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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. End of the World

      by , 06-19-2016 at 08:14 PM
      An environmental catastrophe was about to happen to the Earth. Humans were aware of this, and there was a system installed in which we all had to wait for our name to be called (sometimes in groups, sometimes alone) and step aboard a small asteroid-like rock that floated nearby a cliff. The asteroid was like a disposable mini-rocket, and as it launched off with each group, it begin slowly disintegrating until the people aboard would fall to the ground and die, or be injured and die later. It was terrible, but not very real-feeling. I watched a friend die, then came my turn, and I woke up before I died.

      I fell back asleep and entered a similar scenario, only this time it felt more real. I was living in a 'Fall-Out' type village, with very few amenities and maybe 50 people at most. We were under the control of another group of humans, like a military or militia. We had a local stand where a guy sold things like cigarettes, food, drink, drugs, etc. There was a man who delivered small amounts of rations regularly. I saw some soldiers going into some of the other homes on the compound and I knew the end was coming soon, they were going to take us away, and some [vague] bad thing was going to happen. During one moment I seemed to be playing the role of a child, although I also had my current dog, Cayna. I heard that the soldiers weren't allowing animals to come along and I began to panic. I knew I couldn't leave Cayna behind. She would starve. I knew she had been abandoned before and I dreaded the idea of putting her through that again, at my hands. I was leaving the home I shared with other people and I think I told a woman and her 2 kids that I had a dog and I was so sad to be made to leave it. I asked her if she was ready to leave too, and she said they were staying, because they have a cat, and if you sleep outside with your pet you can stay. I was thrilled and went to get my mother [random woman in dream, not real mom]. I saw her in the back of a car being driven away. I cried for her and she looked back and seemed to be crying out in pain of leaving me behind.

      I had Cayna though, and now I seemed to be back to my regular age because my husband was with me. I knew sooner or later we would be forced to commit mass suicide. I felt an enormous amount of dread. I thought, 'This is the worst possible ways things could end.' I wondered about Cayna again, and how she would survive without us. I thought she would have plenty to eat for a while—the left behind food and corpses...but then something convinced me that her death would be horrible if I let her live and I began to wonder if the safest thing to do for her was also poison her when we had to poison ourselves. My heart hurt; how could this be happening? I thought wouldn't it be wonderful if somehow, right before the and that someone said we didn't have to die after all? We could go on living! I felt a sting of hope rise and die quickly. I looked at my husband who was teary-eyed as well and told him that maybe the best thing for Cayna in the end would be to take her with us. He cringed and seemed to emote that he didn't want to talk about it. I said, 'I understand but I just wanted to say it now so when the time comes we had talked about it.'

      Some time went by. We were outside this entire conversation, my husband and I. He suddenly told me to hold still and he began plucking at something on top of my head. He plucked off a ladybug -still attached to some of my hair- that he said had burrowed itself into my head/hair.

      I had some allergy issues right before bed, and my throat felt tight, felt itchy, and it felt a little hard to breathe. I've had allergy induced asthma before and it wasn't that bad, but I decided to take a Benedryl to relieve my symptoms. My husband spends lots of time playing Fall Out 4 lately, and I think the post-apocalyptic town was designed with that in mind. I have been a little worried about my dog. She is aging, and I wonder if I am giving her the absolute best care that I could be. Do I exercise her too hardly when we run? Do I feed her too much? etc. I found it interesting as I typed it out that my worries about abandoning my dog turned into me playing a child being 'abandoned' by my [dream]mother. I'm not sure what that means though.
    2. 6-19-2016 lots of short dreams, one lucid

      by , 06-19-2016 at 05:04 PM
      Dream One- I am a horse running through the desert. I have a bad back ankle on my right side. There is an old man chasing me, and I am terrified of him. I see a gift shop and run inside. I change myself back into a human before the old man makes it into the store. My human form has one of those foot and ankle braces on the right foot. The gift shop keeper stares at me wide eyed and in disbelief. I hope he doesn't tell the old man what happened, but don't take the time to tell him anything because I want to try to get out and away from the shop before the old man can see which direction I go in. I walk out the front door of the shop just as the old man is walking in. He doesn't pay me any mind because he is looking for a horse not a girl. As soon as he is inside and out of sight I dart around a corner and wake up.

