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    1. 9-13-14 Zombie drug

      by , 09-23-2014 at 08:44 PM
      I was in this huge auditorium attending a speech. An illusionist was onstage giving instructions on how to make a liquid that would turn the person who drunk it into a zombie. All the ingredients an utensils were laid out on a table in front of me, and I was following his instructions. Not many people were attending the class, and after a while, mostly everyone left. Eventually, so did I.
    2. Lucid 55 - Plane Crash!

      by , 09-23-2014 at 08:12 PM
      Method - interuppted sleep (travel lodge). BT - 12.00ish - LD around 5.00
      Comments - I think there must have been some noise from outside my room (perhaps another guest leaving and closing their door in the corridor) that got incorporated into the dream as the falling debris - certainly this seemed to totally change the direction of the dream.

      Longish NLD I am rushing around trying to find some stolen cutlery, I pop out onto Gamul terrace in Chester and am about to search somewhere else when I hear this whizzing crashing noise, I look around immediately. I am looking down hill across the medieval walls and over the river dee to an open field and see a piece of wreakage scream down from the sky and smack into the earth around 50m away with a sort of BOOOM. I kinda of gasp and my brain rejigs and I look up and there is this massive 747 jet liner with smoke pouring from its partially missing wing roaring downward toward the earth. It is so close, so breathtakingly real I think WOW - holy crap I am about to see a plane crash from 50m away - and then I think 'its a dream - and its that simple I'm lucid. I start spinning around. I been thinking about trying this as opposed to rubbing my hands and in fact I do both. I can feel my eyes flick back in forth in my head (I speculated about this and it certainly feels very real). I start to panic abit about being alone in the big lucid world but keep going, controlled spin and rub. The visuals have stabilised somewhat and I slap the terrace stone work. (The plane is now nowhere to be seen). But I appear to be completely deaf. I decide to go flying before I lose the dream and jump and drift up, I seem to have little motion, and I think about NyxCC's and my conversation about the lack of tactile sensation with flying. But rather than lose the dream all this introspection (+ a bit of a hangover!) lead me to stay in the dream but lose lucidity. The NLD continues for a few minutes before I wake up.

      Thougths - the plane crash - the sound of the first bit of wreakage slamming home, then seeing the jet following it at a breakneck speed was so realistic, so awe inspiring it remains an incredibly vivid image - as real as any 'real' memory. It really gives me a buzz as to how 'real' dreams can be.
      Also the OKN eye movement during the spinning was really interesting - will try again soon.

      Updated 09-23-2014 at 08:54 PM by 67538

      Tags: lucid dream
    3. Fallen angels

      by , 09-23-2014 at 06:25 PM
      There's a group of people camped out in a field. One of them's a veteran of multiple wars, very old now, and she's berating a young man who wants to leave. He's frightened; he's heard of traps, innocuous-looking pieces of paper which will curse the reader to be killed, or else to kill others until you die.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      A mother and daughter in the center of a crowded throne room, with a royal baby (not either of theirs) in a basket. The daughter quickly steps to the basket and announces that like a sister she'll tend to the child with loving care. This is a calculated move. She wants it to appear to the crowd as if she's being a good loyal subject, and to appear to her mother as if it's part of their secret political power grab. The truth is closer to the former - the daughter has no interest in ruling and is trying to spare the child's life without making her mother suspicious of her.

      Fragment - I'm someone describing the differences between those who fell more recently, the Grigori, and the first fall "for pride or love or whatever we're calling it now."

