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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. February 3, 2011- Water Slides and Dinosaurs

      by , 02-03-2011 at 07:47 PM
      This is just a small chunk of my dream- it was in the middle, and I can't remember the beginning or end. I was with this group of random DC's, none of which I actually knew, and we were on the run from something dangerous. We were in this jungle/desert hybrid (which doesn't sound like it would work, but it did) and there was a downhill chute that worked like a water slide. None of us wanted to go down it- I guess it was dangerous- but one girl in the group coerced us into it. She made us all lie down on the ground, and covered our eyes with marshmallows and our mouths with bandaids. It was supposed to be helpful. Then she sent us all down the chute, but she stayed behind, and everyone was mad at her for chickening out.

      When we arrived at the bottom of the chute, it was flat desert with wooded mesas rising out in random patterns. At this point, I was viewing the dream from a bird's eye perspective. We ran along the edge of a mesa, because there was something dangerous down here and we had to escape. Then a Tyrannosaurus Rex stomped around the edge, and I sent my group onwards to sacrifice myself fighting the dino as they ran away. I woke up before I could.

      Then, just little fragments-- a pool in my old middle school, going there at night, something about the stage.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Something about magic and slavery?

      by , 02-03-2011 at 07:09 PM (Insane Kid's wacky dreams)
      Small piece came back to me. I recall the dream being really long and this was near the end, but I can't really recall the rest of the dream. All I recall is that it was me with some friend (not a real-life friend) who both had been enslaved by this evil guy. We were in a large, sort of room, it was shaped like a lima bean with walls a good 20 feet high, however no ceiling. It was nighttime and you could see the stars through the roof. We weren't the only slaves there, the room was packed with other people enslaved. In these dream the world supposedly had magic that was quite common for people to use, but we were enslaved because the guy found some way to remove our magical abilities. Anyway, don't remember exactly what happened, but some elite force of mages (don't remember what the group was called, but there was 7 or so people in the group) showed up and managed to free us.

      It is quite foggy, don't remember it real well, and as said this was near the end.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Nomad is paint, sub adventure and annoying people

      by , 02-03-2011 at 03:34 PM (Robo's Dreams)

      I am looking at a blob of purple paint on a canvas, I can see that it is WakingNomad.

      somewhat vivid dream, I just suck with describing things so I won't bother.

      I am in a museum, trying to find the exit. I find my way into a Korean submarine, I ride it to a house I believe is mine. we surface, and I thank the Korean woman piloting the sub. I go into the house and hang out for a bit, when the doorbell rings. It is a woman with long, straight red hair. I get a bad feeling about her, but for some reason I let her in the house. She hands a piece of paper to me, telling me I need to sign for the damages, or it will be my fault. there is some other writing on the paper, i don't pay a lot of attention, but write some random stuff down, and cross some of it out. I put down the pen.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. 3.2.2011: Couple fragments

      by , 02-03-2011 at 01:42 PM
      Dream Lucid Me DC

      Fragment 1
      I was on some ice planet. There were two men following me. (Not chasing.) I think I had some kind of glove that gave me some powers, but i´m not sure.

      Fragment 2
      I was flying in space with an 1-person spaceship. I battled some hostile ships. After that, I started to chase an UFO, but it shot some asteroids at me. But instead of killing me, the asteroids formed an new planet. I saw some options, but I couldn´t use any of them. I leaved and started a new fight with the hostile ships, this time with a few friendly ships.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Scrooge, Flooding Farmland and the Cooking Contest

      by , 02-03-2011 at 09:20 AM (Brainy Vapours)
      Fragment 1 - Scrooge

      I'm working for a very grouchy old man, rather like Scrooge I guess you could say, in some sort of office. He has two female assistants, one of them thinks she's completely indispensable to him. I happen to know that he could care less about the work she does. I don't know much about the other assistant, she seems to keep to herself.
      I am busy and stressed, trying to get the important copying and paperwork done.

      Flooding Farmland and the Cooking Contest

      I was on what I knew to be our farm land, although it looked more like a beautiful park, with a lake that covered 2 sides of it. We, my family and I, were sitting eating a picnic lunch at the water's edge. I remember asking my Mother what she thought of the "farm" land and what she thought I should farm. I don't remember her response.

      Upon turning to watching the water and daydream, I noticed it was actually rising fairly fast. I warned my family and we all had to scramble to pack up the picnic.

