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    1. Saw Her Again

      by , 03-21-2016 at 05:37 AM (One Up Seeker)
      I was inside of some sort of professional looking building. I assumed it was owned by some company or something. I was sitting down at a white oval table in a room with a tan carpet and tan walls. There was a teacher and the south end of the table which was opposite of the door. "Is everyone ready?" she asked. I looked at the people around me. Most of them seemed younger than me by up to 5 years younger except for a chick named Natalie that is in my english class in waking life. She looked the same and she had her hair up in a pony tail and was wearing a white shirt with skinny blue jeans and black vans.
      For some odd reason I suddenly get up and open the window and jump out. Luckily the room I was in was only on the 2nd floor so I faced no damage. I was now on the grassy fields that surrounding the huge building I was in and the many other similar buildings around it. Not far ahead of me was the freeway, and I could see it clearly considering it was well lighted by large super bright lights. This entire area was spotless and there was no litter in sight, it looked very clean and new. I walked over to the edge of the freeway and watched the cars pass by.
      Suddenly I am teleported into an enormous mall. It barely resembles the mall I go to in waking life though it still has the same light brown tiled flooring and and off-white walls for the most part. "Yo I'm hungry as fuck" I think to myself. I walk over to the food court, finding it by luck, and look for a chick fil a. Within seconds I spot one and walk over to it to order some food. There is no line so I go straight up to the register. At the register there are two red head twins, and they are really attractive to say the least. They also have strong and vivid blue eyes as well as freckles on their faces. "Yeah I'll take the number 5 combo" I tell them. "What would you like to drink?" the one on the left asks. "Dr. Pepper will do the job" I tell her. I then pay for my food and start to eat it.
      As I am eating my food I leave the food court and start looking around. I end up walking into a dark store with emo clothing that reminded me of Hot Topic. I have no idea what drew me to this store. On the ground inside there was an extremely nice red carpet with a gold threading on its outline. It looked as though it came from somewhere in the Middle East, but I'm not sure why I thought that. Just then I look a little farther into the store. There she is. Again. "My God there's no way. I have to be dreaming" I tell myself. I turn around to face away from her and count my fingers. I get distracted right as I do so "Hey" she says. I turn back around and look at her. Her eyes left me speechless as always, and her beautiful smile seemed to spark a fire of passion for her within me. "Now I've seen her 2 nights in a row" I think to myself. I am either semi-lucid or lucid, but recalling upon it now it is hard to tell.
      She got closer to me. Suddenly a dude from behind us announced "You guys are going to be part of a Frankenstein movie I am making" he says. What does that have to do with anything? I assume he was the owner of the store as he was dressed differently and stood out from everyone else and had been roaming the store with a superior eye since I walked in. I turn back around and I become hypnotized by her eyes once more. I then pin her to the ground and we start making out passionately(That was fast). She stops me for a second and just looks at me with this look of intense desire, and then we continue once more.

      This is now the 2nd night in a row I've seen her and something out of the ordinary happened.
    2. Prologue for 'Virtue'

      by , 03-21-2016 at 05:18 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)

      Another essay.

      I would like to shift the focus of my dreams from introspection to action. I so often find myself just watching things in my dreams. And in recall, I am watching myself do the watching. I observe. I analyze. I philosophize. It's not wrong, but I'd prefer not to be so one-dimensional.

      I suppose I am an analytical person and I catch myself indulging in the science of abstractions and modeling. One model is games. I see things through the lens of game theory, which is all about rules, strategies, and winning. Games are about choice of action. Game theory would suggest that the "right" choice is the one that wins. I have come to see that as a rather cynical kind of morality. Are there really rules? Are we all players striving to win or lose? Isn't it an illusion?

      The other model is drama. Drama is also about choice of action. Drama suggests that the "right" choice is the one that either creates or resolves conflict. I have this twisted notion that there ought to be irony and there ought to be tragedy. This is another degenerate kind of morality. That one must put on a good show and there must be structure in the ascending and descending action, and that all characters must be classified as protagonist or antagonist. Must there always be conflict? Are we assigned roles? Isn't this another illusion?

