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    Lucid Dreams

    1. B*tchfight with Samara from The Ring (Lucid #89 and 90)

      by , 10-21-2012 at 01:55 PM (Magic Box)
      Lucid Non-lucid Awake

      We are going somewhere. I suspect we are going on vacation because I am carrying a big and heavy bag. I am also wearing a shirt that has a beach drawing on it. I reach the front door and start wearing my black school shoes. Wait... School shoes? Why would I be wearing school shoes to a family vacation? I go lucid. Yes! It's a dream! Finally, a lucid! I start to get giddy and excited. The dream starts becoming blurry, and starts to go black. I can feel my physical body waking up, which is evident in the slight tingling sensation all over.

      I hear a pop, and I know I am awake for real. I stay still, but my legs feel so uncomfortable, so I fold my right leg like I always do. I also shift to my right a bit -- all the while visualizing the dream I just exited.

      I start getting imagery of the previous dream, right where I left off, at the front door. It gets more vivid every second, until I am just sort of...there. I look down and see my dream hands and body, and yes, I am wearing my school shoes. I remember immediately a task I am supposed to do, which was assigned by another member in a little game we made. The task is to slide down a waterfall in any way I want.

      I close my eyes (the most efficient means of changing the dream scene for me) and imagine being at a riverbank which leads to a waterfall. I open my eyes and voila! I am at the riverbank. I can hear the loud rushing of water from the river, which is connected to a waterfall somewhere to the right. The sound is quite deafening too. I remember feeling a bit uneasy at sliding down a waterfall. I am a good waterbender in the dream world, but I am still afraid of heights, somewhat.

      Man up, biotch!, I literally think to myself.

      I take off my shoes and jump in the river. Instantly, I feel myself being pulled towards the waterfall, and the current is so strong that I have second thoughts about finishing the task. I am doing this. I am doing this, I think to myself as I go over the edge. I have a rush of adrenaline as I start falling down. I feel pumped and proud of myself. I realize the waterfall was very high up, and the base was so far down that the trees near it look like tiny specks. My head starts hurting from the water above me which is hitting it. The waterbender in me probably took over, because I suddenly start twirling around, creating a small whirlpool as I am cascading down the waterfall. It feels amazing.

      I reach the bottom, and splash into a large pool of water, dissipating the little whirlpool I built. As I float to the surface, I look back at the huge waterfall. Suddenly, a girl with long hair covering her face floats up in front of me. I am a bit shocked. I know her as Samara from the movie The Ring. Oddly though, I don't feel any fear at all -- more of annoyance because she is invading my awesome dream. In a split second, she reaches out and grabs my hair, and tries to drown me. I go down a few inches into the water, but I know it's a dream, so I breathe easily. While I am underwater, I push my hands out and waterbend Samara far away from me. She vanishes, only to reappear once I resurface. She tries to drown me again, but I am getting furious that I reach out to her and grab a handful of her hair. I shake her head side to side and then I push her down into the water. Once she's underwater, she squirms beneath my grip, but I don't let go. This is kinda fun, actually. I start climbing on top of her with chunks of her hair still in my hands, and her underwater.

      I wake up abruptly. My mom is shaking me, telling me I have to get ready for our appointment.

      But yes, that was the most awesome b*tchfight ever.
      Spoiler for the b*tch who lost the fight (:
      memorable , lucid
    2. Weak DILD Parks and Recreation

      by , 10-20-2012 at 11:37 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)

      Thoughts | Non-Lucid | Lucid | Techniques/Aids

      WBTB WILD-fail B6 200MG

      Weak DILD 6:27 AM

      I am at the hospital after my son was born. I am in a waiting room. There are people around I ask a man some questions and then the falls asleep. I push the man on the floor and say, "That's what you get for falling asleep during an interview." My son got knocked out of my wife's arms when I did that and falls on the floor. I pick him up. He is swaddled and I say, "Look hes ok." For some reason he looks like a plastic doll.

      Now I am laying on a bed. I tell a nurse that my wife and son went home but I wanted to nap for I leave. The bed is next to a nurses station. I try to sleep but get interrupted constantly. There was something about a shirt. And a few other annoyances. I can't remember.

      I see Ann Perkins from Parks and Recreation. She is giving me the eye like she wants me. Then I see Andy Dwyer mouth the words "Go talk to her."
      I couldn't be bothered at the moment. All I knew was that I was supposed to be sleeping. I close my eyes and I hear a voice say, "He's out of touch with reality. His mind is always consumed with reality testing to the point that he doesn't really live his life." I am focused on lying still. I want to say that noting could be farther from the truth.

      Now I am in the drive way of my house. I have the car door open getting my son out. My wife is all upset and worried about him. Then something clicks and I remember that I was trying to WILD. I tell my wife, "It doesn't matter." But I am saying it to myself as well. She fades to the background and I feel half awake and half asleep. I pause thinking. I see a vague impression of my son swaddled. I think I should try to stabilize but at the same time I don't believe I can. I try anyway. I lay myself over him. It's all I could think of at the moment. He dissolves into me. And I fall unconscious.

