in a public indoor pool, and it was filled with people. The water was a bright teal/electric blue and was pretty clear; it was perfectly clean. As I looked around and waddled through the water, I saw Naomi, a girl from school that I thought was absolutely gorgeous. I remembered seeing her in the past dream that I had just awoken from before, and this made me lucid.
      I started walking over to her and we made eye contact. As we did so, she smiled at me, and I returned the gesture. As I finally got right next to her, I thought, "This is a dream, why not just do what I want immediately?". I then held her in my arms. Suddenly she started walking away from me, and she smiled and she did so. I could tell that she was playing hard to get. I was so stunned at how beautiful she was. She looked the exact same as real life: short dirty blonde hair, amazing blue eyes, and her entire face had this defined structure to it, she looks perfect.
      I tried going back to her but she would still walk away. Eventually I decided to do something else. I got out of the pool and walked outside. It was nice and crisp outside, but it was also dark. As I walked outside I made an immediate left and started walking. I remember everything outside looking a bit more blurry than usual. Suddenly, the dream started fading. Slowly I could feel myself moving closer and closer to blackness.
      However, I focused myself and the dream came back almost immediately. I continued walking, and as I did so I noticed a huge wall to my left. I figured that I should try to jump over it, just to practice my jumping skills. I jumped and went up halfway up the wall. I did this multiple times, but I would only go up the same height each time. I kept jumping and jumping, but it just wasn't working(Now I know why, its because I didn't really care if I could jump that high or not, so it didn't really bother me.

      I don't remember the rest, but this dream was about 30 minutes to an hour long.

      2. I was inside of my house, and suddenly I became lucid. As usual, in my dream house no lights work and everything has a blue tint to it. I walked into my sisters room, intrigued to find out what lied behind the extra door in her room. I slowly went up to the door and opened it. I walked in, and my curiosity grew immensely. As I did though, I noticed a big difference, the atmosphere and general vibe of this "other side" felt extremely different. Everything felt dark and evil, almost like the only emotion in this place was fear.
      I walked a few more steps in this place, and because of how real it was I became a little unnerved. I decided to turn around and get out of this place for now, but I would still explore it another time. After leaving my sisters room, I walked through my hallway and into my room. Inside of my room there were 2 nude women. They both had amazing curves and just nice bodies in general. Someone else was in the room with them, a dude, but I don't remember what he was doing.
      I focused my attention on one of the women. This woman was a brunette and her entire body was a light golden tan. Suddenly she fell to the ground. The other woman, and the dude that was in the room, payed no attention to what had just happened and didn't even care, I went over to where the other woman had fallen, she fell right next to my and actually somehow got under my bed. When I got over to her I saw that she was laying on her side, and was moving a little bit. I touched her to let her know that I was here and then picked her up. I put her onto the bed, but she still would not get up. It was like she was sick or something.
      At this point my animal instincts were really high and I really wanted to bang this chick, however, the fact that this chick was sick and helpless made me realize that would be the wrong choice.

      I don't remember what happened after this, but there was a bit more.
    12. Entry 11

      by , 09-27-2014 at 06:11 PM
      Okay I didnt do a DJ or even log in this week. I could not remember a single dream this whole week and I was really busy to log in.

      Outside Art Class
      First dream I had we had gone under these new rules at school, that I vaguely remember but everyone hated (which is true irl, but these new rules were way different and far more drastic). I was in my 7th period but I was in this big ol' room with a lot of people, just wandering around. Then I saw this person from my 7th period and our teacher found us and told us both to come over here. It was a section of the room, but it was kind of out doors, it was like a restaurant patio, it had tables around and had sunshades going over it. One side of it had a solid wall. I found my friend and we started goofing off and we got this big sheets of paper and we were supposed to like define terms and names or something but instead me and my friend just started drawing stuff. Then we went over to this other table with this chick and she was talking about binaural beats and I was like "oh yeah I used those one time! blah blah" and then we went back to our table and my ex came over and we were all talking and then class was almost over and I grabbed all my papers except one and crumbled them up and threw them away. Then the next dream-

