The whole world was coming to an end. Every body around me was panicking and was quickly rushing out the exit freeways to escape the city. The city, one next to a mountain and the freeway, was filled with a wide open space of something I didn't bother to look at. I never looked at it. I just sort of assumed it was filled with tons of people and parked cards with people running all over the face. Moreover, there was a boundary that separated that side of land and the side I was standing on. I didn't cross it, so I just went ahead on with the nearing extinction of human civilization. Before I knew it, I now appeared inside a absurdly crowded jungle filled with what seemed to be an amusement park. I through a quiet building trying to see what I can scavenge to survive longer. Eventually, I found a room that was filled with fearful people, some of which I knew. From what I could tell, most of them didn't know how to survive. I noticed one of them sitting in one of the chairs near one of the exits and until I walked up past them, I realized that it was Jen, or Quynh - whatever. I didn't want to stay with these weak ones and become fearful my whole life. I wanted to go out and and see what I else I could find. I walked back towards the empty exit doorway and walked back in to the jungle. After making it to the river, out of one of the buildings across from me, I see a huge baldly shaped man charging at me with eyes of danger. To my surprise I didn't know what to do. I didn't think it would hurt me. The rest was just a blur. I do remember what happened after. Me and a few other people were inside a red car. The person driving, which I assumed to be a stranger, was driving out in the desert with the intention to kill the man who screwed his wife on a video I saw on the internet(that video was on my mind for a while). When we finally went past his place, he drove past his place and started firing at the wife screwer. Then he fights back. I had my head ducked down to prevent from being shot. I heard shots fired near the door. The driver finally got a hit on him, shot and killed him. I became relived. We made a inspection stop on our way on to a tall bridge surrounded by cops and mountains. We slowly reeled in next to what looked like a prison. The cops were stopping us and told us to get out of the car. That's when I realized that I forgot to take the revolving gun out of the car before we came here. Fortunately, the cop didn't care. He saw the gun and didn't arrest me. However, that wasn't it. There was an attractive looking game center right by the inspect location. Me and the others walked inside to see what we could find. They went along and in to the inner circle of fun while I stayed on the outer side where I spent thinking over my thoughts. The room was lit up by red ceiling lights and multicolored entrance lights. I walked around to see where I could think but I didn't find anything. As the dream was finally starting to come to an end, I became confronted by some evil spirit. It was testing me to see whether or not I am fearful of it. I challenged it by teleporting myself through a series of mind-blogging events that led me in the back yard of my home. I was alone. I ran up to the evil spirit and enraged all of hatred I had for it and released it in to a show of fireworks. What seemed to be an unknown figure was Darth Maul. He wasn't the only evil being, though. I too became one of the evil ones. He didn't like me though. I pulled out a double edged lightsaber, like him, and started waving it at him and his defenses. He had more skill, which caused my lightsaber to split in to 2. I continued fighting and then lost when I threw both of my lightsabers at him and then was attacked by the piercing force of his own saber. I felt the pain. I imagined my body not splitting in to pieces, and it worked. However, when I grabbed a hold of my saber, I through it at him which turned him in to little pieces. I then rushed back to the game center using the teleporter and left the dream because of the burning mark Maul left on me.