      NLDs short version

      The power goes out but the TV is on. I see fireworks on TV but the same ones outside. It was suppsed to be in CJ but its my neighborhood. I feel confused about that. We go outside to see more but it stops.

      I have Alice Cooper as my guitar teacher but the guitar looks like a rock band guitar painted black with a ton of buttons. I jam out on it to some Alice Cooper type rock. I have no idea what I am doing but it sounds amazing. I feel dissatisfied and grab a real acoustic guitar and see the floor is disgusting rotted with tons of spiders poring out. I think I should mix up some more bug spray and then fix the floor.

      At my exes house. She wants me to take a picture of her friend starting her car. I can't make the camera work. It is the strangest camera ever. Tons of buttons. A few time I have it pointed backwards. I feel like an idiot. I give up and tell the girls it is time to go. D starts crying and a strange liquid flows down her.

      I was very dissatisfied with that lucid. I would have had a better chance but we got up at 6:30 to go to the parade. I tried to take a lucid nap and WILD a little after two. I woke twice after each hour and could not remember a thing. Tonight WBTB.

      Updated 10-20-2012 at 11:39 PM by 5967

    3. Randoman the destroyer of worlds

      by , 10-20-2012 at 08:00 PM
      Im laying in bed waiting to fall asleep right after wake back to bed and I starts to,actully hear my friends gutair in my head I know this means im falling asleep so I dont move it actully sounds like there talking across the room from me in my room I jump up out of bed and across from me were my sister bed should be is a old style radio from the 60s or somthing. So I look at my hand and it all curved up and I can stick my other finger right threw it it like my hand made out of goow or somthing I get out of bed and grap the radio and walk out my room I get to my kitchen and it seems to be the middle of the night the radio start to play realy loud so I chech my hand and to make shure it realy a dream my hand is still curved up so u walk out the front door in my underwear ,it brigjt out side like the,middle of the day around the house is,green feild,instead if LA I see a jet fly in the air about to crash black smoke is coming off of it I jump and fly up next to it and land on top of it I try to controle it to fly faster it does but begin to slow down I fly it in to space were its pitch black with a few stars and look at the earth im thinking I should not,be able,to breath but I can I grap the jet and throw it at earth expecting to blow it all up ,on impact the entire earth exploded kinds like the death,star in those old star wars moves. I relax floating in empty space with no gravity I see a peace of reckage come flying back at me I grap it and Imagion a nother earth behind me and ruen around. And there it is. I throw this reckage,at this,earth to just,to see it explode then fly away to a nothwr,earth but the closer I get it seems to be turning into a gray baren planet maybe a moon I enjoy fly around in circle and seeing the world flip around when I do]

      Updated 10-21-2012 at 07:34 PM by 44082

      lucid , memorable
    4. The Sloped City, The Army, The Reunion, The Messed Up Dorm Hall, and The Purple Book

      by , 10-20-2012 at 07:38 PM
      The night of October 18th, 2012.

      Some Pre-knowledge:
      I got to bed really late that night, I went out to a bar and drank pretty heavily, which is why I'm so confused with this one. I'm confused as to why I remember so much of it. It was also pretty eventful and weird, which is also paranormal when drinking alcohol. I did my normal techniques, but I dozed off much faster.

      The Dream:

      The beginning was probably the most vague part. It was a tent event for my old highschool. Everyone was dressed up pretty nice, and I reunited with some old friends. It was a good time from what I remember.

      The next thing I remember was that I was in a large town. The town was on a hill, so it sloped down with the hill. If you were at the north end of the city you could see the entire town by looking south. There was a large river that flowed exactly through the middle of the town, with multiple bridges over it at random intervals. They were roads and pathways, and again, from the top you could see them all. It was very fascinating.

      A group of friends and I were walking over one of the bridges at the top, walking on the far side, so we couldn't see down the river. As we were walking, the people close to the edge were getting their heads blown off. So many of them were dying, body parts were going everywhere. There was a lot of blood. All of us ducked, people seemed to disregard what was going on.

      I crawled toward the far edge where people were dying, and I peaked over the side. A few bridges down, there was what looked to be an army of snipers. I don't know where it came from, but I started picking a few off with my sniper rifle. It was an M24. There were so many, I said screw this. I ran off the bridge, and ran along the outside of the river down the hill, through crowded streets, to get to the bridge they were on.

      I got to the bridge, and there were a TON of snipers. Some of them were grouped up. I killed one of them with a mini-uzi. I ran up to them, I guess they didn't notice who I was or what I was doing, and I threw a grenade at their feet. They all dove out of the way. I killed some, injured some and others lived. I ran right over the bridge they were on to escape. I just ran and ran, down back alleys, major streets, and eventually ended up in a parking garage. It was a parking garage that seemed to be underground.

