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    1. 21-11-2012

      by , 11-23-2012 at 06:26 PM
      Was on the way back home with my family when we stopped at an icecream shop. I took my time deciding what i was going to pick (there were lots of choices). Eventually i just go with something and we leave the shop, we didn't even pay which was very weird. We went home and i started unlocking the door but the dream ended right there.
    2. 21-11-2012

      by , 11-23-2012 at 06:25 PM
      Was in a game called Final Fantasy 6 with me and my team (apparently). We were caught by the main evil from the game called Kefka, and he had full control over us. He made us go somewhere to do i don't know what but he really seemed happy as he couldn't stop laughing (like he did in the game). I don't recognisde where we were even in the game but i was sure about the setting.
    3. 19-11-2012

      by , 11-23-2012 at 06:23 PM
      Was at home in my room, which i recognised clearly. I had certain objectives to complete and i had several already completed but my father wasn't happy about it because he insisted it was dangerous. I tell him i'm going to school and he asks if i need a lift to there and i say it's fine since it's only school and it's very close, which it actually isn't. I don't remember what the objectives were but the ones i did before took pretty long and were very hard.
    4. 23 nov - Normal dream

      by , 11-23-2012 at 05:45 PM
      First entry. Just had a normal dream last night, so might as well write the few things I remember about it down.


      I was playing some game with my friends and one of the people we were playing against was a proper asshole. Skip forward, and apparently he had infected my computer with a virus. I remember being very angry that I had to change my passwords, while I was walking in a park.


      That would be all .. Hopefully I remember the following ones better!
    5. Feynman Vs. Slenderman: The Showdown

      by , 11-23-2012 at 05:42 PM
      Okay, so for a couple months I was plagued by nightmares of Slenderman. I finally decided that I'd had enough and came here. I got a lucid dream on my third try. I don't remember it in great detail, but it went like this:

      I was in Barnes and Noble during some big book sale, and there were tons of people. For some reason, I just got that feeling that you get in dreams sometimes when you can just tell it's going to turn into a nightmare (You know that feeling, right?) For some reason, I just decided to do one of my reality checks and sure enough my finger went right through my hand. That's when Slendy walked in.

      Everybody ran away, and I just stood there staring right at it. Someone shouted at me to run but I said to no one in particular that I wasn't going to run away anymore. After a few seconds of standoff Slenderman went multi-armed and reached towards me. That's where it gets a little fuzzy, but I remember we had this huge battle and I pounded the crap out of him. I tackled him through a window into the mall (the Barnes and Noble near me is in a mall). I thought I'd killed him, but he got back up. I was ready for round to, but he just stared at me for a second and then walked away. I don't know if that means he'll come back, but I'm just glad he's gone for now.
      lucid , memorable
    6. Feynman Vs. Slenderman: The Showdown

      by , 11-23-2012 at 05:41 PM

      Updated 11-23-2012 at 05:54 PM by 59379 (Double Post. I can't delete it for some reason.)

    7. A New End

      by , 11-23-2012 at 03:36 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      A New End (DILD)


      Realizing that I don't have the project I'm supposed to be working on, I remember that I had handed it to Alex after lunch for her to take back to the room. Upon asking her, she admits that she accidentally left it in her last class. She agrees to go get it if I walk with her. "What building is it in?" I ask. She says some weird name that I've never heard of. I figure it must be something specifically for music students.

      As we are walking from our dorm, I notice some people eating and I become extremely hungry. I also have a horrible feeling that today somehow marks the end of the world. I tell Alex that I want to eat some really good food since it might just be our last meal. She wants to know what I mean, so I tell her about my feeling. "Why would the world randomly end today?" she asks.

      "I don't know... But still, it's close to dinner time and I want food."

      We make it to her class and she gives me back my project. She points to a sign on the far end of the warehouse-like building that says something along the lines of "Suzie's Corner."

      "That's a good place to eat," she tells me. I am amazed that there is a restaurant in here that I've never heard of before. Weird...