      Flash forward to some sort of strange televised cooking contest that has now become visible further down my land. I realize I am involved in the contest and I become angry with my husband that he didn't order me the bright orange shirt and baseball cap that the others are wearing in the contest. It seems I need these items to compete. After searching around a bit, I find a hat in a pile of random stuffs near some random guys whom are loitering there. They look at me suspiciously. I snatch it up and head to my station. I try to begin cooking at my station and then realize that I have no food items to cook with! I guess I have a house on the farm land, because I run to it to see what I can scrounge together. I manage to find some frozen schnitzels that I can fry, and some broccoli and potato flakes which can be made into mashed potatoes.

      Flash forward to the result - a judge telling me that it was just average and not at all inspiring. I don't really care - I am just very relieved it's over.

      Updated 03-08-2011 at 02:47 PM by 40720

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    6. My dreams over the last week (fragments though for about 1 hour afterward iremember entire dreams)

      by , 02-03-2011 at 03:18 AM
      Dream Fragment one:
      I am standing beside a throne. The pope is on the throne and i bend down and whisper something to him. He gets mad at me and puts me in a gladiatorial arena in some one's back yard. My weapon is a Chinese hook sword which I never use. Somehow I escape to a dorm with five rooms in a circle around a kitchen.

      Dream Fragment two:
      All I remember from this dream is a woman's face she has reddish black hair and and an manga type face.

      Dream Fragment three:
      I remember space, possibly viewed from the command bridge of a battle-cruiser. I also may have seen Mechs.

      (comments welcome)
    7. 1 February 2011

      by , 02-03-2011 at 02:36 AM
      I was in someone's house. I was in the kitchen with a heavy blonde haired lady. The kitchen was white, very clean, very cookie-cutter. For some reason I knew her as one of my exes mothers. I was asking her something, but accidently called her Mrs. Coburn (name of my old gym teacher). I apologized and addressed her as Mrs. Ridge. She asked me if I wanted a ride to my mother's wedding. Suddenly her hair turned black and she looked like my old english teacher. I declined, but thanked her anyways.

      I was at my house with my grandparents. I was packing for summer camp, which I had the next day. I asked my grandmother if I could bring one of her blankets. The one she was folding had some sort of superhero on it. She hesitated and said I had to be careful. I said that I could just get one on the way to my mother's wedding.
    8. Weird gun things

      by , 02-02-2011 at 09:59 PM
      Was in gym class, there was a volley ball net and we all had the guns that shot out these yellow balls. We shot at each other like we were playing a game of dodgeball.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Fragments

      by , 02-02-2011 at 09:53 PM (Raspberry's Second Life)
      Got a crappy sleep so I don't have much to write.

      Awake Non-lucid

      We're trapped. I seem to be in a large chamber. It's tiled in blue, with various levels. There's a girl here who I really don't like, she's the type of bleached-blonde-barbie-bimbo that I tend to hate. We give eachother evil glares, then turn away.

      [Dreamskip] We've been trapped here for days, there's really no way out. We sit, eating whatever we can find, not talking often. But I guess It's nice to have some company at least... I can hear rushing water all of the time. Maybe there really is a way out? I don't know, we haven't found anything so far.

      [Dreamskip] The girl and I have learned to trust each other. And we found a way out. There's a waterfall leading out! She grabs a giant celery stalk, and a inflated dingy, and gets in. I climb into it, feeling nervous, and she pushes it over the edge. We fall, I scream, feeling my stomach jump. Soon we land with a giant splash outside, on top of a building, bright sunlight beating off us.

      Meh, hoping for a better sleep tonight so I can dream something decent
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Alien invasion much!

      by , 02-02-2011 at 07:05 PM
      February the 2nd
      First dream
      The dream kicks in where im current looking on a website where i found this video tutorial about fishing. I really wanted to download it and put it on my iPad but i simply could not! So i dicided to get a hold on this dude who uploadet but after some timer i realize - He is a mother fuckin' alien! i told my friends about it and they simply didnt belive me at all...
      Thats it.. and the funny part is i dont even like fishing that much and i dont have an iPad. Anywho.. Funny fragment

      my second dream
      As i thought the strange alien dream would disapear i had a dream about an alien invasion. Its partly fragments yet a long dream:
      I wake up and i looked out the window and it was morning. I saw something odd.. it was lots and lots of alien UFO like thingys.. We were under invasion..
      The dream skips:
      me and my sister found a baby we had to return asap (we are still under invasion) so we grabbed the bus and ask the bus driver to go at some special house asap.. She asked why and we told her we got this baby to be delivered. She told us she know the mom and say we should take the stairs (in the bus). we walked up the staircase and we found our self in a normal room.. in the bus.. upstairs..

      Anyways i just remember fragments about the aliens and they invaded us and i had to stop them somehow

      Them fuckin' aliens!
    11. Recall fail

      by , 02-02-2011 at 05:50 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Had high hopes for last night but it didn't go as planned. One fragment is all I managed to recall even though I meditated before bed, took supplements and woke up several times during the night. Oh well.


