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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. I Stabbed Draco Malfoy

      by , 11-17-2011 at 07:45 AM
      A rundown shack with a convenience store nearby. There is some kind of secret history. A baby the size of a couple of fingers is growing in a butter dish.

      I am at my old house. I find some sort of secret space behind a broken mirror, but my flashlight isn't bright enough to explore it, so I leave, intending to come back later. I do my hair or something.

      I'm in the backyard now. It's raining very heavily. There is a garden with spots for many things, but only a single cabbage and a couple other things are growing there. I am given a sheep named Jeanie. There is some sort of emergency. I call for Jeanie to come, but she won't, so I go inside without her.

      In the kitchen, my brother M is explaining about our defenses, such as not having the kitchen blinds closed the wrong way so we can't see. Brigands break in. I fumble around desperately for a blade. I find a long, skinny blade with a too-small blue handle on my dresser. I clumsily block a couple of attacks by a brigand with my awkward sword and retreat into the back room. I close the door and open it again only to see Draco Malfoy attacking. I somehow manage to partially close the door at the right time so that he stabs the door instead of me and gets his sword stuck. I stab him in the shoulder. I am very proud of myself.
    2. Underneath the Palace

      by , 11-17-2011 at 07:24 AM
      I am at some sort of outdoor eatery. I am a secret agent or spy or something. There is a monastery and bones of a large animal or dinosaur. I? we? are resisting some sort of evil force in the city.

      I am working for/with a king. I make a knife/dagger that has a bone handle with a sapphire in it.

      I am in the dungeon or sewer underneath the palace/castle. I find some sort of portal to another dimension and go through it. I talked with many of the people there. On my way back out, I am in a strange chamber. It is flooding with lava or water. I find a strange statue and sit on it. I get some sort of hoverboard and use it to escape.

      There is a usurper, protected by strange technology (a force field). We fight.
    3. The Demon in the Lake

      by , 11-17-2011 at 04:37 AM
      I am at a boarding school. Chris (a friend I haven't seen in a couple years) is there. He and I have some sort of argument but remain friends.

      It is winter and snowy. We are having dinner at a special house. There are chocolate peanut butter cups. A girl there wants to get back at a guy in chem class, for some reason. She bakes a cake that gives unusual confidence.

      Chris and I are at my room. I try to find the dishes I need to return to the house and to remember what dish I left there.

      There is a large lake, and a metal bridge with hand rails goes over it. The weather is very stormy, and the bridge is constantly swaying. Chris and I try to cross, but we reach a place where the bridge turns into just a pipe with a couple ropes to hold for support. There is a wide, circular area in the bridge just before it turns into a pipe. There are two thick vertical poles blocking access to the pipe. I can't fit through them and going around would risk a fall. I stop Chris from doing something reckless, and we give up and go back.

      We eat some of that confidence giving cake from earlier. It is intoxicating. We head back to the lake, but it's a trick. There's a demon swimming in the water below. I don't ever get a clear view of it, but it has tentacles, and I know it's deadly. The witches are trying to trick us into falling in. They get paid if they lure people into the lake. The demon offers sacrifices to some sort of god. The cake is witch magic as well, but the girl who made that isn't in on this scheme. I had let Chris go on ahead without me earlier, and I hurry and catch up to him in time to warn him about the lake. We fight the witches. I find a jar of stored trinket/spell things. I throw handfuls of them at the witch, but only succeed in making her fly. I dump the rest of the trinket spell thingies in the lake, thus ruining all the hard work they put into making them.

      We head back to the dorms, which are more like a ski lodge than actual dorms. There are theaters in the dorms, and I get lost in them on my way back. I find my way to the house of the vaguely parental character, who is male and has long blond hair. I throw some residual witch-stuff out a window. The parental-type character takes pictures of me in a photo shoot sort of manner. I suddenly realize I am naked* and try to hide it.

      Out of order bits: Chris has my walkman and I have the headphones. I run off, but he doesn't let go of the walkman, so I just have the headphones. I return later and demand he give me the walkman and candy back. He does, but is offended. I vaguely remember being in some sort of tech store at some point.

      * I don't mean literally naked, but that is the closest I can approximate what I mean without going into a bunch of details that I don't want to go into right now.