      False awakening. I'm writing down a previous scene. In it, I'm someone in the lobby of a place where I work, and Satan's just walked in to see me. There were a number of things I wrote down as being off about his appearance - the last thing I wrote was that there was snow still on his shoes - he'd become human. I'm kind of torn about how to react to this. On the one hand, this is bad news for me - whatever happens to him affects me too. But on the other hand, this is hilarious.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      I'm someone in an abandoned warehouse, talking with a fallen angel about his plans. We don't get along. As he's talking, a portion of the roof caves in, and through the hole I can see a human woman up there who's been listening to us. He knows her; she's part of his plan, but she's been opposing him. They have a brief shouted conversation; he says, "You won't hurt me, Jane."
    4. 09/22/2014 - "Breakaway Beach", "What Pills?"

      by , 09-23-2014 at 05:54 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream One
      "Breakaway Beach"

      I was walking around on the beach, along the base of a cliff-side that approached the shoreline. With the left side of my body hugging the wall, I began to notice that the tide was steadily coming in, toward me. I started shifting my path to the left, getting pushed in toward the cliff by the water which came further and further up onto the beach with every subsequent wave. Eventually questioning just where I was, and how I got to this beach, I realized I was dreaming. I tried to think of what my goal was, once I became lucid. I knew there was something I was intent on doing, but couldn't quite put my finger on it, at the time.

      I was then distracted by the tide, which proved to be continuously rising, and I gradually started to climb up the side of the cliff as the water was now starting to flood the entire beach. The higher I climbed, the more the water level rose. It was soon breaking off large chunks of the cliff beneath me, causing me to scramble further, faster, toward the top. Looking down, I could see that I was a few dozen feet above sea level, but now I could see that not only had the tide come in, to cover the sand, but the clear, green-tinted waters of the shallow beach had turned almost black beneath me. This wasn't because the water, itself, had turned black, but because the shallow ground seemed to have completely dropped away, below the water, meaning that what once was a shallow beach in overwhelming tide, was now a deep, ocean trench. There was no hint of a ground beneath the surface. The water just stretched down into absolute nothingness.

      Getting really disconcerted by my situation, being on a cliff-side over all this open water (which is a situation that always makes me uncomfortable, even when lucid), and with the ominous way this dream was heading,
      I lost all lucidity and just kept trying to climb higher and away from this crazy ocean.

      Dream Two
      "What Pills?"

      I was camping with friends (my roommate, and his wife, I believe. We had all done some camping recently in waking life), and we had some swanky log cabin, which sat out in a clearing the center of the woods. Sometime during our trip, I was wandering around through the woods, eventually rounding my way back toward the cabin. On the way there, I looked down and found a clear, plastic bag on the forest floor. A few, dozen yards away, there was a service truck parked, facing me, which looked like it might belong to a ranger or worker or something. I could see that the driver had noticed me, but didn't explicitly seem to be paying much attention to me.

      Inside the bag, I could what I knew, immediately, were 3-4 pills of ecstacy (which I used to do, back in the day, but I know that this particular part in the dream was inspired by a story my roommate just told me, this past weekend). I discretely reached down and picked up the bag, balling it into my hand so as not to broadcast what it was I had just acquired. Nonchalantly, I set my hands in my pockets and continued off on my walk. When I passed the man in the truck, he watched me out of the corner of his eye. Then, when I had gone by a good ways, he started up his truck, turned around and began following me.

      The more he followed, the more nervous I got. Finally, before making it back to the cabin, I pulled out the pills from the bag and popped them all in my mouth, so that if the guy was a cop, I wouldn't get caught holding them, or seen tossing them. The guy pulled up and actually started heckling me, because he saw what I did, and he was joking about how fucked up I was about to be. I played dumb and told him that I didn't know what the hell he was talking about, then just continued off to the cabin. The guy turned around and left, seeing as how there was nothing he could have done at the time, even if he was a cop.

      When I got back to the cabin, having actually held the pills in my mouth, and not eaten them, I spit them all out. Since they hadn't completely dissolved, I believed I saved myself from having been too messed up, at a time when I hadn't even planned on taking them. The others and I enjoyed the rest of our time, and even had a fun sparring session, out in front of the cabin. There was a point where I was hanging from a wooden platform, by my hands, and I was using my feet to fight off the other two, blocking and pushing them with kicks and evasive footwork. I also remember letting go with one hand, and only hanging by the other, and using that free hand to aid in holding my own against my friends on the ground. We also played a game where we threw sponges at each other like shuriken. LOL. I dunno. It was weird...but fun!

