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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. #114: ISIS / Pole fun

      by , 03-21-2016 at 11:09 PM
      I'm sitting in class. The lecturer is one of the lecturer's at my current university, a bald white guy with glasses. The room looks more like a classroom from my high school. After a short while the lecturer takes his dark blue, thick coat and another object which I can't remember, perhaps his bag. He makes a joke about leaving and then says that in all seriousness, we're not allowed to continue the lecture in this room. We're going to a different room, though it's not a real lecture room.

      In the new room, he mentions that he's not allowed to lecture here. But that's ok, cause he's not giving a lecture, he's just giving a presentation which has powerpoint slides (his idea of being funny, and it actually is). At some point we're not in the room anymore but somewhere outside and he's sort of honouring a young guy for academic achievements.

      Next thing I remember my lecturer is holding one of his arms stretched out, holding a gun. He shoots a student through the head. Apparently my lecturer is a member of ISIS. Donald Trump also appears. He's apparently also a member of ISIS. His whole political campaign served to drive regular muslims into the arms of ISIS. I think it's actually pretty smart and makes me think of him in a different light. Less idiot, more mastermind. There's also a flashback or something to him with an old woman whom he loves, though I can't remember more beyond that. She's a vulnerable woman due to her age.

      » I'm watching a movie with my little brother and my mom. It's about Super Mario. My brother isn't enjoying the movie. I can't recall if I am. The movie isn't what you'd expect from Super Mario. It's a very deep movie in the sense of a lot of thinking and deep thoughts being involved.

      » I'm in a room which is quite shady. All I remember is that there are several gas canisters or oxygen tanks, something along those lines. I open at least one of them up and see that they are filled with seemingly adult human bodies. All of them are black though. This is clearly a hate crime / genocide type of thing.

      Pole fun
      It's a sunny day and I'm walking outside with a girl I know. Behind us is a car, with on the backseat my girlfriend's sister. We're walking in a straight line and the car is right behind us. At some point I think I do a parkour move. A bit later I see a pole, perhaps with a traffic sign on it and a short thicker pole or something alike. I decide to take a run, jump and grab the tall pole with two hands, swing back 360 degrees towards the smaller pole, which is a bit of distance away and land on it. The first time I fail. In the mean time a crowd gathers. They're actually standing in the way, preventing me from doing my run up. I tell people that if they want to watch that's fine, but if they're standing in the way then there's not much to watch. Still some people are in the way. I go for my run up eventually and people move. I manage to execute everything just right and land on the other pole.

      Updated 04-27-2016 at 11:39 AM by 71740

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. DJ#120: Media Class & War

      by , 03-21-2016 at 09:47 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was playing Minecraft building an adventure map. I was travelling down a river to an island, however there was a biome crossover on that island so I was trying to edit it so it looked nicer. My dad walked in and told me to stop playing and do the dishes, which I agreed to do begrudgingly.

      Dream 2: Kobe Bryant was improving the PR of a space tour company by appearing on their ads and being their spokesperson. He was trying to bring in fans of basketball to the company I guess. I went to watch him play at some showmatch sponsored by the space company.

      Fragment: Something about being at the airport/train station.

      Dream 3: I was in an open courtyard when I got a phone call from my step-mum about how her family was coming down to visit us for Easter so I had to get back. I was teleported back there where her sister and her kids were there and getting into the chocolate. Their dad called in I think and it got a little tense.

      Dream 4: I was watching this dodgy anime movie late at night in a cinema with my brother and a friend. Everyone else was a fan and singing along and stuff but I didn't understand any of it and thought it was stupid. The movie actually finished early because everyone in the theatre thought the end was bad so they skipped it. Everyone stood up and applauded as the lights turned on and my maths teacher from year 7 walked in. She gave a speech about how grateful she was to be able to organise something like this and then announced she would be retiring for her kid. She also asked for donations and my brother pushed me forward, they both started demanding I give her money to make up for some previous infraction I had no idea bout.

      Fragment: Some video about "Understanding Consent Laws".

      Fragment: Something about walking through a castle.

      Dream 5: I was in my media classroom with the rest of the class but a different teacher. All of the year 12's there were poring over a wine list for their graduation ceremony, whereas the other year 11's and I were discussing how to depose the teacher who we felt was bad. We settled upon nominating one of us and we spread this plan as the teacher walked in. She started the class but then we all formed a circle and confronted her about the issue. We had an election after some debate and our girl won. The teacher seemed to handle it quite well though, sitting down and letting our nominee teach us.

