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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Night of 10/31 - A scary night

      by , 11-01-2010 at 08:08 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hello. I had a series of dreams. They were at some places a bit scary. I'm surprised that I didn't realize that I was dreaming, because they were a it weird. Only good thing is, that girl n. didn't show up lol

      Hours of sleep: 8h
      Vividness: 4/5
      Recall: 4/5

      1. I'm in a mallI wonder if this is a new dream sign lol. There are a lot of people. Something isn't right, the people are nervous. I'm afraid and don't know what is going on. I want to leave and walk towards a door. But it's closed. I get more afraid and start to panic a bit. I'm nervous and go to a DC. He tells me that we are trapped in this mall and something odd is going on: although the mall is closed and no one gets outsides, some people disappear. I realize this and I get nervous. There is a security guy. He's nervous too. He wants that we go on a different floor. He tells us that we have to hide us somewhere. Most of the people go somewhere else. I go upstairs in the second floor. I go in a broom cupboard. There is also someone else in it: there is a guy, who is really nervous. I ask him if he knew what was going on. He tells me, that some kind of creature is going around in the mall. It catches the people and looked them up in a room too eat them afterwards I panic. I ask him if we are safe in this cupboard. He tells me that this creature was sighted in the first floor. I ask him where the police is. He tells me that most of them are already trapped and few of them run away. They locked up the mall, that this creatures doesn't escape. I get angry about that and I leave the cupboard, although it's dangerous. I go back to the stairs and look down. There is this creature. It looks like a big-foot or something like that. I panic and run away.
      I awake. I have my eyes closed. I'm still scared. I don't want to open my eyes because I remembered immediately the last time when I had an nightmare: I awoke and had some weird hallucinations, had the feeling that there was someone who started to pull my legs. So I decided to let my eyes closed, because I already started to get some weird feelings. I tried to calm down and fell asleep immediately
      I have still this paranoid feeling. But this time I'm in falling down the sky I'm not alone, there are a few other guys. We are skydiving. A second after, I'm already at the ground. I talk with a DC and say him that it's the second time I did this. I've never skydived before lol. We look a the sky and I see that there are others skydivers. They are dressed in blue. I start running towards the place they are landing. I ask them who they are and they said:
      - We don't know, but we are no aliens
      What the heck? I want to say something but something terrible happens. We see a burning plane in the sky. It crashes in the ground. I'm scared to death.
      My view changes and I see that this crash isn't real, but that I'm watching TV. I start laughing. A family DC shows up and he's angry about the film. He says that this film is shitty and he doesn't want to watch it.

      Note: This doesn't make sense at all.
      3. I'm in a bus. A university professor enters. In real life, she is really talkative. I hope that she doesn't sits down next to me, because I don't want to speak. BUt she sits down next to me. I say hello, but she doesn't replies. She doesn't start a conversation and doesn't talk at all. I'm surprised. After a few minutes she leaves and get out of the bus.
      A second after, I'm standing in front of my home. There are a few friends. They want to talk with me. But I have a really depressing feeling. I'm apathetic and don't show any kind of feeling, although I'm crying in my thoughts.
      4. I'm sitting in a bar. In front of me is a table. There is an empty glass a bottle with something alcoholic and a bottle of pineapple juice. I have to mix my drink at my own. I don't have a clue what I'm doing there nor, what drink I ordered.

      I finally awake.
      PS: Something is wrong with me. These dreams (and the previous ones) reflect this. Unfortunately.
    2. #166. Elevators

      by , 11-01-2010 at 05:57 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)


      People continue to crowd into the elevator, and I'm starting to feel claustrophobic. On the verge of freaking out, I start to push the sheep-like masses in the direction of the buttons, hoping that no one else will be able to get on and pick a different floor.

      One woman won't budge. She faces the back corner of the elevator. She's looking down at the floor; I can't see her face. Her blonde ponytail swings a bit as I tug on her arm, and it takes me a moment to realize that she's missing a hand. Blood drips onto the floor below us.

      In the next second, she swings around with a snarl. I try to back up. I'm pushed away by the other people in the elevator. She's attacking me with her remaining claws, and her teeth are razor sharp and coming towards my neck -


      The scene stops for a moment, and I disassociate myself from my body. Hanging back, away from the elevator, I think about waking myself up. I'm about to, but

      That never works.

      All right, so we'll try something else.


      I block the girl's attack and catch her by the forearm. I'm tugging her towards me, stepping forward and sinking elongated teeth into her shoulder. I'm pulling and her arm is coming loose with a sick tearing and a spray of blood.

      Scare Factor: 5/10
      lucid , memorable
    3. Lucid Dream #2

      by , 11-01-2010 at 01:19 PM

      Lucid Dream #2:

      Per the usual, I'm going to put in red what was lucid, and blue what was non-lucid. Black will be non-dream stuff.

