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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. My Epic Night of Dreams, Part 1

      by , 03-24-2011 at 03:58 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid - AP

      I was at the mall with Kacey. We entered a store, and Kacey saw a shirt she liked. It was a pastel yellow with spaghetti strap sleeves. She didn't want to pay for it, so she told me she was going to steal it. She walked into the fitting room, then walked out a few minutes later with the shirt stuffed into her huge purse.

      Then, I asked her whether or not she was going to wear a dress to prom. She said
      "No, no one wears dresses to prom."
      I told her some people did, and that I was going to. I imagined myself in my actual prom dress from high school. This was apparently my 2nd prom and 2nd senior year, but it was apparently normal. I wasn't held back a grade. Prom was that night. We started to leave the store, and I was afraid the alarms would go off, but they didn't.

      I then started to talk to Kacey about work, and about my schedule as we were driving (I was driving). We were on our way to work, though I wasn't scheduled, it was just Kacey who needed to be there, but I had to drive her for some reason. She started telling me my schedule, and that I worked the next day. Also, something about me working Thursday, which wasn't good, because I have classes all day on Thursdays and can't work.

      We got to work, and I saw a guy I went to middle and high school with, LJ. He was working, and Kacey was now working as well. I looked at my schedule, which was illustrated with moving pictures. I wasn't scheduled till the next week. They did have me for a day that I couldn't work. I told Kacey that. I watched LJ and Kacey work and talk, and thought to myself that they must have worked together so long, they learned to like one another.

      Dream shift: Then, I was in the woods with my family and another family. I heard a St. Bernard howl and bark as he bounded up from being in the woods. He was holding a section of a huge chain in his mouth. He was searching for a little dog, a Beagle, one of the other family's dogs that had been lost. They sent the St. Bernard off again, and he came back with more chain. He was sent off again. When he came back again, he was pushing the little dog along with his nose. The little dog was dead, and was beat up and had a gunshot wound in his head. Everyone, including me, started to cry. I went up to my mom and dad and said
      "I know he wasn't my dog, but I'm still so sad!"
      My mom smiled a little through her tears and said
      "I know, it's ok."
      We all continued to cry.

      Then, I saw a special on TV about what happened to the dog. He ran off, and a crazy, sadistic man caught him. This man got his jollies from killing small animals. He looked like he was 40 or so, had greasy, dirty shoulder length brown hair, and some facial hair. The dog came up to him and peed on his shoe. Then, they were in an apartment or hotel. The man had set up a video camera. He had an evil smile on his face and a dark red pistol in his hand. The dog was out on the balcony. It was nighttime. The man slammed the door on the dog's tail twice. He kept muttering and talking about the dog to himself, all the while with the evil smile on his face. It was sick. He then shut the wooden, red door to the balcony, and fired a shot through it. He opened the door, and he had missed the dog. He did it again, but this time, he hit the dog in the head.


      Then, I started to hear vivid, loud, epic music, and I saw crazy, colorful geometric hypnogogia, mostly I tunneled through red cubes. I knew what has happening...I was in between dreams! I didn't move, and waited for the dream to start forming. I felt sleep paralysis hit me, and then the dream started to form.

      I was in a strange room, it looked like it was made out of cereal boxes. It was mostly reds, blues, yellows, and whites. I moved, but it was delayed. I looked at my hand as it moved, and it had a drag behind it. I started to feel one of the cardboard structures. It felt so real, but the feeling was delayed. I decided I needed to increase stability and vividness, so I commanded "Increase vividness!" and "Stabalize!". The dream seemed more stable then.

      I then saw a bottle of Dasani water sitting on one of the cardboard structures at the edge of the room. It was about a quarter or so full. I took it, and dumped some of it on myself. It felt cold. I walked into another part of this strange place, and there were a few people in there, doing some kind of work. I vividly remember a man in his late 20s-early 30s who looked very nerdy. He had blonde hair and glasses. I got his attention, and of course, had to try to show off to him.
      "Hey! I can fly!", I told him.
      He just stared at me with a confused look on his face. Typical. I got up on this plushy couch, and tried to take off. It was proving to be difficult for some reason. I finally hovered for a little bit, then decided I needed to do something other than fly. I decided I wanted to change my setting, which I've never done before. I called out to my dream guide, whoever that may be, and said
      "Dream guide, I need your help. I want to change scenes, but I can't do it alone. I need your help, please help me."
      My guide never appeared, but a door in front of me started to open into a new scene. I was amazed. I think I said "Thank you", but I'm not totally sure. I walked through the door to the new scene, and I was in a bar. The characters from my dog dream were there. I saw a man from the other family behind a counter. To my right was a woman playing pool. I walked in further, and there was the crazy dog-killing man.