      I had chosen the word virtue as the theme of this chapter, but I think karma is equally apt. Karma means two things. It means "deed" in the sense that choices and actions that I make today will influence the future. But it also means "illusion" in the sense that the way we connect things -- the model of causality -- is entirely arbitrary. It's a system of rules. It's a script of a narrative. We create it in our mind as a way to give order to what we observe. But these abstractions do not necessarily exist.

      I would like to engage more directly with karma in the moment rather than in analysis. For example, it is virtuous to be thankful. I often express my thankfulness toward others well after-the-fact, privately to myself. Noble? Maybe. I would rather train myself to say "Thank You" in the very moment rather than afterward. Same with courage and discipline. It is easy to reason afterward that I should have been courageous. But that is not acting courageously. I don't believe karma to be some kind of cosmic scorecard of rights and wrongs. But I do believe that action speaks louder than words.

      That makes me think of the word lucidity. In the context of dreams, we have come to understand that word to mean "self-awareness." But in the plainest sense, lucidity really means "clear thinking." I want to focus more on that latter meaning. Yes, it is fun to realize that I am dreaming and that means I have a degree of freedom in the dreamworld. Having gained some experience with that, I would like to go a step further, and look at each lucid dream as an opportunity to "think clearly" and act in a way that I think is right, and not simply to indulge in abusing rules and creating conflict.

      I don't believe in a God in the typical Western sense. But so much of my dreams lately have been about a more nuanced understanding of divinity. Maybe there is no old man with a white beard who will judge me and my actions. But I still sit in judgement of myself. Wisdom has taught me that there is righteous and there is self-righteous. Alone, I can't be sure which is which. I think the only way to test the difference is to act and interact with others. Through empathy, one can come to understand how we all think and feel about what is virtuous.
    3. glass reality

      by , 03-21-2016 at 04:20 AM
      in my ld I did a reality check my hand went through the window
      it just melted through it.
      I started to fly into the night but awoke mid flight
    4. Lucid Dreaming - the gift that keeps on giving...then takes it away again

      by , 03-21-2016 at 03:30 AM
      As I've already said, it's been a disappointing Winter...cold and pretty uninspiring on the dream front, with fairly poor dream-recall, only 2 short lucids and generally drab dreams (some almost unfathomable.)

      But on other fronts, it's been interesting. My discovery that I can sometimes meditate/fall asleep and conjure up images and schemas. But, even that comes and goes. I recently watched a Youtube vid of a guy called Koi Fresco (something fishy about him) and he recites "I'm awake" twice every hour.

      I've often done the mantra thing, but with me, it's always been "I'm dreaming...it's a dream." So, I decided to try his method. For 4 days I diligently worked though that mantra at least 3 times every hour, aware of every bodily sensation and my surroundings. Nothing so far....zilch.

      But, other things crop up. I've noticed an improvement in dream recall if I WBTB after watching one of David Eagleman's brain documentaries (it gets me thinking about the function of the brain maybe). But, more interestingly, on 2 occasions (one was just now) I've laid down for a while and maybe, when I start to drift, a vivid image starts to form.

      It's always green (that's my preferred location, a meadow or a wood) I get the "rush" and my heart rate speeds up (I can control that...always been able to) but I find breathing difficult and I have to breath deeply and that's distracting. But again I managed to hold the image for quite a while before it gradually died away.

      Of course, I need such an experience after a few hours sleep and a WBTB (so we're all told) and I'm alert and thinking so I had to get up and write this to get it out of my system. Then I'm back to bed (with maybe some melatonin...if it only helps me off to sleep that's something.)

      Still trying.
    5. No Dream Recall

      by , 03-21-2016 at 01:48 AM
      No Dream Recall last night, though I set several alarms. Woke up at 3:30 and couldn't go back to sleep.
    6. 2016-03-20 some interesting moments

      by , 03-20-2016 at 11:27 PM
      + in a close situation with a girl. It's like she's waiting for me to kiss her. I eventually work up the nerve to kiss her, and then we kiss a few more times, with me gently holding the back of her head with one of my hands. Then she's criticizing me for not being aggressive enough in being close with her. I protest that just kissed her! She gets up and walks over to some "guru" of hers and complains about me and asks his advice. While she's doing this in front of me I decide to start blustering about and speaking loudly and firmly about various things in order to make an impression of a solid, confident guy. The adviser doesn't buy it, the girl disappears, and the adviser comes in an (stabs me in the butt through my jeans back pocket?)