      So, last night, I decided to try to use my REM Dreamer since I was having such poor luck as of late. When using the dreamer, I always have vivid dreams and I wake up a lot. Before the wake-back-to-bed, I had a really vivid dream where I was in a brand new we made. The house had a large kitchen flanking the left side of it, with a cozy looking living room. I didn't get much further than that. I wake up the first of several times and fail several WILD attempts. I know once I checked my clock to be sure I was awake, then within seconds, I see a different clock saying I should be dreaming. Somewhere in this waking and falling asleep, I dreamt of this tiny kid with a basketball. It was in my journal, so I know it happened, but I can only see him in silhouette. Finally, it was close to 6:30 or 6:45 when I went to sleep again. I believe I see the dream form around me, but I am not too sure, until I hear my text tone go off, which is a loud 2 second sound, for some reason, I know that this is a dream and I become lucid. I am a theater with people watching dreams. In the dream, it didn't dawn on me that this was my recreation of the November advanced challenge "Visit an offline DV." As I walk around the theater, I see a girl following me, but my main goal is to get to the lobby to tell death to steal her soul. Again, I am very goal oriented. Instead, I realize I do not have full control over the environment, so I poke my finger through my hand, which succeeded. It was an erie sight. I see my mom in the theater, and I tell her my basic task because I am aware the dream is ending. I tell her I am thankful for learning how to dream properly. Not long after that I can feel the dream fade to the room I was sleeping in, and I wake up.

      My strange penchant for completion, lead me to perform two major dream tasks on the first day of the month, but I still lacked control over my environment. Also stranger is the fact that I became lucid, not by WILDing, but by the external text message sound. I still lack control in my lucidity =\.
    4. November 1- Death and a funeral.

      by , 11-01-2010 at 11:49 AM
      This dream starts off with one of my nephews having passed away. When it starts, I am with his mother and my mother at his grave and we are highly upset. Everything we placed on the grave had been moved around the grave so that it no longer looked organized, and someone had dug up his coffin. While it looked like nothing had been stolen off him or out of the coffin itself, they had altered the way he was lying inside of it so that his body was in odd shapes and angles. While we try to figure out who would have done such a thing, we all move to fix him, re-bury his coffin, and organize all his gifts on his grave once more.

      Strangely enough, the scene changes to where and when we are having the funeral. The place it's held in seems to be of castle-like qualities based on the interior. The rooms are vast and the funeral homes have decorated every single wall with quotes from our's and his past, and pictures. One in particular catches my attention, though I cannot remember what exactly was on it. Eventually we all proceed to what seems to be an altar-like area for the ending ceremonies. The pastor talks and once he's done, all of the immediate family including me partner up with someone else in the room. Once we have done so, we mount horses and ride off towards the distance, as the castle is all of a sudden gone. The farther we leave from where the castle had been, the more I become awake until I am completely pulled from sleep.
    5. An hour long lucid with complete control, and spiritual findings.

      by , 10-31-2010 at 06:23 AM (Dreams I can Only Dream.)
      Date: Friday October, 2010
      Time: 2:30 pm.


      Note: There may have been some communication with either another being, or a direct link to my subconscious.
      So I laid down to take a quick hour long nap. I start to slowly enter SP, I feel the all to familiar energy waves crash over my body. I still get excited when this happens. The auditory hallucinations kick in. I remember I was thinking about something, but my thought trails off into a sort of dream where I enter a trance and am not even conscious of the fact I am falling asleep. I quickly realize what is happening and come back to consciousness before I fall asleep regularly. I start off with some hypnogogic imagery. Shiny multicolored light appears, little windows show up, giving me images and choices of what kind of dream I would like to enter.
      The imagery stops and I find myself in a dream, but I am not lucid yet. I am being mauled by my dog (who was sleep right beside me ha ha.) I remember falling to the floor and not being able to ask for help. I keep calling out my sister's name in hopes that she will hear me. No sound comes out of my mouth. I soon realize that the dog, although biting me. It isn't doing any damage, or pain. I "wake up"from it, but fail to realize the FA that just happened. I fall back asleep, but my consciousness wakes up, and I realize I just was dreaming, and that I still am. I crawl out of bed, and instead of being in my bedroom, I am in my place of work. I become lucid immediately.
      I walk around the store for a bit, but I end up blacking out. I wake up again into another FA, where I am standing in my backyard. I feel unusually confident in my ability to control my dream. Which for some reason I start to fight a DC. At first its a fist fight, but then I start controlling the elements. I forcefully push him with a gust of wind.

