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    1. Rabid dogs in Tokyo

      by , 12-07-2020 at 08:59 PM
      Rabid Dogs in Tokyo
      Vivid - NLD

      I’m with a friend walking down a back alley towards a road. The setting is hot brown and dusty and reminds me of Spain. A vicious looking stray dog begins barking at me and comes running over not aggressively but defensively. I quickly jump on a nearby dumpster in fear and now more dogs have appeared all around me. Realising I can’t stay up here forever I get down and carry on cautiously. Now there are loads of big stray dogs coming over and surrounding me. I start to regret coming this way but it’s too late. They are all following me at my heels and barking and growling. I smile nervously but I am scared they’re going to attack and bite me at any minute. There must be ten dogs now! I keep my arms in the air protecting my fingers and making sure they can see I’m not a threat. I keep walking slowly and don’t run as it may provoke them. The pack is now circling me as I move forward and I keep an eye on each dog. I see one in front of me growling viciously. It’s teeth are out and snarling and it has one white eye. It’s quite scary but I remain calm and keep walking.

      Later I arrive at a bus stop with my friends and the dogs are gone. We are in Tokyo and the rest of the people at the stop are Japanese. I see a Japanese man crossing the road in a suit, he is hurrying toward us and suddenly falls back on his bum in the middle of the road. He is in pain and can’t move. It’s then bystanders point out in a panic that a bus is coming straight for him! I look and see a bus is coming but it’s not quite here yet. I believe I can make it in time and since nobody else is helping I dash forward onto the road and grab the mans hand. I hear the bus horn sound and know it won’t stop but I have enough time to get him and don’t panic. I pull him up quickly and together we stumble onto the pavement and the bus goes by. The man is panting and relieved. Nobody seems to react to what I did but I feel like a hero.

      Later we are in a tightly packed Gondola train. I look through the window and see we’re going higher and higher and now above some of the skyscrapers. It’s Tokyo at night and it’s quiet and eerie and the city below looks futuristic like Blade runner and made up of cold blue metal skyscrapers. I can really see the size of the city from this view point and notice the train system is all above the sky scrapers. Its amazing.

      After a recent dog bite nightmares about dog attacks have been common though they usually involve the real dog that bit me. He wasn’t here this time and maybe why I wasn’t as terrified as usual. The second half had some nice travel type scenarios which were fun. Futuristic Tokyo Felt extraordinary to see and it was nice to feel like a hero at the end.

      Updated 12-08-2020 at 06:51 PM by 97764

    2. a couple lucids. (I think)

      by , 12-07-2020 at 08:28 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Big giant house

      I was in something like mansion. In something like a hallway, I stepped into a bedroom that had a lot of things in it. There was a bed and things all over the place. A keyboard started playing by itself, in just a couple of notes for a few seconds. It did this by itself. I went out of the room and found a long winding staircase. On the main level i walked through a few giant living rooms with old architecture. I found another staircase. But right beside the stairs a panel in the wall was missing. i saw my childhood friend Gary , his brother and a few other people sitting on a couch. I went down a few more steps into the room. Gary seemed annoyed that I was there but some older guy was telling me about the house and that it was haunted.

      I said, "Yeah the keyboard upstairs plays by itself." He agreed with me. Several of us left the room. I went back up to the main level. I saw a winding staircase leading upstairs and I was trying to figure out the actual layout of the place. I found yet another large living room this time with 3 pianos. I was going to play one of them when i woke up.

      House party.

      I was hearing the Dark Tower audio throughout this dream. I'm on Wolves now, Now narrated by some old guy who butchers songs... I was in a living room with Manvi from work. I think she said she was having guests over. Something was spilled all over her table which was in front of a large TV. We both tried desperately to clean it up. After it was clean i sat beside her on the couch to watch TV. i think she was a little nervous because it was me and her. As if the dream responded to her nervousness suddenly her guests were there. There was a guy who was hearing the audiobook audio and asked if it was the Dark Tower. I said yes, and was going to have a conversation with him until i woke up.


      I was trapped in a house with some psycho guy. He had me in some traps like the movie SAW. He had a wife that told me I was a better fuck than her husband.. and i also have false memories of that act... Anyway they leave the room. I become lucid when i float up out of the traps. I fly up and intend a hole in the floor. I lower into another room. and for a while, I keep floating through more holes in more rooms. Kind of like those lucids where you are in a house and you keep finding hidden rooms and basements inside more rooms and basements and it an go on a long as the lucid. Eventually i wanted outside. I wanted to look for Jamie. I saw a house and went inside. My memory got really foggy and sped up. I found jamie, or a DC that looked like her and i remember feeling the desire to sleep with her. Not sure if we did.

      either than that no jamie dreams. not sure if the lucid was her. I hope i get Jamie dreams regularly Like I use to.
    3. Going to the bath house. Improving my walking through walls. Re-sleep.

      by , 12-07-2020 at 08:24 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      Me dad and William are going to a bath house. We actually go to church but they have some new rooms where you can change and there is a big pool there too.

      I went to sleep 23 pm and set an alarm 6 am and 7.50 am in order to get some lucids inbetween, it succeeds. I re-sleep many times and I can't remember all of the dreams during the time.

      I'm outside my home and have flewn out. I see a house to the right and I think about flying into it and just passing through the wall as I fly. I stop at the last second and walk through the wall instead. It goes much faster than the first time I did it. I feel some resistance but not much. The room I entered is dark and some boys are playing some video games on a TV on the wall. I think this seems pretty boring so I walk through a wall again. The next room has the same feeling as the last one and is also a gaming place. I walk through another wall and in the next room there are many people but they are also playing some kind of game.

      Notes: I have to have expectations on what the next room I enter is going to be like. Because I only went through the walls without anything in mind my dream created a room much like the last one.

      I'm flying outside and look up to the sky. I see the sun and some stars. I think about flying up to them but decide not to because it's so far away. I fly to the waters and see Monica there. It seems as though she wants to fly so I carry her with me. I think it is going to be heavy but it almost doesn't affect me. I fly over the water and it's a pretty nice feeling.

      Notes: I have to have my mind set before I enter my dreams to be able to fly to a star or planet.

      I'm flying to the big road out of town. I see a house to my right and fly through the wall. I don't remember more.

      I'm outside home and see the missionaries and dad. It's not the same missionaries we currently have. I fly away and feel good.

      It's all dark and I can't see anything. I feel my real body and my dream body at the same time. I try to give sensations to the dream body so that I can enter the dream. I wake up.

      I'm home in the kitchen with mom and Monica. We talk about something.

      Notes: I don't know if I woke up or if it was a FA.

      Notes: Now when I have these alarms in the morning that let's me experiment with short lucid dreams I should get some more goals. I want to return to my massage goal and look if I can get some relaxed time through it. I want to be able to reach a star or planet.