      Then, I lost the dream and had an FA. I was writing down key words on a note pad from the LD such as "bottled water", etc.

      Updated 03-24-2011 at 04:26 PM by 32059

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    2. The strange and awkward world inside of my head

      by , 03-23-2011 at 12:17 PM
      So this is the first time I ever made a journal entry with this new feature so I hope I'm doing this right. Tonight was tough because I didn't get much sleep but had a ton of dreams and lucid moments. I had been experimenting with wbtb and hadn't had lucids lately for some reason. Then I decided to turn the light on in my room and sit there and write down some dreams for about 10 minutes. I had real difficulty going to bed as I really felt like I had woken up all the way.

      Lucid moments are in green, though the rest is pretty lulzworthy too.

      It is the first day of the semester at college supposedly, I do find this a bit strange but don't question it much. I remember trying to find my way to philosophy class and getting lost. It look place outside in what seemed to be a construction yard. I find some other guy walking very slowly with a limp. I too notice that I am moving very slowly and I follow him, it seems he's having trouble finding his class as well. He eventually makes it to a small barn with a long plank coming out the front and says it might be his class. I eventually make it to philosphy which is in this garage area. We enter into a discussion about how a tiger attacked me on my way here (I have some kind of false flashback to this) and how I didn't feel anything because I had never been attacked by a tiger in the waking world. Now if a kitten where to attack me then I'd be able to feel it because I've been attacked by many kittens in my time. Suddenly the dream becomes 2d for the remander of it and some girl from class brought in this gif file of this girl being attacked by a black kitten twice, looks like cardboard cutouts. suddenly my teacher gregg turns into the grim reaper and is in a 2d bone yard and continues to talk about I don't remember what.

      I remember my mom accusing me of having a playboy magizine, don't remember what her reasoning was but it didn't make much sense. I protest this and admit that I watch porn pretty rarely due to a vivid imagination and this should not be a problem at my age anyway. I point out that if I had a son I would consider giving him a playboy mag at 15 years old and that it isn't going to turn him into a raging murderer.

      I barely remember another dream where my mom is talking about some special kind of hot chocolate she bought on her way home from work.

      At this point I wake up and do a 10 minutes wbtb.

      I remember a lucid I had at this moment, woke up all paralyzed and went into the kitchen. I asked my dad where my mom was and then I go into my parents bedroom. My mom is sitting there and she has a giant phallus that ejaculates with such force it almost hits me but instead sprays the dresser.

      I check to see if my digital ceiling display clock is on. I see nothing, I suspect that it is possible it doesn't work but I still get out of bed. I take note that my bed is in the correct area, for all the other false awakenings it was where it used to be. I walk into the living room which is pretty dark, my dog comes and looked upset at me. This dog looks more like my older dog. I take a moment to rub my hands together. I go into the living room which is lighter and outside it is light as well. My dad is standing there and my mom as well. I tell them I'm going outside. They tell me to not go because it is dark outside. which kind of freaks me out cause its light out there. The moment I step outside I try to fly alittle, I see the elementary school ahead and begin to fly towards it. I look again at the school and there is no longer a school but a giant city off in the distance. I'm a bit fearfull at first but I move towards it. I begins clear that the whole city is flooded and there is a fog off into the distance, the sky is an eery grey. I begin to shout some command to bring the water down. It slowly leaves the towers and soon the only thing blocking me onward is a deep fog which I manage to get to move away as well. The city no longer looks like a city but just some endless rooftops. I begin to fly onto them. Soon some guy comes out from one of the building doors and grabs onto me. He is upset and tells me I don't have a licence to be here, I try to dislodge him and run from him but eventually he catches up to me and the dream fades.

