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    1. 01/27/13 Sleep (2 + 1 LD) 2:00AM - 8:00AM

      by , 01-27-2013 at 03:03 PM (Graham's DJ)
      The first dream I remember having involved me driving down the road on a single-track road. I looked to my left and saw 2 cats, one on either side of a gateway, perched on columns, both staring at me oddly. I looked back to the road and saw a cat about 10 ft in front of my left tire. No time to steer avoid it, I just hoped that I wouldn't hit it. As it came closer, I clenched up as I felt a thud... I heard the cats on the columns (and others, I assume) meowing loudly, almost angrily, when I saw fourth cat about 300 ft ahead jump into the air and sort of divebomb toward my windshield. I was scared for what was about to happen and as the cat came closer, I realized: "Holy shit, cats don't fly.." I went lucid. Unfortunately I don't remember much of the dream from the time I went lucid. I just remember the cat disappearing out of the sky, and that really familiar feeling that comes with lucidity in a dream. Shortly after, I was no longer in my car, and I remember jumping over a building (I usually attempt to fly in my few lucid dreams, but usually end up jumping really high and landing). At some point I believe I lost lucidity, because I don't really remember much else.

      In my next dream, I was meeting my father at one of his friend's houses, I believe. I don't remember why he came up (He lives about 3 and a half hours away from where I'm staying now), but he had in his possession a bag of cocaine, which he was debating on letting me have for the longest time. This is completely out of character for him, as it's an old habit that he has long since kicked, and something he doesn't want to happen to me. He ended up giving me the bag, which I figured was a little more than a quarter-ounce of coke (about 7 grams, which is a lot of $$$). I remember him getting mad at me for even accepting it, because he knew I was going to sell it, and disappointed that I even knew people that I could get it off to. I remember putting it in a secret pocket in one of my hoodies and eventually leaving (there was a lot more conversation I don't remember, but unimportant).

      There was a time-lapse which I'm not sure if I should consider a separate dream, or whether it was even related to the last, but I ended up at my mom's apartment (where I currently reside). When I open the door and come in, she comes from her room to greet me, and I can almost immediately tell that something is wrong with her. She's drunk, and it's extremely unsettling because she's been almost 3 years sober now and I didn't think she was on the road to relapse. After exchanging some words with her, I see some middle-aged dude emerge from her room and I stop talking to her, since she's not saying anything important due to her intoxication. I immediately ask, "Who the fuck are you?" and he said he was her friend. After a short interrogation, I came to the conclusion that she recently met him and he pretty much brought wine over, not knowing she was a recovering alcoholic. I told him to get the fuck out my house or I'd be forced to call the cops, and he told me something like since it was her apartment, he wasn't going to leave unless she said so. The next thing I remember about the dream was the most unsettling. I'm not sure how it got there, or why, but there was a katana in place of where my guitar usually sat propped against the wall. I told hold of it, and threatened his life unless he left the place immediately. He taunted me, saying the sword was probably dull. For some reason, he picked up a pillow off the couch and I took a slash at it, cutting it cleanly into two. His face, I remember, was priceless. He was scared out of his fucking mind, and that's about all I remember before waking up.

      The last two dreams I'll classify as nightmares. Both of my parents have a long history with drugs and alcohol, and it isn't coincidence that they both relapsed simultaneously. I think it's a deeper fear of mine, because I care a lot of both of them, and I know what would happen (especially with my mother) if they did. My dad I wasn't too worried about, because I'm pretty sure he can handle himself. Plus, the fact that he just gave me 7~9 grams of coke is pretty cool, because that can fetch a pretty penny nowadays. Looking at the dream involving my mom, I was really surprised that I was so protective of her, to the point of threatening another person's life. My mom told me after I woke up, that she heard me in the middle of the night. It's been awhile since I've had a nightmare this realistic, as most of the time it's something that doesn't really have a strong possibility of happening, and for that matter, doesn't seem so real. I was legitimately scared for my mother's life here, and I think that's what drove me to the point I was at when I was ready to take that guy's life in her defense.