      Dream 6: I was a part of a regiment of dwarves representing the kingdom. We were eating dinner in a dark chamber inside our enemy's castle, seeking to secure peace with them. We finished the meal but then we were suddenly under attack. We escaped out to the entrance of the castle but saw were surrounded. Half of our group of about 13 stayed back to fight off the enemy hordes, the rest made their way into the flagship plane and two others into a smaller biplane. We flew off and thought we were safe, however the enemy sent a plane after us that was incredibly fast, manoeuvrable and could shoot there homing fireballs out of a cannon. It chased after the flagship and we had to duck and roll and desperately avoid the fireballs while they closed the gap. The smaller biplane came in from the flanks and shot at the enemy with machine guns but it didn't do very much damage. They kept on swinging back over the enemy to try and cause some damage, and although they weren't doing anything serious they were enough of an annoyance for the enemy plane to target them instead. The biplane veered off sideways and the enemy followed, I realised that they were sacrificing themselves to let us get away. Our home was only a few minuted away, but I didn't know if we would make it. The biplane was desperately weaving away from the fireballs, however they got struck by one on the corner and got sent into a spin, and were finished when another hit the engine and the plane exploded. The enemy then came chasing back after us, but before anything else could happen I woke up.
      Tags: non - lucid
    3. Fighting at the Garden of Eden

      by , 03-21-2016 at 07:58 PM
      We were driving very fast in an SUV on the outskirts of a town. My mother's ex husband (Niko) was in the driver's seat, I was in the backseat, and there were two other's with us. It's daytime and God has begun his destruction of the Earth. I saw an airplane above a town that lost control and was falling from the sky. Children were escaping from the plane with techniques they learned from school.

      All of a sudden, we are going off-road at about 45 mph. I see a freeway with a tall barbed-wire gate all along both sides of it. Niko turns and jumps the SUV off of the hill we were on, runs into the barbed-wire fence and seamlessly transitions us onto the highway. The freeway was in a forested area and most cars were heading the opposite direction we were. Some cars were going slower than us, so Niko decides to weave in and out of traffic to maintain his speed.

      We get to the end of the freeway at a small forest reserve-type area except that it is the Garden of Eden hidden in plain sight throughout time. We get out of the car and go to the lake about 50 ft from the car. It's night now and one of the guys shows me a sea monster under the lake. The lake is very deep and I can see through the muddy water the sea monster idly swimming. The guys says something to the effect of 'isn't it cool?'

      I get up and see a pack of ferocious wolves approaching me. I pick up a stick that had a smaller, sharp stick tied to it at the end similar to a pickaxe. A wolf jumps at me and I swing and seriously injure it. As the wolf lays on the ground, bleeding, he tells me,' over there, we saved it.' Instinctively knowing he was helping me, I run over about 20 ft and pick up a gauntlet off the ground. I run back to the wolves and punch one with the gauntlet. A flash of white light comes out of the gauntlet and hits the wolf with enough force to knock him back 10 ft. I proceed to kill every wolf in the pack with one hit each until they are all dead. Then I go over to the lake and punch into it hoping it would kill the sea monster. But the punch doesn't seem to have much effect without a close target. I try to punch it again, then I woke up.

      Updated 03-21-2016 at 08:03 PM by 50595

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. 21/3/2016

      by , 03-21-2016 at 05:52 PM
      Wrote this up rather late in the day so lost a lot of the memory:

      1)Walking along rows of patients in beds. I was trying to arrange some small candles in tubes attached to wires across a patient and trying to get it to sit up and not set fire to the bed. A memory of a psychotic patient that was sent to get me, not in any frightening way, but I can't remember much more about it.

      2)A parking spot outside a nightclub and something about children - that's it!

      3)A dream about one of my old girlfriends. I remember missing her awfully and knowing she won't come back.
    5. Mental Alarm Mantra 3:00 am

      by , 03-21-2016 at 11:30 AM
      Ever since that random lucid a week ago I have been having (and recalling) epic dreams. (Whenever I wake up in the night and acknowledge I am awake, I seem to remember my dreams better in the morning.)

      I was planning to do a fild but I wanted to practice waking up via mantras alone first (Three am is my goal). (I did it the night before and woke up and 3:02 am And I was well happy ) I did mantras last night but I was pretty tired. It still worked but it was 3:53. And I was thirsty so I got up for a drink and couldn't fild... :'( Then I didn't get back to sleep till about six am.