      Updated 11-18-2011 at 04:32 AM by 51129

    4. More sleep paralysis

      by , 11-17-2011 at 04:10 AM (Typho's DJ)

      Updated 01-22-2012 at 04:24 AM by 44350

      non-lucid , side notes
    5. The Labyrinth

      by , 11-17-2011 at 03:53 AM
      Dream written later in the day as part of a waking journal entry.

      I am in a labyrinth, standing on the edge of a chasm that I never look at. There are several doors to open. There were others there, a team, but I don't remember anything about them. At first I just tried to open each door, without going through. Each door had a trick. One door had a giant horned guardian beast with a half deformed head. We tricked it into falling into the chasm because it could not stop quickly enough. I don't remember the tricks for the other doors.

      I pick one of the doors and go through it. I have in mind to explore the way I usually explore the map in an rpg- I go down every single passageway just to see where it goes, and I backtrack to find all the paths I haven't taken yet. It doesn't really work that well in a dream, since places don't always stay in the same, er, place.

      The rest is pretty fuzzy. I remember a house, a shopping mall, buying some bread, a service elevator, and how very confusing the passageways are.

      Updated 11-18-2011 at 04:33 AM by 51129

    6. Started B-100 complex, 3 very long, very detailed dreams

      , 11-16-2011 at 09:30 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Today I started taking B-100 complex with 100 mg of B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and 100mcg B12 and B7.

      I had three really long, really detailed and somewhat more vivid dreams. But didn't come even close to an LD. Dreams were so detailed, that I didn't even write down everything, because I felt like I could go writing forever.

      Took B-complex around 2pm.
      Went to bed at 10:30pm, woke up at 3am from dream #1. Went BTB at 3:40.

      Dream 1.
      I'm in Slovakia, talking to a friend somewhere outdoors, like in a field. There is more people around us, probably classmates. Teacher is telling us, that next day we are going by bus to either recite or sing for someone. We are at this time pioneers (in communist countries, these were kids in uniforms with red bandanas in shape of a triangle tied around necks). Our act should help to do or prevent something much bigger that is suppose to happen in Europe. I see a map of Europe, with some tall, skinny, black structures, that have something to do with energy. They need 1500 of us.

      On a trip - we are on a field and we watch an old man flying by on his bicycle with wings. Looks like its a routine for him, he is commuting home from work. I have a feeling we are seeing future. Then, three more people fly higher up. I yell "Good luck" in English to a girl with purple hair.

      - in a large building, like the Jedi Temple in Star Wars battlefront 2. I see couple of men of importance on top of stairs talking about some scheme, how stuff is not what it seems and I get a bad feeling, it's against us.

      -I'm standing with a friend in a different building, next to the window. Walls are light green and white. We are on a 2 or 3 floor. Waiting for something. Somebody walks by and tells us, that the thing we wanted to do, we have to do it now. I know he is talking about escape. I grab my friend by shoulder and we ran. There will be like three "stages" we have to exit from to get out. I usually have good feeling and fun and I enjoy being chased, but not this time. There is something ominous about this place.

      First "stage".
      We have to get out of a rocky courtyard, that's in a back of a building.

      Second "stage".
      Mental institution. We get cornered by employees in white, it's the same building as the one where we were waiting by the window, light green walls and white tiles on the walls, chrome instruments. There is a black lady, I feel like I know her, either a classmate or an actress IRL. We cry to her, telling they will kill us if she doesn't let us go. She doesn't want to, but finally opens a door by pushing a button on an instrument panel. It's almost too late. We ran cautiously through corridors, trying to avoid a group of people, look like monks, that are walking in formation somewhere in corridors and they scare a living daylight out of me. We almost run into them but friend of mine notices them and we change direction.

      "Stage" three.
      Looks like a mining facility in Red Faction video game, especially the part, where the mining carts or a conveyor belt is up in the air transporting ore. We see one woman in white t-shirt on this broken up conveyor belt, trying to escape. Suddenly one cart turns on it's axes and she falls to her death. I feel like we are shown this as a warning.

      Dream 2. Woke up from it at 5:33am.
      I woke up after this dream but felt like I'll remember it when I wake up, so I didn;t write it down at night. I repeated some keywords to myself.

      I'm in a room, like a modern tavern. Feels like I'm in a future or on another planet, some kind of a mining facility. This is a rec room for workers. There is a girl playing a game that looks like wheel on Price is Right on IRL TV. She spins and twice she gets a Ten and another Ten (in English).