Me and several other students were on a race track preparing for a long, competitive race. It was about a whole classroom of students scattered around the starting line. The race track wasn't your typical dirt themed one, but it was one covered with air compressed pillows. It went all the way to the finish line. It was indoors and outdoors. The race was just about to begin. The race started right as soon as the first person started running. The whole set of students began hopping from one section of pillows to another. Most of them were left off in the middle, with only a few of them up front. I was stuck behind the middle ones. I wasn't how the game worked at first, so I observed some of the other races before I decided to actually give it a try. It turned out, everybody was hopping to get ahead of the game. After noticing this, I started to take my way past the middle races. Eventually, after making it through the indoor part of the race, we reached the outside world. I continued hopping as best as I could to try and win. At this point, I was just about getting on the line with the really good hoppers. I also observed the environment surrounding me. We were all what now seems to be a huge racing stadium, though most of it being taken up by empty fields of grass and small buildings. There were also no barricades on the sides of the pillows, meaning there was no protection if any of us fell by accident. After a while of hopping, I notice this girl hopping up next to me, seemingly trying to catch a glimpse of who I was. I spent little bit attention to this person until I took a quick stare at them and noticed who they were. It was Quynh, the same girl who went to piano class with me in high school and the same girl I thought a lot for three years. She was still wearing that same green sweater she'd almost always wear to school. Quynh and me were the only racers closer to the finish line. Quynh wanted to win just as much as me. For a moment, I even noticed her trying to push me off the track because of her facial expressions she had while staring back at me. I did not intend to lose. If she pushed me, I thought, I'd have to counter it and make her fall off the pillows instead. Fortunately, she never did. Instead, the two of us were in first place, desperately trying to jump over a large gap from one large set of pillows to another. When we finally reached the finale of the race track, both of us took a long hop over a bottom layer of grass floor. As me and Quynh were both making the jump, my only thoughts were, "I have to win!" We both landed on the set of pillows, seemingly at the same time. We both stopped ourselves from hitting the wall in front of us and took a moment to notice each other. I stared at Quynh and she was staring at me. What seemed to be an outrageously, long conflict between us, one that lasted for so long, it finally felt like we were on agreeing terms to give each other one more chance at friendship.
I can't even remember the dream fully but I remember I started out out on my street right in front of my house. It's lonely(as always). I'm walking towards my house and I noticed someone a few houses away from mine. It was one of my friends I used to walk with back when in 2012. I don't talk to her anymore, but I thought I'd wave at her to see if she would say anything. I raised my right hand and waved at her. She just stared at me. So then I walked in to my house and as soon as I walked in, I turned around and saw my old friend only, this time she looked like(or reminded me of Skylar Grey). I had asked who she was looking for and it turns out, she wasn't looking for me. I invite her in to my home and at point, I felt lucid. Surprisingly, I didn't do perform any reality checks. I'm a little confused about that. But I think it could be because I dream a lot about my home and after dreaming of my home so many times, I think this could be one of my dream signs. After becoming lucid, I decided to summon someone. Now, not that I really wanted to(it was hard for me to think at the time), I tried to summon Quynh(the most evil beast I ever met in my life) to perhaps, make love or make an attempt to kill her. She didn't pop up and so my dream starting fading at that time. I woke up and tried to go back in to the dream by laying still and trying my best to keep calm but then I realized I had school in the morning.
It first started at the back of a music store. The music store had instruments all around. I didn't bother to check which ones I liked because I was focusing on something else, my messages through Facebook. There was no computer screen in front of me, I just sort of knew it was there. Like a vividly visual image. Through this image I saw messages from Quynh. I saw her sending messages to other people too. I was scrolling down the page looking to see what she was doing, who she was talking with. I didn't find much, only memories of the times I wanted to be with her. Here's the second dream that was similar to the first. I could recall sending her a friend request through Facebook and hoping that she would accept it so I could see that picture that made me first fall in love with her. It's been so long since she posted that picture but I hoped for the best. Fortunately, she accepted it! The minute she accepted the request, I clicked on her profile and went through her picture section looking for that special picture. I scrolled through tons of pictures but I couldn't find that special one. I was hoping to feel better by seeing just that one picture again but I couldn't find it. Then the dream was all over.