      I did however have a strange dream I recalled excellently.

      I go to the local swimming pool and pass the receptionist. She's busy on the phone and it doesn't occur to me to go and pay. So I go straight to the changing rooms and then swim for a while. When I get out I have to pass reception again and I realise I hadn't payed.

      When I look in my bag I realise I forgot my purse. I go up to the receptionist and say I forgot to pay and I don't have my purse. She is really kind and she tells me it's fine. She gives me a owe note and I promise to come back the next day with the money.

      As I leave the reception to go outside I begin walking down the road. I see two police officers, I get nervous and walk a different way. But there are more cops that way. Infact in every direction there are cops. Eventually, two catch up to me and are like "You are under arrest." I try to say I've done nothing wrong and the red headed police lady asks why I was previously walking away from them. I don't answer and I get thrown into a police van.

      There are three other people in there. Two guys, (One looking like eugene from buzzfeed ) and another old and slightly bald. Then a scared looking young blonde girl. They tell me they are all innocent and have no idea why they are here. They put us on a plane and the speaker tells us we are to all fall asleep. When I wake up I am alone and there is a blonde Ferret on the plane. I hold it and it loves me. (Random but I LOVE FERRETS so this isn't random to me )

      Suddenly the other three come back and the girl is crying. I tell her I have a phone on me and she can borrow it to call someone. I think the dream ends just after the old guy confesses he likes me or something...

      Updated 03-21-2016 at 05:31 PM by 89239

    6. Matchbox Car Man

      by , 03-21-2016 at 09:21 AM
      Morning of March 21, 2016. Monday.

      I am with my family mostly as we are now (though I seem to be much younger at one point) where we presently live on W Street, though the house is bigger. Our kitchen is much bigger and has an extra counter running from south to north on the east side of the back hallway, with extra shelves above it. As I walk through our kitchen at one point, I notice a lot of loaves of bread and what seems to be cheap birthday party items (such as unopened packages with paper hats, paper plates, and cheap novelties and party favors and such). I am not sure whose birthday is upcoming.

      At one point, there are a lot of Matchbox Cars arranged on different surfaces, mostly in two rows. A couple older males appear in our house eventually, though I am not sure of the reason. There is something about one of them trying to find a certain Matchbox Car, but which is a car from the 1940s. I try to help but I am not sure where everything is. I know I have most of the ones made in the 1960s. I think the Mercedes 300SE may be relevant but I do not say anything, only that I may be able to find what they are seeking (though I do not).

      There is illogical setting distortion for a short time where I seem to shift outside and back inside while just standing in one spot (though the view may be implied to be from our window, though as a requisite it would have no screen or curtains), where I am looking at one of the men (who must have teleported there but who is back for the next scene) in a small light yellow golf cart (facing away from the west side of our house on the footpath) which seemingly resembles a downsized Roadster Hot Rod from the 1940s and I remark that I have a Matchbox Car like that, which is not exactly true as I firstly mistake the golf cart for an old car design and then consider I may be thinking about a different model, yet it really just looks like a modern ordinary golf cart upon a closer look. I feel a bit unusual and ineffectual in designating a new golf cart as a 1940s hot rod but the scene shifts again (though the scene itself seems random and like a “glitch” or like a very short dream within a longer and more vivid dream that slightly altered its flow).

      Interestingly, Jack Odell (March 19, 1920-July 7, 2007) is present and walking about for quite some time. I am not sure why he is spending his time here for a day or two. We are talking about various aspects of Matchbox Cars (as the time period seems to shift physically only at one level and my collection is not present as it was just previously - though our sons still have many Matchbox Cars in their own rooms) as well as other ideas, including the unfortunate end of product quality and customer service in modern times with poorer and poorer design and less and less longevity and usability in anything made. He reflects on various events. I tell him how I used to keep my Matchbox Cars in a large suitcase. For some reason, I visualize all of them piled atop each other within the suitcase (it was actually a large black typewriter case), but in reality, they were kept in the original box. I tell him about the very first Matchbox Car I was given, which I cannot quite remember the name or number of. I give a couple details about it, including the green boat for the rack on top, and he seems to know what I mean.