      Then I see in same fashion as Price is Right, big wheel with each "window" representing a dream. There is a picture and a title for a dream. I pick "Adventures of oil driller". I can read the title. It's in English.

      Immediately I'm a patrol men in jeep at night in a city. Looks like a city I grow up in. Couple streets from us is someone disturbing peace. We pursue them. It's a group of kids on bicycles. We decide to arrest the ones in red shirts, because we could not arrest all of them. When we get there, most of them had calmed down, but three of them are still riding in a circle while being loud. I start to arrest one kid in red shirt, but my partner tells me to let him be and get the ones still on bikes. I made them pick up their mess - water bottles and lots of trash, papers.

      Suddenly I'm standing outside the big arched gate. My partner is coming towards me. There is a big wind, that turns into black, swirling, not too tall tornado. I can feel it being strong. My partner doesn't see it, as it is coming from the side, from behind him. I yell at him "Tornado" in English, but he can't hear me.

      Dream 3.
      I worked as a babysitter for a new family. Nice young couple. They left for the evening and I watched over their kids. Kids are sleeping and I walk outside. I bump into a mailman. I don't even know, there is a mailbox, but there is a note, that I have delivery, but she didn't find me home. We laugh and she pulls out the delivery for me. She sais, someone had sent me money. $ 8864. We are both surprised at a large amount. She shows me a paper and I notice on it who is the sender. It's a woman from my previous job. The mailman is little reluctant to give me that large amount of money, but when I tell her what it's for - I see on a paper that it's for a website maintenance (in English, handwritten), she starts to give me the money. She gives me about $100. Some are in really old US banknotes - dark green, pretty looking, smaller than current bills. Some are in Slovak promissory notes, that are light blue and dark blue, like an old czechoslovak 20 KCS bill. This has a very nice picture of Bratislava castle on it. I have to go inside to get my documents so she can give me rest of the money. The youngest girls is still asleep, but two boys - one belongs to the family and his cousin, are watching TV. I want it in normal currency and she has no problem with it.

      This family is suppose to come for a visit in Slovakia to the house my parents still live in IRL. So I'm looking out the window and see a car that looks like it's theirs - silver SUV. I want to put on jeans, but realize, I'm already wearing them. Suddenly there is a young woman with short hair standing in the door to the kitchen. It turns out, she is a family we have not seen in a long time, maybe never, and she now lives in Washington, DC. We had a conversation in Slovak, where she lives and that I live in LA. She was telling me something really fast, like instructions, and I tried to write it down, but in three big notebooks I could not find empty space. Then she went someplace on a bus and I asked her if she is coming back for a chat. Friend that was with her asked me which phone number to call me. I have a feeling that this dream had continued after I went back to sleep.

      I'm not sure, if I have the energy for such a long and detailed dreams. But I'll give it another try. Will buy Choline today and take that too. Hoping for an LD tonight.

      Updated 11-27-2011 at 11:18 PM by 50242

      non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , side notes
    7. The 4 suns

      by , 11-16-2011 at 08:21 PM

      4 Suns

      ..I stepped out of my house and started walking towards the bus stop around the corner. I did not notice that the bench was turned around from it's normal position (minor detail). I took a seat and simply enjoyed the blazing sunlight. I did not wait for the bus i was just soaking up sunlight, something i don't do often enough. I decided to get more comfortable and lied down a bit. I chilled for quite some time. Then i noticed the sun was clouded and didn't shine so brightly anymore. I still felt sun rays heating my body but it was coming from behind. I looked behind and i saw another sun there, shining brightly. That's odd, i thought. Then i heared a loud "omnipotent" authoritative voice saying : "TIME TO GET SERIOUS NOW!"
      At that point the dream got another feel. The dream gave me a scary, intense and serious vibe. I looked around. North, east, south, west. There was a sun shining in all those directions. Four in total. I stared at one for a couple of seconds, and i saw all four of them individually (Obviously, i can't look at 4 directions simultaneously, duh!). Eventually i turned to stare at the sun i was looking at originally. There was a stormcloud in front of the sun, and a fat tornado/vortex of grey clouds right in front of the sun. This is where i woke up.
      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Banned from the forum

      by , 11-16-2011 at 07:54 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      Before I went to bed I made some joking comments on an internet forum that I frequent. I had this dream afterwards:

      I am on the forum and necieve a notification that someone has responded to the comments I made earlier. I go to the thread and find that people didn't find my comments funny and are attacking me and putting me down. I reply and point out that these comments were made in the Off-Topic forum and were not meant to be taken seriously. A few people reply angrily and someone says that they have reported me to a Moderator. The moderator replies to the thread and tells everyone to calm the fuck down and stop taking my joking comments so seriously. Then the Moderator bans me anyway, which upsets me, because I have a lot of online friends on that forum and the thought of not being able to interact with them anymore causes me distress.