    5. Melatonin

      by , 09-23-2014 at 03:23 PM
      I can only remember bits and pieces, but I do believe that I was first in the usual unconscious dream. After waking up and taking melatonin seeing that it was six O'clock in the morning I thought that I should go back to sleep. What happened was what could easily fool me into thinking that it is astral projection, but is really just lucid dreaming with such familiarities. I usually was in more than one part of my brain deeper seeing as how I woke up. I was mostly going inside a house in my neighborhood look at who lived there, and then. . Blinking in and out in my dream like it usually does. I don't understand why I can't have something that solidly goes through a single dream senquence, but what ever.
      When I woke up I had trouble getting out of sleep as it took me a few tries to wake up in reality, seeing as the other attempts were like bad hallucinations of me waking up. In the end I am going to keep taking melatonin for sleeping and staying asleep.
      If anyone has any recommended on the shelf drugs I could take that would prolong a dream then please by all mean tell me.
    6. Fragments

      by , 09-23-2014 at 02:47 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I can recall I was partially lucid creating this dream where me and Manei had been stranded on a life raft floating adrift for a week. But the weird part was that I was the director, and also the character. Like I was at two places in the same time. We came across this island and realized we were going to have to survive there until rescue came.
      I can remember us taking all the supplies of the lifeboat and swimming to the island. There was a reef and we were going to have to abandon the boat.

      I can recall some dream about my mom adopting this jaguar that came to live with us. It seemed pretty friendly for a wild cat, and let me pet it. It also seemed interested in swimming in this shallow pool outside of our house.
      There was also something to do with with us moving to a log cabin up north.

      There was some part about these rock crystals sprouting out of the ground next to our cabin, that had something to do with the people of earth disappearing.

      There was a part of this dream where I was with K and I was telling her we had to leave for a remote area. Why? Because there was a nuclear power plant nearby and since everybody had vanished, there was nothing to stop it from melting down.
      I can recall this connected to both of the other dreams in some way.

      I woke up for a brief time.

      I went back to directing the dream about the life boat. There was some aspect to it, it was like a survival show and the people had to dislike one another and not agree with their ideas to make the survival more interesting. Therefore it couldn't be Manei and I since we actually get along.
      I repeated the scenario several times adding and removing characters from the life boat until it was about a couple of random, unrecognizable people.
      The people had now been floating on the raft for three weeks. There were four DCs. Three male and a female, and they were now fighting over the last food. Somebody had been accused of eating all four rations of food while the others slept.
    7. 09/13/2014 thru 09/17/2014 - Fragments

      by , 09-23-2014 at 02:39 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      Something about being in a car, beneath an overhang. It was a canopy/overhang, though. One of the small ones that we use for camping.


      I was selling a bunch of bud to someone, in a clear, gallon-sized, plastic bag. There was more to this dream, but I can't remember it.

      "Cabin in the Wood"

      I was camping, with friends, and we had a cabin that was actually carved into a massive tree. It was fully, furnished, and had a stairwell that traveled part-way up the tree's base. At one point, I remember foot-racing two of my friends down an incline, through the woods. Then, later, we were being summoned to attend a 'Sleep and Consciousness' meeting/simintar/class/etc., that was taking place, somewhere out in the wooded area. I remember walking toward the structure where it was being held, but nothing more.

      (Upon waking, I was disappointed that I didn't make the 'Sleep and Consciousness' connection with dreaming and become lucid.)

      Updated 11-04-2014 at 10:52 PM by 2450 (Format Change)

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. A Couple of Frags, Playing With Telekinesis, and Shattering Glass Out of Anger

      by , 09-23-2014 at 02:19 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      All I remember about this one is that it had something to do with taking a trip somewhere. I remember being in some form of mass transit, an airplane maybe?