      To test my ability further, I go into my front yard and see several tornadoes whirling around. I grab one and throw it at the DC. He can't do anything but grab onto the car that is in my driveway. So I push the car out of the yard with my mind. The fight finishes, and I start looking around. The neighborhood looks different. I see my brothers Jamie, and Jay in my dream on the deck. The day turns to night as I walk up the stairs. Jamie turns to me and says "What's up Joe!" and my other brother says high. I noticed that they were drinking beer. I was going to go grab one, but decided not to. Instead I look up and jump up into the sky.
      I fly easily, something I never have been able to do without the most extreme amount of effort. I look around and get the exciting butterfly feeling as I do when I am at extreme heights. I see the millions of houses, and building structures. The world seems so real. I start doing loops in the sky, and decide to fly super low to the ground and great speed. I make a beeline toward the earth. I end up spotting a big pool and dive for it. Free falling is really scary, and I almost forgot that I was dreaming. I splashed into the pool, water waves crashing over the sides of the square in ground pool. I decide to go underwater, my speed isn't affected but my clothes are soaked. I didn't feel wet however.
      I see tunnels underwater, it is really dark. I can breathe underwater and was going to go explore the tunnels but decided against it. Flew out of the water back up into the sky. I remember a thought I had when walking my dog outside at night. I remembered I wanted a cool night air time flight, where I could feel the breeze of the wind rush against me, and smell the familiar air that is so distinct to the night. I became completely relaxed as I flew on. I must have flown across entire cities as I lost track of time. Just completely deep in my thoughts.
      The flight ends abruptly as I kind of black out and appear outside of some random house, in a random neighborhood. I notice the house I am in front of is on a hill, and looking down the hill notice a straight long street. I see other dream characters walking around doing what they do. I decide to start a fight, so I go to some random dude in a truck and say that I can control him. He was a decent sized fellow, with a scruffy brown goatee and short brown hair. Was wearing a plaid jacket and blue jeans. I start to try and control him, but I can't for some reason, so he walks up on me and actually forces me to my knees. No matter how hard I try, I can't do anything. That quickly stops as I get aid from another DC. The guy I picked a fight with runs down the street, and me and the other DC give chase, running at super fast speeds. We never catch him as I end up in a weird room presumably in the house I was just in front of.
      I hear a radio, I see a t.v, and there are two other DCs in the room. I do not recognize either of them. The room was small, with black and white tile on the ground, a green two people seat couch in the middle facing the t.v. There is a radio playing in the corner of the room by a door that leads outward. One DC was standing in the doorway of the room, the other sitting on the couch. I remember hearing a cool song play, and wanting to write it down or try to remember it for when I wake up. But couldn't. Then I hear a freestyle rap going on. One of the lines I tried to remember was "I am like the bank cashing all the checks....." and was amazed by how sick the lines were. Me and the DC sitting on the couch were getting hype by this rap. That soon ended as the t.v shut off. I started paying attention to some sort of noise playing in the background.
      I turned toward the radio and went to it. I sat down and listened to it. It sounded like white noise, and the occasional station being flipped through. But at a super fast rate. I had a thought that this was my subconscious trying to speak to me. The words were going incredibly fast. I had another thought that said this was how fast I was thinking subconsciously. Then another thought came into my mind that said this was everything I heard today being played back to me by my subconscious. As if all the commercials, all the songs, all the conversations I heard were being played back to me at an undecipherable rate. Then I heard words, I couldn't write them down as I remember that I can't bring anything back from the dream world so it would be pointless.
      It started speaking to me this voice. It told me my fear. That I would not make it to heaven, or purgatory. That my fear was that I would end up in hell. That I thought I was doing everything wrong in life, but wasn't. Only that I had to switch a few of my habits around. This voice said I was on a path to God, but I have taken other paths leading off of it recently. That if I correct my path I would end up in heaven. Then it went on to say that I do not fear death as others do, but that I have accepted it as a natural thing everybody has to experience. That where I was at was the actual afterlife. I wasn't just inside a dream anymore, I was in a different realm, where DCs are now beings. I asked the two DCs, or beings about it and they told me that the voice was correct. That they aren't just in my dreams, that my consciousness was actually completely in a different place. Right then I just became an observer, and listener. I just went along with it, yet I was still completely lucid (or was I??). Then the voice said (not directly to me as I originally thought.) Since I was not afraid of death, that I would meet it Sunday, the 31st. I would pass on into the current realm I was in. I didn't get scared of this foreshadow, or prophecy but curious on it. Then an announcement happened over a PA system that asked for somebody, I can't remember the name. The voice told me that was the person who was going to die, not me (It could of been talking to someone else entirely.). I relaxed a little more, I asked about God, but the voice went away. Dead silence for a few minutes, then it began to talk again. I stood up accompanied by the two DCs, or beings. I again asked if this was really what the afterlife was like, and they said yes. They lead me out the door, and out of the house were I began to hear a ringing, and realized within the dream that it was my alarm. Disappointed, yet excited I prepared to become awake within the real world (at least what I consider it to be).
      I woke up feeling all sweaty, and weird contemplating all that had happened.