      I had trouble falling asleep that night before dreaming. I'm sick right now, which has a lot to do with it, but I used the mantra: "I will have lucid dreams tonight" repeated about 150 times before I quit counting, just trying to keep dreaming in my mind before falling asleep. I remember trying to picture something specific as well, which was originally a giant horse*** (big enough to step on buildings), which eventually morphed into a giant cat. This may have some relation to my first dream involving cats, but I can't be sure.

      ***I figured trying to picture something completely unrealistic and keeping it in my mind before going to sleep might trigger that thought manifesting itself in my dreams. I figured a horse the size of king-kong is something you don't see everyday, and should immediately tell me that I'm dreaming if I were to see one. The horse ended up becoming a cat as I lost focus while succumbing to sleep, and it's possible that it did have wings; like the cat that triggered my lucid. I can't recall at this point. I'm not sure if this is a common method for triggering a lucid dream, but it's something that seems to give me results and will continue to keep trying as I document my results in my DJ

      Updated 01-27-2013 at 03:28 PM by 47214

    2. Mojang Makes Weird Zelda Games

      by , 08-09-2012 at 12:14 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      Last night, I had a surprisingly vivid dream.

      I was playing the "new" Zelda game on the Wii (I have no idea what it was called, but it's not a real game IWL). I was playing it on my TV in my room, though, so it should have logically been an N64 game (only console in my room; the Wii is in the living room), but it was a Wii game. It started out in the Shadow Temple, which reminded me a lot of the Shadow Temple in Wind Waker (wait... Wind Waker doesn't even have a Shadow Temple). I soon found out that Link could transform into a wolf, like in Twilight Princess. After hearing him scream upon returning to Hylian form, I decided I wouldn't transform unless absolutely necessary (there was no way to skip the transformation like in Majora's Mask).

      I kept playing and soon found Zelda. She was unconscious. I brought her out of the temple, and she woke up. She had a bag of something that looked like pot (I think). She said it was actually cocaine and suggested putting it in coffee to make the coffee taste better. The only option for replying to her was to refuse. Then, a message popped up that said something about the Swedish not supporting the use of cocaine (as the game was apparently made by Mojang).

      I somehow ended up back at the title screen. I turned off the game and decided to watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (even though I don't have Netflix on the TV in my room).
    3. Cocaine vs. Wine?

      by , 04-11-2012 at 05:29 AM
      I'm starting my DJ at a random time, but better than nothing! I usually get lazy in writing down my dreams but hopefully I won't this time. I'll try to keep at it. I don't really like writing my dreams down, but eh.

      Anyways, I had a semi-simple dream. I don't remember all of the details but the general idea is still there. In this dream, I was really just running. I was running on a dark blue-ish path, like running across the night sky. I don't think I saw any stars because I was "running" through the clouds and it was all dark blue with blotches of random blue shades. As I was running, I felt nothing but euphoria through out my limbs. Usually if someone's running, they feel fatigue and soreness in the muscles, but euphoria in the mind only - that's how my body works, anyway. I remember in my mind, I was saying "YES, I found the secret to not feeling tired when I run! It's wine!" Wine? What wine? I looked around and saw a bottle of wine in my hand. This warm and magical sensation in my body felt similar to a cocaine high. I felt a smile stretch across my face because apparently I didn't have to be a cocaine addict in my dream anymore. Just so I didn't have to feel fatigue and pain. I realized this was a dream because I was in the sky. And then I woke up.

      Updated 04-12-2012 at 03:54 AM by 53877

    4. It's Snowing Cocaine!

      by , 05-27-2011 at 05:23 AM (I Have a Problem)
      Date: 05-12-11
      Length: 5 Hours
      Vividness: 9/10

      My girlfriend Dakota and I were at a snowboarding park.
      We watched the snow machines plow right by a hill we wanted to board down.
      We got in line to ride down the hill, and I saw Seb and a couple other friends.
      I rode down the hill first, and was going really fast.
      It felt amazing with the wind in my face.
      I got completely launched off one of the ramps and straight into a wall inside of a cave.
      It didn't hurt, even though I plummeted into it at full speed.