      I ran to the stairwell, and went up a flight of stairs. The stair well changed, and there were towels hanging up in the stairwell on the second floor. There were clothes scattered about the floor. The stairwell turned into a dorm hall, and this guy in a towel said "Boy its sure messy up here." I noticed a backpack on the ground in the corner. It was open. It had dress attire in it. I'm not quite sure why I took it, but I zipped it up and stole it.

      I ran back downstairs, out the garage, and into a VERY busy street. I merged with the crowd hoping the army guys wouldn't see me.

      I woke up at 8AM, probably due to the alcohol. I went to the bathroom and went back to bed.

      I was back in the same town. I still had the backpack. It was now night time. I found my old friend Alec with a few of his lady friends. We sat down at a black picnic table in some back alley. He was smoking a cigarette. All I remember him saying was "Yo Hinch! You smoke now? Don't tell me you're a nerd over smoking!" I said something along the lines of how I enjoy alcohol more than weed. He brought up some comedian.

      The last part is very fuzzy. He pulled out a purple book. It was pretty large. Hardcover. A picture of the comedian was on the front. I opened the book up, and all I saw were excel charts. (You know how when you open a book, it usually opens to the most opened page?) It was as if the most opened pages were the charts. They were empty charts. I pondered on this with a friend (I don't remember who,) for at least an hour. We finally opened a page with "comedy" on it. There was a picture in the middle of a purple page, and you would read two or three lines, and then the comedian said the pun or punch line out loud. I honestly thought it was the dumbest thing ever.

      I don't think anything happened after that. I woke up again at around 12PM.


      I have been playing a lot of shooting games recently, which might explain all the violence in my dreams, especially this one. I also haven't seen my friends from my old highschool for around two years. And now I realize how much I miss them. I don't know what the bag with clothes in it has to do with anything, I don't need clothes, nor do I need nice clothes. Oh well. The purple book may have to do with my old fraternity's pledge book. It was purple. And I dropped a long time ago.

      another weird dream. It is hard to analyze these, as I don't really talk to many dream characters, and the objects seem pretty random. I'm sure I'll figure out why I've been so violent in dreams recently. I just need to have a few more dreams.
    5. My Second Lucid Dream

      by , 10-20-2012 at 12:10 PM (The Redeeming Dreamer)
      October 20, 2012

      I got out of my bed and I was in my house. Everything looked normal. I saw some random guy in it, and he was telling me stuff. My dream self decided to try to do some reality checks. He looked at his fingers and tried to count them, but it was too dark to try that. He then tried to look at the clock at the end of my bed, and when he checked to see if the time changed, IT DID!!! I felt a rush of excitement as I became lucid! For some reason, I didn't feel that last time. I immediately remembered to stabilize the dream by rubbing my hands and spinning around.

      I was able to do many things, just nothing that was against the physical world's laws. I couldn't fly, I just floated a bit when I jumped. Most of the dream I spent in the house, testing out my powers. My family was there, and I think some people from school. I didn't really interact with them much. I guess I was too interested in my powers.

      One thing I remember doing was turning the cabinets in my kitchen into ice cream machines, WITH SPRINKLES!!! The ice cream didn't taste like anything, though. There were many more powers I tried doing, but I can't remember them very well. Near the end of the dream, my family and the friends with me wanted to go outside. We all went out, but everyone was flying. I tried to fly, but could only jump and float a little. I tried really hard to turn off the gravity, but instead, I ENDED THE DREAM!!!

      I woke in real life to go over to the computer and write my second lucid dream.

      I also did WBTB and MILD before I went to sleep. I did the WBTB a while ago, at around 3:30. For like 6 or 7 minutes I stayed up. I went to sleep then, but I had a regular dream. I think my problem is I don't remember to say the MILD mantra as I fall asleep.

      I woke again at 4:11 and stayed up until 5:00. I then fell asleep saying, "I will be conscious in my dream."

      Updated 10-20-2012 at 12:14 PM by 58207

    6. nightmare

      , 10-20-2012 at 05:04 AM
      My neybour ask me near the fence with a loud voise. Its early morning and i ignor her. then a very tall girl enter my room. My dog is near her legs and doesn't bark. I understood that its might be a dream, because all doors are locked. I tried to sit, but couldn't, couldn't cry. Felt a lot of fear. I couldn't up hands to count fingers, but touch fingers and tried to count them. The girl came to me and put something in my mouse. I sting it and awoke.
    7. My dream room, escaping through the window

      by , 10-19-2012 at 11:45 PM
      I wake up and stay still. At first I don't feel any vibrations. I begin to take slightly deeper breaths and then focus on relaxing my body and in a moments I began to feel the vibes. I see hypnagogic imagery of rain made of light just falling. Once I noticed the vibes have calmed down I roll out of my bed very quickly. This threw me off since usually when I roll out I feel a resistance to it but this time I rolled out very easily. I thought I had failed. Since my mother was sleeping onto the couch on the other side of the room I didn't want it to seem like it was an accident and that I did it on purpose. So I go up to her and say good morning. I then decide to do a RC just to make sure, but I had my doubts. It is early morning in this world so I am happy it isn't pitch black.

