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    1. DJ Entry 7 12/27/2015

      by , 12-27-2015 at 11:56 PM
      Sorry if I haven't been on for a while, I had hard times remembering, but I recall a dream today, so here it is

      I was once again starting out in the living room. I thought for a second "am I dreaming?" And did two reality checks. The first one didn't work, which was putting my fingers through another hand, but my always working time reality check, that worked. I became lucid and decided to fly out, and ended up exploring multiple videogame worlds.

      The first one I explored was Super Mario. I remember doing just one level. The next game on the list was Pokémon. I remember bumping into Red and getting into a Pokémon battle. Next up was Minecraft. I gathered a few resources to build a house and ended up making it really nice. Last on the list was Terraria. I was in my normal Terraria world as in real life and ended up defeating The Brain of Cthulu.

      As I finished, the twist was I was actually on the tv the whole time! Wait... if I started out the dream IN my living room, checked the time, flew to multiple games, NOW i'm back in the living room PLAYING games? was I even real in dream perspective? Anyway, I had a lot of fun playing in the dream. I hope you guys enjoyed reading.
    2. DJ#53: Car Racing

      by , 12-27-2015 at 10:48 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I returned to school for the last day of the year after there being a bit of a break. There were announcements and an assembly, the usual affair on these sorts of days. At recess I saw this girl who I wanted to talk to, so I ran after her and tried to get her attention, but she ignored me and kept on walking. Saddened, I returned to class and pulled out my computer. I had a sort of lego car racing game on it, so I started playing that. It was only the trial version, but the first track was going around the areas around the school. he teacher wasn't too happy with me playing the game but it was the last day so she couldn't really do much. I remember talking with my brother while playing the game and also being told about procedural stuff and what to do with our chairs and rubbish etc. when the day was finished. I got on to the second level of the game, which was a sort of drag race down a main street near where I live. I completed that and then the game was finished for the trial version.
      Tags: non - lucid
    3. carousel horse

      by , 12-27-2015 at 09:29 PM (Here be dragons)
      I'm in the dark, feeling both my real body and my dream body. I roll over and push myself out. For some strange reason I can't move forward and I have to go through my window by walking backward. Once I'm outside, I can move normally. I'm still in the dark, still feeling my closed eyelids, but I keep walking until I start seeing and stop feeling my eyelids. It's sunny but a little chilly; I'm in front of the house, but the car parked here is different that usual and take up most of the allyway, making it difficult for me to leave the garden. My lucidity is very low, and my head feels muddy. Over the top of the car I can see my neighbour's garden, there is a couple of blck horses eating grass next to the house, long tails swishing in the bright light. There is a white and pink mesh on the letterbox, and I start thinking about using it to climb oven the fence and get out when a very tall man walks on the road in from of the house. I recognize Eli and call him. He smiles and picks me up. I wrap my arms and legs around him like a monkey and give him a quick kiss, making him laugh. I crane my neck to see the horses and Eli walks into the neighbour garden. By the time we reach the horses, they have disappear, and there's nothing more that a couple of discared woods on the floor. I grumble and we look for the horses again, my low lucidity plummeting. I get off Eli arms and walk barefooted on the damp grass, single minded in my goal of riding a horse. I find a crudely shaped, wooden toy of one, and put in on the floor, willing it to grow. I hop on his back when it start to inflate, but it stay all crooked and strangely shaped ans I wake up.

      Updated 01-06-2016 at 04:43 PM by 88858

    4. 2015-12-27

      by , 12-27-2015 at 08:24 PM
      low recall phase: sick, tooth hurts, tired, family drama, generally bummed.

      nap dream:

      + in a vehicle, trying to go through checkpoints/crossing points with guard arms. I'm backing up and one of them closes right on my windshield. I turn left in order to make a u-turn in a free place but the path is walled off.

      other dreams, forgotten.
    5. that severed head is cursed

      by , 12-27-2015 at 07:58 PM
      in the war zone, perhaps more recent one in Afghanistan
      a group of soldiers found a severed female head
      they took the head as a prize
      they died one by one
      the last two remained soldiers decided to find two labours to dump the head and bury the head under ground
      the ground was muddy
      Sometime later (after the soldiers were gone), someone found the head again while digging underground
      the dead eyes looked as if it were looking directly into their souls
      so they ran
      at some point later, a kid was inside the compound, inside of the house
      and the ghost of that severed head was above him whom was lying on his bed
      he was about to get woopydydoo!
      then all of sudden
      i was in another dream room in a more futuristic world.
      all of the severed head were in her dreams
      there was a doctor, her mother, a cage above which contained what it looked like severed head toy
      they looked outside to see how the weather
      nice sunny, futuristic looking landscape, buildings flying cars etc..