      Updated 10-31-2010 at 06:30 AM by 35811

      lucid , nightmare , false awakening , memorable
    6. Zombie Trophy & Costco Housing

      by , 10-31-2010 at 04:35 AM
      This was my last dream of the night. Unfortunately, I don't remember the first dreams. There was also a beginning to this dream, that I don't recall any more:

      I was with a partner. I want to say it was a woman. I remember her being very acrobatics and focused. We were in an industrial area infested with zombies. I vaguely recall shooting one in the head with a handgun, at some point.

      We entered into a huge cylindrical factory. Five or six stories high. The center of the factory was mostly empty, with multiple stories of girder like cat walks forming circles around the middle. I remember several (blue-gray) male zombies followed us into this area. My partner had something like a hefty trophy. Except the trophy was made out of zombie meat. It was like a cup with two large winged handles. It was a sickly skin color with dark greenish veins that ran throughout it, including the handles. It looked like a normal trophy, wrapped tightly in flesh.

      This object (I knew I think from the forgotten beginning) contained the genetic information and viruses that made the outbreak of zombies possible. It was our intention to make sure that no one ever found this object again. My partner suggested we stuff it down a grate that was at the center of the factory. This was like a manhole sized storm drain. We did. Then filled the drain with gravel. Somehow, we ruptured the water mains next. This clause the entire structure to collapse in on itself. We barely got out.

      I remember seeing the entire area submerge with water as we made our way to an island. This island was in fact a mound of my own clothing (!) situated at the far corner of yet another, still larger warehouse. I remember thinking: I hope my computer backup files are safe from this flood. At this point I began to walk along the far wall of this enormous warehouse and it emerged into a Costco/Target like superstore. One of the female employees, wearing a white lab coat and glasses passed by me and without looking up said: " I hate customers."

      I walked a little further and came to the hair product isle. I grabbed some shampoo and proceeded to take a shower. Because situated in the shampoo isle, strangely, was my home shower. I began to wash and lather my hair. I had a thick full head of it. I remember thinking: why didn't I shave my head before I took a shower? (My usual pattern is to shave my head before I take a shower.) Nevertheless, I kept shampooing away as I looked around at different products on the shelves nearby...

      The next thought I had was: "How does Costso know which stuff belongs to me?" Then, a final more horrifying thought occurred: "Maybe Costco will be (or is) in the business of public housing...?"

      In recent years, Costco has gotten into the business of health insurance... I haven't been to Costco in years. Or thought much about their health-care. I have been searching my brain for creative solutions to the US economy. This is not one that occurred. Seems my subconscious hinting at a new hope: corporations that act in the place of governments. I was woken by my cell phone at this point.

      Updated 10-31-2010 at 06:50 AM by 32174

      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    7. The Game / Theft

      by , 10-31-2010 at 12:15 AM
      Again, I only remember 2 dreams, and I was trying to WILD before bed, and screwed up and fell asleep. I'm going to post the interesting one second, even though it came first. Just because.

      The Theft
      We were in some kind of large house, maybe a funeral home, but it was huge and had many levels. I remember we were attending some kind of gathering with two main groups. The white family and the black family. (I'm not racist, Idk why I dreamed this) Anyway, someone from the black family stole something. Whatever it was it was very valuable. I got the impression that it was some kind of magic crystal or something. Anyway, everybody freaked out majorly, and we separated the two families to the two sides of the house. We (the white family, though it wasn't my actual family) started searching for whatever it was that was stolen, and came across some black members. For some reason they started beating them with anything they could find. It then became a massive battle between the two groups. We all started fighting with pool cues and stairway banisters, chair legs, anything we could find to hit each other. After a while the groups became mixed, it wasn't the white vs black family anymore, they both had white and black members. Anyway, we led squads to go secure rooms and areas still searching for the ... whatever it was. I was a leader of a small squad and became separated from them. When I walked into a room, I found my girlfriend (who I understood to be on the other side), and I pulled her aside and gave her a hug. I then continued searching for the missing item. I had a few encounters with some enemy ppl. Wonked them on the head with my banister and continued on. (I can't remember what happened for a while) Eventually I found a bunch of them, including my girlfriend, in a study with what I recognize to be the stolen item. By now it had manifested itself as a pad of paper (Lol this is probably because I've been working so hard to remember to write in my dream journal) Somehow I decide to become a double agent, but still recognize the need for me to return the lost object, so I warned the family that I needed to call in my team and most of them left. I woke up now.