      I think this dream is a reflection of the anxieties I often have of being criticised and abandoned.
    9. gun fight at a party

      by , 11-16-2011 at 05:19 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm driving with a few people, when we pass this bridge that overlooks several small rivers. I'm telling them how fun I think it would be. We get to our destination, and it turns out to be this huge party, kinda in the middle of no where, outdoors.

      Tons of people there, different groups, races and everything. Some guy started talking to me. I think he said his name was "caption". Don't remember what the conversation was about. Just knew he was one of those guys who randomly talked to anyone no matter what. I walked off and met up with D.

      He was asking me if I ever came out there, and I told him, I think I might have passed by it, but I've never really showed up. He was about to leave, so I let him go. Then I saw N....he was asking about D, and he had a gun in his hand. Before I could say anything, he said "never mind, I see him", and started running after him and shooting.

      The crowd was hysterical at this moment, and I watched a few seconds of it. N shot at D a few times, and missed him. In the processes he ended up shooting some random guy. That's when I hit the dirt, and started low crawling away from the action. I saw some kid pull out a .22 and shoot some woman in the leg. I came up to him and told him that he shouldn't be be doing that. Kid had to be like 10 years old, and he was so angry. I told him he had the learn the difference between when he has to use his weapon, and when he has to use his gun, and right then it wasn't time for either.

      We went back and forth, and finally his father came, and I headed out. On the way out, they had these random food vendors and I saw T...I was going to tell him "is it me or are you always getting something to eat when i see you".
    10. Strange Proposal Dream and The Annoying Girl

      by , 11-16-2011 at 05:07 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was in my house, but it didn’t look like my house. I heard my mom talking to Jason about him proposing to me; talking
      about the ring, etc. My back was turned to them, and they were in another room. She was saying things like

      “Oh! That’s great!” and such.

      I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. I wasn’t ready marry him! I hadn’t even really been dating him or whatever for that long at all. I mean, I guess if he was going to ask me a little later, like in a few months or something, it might be a little different.

      I asked my mom about it, and she seemed so excited about us getting engaged. I wanted to know when he was going to ask me, and she said


      Oh God.

      I contemplated what I was going to say when he asked me, and part of me wanted to say yes, but my better instincts said I should say no. I wasn’t ready for that, not by a long shot.

      I then saw him. He walked in the room. The proposal was supposed to be a surprise, so I didn’t say anything. He looked a bit different than he does in waking life; older, a little more scruff, taller. He was smiling as he said hello to me. He seemed really happy

      Then, I was in Dr. Ilsley’s chemistry class. I was behind the desk with him. I saw his back most of the time. There were all kinds of chemistry type things on the counter/desk, I can’t remember what they were though.

      Dr. Ilsley started to draw a diagram on the board. It was of the inside of the human body, specifically the abdomen. A small green, almost glowy springy-looking thing with a smiley face then was animated and went down the esophagus (think James and the Giant Peach when you think of the green thing). It was supposed to be like a game; I was supposed to make it land in the right place in the body. I think Dr. Ilsley called it a zygote, which was very odd. I actually think I was supposed to get in in the uterus or a reproductive part of the body. I did something to tilt the diagram, I feel like it was mentally because I didn’t have any controls, and the “zygote” went into some organ on the right side of the body. It burrowed in. I hadn’t gotten it where it was supposed to go.

      “Oh well,” I thought. I wasn’t that upset that I hadn’t done it. I didn’t think I was going to be able to anyway.


      I was in choir class. I had brought Drew with me on my left side, even though it was women’s choir. I was sitting on the left side of the classroom in the front row, where I sat when I was in choir last semester. There weren’t a whole lot of people in the room. There were actually a couple of other guys, though. It was weird. I thought about how the sound would be with some guys in there, since it was a women’s choir.