      Dream Two- I am in a pool with my boyfriend. The pool looks more like a race track with lanes that go around it though, not like a big open pool. There's also a few water slides you have to climb up and slide down. oddly enough the water flows UP the one side of the slides and down the other, but I don't think anything of it in the dream. I am nervous about going around the track as in the dream I am very visibly pregnant. My boyfriend tells me not to worry about it, I don't have to go around and on the water slides if I am worried about it causing trouble for me and the baby. He helps me get out of the pool, and I call out that we need some paper towels. A woman and a little boy come running with a package of 18 rolls of paper towels and I find myself thinking that is way more than we needed. The woman asks me how far along I am, and I admit to her that I am 25 (?) weeks. I wake up and have to check my stomach really quick b/c I do NOT want to be pregnant and the dream freaked me out a bit lol

      Dream Three- My boyfriend and I call the real estate agent that sold us our house last year to ask her some sort of question, though I can't remember now what that question was. She says on the phone she will be right over, and then there's a knock at the door. It's her, that fast. She is about 100 lbs heavier than she was when she sold us the house. She walks straight to the table and drops down a clip board and a bunch of papers. She informs us that she was going back over our paper work and we had sold our shed and the fracking rights to the back 10 yards of our property to the real estate agency when we bought the house, so they were going to remove the shed and set up a miniature fracking operation in our back yard. I flip out, and run out the back door where I see lots of people. There are some people I work at the furniture plant there, and then other people that look like construction workers and contractors. They are pulling a shed off our property on a big truck and trailer, and they are cutting down the tiny woods behind the house. I don't mind the trees coming down as we had talked about taking them down anyways, but I am super pissed about the shed. I tell her they can't take the shed because my boyfriend wanted to make a forge and smithy of it. She tells me they can because I sold it to them. I demand to see the paperwork and she takes me back into the house. She pulls out first a signature card from work, and I triumphantly point out that my signature is NOT on it. Then she gets flustered and pulls out more papers, these unfortunately with my signature on them. I tell her those are the papers she said sold the ground and airspace rights over our house to us, and she tells me we should have read the paper work ourselves rather than trust her. I start to get really, realy mad, and that is when I realize I am dreaming. Like a switch being flipped, I calm down instantly and just walk back out the back door. This isn't real and I don't need to worry about it anymore. I want to fly away, so I try flapping my arms like wings. I can't get off the ground that way, but notice that my shadow is cast on the ground in front of me. I envision big black feathered wings sprouting out of my back and flapping. I lift off the ground about 6-10 feet, but can't get any higher than that. I go over to one of the few remaining trees in the yard. I flap up to a branch, grab it and climb on top. then I flap up a few feet from there and repeat the process. They are about to cut that tree down though, so I fly over to the neighbor's tree to continue trying to get up higher in the air. At the top of the Neighbor's tree I remember that I am supposed to be searching for Kurasawa whenever I before lucid. I look out over the neighborhood in the direction of the dark creepy house he had been in the last two lucid dreams. The house is not there, instead there's a whole city beyond our neighborhood complete with a HUGE hospital building. Since it's the thing that draws my attention most in the landscape I decide to fly to it and look for him there. I land in front of the hospital, and they have a reception window outside like a movie theater might have. There are three ladies inside the window. I tell them I am looking for Kurasawa and ask them if he is there. the receptionist in the middle asks me if I am talking about Kurasawa Kusuki? I tell her I do not know his last name, I'm just looking for Kurasawa. She picks up the phone and calls Kurasawa and tells him that he has a visitor, then asks him if he can meet me in Tiffany's office. She tells me that he will see me, and that Tiffany's office is the second door on the left. I go through the big doors, and find a second door on the left, but it's the wrong office. An Asian girl asks me if she can help me, and I tell her who I am looking for and what the receptionist told me. The girl offers to take me to the right office, and I thank her profusely. She leads me onto an elevator with glass on two sides that allows me to look out over the city as the elevator goes up. It's so beautiful because it's now night time and the city lights are sparkling. Suddenly the girl starts waving her hands at me, then says something. I snap out of my trance looking at the city and tell her I am sorry for zoning out. She laughs and starts singing Gangnam Style while bobbing up and down like an umpaloompa. I can't help laughing at the silliness, and she smiles and tells me that I shouldn't be so serious and I should have a little fun. The elevator dings, and we walk off. I feel like I am starting to wake up, but I try so hard to make it to the right office. I find the second door on the left, and walk in. I wake up, but I keep my eyes closed trying to DEILD. I see a flash of Kurasawa in seafoam green scrubs walking down a hall, but then go into another dream instead.