      05.10: Fragment
      *I go through the ice twice at work before I get out of the water. I tell my coworkers about it but they don't seem to care.

      05.10: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 7½ hours

      Supplements: 2 x Omega-3, 250 ml applejuice, 150 mg B6

      That's it! Roar.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      dream fragment
    12. 2011-02-01.2 | nonlucid

      by , 02-02-2011 at 04:13 PM (Short Stories with Tragic Endings)
      I am in a classroom at college and the teacher is my high school freshman science
      teacher. A mix of friends from high school and from college are in my class. We are
      working on something then class ends and I leave.
      I don't remember what happened
      after that. The next thing I remember I am back in the classroom and it is time to turn
      in the assignment and the teacher is not satisfied with my work and decides to fail me.
      I protest
      but the dream ends and I go into my next dream
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. 2011-02-01 | nonlucid

      by , 02-02-2011 at 04:00 PM (Short Stories with Tragic Endings)
      I am in my high school's band room, the lights are off but there are a bunch of
      people there including me, my high school band director, and my crush. We were
      setting up some sort of sound system and eventually we came to a part where we
      didn't have the right piece. my band director said it was at his home. My crush told
      him she would call his son and have him bring it. ( My band director doesn't have any
      children ). After feeling jealous for some reason,
      I woke up

      Updated 02-02-2011 at 04:15 PM by 41067

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. old frag (my most recent semi-lucid)

      by , 02-02-2011 at 02:52 AM (A Penrose Mind)
      This is a fragment of a dream I had a while back where I became semi lucid.

      I'm in the principal's office. She looks very mad at me. I know I've done done something wrong (I can't remember what it was I did). She spoke to me as if I did something serious. I'm scared at how this will affect me in the future, I feel like the wrong I have done cannot at all be fixed. As the principal lectures me I notice something. The room I'm in, it's not a part of my school, and principal I'm talking to, she isn't my principal.

      "Am I dreaming?" I think to myself.

      I decide that I am.

      "Are you listening to me?" She asks.

      "It doesn't matter what I've done or how much trouble I'm in, this is a dream isn't it?" I say this with a smile on my face.

      The principal with out saying a single word gives me a dirty look and walks out the office door, probably pissed at my outright ignorance to her very existence.

      I'm pretty sure after this fragment I just lived out the dream as normal, forgetting that I even knew I was dreaming, but then again I wasn't glad I was dreaming because I knew I could do cool stuff, I was just glad that I wasn't really in trouble with the principal at all. That sigh of relief was enough for me to just not care. Oh well, hopefully next time I actually take control of the dream.

      Updated 02-02-2011 at 02:55 AM by 41835

      lucid , dream fragment
    15. rushing waters

      by , 02-02-2011 at 02:33 AM
      So, this dream consists of myself, my best friend and 5 boys that we know, but don't - as in we know who they are, but thats about it- for now I will keep privacy of these people by simple refuring to them by their first initial. my best friend is C and the boys are T,J,O,K, and M

      Originally we were all playing by/in a river, or creek, a long narrow bed of water that wasn’t deep at all (ankle depth maybe a bit deeper) and we were all just playing around in the water, but at some point everything changed, almost in a split second. The bed of water was suddenly deeper, as in way over our heads, the width was much larger, but still could see the land on either side, and the river had become rapid and quick as if before a waterfall, there were some sort of floating devices, (I don’t remember them well at all) O was alright with one, And both C and I had one, and we were trying to help the other four. C had succeeded if getting M and J onto one, and I had managed to get K, however T was still missing, and for a few moments, no one could even see him, and during these moments, I was terrified of what may have happened to him. Now I don’t remember how, but eventually,T did show up again and was rescued, on my floating device thinger. Then I woke up before seeing what was at the end of the waterfall.

      strange little dream. Next is a sequel type thing that involved the same people and another girl I know who I will refer to by A for reasons that will become obvious.

      Now, the eight of us were all wandering in this building. it was like a gigantic child's playroom almost, but dark, and felt abandoned. and I have problems with A, so I keep trying to keep her away from the others. with just me, I don't mind, because she annoys me and can cause some mental damage to my self image or what not, and she puts me down all the time. But I don't want her around the boys or C, because I'm terrified of what she'll do to them.

      that one is pretty self explanatory, but if you can see something extra in there I missed, take a jab ^^

      as another fact, most of teh time, like in these, my dreams tend to be either physicly dark or just feel that way

      Updated 02-02-2011 at 02:38 AM by 41900

      dream fragment