      I do the nose plug RC and it confirms I am dreaming. Surprised but very happy I ignore my mom (sorry mom..) I then look at my hands and they are normal. (As this dream goes by I remind myself I am dreaming every once in awhile) I go into the bathroom and see that my reflection is normal, I try to go into the mirror but fail. Sometimes I feel myself being 'pulled' back to waking life but looking at my hands 'returns' me back.

      Instead of trying to fly like a normal person would I decide to open up the window and try to climb out of the building (I should've flied!!!!) there is a screen protector so I reach into my pocket expecting a knife but instead I get a whole bunch of keys. I use the keys to punch a hole into the protector and then I opened up the whole so I can fit through. I then start to climb out the window. Now I got an idea. I try to summon up a good friend of mine so I look away and say "When I look back my friend (first, last) will be there" but that fails too. (I need better dream control, I know) then I go out into the window and I am hanging onto the edge. The dream then fades to black but I can still feel myself hanging onto the edge. I then try to stabilize the dream by using this sense of touch to ground myself.

      It fails and I begin to feel myself lying in bed. "Darn I woke up" I thought. I then lose my lucidity when I got up from the couch. (Darn you false awakening!) I notice that my bedsheets are on the floor and I wonder why they are on the floor. I then check to see if there was a hole in the windows screen protector but there wasn't one. Also it is night outside now. I wonder to myself "Why are these sheets on the floor, wasn't I in sleep paralysis when I was dreaming?" (I should've gotten lucid again) I then put the bed sheets back on the couch and I wake up for real this time.
    8. Lucid #11

      by , 10-19-2012 at 04:09 PM (dolphin's dreams)

      I was driving down a road to the store, with the thought of getting some more snacks. I thought to myself what I'm doing getting snacks at 6:30 in the morning. And why am I driving! I don't drive IRL! Suspecting I was dreaming, I got out of the car and jumped up and down to test the gravity and confirmed I was dreaming. As I walked a bit down the road I noticed a large park with many DCs partying. Wanting to see what my mind would create, I attempted to approach to the park. I got to an intersection and decided flying across would be faster. But, I had difficulty flying as I couldn't get high in the air and I had little control over the direction I was going. When I landed, my feet stuck to the pavement, I began to feel my own bed and I woke up.
    9. [DILD] My Mind is What?, Rat Killing, Woman Can't Cook Souse, Tennis & Pod ship (SDE Pt.2 Day: 15)

      by , 10-19-2012 at 02:33 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Become Lucid, Screw Logic of Needing Nose Plug Reality Check (DILD)



      That's the sound I'm trying to use to wake me up at certain intervals of sleep. Except this time, I decided to set this countdown timer app I have to repeat every 15 minutes, and I managed to sleep through all that.

      Loool, I'm a HEAVY sleeper.

      I'm inside of a fairly dark area with an inadequate light source, orange-yellow colored light as usual. There's someone in front of me, I can't tell who it was, I presume it's my mother, or some female wearing gray hoodie and bandana.

      I remember seeing another lady wearing a bandana as well from yesterday's set of dreams.

      They tell me my mind is something, I can't remember what, but it makes me question,

      if I'm dreaming. So I do a nose plug Reality Check, but I honestly didn't try because I just had the awareness that I must be dreaming. I do start touching the walls a bit though.

      I started to get some thoughts in,
      but I forget what I actually do.
      Rat Killing? (Non-lucid)


      I can't remember much from this, just that I was signed up to kill some rats in some kind of weird and twisted game.
      This Woman Can't Cook Souse (Non-lucid)


      Souse Soup is an actual soup by the way. I can tell how I go this association into the dream, by reading some girl's Facebook status on her wanting to eat some Souse.

      Are you kidding me? You decide to associate things that way from Facebook, mind? Sigh

      I'm inside a house, and I ask some random kid if I can eat the cake pieces over at the table. It was on top of your classic dining room table. There's white cloth over the table, and over somewhere on the top left corner is a China plate set

      Then I go into the kitchen, and I see there's a pressure pot that's exposed. It looks like there's some Souse inside, but for some reason, I get this belief that it's not really Souse. Later on, it turns out the lady who wanted to make this was using an ingredients list, and for some odd reason, I get surprised that she's doing that.

      I just moved it around with some utensil and it changed.....to water.

      Yeah that's all I remember.
      I suck at Tennis & Inside a Pod ship (Non-lucid)


      I was really pissed in this dream.

      I'm playing tennis in the dark with someone, and I suck. The serve isn't even that fast, but I still try to minimize my back-swing, since I had a habit of doing the opposite.

      The racquet I'm holding sucks too, when I'm trying to "bend and pronate" my arm for a right-handed windshield wiper forehand, the racquet bends along with my "bending."


      I miss so many balls, and by many, I mean 3-4, and I get pissed and walked halfway into the court. Then I decided to turn back, and throw my racquet at the ground with as much force as I could exert.