      Spoiler for Explicit content:


      I was in a room in an unfamiliar house. I was using telekinesis to control this thing on the computer. I was there with someone else, a girl. It was like I would try really hard, focusing my energy, and it would affect this graph that was measuring the output of energy. It was like a graph that measured sound waves. It would go crazy when I'd focus my energy. The program was made for people to practice using their psychic/telekinetic powers on. I could feel the energy surging in my system. I was really proud of myself for being able to do it.

      I then was pressing these buttons with my mind that were on the computer screen.

      Then, there was this face underneath the ceiling fan. It was a light purple vampiric looking face. I did the same thing with focusing my energy, and when I did, the face would scream. I kept doing it over and over. It was really cool to see how I could focus my energy. The last time I did it, I made him say "Ha!" instead of screaming, something I had apparently never done before.


      The beginning of this dream had to do with champions from League of Legends. You'd play different "episodes", like quests, and had to accomplish certain goals in a given amount of time. You played in a building that had lots of marble floors and was big and elegant. There was one episode where you didn't have a time limit.

      I was in a house that I apparently shared with a girl I work with, Nicky. She and I shared a bedroom. I walked up some stairs and to the bedroom, looking through the door. The room looked similar to one I had when I was quite young, 4-5 years old. It had two beds. Nicky's was on the right, mine on the left. It was nighttime. I was apparently doing something that made noise, though I can't recall what. I saw that she was going to bed. I didn't want to wake her. She turned on a lamp beside her bed so I would have some light. I didn't understand why she didn't turn the one on beside my bed. I then couldn't remember if I even had one beside my bed or not.

      I was then somewhere else, not sure where, but I was inside the same building from the beginning of the dream. I was really pissed off at Dallas and Nicky. Nicky had told something to Dallas that had to do with oral sex, some episode of some TV show, and it was supposed to be funny. It had something to do with something underneath the floor, some phallic-shaped thing. Dallas thought it was funny, but I was so mad about it. I couldn't believe she'd tip him off like that, and that he, of course, found it funny. I was really pissed. I was yelling at Dallas about it, and he was getting irritated with me for doing so. I don't think I ever found Nicky to yell at her about it.

      I then went up into this big room with cream colored marble floors. It was a courtroom of sorts. It had to do with the "joke" about oral sex. As I walked into the room, a trial was in session where many people were being sentenced to death. I walked by a small room to my right where the people who were to die were being executed by a small guillotine. A woman was the executioner. I heard her say something, like "Off with your head", and she'd let go of the cord. I didn't watch the execution, but I heard the head drop to the floor. I also saw that another person was walking towards the room now. They were sentencing people one after the other.

      I went up to stop this trial. I spotted a metal cover on the floor underneath a table leg. Someone said I had to move the table. Dur. So I did, and I opened up the cover. There were these green stick/pick type things in there, like the ones you'd stick in a cupcake that had balloons or a number on them. I dug through them looking for the phallic thing. I found a slightly phallic looking thing that had a really big head that made it look like a mushroom. I took it out. It was somehow linked to this trial. I don't know what happened with the trial after that, though.

      I was then leaving the room and was really mad still. I tried to punch a wall, but it was like punching through water and I couldn't hit it hard enough. I tried it a few more times with the same result. I then approached a very large window, I'm talking floor to ceiling and quite elegant looking, and tried to scream to break it. It didn't work, so I punched through it with my right hand, shattering the glass. It hurt my hand so much that part of it went numb. I examined it to see if it was bleeding. It was just red on the pinky side. I was on the verge of being lucid here, like seriously, the very freakin edge, but I decided that if I wanted to shatter more glass, I needed to take another form. I was then on this circular golden platform that looked like it was in the sky. It had a wavy walkway that came off of it that went further up into the clouds. It reminds me now of an area of Etheria in KQ7. I selected a character in third person that I wanted to be, a champion (like in League of Legends). I was a character that resembled Sivir, but I could only be this character for a certain amount of time. There was a bar at the top of my screen made of 5 of the same icon that was slowly greying out as the time passed. I was then in first person again. I was then in the same building again on a higher floor. I was in a room with some people now. I approached another window and focused my energy, similar to my last dream, and screamed. The high vibrations shook and then shattered the glass. It was satisfying.