      The Game
      In this dream some other young adults (18-22ish) and myself were attending some kind of academy. We had regular studies and then periodically we had this game. (The whole thing reminded me of the book Ender's Game, where they had studies, but the game was extremely important as well) Anyway, in this game we were transported to this barren, half destroyed city, and were given weapons. (I know it wasn't real to us, it may have been some kind of virtual reality or Matrix type thing. No plugs though) We had present day weapons: MP5s, AK47s, SAWs, Grenade launchers, all kinds of good stuff. Anyway, I think it was everyman for him self. There were mostly guys, but there were several girls. We just ran around blowing eachother up. Our class leader/teacher/whatever was a 30ish black woman with short dreadlocks and silver+topaz beads at the end of each. I don't remember specific skirmishes, but I do remember the end it came down to 3 of us. There were me and a friend, and then this girl with long, straight, black hair and was armed with a RPG. She killed us both with 1 rocket. I remember comming back to the training center laughing about it, and joking that I got killed by a girl. Fun Fun.
    8. Delays

      by , 10-30-2010 at 07:57 PM (The Adventures of an Adventurous Girl)

      Night of 10/27/10
      I was in my room picking out clothes and I decided to wear a Little Miss Trouble shirt and I was with my mother later on looking for a skirt that would match. My dream started to turn and flip and then fade.

      Night of 10/28/10
      It started out with me surrounded by my family and friends. They were telling me to put together a fairy outfit. So I chose one that was black and had diamonds that shine like beacons. Later I found out that I had become a fairy princess so I went to a new villlage I had heard off. Then I woke up inside my dream. I was laying in bed with my friend Katie and her brother was listening to music in her room and watching the tv. We begged him to turn it down, which he eventually did. Then we fell asleep again. This time I was still in the same village as a fairy princess but I was surrounded by evil monster like creatures with masks. They grabbed my arms and took me to an area full of cages. They picked a cage close to the entrance and the guard and through my in there. I tried to bed the guard to let me out, but to no avail. I ended up just looking at the other prisoners until my family came to rescue me.

      Night of 10/29/10
      I was in the living room with my mother and I decided to use her iPad(We hate Apple..) and I turned it on and unlocked it, knowing her password. I looked through her apps, decided I didnt like them so I went to get an ebooks app. I typed it in and a bunch of comments came up. The question that sparked the comments was. If Im playing as character DuskMoonFlower and a giant hammer pops up on the screen what does that mean?" A few of the comments that followed we as such. Go back to ToonTown! and... If you really want that hammer to go away..Jerk it... and.... You have to get back princess LiTtLeMiZzEmOsUnShInE... Weird...Thats my user name on a game... o.o.....

      Finally after a two day dry spell I think. Sorry I was to busy to come on and post so I combined what I remembered into one post haha. Love.
    9. Wild Horses and Dreams

      by , 10-30-2010 at 06:39 PM
      I hadn't dreamed last night, so after waking up, I took a nap, and fell straight from closing my eyes into a LD, which surprised me seeing as I've only ever had 1 LD before this.

      Anyway, I opened my eyes and was standing on a cobbled street. It looked like the main road through my village, except in olden times, and someone rode through on a horse and cart. Standing there, I suddenly thought, I'm dreaming. I remember really vividly the beating of my heart as I got excited. I decided to try out some of the things people often do in lucid dreams. I crossed the street and walked through a wall. On the other side there was just blackness, so I imagined a sweet shop, and it appeared. Still not used to walking through walls, I left through the door and flew through the street. My first time flying. I decided I wanted some adventure. I landed in a snowy area off the road. A car and a van drove towards me on either side of me. A huge crowd had gathered, and they were screaming at me to run. I saw a locked door and tried to walk through it, but I was too excited and scared. I ran away, and a man got out of the lorry and jumped on a beautiful wild horse to chase me. People were cheering me on. I remember feling so glad to have come to this world, for somer reason. I kicked the man in a rush of adrenaline, and he fell off his horse. The horse was panicked. I wanted to calm it and ride it, so I chased it. It ran down a valley of snow. I had almost got it, when everything went black. I realised aftr a minute that I had woken up.
      Tags: horse, lucid, snow, street
      lucid , memorable
    10. First Lucid Dream/Intro to my new DJ

      by , 10-30-2010 at 04:20 PM
      information/preludes/whatever in regular black text
      Alrigtht lets begin:
      So I was sleeping over at my friends house (i know a little weird) And i was dreaming about something (idk what it was)
      So i start running to my house thinking "If I go to my house I'll wake up!" Then it hit me: I was dreaming
      i often did do the previous thing (go to here and i'll wake up)
      but i never really thought i was dreaming until i saw something about it. After i became lucid i jumped up and began to fly!
      it was kinda weird though since i was in a weird position. But after that i flew pretty much for the rest of the dream. I actually sometimes couldn't fly for a little bit but i quickly came back
    11. A couple of thoughts, not an entry.

      by , 10-29-2010 at 08:34 PM (Dreams I can Only Dream.)
      Time: 2:30 pm.