      Then, I was walking on campus. It was daytime. I kept getting calls and messages from this big black girl. She kept asking for my help and trying to tell me she’d “be right back”. I didn’t really know her, and I felt awkward, like she might have had a crush on me or something. So I started to ignore her calls and messages. I even almost blocked her phone number from my phone.

      I then walked into this building where there was a music show going on. The room looked old and wooden, like a lodge or cabin. There were lots of seats in there as well, and I want to say they were also wooden. There were lots of people up dancing, mostly hippy-looking guys with long hair. I was looking around to see if Paul was in there, because I knew he liked to hang out there and I kind of wanted to avoid him. I didn’t see him in the crowd of dancing guys.

      At some point, I remember talking to Katie. I also went into the building one other time.

      I was then in a house; it was Josh E's house, a guy I haven’t seen or talking to in years. He looked the same as I remembered, with his long hair and black band shirt with cut off sleeves with a red logo on it. He was sitting on the floor playing video games. Apparently, the large black girl was his neighbor. She kept trying to get in touch with me. In fact, I could hear her yelling,

      “I’ll be right back,” a couple of times. I couldn’t figure out why she kept doing that.

      We were then outside his house, which was a condo on a block of condos all connected to one another. An Amish lady on a motor bike-thing rode by. Josh said she was his neighbor. She stopped the bike at the condo to the left of his and went in. I thought it was quite amusing. Josh said something that made him sound kind of annoyed that she was his neighbor.
      We were then back in his condo, and he was talking to someone else in the room as he played his video games. He was talking about getting a whole new body, like plastic surgery and different limbs and stuff. He apparently didn’t like himself the way he was. He talked about this so casually though, it was weird. I couldn’t imagine changing myself like that. He even laughed as he talked about it. I thought about him having a baby, because in waking life, he does, but I didn’t see any toys, high chairs, or cribs anywhere. He hadn’t even mentioned his kid.

      Then, I was standing up by the door. I was trying to block this black girl’s number. I then saw her sitting on the couch in front of me, looking up at me, looking alone and sad.

      Updated 11-16-2011 at 10:03 PM by 32059

      Tags: marriage, school
    11. Another fragment

      by , 11-16-2011 at 04:58 PM
      My dream recall has not improved from the night before last. It would be naive of me to expect that it would have but whatever, I want to remember my dreams. I remembered fragments of a dream from last night that when pieced together made minimal sense at best. I was at home and my dad was showing of a new antique-esque blue stair case that had replaced the one on the far side of our porch. The problem is that the one we have now is only one step (hardly a staircase), our house is on an incline and that side of the porch is maybe 1.5 feet from the ground. The staircase he added had around 7 or 8 steps and the laws of physics had to bend for it to fit between the porch and ground (still didn't realize I was dreaming). He was also trying to teach one of our dogs to play fetch without the other. There was also something about a really hot pot of coffee in our garage, I don't know exactly how that fits in.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. tall buildings

      by , 11-16-2011 at 04:43 PM (Floatinghead's dream adventures)
      dream 1 - I am 'watching' the scene but it's described as letters. the sentences appear on the scene like a book.

      I see Vincent from Ergo Proxy and the gloomy background behind him. I think he's driving Centzon. he says " 'D' was my cousin all along..." and I recognize that 'D' is Vince's crush, and visualized her as Moa from Keroro Sergeant or Monad. and I think, what about Re-l?! wait.. if D is Monad then she is Re-l because they are cloned! then I see Re-l's countenance....

      dream 2- I am floating in the mid-air. there are really tall buildings like chocolate square densely located in the city with blue sky. I am worried that the buildings are gonna fall, thinking about those collapsing like dominos. as I turn around I see big apartments from Korea.

      dream 3 - I am in my room wearing clothes. my mom gives me the new camisole she bought(in reality) and I have to put my shirt off to wear it. but somehow I cant becuase my hair is wet for some reason.
    13. running destiny; pop the transformers; transformer guilt

      by , 11-16-2011 at 02:50 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was out in a park, possibly as part of a school group. We all had to run a mile course around the park. For some reason this seemed like a lot to me.

      We started running on a narrow dirt path. There was a dense row of short trees or tall shrubs, like junipers, to our left. I didn't really see anybody, and I myself felt like I was disembodied and floating over the dirt trail.

