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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Tracked in the Desert

      by , 01-26-2011 at 11:02 AM (Dreamjumper)
      Jan 24

      I am walking alone across a desert landscape. The terrain is completely flat and barren... comprised of dust. It's a little windy, but this doesn't bother me so much, because though it's windy the dust isn't blowing at all. I know that I have a destination in mind but I don't know exactly what it is until I reach it. In the middle of the dreamscape, surrounded by nothing, a large white museum stands.

      I make my way inside the massive building and see that there are other people there. We weren't all necessarily there to see or meet each other, we just had the same goal or destination. I am surrounded by small groups of individuals who are excited to see me. We talk briefly and I move between groups, or rather, the groups move around me, and I react to them.

      Our conversations revolve mostly around dreams, and this reinforcement lets me know that I am dreaming. However, I don't have a moment to enjoy it, because the INSTANT I become lucid... I hear a loud droning bomb siren. An alarm flared and from deep within the museum I could hear planes overhead. All of us inside ran out into the desert to see a plane fly low above us and fire something from one of its turrets. It trailed green and lands on the roof of the museum. It flashes like a green strobe light and within moments another plane flies over and dumps another tracking device on the opposite end of the roof. I can tell that they are triangulating our position and that our cover has been blown. In the ensuing stress I forget my lucidity. Everybody escapes and runs in different directions, back into the desert, away from the compromised museum headquarters.
      lucid , non-lucid
    2. Second Night - Forgot reality checks

      by , 01-26-2011 at 08:26 AM
      So, I fell asleep after some 20 minutes of small frustrating breaks, and I ended up forgetting what I should do as I fell asleep. I had one of those false awakenings, for I dreamt that I went down to class, and the only new thing, was that I no longer was in the same class, but a lower class. In my school there are three math classes: High, medium and low, and where I normal is on the high level, I was on the medium or lower, anyway, I felt disappointed for being moven down :S Forgot to do reality checks, so the night went pretty fast, without me noticing it.
      Scene: My present school / lower class
      Characters: My teacher, a few other students who I can't remember
    3. ouch my b*lls and a stroke!

      by , 01-26-2011 at 07:42 AM
      I was in an underwater world where people travelled by these strange sorts of cages, when i noticed i was underwater i panicked but a DC told me it was ok because they changed my lungs, i decided not to take any chances and hold my breath, so for a while i was being pulled around by those strange cages and then i was on the highway beside my home ( this is it, therre a 50 m drop beneth it http://www.atmb.net/IMG/jpg_ROUTE_AP...TUNNEL-1-2.jpg ) and i was grinding a rail down the middle in my shoes, i alipped and fell on my nuts , i looked down and saw my pants were torn and my b*ll sack too, then i'm at the swimming pool and my coach says i'm fine and gives me some morphine, i walk around there for a while then my coach comes up to me and says "show me your motor functions" so i started saying numbers but then i couldn't control it and the left side of my face goes numb and limp, i understand i'm having a stroke. I hold out my hand to him with my fingers spread and say five , i look at my hand and see i actually do have 5 fingers then my dream fades to black
    4. My Love, My China, My School, My Anüki

      by , 01-26-2011 at 06:06 AM (From the Drowsy Mind of a Mouse)
      "If you had a million Shakespeares, could they write like a monkey?"
      Stephen Wright

      This journal is late. So are the next few I'll be making. I've been busy.

      First of all, start playing this. This was the tune in my dream.

      Yeah, I was in China! My girlfriend and I were on a big tall tower, with crossed pieces of wood. It was like this:

      only much, much higher. I estimated about 200, 300 feet high. It was high. A stereotypical little Chinese house was on top.
      I was up there with my lovely girlfriend, and there was a porch-like area above the ground, and a cannon on it. I peered in the cannon, unsure of its purpose. When I pulled my head away, it shot out a little cube on a stick. The stick was about a foot long, the cube the volume of one segment of my thumb. As it fell, a parachute came out and it wafted to the ground below.
      "What was that?" I asked.
      She giggled and bumped me. I lost balance for a moment, and when I became sturdy, I noted that there were no railings on the tower. I almost fell.
      "Hey, Tanya [name changed], be careful! I don't want to fall!"