      Then the dream shifts to where Atobe from the Prince of Tennis Series is inside some kind of ship with several pod ships to leave this area I'm assuming. I think I end up being him, or at least it feels like I'm watching him in spectator view but still feeling some kind of link with him.

      I wanted to get my racquet that I threw down in the ground, but I looked at the status of the pod ship that I'm in, and exiting out is not a good idea. I press the cancel button, but I end up verifying to stay back in after I made the conclusion that I don't need the racquet. During that time, and probably the reason why I decided to just stay inside was that people were asking me if I was sure I wanted to cancel this whole thing.

      Since there's a red alert blaring all of the place, I decided that getting a racquet back would seem useless.

      I honestly don't know what I was in this pod ship for, but it must've been to escape some dangerous event from happening.

      Updated 10-20-2012 at 04:08 PM by 47756

      lucid , non-lucid
    10. Plane Crash [DILD]

      by , 10-19-2012 at 09:53 AM
      Black - Narrative/Thoughts

      I was suddenly in a falling plane with people I have never met before, but I felt like I knew them in my dream. I remember sitting on my seat, hearing the falling sounds of a plane rushing through the air. I remember looking out the window to see debris and clouds wizzing past. The fear and terror rushed through me as I knew I was going to die.

      I then begand to question this reality, as I thought I shouldn't die now. I then realised that I do not remember ever buying a plane ticket or even boarding the plane and for what reason. With this, I did a hand RC and saw fuzzy hands. I instantly knew I was dreaming. The strange thing is, even after this realisation, I still accepted the DC's as being peopleI knew - or rather I was more interested in stopping the plane for crashing and this didn't cross my mind!

      I said to the DC's that this was a dream and that I wanted it to stop, I commanded the plane to stop; but it didn't. I commanding it a second time, this time with more force and then everything just froze. The sounds of the plane, the falling sensation, even the DC's froze.

      I felt the scene fade to black with a small rumble sound getting louder.

      I wake up.
    11. Second Lucid - Flying and Changing Landscapes. [DEILD]

      by , 10-19-2012 at 09:43 AM
      Black - Narrative/Thoughts

      30th September - 08:16

      I kept having reoccuring dreams this morning as I believe it was the result of a burst of REM periods as I have had 3-4 hours sleep a night prio to this experience for a couple of nights. I had this dream where I was on a building and we were on some scaffold. I kept having this dream and it was frustrating as I couldn't get off the roof.

      The 5th time of having this dream I told myself that I will remember the dream this time. As I was falling back to sleep all I remember is suddenly seeing from a birdseye view of the building I was having dreams about, as I was falling from the sky coming closer to this building I knew then that I was dreaming as I have seen this before.

      When I landed on the building I then thought how did I get here and then I completed the hand RC. When I checked my hands I saw seven fingers on my right hand, however, the two additional fingers did not sprout from my palm like the other "normal" ones, instead they sprouted from two other fingers, starting half way up, like a random tree twig.

      I then decided I wanted to fly, and without hesitation I just expected to float when I jumped, and I did! I flew around my dream trying to practice what it felt like. At first, flying felt really difficult, like a struggle and it became frustrating, but when I stopepd caring it became easier. I found it easier to "breaststroke" through the air, like when you're swimming and it worked so well. But I was so annoyed with myself because I didn't want to fly like this, as I knew there were cooler ways of doing it and the fact that I looked stupid. I trilled willing to be as light as a feather, and it did work - but for only a little bit.

      While flying I then remembered that I wanted to change a landscape in my dream, so I tried this. I closed my eyes and willed to see Egypt and a pyramid. When I opened my eyes all I saw was sand below me and a very small pyramid. I wished for a closer pyramid and it did happen, it grew in size.. but then all of a sudden it disappeared and the next thing I know, I am laying down in a park.

      I saw a group of people walk past and I willed to see a sexy girl, as I got closer to this "sexy girl" I conjured up, it was my girlfriend! But she looked a little more fat in my dream but I didn't think nothing of it, and in fact I was happy she was there. I said to her I will walk her home, it was now dark.

      I said have you looked at your hands lately? she looked confused at first, but then laughed out loud and replied "oh no, this can't be can it? I am not dreaming, don't be silly". I told her to look at my hands and she did, my right and left hand both had 7 fingers on each hand. We laughed, and then she accepted we was in a dream.

      When we got back to our flat (I don't actually own a flat with her, but I knew it was ours) two other DC's were there - and I just accepted them as my friends. They knew I was dreaming and one of them instantly started to fly with me. My girlfriend DC and the random DC looked frustrated, like the fact that we always do this around them and when we're together and it gets on their nerves because we're being childish flying around.

      I felt like we needed to stop to get on with the dream so I flew to the ground and walked into the flat. As I walked in I felt the dream slipping.

      Visually, I could not see the dreamscape anymore and I could start to hear the ambiance of the room I was sleeping in. Not only this, but I had a loud ruumbling noise as well, it got progressively louder.