      + (f) outdoors, a hailstorm with massive (approaching tennis ball sized) hail stones starts. I see the giant hail stones lying on the ground, and yell for everyone to take cover.

      + (f) I'm walking through a man-made tunnel. They've dug a really big tunnel. I'm looking at the walls and things that they've constructed, they appear fairly strong. The walls and floors have a rectangular cross-section, not sloped/rounded like tunnels usually are.

      + riding some airship (my dad is driving?) up along a tall steep mountain slope. I really feel the G-forces of the ship/plane accelerating higher. I'm fairly nervous about the ship going too high, but then I realize that it doesn't matter how high you are in the plane, that doesn't determine its stability
    7. Vague LD

      by , 03-20-2016 at 10:08 PM
      I had an LD this morning with a false awakening after it, so the memory of the LD is very vague now, but I just wanted to record the day by posting here
      lucid , false awakening
    8. Griefing, Girl in Gray Bikini

      by , 03-20-2016 at 09:14 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)

      The scene begins as if it was only a computer screen. I'm playing Warcraft III (yeah, that old) against some random opponent. I've all but lost; I only have one worker unit left and I'm trying to hide it somewhere on the map. This is poor sportsmanship, but I seem to want to make a joke out of it. My opponent eventually spots me and brings his army. My perspective shifts a bit. It seems I can move real objects into the game. I take a napkin and tear it into 4 smaller pieces. I give them to my in-game unit and lay them out like picnic blankets. When my opponent's army arrives, we have this exchange via the text chat:

      Me: Tea time? ;)
      They: :)

      Okay, I'm happy that they seemed amused at my playfulness. I quit the game and see other programs open on the computer screen. One is a chat window. It seems the text I entered into the game is also in this other chat. Just the usernames are different.

      40946q24834028lucy21: Tea time? ;)
      146419u158john125409: I'd love to, Lucy ;)

      Huh? I think this guy is confused. I look at my username which is just a string of random letters but happens to contain the sequence "lucy". I think of how I might gracefully clarify the misunderstanding. But as I do, the scene changes. Instead of a text chat, I now seem to be in a virtual reality scene of a beach with avatars of the people in the chat. There are about a dozen people, all guys.

      I'm still trying to find something to say when everyone's attention is draw to a new participant. It's a very attractive young woman wearing a gray strapless bikini that leaves practically nothing to the imagination. Her hair is dark brown and she wears big sunglasses that hide half her face. Her skin is tan and supple. Needless to say, all the guys on the beach become fixated on her.

      She turns to me, as if responding to my "tea time" joke. She struts to me. I'm a bit puzzled. I notice the gaze of all the other guys and I know exactly what's going through their minds. They are like drooling wolves, licking their chops. I am concerned for her. It's just her surrounded by all these lecherous guys. Where is her common sense?

      But she is nonchalant. Without asking she links her arm with mine and starts talking. "Ohmigad, that's so funny! We should totally hang out! You have to take me shopping..." And with that, she and I start walking off. We are heading inland from the beach toward a cluster of shops. I suppose I'm leading, but I'm mostly confused and just reacting to what she commanded.

      We burst into a grocery store and my new bikini-clad friend starts perusing the shelves. My feelings are mixed. Yes, at least we exited the awkward situation on the beach. But now I'm out of the pan and into the fire. Is this brat taking me for a ride? Does she want me to buy her things? She starts grabbing things and I am dismayed in my thoughts. Shouldn't we at least get a basket to carry things? What are you looking for? Are you just grabbing everything?

      She wanders off, looking for more things. I have a moment collect myself. She returns with her arms full of curios and declares "I want everything. I need a bag to carry it. Where can I buy a bag?"

      This provokes my cynicism: "Probably with all the other overpriced stuff." My thinking was that you shouldn't buy a shopping bag at the grocery store. Of course they mark that up because you realize you need one too late. But see doesn't catch my sarcasm.

      "Oh! I want one that looks like the Monorail!" She links her arm in mine again and drags me toward another department of goods for sale. I don't know what to make of this. She seems to be a scatterbrain but her plucky attitude is almost charming. She is now grabbing at handbags and that has drawn the attention of a male security guard.