      I am with some asian girl, perhaps the one from scott pilgrim vs the world. She has something and we are trying to hide it near the school. It is night out. There are some guys coming around the corner and she quickly tells me to hide it on this stand behind some locker near this shed outside of the school. Then we go into the shed, she seems more nervous than me. Suddenly a guy walks in and has a giant machete. I am scared shitless at this point cause it seems pretty vivid. I start to run out of there but he doesn't follow. The dream ends breifly but then starts again with a long pipe in my hand that I played with early that day in the waking world. I go towards him now fully lucid and begin to attack. we mash our weapons together and he manages to get his past and slashes me. I go down and again begin reincarnate as myself. This time I've got a giant hammer with me or something. I want to kill him at this point. I go into the room and see him cowering behind a bed, he looks exactly like me I realize. I pat him on the head and he is glad I didn't hurt him and I leave.

      I'm in a pit with a frame of glass above it, it is clear that I am supposed to be frodo baggins. Suddenly a large man jumps into the frame and breaks it and lands on top of me. I now am in a pit of broken glass and try to get up to get out. As I enter the hall the fellowship is all around. lagolas is picking glass out of his feet and I look at my feet and find glass as well. Some of the glass leaves skin tunnels in my foot but there is no blood. As I step forward aragorn begins to speak about the power of friendship or something. I then come to the realization that this is a dream and a sense of fear overwhelms me. I enter a black void and feel like I'm falling underwater and it is kind of relaxing. Something tickles me lightly and I think that I wake up.

      I'm pretty convinced I'm awake in this. I just know that I am looking out my window and there is a creature out there who looks very strange. It is still dark and snowy. I think I am hallucinating this creature. It looks like a she but more alien. Her body is a thick wireframe square and the head comes out at one of the sides. The color is mostly white with some purple trim. I grow a bit fearful but I then remember my plan and just smile. She smiles right back. I then try several other faces, she responds to each one. Suddenly curious I try to get her to come closer but she doesn't move. I then try to slide the window open. I'm still convinced that this is just a hallucination and don't want people to see me. She hops over slowly and I stick my fingers out the window alittle. She sucks on one of my fingers and I can feel it vividly and this makes me pretty horny, and then I wake up for real.
    3. Where are my cities?

      by , 03-22-2011 at 07:02 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Where are my cities? (DILD)


      Business is taking over my life. I am trying to fight it back as my metaphysical live is very important for me. I am getting back into recording dreams.
      I still have decent recall, but I have not been writing them down, so here I start again.

      I had a false awakening and I ran to my computer. I wanted to check at my Ikariam game if they new upgrade happened. I wanted to pay premium and build my 11th city. (This is something that I was focused on waking. I was able to buy the premium and build in the brand new premium-only spot, but I was stressed before going to sleep that someone else would buy it)
      When I logged into the game, the game looked pretty similar, however, the list of cities looked different. When I checked my list of cities, I only could see six. I started to wonder where my other four cities were. I started to fill stressed. I click on the "View Island" icon. The island looked very distorted but I only found missing my cities. I found some empty spots, where my cities used to be, and no premium spot.

      This is how the game looks on real (a stoned ground can be seen with a new tiny blue city, that's the premium spot, I got it )

      I said out loud, "Where are my cities, what is going on with this game, looks weird!"

      I figured it was not possible. I checked my hands and looked OK, I tried to put a hand through another one without success. I decided to jump and pretend levitation. I succeeded and confirmed I was dreaming. I did not touch the ground. I reminded to myself that it has been a while and that I was happy to induce it the very first night I re-focused on it.
      The dream quality was bad, so I needed to fly. Without touching the ground, I opened my front door and left. I flew for a while when the dream started to become blurry. I focused in clarity with success.
      I flew over a beach and decided to take a breath underwater.

      I spent a while underwater I decided to start looking for Amity. I found some lady at the beach, but it was not Amity. For some reason I started to loose lucidity until the dream faded.

      I had another false awakening and went to my computer, to check Ikariam. When I opened the game, the premium spot was taking and I cursed out loud. Suddenly, I noticed the game looked very 3D. I could see elves and soldiers patrolling the cities, I could see (and even enter) the houses of the game. The game also had music. It was a Celtic flute based music, however, it felt like some sort of elvish spell. I was surprised of all the changes and wondered why did they went 3D with all the animations. The static images were perfect. After a while lurking in the whole new ikariam game, I woke up.