      Leaping Lucid
      Okay so in this it is a lucid dream-and a continuation of the previous dream-I walk into a hallway of my school (except it isn't my school, and the hallways look one ones from my middleschool and are multi colored) and see a line of students coming. I join the line and head to the gym, where we're supposed to go. But for some reason, me, this person, and one of my acquaintances (I'll call him Bill) are told to take this door by a teacher, so we do. It takes us into "comic book world" with comic book characters all over the walls. It's supposed to be a like an obstacle course, but all it is is a large room with a HIGH up roof and two "stories" (I'll explain). We climb up this ladder and one kid falls but Bill is fine and he's above me. We get up to the second floor of the room, which is just a ledge for the floor, lining the room. So it isn't really a floor, just ledges high up that we have to go on. I see him running and beating me, All I'm doing is shuffling across so I don't fall. Somehow-I DON'T KNOW HOW-I just realize it's a dream, but not really. Just something in my mind clicks, I don't even acknowledge it I just start taking over the dream. I leap to the other side of the ledge and get out, I leap to the end of this hallway and it's this dark room with people in it, the only exit is this window you can only get through by jumping (there's boxes by it). I try to leap straight through the window, which is far away. I doubted that I could do it so I ended up just landing in front of it. I then leaped through the window and saw more students wandering around, and there were these secret service agents in the next hallway and I used this axe to chop their headsoff (they tried to subdue me) (this is the axe http://wow.mmodb.com/images/items/renders2/41560-l.jpg ). I began leaping through these maze-like hallways trying to catch up to Bill. Half way through I noticed I had this crazy armor on (this http://wowroleplaygear.com/wp-conten...destroyer1.jpg ) and I finally found the gym and I fuckin leaped in there. The gym was more like a gymnastics gym rather than a regular school gym with a basketball court, there were a lot of pads on the ground and there was a table were these people sat at with microphones and one of my teachers was up on this elevated stand and they all turned to look at me and I leaped on the table and cut their heads off (not my teacher though) and then I leapt on the wall of the gym and held on and I was about to go do something else when I woke up.
      Tags: art class, axe, comic, gym, leap
      lucid , non-lucid
    13. Lost in Mall, House, Crazy People that I want to run over

      by , 09-27-2014 at 05:41 PM
      Lost In Mall:
      I was lost in a Mall I was with my sister and, I heard a kid trying to find his parent too he was about 5/6? And, the lady went on the speaker for the mall to call the kid's parents.
      I went up to the lady and, she said "Aren't you cassies younger brother? Are you lost?"
      I nodded I remember my sister Demera came and brought me home.
      It was similar to my house but it was run-down and, my sisters bedroom was in the bathroom and I went to my room it was so messed up and dirty.
      Crazy People that I want to run over:
      These people thought me and my mom were selling stuff we went into the van, a kid ran up to the van and looked crazily happy. A girl on a bike was riding around the van. A black old man was banging on the windows of our van. We backed out and, the bike girl followed us and my mom pushed her off the bike. I remember someone saying "Damn thats cold."
    14. Insight About Love and Sadness, Work Crap, Grandpa's Death, and More

      by , 09-27-2014 at 02:09 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      Lindsay M., a lady who frequented the coffee shop I used to work at IWL, was telling me about love. She talked about how she didn't just love in a romantic sense. She also said she used to hate love.


      I was working in the bakery, but it was different, more spacious. I think I was there early in the morning. This guy who recently got promoted IWL, Jo, was there with me. He was suspicious of me. He said
      "I know you're smart, but there's something off about you..."
      I didn't feel welcome.

      There was more to this one, but I can't remember.


      I was at my grandparents' old house with Dallas, my grandma, and my grandpa. We were all sitting in the living room talking. My grandpa was sitting in a chair in front of the fireplace. I was glad Dallas was able to meet both my grandparents. I then remembered that my grandpa was dead, and I saw that his head started to look kind of see through, like he was a hologram or a ghost. I figured my grandma was somehow keeping him so alive in her memory that he was appearing here. Hard to explain.

      He was then gone. Grandma then said she needed to go to bed before she noticed that he was gone. I remember seeing her laying in bed. I then was out in the living room again. I saw, sitting on a small table, a shirt of my grandpa's that he wore all the time. It was just a t-shirt folded once longways. I didn't touch it. I thought to myself that the smell of my grandpa was probably almost gone from it by now.

      I then started to channel the spirit of my grandpa. I asked him about my grandma's sadness. He said
      "Sadness is disillusion."
      His voice was strong and confident, and sounded much younger that he was when he died. I asked him more questions about sadness, and about how to make grandma feel better. He actually gave me some very insightful answers, but, of course, I can't remember them.


      I was working at Kohl's, though it looked different. I looked outside and saw that there were some weird looking, low dark clouds moving around in the sky. It looked like we may get a tornado. So logically, I went outside. Others were there with me as well. This big gust of wind picked up and blew this white powder all over us. I saw others covered in it, and then, saw myself in third person. I also was covered in it. We were then inside and looked at the weather channel on a TV. There was a map of the United States with some dark storm cloud areas over our part of the country, some with lightning bolts in them, and then out west there were some more dark clouds as well. There was a man on the screen talking about the weather. There were no tornado warnings or anything. Odd.