      I try to take in the scene. This girl, still in a gray bikini that is practically painted on and her obnoxiously large sunglasses indoors. My arms full of the junk she wants to buy. The security guard interloping, and who knows what his intentions are.

      The girl starts bickering with the security guard. Maybe he accused her of trying to steal? Or maybe he was trying to hit on her? I can't follow it all, but this girl is definitely the center of her own universe. The security guard backs away. It seems he's met his match.

      She turns to me. Those giant sunglasses hide any attempt I try to read her. She just smirks and marches up to me. I have a sudden change of heart. Maybe this is just who she is. Who am I to judge? She hasn't hurt anyone. She certainly makes an impression and maybe she's a little crazy, but who isn't? Accepting her now, I know what to do. I offer my elbow and she gleefully links her arm in mine again. We strut off to the cashier. Who's gonna pay for all this?
    9. Crossing Over and Looking Back

      by , 03-20-2016 at 08:31 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)

      I am waiting in line on a road to cross a bridge. It is night but the surrounding area is lit by street lamps. The bridge is a massive thing that arches up about 10 stories and off into the distance. The other side is obscured by fog. I'm a bit nervous. I'm even a little frightful of bridges in waking life.

      My turn comes and I approach the foot of the bridge. Between me and the incline, there are a scattering of odd looking concrete ramps and obstacles. It looks like a skate park. I wait. Then a guard tells me to go. I wander between the obstacles and onto the bridge. It's a steep climb up the arch. I forget most of this part. Maybe it skipped by until I was on the other side.

      I arrive on the other side. It's a bit lighter now, but still foggy, overcast, and gray. I turn back to look at the bridge and remember that there was someone with me. And I see her. It's Jennifer, who is an ex-girlfriend from waking like.

      What are you doing here, Jen... You aren't supposed to be in my dreams anymore. I look at her wistfully. I study her face. She has a pale round face and long straight black hair. She looks a bit older, but it's definitely her. It would have been 10 years since I last saw her, so that makes sense. Without delving too deeply into it, I touch the part of my psyche where my feelings about Jennifer are kept. It's a mix of infatuation and pain and anger. Hate, even. All wrapped in regret. Mostly regret. It doesn't trouble me anymore. It's like a jigsaw puzzle that I solved years ago. When you solve a puzzle, you are left with an image. You can still see the jigsaw lines and know it was a puzzle, but that seems secondary now.

      We don't say anything. She has an expression of nervous fear. Is she afraid of me? I wouldn't blame her if she was. Maybe she is apprehensive about what might happen next. Or maybe she's still in shock from the unsettling bridge crossing.

      Show her kindness, I think to myself. I offer my stretched hand to guide her. Her expression doesn't change but her hand meets mine, accepting my offer. I can't change the past but I can do my best in this moment. I turn toward the horizon and lead on.
    10. Evil Superman, Another Tsunami, Backstory? (#262)

      by , 03-20-2016 at 03:54 PM (Lucid Time!)

      I forget what order these came in.

      I remember I was laying on a table/bed/stretcher type thing, in a monestary. There were several monks all around me. I remember seeing my body in third person, being stitched together from body parts from various people. I remember I was observing from inside of a large quartz crystal that the monks had transferred my soul into. The monks were saying they needed to unifiy all of these parts sot that nobody would know who I really was, and lit some candles and started doing some ritual...


      I was with Robin and Starfire (who looked just like they did in the original Teen Titans, always interesting to see 2D animated characters superimposed over a 3D animated world), Green Lantern, and Batman, but they actually looked 'realistic', or as realistic as superheroes can look anyway. There was some talk between Batman and Robin about how Superman had become evil and been locked in an inter-dimensional prison. They figured he would come to his senses after awhile, but he hadn't, and they needed him to save the world from lex luthor or something.

      I remember Batman hatched a plan to wrap up Superman in a giant American flag, since he was probably still good at heart and he wouldn't dare disgrace the American flag. So Green lantern and Starfire flew in carrying the big flag while Batman and Robin rode next to them. They entered the inter-dimensional prison that was this weird alternate world.

      Basically all it was was an open sky with one large sun directly above. There was a cloud layer below us and floating stone/concrete rectangular prisms of various sizes. For whatever reason they were neutrally buoyant in the air. We saw Superman kneeling on one of these, he heard us coming and jumped up. He said something about not wanting to go back, then lashed out at us and attacked. Green Lantern made a shield. Batman and robin attacked in the batwing but he shot them down immediately with his heat vision.