      Updated 03-22-2011 at 07:03 AM by 31830 (ikariam, amity, beach, premium, city, elf, music, celtic)

      false awakening , lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    4. unimportant

      by , 03-21-2011 at 09:07 PM (JCStanton117 - My Dreams)
      Had a false awakening and played out the whole day. Got called to work early 11-2 then come at my normal time 3-12. Don't remember anything to far out happening. Very boring.
      non-lucid , false awakening
    5. unimportant

      by , 03-21-2011 at 09:07 PM (JCStanton117 - My Dreams)
      Had a false awakening and played out the whole day. Got called to work early 11-2 then come at my normal time 3-12. Don't remember anything to far out happening. Very boring.
      non-lucid , false awakening
    6. False Awakening (3rd Lucid)

      by , 03-21-2011 at 04:58 PM
      I found myself getting out of bed in my dark bedroom, starting toward the door. I happened to notice that the red display on the digital clock to my left is much more dim than usual, and I also noticed that something on my right is unusually bright, a white light (didn't look right at it, in the dream I assumed it was another alarm clock, but it's not there IWL). I told myself, "I must be dreaming!" and I instantly remembered my intention to try to stabilize, take my time and anchor myself to the dream, since I had trouble moving my dream body in my prior LDs. But I didn't find this to be a problem in this one, maybe because I was moving as I became lucid, who knows. I thought of looking at my digital clock directly to see the phenomenon of numbers being strange or mutating, but for some stupid reason I only glanced at it once, and I think it said 2 something am. Wish I had looked back. I should have stopped and taken in my entire dream bedroom, but for some reason resumed my original plan to go to the door and open it. I guess since I was moving easily, I didn't want to stop. I have trouble remembering after this, I know it ended shortly after. I believe I wanted to talk to my mom, maybe tell her I was LDing, and found her in the dining room outside the hall.

      Updated 03-26-2011 at 05:57 AM by 36293 (color code)

      lucid , false awakening
    7. Mystery Inc, Rani, sister, home, noon,

      by , 03-20-2011 at 06:05 PM
      1st dream:

      I was in a forest at night time with the Mystery Inc gang. We came upon some Legs (dressed in clothes that were starting to rot) that would cover over by leaves, than we uncovered the rest of the body and discovered a disturbing sight, The rest body of was a skeleton, expect for the unattached head which looked as the person did in Life. Than we came upon other skeletons but part of their bodies (eg.Hands) looked like they haven't rotted yet. Than we came to a hedge and looked through it and saw a mummy (you know the Egyptian kind) and than the parts that didn't rotted and the skeleton hopped over the hedge. End of that Dream:

      Dream 2:
      I was kidnapped (I didn't see it happen), and was sold to a Raja in India who took me for one of his wives (since I looked very beautiful) . He consider me to be important since he made me wife number 1 also known as Rani (Queen), since I was dressed in very Queen-like fashion, unlike the other wives according to Raja (from what I could see in the mirror in the Raja's bedchamber I was wearing a very fancy sari but what's odd is that I had a headdress similar to the one Cleopatra supposedly wore) . We were in the Raja's bedchamber and were getting ready to have sex to see if I would get pregnant (being the Rani, was a big responsibility since I would have to produce a son). We just laid down on the very big bed and the dream ended.

      Dream 3:
      I dreamed it was morning and my door was open, and through it, my sister's door, somehow I know sis was still home. And I check the alarm clock and it said 12:00pm and than sis came out of her room and I thought "how odd sis had work today at 8:30 so what is she doing still here?" Than I woke up for good.
    8. Wild?

      by , 03-19-2011 at 12:20 PM (Sehnsucht)
      My dreams were all blurry today and yesterday, but one thing I remember clearly. I was lying in my bed, trying to sleep a little longer, when I noticed that I suddenly had real vivid imagination. I saw a concrete world, my mother was arguing over a balkony with someone. I thought then, maybe I should try to enter that image.
      Me and my bed are now in the imagined scene. I can't move, I try to imagine a white "Ah" inside me. No difference to actual visualisation occurres. But then, I feel strong vibrations through my body, I am almost shaking.
      I wake up, shaking in a bed, my mother and a doctor are looking after me. I think that I am experimenting on lucid dreams with special medication, that is supplements. I try to WILD again...