      This isn't a dream post in the regular sense, this is more of food for thought. Different (not new) ideas about dreaming. I mention God, and soul, but there isn't a specific religion, and this isn't me preaching. I don't mean to offend anyone, or take anyone's enjoyment out of Lucid dreaming, if you don't agree, that is perfectly fine, but this post is more for the thinkers on the sight. Also I don't take on sides of Astral Projecting/OBEing/Lucid dreaming. Instead I think of them more of experiences than any kind of category. I will post a link to a new thread, so please do not comment here. Comment on the actual post. Thanks, and enjoy!
      What if lucid dreaming was more than dreaming while being conscious What if it was a gateway to another world? Think about it, all of the dream characters some of them you have never seen before, what if they were actual beings? Sure some of them are just DCs representing you, but what if there were others that weren't? Today I took an hour long nap, a successful wild! After several failed attempts at realizing FAs, I finally started to think, I ended getting out of my bed at my place of work. From there the rest were LDs. This isn't going to be a post about my specific LDs (coming shortly), they are about my ideas that I ended up with during the dream.

      I want to make a few notes about what I have discovered in the dream world today. First DCs are representations of yourself. What ever your thinking, that DC will be saying. I noticed several times when I was thinking or talking to myself, a nearby DC was repeating it, at first I didn't think anything of it, since it always happened, but now I paid attention to what I was thinking, and who was talking. The exact same thing. Now this idea goes further with, whatever your doing (just not controlling the dream world, instead just letting it happen) will be done to you. I noticed a DC eating something, but for some odd reason my mouth felt like it was full of food and I couldn't do anything. I didn't put two and two together until today as I have had that happen several times. Other properties about yourself can be manipulated by a DC along with the DC can manipulate yourself. You almost trick yourself out when in a dreamworld. Once I understood this, then I could control anything I wanted. I could fly at will (no arm flailing), summon tornadoes, breathe underwater, run super fast, read minds (my own haha), shoot energy blasts, and tons of others when the other night all I could do was explore. Flying was the best one I got the hang of it, no more butterflies, just the excitement to be able to fly! I used to walk my dog at night, and looked up into the sky and said I wish cool nights like this were in my dreams, and that I could fly! Today it happened! More to what I accomplished in the actual dream journal entry!

      Have you ever heard a radio in your dreams? For me I never noticed until now, but there were always some kind of background noise somewhere. Once I started listening to it I found the source. It sounded like rapid clips of commercials, shows, and songs put together, and having it play super fast. Kind of sounds like channel surfing. You have the white noise, and occasionally you'll come across a channel that works and hear it for a second until you switch it. Now imagine there are hidden messages within it. It seems like your being is being contacted (no pun intended) by another being through this. I listened closely at it. First I thought it was just everything I heard today being played at a super fast rate, that my subconscious was playing it out. Then I thought it was all of my thoughts playing at a super alarming rate, since my dream is within my head, people can speak as fast as they think! there are no physical limits.

      Then I heard the word God a couple of times and sat down next to it and listened. It brought up all of my concerns about dieing. It even said I had till Halloween night, or right around it until I was going to die. Then an announcer came on the speaker phone of were I was at and asked if there was some body named something was there, I couldn't remember the name. And the radio laughed and said never mind. They said that i was afraid of being just short of making it into purgatory and that I was afraid I would end up in hell. That was correct, that is what I am afraid of, not death itself. They said something about cleaning up my act, and that I would make it to heaven eventually, I just have to make peace with God. Then I tried asking a question but the radio shut off. It turned back on after a couple of minutes and said that what I was experiencing was part of the afterlife, since we have a soul we are able to just barely connect with other souls. But there are still DCs that were just DCs made up by my mind.

      Then I met two people who escorted me around my dream, I asked questions about this afterlife thought, and said it was true. I just thought back to when somebody on here said DCs tend to try and trick you into believing your not dreaming. So I denied it for a couple of seconds until I thought of something. I asked well aren't you two apart of my dream, so I can control you, and I attempted to control them and their actions, but I couldn't. I could do it on everything else, but couldn't on them. So I began to wonder about it. They said we were able to control what we called a "dream" by physical manipulation of the environment. Since there were no laws of physics, I could fly, but it was me flying, it was the environment bending to what I wanted. Objects can appear, because the environment put them there, not us. That is why we have to turn around think of something, then turn back around and it is there. Then shortly after all of these thoughts I woke up, but with brand new ideas of what the meaning of our dreams, and why we have them.