      Dream Four- I am sitting on a swing in the middle of a pond. The swing set is made of thick wood beams placed in the water in the corners of a square. The top of the swing set is three more large beams filling in three sides of the square. The swings themselves are just ropes suspended from the beams, threaded through wooden planks for the seats, and knotted off so they won't pull out of the hole. To my right sits Kylo Ren from Star Wars, and then to his right, on a swing on a side beam sits my brother. We are talking, but the conversation doesn't really interest me. Instead I am focused on my show on the water. I practice making wings appear, though I am not lucid enough to understand why or how I can do this. This time the wings are smaller and look like "bumble bee fairy" wings from the sims 3. My brother and Kylo Ren are both super excited to see this, and are plotting different ways I can use my wings to help them with things. I wake up.

      Dream Fragment Five- I am looking at a fridge that has a little mini-fridge inside it where the crisper drawers should be and thinking that seems redundant.
    3. japenese soccer and the rugby club

      by , 06-19-2016 at 04:46 PM
      **dream fragments

      ran onto a soccer field filled with girls holding those half curved throwing devices that you often see people at the beech with. The stadium was filled completly, except individual sections in the stand would be empty. I asked my roomate if he had ever played japense soccer.

      borrowed my other roomates guitar and lit it on fire in several places. realizing what i had done, i tried to scrub off the ash with soap and water. i ended up in a college dorm room filled with girls. they spoke amongst themselves. some of them were naked and watching porn. i got naked to. they didnt pay me any attention.

      ended up returning the guitar to my roomte. he asked if i had messed up his room. i said no.

      finally ended up in some bar watching a rugby match. all the kids on my first rugby team were there. they were acting very stage like and dramatic.

      **tried to wild but didnt stay self aware during the falling asleep proccess and in fact completly forgot about the WILD
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. 6-14-16 through 6-18-16 Catch up

      by , 06-19-2016 at 03:57 PM
      Tuesday 6-16-2016

      Dream One- I dreamed of watching a press conference at E3. There weren't really any details I could remember when I woke up, just that I dreamed of the press conference at E3 and that I was really happy to see them but not particularly excited over anything I saw.

      Dream Two- I am Arguing with someone from work about mommas. I'm not sure if we were arguing over both our mommas or just one of our mommas or someone elses momma lol

      Dream Three- My son is having a sleep over with one of his friends who moved into a different school district. The friend's mom decides she's going to stay over as well. I think it's odd, but I am totally ok with it. We need to go get food for the boys to eat, but the boys want to ride in her car not mine. I stop to get gas along the way, and by the time I make it to the grocery store, the other mom and the boys have already gone inside and bought all the snacks and dinner they want for the night. I feel really bad about her buying it all, but realize that I still need a cake for my son's birthday. I go back into the store to get them, but the bakery is closed. There's still a lady there, but she won't let me get any of the cupcakes out of the cases.

      Wednesday 6-15-2016

      Dream fragment- I am outside looking at two trees. There's a sofa between the two trees. I am pretty sure it belongs to my friend M, but I am not sure why her sofa would be outside between two trees instead of inside in her house.

      Thursday 6-15-2016

      Dream Fragment One- I'm in a large Victorian style house. There's a woman talking very loudly, as I race through the house

      Dream Two- I am driving down the road and I stop because there's a commotion going on in the road in front of me. I get out and see my friend K and her son standing nearby. I walk over to join them. They are looking at the back of an ambulance. I can't see inside the ambulance though, or figure out what is going on.

      Friday 6-17-2016

      I am on a long car ride with my daughter, and a lady from work (though I am not sure which lady from work) One of the supervisors who quit a couple of weeks ago is driving. We pass a tractor going down a dirt path and there are like 10 blankets tied corner to corner being dragged behind the tractor. it reminds me of what cartoon characters do when they tie sheets together to climb out of a high window. When we finally reach our destination my daughter is asleep and I am super sleepy. I ask if I can stay in the car and sleep through the event, I am really not sure why I am even there.