      And then I really wake up. I don't know if this was WILD, because my WILDs usually only work when I try it in a dream...
      lucid , false awakening
    9. almost lucid

      by , 03-18-2011 at 10:00 PM
      I started in a cvs pharmacy and I still felt like I needed to fall asleep so I layer down in there next to a dc but she didn't notice and I felt weird stuff and while my eyes were closed I felt like I was dreaming lol and I tried pushing a hand through another and it worked and I forgot I was dreaming then I was like wow im dreaming and I teleported to a minecraft boat on a river in a minecraft environment in Egypt and i floated into dark cave then I teleported yo a park and my friend Lewis gave me shoes and a lightsaber he gave the same to my friend gideon and the shoes let us run 40 mph and jump 10 feet and we started to do ultra awesome fun parkour with gideon and he printed and I started to bot be able to run and I realized again I was dreaming and I was immediately able to run super fast again and I was having so much fun I forgot I was dreaming again rage but I kept slowing parkour for 15 min and I found more of my friends and Lewis said he had more upgraded shoes but they were size 20 so it didn't fit and then I teleported my history class but my school was the size of new York but I was a giant floating city on the clouds and I knew where all my classes were even though I've never been there then I teleported to a diner with my mom and stepdad and a twin of my stepdad was there and had different hair and a different voice and then the waiter put a glass on the table and tried flipping a lemon into it but missed I then woke up into a FA and asked my stepdad if he dreamt and he said we had the same dream and discussed it and then I teleported to post apocalyptic new York and I saw kristen wiig from able and a kid yelled at her and we went to her appt and told me to do evil things to her so she killed herself such as making a virus and labeling it porn on her comp then I woke up it was about 45-60 min long and very vivid at certain points
      false awakening
    10. First lucid !

      by , 03-18-2011 at 09:48 PM
      I set my alarm clock at 5.00 in the morning to try WilD. I attempted it 3 times. Each time i was close to the turning point, but every time it failed for various reasons. Me being to excited was the main one.

      But because i was constantly saying i was gonna have a lucid dream while trying wild this sunk into my mind. After the three attempts (1.3 hours later) i gave up so i went to sleep. The first thing i remember dreaming was that me, a friend were cycling though a forest. After going on a hill, we saw a huge camp of tents. As we approached i saw my mother and some of her friends. Se told me we were staying the weekend in the tent camp. I though something like "wtf are you kidding, im going home."

      I walked away to a house ( a reception or similar). Here a saw some men sitting. One of them was constanly shifting. First he was a black man then a white man. This ringed a bell in my head of " hey this cant be real" . Then i realised that i was dreaming.

      I stood outside and thought man it would be cool if i could fly. I jumped and suddenly i found myself flying upwards. In the sky i could see stars made of pixelart. As i flew along i suddenly found myself flying among a dark tunnel and at the end there was a minecraft like world . As i flew in that world i stopped and stood on the land. Suddenly all the blocks started rising upwards and shifting rapidly. I stood on some sort of platform.

      After this i remember being in my kitchen. I heard my father coming up the stairs. I was unsure of wheter i was dreaming so i checked my hand. My left hands fingers were short and stumpy and blurry. Because of this i knew was dreaming again. As my father walked into the kitchen he started talking to me. I do not remember the entire conversation anymore, but i decided to open the windows after a while. I stood on the edge. I decided to jump to the other side of the street. As i did i came just a few metres short and smacked on the ground. After this failed attampt i decided to fly again. I said FLY to myself and this made me fly vertical at a super fast speed. As i was afraid i would fly to far above i said STOP FLYING. but This made me drop faster then a anvil. I saw the ground coming closer and did all i could to make me fly again. I failed and landed on the street. There i saw a car and i thought ow i want it. So i went to it and dragged the people inside out. Then i found myself in a bedroom. I though to myself , mmmmh i want a pretty girl. So i started turning around and when i stopped the bedroom was filled with old lady's.

      I then woke up inside a building with people. I though the dream was over, but it appeared to be false awakening. After this i woke up in my own bed.

      The dream felt somehow vague but i can still remember some things in detail. I never had something even like this, and it surely was my weirdest dream ever. I hope i didnt bore you with it. But i just wanted the share my first expierence with lucidity. Happy dreaming

      Ps: im suprised that my first lucidity went on so long. Normally it ends fairlly quickly because of excitement etc. i heard.
    11. Amusing FA at a Previous House

      by , 03-18-2011 at 04:04 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      I'm at House #1, and for some reason, I have to sleep lying across the foot of my parents' bed. I wake up there from a dream [that I don't remember now]. My dad is walking through the master bedroom and complaining that my sneezing has been keeping him awake. I sit up on one side of the bed and say aloud to both of my parents, “Yes, as a matter of fact, I have been sneezing! Here in the real world!” Meaning, as opposed to the dream I've just been having. I then think, but don't say, If this turns out not to be the real world, I'll be embarrassed. [ I completely forgot that there's this thing called a reality check...]