      When we go over there to get food, there are a lot of men in construction get-up walking around working. Something feels really off all of a sudden. The restraunt is near the opening of the building, and it becomes apparent that all is not well outside. In fact, there appears to be a growing congregation of zombies.

      "Are those... zombies?" I ask, not sure whether to believe my eyes.

      "Um... looks like it," Alex answers incredulously.

      As we search the zombie infested campus for our friends, it becomes clear that these are not normal zombies. They are fast moving when they want to be, and they have limited speech capabilites (mainly to assure their victims that they won't bite them). They also seem to have no desire to eat human flesh, only to infect. It later becomes apparent that they are extremely interested in candy, so I refer to them as Adventure Time zombies.

      Along the way, we find several of our friends who are alive and well. But each one of them soon falls prey to the zombies, one by one. At one point, I am holding a girl I know as she cries--- her best friend had just become a zombie and I barely stopped her from turning the girl into one.

      Soon, I feel as though I'm the only human left. Alex is still alive, no doubt, but we have become separated and it would be foolish to stay here. So I manage to escape campus (despite the blockade attempt made by the zombies), and begin walking through a stretch of woods towards the city.

      It is not long before I'm attacked by a possibly infected weasle. I stomp on the thing several times, clearly crushing it's back, but it keeps coming at me! Finally I hold it down with one foot and grind my other foot into its head until it dies.

      I am somewhat disturbed by my brutality towards this animal,
      which causes me to abruptly become lucid. Yes! I fly toward the city, currently content with just exploring. But I become briefly distracted by a scene that I will not describe here.

      I leave the distraction behind, somewhat annoyed at myself, and head further into the city. Alex suddenly catches up with me and asks what I'm doing. "I'm dreaming," I tell her, "so I guess I'm going to look for something fun to do." She asks if she can come with me and I agree.

      The dream deteriorates when I run into my mom, and her pushiness makes me lose lucidity.

      Updated 11-25-2012 at 04:21 PM by 47876

    8. El Subtle end of the world (and start of a new one)

      by , 11-23-2012 at 03:16 PM
      Hey, This dream was really memorable. The beginning part is really just the introduction, and not really when the action start. So I bolded the part where the actual adventure start.

      I'm at school. Or what is supposed to be my school, but this looks different compared to real life. anyways, I'm walking to class and then this situation comes up. (this is during the morning time, when school just started). On of the staff from the office comes up to me and say that they've made a mistake, and that they have put me in the wrong class. (let me tell you that in the dream, it feels like i've been in this school a hardy long time, so i got used to everybody in my class. now there making me change). I am shocked, and pretty resistant at 1st (as in i say things like I can't leave now) but then give in and go to my new class. Some people, like Tabria, was in this class (and she was in my old class) but i didnt seem to put 1 and 1 together. So here i am, doing work for the class and i can actually remember it. the teacher, whom i also know in real life, is are chemistry teacher. she handed out this stack of paper and told us to do that. she was giving us work all day, and i think i was just ignoring the work. something else was on my mind i just didnt know what. A few other small things happened during that class day like how a saw mychelle. she was sitting behind me. When i turned around she just smiled. another thing was that i was walking in the class and i saw my headphones on a chair. it was broke!!!! i swear i was so heartbroken by that. It wasn't broke beyond repair or anything. it was just that the back of on one of the headphone split apart from the rest of the base, but it was still dangling in mid air by a string connecting them together. So i'm trying to fix it when Tabria ( a girl in the class) comes out of no where and says " hey that's my headphones". i swear i know she's only saying this to piss me off. But she has this really serious look on her. but i already also know that she's good at fooling people with her expressions. i tell her " no. it's mineS" and we just stare at eachother for a while until she gives in and say "I'm just playing", and smile. jeez.
      [This is a side story to everything because i don't know when this happened exactly. Well i'm in this room with these to other kids from school (uche and Brandon). They are playing this video game, most likely a parady t call of duty Black ops 2. Brandon and Uche are both using a controller, but there is only one tv and they are not playing on split screen so i do not know what's going on. Until i notice the second, smaller tv that Brandon is looking at. I literally get sucked into the games( like i usually do when i look at a videogame for too long) and i am the guy uche is playing. Long story short, i hide, i try to assassinate, i fail, i die. when i die i come back to real life]