      Saturday 6-18-2016

      No dream recall at all. I only got about 5 hours of sleep this night, so I am sure the lack of recall is due to lack of sleep in the first place
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. 6/19/16

      by , 06-19-2016 at 02:31 PM (Book of Dreams)
      12:00 am
      7:00 am
      WILD attempt:

      No actual recall. Just a fragment. Last night, IRL I saw Caravan Palace, and it was the best concert I have ever been to! (If you ever get a chance to see them live, you MUST go, it was an amazing experience, and I was completely sober for it!) But with all the jumping and dancing and screaming, I had it in the back of my mind that I wouldn't have good recall and it was true. But maybe, if I had a more positive attitude, that would have been different?

      Did have one fragment, I was at a concert and it was outside during the daytime, and I remember everyone having a good time and being really happy. Very similar to my actual night.

      Also, I woke up around 7:00 am and after reading some other people's workbooks on DV, I decided to try to WILD, but like before, I feel like I'm just lying there with my eyes closed but still wide awake. I figured doing this in the morning hours would help push me back into REM but that doesn't happen. Maybe I just need to be patient and keep trying, but being patient is very hard sometimes. If anyone has advice on this sort of thing, feel free to comment! Thanks, y'all!
    6. Airplane crash, saving travelers

      , 06-19-2016 at 12:15 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Took a 2hr nap in the afternoon. Then bed 9:30pm-3:20am

      I'm in a large, wide, brightly lit airplane with big windows. I wonder where we are going and if we are safe when I hear the engines whine. From where I'm sitting, I can see outside from the large, front window. Suddenly the plane tilts down and we are almost diving. I see the ground approaching and I say my goodbyes while struggling for words and thoughts how to do it properly. I'm not scared, but I know this is the end.

      My view changes from the ground now. I see a huge airplane with large wingspan descending sharply and almost leveling out just above a busy street with small cherry trees in blossom, before it starts climbing up, then heading down again.

      Back on the airplane I'm thinking "Great, we are gonna crash under the cherry trees right at the fucking Walmart". And that's exactly what happens. While I'm looking out the front window, we kinda crash land through the cherry trees.

      Now everybody from the plane is hiding out in some one story building. I'm outside with another person or two. It's at night. I just grabbed a submachine gun, flicked what I thought was safety, and I'm shooting at a terrorist dude who is shooting at me. I see the whitish trail my bullets are making and I see them hitting the bad guy. I shoot single shots. Later after we get them all and go into the building to tell the passengers they are safe, we look at my gun and the toggle was not for safety. It was for mode of shooting - full auto, 3 shot burts, single shot. I said like single shot, because of best aim and control, or a double tap - head, head or head torso. Effective. We laugh, all happy that we saved them. I think I was shot in the shoulder, but I don't mind.

      I'm in housing area of some research center on another planet. All I remember is that I need to hide, because someone is coming to look for me. So I'm looking at living quarters of other people, where I could hide. Behind the desk or sofa is clearly not good enough. How about a room that is padlocked? Or a crawl space above the door, but I think that's too narrow to get through.
    7. Finding The Meaning

      by , 06-19-2016 at 06:53 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I am in an odd style house. I see a person inhaling these weird smoke in himself. As he continue to do so the room we were in became quickly infested with this purplish greenmixture of smoke. It began to make me become extremely dizzy and ill. I had a difficult time walking and began to simply crawl. I could see the next room which was my father room as I enter inside making sounds of discomfort. I slam my hand on to the ground to make an attempt to feel solid but as I do this I feel nothing and hear that my hand has some how knock the front door waking my father up. I am surprise and try to touch my face but end up touching my chin. I couldn't understand why I could do the correct task I am asking from my body. My vision is screwed as If I am at the side of my own eyesight instead of the front. I began to forcefully focus and I got a good sense of clarity reverting my vision back to forward. My father told me to try and touch the glass on the counter. I tried but instead I ended touching the ground. I got up and look to the window in frustration. I turn to my father to explain the state of mind I am in and how it is difficult for me to stay like this. He tells me is there a way I can leave and then come back. I told him I am unsure and then I woke up. Lucidity Time: 1 minute
      Tags: dizzy, father
      lucid , non-lucid
    8. #3 - The Thinker's Club

      by , 06-19-2016 at 12:47 AM
      The Thinker's Club

      I don't quite remember the first part of the dream, but it ended with me in a cinema theatre ready to watch something. There must have been some form of social event or social club involved. I do remember a flash image of the outside of a building in the cold. Before it had completely ended, another film was scheduled to start; to see it, we'd have to usher ourselves out and into another theatre apparently popular with weed smokers. We were going to watch a second, cult classic film there. I don't remember actually seeing it.