      Updated 10-29-2010 at 10:17 PM by 35811

      dream fragment , side notes , lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    12. A quick nap leads to several observations about LDing.

      by , 10-29-2010 at 08:31 PM (Dreams I can Only Dream.)
      Time: 2:30 pm.

      This isn't a dream post in the regular sense, this is more of food for thought. Different (not new) ideas about dreaming. I mention God, and soul, but there isn't a specific religion, and this isn't me preaching. I don't mean to offend anyone, or take anyone's enjoyment out of Lucid dreaming, if you don't agree, that is perfectly fine, but this post is more for the thinkers on the sight. Also I don't take on sides of Astral Projecting/OBEing/Lucid dreaming. Instead I think of them more of experiences than any kind of category. I will post a link to a new thread, so please do not comment here. Comment on the actual post. Thanks, and enjoy!
      What if lucid dreaming was more than dreaming while being conscious What if it was a gateway to another world(Not the astral realm, but the after life!)? Think about it, all of the dream characters some of them you have never seen before, what if they were actual beings? Sure some of them are just dream characters representing you, but what if there were others that weren't? Today I took an hour long nap, a successful WILD! After several failed attempts at realizing false awakenings, I finally started to think. I ended getting out of my bed at my place of work. From there the rest were lucid dreams. This isn't going to be a post about my specific lucid dreams (coming shortly), they are about my ideas that I ended up with during the dream.

      Getting started: I want to make a few notes about what I have discovered in the dream world today. First dream charactersare representations of yourself. What ever your thinking, that DC will be saying. I noticed several times when I was thinking or talking to myself, a nearby dream character was repeating it. At first I didn't think anything of it, since it always happened, but now I paid attention to what I was thinking, and who was talking. The exact same thing was being thought, and said. Now this idea goes further with, whatever your doing (just not controlling the dream world by manipulation, instead just letting it happen) will be done to you. I noticed a DC eating something, but for some odd reason my mouth felt like it was full of food and I couldn't do anything. I didn't put two and two together until today as I have had that happen several times. Other properties about yourself can be manipulated by a DC along with the DC can manipulate yourself. You almost trick yourself out when in a dreamworld. Once I understood this, then I could control anything I wanted. I could fly at will (no arm flailing), summon tornadoes, breathe underwater, run super fast, read minds (my own haha), shoot energy blasts, and tons of others when the other night all I could do was explore. Flying was the best one I got the hang of it, no more butterflies, just the excitement to be able to fly! I used to walk my dog at night, and looked up into the sky and said I wish cool nights like this were in my dreams, and that I could fly! Today it happened! More to what I accomplished in the actual dream journal entry!

      Have you ever heard a radio in your dreams? For me I never noticed until now, but there were always some kind of background noise somewhere. Once I started listening to it I found the source. It sounded like rapid clips of commercials, shows, and songs put together, and having it play super fast. Kind of sounds like channel surfing. You have the white noise, and occasionally you'll come across a channel that works and hear it for a second until you switch it. Now imagine there are hidden messages within it. It seems like your being is being contacted (no pun intended) by another being through this. I listened closely at it.

      First I thought it was just everything I heard today being played at a super fast rate, that my subconscious was playing it out. Then I thought it was all of my thoughts playing at a super alarming rate, since my dream is within my head, people can speak as fast as they think! There are no physical limits. Then I heard the word God a couple of times and sat down next to it and listened. It brought up all of my concerns about dieing. It even said I had till Halloween night, or right around it until I was going to die. Then an announcer came on the speaker phone of were I was at and asked if there was some body named something was there, I couldn't remember the name. And the radio laughed and said never mind. They said that i was afraid of being just short of making it into purgatory and that I was afraid I would end up in hell. That was correct, that is what I am afraid of, not death itself. They said something about cleaning up my act, and that I would make it to heaven eventually, I just have to make peace with God. Then I tried asking a question but the radio shut off. It turned back on after a couple of minutes and said that what I was experiencing was part of the afterlife. Since we have a soul we are able to just barely connect with other souls. But there are still dream characters that were just made up by my mind.

      Then I met two people who escorted me around my dream, I asked questions about this afterlife thought, and said it was true. I just thought back to when somebody on here said dream characters tend to try and trick you into believing your not dreaming. So I denied it for a couple of seconds until I thought of something. I asked well aren't you two apart of my dream, so I can control you, and I attempted to control them and their actions, but I couldn't. I could do it on everything else, but couldn't on them.