      class is over and i find myself running out. I am looking for someone. I am in a serious hurry too. (I forgot who i was looking for when i woke up though) I rush outside, i feel like i'm going to slow. my belt loosens up and i have to adjust it while running, slowing me down. by the time i get to the busses, i cant find him/her. I ask someone if that person rode a bus and they told me that he walks home. I gave up on the idea that i was going to find him/her today. I see Alyssa, Christina, and some other people who i forgot near this door. I followed them inside, and shut the door. Then we just hung out there for a while. There was a time where it got really emotional ( not for me, for the girls). like Alyssa was asking me what is christina to me, and i'm like " a Friend". Christina looks disappointed, and Alyssa says "what about a best friend?" and i'm like " thats what i meant." christina starts smiling and i just push her around playfully. we're all sitting down btw. there are other conversation going on but the feeling i felt the most was love. I felt like how things were now, it wasn't so bad. It was time t leave. Christina and Alyssa had to get on their busses.

      I opened the door........ Something is different. something is wrong. for starters, the world in general felt different, like everything changed when we were in that room. like the whole world changed without us. More physically, the environment we were supposed to see changed. the busses we were supposed to get on were gone. There were kids here, but they didn't seem like kids. And it's not just because they were holding guns ( didt want to forget to mention that). They also looked un-human, but human. We were quiet. all the people who were in the closet didn't say a word. We had no idea what we were seeing. We just started wandering together on this path. I wonder what was going on in everyone else's head. for me it was just nothing. well not true. i was wondering what happened to my family. We were walking past this crop field when we saw this white van. A man was in there. My first instinct was to get away from him. He said he was going to take us away and recruit us or something. i wasn't going to let that happen. so I ran. I don't know if everyone else ran, but i guess it didn't matter since it only looked like he was coming for me. When i first ran away from him it looked like i was already far enough to be considered safe away from him (tsk tsk tsk) he threw this projectile that made this explosion a few meters away from me. I fell to the floor. I started hearing his van come closer. i would be kidnapped if i didnt do something, so i started running away from him. all the while he was saying this " You can run away from me, but i is useless. Once i hit you with one of my weapons, you will be hurt really bad. And only i have the time ball (This is not the exact name he said but the word TIME was in it) which can heal you. Once i catch you i will train you in battle. Maybe one day I wont have to do this anymore, but until then I must". That was basically the gist of what he said. Hell if i knew half of what he was talking about. Listening to his speech, however, made me realize that he wasn't really the bad guy. well more like that he just wanted to survive. I dunno how to explain it. either way i still wasnt going to let his ass catch me. so i ran. I'm in the crop field running. he uses this other weapon thats on his car that slices the crops as he drive by them. there were tons of times when he almost got me. But i always barely made it. Somehow i was able to lose him, so i started to run back to the spot where i split up with everyone. When I got back, I found them. But they changed. I knew it was them but they didn't look like what they did. They all seemed to change with the world like everyone else did. I wonder if i also changed. I can only remember there being Me, Alyssa, Christina, And this girl with yellowish orange hair. They all looked like they belong in an adventure anime.( I think The girl with orange hair actually is from an anime). I think ALyssa had a tail! Scene changes. It's been a while since the day the world change. Like a moth, or maybe even more. We grouped up with some other people, and even found a dog. other stuff happened i just don't remember right now. so i'll go to the part i remember the most, the end. we are pushing this dog on top this makeshift sled mad out of 12 pack soda cans. we crashed him into something. I thing he turned into a battery. lol. He is mixed in with the soda can and i make a joke saying that the battery was buzzed ( haha, get it? no?) dream fades.
      Tags: world ends
      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    9. November 22th - I raped her