      Time skip.

      I was in school. Tanya was late to her math class (the room we were going to was my science room during my freshman year of high school, and the teacher was her present Health teacher. I brought her there, and I also put a note on the door for the teacher. He had been bothered lately by kids skipping class and going to see him, so the note said: "I know you're important and stuff, but don't interrupt my goddamn class!"
      He laughed and told me that it was an excellent note.

      Time skip.

      I was checking my Facebook page at home, and everyone was messaging me about how the note was awesome. Some kid I didn't know posted, "Awesome note. Give me your student ID and next bonfire [an annual school event], you'll have alcohol privileges! Oh wait, you're underage..."
      It's true. I am.

      Time skip.

      I was back in China, on that same tower with Tanya. I looked over the edge. It was a long way down. Tanya bumped me again and grabbed me with a hug.
      "Really," I began, "don't do that-" but I was cut off as I fell over the edge.
      Time was not in slow motion, but the falling was. The feeling of weightlessness was euphoric. Down, down I went, but I panicked not and I worried not. A minor inconvenience, yes, but I knew this falling wouldn't kill me. I just kept falling down. I was light as air. I spun as I descended to the Earth and I saw the plaza below me. There were little red shops on the street corners and many happy people meandering about. It was so peaceful, and I felt removed from the world as I got closer to the ground.
      At last, we landed with a thud.
      I wasn't hurt, just really sore from the fall. "You ok?" Tanya asked.
      "Yeah, I'm fine," I replied.
      "Ok," and she got up and walked away.
      I remained on the ground. I was pretty sore. I finally stood up, but Tanya was long gone. I looked around, and there was the Anüki (pronounced "An'OO'key). The Anüki was a white monkey, about three feet tall. There is an image below, drawn by me.
      The Anüki looked at me with a stern glare, and then silently walked over and gave me a big, warm, soft hug. It was a powerful hug, with the ever-necessary pat on the back as well.
      This thing is so darn awesome. When I LD, I'm going to make sure he is in my dream again. I like the Anüki.

      Yeah, this angry thing gave me a hug. It smelled nice, too, and it looked clean. Just an overall nice fellow.
    5. Terrible husband dream and 1 tiny lucid

      by , 01-26-2011 at 05:21 AM
      Last night, I did have a dream, or was it early morning? I'm not sure. I'm really going crazy wanting a lucid dream, but I had another of my terrible husband dreams instead. I keep getting those. Don't know why. He really isn't THAT terrible!

      Joe, my husband, refused to pay a bill in the dream, and I was so mad that I started attacking him. I actually bit him, and just went crazy! I bit his lip hard. I bit his arm. I demanded that he apolygize. LOL. He refused! Man, was I mad! Funny thing is, he woke me up this morning and I was still ready to do some damage. He couldn't understand why I was staring him down! Of course, I'm a bit more calm in my waking life, so, no cops were involved. Just kidding. He was like "What'd I do?" It did take me an hour or so to not feel the anger I felt in my dream. Isn't it funny how real those dreams can be? You can get confused upon waking.

      Now, my first lucid that I actually was able to make happen was about a week ago. I looked around in my dream and suddenly, not sure how, I was aware! I started jumping up and down! "Yay, I'm in a dream" I think that is what I said but something along those lines. I was too excited! I woke up! "Oh man!"

      Now, I am still working on it. I think that the next one I get, I will try and keep calm.
    6. What kind of a game is this??

      by , 01-26-2011 at 04:12 AM
      Part 1:
      So it started when I was at school, everything was normal, but it was abnormally foggy. All students were immediately sent to their 1st Period classes instead of homeroom to escape the fog. My 1st Period takes place in the computer lab, and for some reason, the electricity wasn't working, so we were basically doing nothing. Everyone is goofing around, and our teacher is no where to be seen. My classmate, Arthur, suggests that we ditch class. Because he's the only one agreeing with himself, he runs out of class and is struck by a random bolt of lighting.