      “Ford Love,” he says, smiling. (It was actually a Ford Corsair.) I consider that Ford Love is a “real” model and nod hesitantly (since I do not want to call him wrong), but possibly not the one I had, though I do not say anything. He seems happy and nostalgic and I feel I am spending a day in a “realm of good memories” - yet I also seem puzzled as to why such a wealthy and well-known person would spend a day or two at our house, especially in such an informal and friendly manner. There are dream remnants that seem like “echoes” of long periods of conversation, like a subtle “phantom audio” that only some dream types produce.
    7. DJ#119: Hammering and Game Making

      by , 03-21-2016 at 06:46 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was at my grandparents house with my family. My grandpa tried to get us to play this game of ring around the rosie or something where 4 playing cards rotated around but we all knew how the game worked and so we didn't want to play. He seemed disappointed and went off to get some other game, I walked off to try to find the toilet. I switched the light but it didn't work (lucidity trigger come on :/) so then went into the bathroom next to it.

      Dream 2: I was lying face down, planking almost, on a thin ledge. This guy was hitting me with a mallet with a super soft rubber tip so it didn't actually move me at all. I think we was trying to trick me into moving away or something, but I knew the jig was up so I stayed still and let him wail away on me with all the force of a feather.

      Dream 3: I was in a class learning how to program a 2d rpg game, sort of like final fantasy. There were 4 different characters of different colours who had different moves, so I was working on them as the class ended. I went up to the teacher and asked some questions about that to him, I think he answered.

      Fragment: Something about walking about at night time.
      Tags: non - lucid
    8. Evil Superman, Another Tsunami, Backstory? (#262)

      by , 03-20-2016 at 03:54 PM (Lucid Time!)

      I forget what order these came in.

      I remember I was laying on a table/bed/stretcher type thing, in a monestary. There were several monks all around me. I remember seeing my body in third person, being stitched together from body parts from various people. I remember I was observing from inside of a large quartz crystal that the monks had transferred my soul into. The monks were saying they needed to unifiy all of these parts sot that nobody would know who I really was, and lit some candles and started doing some ritual...


      I was with Robin and Starfire (who looked just like they did in the original Teen Titans, always interesting to see 2D animated characters superimposed over a 3D animated world), Green Lantern, and Batman, but they actually looked 'realistic', or as realistic as superheroes can look anyway. There was some talk between Batman and Robin about how Superman had become evil and been locked in an inter-dimensional prison. They figured he would come to his senses after awhile, but he hadn't, and they needed him to save the world from lex luthor or something.

      I remember Batman hatched a plan to wrap up Superman in a giant American flag, since he was probably still good at heart and he wouldn't dare disgrace the American flag. So Green lantern and Starfire flew in carrying the big flag while Batman and Robin rode next to them. They entered the inter-dimensional prison that was this weird alternate world.

      Basically all it was was an open sky with one large sun directly above. There was a cloud layer below us and floating stone/concrete rectangular prisms of various sizes. For whatever reason they were neutrally buoyant in the air. We saw Superman kneeling on one of these, he heard us coming and jumped up. He said something about not wanting to go back, then lashed out at us and attacked. Green Lantern made a shield. Batman and robin attacked in the batwing but he shot them down immediately with his heat vision.

      Superman wound up beating all of the other heroes. As he did, of course I manifested into first person from a simply observational perspective.
      (Great, good timing...) and he started coming after me. I started hovering, and used earthbending to send the stone cubes flying at him. He cut through them with his heat vision. I blocked his attack with my dreamcatcher shield, I think. My defense might have failed because dreamcatcher shield only works on evil entities.


      Just as the battle was starting the dream shifted on a dime. I found myself in an apartment or hotel room, about six stories up. I remember looking out my window to see that it was mostly blocked by the top of one of those fan shaped palm trees, that was really bright green, but I could see a parking lot. Opposite the parking lot was some mangrove and palm trees, followed by a beach. On the horizon was a huge planet rising over the sea. (Smack Smack Smack like 4 dream signs right there) But I think it was the sudden change in environment that made me actually become fully lucid.

      I remember I jumped out of the window and glided down. The dream seemed amazingly vivid and stable, but I remember losing it almost immediately after I landed in the parking lot.


      Now I can't remember if this part of the dream came before or after the previous portion. It seems more logical that it would come after, but it feels like it came before.