      I tried focusing on the dream by imagining my closing my eyes in my dreamscape and spinning around whilst saying, "increase clarity". However, I doubted this mantra in my dreamlike state and and thought it was the wrong one so I started to rub my hands together, imagining it. I saw the image of my hands for a split second, and the dreamscape came back into view... but it went as quickly as it came and I woke up.
      Tags: flying, lucid
    12. First Lucid Dream [WILD - I think]

      by , 10-19-2012 at 09:19 AM
      Black - Narrative/Thoughts

      25th September 2012 - 22:00

      The one night I got confidence to attempt to lucid dream (after reading and researching for a month every day at work) was after a very long weekend with my friends drinking from Friday through to Sunday evening. That Monday I was shattered and I came home from work and went straight to sleep at 18:30. I haven’t had recall of my dreams for the past couple of weeks, and I put this down to my irregular sleeping hours.

      However, this night, I had a very vivid dream but I was not lucid. I was able to recall points in the dream that happened when I awoke abruptly at 9:30. I was very groggy and I thought I was in a state of sleep paralysis… so in my dreamy like mind, I thought it would be best to try WILD. I lay there dead still and closed my eyes but I can’t remember what I thought of as it all happened so quickly, it felt like a couple of seconds. The outside ambiance noises (the computer being on in my room) suddenly faded away and I started to hear a loud but VERY quick “woosh” sound, I really can’t describe it as I was half asleep and it felt like it happened so quickly.

      After this woosh sound came it felt like I was being fast forwarded in a DVD and the dreamscape just appeared from a little dot in front of my eyes and it grew larger and larger in front of me. But it is so hard to explain, it was like it just appeared in front of me and it was all so very quick from the sound that I heard.

      I somehow remember thinking to myself that, this experience was very weird and I needed to check if I was dreaming… I looked at my hands (which I have been practicing as my reality check for almost a month now) and I looked down and saw that my hands were very fuzzy and not focused, like if you were to have poor vision and not wear your glasses (I don’t wear glasses, but I presume this is what it would be like). But this was not all, on my left hand, my middle finger seemed to mould into my index finger and it looked very weird, creating four fingers (or 3 fingers, one thumb!)

      After this reality check somehow I became so enlightened and I said I am in a dream! I instantly got shivers down my spine, It was weird it wasn’t fully vivid, I saw it was all wispy and wavy; I can’t explain it, like a ghost realm. I knew I was dreaming but I was also cautious. I peered up to see a door. I’ve never seen it before, but I knew that my friend Rich was behind it. As I walked through the door, there he was, sitting in his dark room, he did not look happy. As I went to speak to him and tell him that I was a in a dream, I felt a big rush of excitement and fear, when I spoke to him, it came out as a whisper, in a very croaky voice… but this did not deter him from hearing me, and he said “you can’t be in a dream, are you ok?”
      I replied, but this time I did not move my mouth, I was communicating through some sort of telekinesis; and he understood me! I said that “I am dreaming, I can show you, I can fly”.

      And with that I jumped in the air, but I felt very weak and not in control fully (the dream felt very fuzzy thinking about it) and I merely stayed in the air for a couple of seconds, before returning to the ground). But this was enough for Rich and he finally accepted that he was in a dream.

      Suddenly my friend Brooker comes in and says that I am asleep in my bed, so how am I standing here. I got freaked out by this, but I kept my cool and I said that I was dreaming, and I can show him. He didn’t believe me so I said I can show you. So I did, I made a commandment to fold him up into a brick shape and fly through the glass. And he did, he folded up individually into a small brick shape and then I moved him back and forth through the big gothic windows, with a movement of my hand. I did this four times and smashed four windows.

      When I stopped, he got out of his brick shape and he was delighted and he believed I was dreaming. I heard a knock of the door and it shook me. I went to the broken windows and peered down to see who made the knock. It was dark and there were a lot of unknown people just looking up and staring at me. I then commanded to show the person who knocked on my door, but nothing happened.

      Frustrated, and without anticipation, I went down the stairs, as I went down the stairs I saw the broken glass I had smashed in the hallway, and three people standing there, staring at me as I walked down. I don’t remember walking past these people then I came against another door. Which somehow I knew my friend Tony was behind there.

      Walking into the room, Tony was there and someone random was holding a mirror. I think this was because I don’t want to see a mirror in my dream, as I have been reading about “horror” lucid dreams from mirrors – but not surprisingly, as it was in my subconscious, it came through.

      I remember the mirror being 3D and I had to climb over it, not looking in the mirror, I climbed over it but then all of a sudden it went 2d again, and was against the wall. I know in my dream I didn’t want to look in it, so I avoided it. But something compelled me to look in it, so in my dream I looked at my hands to ensure I was in a dream again and nothing could hurt me (I didn’t really consciously do this, my dream just made me do it, and then I thought ok I’m dreaming”).

      My hands still looked fuzzy and the middle finger was joined with the index. I gave in and looked in the mirror. As I looked in I just looked very fuzzy, like how my hands were when I did my reality check. I was smiling and my head was very liquidy. I looked the same; just had longer scruffy hair and I had lots of spots on my chin.