      I was then walking around the store when I remembered I was supposed to be at my grandpa's funeral! I kept checking my analog watch, which was saying it was around 4 something, and the time was way earlier on it than the actual time, which was about 7pm. My watch had slowed down. Great. Ugh. I frantically talked to David, a supervisor, about having to leave early. I don't remember what he said, but I think he gave me the go-ahead to leave.

      I then was getting ready for the funeral. I was then thinking that I had already been to the funeral, but I had actually already been to the memorial. I was at the funeral home and saw that not everyone was seated yet. I was actually early, and I thought I had missed it all.


      I was at work at the bakery once again. The lighting was dark for some reason. I was working with Nicky. She was working on decorating some things. There were also these Japanese themed cakes laying about, a bunch being on a high shelf. One of the cakes was sitting on the front counter. Nicky told me to watch it, because it would change. I didn't see it physically change, but I saw that it was a slightly different shape than it was a second ago. Interesting. I asked Nicky about all the Japanese-themed cakes, something about if they were the new theme right now. She said they were.

      Then we were talking about cleaning. Nicky was telling me we had to get everything cleaned up perfectly, or the people coming to do the "medical inspection" wouldn't do it. Apparently, this "medical inspection" was a big deal, and they were going to come the next day, so we had to make the place look perfect. I thought about how difficult that would be since we kept getting customers.

      Then, this couple came up to the counter, a guy in his 20's and a girl of the same age. They were picking out this cream cheese iced coffee cake square when the girl suddenly shot back and was on the floor some feet away. The guy was looking at her. I could have sworn I heard her saying
      "Why did you punch me?? Why did you do that?"
      but he hadn't laid a hand on her. I saw the whole thing. She did it to herself. I then started to think, for some reason, that I had imagined that she was yelling that at him. It was like I had tuned out and replaced the reality of what happened, which I have no idea what it was, with what was going on in my head.

      A girl I used to work with at the coffee shop, Leslie, then came up to the counter with some other people. She came behind the counter to get what she wanted. She got these small brownie/cake squares and put some icing on them. She was in a hurry and was working/talking quickly.

      Then, on the other side of the counter, another lady came up wanting 17 of the small cake squares. She wanted all chocolate and no vanilla. There weren't 17 chocolates in the case, so I had to go grab some more. There was a pan of them that I had decorated. The each had a small colored flower with small green leaves coming off either side.The first ones looked pretty good, but I had started to rush towards the middle of the job, and the leaves were long and janky-looking. I think Nicky and I gave her a couple of those. I don't quite recall how that one ended up.

      Nicky then took a look at my decoration mess and said it looked good. What? The first ones, maybe, but the last ones? No way. They looked horrible. I saw Nicky carrying them off and the leaves looked like they were sticking up past the flowers. Ugly.

      I then was opening wooden drawers on the decorators' side, and came across unsliced, unbagged loaves of bread. Bread drawers. Interesting. I then started to think about how the decorators must have gotten new storage back there because all these drawers and such looked new.


      I was swimming in the ocean. There were other people there, but only a few in the ocean. I saw an area in the waves that looked like it had a strong undertow. I swam too close to it and got sucked under. I struggled to get back up, but I was being held underwater. I was still pretty close to the surface, but it was just out of hand's reach. I accepted that I was probably going to drown and tried to let myself ride the panic.

      I then had an FA, though I remember nothing about it.


      I was working at JC Penny's for some reason. I stated that I was going to take a break, though I had no idea what their break policy was, if I got a 10 or 15 minute break or whatever. I started walking around the back trying to find the entrance to the break room. I noticed I was wearing a maxi skirt. I also needed to use the restroom. I saw the entrance to the restroom from the back. Two girls were walking down the hallway to get there. I saw something about a family restroom.

      I then was all the way in the back again, and saw these computers along the wall where you could apply for a job at Penny's. I only saw 2 initially, but noticed there were 4-5 total. They looked like arcade games kind of, and were quite big. I then looked down at my clothes and noticed that I was wearing the apron I wear at the bakery that has the name of the bakery on it. Hmm...did Penny's have a bakery?


      I went to use the bathroom in our apartment. When I got to the toilet, two big pieces of crap gurgled out of the drain, as if they hadn't flushed all the way. Must have been Dallas. I flushed it, and noticed as they swirled around the bowl that both pieces of crap were much bigger than they looked.