      We worked our way up a hill and then turned left, out onto a wide lawn of dry, tan grass. To the right was a residential area. I don't think it was a part of the course, but I ran out there anyway.

      My sister may have been with me. We went up one street, then turned back down it and headed toward the park. We then turned up another street, which curved around to the right a bit.

      Just around the curve we saw a group of "gangsters" standing all the way across the road, blocking the street. The "gangsters" were a group of four or five tall, white boys wearing baggy jeans and t-shirts.

      I knew those guys were nothing but trouble, especially for some guy and girl by themselves. So I turned myself and my sister around. We were walking by this time.

      I was still afraid of the "gangsters" up the block, but I kept walking calmly. I was a little worried about whether my sister (who may also have been like my girlfriend) would think I was a coward for being so afraid.

      As we approached the park, where I saw a few of my classmates (?) milling around after the run, I heard some hip-hop style song that I knew was popular. It was called "Destiny." (I had the melody in my head for a while, but I can't remember it now.)

      I suddenly got really afraid. It was like I'd gotten so close to safety, I didn't want to lose it now by having the "gangsters" catch up with me. So I ran all the way into the park, and even past some small pine tree twenty or thirty meters into the park.

      Dream #2

      Two boys were driving a car on some road through the forest. The boys were both white, smart-looking, with kind of shaggy hairdos. One of the boys may have worn glasses. Some 1970s style song was playing on the car's radio.

      The forest outside looked fake, almost as if it were a slightly grainy or overexposed projection, like for a music video. The view of the forest then changed to a view of fields of some kind of red-purple, thistly flower (which I'm pretty sure I mistakenly thought of as poppies).

      The song also changed. It had previously been acoustic. But now, playing the same tune, it became electric.

      I knew that something bad was going to happen. The music had become too "fateful." And now the car crashed into a tree. I may have thought at first that the boys were dead. But they were now outside the car, standing as if hiding behind it, looking out for some place they could go for refuge.

      The two boys were on the outskirts of a college town. I may have thought it was Oxford. I was now in the scene, possibly as one of the boys or as myself. There was a tall church behind another, shorter building. The church seemed to be made of tan colored stone.

      An old man pointed the church out to us as one of the most famous buildings in this town. I mentioned another church, probably designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. The man sighed in disgust and waved me off. He may have made a comment about how modern architecture isn't any good.

      I was now in some different area, walking away from a different old man and a couple other people, possibly including a woman. The old man made a comment to the woman about how she should be careful, because it was going to rain today.

      I walked down a straight road with flat fields of tall, tan grass (?) on either side of me. I wondered if it really would rain. It was so sunny right now. I didn't see how it could rain.

      But suddenly it started raining. It was a pretty heavy rain, and there were no clouds in the sky. I thought that it would only get worse once the clouds got here. I knew that would be terrible. I had a long way to walk, and no umbrella. I'd be soaking wet when I got home.

      I decided to fly home. I simply levitated myself into the air. I got three or four meters above the ground. Soon after I started flying, it stopped raining.

      But I felt unstable, like I could fall at any minute. To stabilize myself I pulled off my backpack (?). I re-fit it to myself, so that I was now using some bottom flap and belt-like straps as a seat. I now had a a lot more stability.

      I was pretty excited that I was flying "in waking life." But I told myself it was nothing unusual, and that as long as I stayed calm I'd keep flying.

      I flew up toward a pretty thick intersection of power lines. I thought I'd fly over them, as "in the past" I'd always flown under them. It was tough, though, from this distance, to get a steep enough angle where I could fly over the wires.

      Suddenly my sister was with me. I now saw some insulating coils connecting the wires to the poles. My sister, apparently thinking the coils were transformers, cried out, "Pop 'em! Pop 'em!" It was like she thought I could explode transformers with my mind.

      I may have tried to explain to my sister that I wasn't trying to focus on that right now. But suddenly we veered away from the road and the power lines. We went off to the left over a field, but probably near another road.

      I could see that up ahead was an intersection with a few buildings and shops, like a kind of busy rest station out on a long highway. But I was suddenly afraid to get up there. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to see the place once I got there, as if I didn't have enough "imagination" for it.

      I may have tried to remind myself that this was waking life, not a dream. If this was waking life, I wouldn't have to "imagine" that busy rest area. It would just be there.