      Part 2:
      The dream suddenly switches to a video game perspective. Pacman music is playing in the background and the graphics are like how they would be in the Sims 3. I would like to note here that I've never played the Sims series, nor have I even owned any so I don't see how this happened. The POV is from the sky, like an overview on the whole city and I suddenly see The Legend of Zelda monsters rush in and stand on certain spaces, like how characters would on a game board. I also don't know where this came from, but I suddenly saw cannons go off and the monsters being squished or having the despawning animation they do.

      Part 3:
      The scene switches to real life, but still from the view in the sky. The cannons are still being fired from nowhere and I'm back at school. All the students are being rushed into bathrooms for some reason, I suppose for protection?? As we're being rushed in, a secret agent gets a hold of me and brings me to this high elevated area where he opens up his secret base. He speaks gibberish and a bunch of mush that I don't understand, but I'm assuming he wants help fighting the mobs when he points to a lone cannon.

      This is when I wake up and awkwardly find myself on the brink of falling off the bed.
    7. The room

      by , 01-26-2011 at 01:43 AM
      In a strange recurring dream back in 2008 I was constantly being chased through a room full of Greek columns by two men in black suits.
      memorable , non-lucid
    8. 01/25/10 Assassin's Creed - The Lone Assassin

      by , 01-26-2011 at 01:02 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: My recall has been inconsistent to say the best, as night before last was yet another night of CRS… which really sucks. So my only goal for tonight is to remember dreams, although if I happen to have a dream of DDO, and if I happen to meet up with Tigress in a dream of DDO… or if I happen to meet up with MoSh or Nomad or anyone else I will sometimes share dreams with… or if I meet up with someone new… that is awesome, too!

      I am in a place I don't recognize, but it seems completely normal for me to be there at the time. I am an Assassin like those from Assassin's Creed, and I already know who the target is that I am after. There is a specific terrorist leader that needs to be taken out as quickly and silently as possible. He has been located in this city, so trying to take him out with conventional means would no doubt involve killing too many civilians, so Assassins such as myself have been sent in. I have to meet with the others before heading off to track targets. In addition to the primary target, there are also numerous secondary targets… terrorists that are roaming amongst the civilians, so the more of them we can take out, the safer the city will be. I go into a building and down into some underground halls to meet up with my associates, who I find out aren't all Assassins. They are dressed differently, but I realize it is so we can all blend in with the crowds and not have it look like a group of people in uniforms. There are a couple of men there, both are redheads there those two have freckles… and shortly after I get there, a third man shows up. My first thought is that he is kind of cute. I walk over closer to him and smile, but I realize he probably doesn't see my smile because of my Assassin's hood. Then I think about the fact if he did see my face, he might actually be offended by my showing interest in him. So I admire the view from afar.

      I figure we are all there to make a plan for how we're going to complete our mission to take out the head terrorist as well as taking out as many of the others as possible. Everyone is talking, but they aren't talking about terrorists at all, actually, I can't really figure out what they're talking about. I go over to the group, I am standing beside one of the redheads and looking over at the cute guy. Someone else comes along before I can get a good idea of what everyone is talking about, he looks at the group of us and asks if the redhead and I are… the redhead interrupts with a definitive, "No!" and he seems to be blushing quite brightly. What was he going to suggest… does he somehow know that we are all Assassins? That's not good… Those thoughts go through my mind in an instant, so I also respond with a definitive, "No!" at the same time as the redhead does. The new visitor points at the redhead and laughs at the fact he is blushing. It still seems that no one is talking about the task at hand, which is to take out the terrorist lead. I finally give up on that, I know where he is going to be exposed most, so I decide I had better do it on my own if I want it to get done at all.