      Updated 09-23-2014 at 02:30 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Voices

      by , 09-23-2014 at 01:19 PM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #240: Voices

      I’m relaxing in a cabin with Wife and my kids E and R. I step outside through a wooden door, catching a view of a beautiful, placid lake. It feels dreamlike, and when I consider my situation, I realize that I’m dreaming.

      I decide that I want to attempt the patronus task again with Dreamer to once and for all answer the question of whether I’ll produce a magnificent mythical creature… or the dreaded “pootronus” that she has promised me. Dreamer, you’re here!” I call out, but she’s nowhere to be seen.

      I walk around the edge of the lake and see a distant wooden fenceline. “Ah okay, you’re right behind that fence!” I say, and a woman steps out from behind the fence and begins walking away toward a large wooden building in the distance. She’s got purple hair, so I’m sure that it’s Dreamer!

      I hop and fly after her, ending up in the wooden building with her. She’s still somewhat distant so I call out something to her about wanting to do the patronus task. She turns around and calls out, “First say something in your accent voice!” I take this to mean that she wants me to say something in an Australian accent.

      “Let’s see how my accent voice sounds,” I say, sounding totally Aussie. Way better than waking life. I kind of talk over Dreamer saying something about “singing”, which I don’t catch.

      She grins. “Oooh, how about something in your noise voice?” I’m not sure what she means by a "noise voice" but I notice how precisely her voice matches her waking life voice. I move closer to her, thinking what a “noise voice” could be, and as I’m lost in this question, Dreamer disappears.

      I look around, calling out for her until a woman in her late 20s with glasses and dark, curly hair emerges from nearby a stack of hay. As she walks toward me, I say, “What am I worried about? You’re right over here.” She seems to be somewhat agreeable to getting transformed, but when I get close, she’s trying to say something that I can’t quite hear. I reach out but my hand passes through her shoulder.

      I keep looking, calling out here and there without much of a plan, but no DCs appear this time. I say a rather pathetic, “Come back, I miss you!” not long before
      the dream ends.
    10. Patronus, Part Two

      by , 09-23-2014 at 01:17 PM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #239: Patronus, Part Two

      I’m reading a comic book with Wife about spies on a dangerous ocean voyage. There’s a lot of discussion about an acronym MBME and what it means. The meaning keeps changing, which makes me feel vaguely suspicious, but I don’t become lucid yet.

      Somehow we become a part of the story and wind up in an RV that we decide is a classroom for my son E. We meet with one of his teachers for a while and at the end of the meeting I start gathering up all of my stuff. Stack of papers. Backpack with my work laptop. Our test iPad from the office. I’m exasperated that I brought so much stuff and left it lying around everywhere, and the whole thing overall feels strange. As Wife and I duck out of the RV, I consider my situation one more time and
      I become lucid.

      We’re outside in a grassy field. I still have the goal of summoning my patronus with Dreamer, which I misremember as wanting to summon the patronus with Wife. “Come here, let’s summon my patronus!” I tell her.

      “Oh, okay!” she responds. I take her up in a hug and kiss her for a moment. Then I extend my left arm out and expect a patronus to form.

      There’s nothing at first, but I say, “Look, there’s something,” and now there are wisps of silvery, smoky mist flowing from my fingertips. The wisps coalesce into some little critter who leaps to the ground behind a passing DC. I lose sight for a moment and start looking around to see where the patronus has gone.

      “Look, he’s so cutie!” says Wife. I turn to find my patronus, a silvery, wispy little bunny, hopping around in the grass under the RV. He turns back to look toward us and his little nose twitches. He returns to nibbling at the grass.

      Wife says a couple more things about how cute he is, and I notice that the ground is becoming insubstantial. I think that maybe I rushed around too much in this dream, and
      it soon ends.