      Updated 12-27-2015 at 08:03 PM by 85868

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    6. Fish out of water

      by , 12-27-2015 at 06:39 PM (My Dream Journal)
      My most prominent dream last night was about my betta fish. My mom and I were going to clean her tank, but she wasn't in it. My mom then told me that she had put my betta in my hamster cage for some reason. We retrieved the fish from my hamster's cage, and put her back in the water. Miraculously, she still was alive. When I asked my mom how long my fish had been out of water, she wouldn't answer.
      Another dream that stood out to me was one in which Annabeth from Percy Jackson was receiving a trophy that said "Atlantis" on it for defeating a man she was competing against.(not sure what for.) The man that she had defeated was being nailed against a cross like Jesus. It was a weird dream.
    7. She's Zoning Out Near the Board

      by , 12-27-2015 at 05:59 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      She's Zoning Out Near the Board (DILD)


      I saw one of the admins at work looking at a huge board stuck in the small hallway to the breakroom. She said “Hi” to me, and immediately turned her back to zone out looking at the board once more. She’s wearing some cool colored light jacket that has horizontal black stripes, a white shirt underneath, and dark blue jeans that conformed to the composition of her legs.

      It seemed to have been an epoch of early sunset, and I felt awkward having to gaze at her for a little while.

      I've had several dreams about her, but I always shrugged them off. I didn't want to put any intimate context in them, and even though she would technically be a higher-up, I never had problems with her. The only thing is that she tends to come over to me when she can, but usually I would have to be the one that says hello to her unless she wants to be a bit assertive.
    8. Key Points - Undertale Influences

      by , 12-27-2015 at 05:43 PM
      Don't really have the energy today.

      Lots of snow, old lady monster, if school was out, many monsters would play, me and them wish we could see the young child participate in that. Go to family's house, "can you fly??" "Nope!" Pass my house, there's a computer on the window ledge, partway frozen with a big cartoony caterpillar on it. I've been frustrated by that for a while. Rodents in my walls, too. I don't even know what he's doing on that red(?) computer.

      Boss fight, integral item with extremely long name that I tucked in the recliner, toriel helped. Frog fight, # of hearts, some symbols replenish them. I've been terrible at dodging attacks so I need them.

      All the kings were big and had loud, deep voices. Yep, we're next in line/part of the king's family. We just got the nerd gene, see? (shows piece of paper that had been folded up)
      Spoiler for Vague Sexual References:
    9. Hungry Hungry Hippos

      by , 12-27-2015 at 05:33 PM
      Oh man, this was weird dream morning. I dreamed I was in Africa and was standing on a dock when something started bubbling under the water. I had a stack of lumber at the edge of the dock that apparently I was moving with a fork lift. When, all of a sudden a huge hippo surfaced and took a bite out of the wood I had stacked at the dock. All of the wood went under water and swirled around underneath. One of the old managers I used to work with was standing there and he was from Sierra Leon ( which is probably why the dream was in Africa) he told me to not get close that the hippo would eat me. All of the lumber was gone as I stood there in awe as this massive hippo surfaced again and spit out the entire load of lumber. all over the water, I thought to myself "no way I'm going in there to get that..." I remember seeing a piece of the hippo's tooth on the dock and it looked like a baseball bat ( that's how big this thing was..think jaws of the the hippo world". I had some other dreams, but this one in particular was the most vivid, and I remember even the smells of the dream, and the water splashing on my face as king hippo went back under the water. Crazy to say the least.
      nightmare , non-lucid
    10. Dream Entry#4- Dragons?

      , 12-27-2015 at 04:52 PM
      My first dream involved school and was very short. I remember standing in the hallway and waiting to go on a school trip hosted by my track team. Then I started walking with a few friends. I don't remember past that.