      I just remember that Manei and I were in a fairly clear dream and we were going to the beach together. The beach was in a bay near this medium sized town on a tropical island. We came down off the boardwalk onto the beach, but we agreed that we didn't like it because it was too crowded. There were some guys who had brought a ghetto blaster and were dancing and we didn't like the music either.

      Spoiler for Language:

      We decided to keep walking until we found a less crowded section of beach. We walked for awhile and found a spot near the lighthouse that was pretty much empty. We put down our towel and started getting settled when the water receded and a big tsunami started coming in. Someone was narrating about how the tides from the big planet in the sky caused tidal waves. (Think that was Marcus)

      "Who left that planet there!?" I shouted.

      I remember we started running away. Manei said something about getting the kids. I got ticked at her at this point, I already made a point how there shouldn't be kid characters (ours or otherwise) because when dangerous things like evil (Supermans? Supermens?) or fifty foot waves show up. (And they do, very often around here) we do not need to put anyone else at risk. I started stake-running but realized Manei couldn't keep up if I did that. (Why doesn't she have any powers, and if she does, why doesn't she use them?) Then she just ran off in another direction to go to a building and get the kids, supposedly.

      We ran into the city and the wave was catching up quick. I remember turning and facing it. No way I can Waterbend something that big, the wave was like 50 feet high. I tired to freeze it but only froze a small portion. As the wave came around the frozen part, more of it froze, and by the time it had passed there was an ice bubble around me. So I was trapped underwater in the middle of the street in a cold dark ice bubble. I stopped 'holding it up' with my waterbending and the moment I did it crushed in. My body died and I floated up as an observer/soul.

      I saw Manei on the rooftop of one of the buildings that was above the water with the kids. I remember thinking form observer mode (and I think that she could hear me) telling her why this setup was terrible. Stuff is always going to be trying to kill us, we don't need to drag more DCs into that. I feel like I said something like 'Think of how useful kid characters are in disaster movies!'

      She said that this dream was created by her and was supposed to be a test for me about the possibility of this setup becoming permanent, but by setting the dream to have this plot, all she was doing was proving my point. It's dangerous and makes things harder than they have to be.

      The dream got a game over screen and went to black. I could hear Marcus' voice.

      "This is where the conflict of interest arises. Are you a sigma binary or a bierrenous (I don't think that's a word, Marcus) binary. You must decide to proceed.


      I remember very vaguely being in a house. I recognized the house as that of this boy I used to babysit, except everything in the house was white. Some kind of piano music started playing in the background. A boy (not the one I used to babysit at this house) came out of the closet wearing a white karate uniform. He was laughing and running around.

      Then Manei appeared as a very young girl. She screamed. I couldn't tell if it was a happy scream or a fearful scream at first. The boy chased her around a bit and at first I thought they were just playing but the boy pushed Manei down the basement stairs. I couldn't see her at first as it was the only area in the house that was dark, but I moved down to where she was and found her at the bottom crying. I remember thinking that the dream was just 'trying to play it scary'.

      Updated 03-20-2016 at 04:03 PM by 53527

      non-lucid , lucid
    9. [21-03-2016]

      by , 03-20-2016 at 12:12 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Nightmare Fragments

      Had a headache this night, which resulted with bad sleep and lots of weird, convulted fragments in the manner of "Final Destination" movie, which I can't quite describe. All I recall are blurred shapes...

      Another fragment

      It was cold, winter day. Everything was bright and had a slight blue tint on it. I took a dog for a walk - we walked on a sidewalk. The streets were crowded and there was high traffic. We went under a bridge and to another street, and then the dog just ran away. I whistled and called it, and it came back. This dog was huge as a lion, it had brown fur and dark eyes. I took it and we went back home.
    10. [20-03-2016]

      by , 03-20-2016 at 12:12 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      It was evening. With father, brother and my pal we were unloading a big cargo of timber, so my father could work in his carpentry workshop for his client. On the trailer there were huge logs and cants, some of them almost fallen on me when we were unloading them. Mother appeared and took car, she had to drive somewhere. She almost hit the back of the trailer, but she stopped just an inch before it. Then she drove away. We placed the cants on the circular saw.

      Brother said "You should've placed them differently. Bugs are getting from one hone to other!". I looked at one of them and said "These are just flies, they won't damage timber!" Brother replied "Look on the other one!" I took a look and said "Just ants..." Then a swarm of bugs burst out of the first hone. Some of them were brown and rounded, with long, thick and striped antenae. I shouted "I know these bugs! They belong to Cerambycidae!" Then more of them came out - huge like my hand and with roan colours. They swarmed all over our timber.