      by , 11-23-2012 at 09:42 AM
      I appear in another dream, I'm at a very familiar place, the place where I grew up. It's very sunny and some families are playing with their children. I'm on one of the more elevated places, in the middle of a patch of grass. I become lucid immediately, and I remain at the place. I think "Okay, I'm dreaming, this is a dream" "What do I feel? Can I feel my body" "What are the 5 senses again.. uhm... "okay, I can feel, can I see? What do I see?" This is when the ground randomly tries to eat me, I attempt to get up but I struggle. The ground has swallowed my legs, but I manage to get up. (this is actually weird for me, I rarely actually see my body)

      I walk forward a few meters to tarmac and start spinning while I say "I'm dreaming, this is all just a dream" I stop spinning because I'm afraid if I continue it will collapse the dream.. It's very vivid, but still very far from being close to reality. I don't really hear anything, I can't really feel anything, no sun, no wind. I have absolutely no smell. But the visual part is on the better end, even though it's far from being reality. I can really only "focus" on one thing at a time, but the focused thing looks pretty real.

      This is where I get bored and sexually attack a woman running after her child. I was actually questioning my choice at one point "Hmm, maybe I shouldn't, this is an inappropriate place" Then I realize I'm being naive and that this is all just a reality created by my brain. I pin her to the ground stomach down, take of her dress and penetrate her, although only the tip of my penis could get in, it was a lot more vivid than it has been before. At this point her upper body is completely gone. I didn't seem to mind, as I was beginning to lose lucidity and understanding of what was going on. I didn't really feel arousal or pleasure except for the excitement over being lucid. I see a white blurry cast over my vision and I lose the dream.
    10. November 21th - I'm not human in a futuristic city

      by , 11-23-2012 at 09:30 AM
      This was a very exciting dream, and I wish I could remember more of it vividly. The dream starts on a very large rooftop, it's very sunny and vivid. I'm so high up on my rooftop I can't really see the buildings in detail but it's a huge futuristic city. There are a few sniper rifles to the left of me and I become lucid right away. I debate whether to take the guns and shoot at people randomly for the fun of it, or just jump off of the building because the scenery looks so delicious. I decide to jump of the building, I remember being very excited and yet a bit skeptical if I would survive, like jumping out of an airplane. I end up slowly falling down to the city completely amazed, it looked amazing and I felt amazing. I end up bouncing on a wall about 6-7 meters before hitting the ground.

      I'm not human.

      I have some kind of special powers that allow me to jump unreasonably high (almost fly) and mutate my arms into weapons. It's like a game and I'm it's master. I'm still lucid and it's very vivid. I decide to just go with the flow of the dream, I beat up some cars for some reason and my weapon-arms are upgraded into chain saws. I feel no sense of danger, there are no hostiles anywhere and it's very sunny. I'm in the middle of the city, and for some reason I know I have to get to an apartment building as there will be some people there, this is where I lose lucidity. It's been maybe about 20 seconds or so, and this is also where I begin forgetting what happens. I jump across an almost tokyo-alike futuristic city, all the way to a very high broken apartment building, there is war, and we are its heroes. As soon as I enter I get a feeling of being very welcome and loved, I had people that depended on me and I had the will and know how to help them. Then the dream blurrs out.

      Updated 11-23-2012 at 09:43 AM by 23937 (futuristic, flying, fly, sniper rifle, war, loved, love, dependent, dependence)

      lucid , dream fragment
    11. November 20th - I'm a rogue assassin & there are unfriendly gnomes

      by , 11-23-2012 at 09:26 AM
      I'm on the side of the rode with a broken car, I don't know how to fix it, but I know that there's a tracker inside of it. There are two people there with me that I don't really know or recognize, but I get a feeling that they can be trusted and that they are my friends. We're outside of the car, we open up the hood and begin looking for the tracker inside of it, we've looked everywhere and I have a feeling it's inside the engine so we decide to abandon it.