      Instead I ended up somewhere I thought I knew from a photograph posted on an online forum. Perhaps conforming a geeky origin, each seat had a sticker with the nickname of a previous class member or else a character quirk poking fun at them (e.g. I think a few seats were labelled 'anime nerd'); notably, I recognised one of them (in the dream) as someone's user handle. I remember, as people milled around, someone commented that a guy's 'discussion quality' was high enough that he should have been accepted into the club, but alas have not yet been. This was a workshop of some sort for teaching purposes. I'd thought it was the one I'd seen an image of earlier on the internet, even maintaining this when asked what I was thinking, but changed my mind upon seeing the wholly wooden floor, since I also remembered a grey part.

      It turned out I was let into some sort of society's meeting. Like a debate club, but it was for polite discussion about light intellectual topics. Unusually, I was talking to people through the medium of speech and could actually hear my own voice, as opposed to using 'dream telepathy'. The speakers were a very varied group, and included Stuart Hameroff, the 'quantum brain microtubules' proponent. Some of the topics included ecology, evolution, the fate of the universe, 'haemoglobin-induced light hallucinations', and the amazing light contrast of either someone's laptop screen or the room in general (a lovely starscape on their desktop background!). The spotlight passed to me shockingly often, even when I didn't have much to say. Those latter two topics caused me to see images radiating brilliant, crystal-clear white light (e.g. white text on starscapes and nebulas) - incredibly vivid. Then the dream ended with a short debriefing, an image of a website giving a glowing review of my character and saying I was 'gatekeeped at Schmooze Island'.

      Note: I am pretty sure these places are physical representations of the internet itself; the dream may be commenting on how both random geeks and famous people have blogs on the internet, allowing everyone to interact. The 'Schmooze Island' stuff is probably a reference to the Pencilsword comic about privilege, which I'd seen passingly the day before. I don't recall any emotional content during or after the dream, despite more social dreams seeming to have more of that.

      Updated 06-19-2016 at 12:51 AM by 90627

      non-lucid , side notes
    9. 6/18/16

      by , 06-18-2016 at 08:20 PM (Book of Dreams)
      3am-4am (unsuccessful)
      Woke up:

      Dream 1
      This is just a dream fragment, but I remember either I was plugged into something, or something I had was plugged into something... Idk, but there were for chords and something was charging (it might have been me, I can't remember) and during the charging time, I was playing 3 songs on the piano (I can't remember what they were but I know 2 were in B major and 1 was in E major), and I know my sister and cousin were there. I think they fell asleep while I played.

      Dream 2
      I was on the front lawn of an old building, the lawn was surrounded by a metal framed fence, the kind you would find at a cemetery. I was digging something, and I saw a cardboard box nearby filled with little baggies of weed. I thought about taking some, but it wasn't mine and I wasn't sure where I was, so I didn't take any.

      *time lapse*

      I was inside the building, and my grandma was there watching 2 babies, they were both kids of my coworkers. 2 of my uncles were there as well. I now knew I was in a convent, and it's hard to remember the conversations that were going on, but I remember the nuns in the convent were dressed in regular civilian clothes. I also remember somebody telling me that they were all prostitutes and also heroin addicts. "They do heroin?" I said. "Yeah, they're doing it right now in front of us," somebody replied. and I remember looking over at one slumped over as she was shooting up. Not very nun-like, in my opinion.
    10. Ocean Camera and an Unhappy Reunion

      by , 06-18-2016 at 07:07 PM
      I was floating in an ocean in mostly darkness, although I could see below the surface of the water. I could see my legs moving to keep me afloat, and a long rope attached to me, via my waist I believe. On the other end was a camera. I was part of some experiment for me or an unknown identity to explore depths of this water.