      I've been noticing lately that many details of these dreams are evading me, but I am remembering substantially more dreams per night. I also could have sworn I had an FA at some point during the night, but I can't remember it now.

      Updated 09-28-2014 at 06:34 PM by 32059

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    15. Elect Journal

      by , 09-27-2014 at 07:41 AM
      Had a really vivid dream I needed tow rite about.

      This is only part of what I remember although there was more. Some involved swimming at the beach. But that was a different part of the dream. Before the lucid.

      In this part I was walking along the city, and a lady jumped from top of a building, she had a massive sword in her hand like a ninja, and jumped on top of me and I realized she was protecting me from someone else. When I realized that she saved me I hugged her a lot, and I made friends with her. But she wasn't the only one like this. I also met some guys and other people, and they all said they are from a different world. They had powers. I said to them, you know this isn't really my world. I'm dreaming, you are just in a representation of my planet. And they said, yeah, it's a screen representation, and they agreed. Then I asked them, Can I visit your world? One of them said yes I can take you there. I was kind of concerned about doing this because I had not done anything like this in a dream before. They seemed like really different people to normal dream characters. As we were walking to our destination I said to him, so what's your skill? He showed me and walked into an alley, and he went through some bullets, and showed me how he is the 'bullet finder' or something where he could read thousands of bullets at a time, who shot them, and where they came from. I was entirely amazed at this. Then he said that everyone can develop a skill. When he transported me to his world. I had a little bit of fear that I was being tricked into something, but I decided it was only a dream and couldn't really go anywhere that God would take care of me. I think I was worried it would take me beyond the dream realm or take it to a new level. He took me through some type of lift portal thing. So I ended up on what looked like a different planet. I have never done this before so this for me is new. Once I got there there was a problem with the leader, and he said I had to go back for some reason or the other. I had my pet dog with me, and he said you can't have your dog here. So I said ok I'll go back. And the guy said you can't go back that way and I don't know how to take you back (this kind of reminds me of wizard of oz). I didn't think of that part he said. So the leader of this planet said take him to one of the engines, and get a ride through their. So we went to what looked like a car place, where people were driving home from work, but the cars were a lot different design, it was fascinating and this one looked like some type of cabin, and we arranged a drive back, that it would transport me home somehow. Those in the car were friendly, and over the course of my trip I made friends with them. This is unusual for me to ever make friends, and it wasn't like a normal friendship, they seemed to have different soul that I could relate to more. So I said to them, what about the bible, if you guys don't believe in it, what do you do cause it means you are either in or out and it confused me. And then we can't even be friends I don't understand. And one of the girls said, we have believers or that I could be a believer or something like this, and I said but you are not? And I didn't really get an answer to the question. This is when I felt like, I had contacted people that still were not entirely right for me and I got confused. I looked around at the world I was in and suddenly said, this place is extremely different to where I come from. (the sky was different, the land was different, the people were just different, everyone was like a superhero). I realized that the leader of the planet had another leader, and ultimately that leader was Jesus Christ still. So I thought I am still protected where ever I go, cause he is the Lord of Lords. So I ran to the edge of the shore of the water. They came with me, and I said, I need to go, and I looked out towards the water, and one of them said. We'll see how far you can swim. I joked that I would. I was entirely Lucid in my dream, I knew that this was a dream, but I also knew that what I was experiecing was just as real as being awake aswel. This is when a melody came to me. I have prayed to receive music in my dream before, but this was unexpected, and this amazing tune came out like some kind fo corny musical. I was singing lyrics I can't remember them now it's slipping away as I type this but it was something like "I found some new friends, they took me away, They were superheros just like from the movies. It was a new world" Or something like that I cant remember exact lyrics, that for the verse it exploded into something like "I don't know what's real anymore, somebody help me, I'm in a new world, I'm so confused, is there anyone out there. Im stuck in a new world. This song seemed to have some type of inspiration like it was given to me, cause when I was singing it, it sounded amazing, and i herd all the backing instruments in my head. But when I woke up, the tune has faded away, I don't know how to transcribe it, or I would have. All I can do is go through the net and try and find what it sounded like. After I was singing this song I woke up.

      i cant really find the melody that it was like cause it was a new song, but it was sort of like crawling from linkin park a bit. But it also sounded like smashing pumpkins bodies song. I wish I had transcribed it quickly before it faded away. All I know is it sounded good if I could remember it. I'm pretty happy that I got a melody through my dream now. It seems to be the only way I can really think of any proper music. If I try to make something in my waking state, the song just isn't really a song, until I tap into something from above like I did with that dream.
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