      Superman wound up beating all of the other heroes. As he did, of course I manifested into first person from a simply observational perspective.
      (Great, good timing...) and he started coming after me. I started hovering, and used earthbending to send the stone cubes flying at him. He cut through them with his heat vision. I blocked his attack with my dreamcatcher shield, I think. My defense might have failed because dreamcatcher shield only works on evil entities.


      Just as the battle was starting the dream shifted on a dime. I found myself in an apartment or hotel room, about six stories up. I remember looking out my window to see that it was mostly blocked by the top of one of those fan shaped palm trees, that was really bright green, but I could see a parking lot. Opposite the parking lot was some mangrove and palm trees, followed by a beach. On the horizon was a huge planet rising over the sea. (Smack Smack Smack like 4 dream signs right there) But I think it was the sudden change in environment that made me actually become fully lucid.

      I remember I jumped out of the window and glided down. The dream seemed amazingly vivid and stable, but I remember losing it almost immediately after I landed in the parking lot.


      Now I can't remember if this part of the dream came before or after the previous portion. It seems more logical that it would come after, but it feels like it came before.

      I just remember that Manei and I were in a fairly clear dream and we were going to the beach together. The beach was in a bay near this medium sized town on a tropical island. We came down off the boardwalk onto the beach, but we agreed that we didn't like it because it was too crowded. There were some guys who had brought a ghetto blaster and were dancing and we didn't like the music either.

      Spoiler for Language:

      We decided to keep walking until we found a less crowded section of beach. We walked for awhile and found a spot near the lighthouse that was pretty much empty. We put down our towel and started getting settled when the water receded and a big tsunami started coming in. Someone was narrating about how the tides from the big planet in the sky caused tidal waves. (Think that was Marcus)

      "Who left that planet there!?" I shouted.

      I remember we started running away. Manei said something about getting the kids. I got ticked at her at this point, I already made a point how there shouldn't be kid characters (ours or otherwise) because when dangerous things like evil (Supermans? Supermens?) or fifty foot waves show up. (And they do, very often around here) we do not need to put anyone else at risk. I started stake-running but realized Manei couldn't keep up if I did that. (Why doesn't she have any powers, and if she does, why doesn't she use them?) Then she just ran off in another direction to go to a building and get the kids, supposedly.

      We ran into the city and the wave was catching up quick. I remember turning and facing it. No way I can Waterbend something that big, the wave was like 50 feet high. I tired to freeze it but only froze a small portion. As the wave came around the frozen part, more of it froze, and by the time it had passed there was an ice bubble around me. So I was trapped underwater in the middle of the street in a cold dark ice bubble. I stopped 'holding it up' with my waterbending and the moment I did it crushed in. My body died and I floated up as an observer/soul.

      I saw Manei on the rooftop of one of the buildings that was above the water with the kids. I remember thinking form observer mode (and I think that she could hear me) telling her why this setup was terrible. Stuff is always going to be trying to kill us, we don't need to drag more DCs into that. I feel like I said something like 'Think of how useful kid characters are in disaster movies!'

      She said that this dream was created by her and was supposed to be a test for me about the possibility of this setup becoming permanent, but by setting the dream to have this plot, all she was doing was proving my point. It's dangerous and makes things harder than they have to be.

      The dream got a game over screen and went to black. I could hear Marcus' voice.

      "This is where the conflict of interest arises. Are you a sigma binary or a bierrenous (I don't think that's a word, Marcus) binary. You must decide to proceed.


      I remember very vaguely being in a house. I recognized the house as that of this boy I used to babysit, except everything in the house was white. Some kind of piano music started playing in the background. A boy (not the one I used to babysit at this house) came out of the closet wearing a white karate uniform. He was laughing and running around.

      Then Manei appeared as a very young girl. She screamed. I couldn't tell if it was a happy scream or a fearful scream at first. The boy chased her around a bit and at first I thought they were just playing but the boy pushed Manei down the basement stairs. I couldn't see her at first as it was the only area in the house that was dark, but I moved down to where she was and found her at the bottom crying. I remember thinking that the dream was just 'trying to play it scary'.