      So I began to wonder about it. They said we were able to control what we called a "dream" by physical manipulation of the environment. Since there were no laws of physics, I could fly, but it was not me flying, it was the environment bending to what I wanted. Objects can appear, because the environment put them there, not us. That is why we have to turn around think of something, then turn back around and it is there. Then shortly after all of these thoughts I woke up, but with brand new ideas of what the meaning of our dreams, and why we have them.
    13. 28 october

      by , 10-29-2010 at 06:26 PM (awesome ninja dream journal)
      this was a pretty cool lucid for me.
      Im sitting in the living room with my little brother. Its around noon and for no reason I do an RC and become lucid. I phase through the window and fly out of the room laughing my head off. I hear my brother laughing right behind me, while flying. So Im bouncing him like a basketball while I fly to mess with him. We both land and we start fighting. We fight dbz style and I grab his ankle and throw him like ten metres. While he tries to get up im imagining a hot chick walking down the driveway to meet me. I grab a stone and turn my hand into stone so I can KO my brother. Instead these three dogs that look like my dogs come running at me.

      I remember a nightmare exactly like this so I drop the stone and run up the driveway. Im running so fricken slowly. Im punching the dogs to keep them at bay when I see someone on a motorized scooter going in the same direction. I grab the guy and throw him into the dogs. I get to the gate and look in my pocket and find the remote. I open the gate, escape and close it before the dogs can escape. I turn around and theres this security guard waiting there smoking a joint. Hes holding an Uzi and he tells me that my dream should have ended with me being mauled by the dogs. I think to myself “im bulletproof”, and he replies” no you’re not bulletproof”. He pulls the trigger and riddles my chest with bullets.

      They fly through me like a knife through butter. My chest feels wet. Then I remember something I read on dreamviews that mzzkc wrote where he regenerated. I look up at him with this fricken crazy look and scream “ im regenerating motherfucker!” he gets really scared and asks if I know how to kill him. I put my hand on his face and concentrate my energy there. He starts falling backwards and I grab his gun and shoot the sh!t out of him. The my alarm goes off and I wake up.
      Tags: lucid
      lucid , memorable
    14. Sleep Paralysis, Hallucinations and Lucidity

      by , 10-29-2010 at 08:12 AM
      So I decided to post up a journal today since I finally got around to having a nap which I almost always lucid dream while I'm napping.

      Well I ended up lucid dreaming and I had that weird sleep paralysis affect where I feel myself being paralyzed before I fall sleep. I have sleep paralysis quite a lot but I'm used to having it happen before I wake up.
      Anywho, It's weird feeling yourself going into a dream while youre conscious.
      Also when I woke up later I tried going back into the dream and was actually able to go back into it for a little bit...or at least until my mind grew too conscious and brought me back into reality.

      The dream was of me in my room...I got up out of bed and I was walking out into the dorm hall because I was going to put a guy friend of mine into a room so that I could "do stuff" with him. I saw a couch and chair in the room and my mind almost made this black thing on the chair into some random person, but then I looked at the couch and made whatever I could make out on the couch into my guy friend and then the naughtiness began from there. Sadly I grew too conscious during it all and couldn't hold onto being asleep. Gotta work on that.
      Any thoughts on how to hold a dream longer without losing lucidity?
      lucid , memorable
    15. South Park , pet snake, a brother I don't have selling my knife collection and running from police.

      by , 10-29-2010 at 04:59 AM (High Quality Head Movies)
      First dream was like I was in the cartoon South Park and it was all a cartoon and I was a character in the show. My new profile picture I made yesterday is probably the reason for that lol it was funny how a profile picture from a site about dreams influenced my dreams. I don't remember the details of the kind of episode I created for South Park in my dream but I know it was weird and funny because of how I felt when I woke up thinking about it.
      Ok, someone explain this...-josh-southpark-character.jpg

      Second dream was me and a made up brother I had both were sort of collectors who go to auctions and sell and buy rare things and I had a cool small pet snake I could wrap around my fingers . Well this brother decided he will sell my knife collection (I actually have that so I was very emotional about it) and left for the auction before I did. I crashed the auction by smashing the crates until I found out which one was mine and yelled to the crowd that it was my collection and this brother was lying. The police were then shooting at me not believing what I said and thinking I was a robber because I was dressed like a spy . I ran into the thick woods across the street and hid while watching them surround me and could not believe they had police already in the woods (impossible eh?). I ran and found a sewer culvert and hid in that and followed it until I was in the main sewer line and I remember finally finding my brother away from the cops and convincing him to tell everyone that I was telling the truth. But the funniest thing about it was how he said to everyone that he learned an important lesson and while he said that a piano was playing in the background of my dream just like on South Park. I woke up after that because it is just natural for me because that is a sign that the episode is over on South Park. I woke up knowing I had a cool action packed comedy dream that night. Good Feeling.