      I tell them all that I have to get things done, and then I head off down the hall, heading for the open areas of the city. I find that I have some of the tools of an Assassin's Creed Assassin… I have a crossbow with bolts, and I have my hidden blade… though I don't see my sword. I climb up at some key locations so I can get to the rooftops and not be noticed, then I make my way along the rooftops until I get to a lookout point that is overlooking an outdoor auditorium type area where there are quite a few people gathered around the stage, on which there is a single podium. I duck down behind a wall as someone who looks like a guard goes by, I figure they are there to protect the guy who is actually a terrorist. When the guard is gone I return to my place and I see there is now a man standing behind the podium, he looks like a politician, and he talks like one, too. He is the terrorist, he is infiltrating the rest of the government here, and has definite plans that have to be stopped. So I take aim with my crossbow, load a bolt in, and fire… my shot is perfect, it hits the man right in the chest, right through his heart, for an instant kill. Of course everyone freaks out at that, guards are trying to find where I am, but panicking civilians are getting in their way, all running for cover, all afraid that they may also be targets. Of course I have no interest in shooting any civilians, so I use the chaos to get off of the building and blend in with the fleeing masses.

      I am going down a street and I see there are a bunch of guards up ahead, they are positioning themselves to try to keep me from passing. I wonder if they have seen me or if they are just hoping to spot me, but either way I decide to avoid them. I head into a hospital off to my right and I head through some of the back halls. Patients aren't supposed to be in there, but I don't think anyone sees me go in there. I soon realize I am very wrong. Guards are following me still, so I don't want to be found. I have the feeling most of the guards are ok, most of them aren't associated with the terrorists, so I don't want to kill them for doing their jobs. There are a few corrupt ones, which I know I will be able to identify if I see them, I duck into a room to the left and wait for them to pass by me. One passes by… an innocent man… a couple more go by… After the group passes by I sneak out of the room and back the way I came from towards the front of the hospital. I don't go out the front door, however, I head to the side door, which is a service entrance, and I exit into the alley way.

      I know now that I don't have much farther to go before I get to a safe place, so I head in that direction. I find myself surrounded by four guards as I round a corner… and all of them are corrupt. One of them asks another if he thinks I know anything, the third man says it doesn't matter whether I do or not. The fourth guard, a woman, says they have their orders, then she adds, speaking to me, that there won't be any going to prison and telling everyone what I know… I will die right here. I have my hidden blade… for some reason they don't seem to realize that, so when they get close enough for me to do so, I knife one with my hidden blade. That takes a the others by surprise, did they actually think I was unarmed? So I maneuver my way around and knife a second man before finding myself suddenly behind the woman, so I take her out, too. (I think I teleported there, but that fact didn't register in the dream.) There is one man left, and it looks like he is thinking about bugging out, probably to get more guards… he does just that, and he takes a crossbow bolt in the back. Those four corrupt guards are gone…

      So now I continue down the alley. Someone else is following me, so I duck around a corner. I am prepared to strike with my hidden blade, but I stop myself at the last minute. The guard isn't corrupt. I now have my hidden blade right at his neck, and he is staring at me with wide and fearful eyes, not even daring to make a move for his weapon. He just says, "Please don't…" and I don't actually want to kill him, so instead I hit him upside the head and knock him unconscious. I check to be sure he's ok, he's fine, his pulse is strong, and then I keep going towards the safe spot. I arrive there just a bit too late, it looks like everyone has already left. I am yelling after them to wait for me, I think they were on some kind of a ship going out to sea, but they don't come back. One woman is on the back of the ship, and she yells something at me, I'm not sure what she said, but I think it was something to the point of, "You're an Assassin… find your own way out!" and then she laughs. I do find my own way out, and that way is by waking up.