      I'm now inside a quite large house in the middle of very huge grass field, our car is outside. We have camera equipment and a lot of weapons, we're professionally trained. Somehow I'm told or get aware of the fact that the government is after us, and that we're rogue assassins trying to escape them.. I hear a military plane swoosh by and see 3 helicopters reel down a lot of hostile forces into the thick and high grass. I'm very excited and feel no sense of danger what so ever. I'm in front of the barn, laying on the ground with a weapon that reminds me of a sniper rifle seen in the movie "shooter".. I see two enemy combatants, and I aim at them and I shoot them. Although I never actually pull the trigger..

      I see this as an opportunity to run through the high grass as I know that our building will soon be packed with hostiles.. I run into the grass and for a brief moment I think to myself "wait a minute.... This isn't the real world, I can just fly away from here, I'm dreaming. This is a joke" I fly at ground level, through the grass into a miniaturized forest filled with trees. At this point I've already forgotten it's a dream. I fly very rapidly (faster than the sound barrier) through the miniaturized forest and it's absolutely packed with trees, I see no natural light coming from on top of me and the trees can't be higher than 5 feet. I still realize I'm being chased, although still very excited now and a bit worried. I keep flying very very fast for about 20 seconds, then I turn and to look back and realize I've only gotten about 150 meters in, and I can still see natural light from where I just arrived, now I'm a little bit scared, realizing I'll probably be caught and killed although still excited.

      I keep flying and try to get away but soon realize that there's no point, so I drop to the ground and it's now a swamp. I end up inside the swamp, below water the only exception being my head. Even though I'm inside the swamp, there's solid ground in my reach, but it's only about 10 centimeters thick, and I can feel the "solid ground" from below, I put my arms below the ground because it feels interesting. At the same time there's a white wan approaching, I can feel it's hostile. They're chasing and trying to look for me. I become lucid again, and realize I'm in a dream, although it has zero relevance as I can't actually change anything, and I have no control now. I grab the bottom of the solid ground, and I can feel some kind of spikes, I like it. So I grab the spiky thingy that reminds me of a ball, at the same time I'm curiously trying to find out what the wan is going to do. This is when a lot of small gnomes with funky hair appear (can't have been bigger than 30 centimeters) They're very rude to me, although they aren't a threat to me they are extremely annoying. This all happens in pretty fast as I'm still lucid, trying to wake up.. I have a false awakening, and then I wake up what felt like moments later.
    12. November 19th - I had to walk my dead dog.

      by , 11-23-2012 at 09:20 AM
      The dream starts in a house, I'm right in front of an abnormally large window and it's dark and snowy outside. I get a feeling that I need to walk my dog, a dog that is no longer alive. He is very old and sick, and can barely walk. I don't know where he is and he lingers around more like a ghost, or thought in my dream instead of an actual object or being inside of it, as I cannot see or hear him anywhere.

      I turn around to my right and see a door, I know I have to go out of it, so I appear outside. Outside, there's a very tiny barn about 15 meters from where I'm standing, I'm on the top of a enormously steep and large snowy mountain that reminds you of a skiing resort. It's very dark and windy, and I get a weird sensation of danger as I walk to the barn. I know that I have to get to the barn to walk my dog. While walking to the barn I have a weird sensation that something is constantly behind me trying to get me.

      Inside the barn I see a lot of camping equipment, like a tent, fishing rods an old rowing boat engine, there are a lot of other things in the barn and it's almost packed. I never step a foot inside of it, I'm still standing at the door entrance, feeling the chill on my back as I'm trying to look for something so I can walk my dog, I desperately want to be done quickly. Almost in the roof of the barn there is another "level" where you can store additional items. In the right corner of the roof compartment I see a ski, and I think to myself "ohh right, I forgot I owned those" (I don't actually have any, but they looked like the once I used a few years back) I struggle very hard to get them out of there, as I can barely reach them and there is a lot of other things in front of them.