      Across from the bed, a wooden frame mounted on top of the dresser houses a small movie screen. [That frame exists in real life, but it holds a mirror.] The screen is showing the end credits of an animated movie made by the same animation studio that produced The Point.

      Yeah. I was kind of embarrassed when I woke up for real.
    12. Transforming into a Horse, and My Brother on TV

      by , 03-17-2011 at 08:51 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid - AP

      I was at work, and we were closing. I was working with like 3 or 4 other people. All the lights were off, and I had already counted down my drawer, when a bunch of customers walked in, and my coworkers started to serve them, even though we were about to leave. This went on until about 11:30pm, when we close at 9pm. There were still people in there at that time.

      Then, I was in the back, and I felt like I looked different. My stomach looked distorted and muscular, and my face felt a little off. I think I even looked in the mirror at some point, and thinking it looked different. I knew that I was turning into a horse. I also knew that this was something that happened to me once a month, and it lasted for a few days. It was really bizarre. I know Ryan was there, and I had to explain it all to him. I "remembered" myself as a magenta horse, walking around in the coffee shop. I had a purple and red striped sweater on. I remember debating on whether or not I should wear a shirt during the transformation, or just going around as a "naked" horse.

      I was then in a bedroom, and Ryan was there with me. He was laying on the bed. I thought he'd be really put off by my transformation. I kept thinking he was, but I don't think he really cared that much. Then, I felt myself transforming. I felt my back muscles and bones enlongating. I kept feeling it come in waves. It was a really strange sensation. I also remember looking at my hands, and imagining them turning into hooves.

      Then, I was wading in a creek. There was a little boy there with me. He got swept off in a deeper, more rough park of the creek. He went underwater, and I pulled him out and saved him so he wouldn't drown.

      Then, I remember fighting some huge, 3-headed flower beast. I "remembered" fighting other ones similar to it beforehand. My mom was with me.


      I was about 14 or 15, and my brother was 12 or 13. I remember being at some weird computer with a white screen. We were outside. The computer was at a kiosk-type thing. I think it was outside of a school. My mom was with us. Throughout this whole dream, I knew I was experiencing my past, and that what was happening had already happened.

      Then, I saw my brother as a host on Nickelodeon with another guy his age, who, in the dream, was called Ricky Lake. They were hosting some party, and were on live television. They both had microphones and were talking about the party, and about what was going to come on next. I feel like I saw something like this more than once in the dream.

      Then, I remember seeing my brother on TV answering calls from viewers. Again, it was live TV. I called in and started cussing and telling off Ricky Lake. I called him an asshole. Then, I told my brother he'd probably get fired for my actions, and he did lose his job as a host. That was apparently one of the reasons why they stopped doing things live, and started prerecording them instead.


      I had a false awakening that I was getting up to get in the shower. I opened my contact case, which looked like my jewelery box in waking life, and my brother's contacts were in there too. I said something to him about it, and he apologized. I took his contacts out and put them in his retainer case.

      Updated 03-17-2011 at 08:56 PM by 32059

      memorable , non-lucid , false awakening
    13. I hate Justin Bieber

      by , 03-17-2011 at 05:34 PM (Trial and Error)
      The dream started off with me and my roommates (dream roommates) having a clean house.
      For no reason Justin Bieber shows up (I got a strong urge to tell him that I could kill 28 Biebers if a swarm of them attacked me according to a quiz online ). He has his whole team of security making sure that everything goes smoothly while he stays with us, but nobody knows why he is there, and none of us like him.

      As the dream progresses our dogs (some I have had irl some that I haven't) begin to mess up the house. They were jumping on things and breaking things, until the house was a wreck.
      The Bieber security showed up and got us basically arrested.

      There was somewhat of a dream skip but it kept going.

      We were outside of this facility where we had been taken and the same guys that had dragged us out of the house were behind this strange wall (we could see through it , but it was a wall) aiming firearms at us. There were four of us standing in a square. We seemed to know what is happening, but I was still confused.