      Second dream Im exploring a large cave. It gave off a bluefish glow, so it wasn't completly dark. After walking around a little, 4 dragons flew over to me. They were really big, and all locked the same except each had a different color. The first o e was ice blue, the second was red, the third one was purple, and the last one who was the leader walls black and grey. They told me to be a nicer person or else. Then the blue one pointed out of a window to a desolate landscape with dark cloudy skies, lots of fog, and lots of dead trees. I agreed, then found myself back in the hallway at my school. The dragons were there, at the end of the hallway and just looked at me. Then I had a gift that I guesses I had to give to people. I started walking down a hallway in the school when it began to have no lockers, and instead a dark green wall paper with lots of paintings hanging up. Also the floors became hard wood. It looked like an old house, but I could see the normal school at the end of the hallway. I started walking to end, and found a wooden door on the side of the wall. I opened it up to a family to whom I gave the gift. I wasn't sure what was inside, but I just felt I had to. There were a few more things and details after this, but they are really fuzzy, and I can't really remember.
    11. Toy Set, Giant Worm, Time Travel, News Memories, Secret Mission.

      by , 12-27-2015 at 04:47 PM (The Dream Cauldron)
      (Unconnected dreams indicated by a *. Connected dreams indicated by a •. )

      * I'm trying to sell a toy set for a fictional book, but the main character is missing.

      * A giant worm is destroying an underground area in a place vaguely resembling Hogwarts.

      * I seem to have travelled back to the early 1900s. I have repeated run-ins with two horses named "Neighborhood Horse 1" and "Neighborhood Horse 2". I am wearing a dress and seem to be much younger (about 10 or 11). Somehow, I am captured on video and spread all over YouTube, but the majority of people don't beleive what they're seeing.

      * A news broadcast is remembering the five things they will miss at that station.

      * I'm on a secret mission to find someone. An alarm goes off (not my wake up alarm). This scene repeats itself.

      Updated 12-27-2015 at 04:53 PM by 64918

    12. 27/12/2015

      by , 12-27-2015 at 02:16 PM (LucasPotter's DJ)
      Again, my dream recall has been pathetic lately. I can remember the key points of my dreams, but I cannot link everything together (my dreams are usually very cohesive, when my recall is good).

      So there was this bit where there was a pool at night and there were lots of body parts in it. However, that was not shocking to us (no idea who "us" is), we were all focusing on the FULL body there. Who was all blurry, cause the spirit was doing something?

      So then I saw this film/TV show where a girl from the past was trying to figure out what had happened to the girl in the pool. When she was almost done with her investigation, another girl started digging too. The first girl had done nothing wrong, but she looked suspicious from the other girl's POV.

      I tried to get the spirit to settle down and be calm, but I couldn't find it. It wasn't evil, but it seemed lost and angry at what had happened.

      So I was at this school-ish place. I kept trying to make it seem like I studied there and I had to show my grades to my parents, so I had to fake them and it was stressful.

      Then I had to go from one place to another, but I didn't want to? I think I was going out with my girlfriend (I don't have one in real life, though), but I needed to do something else first, something about the body/spirit. My girlfriend was bitching that she was waiting for me at the party. My parents went out (I'm pretty sure I was in dream!Lucas's house), telling me to take care at the party. Instead of going, I got the baby (?) and told it I'd take care of it. I think that's what they spirit wanted, so I watched the baby all night.

      I feel like there was also some running around. But I can't remember anything about it, other than I was running a lot.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. A Bomb

      by , 12-27-2015 at 10:42 AM (One Up Seeker)
      Aright so this dream is from a few nights ago, I just forgot to journal it:

      1. I was at Kroger, working my shift. It was late. I had on my blue shirt and made sure it was tucked in and I also made sure I had my name tag. I went to my register and turned the register light on. The lights in the store were very dim, so I knew it was past 10 p.m because that's when we turn off half of the store lights. The store was almost dead; I saw barely any customers walking around. I also noticed that there were also about 5 or 6 other cashiers clocked in as well; which was odd because there was usually only one of us working the midnight shift.
      I stood and waited for a customer to come to my line, but none came. All of my co-workers stood in vain too; no customers seemed to be coming at all. I finally went to my "smile zone"(which is the front end of my register where I smile and wait for customers) as required to go to if I had no customers. Immediately as I got to my smile zone I noticed an abandoned baby stroller flipped over on the frozen food aisle in front of me. "Holy shit that's not good" I say out loud. I then proceed to walk over to the stroller. I turn the stroller over and to my surprise there is a baby in it, but it is dead. "My God, what sick fucking lady did this?" I asked myself as I automatically presumed that a lady was the guardian of this child.
      I suddenly became aware of a very quiet and barely noticeable noise. It was a ticking noise. I turn the baby over on its back and see a blinking red light. "Fuck, this is a bomb" I thought to myself as I tried to remain calm. I then got up off of my knees and ran to the PA speaker on my register. "Attention all customers, there is a bomb in the building, I repeat, there is a bomb in the building. Please remain calm and exit the store immediately" I said into the speaker. I could hear my voice echo throughout the entire store followed by a few ladies screaming in panic. "I need to get out of here now" I told myself, but then I remembered that the customers were more important. I ran around the entire store making sure that all customers were making their way out.
      After the store seemed to be clear of customers I ran out as well. My heart was beating a million miles an hour knowing that the store could blow up in any second. I sprinted to my car and unlocked it and got in. I then started it up. Behind me I could hear police and firefighters as well as ambulances coming, and I could see their bright lights reflecting off of my rear view mirror. Just then, as I started backing up, the store blew up. A huge cloud of smoke and fire erupted from the now destroyed building. I floored it out of the area.

      I'll be back to my normal recall later today. Gotta get some sleep for now.
    14. #65: Pool / Class

      by , 12-27-2015 at 10:21 AM
      I went to bed around 01:00. Not sure what time I woke up. It's now 10:00

      It's quite dark, though I can still see around me. I think I'm indoors, though I could also be outside. There's a private pool. I'm with 2 male friends [of them is my friend in reality, the other I don't know], one of them is Asian, the other is white. The Asian guy has drowned in the pool, but it still alive. We panick a bit and my white friend asks to borrow my phone to make a call. I give him my iPhone. He makes a call to New York. I can hear something about paying for extra charges. He's calling some of the world's best doctors on this area. Damn. I knew he was rich and spoiled, but this... In the mean time I look at a map on the wall. There's a number there of some local paramedics, who should be very close by. It feels like they are on the other side of this huge building which is my friend's house. I make my friend hang up and I call them instead, partially motivated by the costs of calling to NY. He tells me that those guys are worthless. I relent and he makes another call to NY. While the call is busy connecting, he tells me that I should put our friend laying on the ground, nose downwards. I do so, and he starts coughing up some water.

      I'm with some classmates. One of them was in an accident of some sorts and I was among those who saved him. He can't remember a thing from the ordeal. I tell him I'm not that surprised about it. I recall something about a picket white fence which I climb over to get to a seat. We're all seated for a special event that's going on today. It's a good thing I decided to dress the way I did, with the dark blue sweater that I'm wearing. At least I look presentable. I'm also wearing my All-Stars, but it looks quite decent.

      Sitting in the same area, we have a sort of training event. Two girls, Roos and Chayenne are acting out a scene. Roos is working from a caravan which has been converted into a bar. Chayenne comes by to order a coffee. Everything is quite chaotic. At the end my teacher (a woman wearing a hijab I believe) asks us what went wrong. Either she asks me directly or I volunteer to give an answer. I first consider pointing out a mistake of Roos, but I focus on Chayenne instead. I say that she was in a hurry. My teacher tells me something along the lines of me being wrong. I get annoyed by her reply and turn into a wiseass. I tell her that that's my perception of what is occurring here and add some more philosophical statements to it. She then tells me that Chayenne didn't listen to Roos. Yeah, I know, I was getting to that. Not listening in this instance was an extension of being in a hurry. My friend Jor is seated to the left of me. He tells me that if I hadn't argued with the teacher he could've backed me up by saying 'I think what he is trying to say...'. I tell him that I don't really care. I just didn't like the teacher's attitude.
    15. Catastrophe Continued

      by , 12-27-2015 at 03:57 AM
      I don't remember the exact dream details but I think it was some continuation of the catastrophe fragment from yesterday.
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