      At this point I remember re imagining my skiing experience of real life. I remember being very bad, getting stuck with one ski on each side of a tree as it was downhill. For a short moment it's almost like a dream within the dream, because I relive that experience in the dream, I'm stuck with one ski on each side a tree on the mountain I'm currently standing on, trying to loosen one of my skis from my shoe. It doesn't work. All of a sudden I'm back at the barn, standing in front of it with the skis in my hands. Thinking "why am I holding these?"

      I put the skis inside the barn again, leaning them toward the right inner wall as I close the door and walk back in. I don't remember opening the door, but I remember walking to it. I now appear inside again. I still have to walk my dog. So I appear outside again, attempting to get to the barn, because it's important. It's still very cold and chilly, I can see my foot tracks behind me somehow, I don't know how, as I'm looking forward.

      I wake up and I never got to walk my dog.
    13. Update 36 - 11/22/12

      by , 11-23-2012 at 07:45 AM
      I dreamt that I fell in love with one of my friend's sister. Pretty confusing.
    14. signing contract dream

      by , 11-23-2012 at 07:04 AM
      My dream centered around a nice day I was content and easy going the whole day much like any normal Saturday. I decided to get into the car with my partner ( tiffany / transgender) and we were driving down a road very close to home I noticed all the normal buildings that exist in reality and it was nice and warm as the sun was giving off a nice heat through the window. I got a phone call from my partners nephew ( 18 yrs) I picked up and he was telling me about him wanting to come over to smoke pot and that he bought a lot of it, he then went to explain that its nice kush and its bright green lots of hairs. I felt perturbed that he would even tell me about this but didnt let him know this I just said thats nice so where are you.. Suddenly we passed him in the car he was on the sidewalk talking on his cell phone.. ( it happened very slow and very fast at the same time Much like when you stair at a telephone pole as it passes it stays in sight for a long time and passes fastly as it reaches your side ) I said Oh your right there we're about to pass he saw and laughed and wanted us to turn around to pick him up.

      Tiff said lets get some ice cream right here at this place. It was less than a minute walk for brandon to come and get to us. I told him meet us in the parking lot and we'll get some ice cream. I waited and he showed up. Tiff asked if i could go in and pay for her. I said sure no prob, Tiff wanted a banana split and me and brandon went inside.. it was more like a theater reception area where you get drinks and popcorn at big open space with stuff on walls, with a ice cream stand in the middle of the place everything was pretty much dark and dim in this place and i didn't really notice any thing within this area except the ice cream stand.

      There was one man (african american) inside this tiny stand ( very slender man very calm had a thin oval shaped face) mostly enough room for 2 people or 3 at most it seemed very tight in the space. The counter was all the way up by my neck i even made a joke about it. I asked for a large banana split. He pulled out those paper cups that you get sundays in and loaded it up, I then asked for cookie dough ice cream. He then got the same cup and used this slushy machine and poured the slush into the cup and set it on the counter i looked at it and then looked at the machine and then at the guy, he was smiling .. being nice i said calmly.. this isnt what i asked for.. I wanted ice cream and this is slushy mix... on the machine it said ice cream soup... I didnt know what to say next when i saw that because i was going to point out the machine in the back ground and it caught me off guard that it said soup... i felt confused and i was starting to loose coherence of my dream. I popped behind the counter all of a sudden and then popped back on the other side... I was starting to loose my ability to stay observant. He asked me would you like to help me out to find your ice cream.. so i said sure I instantly was on the other side of the counter and had a ice cream scoop in my hand I grabbed the cup scooped cookie dough ( my favorite ) three scoops medium to small i didn't want to seem greedy. he thanked me and poof back on the other side. He then handed me a contract. I looked at it and said what is this? I was confused why i needed a contract.