      Note: When I told MoSh about this, it looks like the meeting I was at might have been between Ron, Fred, MoSh, and myself, and of course they weren't talking about assassinations. My lack of lucidity made me not notice who they were. That makes Fred and Ron the redheads, and MoSh was the cute one.
    9. Weird pokemon and a LD

      by , 01-26-2011 at 12:24 AM
      Ok, yesterday I took a nap and had a lucid...this is what it was.
      I was outside my house. Everything was colored sepia (you know, that brownish color) and I just immediatly knew i was dreaming. I saw a madman running after me with a knife. He looked like Basta from Inkheart... anyway, I jumped into the air and screamed "I will have wings!!!!!!!" but I didnt, I stayed in the air a prolonged time, hovered, I suppose, and then fell. "Basta" was still after me, so I tried again, failing once more. I told myself I wanted to wake up because he was gaining on me and i woke up.

      I went back to sleep soon after that and I dreamed this:
      I was again in my front yard, in the same place. It was still sepia colored. A man and a woman walked up to me, they seemed familiar, but I know I've never seen them before. The lady had blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore a white sundress. The man was dressed in a T-shirt and jeans. They had two adult dogs, both on leashes, and many little puppies that seemed to be about 1/2 a year old. I asked them what their dogs' names where and they said, "These two are called Zelda and Link. These are their puppies." I stared at them for a while, grinning. In the back of my mind I kept wondering why I thought I knew them. Then I woke up.

      And here is last night's dream.
      I was in my room, I think. It was dark and filled with water. There was a huge whale-like thing which I belive was Kyogre the legendary Pokemon. I was afraid of it and I ran. I stared in disbelief as it followed me, it seemed to talk, but I don't remember what it said. The "Kyogre" bared its "teeth" or whatever they were. It looked at me as I sat on my bed, which was totally submerged in water, just like me and the Kyogre. Everything was blue and then suddenly a red thing appeared. Which I belive was my mind's idea of a realistic Groudon. The "Groudon" and "Kyogre" vanished and I woke up.

      So, yeah, please comment!!!
      lucid , non-lucid
    10. And now to the desert...

      by , 01-25-2011 at 10:33 PM (Fernanvic´s dream journal)
      Camping in the desert (Non-lucid)


      I was in the desert with my brother and I walked into a park. I talked to a man and a woman and signed up for their camp. They were the only monitors there. My brothere and I were offered movies but they were more expensive than others we had seen in a previous part of the dream I cannot remember. Then we did some activities which I also can't remember. Finaly I went to the lake and the girl and I had to hang from a rope and "walk" across the lake (we were sort of hanging from the rope). I gained momentum by dipping my feet in the water. The first time I did it wrong and the second time I went the opposite way as the woman and had to change direction at the last second. After that I started dancing while hanging on the rope (which became much more elastic) while some music sounded (I just remember it was a famous piece). When I finished dancing I jumped really high and landed outside the lake. The man and the woman started congratulating me on my performance.


      Bullying is wrong ok? (Non-lucid)


      J and B were leaving school when some bullies decided to pick on them. They broke some of their CDs. As the bullies were doing this the bystanders were dancing wearing white clothing and face paint.

      J and B went to a changing room. B said that he was scared and they started thinking about what they could do about the bullies. B said that he knew someone with "unquestionable links to some gang" and if that didn't work they could use a pirate?

      Meanwhile I was thinking about confronting the bullies myself.
    11. My First Dream Journal

      by , 01-25-2011 at 09:53 PM
      I slept for about 12 hours this morning, and I had a lot of dreams. I think I slept so much that I only remember very few fragments of my dreams.

      I'm in a garage in the woods somewhere with my brother, and there's a chipmunk or mouse or something running around. My brother catches him and sprays a chemical out of a bottle on the chipmunk and kills it. I'm very upset and I start yelling and crying.