      Second dream

      I was in my hometown, going from stadium back to my house. It was a cloudy afternoon and it was a bit grim. I crossed the river, leaving bridge behind and going straight the path through a small forest. On the way I met a classmate that's playing in local football team. We went on silently until we reached flats, where we watched as somene tried to jump on their bike and get through the fence. The result was that someone from the other side of fence took his bike and went away with it.

      False awakening

      I woke up in my bed and entered the toilet. I wanted to brush me teeth, but just when I touched toothbrush, father and sister appeared in the room and started brushing their teeth.
    11. #113: Fragments

      by , 03-20-2016 at 08:40 AM
      » I'm.. in a bus I think. I'm reading a research paper, while at the same time semi experiencing it. I'm in the northern part of the Netherlands and travelling south. It's a trip that should take 1 or 2 hours. The research paper is about the effect of taking either the bus/train or the car I think (at least a slower vs. faster comparison) on whether women will agree to have anal sex when you ask them to

      » I'm inside a game. It's a cutish cartoony game. I'm a farmer, though for some reason I'm on an old school rowing boat out at sea. Me and my crew of 2 are headed towards land. I can control the direction of the boat and to my surprise we make some good progress while we're on land as well. Well lets just keep going then. Eventually I've got the power to become invisible. I think about it for a moment. I could basically go into the shop over there and abduct the person that's standing at the counter right now. Definitely a blond person. It may have been a kid.

      » There was something that had to do with Yu-Gi-Oh. It was about the 3 Egyptian God cards: Slifer, Obelisk and.. I can't remember the last one, though I also wasn't able to in the dream.

      » I'm walking in a hallway somewhere. From behind me I can hear the voice of my Italian classmate. He's asking someone to speak in Dutch, because whatever language the people are speaking in right now, he's unable to understand it. I'm slightly surprised. He's able to understand Dutch now?

      Updated 03-20-2016 at 08:47 AM by 71740

      Tags: boat, bus, game
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Old Childhood Rival

      by , 03-20-2016 at 06:01 AM
      I dreamt I was in my room, then out of no where my childhood rival just bursts into my room and just starting yelling.
      She was holding a piece of paper in her hand (I don't know what it was exactly but I remember it was something important to her) So to get revenge for what she had done, I grabbed that piece of paper and ripped it in half.

      She then shouted, "I'll tell them what you did!" (Again I have no idea who she meant by 'them') I just gave her an evil grin and told her, "Try to prove it first."

      Then as she slapped me in the face, I woke up. I guess she got her revenge by waking me up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Log 324 - Explosive School Day and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 03-20-2016 at 04:41 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Saturday 19 March 2016

      Today, I could identify a number of dreams, though I only have scraps for most of them. Still, it's a lot more than I've been recalling as of lately, so I'm quite grateful. Also, starting now, I'll be listing partial dreams in their own sections within their respective log entries.

      Spoiler for Spoilered to save space:

      Updated 03-20-2016 at 05:02 AM by 89930 (spell error check; format)

    14. cheater

      by , 03-20-2016 at 01:47 AM
      Dreamt I met chase and I jumped on him an kinda hanged there while he walked towards some stairs. There was a girl there, I told him not to talk to her, he ignored me and engaged in coitus while I looked away. I looked back and became very angry then I woke up.
    15. #213 - Supermarket wars

      by , 03-19-2016 at 10:58 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      This dream was very vivid and immersive for what it was... I had trouble waking up after.
      I was in a supermarket and there was some sort of team system for a battle. My eyes pricked up the conversation coming from behind me as my team mates discussed betraying me. Geeze, what a bunch of dicks. I was crouched on the ground making something, it was a little like playdough. I ditch them and run off down the aisle, I remember as I'm running that I run past my ex Eiei, she was in the middle of shopping for groceries. At some point the dream was ending and I was kind of waking up, I remember thinking that I had to get up for uni since my classes probably start soon. Then were was a dog that came up to me and pissed on me, apparently the dog pisses on university students according to the owner who was somewhere in the background. I also remember some part of my mind thinking about impressing my ex with superpowers, like teleporting and blue flame kind of bs.
      I finally woke up after about 5 minutes of rolling around in my bed convinced that I was going to be late for uni O_O.

      Updated 03-22-2016 at 05:24 AM by 71238