      I tried to read it and it looked like gibberish i suddenly remembered my partner telling me about her moms dream after i saw that my name was misspelled on the piece of paper. I suddenly became frustrated and questioned the guy... " Wait a second... Why Do I need this contract? " i proclaimed. He diddnt answer. I asked again.. What is this for? What are you trying to extort from me, I know im dreaming so what do you want from me? He said its an affidavit.. I was confused ( didnt know what it meant ) I asked an affidavit for what? he didnt answer. I asked again you need to tell me what this is for. He then said, its for us so we can do... .." To Do what? First i shouldn't need a contract to sign when buying ice cream".. I looked over and it was already beginning to slowly melt and brandon looked confused as to what was going on only shrugging. Then the guy ended up by a pole in the building talking to a girl ( she was about 4 ft in height had on something white tiny girl voice) she said he needs to sign this or its not going to work..

      I felt angry that they were conspiring without me. He then asked me to sign it. You need to sign this (said in a somewhat stern voice) I looked at it again to try and read what it said. I couldn't make out anything except. I do here proclaim and assure that this is true, withstanding and agree to the following ( bunch of gibberish for the body of text) i briiiin ket ful ehn ( bryan keith fullen is my name ) acknowledge this to be true and agree Signature __________

      I asked again what does this mean and what is this for. He simply frowned at me and said Sign it please. I folded this piece of paper into quarters and refused. I said no I dont think this is right. Your asking me to sign a contract without telling me why or what it is other than its an affidavit and some girl over there is telling you to make me sign it . Im leaving. I paid for the ice cream and said sorry to Brandon for the experience and said we'll go somewhere else to get you some ice cream. we hurriedly walked out of the place all the wile the guy was just standing there staring at us leaving the place no expression just stared..

      It seemed very bright leaving the theater like reception area much like in real life when you leave the theater its bright and blinding. I squinted and saw tiffany was upset that we were taking a very long time( i was thinking to myself Crap...must had been a long time in there) to get ice cream giving me the leer and the shoulder hand suggestion of what the hell (where you put both hands up by your shoulders palms up) I got in the car with Brandon and i woke up sweating.

      Any interpretations would be nice. I looked up contracts in dream dictionary but it doesn't seem to apply to this. Im wondering if it has any connection to my spiritual training and or to my partners moms dream. very similar connections. Thanks for the help.
    15. Nyquil trip

      by , 11-23-2012 at 06:54 AM
      I took NyQuil last night.. this morning because I was supposed to get up early to go to my partners sisters house for thanksgiving today. took it around 2 30 somewhere close to 3 am. Couldn't sleep... been having a bit of insomnia lately.

      My dreams are usually messed up and somewhat fragmented uncontrollable when under some kind of influence.

      The most parts that make sense to me is me laying on a beach talking to a mostly naked girl who is laying on her stomach slightly back turned to me. The girl had a green towel tangled across her in a haphazard way.
      its nearly night time and the sun is glistening across her skin like she was oiled up. She was blond or platinum white blond, didn't really see her face much the entire time. the sun and background was beautiful it was pink purple radiant with some clouds in the horizon. Sun setting with a great aura of gold around the sun. I noticed a boy on the other side several feet away on his back hands behind his head knees up and had on a black tee green ball cap and aviator shades.