      Updated 09-23-2014 at 08:57 PM by 57387

      lucid , task of the month
    11. 00:00 Tuesday 2014-09-23 blackjack, rocket launcher, they've taken over my office, snake river,

      by , 09-23-2014 at 11:59 AM
      +(f) I'm observing a beautiful green river in the sunlight, I'm concerned about snakes, the ground seems to be make of snake-like noodle/intestine things, I want to enter this beautiful water

      +(f) some adventure/conflict/fights with a band of young people, discussion turns to hacking passwords

      + at a card table playing blackjack, I keep getting dealt aces, each time I split the hand and get another ace until I have 4 hands each with an ace up. Then I start looking at the Aces, the black suits (clubs/spaces) are visible, but where are the red suits? The hearts ace it turns out is green, I think diamonds is OK but I don't really see it. Adding up hands, at one point I get a 13 and am dealt a 9 so I add this up to 22.

      + at an old job, I'm arriving back to my office, I see that the VP JaEi is there with the team and they're setting up ALL the computer systems immediately outside the door to my office AND inside my office. They're using the windows in my office to vent the heat , and I'm pissed because I don't like hot air. I see the large computer consoles and graphics-y looking things moving on the screens. I turn to the walls and see that they've also taken all the shelf space in my office, it is full of binders and canvas duffle bags, only tiny little cubbies are available for me to put my stuff. I'm really made and keep saying something like "J.E., WTF!?"

      + on a high platform trying to shoot various weapons at guy walking down below, mostly pistol sized, none are working but then one of them works (a mini rocket launcher), it launches the projectile which sticks to him or near him then it explodes and he gets blown to pieces, the explosion stuns some other guy who walks around with his pants down pissing himself (his thang is exposed and peeing away) and wondering why he feels wet, there are other people on the platform snickering at him.
    12. RWBY sentry guards and clubs.

      by , 09-23-2014 at 11:32 AM
      Dream 1
      Sun and another person were working as Sentry guards, I think. I don't remember too much, but somehow three people get on a mountain. Two of them are dying due to cold. Sun wears one of their jackets and hugs them close to his body, trying to get home. I think he had a worm companion, but someone ate it. There was also a part where the sentry tower collapsed, but that was earlier, and we trapped someone in it.

      Dream 2.
      One of my friends got us into the club by saying she was 19, even though irl she's 17. She didn't she them her ID, either. We came two times. The second time, ther person who got us into the club sat at a different table who just began eating. There was an 8 year old with us too. Something happened, the club was getting destroyed, then i woke up.
    13. Astral Gaming With Friends

      by , 09-22-2014 at 10:39 PM
      So Ive been practicing Lucid Dreaming ever sense November of 2013 on and off, but now I can finally say I got the hang of it! I think Having OBE's are the funnest thing ever because your only limited to what you can imagine! And That's why I'm Starting this Journey, A Journey Within...

      My name is War Buckets and I love The concepts of Fantasy, Legends, Gods, Goddesses, Fairy Tails, Video Games, Cartoons, Anime, Art, Folklore etc. I feel as tho we live in a fantasy ourselves and the real world is within us; Some call it the " Dream World" others may call it the " Astral Planes" or " 4th Dimension ".

      I feel as tho we can all go into our inner worlds and have grand adventures with one another without the laws of the 3rd dimension binding us. After a Long day of doing whatever, we can come to our little sanctuary and meet one another via OBE'ing ( Lucid Dreaming, Astral Travel, Shared Dreaming etc. )

      With that being said I made up this concept called " Astral Gaming" Were we can go on adventures we never thought possible and at the same time be enlightened by the whole experience! Grand Exploration awaits you, and all you have to do is look within yourself. :cheeky:
    14. StarLand: The Journey Within

      by , 09-22-2014 at 10:16 PM
      Starland is a "Astral Game" that anyone in the universe can play! Instead of playing Video games for hours and hours with limitations, you can create your own game... FOR FREE! Starland is for people who love to share dreams, have Astral projections, and OBE's! You can think of Starland as an "4D Infinite Open World MMORPG Game". The possibilities are endless, as far as your imagination can take you!