      As I looked longer in the mirror, I knew I would start looking for something scary (because I do this in real life, I am curious) and this worried me, so I forced myself to look away. As I was forcing myself to look away I felt my eyes darting around the mirror trying to find something, and I hear a feint rumbling noise in the distance, so I quickly looked away and there was a person right beside me.

      He seemed like he had a quite scary face (but I don’t really remember because I think I was coming out of my dream, or losing lucidity). I think he grabbed my shoulders and I said I was dreaming
      and then all of a sudden I abruptly wake up and have total vision of my ceiling in my room, like my eyes have been awake the whole time.
      Tags: first lucid
      lucid , memorable
    13. 10-18-2012

      by , 10-19-2012 at 08:55 AM
      Cant remember the first part of the dream but I was driving down a back-road very fast and I noticed that I couldn't really gauge the speed. I felt that same watter-y-ness to the air that I experience in dreams and had a strong hunch that I was dreaming. I did nose check after nose check and they all cleared but I had to make sure since I was driving. Once more with my foot I felt like I couldn't gauge the speed very well and so I decided to look down at my hands. I did and saw an outrageous number of fingers and instantly was 100% positive. I then looked forward onto the road and saw that not to far away was a turn. I had this almost devilish thought to see what would happen if I went full speed at it. I pressed my foot all the way down, petal to metal and me speed started to grow. Then I had this sinking feeling that it could end bad or I could wake up. I decided to slow down but at least step on the break and get to enjoy a really cool burn out. I did so and the car shrieked to a halt. I drove up this huge hill where it looked like a casino was on top. When I got out of the car I focused my energy into my right palm and shot an ice ball out of my hand at the casino. I remember smiling a little at this but I could tell it wasn't enough. I paused for a moment and really looked around me. The sky looked like shades of orange and purple, the sun was MASSIVE and setting slowly. Big shadows stretched from objects. I went to do my 3 jumps super mario style to fly bout found this weird heaviness in the air and I wasnt really motivated to do the third jump to fly. My jumps were very short. I have never before had trouble flying in a lucid but I did here. I decided to see what my subconscious had in store for me inside the building but as I approached it I woke.

      Bits and pieces are whats left of this dream.
      Was at someone house, a social gathering. Everyone in the dream was a DC except for myself and this guy in high school who used to have a huge crush on me. I was sort of ignoring him and talking with the other females at the party. We were standing on a lavish balcony all wearing black cock tail dresses, drinking white wine out of wine glasses. Suddenly a bunch of spiders crawled onto the deck by my feet. They were pretty big and normally this would have really freaked me out but they looked just like the spider monsters in Diablo 3 and I had this urge to step on all of them with my heels until every last one of them were crushed. One even got into my hair and I batted it out and crushed it. )Seriously proud of myself here, this would normally be a nightmare for me). Some time goes by, something happens were there is an orgy upstairs and everyone has moved inside and is laughing about it. I go to text Allen that I missed him and Matt (the dude I was ignoring from high school) walks up to me and tries to proposition me. I cant remember how this went down exactly but I remember strongly rejecting him. It had something to do with the orgy upstairs. As I start to turn away he throwns up on my chest. This disgusted me and I began to vomit and swear at him. He runs off to a corner and continues to vomit. I run off to a DC friend and start to take off my dress with my eyes closed and she it trying to wipe the puke off of my dress. I was absolutely livid. I wake. Ewww.

      Updated 10-19-2012 at 08:56 AM by 44380 (wrong date)

      lucid , non-lucid
    14. Flying Fire and Creapy Fair

      by , 10-18-2012 at 10:28 PM
      7:00 AM
      Wake Back To Bed

      • Fell back to sleep with goal of dreaming not expecting to become lucid.
      • Let images come to me and settled on flying down a winding shape that became a river with tree covered hills on both sides.
      • As I fell asleep I imagined that I was a stream of fire flying down the winding river.

      Now asleep and dreaming but not lucid. I was leading a long trail of fire but couldn't see the flames coolness in front of me. So in order to see the flames I would glance behind me and then continue flying over the snaking river. The last time I looked behind me the entire bend of the last turn in the river and all the way up one bank was completely engulfed in flame. I thought this looked totally awesome and took off around the next turn.

      To my surprise I found that it was now night time and I was way up high overlooking the river and gripping tightly to the top of a steal structure with a couple pipes that were protruding beside me being the only objects higher up than I was. As I questioned what was going on and how to get down I realized my situation and took two looks at my hand. Yup. Funny looking indeed I was dreaming. I remained calm and decided that I would attempt flying again.

      I lifted myself over the edge of the structure and flung myself out into the night. Disappointing as it may be, I fell through the dark and the wind rushed past me. Then I temporarily became less lucid. When I landed in a dark sort of carnival area, my brain tried telling me that I had used a zip line to get down but after seeing my cousin standing in front of me I quickly shrugged off the notion and did another reality check.