      Updated 03-20-2016 at 04:03 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid
    11. Outdoor Movie & Meditation Teacher

      by , 03-20-2016 at 03:00 PM
      This was a 3 part dream.
      In the first segment there is a movie on display outside. One person I was looking for got bored and left. Another person, a co-worker, was getting bored as well and was about to head out..
      In the second segment, people brought over a bunch of pepperoni pizza (like they do at my work) and I declined a slice. The smell was extremely intense and vivid.
      In the third part of the dream, it was more of an auditory based experience. It was some type of meditation teacher explaining how the states of Jhanas were temporary cessations of karmic traces, and how census reality experiences cease for that duration of time. We return to our census reality because of un-quenched desire, while nirvana is the cessation of all of these karmic traces and the experience of a census reality.
      Pretty deep lol - probably because I had Reishi tea before bed
    12. [21-03-2016]

      by , 03-20-2016 at 12:12 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Nightmare Fragments

      Had a headache this night, which resulted with bad sleep and lots of weird, convulted fragments in the manner of "Final Destination" movie, which I can't quite describe. All I recall are blurred shapes...

      Another fragment

      It was cold, winter day. Everything was bright and had a slight blue tint on it. I took a dog for a walk - we walked on a sidewalk. The streets were crowded and there was high traffic. We went under a bridge and to another street, and then the dog just ran away. I whistled and called it, and it came back. This dog was huge as a lion, it had brown fur and dark eyes. I took it and we went back home.
    13. [20-03-2016]

      by , 03-20-2016 at 12:12 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      It was evening. With father, brother and my pal we were unloading a big cargo of timber, so my father could work in his carpentry workshop for his client. On the trailer there were huge logs and cants, some of them almost fallen on me when we were unloading them. Mother appeared and took car, she had to drive somewhere. She almost hit the back of the trailer, but she stopped just an inch before it. Then she drove away. We placed the cants on the circular saw.

      Brother said "You should've placed them differently. Bugs are getting from one hone to other!". I looked at one of them and said "These are just flies, they won't damage timber!" Brother replied "Look on the other one!" I took a look and said "Just ants..." Then a swarm of bugs burst out of the first hone. Some of them were brown and rounded, with long, thick and striped antenae. I shouted "I know these bugs! They belong to Cerambycidae!" Then more of them came out - huge like my hand and with roan colours. They swarmed all over our timber.

      Second dream

      I was in my hometown, going from stadium back to my house. It was a cloudy afternoon and it was a bit grim. I crossed the river, leaving bridge behind and going straight the path through a small forest. On the way I met a classmate that's playing in local football team. We went on silently until we reached flats, where we watched as somene tried to jump on their bike and get through the fence. The result was that someone from the other side of fence took his bike and went away with it.

      False awakening

      I woke up in my bed and entered the toilet. I wanted to brush me teeth, but just when I touched toothbrush, father and sister appeared in the room and started brushing their teeth.
    14. #113: Fragments

      by , 03-20-2016 at 08:40 AM
      » I'm.. in a bus I think. I'm reading a research paper, while at the same time semi experiencing it. I'm in the northern part of the Netherlands and travelling south. It's a trip that should take 1 or 2 hours. The research paper is about the effect of taking either the bus/train or the car I think (at least a slower vs. faster comparison) on whether women will agree to have anal sex when you ask them to

      » I'm inside a game. It's a cutish cartoony game. I'm a farmer, though for some reason I'm on an old school rowing boat out at sea. Me and my crew of 2 are headed towards land. I can control the direction of the boat and to my surprise we make some good progress while we're on land as well. Well lets just keep going then. Eventually I've got the power to become invisible. I think about it for a moment. I could basically go into the shop over there and abduct the person that's standing at the counter right now. Definitely a blond person. It may have been a kid.

      » There was something that had to do with Yu-Gi-Oh. It was about the 3 Egyptian God cards: Slifer, Obelisk and.. I can't remember the last one, though I also wasn't able to in the dream.

      » I'm walking in a hallway somewhere. From behind me I can hear the voice of my Italian classmate. He's asking someone to speak in Dutch, because whatever language the people are speaking in right now, he's unable to understand it. I'm slightly surprised. He's able to understand Dutch now?