      They shot one of the people in front with some kind of dart, causing them to collapse on the ground, and proceeded until all of us were shot and paralyzed. My body was so heavy that I could only move my neck a little. I watched as they, starting with the same person, shot a different dart. The first person shot was still for a moment, but then began seizing violently. My heart started going as I realized that my turn was coming up. They shot the second person, the same pause, then seizing. I began to hyperventilate, but was still unable to move as they laid their sights on me, and fired. I knew what was coming, but and began seizing.

      A majority of the dream was many more darts in the same fashion, each one aching as it stuck into my body, each one with a strange side effect.

      After a while they took us into a room, some kind of rest room to keep us until it started again. I tried to walk around, but was unable to keep myself erect, all my limbs seeming heaving, and my vision failing me. I could not keep my balance so I sat down, continuously complaining about our treatment and how it was to severe. No one was listening.

      Some kind of dream skip, but it continued. I think there was an inferred few more cycles of the shootings and the rest room.

      I don't know if we escaped, but I want to say we were released. We exited the strange room through some kind of tube into a system of tubes and chambers unknown to us. (They were somewhat of a mix between the tube transports from the show "futurama" and play places at Mcdonalds, only made out of several different materials) The two of us (don't know what happened to the other two) began climbing randomly through, still feeling horrible, and being extremely disoriented.

      We finally find an exit and find ourselves in a world we do not recognize. A futuristic world, were we seem out of place. We suspect we have actually been held for several years and that the world has changed during our captivity.

      I then have a false awakening in my bed at home and begin seizing again. I freak out thinking my dream was trying to wake me up before it happened. I calm myself down enough to sit up, by body still pulsating. I see my laptop siting in my bed showing research of the strange technology that I had seen in the dream.

      I think to myself "Oh my God, the technology is real." and then I wake up for real.
    14. FA, night festival, coast

      by , 03-17-2011 at 02:34 PM (Sehnsucht)
      I had a lucid dream again, I can't believe it.
      My mother wakes me up by shifting the curtains, it is very bright outside. It is so bright I cannot keep my eyes closed. My brother has started his computer and is playing loud music now, I stand up and get angry. The house has features of my current and old home. I talk to my mother about something. Next thing I know is that we are at a night festival. There are men performing on a stage, they are naked but colored in paint. They do something like free dance. It is very interesting. After the show is over, three giants appear, and dance. Two of them are dancing together, the other one seems lonely, and dances alone. He soon leaves again. It is time for the final part now. Somehow I know what it is: A golden ring will appear on the field, and the crowd will look for it. The one who finds it is then chased by the others in a cheerful manner. Suddenly, a big frog is speaking: "It is the 25th of the month, full moon, and a meteor will appear at the sky tonight. Could it be...?" I see the full moon, there are no clouds at the sky. And then the meteor, crashes down before me, the golden ring lands before my feet. I know now that I am dreaming. I pick up the ring, and start to walk in the direction of the moon. OR is with me now, he notices that I have the ring, and asks me how I found it. I say "because it is a dream" I throw the ring to him, he fails to catch it, but reflects it back to me with some stupid movement. I kick the ring upwards so it won't reach the ground, and then catch it, thinking "things like this are possible in a dream, huh". Now the crowd approaches me, we sit on the ground. I explain to various people that we are in a dream, and demonstrate it by stretching the ring like a rubber strap. The ring has a weird consistence now, something like very viscuos liquid. I ask a person who looks like a politician what he would do if this would be a dream and he could do what he wants. He walks away, saying that he doesn't believe in things like that.