      At that moment my cousin Michah began to transform. First he shrank to about 2 foot tall and became a bit distorted. Then he continued to shrink into a small cantaloupe sized fur-ball with big feet and a creepily human face. I thought that I'd keep it around and tried to put it on my shoulder. It didn't like that at all and squirmed out of my hands and jotted around my feet.

      Just then another version of my cousin came out from between two poorly lit booths. He didn't look like my cousin but never the less I decided that I would try to get rid of the furball and take my dream elsewhere. I probably shouldn't have waisted the time and tried spinning or something. But regardless, I attempted to put the creature in the sudo-cousins hand but both were completely apathetic to me and each other. The creature became a little aggressive and nipped my hand like a playful pup and though I knew I was dreaming I skipped back from it and I woke up.
    15. DILD from SSILD and some NLDs

      by , 10-18-2012 at 10:27 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)

      Thoughts | Non-Lucid | Lucid | Techniques/Aids

      1 Pint Fosters, 200MG B6, 3x 595mg Potassium

      Bedtime: 9:15PM

      Fell asleep practicing SSILD

      Alien Volcano 10:51
      I am in an inactive volcano with my daughters. I get the feeling that it is Mercury. We are on the dark side and there is a layer of ice above us. I break it open and set a detonator to blow it up. We get inside a hot air balloon and it doesn't rise high enough. I push a button on a necklace around my neck. I tell my ex something about the girls being late. Her reply makes no sense. We climb out of the balloon and are at the mall. They want to go see a movie.

      Fight With Sister 2:24AM

      I am trying to shave in the bathroom and N. makes a rude comment. We blow up at each other and say awful things. A lot of past hurts and grievances get brought up. I continue to shave. I see my hair is so long its on my mustache. I start to shave it but look closer. Now it is just in my eyes. I think oh yeah. I wanted to grow my hair out. I examine it closer and notice every detail. I think about my wife and how we spent the night apart. I miss her and want to see her.

      WBTB 2:30AM - 3:00AM 200MG B6

      Uncomfortable move to recliner.

      SSILD I had some trouble sleeping at some point and went to counting mantra
      LJS 4:10AM NLD to DEILD

      I am back at my first job Long John Silvers. I am opening and start to gather up food and supplies to cook. My old bosses S and D are there. They are already cooking a large order. I go to some upstairs to get some more fish. I am in a big room and see a lady from the grocery store. For some reason I get naked but cover myself with a jacket. Then I walk to her and ask for oral sex. I purposely control her answer with my mind like some jedi mind trick. We say Yes together. Before we do anything I realize what I am doing and stop. I make myself wake up.

      I try really hard not to do this in dreams. Especially lucid. I think it is a waste of time and not fair to my wife. I don't move but recall the dream. Then I really want to be lucid so I try DEILD.

      I see F from work and he has a green laser pointer. He puts it on the wall and makes little circles. As soon as I see this I feel vibrations. This is odd because I went straight to a lucid dream but the SP feeling comes after the dream starts. Plus this time the vibrations are totally different. They swirl in my body in time with the laser pointer. Its like my chest is the center and the vibrations are spinning from the point like a ball on a string. I feel it in my head, then my right arm, then my legs, then my left arm, back to my head. I does this extremely fast. It startles me and I get excited and wake up

      SSILD with counting to DILD At Work 5:00AM ish

      This dream is very dark like poor lighting and the colors are very dull. I am at work and I have my laptop. I am typing out a long post on dream views. I don't know what it said. S. from work is next to me. We are leaning on the long table and I am using it to hold my laptop. He doesn't say anything but is just looking over my shoulder. J. the maintenance man comes by and messes with the outlet. He says he needs to unplug things for a minute. I tell him not to unplug my laptop. He say nothing so I try to hurry and finish my post. Just before I can click "post now" My screen goes black. I say to S, "I told him not to unplug my laptop." I put my head down in disgust. Then I hear some noise like a TV. I look as S he has has a knowing, smiling expression on his face. I look at the laptop and some video is playing. I think about this for a second and I become lucid. I feel a little like a might be wrong but I point a finger in the air and say, "You know what I thing we are dreaming. Watch this." I put the same finger and push it into the laptop screen. The screen is off now. It sinks in a lot and feels and looks very rubbery. The suddenly the dream fades.

      I lie still for DEILD. I feel SP but I get very excited again. I try to fight it but then I ignore it and focus on taking deep breaths. I quickly give up and decide I lost it. But at that point I feel my left hand float straight up. Then, the SP stops. I feel like I am laying there and really but my hand up in my sleep. I fell into a non lucid dream that I can't really remember.

      It was some time later that I woke up. I realized I must have had a false awakening. I reasoned that my body cant move in SP. I should have caught on to that. I should remember that any time there is SP do a RC afterwards even if I am sure that I failed. You never know.

      Wake up time 6:00AM

      Updated 10-19-2012 at 01:55 AM by 5967