      We walked back to the starting point and say down to go eat lunch.
      I believe I was recording dreams onto Dream Views as I was sitting.
      Dakota got up and walked away.
      She passed Seb and flirted with him by touching his hand a bit.
      I got up and talked to some friends.

      The dream skipped to a weird little house.
      My friend Garrett had come over and we were sitting upstairs on the side of the bed.
      He pulled out three bags of drugs; weed, cocaine, and these weird strawberry looking things.
      I thought I heard footsteps so I told him to put it away.

      I went to go check and Mike (one of my friends renter), and my mom were talking downstairs.
      Mike asked me if Dakota was doing any work in Chemistry and I said no, but I was sure people in Westlake were.

    5. First (very short) MILD!!

      by , 03-28-2011 at 08:08 AM
      Dream (non-lucid) | Lucid dream


      Yesterday, before going to bed, I watched the whole "American Gangster" movie, which talks a lot about heroine and the US Army.


      At the start of my dream, I was an US soldier, and got slightly injured (I fell on my arm). A colleague managed to disinfect the wound and bandage it. We walked for a few seconds and found ourselves on a memorial place, with a few generals; right next to this place was an open-air "holy sanctuary". The sanctuary consisted of a cube from which (if I'm right) a few colons emerged -- eight, I think. Around the cube were "holy" stairs, on which I walked on with my dad (what was he doing here?) ; however, some Indian-Mexicans (who were probably prayers) told us not to walk here in a shocked way.

      Then I had a FA, and found myself in my classroom. Everyone was taking a massive amount drug pills -- I can't recall what drug --, saying it'd help them focus (even the best pupil took a lot of them). I didn't, though. We were all talking about these. Then I went to a big gymnasium which was used as a classroom for 2 classes, and the doctor I met last week (IRL) was our French teacher. The class went on normally but the teacher looked weird... She was on drugs as well. She told us at the end of the class she snorted cocaine at the teacher's room, with one pupil of my class (sometimes).

      And then, I'm in a huge and modern two-storey train (I'm on the 2nd storey). My German teacher is sitting on the row next to me. We pass by my train station. From there, I can see what the train driver sees... There are three or four kids walking on the railway, but the train gets past them. I find that weird. Then we pass through a wall, which gets us into a tunnel. In the tunnel, the train goes past another group of kids. Arriving at the next station, I look at the hour.
      The hour goes from 11:12 (displayed in green) to weird characters (displayed in red) -- I realize I'm dreaming, but get too excited, and the dream fades away.

      I was pretty happy when I found out I was dreaming, but obviously too excited, and couldn't control the dream. I thought "Oh, all those efforts and I finally have a lucid dream! Yay!". Still, it's nice to have found out I was dreaming.
    6. If only I had these problems

      by , 12-11-2010 at 03:07 PM (Way of the Lizard)
      Last night's dreams were all about wish fulfillment: found a job, had a car (in which my MIA glasses turned up), it wasn't snowing, and some random chick offered me blow on the street (not that I'd take her up on it, but it was nice of her to ask). The last thing that happened was I was walking home from work--imagine, working walking distance away!--and this young woman I vaguely remember from a cafe/bar where I used to hang out was on her way to buy some blow and offered me a bump, which I declined. As I cut across a bar parking lot, my cousin forcibly ejected two douchey-looking fellows and suggested I take their shit, which I also declined. I arrived home to find that my two roommates (fictional) had thrown a party without telling me, which was annoying because I had a double the next day at work, but I saw a rather random friend of mine there, and started talking to him.

      All in all, a lot of odd supporting characters these days: people I never spent much time with and don't think about to my knowledge, just popping up.