      Updated 03-20-2016 at 08:47 AM by 71740

      Tags: boat, bus, game
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. Atmosphere Observatory Class and Poltergeists

      by , 03-20-2016 at 07:24 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was inside of a class that looked way different from any class I had been too before. The ground was covered in black glossy tiles, but the walls were white. Everything in the room gave the room a very futuristic feeling. I was sitting down in my desk, but everyone around me seemed to be socializing and talking to people they knew. I noticed Dylan sitting in the desk right next to me. "Dude, this class seems cool as fuck" I tell him. "For sure bro" he replies. We both look to the left of us and I see her(the girl I've been trying to find in my dreams since forever). "Dude Cory, look who it is" Dylan tells me. I pause in awe of the fact that I haven't seen her in ages. She's wearing a black sports bra and some black short shorts with white lines going down them.
      The area in which she's standing seems to be the lounge section of the room. There is a tan couch and some glass tables in front of them. There's a girl sitting in a tan chair next to the couch and she's bending over her. I couldn't help but check out her ass. She then turns around and bends over backwards as though she's doing some sort of stretch. As she does I look at her stomach and it's finely toned to the point where it is very sexy. I look at her legs as well. I'm aroused by how sexy she looks at the moment. "This isn't how she normally acts at all, nor is it something I would ever expect to see her doing" I think to myself. At this point my thoughts are mixed, I'm thinking about her while also thinking about how weird this situation is.
      I get up out of my desk and walk over to her. As I do so she starts doing more seductive stretches. Once I'm about 2 feet away from her she looks at me. There's something strangely different about the way she looks at me(no dream character has looked at me like this before). It feels as if I'm looking directly into her soul, but in the best way possible. It feels as though we are making some sort of connection, but not on a psychical level. I'm about to say something to her when suddenly the teacher walks into the class. I go back to my seat thinking about how stupid I must've looked just going up to her and not saying anything and then leaving.
      "Welcome to the Atmosphere Observatory Class everyone" the teacher says. "Today I am going to do an introduction to the class and show you what its all about" she continued. The teacher then goes to her desk and presses a red button. Next thing I know the entire class is launching into space. After a few minutes the classroom stops in its place. The floor, walls, and ceiling of the classroom now turn to clear glass. I look down below me and can see the entire North American continent as well as half of South America and a few other countries. It looks as though it is nighttime on our western hemisphere as I can see many lights in the U.S and quite obviously the entire side of the Earth I am looking at is dark. I am stunned by the complete beauty of all that I'm seeing. I look over at Dylan and I can tell he is too by the fact that his jaw has dropped.
      "If you look all around you, you will see small white mini parachutes about the size of a mushroom. These are designed to keep you afloat when I retract the floor" the teacher announces. Everyone grabs onto one of these parachutes and so do Dylan and I. The floor beneath us retracts and the outer edge of the Earth's atmosphere is now directly below us. Open space is now literally right underneath us. As I hang onto my mini parachute I can start to feel myself slowing floating down. "What the fuck" I think to myself. "Uhhh what's going on?" I ask the teacher. She doesn't answer me but instead looks at me intently. I am now just a bit scared as I am no longer in the boundaries of the classroom and I am falling back down to Earth with increasing speed as Earth's atmosphere pulls me in.

      2. I was inside of my house and I seemed to be alone. Everything had a blue glow to it, even the floor and the walls; everything(dreams of my house like this always involve ghosts or odd events). I walk downstairs and notice an extra door on the wall that hadn't been there before. I pick up a really sinister vibe, but I decide to open the door anyways. As I look through I see what looks to be an extension of my house. There are many more rooms and halls and everything of the sort. I walk through the door but leave it open behind me. It is dead silent at the moment. Just then down the hall I see a ghost running. I'm now a bit unnerved but my curiosity fuels me. I'm semi aware because of the fact that I've had similar dreams like this many many times.
      I open the door to a room and look inside. There's a bed, a dresser, and everything else one would expect to find in the average room. Suddenly something flies across the room and the door slams shut in front of my face. I'm now relatively scared and run down the hall of this extension looking for safety(I don't know how I expected to find it in here).

      I don't remember the rest of this dream but I recall many more odd occurrences and realizing that this extension of my house was alot larger and more dark than I thought. I remember encountering many more poltergeists as well.
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