      I reunited with an ex from my distant past. I'll call him Jake. My first memory of the dream is Jake and I laying in bed in the morning, sitting up with our backs propped on pillows against the wall. We were talking, and Jake said, 'Don't go falling in love right away.' I was not in fact feeling happy I was there, and felt like perhaps I had made a mistake. I said, 'I'm not, don't worry.' Jake looked hurt, and I realized he had actually seemed very happy we had re-connected, and maybe I had hurt his feelings. We were on some kind of trip, and we were leaving this day. I packed up, and Jake didn't talk to me much. Randomly my mom was there, as well as my step-dad, accompanying us on our journey home. Next we were in a car with a young version of my bio-dad driving. I was in the back, Jake in the front. He said, "We need to talk later, and I hope you remember what you promised me back [at the bleachers? football field? I have a vague image in my mind of what he meant, but I don't remember what he said]. I also didn't remember what I had promised him and I felt a little nervous, and a little like a jackass and I thought I was probably ending things once again with Jake and he would hate me.

      Next Jake and I (and maybe my family?) are in a grocery. I have an old, ragged roller suitcase. I stand next to a store employee and notice a crow at his feet. The crow is eating tiny crumbs of debris from the floor. I laugh to the store employee and we both agree the crow is a great little helper (keeping the floors clean). The crow begins to peck and tug at my suitcase, but I don't care because it's old. Then without my direct recognition of this in the dream, the crow is a dog, like an Australian Shepherd, and we are playing tug of war with my suitcase.

      We stopped at a small Bed and Breakfast, my mom and her husband resurfaced. They showed us the rooms we would be staying in. The entire Bed and Breakfast shared one kitchen. I didn't like this idea but I wasn't too bothered because I knew we were only staying one night. It was a cozy place, like a grandmother's home. Jake, an older man [replacement for my Dad and Stepdad?] and I sat around the kitchen table. Jake was talking about how many horrible people there are in the world. I said, 'But there are lots of great people too,' I start to mention how I also think about how everyone was once an innocent child, but Jake seems not to care what I have to say. A baby crawls into the room and spills a small amount of soda on the rug. I laugh and the baby giggles, and I teach it how to clean up the spill. The baby, clad in a diaper, seems to only be around 8 months - 1 year old. I ask Jake and the man if they have seen that funny new Hitler movie. 'You know, the German one, where Hitler time travels to present day after he thought he killed himself? It's really pretty funny in some spots."

      The ocean beginning seems very obviously symbolic of me looking deep into my emotional past or sub-conscious. I can also see how it is a well-executed prelude to the following dream. As far as the 2nd dream, I have been dreaming rather frequently about various exes, and finding myself stuck in relationships with them again. I'm afraid this says something about my latent insecurities about my marriage; aspects of it that remind me of things in past relationships I didn't like, or things about myself that I don't like. In waking life I am very happily married, and although my husband and I are working to better ourselves, I suppose I am looking forward to a time in the future where these things have changed.

      Updated 06-18-2016 at 07:43 PM by 91019 (added commentary/re-formatted)

    11. [18-06-2016]

      by , 06-18-2016 at 08:21 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was a police officer, making some paperwork in my office. I was writing a report on some kind of organized crime in my city, checking evidences. My last work partner was killed by them, a bomb planted in his house killed him. When I was leaving with another officer, I saw someone suspicious. As we got closer, he threw a bomb at me and used a remote pilot. I quickly escaped to the office full of other officers and heard a strong explosion. Everybody looked at the door with silence. After a while they opened, and someone appeared, throwing two bombs inside. They were really small and white, but did tremendous destruction. I ran to another, smaller office, but he went there after me. I ran to door, hitting him with my elbow and escaping to staircase. On each floor there was a bomber and I had to dodge all their bombs. Finally I got down to entrance, but somehow I knew that a sniper is just waiting for this. I went to backside instead, to another office and a black haired woman opened me a window. I escaped.

      It was late, dark night. The moon was shining with strong, red light. As I was wandering through a forest road, I looked at it. The moon looked like it was burning, flames enveloping it forming an eye, with moon being the iris. I heard strange buzzing and looked up, a UFO was flying away.