      How To Play! : Starland is playable during OBE's ( Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection, etc. ).

      To play Starland all you have to do is imagine it! IT's THAT EASY!

      *( You do not have to use these terms by any means. MAKE UP YOUR OWN TERMS IF YOU WANT )* :

      You can also (optional, but highly recommended) make your very own " IMGN [HS] "( Image for short ) ". You can think of Starland's IMGN as a type of Server that you find in games today, but it's your very own server!
      In a IMGN you can build your own town, city, world, galaxy, universe, or MULTIVERSE!
      You can Also build your " [ HS ] ( Higher Self ) ", a character that best suites you! Your HS can be: A Knight, sorcerer, archer, healer, teacher, Guru, Builder, Inventor, philosopher, Spiritual teacher/ guide/ healer ANYTHING YOU WANT!
      There are also Your " [ WAY ] ( WAY ) " Your " Species/ category/ Typing ( Type ) ".
      Your WAY can look or be anything that you can imagine! You can be a Blue Knight with a yellow glowing sword,
      A Bear that can jump as high as 30 stories, a Mermaid who can heal with the water element, A Bounty hunter,
      A Black belt fighter, A Great Teacher , ANYTHING!

      Once you're done creating your [ HS ] and [ WAY ] you can now star your adventure into your inner world!
      [ If you're having trouble with any of the following task, feel free to pm Me and I would love to be of assistance! ]

      Creating/ Managing Your Inner World: You can Create Your Own Inner World How Ever You Like! You can make it as big as earth or as small as Pluto, or even smaller! You can have many worlds even galaxies! You can color your worlds and have anything in them like jungles, cities, towns, homes, you name it! You can also invite friends to come and adventure in your world! ( You can also set your world to a population limit or friend(s) only limit )
      [ If you would like you can come to my world " ToyBox" and I could help you get started! ]

      Adventuring: In Starland You can go on Billions of adventures throughout the Universe! You can also rack up points from adventuring called " [ AP ] ( Adventure Points ) ". AP is calculate by how much and how long you adventure in Starland! The Higher the AP, the more prizes/ Items you can obtain. [ You can also choose not to have AP ]
      There are also "Adventure Stories" you can choose to play with different levels: [easy, medium, hard, very hard, Hero ]

      Party/ Groups/ Clans/ Organizations : You can also create your own "[ PRTY ] ( Party) " with your friends to go on adventures with! You can name your party ( group/organization/Clan etc. ) anything you'd like! Partys can consist of all warriors, healers, inventors, or even Teachers ANYTHING! A Party can also have a combined A.P. Count of all the adventures they went on together.
      [ You can also join my Party " StarParty " for assistance on any form of a OBE]

      How To Beat The Game: Well there isn't a specific way to beat Starland, but the main purpose of Starland is to let you fuse with your higherself, meet your sprit guides, and adventure on to the 5D. It's A game of FUN and LOVE and only LOVE and FUN!

      So feel free to play! and PM me for details or concerns! And have fun!
    15. I Met Raven Symone That's so Raven!!!!

      by , 09-22-2014 at 09:33 PM
      Last night I dreamt I met Raven Symone, the actress from Disney channel's That's So Raven. My memory of the dream is very sparse but I do recall Raven was teaching a group of people how to sing and dance and giving $25 as a prize for the best singers and dancers. I really wanted that $25 but I didn't get it. I was very awe-struck because Raven is a celebrity and I just met her in my dream! I couldn't believe I saw her, she seemed so real and I didn't even know I was dreaming. The next part of the dream I was following Raven, somehow I was tracking her! Ugh I should have written this when I woke up because the dream was so fresh and my memory of it was so vivid then, and that was almost twelve hours ago! Well I followed raven to this beach and her house overlooked the coast. It was a beautiful place, then my dream transitioned to me hang gliding over the beach and over Raven's house. Then I woke up. It was a great dream! There was really so much more to this dream. It was very intricate but I cannot remember the details, I should have written it down as soon as I awoke!