      I am at a beach with my brother and a man. We are disguised as apes( or are apes), and my brother is carrying a big piece of meat, or adead animal. As we wander across the beach, we see other apes in our way, they are far more. I am concerned about our meat, so I advice my brother and the man to be careful. We try to avoid the other apes, and soon decide to travel along the dike on the right. It is more a wall than a dike. I look at the other side, there are men with their pets, apparently only big cats like tigers, pumas, and so on. Later on, there is a way connecting the beach and the field, and we get scared of the big cats. I wonder what to do (meanwhile, we aren't apes anymore). After a while thinking how to aproach a curious tiger, I see that my brother wlked ahead carelessly, but I think that this is the right way, so I follow him.
      I am alone now, on my way to town. I get to an area left to the way, and wonder what is here. I look back and get a grasp of how I got here, and then think I should get away fast. Too late, in the trees above me appears a woman in a weird device, she looks (or feels) asian, and says: "run away". I do so, but men notice me and run after me. I get to town, and think that they won't get me here because I know the shortcuts. I run to my house (not IRL), go to my room, and settle on my loft bed. Soon the men with their boss arrive in my room, and try to intimidate me. The boss asks me where the codes are. I suddenly get angry and shout that I don't have any codes. I go further and acuse them of breaking in my house, nad ask them to leave immediately, and on top of that, they have to buy me corn flakes for apology. The boss seems surprised by my ability to grasp the situation, and leaves grinding his teeth "Cornflakes...". Our house seems like a kindergarden, I join a few kids playing a boardgame with characters from sesam street. Later, I go around town, and notice the boss having a conversation with some nobelman. They make a plan to lure in my mother (not IRL, she looks like my old polish teacher). The boss leaves, the nobleman starts an evil laugh. I pack his throat with my left arm interrupting him, and threathen him to never again even think about something like that. I run back to my house, and see how the boss is leaving with my mother. I grasp the situation, it looks like he told her that I am in danger and she has to come with him. I run to them and push him away, saying to my mother that I am okay. She is reluctant, but I tell her she should consider how I would feel if she offers herself to save me.

      I have nice recall lately, maybe it is because I started the practice of natural light.
      lucid , false awakening
    15. The Cave

      by , 03-17-2011 at 01:36 PM
      The following occurred last night as I was attempting a visual MILD. The fact that the dream world reacted to my commands and thoughts, at least partially, is an encouraging sign for me; it is the first time I have exercised any measure of control in my dreams. Additionally, the fact that my logic center kicked in in this dream to recognize a DS is another encouraging fact. I found the visions that permeated the transition from the dream to the waking world, and then stayed with me in the waking world for a short time, to be disconcerting but not frightening in any way. Maybe a false awakening?

      Wednesday, March 16, 2011

      I enter a cave that is lit by the daylight pouring through the gaping opening. The walls appear reddish, as if maybe made partially of clay. I have entered the cave with a group of children; feels like I am leading a field trip. On the walls of the cave is writing that appears to have been smeared on with some sort of green substance, maybe paint?

      Directly ahead, the path in the cave splits in two; one path, the one to the right, continues on straight ahead and the one to the left continues downward. My “class” stays to the right, on the straight path and I can hear their playful yells back and forth as they all appear to be having a good time. I begin to walk down the downward sloping path to the left. A few feet down the grade I kneel down for some reason, as if to tie my shoe. I suddenly think to myself “thank God for that sunlight. This cave would be pretty damn spooky if it were nighttime outside.” As I think that, the light from the cave’s mouth vanishes and I am cast in darkness and overcome with a feeling of dread.

      I tilt my head up and suddenly realize “I am dreaming. There is no way the light would just vanish at the very thought of it in the middle of the day were I awake.” I stand up and run my hand along the wall to my left (I am facing back the way I came, up the path towards the cave’s mouth). I can feel the moisture of the cave’s wall on my fingertips. I still hear my “class” yelling and playing on the path above me and to me left. I no longer feel any fear whatsoever, though I must admit that the echoing sound of children playing in a damp cave completely bathed in darkness is a bit creepy.

      I say aloud “I have no class and those children do not exist.” The sounds of the children fade away into a background humming that won’t seem to stop. I then state, forcefully “illuminate!” Nothing happens. This time I yell “Light damnit!” The cave is not illuminated, but I can now somehow see only the wall to my left and just make out the green markings.

      The humming noise has grown increasingly louder and I realize that it is coming from the humidifier in my bedroom in the waking world. I am once again bathed in complete blackness and I yell aloud “No! Keep it together! Stay in this dream!” But the world has gone completely black and the sound of the humidifier has grown louder. I no longer feel like I am standing anywhere, let alone a cave. I only see complete blackness. Before my eyes I do see visions of luminescent skeletons dancing about and then strange faces that I cannot identify.

      My eyes shoot open and I am lying in my bed. The visions of the faces and skeletons are still in my line of sight. I shut my eyes quickly, the visions are still there, and re-open them, they are gone. I roll over on my back and perform my RC, confirming that I am now awake.
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