      But my fear was too much for me. And I landed in the field. My sister and I turned around and walked back toward the road we'd veered off from. There was now a big mountain on the other side of the road. The road itself may have been a little up on the mountain's face.

      Dream #3

      I was in "my family's bathroom" with my sister. My sister was telling me something about how to take a shower. It was pretty inconvenient, because there was something cluttering up the bathtub.

      My sister was now gone, and I was all by myself. But, in the place of a toilet, my sister had left something like a gigantic potty-training seat, which was blocking up a lot of the bathroom. On top of that, there was something like a big head from an almost life sized action figure on the toilet seat.

      I thought something to myself like, Isn't that just like my sister? To leave intruding signs of her presence, even when she isn't here? (My sister is *not* like that IWL.) But I decided not to be bothered by it. I'd just go take a shower.

      But as I was getting into the shower, my mom banged on the door. She said, "I've got some bad stuff on you! Now I know what you've done to those kids!"

      I thought, All my life I've been waiting for my mom to pin some kind of big thing on me. And I always knew it would have something to do with kids. There's nothing she could legitimately blame me for. But I'll find out what she's going to try and pin on me.

      So I left the bathroom. My mom was sitting in the living room with my nephews, who were all little. My mom said, "You bought those kids Transformers for Christmas! You know they can't transform those things. It's just too frustrating for them. Plus, the parts break off! That's too dangerous."

      My mom was playing with a little, yellow Transformer, about the color of a Caterpillar tractor. The Transformer had a little button on its chest.

      I agreed with my mom that I'd made a bad choice in toys for my nephews. But I couldn't see how that would make me a bad person.

      I looked up or over to a long set of drawers. On top of the drawers there stood a big toy. It was green and plastic, and it looked like a weird mix between a Venus Fly-Trap and a crane. The claw-scoop of the crane was connected to the rest of the toy by a black, elastic string.

      The claw-scoop was closed, but I saw out of the top of it some pieces of what looked like a gigantic version of the Transformer Optimus Prime. Put together, I guessed, this Optimus Prime toy must have been almost a meter tall!

      I got the idea that you could break apart the Optimus Prime toy. Then you could make the crane pick up the broken pieces. But -- somehow -- when the claw-scoop opened, it would actually move all the pieces together in such a way that the toy would be reconstructed.
    14. Fragments and the Town on the River

      by , 11-16-2011 at 06:05 AM
      Dreams written down later in the day when I was writing in my waking journal.

      First dream:
      Some sort of quest/journey/exploration. Characters summoned, one of them is Usopp (from One Piece). He was in a rowboat at a beach. I was on a bus at some point. Later I was chased by someone I don't remember, along with someone else I don't remember, at a store-ish locale. I set up a trap with an electrical socket and wires and something else to electrocute him.

      Second dream:
      A town, detached, floating on the river. A shaman/mystic old woman. There is something wrong about her. Her ?soul? was sucked out and swallowed into a pit that formed after she did something with a beam of light. Three small dragons came out of the pit. One was purple, I think, and one was orange. The third perhaps was green? I was feeding one of them, but it was my sister's dog eating. I vaguely remember some sort of village leader/warrior.

      Updated 11-18-2011 at 04:34 AM by 51129

      Tags: bus, dragon, store
    15. Zombie on the Countryside

      by , 11-16-2011 at 05:58 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in Bacolod. I was with a theater group. For some reason, they chose me (or I presented myself) for a play. A girl who looks familiar was writing poetry on the table. She's also the organizer or something.

      We walked to a church, or a cathedral, where we're going to do the play. Emerald was there, also arranging stuff. Somebody told me that Grey is looking for me. I told (myself?) that no one else but Grey would know where I am when I disappear. But it seems that he's desperately looking for me.

      Somehow, I was able to contact him. But he's over the "desperate" part already. He just asked me for the process/spell to turn into a zombie. I was doubtful, wondering why he wants it. While talking to him, I "saw" him (but he doesn't look the same). He's starting to transform into a zombie. I saw visions of yellowish ruins, and the blazing heat of the sun. A desert.

      Then someone mentioned how he's now transforming into a zombie. I thought then that he'd also lose his consciousness. And I saw him rampage across town, and "we" saw him tearing a human apart, and we saw the bloody innards of the victim.

      Then "he" walked "home." A countryside area. A farm. I was him, the "zombie" who is conscious, and not murderous.