      I remember feeling peaceful happy after a long day of messing around doing activities.
      The girls cell phone rings. she picks up ( my mind clairvoyant sees the other individual talking its a boy i cant really make out his features much except that he's in the Mediterranean He's begging her or really pushing him self upon her to let him see her and that he will be there tomorrow if she allows him. She's abit perturbed by this but being nice she finally gives in.
      She says Okay okay..... I guess if your going to show up meet me here (the beach) tomorrow after your flight we can hang out then but dont make a big deal out of it okay!. The boy is happy i can see his huge smile he's giddy and cant wait to see her. She hangs up looks at me and smiles. She asked me everything okay? I mentioned that Im okay with you doing what ever you feel you need to do I'm not in control of you but just know i would like you to respect my feelings too. *implied that i must had a relationship with her* She looked at me with a very pleasant smile and warmth then she asked is something been on your mind lately? I sat and thought about it for a few seconds... I then started thinking about my electric keyboard ( its in kansas in a storage room , its too far back to reach by my family at the moment and its a yamaha djx2 keyboard) i mentioned to her yeah... i wish my piano was here... it popped into my mind as destroyed though.. the keys gone the batteries gone the internals literally gutted no buttons no display just the shell of it.. i was upset. I started to get a bit teary eyed at the idea of my keyboard being ravished and then i realized its okay though i could always make music in my mind anyways and that i didnt really need the external medium to express it. I told her what i saw and expressed my feelings about it. she seemed understanding and tried to console me by saying its okay things happen but you know you have this beautiful sunset to make this better. All of a sudden coherence left me Im tumbled about the dream scape
      Frag 2
      My view is from a camera mans perspective, lots of people around me in near the center of a cross walk *either I'm filming or its a reel of someone filming*. The direction of the camera is facing a comer of a building. You can hear Arabic speaking, i dont understand a single thing anyone is saying. Frames start slowing down and shaking /vibrating. Suddenly I hear a bomb explosion white rocks flying everywhere you can hear the screams, shrill life crying shrieks from several women and the dust raining down with pings against the cars, windows of the other buildings, peoples cloths and on the ground as the debris rains down.

      I assume I must be somewhere in the middle east as a coffee shop just exploded and people start pushing and shoving to get away from the blast zone. Suddenly several more blasts one after another each going up several floors of this small sky rise building possibly 10-15 floors each explosion sending plumes outward rocks bricks glass shrapnel flying, in fact it slowed down soo much at one point i could see the glistening glimmering blinking glass shards coming closer and as the camera view stayed on this position of the explosions.

      I saw a young man dark tone skin, curly beard terror in his face, eyes wide looking over his shoulder and pushing the camera. at this point I could see a broken brick flipping through the air in slow motion *much like you would see in the movies where the outfielder is about to catch a fly ball* arcs ever closer and gets hit in the jaw and glass shards fly past his face into the lens of the camera and bounce off. I can feel the push and pull of the crowd the animosity the blasts the extreme panic in everyone's voices and shrieks. I then heard a voice as soon as the man gets hit in the head with the brick i heard in a soft at first male voice then thundering "This is KARMA" * like in the movie 300 hundred where king Leonidas says this is SPARTA!!!*

      ( Flashes )
      I'm staring at the same guy hours earlier throwing bricks at some starving kids in a ally way all the while him laughing and making threats to them. they kids were crying and doing nothing to help themselves.

      fragment 3
      (Flashes) I'm somewhere different I'm with several people my age in a fun house type circus casino. We're having a lot of fun its time to gamble one of them says.
      So I take 10 dollars cash it for quarters and i sit with my buddy who wants to play slots he dosnt know how it works so i show him once... he keeps playing but awful as he's loosing a lot. i decided to explain it further. "dont do it like this. Place the quarter here pull the leaver and then select this button once." We start winning and a lot at that He ventures off to the next excited that we just one on this machine. tokens are pouring out of this machine so quickly its starting to pour onto the floor and were scrambling to pick them up.
      Then inexplicably he wins at the machine next to us and hits the jackpot we're extremely rich it was in the millions. We cash out all of us want to split it up and have fun for the night the guy gets greedy about it and wants to fly to Vegas to bet it since the "we cant loose" mentality struck him.

      It starts to get weird there is a ring master who says why not stay for a while longer. The buddy wants to purchase the place the ring leader said why not buy these. We're near the back of a set row of benches and there is two tree people dark brown prune like tall creatures sitting there hunched back facing us. He called them tree people. as they turned around i saw no identifiable features but i heard the creaking of their bones and the snapping of their body extremities as they twisted and turned to get up to look at us.
      I cringed and felt disgusted by this. The ringleader saw my discomfort and mentioned dont worry its a bone disease that they have, its nothing to fear. I noticed a fire man benches ahead of us back turned slumped over your could see video arcade games in front of him several feet away blinking. I asked if he was okay the ringleader looked over and said oh he's been dead for some time now I wouldn't worry about him. i woke up.