      I've been using binaural beats nearly every night for the past several months. I wonder if this will help or hinder my quest for lucid dreaming.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Jumping in a pram

      by , 01-25-2011 at 09:43 PM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      I was sitting in a pram with George. I see a long pontoon, next to which there is a small cottage. I start jumping on the boat. It creates huge waves. George and I are watching it with fascination. The sky is gray and cloudy and its raining with coming storm.
      Tags: george
    13. Old - 03 | nonlucid

      by , 01-25-2011 at 09:17 PM (Short Stories with Tragic Endings)
      I am in my room and I intuitively know the backstory of this extremely strange
      dream. At a certain interval of time, a different room, at random, in my house
      will begin glowing bright blue. Furthermore, any person in the room at the time
      would become a zombie of some sort. I seem to be the only person who knew this.
      I looked out of my door and saw my parents' room light up. Moments later my dad
      walks out and I slipped back in my room for fear of him seeing me. He went down
      the stairs and into our dining room, as did my mother. I go down the steps after
      them, making sure not to be seen. I as I come to the dining room, which is past
      our computer room, I see the dining room light is on and my dad is sitting at his
      spot at the table doing something, I can't tell what. My mother is cutting coupons
      out of a magazine. I hear my brother coming and hide because I don't know if he is
      infected or not. He walks by wearing a blue cape and drooling blue foam, somewhat
      like rabies. He then leaves through the front door of the house. I hear a growl.
      It is Chelsea, one of my two dogs and she is infected as well. I run and she chases
      me. AFter a while, she runs out of breathe and turns back to normal. I think...
      maybe outrunning them cures them. So I got my other dog to chase me and the same
      thing happened. I realized that they were also a bit sluggish. Their stamina was
      greatly reduced by whatever this was. So I went to the door and walked out. My
      parents followed and I tried to run but it was like trying to run on the moon. I
      managed to get away from my parents but then I encountered my brother at the bottom
      of my driveway. He began chasing me
      and the dream ended.

      Updated 01-28-2011 at 09:30 PM by 41067

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    14. Old - 02 | nonlucid

      by , 01-25-2011 at 09:16 PM (Short Stories with Tragic Endings)
      I am in a forest but it is quite busy. This forest has many building and structures, the
      most prominent of which is a shopping mall. I am in a building a good distance away from
      this mall. It has a similar architecture but the purpose is much different. I am looking
      for my friends from Indoor Percussion Ensemble at my high school. I think I came to this
      building looking for them but they are not here so I decided to go check Somewhere else.
      It takes a substancial amount of time to get anywhere because the buildings are all so far
      appart. I go to the mall first. I go in and start looking. The mall is very interesting
      architecturally. The oustide is, for the most part, cubic and there are ramps jutting out
      from the bottom at every entrance. The ramps go to the ground and in the forest landscape
      it looks extremely out of place, yet somehow, it fits. I go up one of the ramps into the
      complex. I go up a set of steps. Everything is very professional looking. The marble floors,
      modern stairs, and glass doors and partitions are quite well constructed and beautiful from
      an architectural point of view. I cannot find my friends here so I leave and go to several
      other buildings. After a long time of searching, I find someone I know and ask them if they
      have seen the people from indoor. They say no, so I decide to check the mall again. I get
      there after an even longer walk and go in. I go through the glass door and up the professional
      looking stairs again. This time, I come up to a landing where I find several of my friends.
      My friend, Peter, goes up to Canada to get some sort of high quality syrup. Two hours later,
      he gets back with the syrup, and two speeding tickets. This is in Pennsylvania... We all
      laugh about it
      and the dream ends.

      Updated 01-28-2011 at 09:30 PM by 41067

      non-lucid , memorable
    15. Good Recall Last Night

      by , 01-25-2011 at 08:56 PM (Lynn's Lucids)
      I cleaned out my room, and I got a wooden board. I got another one and as I put something down on it, the thing broke. I got yelled at for it.
      I saw roaches on the floor in another dream.
      In the other one, Belle turned the beast human, so he could run away and she would be with Lumiere. She winked at him as the beast ran off.

      There is much, much more to the dream than I have written, but I had already written it down in my DJ in real life.

      Vividness: 4.7/5 Super clear.
      In the dream where I break something, I thought it happened. When I woke up, I was thankful it was just a dream. Very realistic.
      non-lucid , side notes