      Finally I got to my house, preparing some clothes to take a shower. I knew that they'd come for me. I woke up in my bed later, it was still dark. Someone rang to the door, I went to kitchen and took the longest and sharpest knife, and then slowly sneaked to the door. Then I saw door to grandma's room open, my younger sister with a knife went out.
    12. Get out of my dream!

      by , 06-18-2016 at 06:08 AM
      I'm in a mall with open plan shops on both sides and a walkway with escalators in the middle. I'm trying to find my shoes. It seems that the footlockers have been removed from a certain shop. I have a memory in the dream that the shop gave me back my shoes before the lockers were removed. What a relief. Scene transition. I'm in a large hall. It's kind of dark. Seems to be a dining area. There are games machines in the far corner. I decide I'll have a play on one. In the game I'm in some kind of ghost town I guess. For some reason I hear kids outside of the game, as if I'm hearing reality while dreaming. I get the idea I'm dreaming for some reason and the kids are disturbing it. Probably because I was reading Sivason's dream journal about incorporating external noise into the dream. Instead of incorporating it I decide to get mad at the kids and start yelling "get out of my dream!" and "shut up!" I suppose I'm semi lucid now and I decide to remove everything from the dream because I'm pissed at how much crap is going on. I make the dream black and decide I'll WILD. What? Within a dream? You're already dreaming! I'm waiting in darkness. (I guess I'm in NREM?) I start getting HH. It's petty intense and loud and the image of a woman's face forms in my mind. Then I realise that I've woken up because I see light from my bedroom. I think about DEILD but I've already moved and need to pee. Pretty impressed I could recall this much despite having had quite a bit to drink last night.
      Tags: semi-lucid
    13. #160: Fighting date

      by , 06-18-2016 at 02:28 AM
      I'm together with a white girl, who is supposedly a friend of mine. My friend Julian joins us at a later stage. I'm not sure anymore what we are doing. There comes a point though where we split up. I take my mountain bike and they continue walking in the direction of the train station / his house. I know that he didn't bring a back, but she did.. right? I pass them on my bike and after that I look back every once in a while. They're holding hands. Now they're kissing in the middle of the road. I think she's wearing a red denim skirt. He's trying to feel her up. She slaps him in the face, or nearly at least. Now they're fighting. A bit later and they are having a full blown karate fight in their karate uniforms [he's a karate teacher].

      I'm at the cafe where I used to go to practice my language skills. The same girl as always is working there. Julian comes in. First we order. I'm not sure anymore what he's having. I ask her to surprise me and she pulls a small beer bottle out of the fridge. I tell her I'm not in a beer mood though. I'm not sure what she decides to give me instead. There is some special going on. Julian is only allowed to order that drink if he has a black belt. I tell her that he has his own dojo and he pulls out his black belt. I'm allowed to buy my drink, but for some reason the conversation switches to my belt. I tell her that I'm a taekwondo guy, but that I quit because of an injury. I try to avoid having to admit that I was still a white belt when I got injured.

      Julian and I sit down at a table, facing one another. I ask him about my friend, but make 1 or 2 off-hand comments which he does not appreciate. I try to salvage the situation, but only make it worse. I decide to shut up for a while.
      Tags: friend
    14. Jump!

      by , 06-17-2016 at 10:19 PM
      I had 1 lucid dream & 1 non-lucid but I lost the non to dealing with life in a timely matter.

      I was listening to a meditation by Lilian Eden. She is an almost guaranteed lucid for me of some kind.

      Lucid: I was lucid from the very beginning which is rare for me. I was in the total dark but I knew where I was & I knew what was going to happen so I just started laughing. I was about to have the floor drop out from under me & into the water. This has happened before. There is a wet washcloth on my face & I get dropped into a dark pool of water. This time one of my sisters was there & I threw the washcloth at her & told her to not be scared. The meditation ended & I woke up. It still makes me laugh. I'm sure it's one of those things that you just had to be there for the funny part.

      Explanation of details-Blue
      Side Notes-Purple
      Astral Projection/AP-Brown
    15. Scream

      by , 06-17-2016 at 06:26 PM (The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy)
      This dream is from about June of 2016.

      I had a dream where my class was watching a video of a live performance of a band called scream.
      i got closer to the TV and then the lead singer, who was sporting a dark brown cloak with symbols on it ran after me. he then trapped me and attempted to force-feed me until i couldn't move. once i escaped, i left the classroom and tried to find an exit. he was chasing me the whole time. i then found a carnival that was built in to the school. i attempted to play a game or two, but none of them worked. i then saw the person running through the halls in the background. I made a run for it towards the maze attraction. shortly before i entered it, everything became distorted and hard to see. i then realized that i could open my eyes at that point, so i woke up.

      Updated 09-17-2017 at 07:18 PM by 89498

      non-lucid , nightmare