I woke up thinking about school. I might not be so successful in the class I'm taking now but I just have to. I have to pass the class, even if it's not the career choice I want. I started out in the dream in front of the street I am living at. It was in the afternoon when it took place. The dream immediately centered around Quynh Nguyen. Not that I saw her anywhere in the dream, she was still in my mind. I was searching for her, like I used to do in reality. Sometimes in the waking world, I wasn't able to find Quynh around the school when trying to apologize numerous of times. The Stalker image fit me well but, it's been a year but I still can't stop remembering the times when I felt so alone in that world. Quynh is not going anywhere. I was walking towards Dwight Way and tried my best to search for Quynh, or even Trinh. The feeling felt a lot like ones I felt before in person. In my mind, Quynh was nowhere to be found. I tried looking and talking to people, just like I did to someone else years ago but, there is no way she is going to come back the same way I first saw her, even if I did summon her, she's turned to the evil witch I just want to get rid of. I walked a little bit more and noticed my mother was walking with me now, but we weren't looking for Quynh anymore. This time, we pulled up to a few teenage boys who had something to offer us. Firepower. Tools like flash bangs, grenades, and explosives. They weren't able to accustom our needs at the time though. We had to wait out the rest of the day until we got the goods. These boys had also offered us to see some of these weapons in action. We did, after unknowingly being teleported in to a home where the feelings of my mind started to change. This room was about the size of a normal bedroom. There were maybe six or five people with me at the time. There were also triggered explosives set up all over the floor. Luckily, these explosives were not set. There were times when people in the room played around and pushed each other.I was pushed once and when someone pushed me, I accidently almost turned off one of the explosives. And last but not least, I remember someone trying to tickle my behind, which was one of the things I hate from happening in dreams.
There is nothing scarier than starting out at my house for me. There is always something scary about this home I'm living in. It was dark at the time, and I was walking all over my home looking for something interesting. Nothing much happened really. I only remember two unique moments. The first one happened when I first realized I was lucid. I was in my background, there was now light outside. I'm standing behind my sister's bedroom building. I'm standing there wondering. Eventually I wondered too much and thought of something/someone I met before in this same exact place. I thought of a dark, scary reaper. I immediately stopped thinking about it but when I first looked up in front of the garage, I saw it. At first, I was scared that I had to see this reaper again and even seeing it again brought back the memories I had when I first had nightmares about this thing a few years ago when I first found out about Dream Views(2009). It was a pleasure meeting the reaper again. I ran up to reaper and before I could do anything, it disappeared(I might not remember correctly). I thought about another great idea to do while I was lucid. Well, it wasn't the best but now that it happened, I thought it was worth to do. At first, I wanted to have sex but I was already tired of doing that(I'm guessing), so I I thought about trying to summon Quynh, the most childish and bitchiest girl I've ever met back in high school, but I still admire her. The first technique I tried using was, "I'm going to yell out your name and move my right hand back and hope you will be there." Surprisingly, it worked! Not only did it summon her but it looked a little bit like the REAL her. Though, what I really wanted was to see her just the way she was back when I first met her in piano class. She was really beautiful before throwing a lot of hate on me. But she's Vietnamese, so I suppose that's why she doesn't want to know me anymore, she'd rather go out with one of her own or someone who's not so in to her...
It's been a while since I last had this familiar dream. Not the exact same one but it felt like the memories were coming back to me. I'm standing under a structure in front of an abandoned city. It was also raining. There was no one in sight. The last time I was here I was on a mission to kill a few people silently around the city. The city looked very beautiful. It sort of looks like Rome or France. I had no goal in this dream, I only walked around to see what would happen. I felt an unusual feeling when I stared at one of the buildings in front of me. I started to think about someone. I started thinking about Quynh. I pictured her in the same clothes she wore when I first met her in the waking world;green sweater, blue pants, and white shoes. I always picture her in the same clothes. I never once tried to summon the "new" her in my current dreams, I just can't. She was so beautiful before. Having the same feelings I had about her in this dream, they made me happy. I can't help to think that this place also reminds me of my sister's room. The last time I saw Quynh in my sister's room was when she was there alone and I walked in there to develop a special relationship with her. That wasn't the whole dream. I still remember the moment when I tried to summon her. I was at my parents' home. I was standing in the kitchen at night with no one in there at the time. One of the small lights on the kitchen counter was on. I don't remember being lucid but whenever I try to summon Quynh, I always try to make sure it's the real one. I tried summoning her by yelling out her name. She appeared after I yelled two more times. It didn't work. Instead of Quynh I got this smaller kid who looked a lot like my niece. I was disappointed and I wasn't sure how I was ever going to make it work. So, I done another technique. I grabbed on to her shoulders and asked, "Why aren't you Quynh?", "Why don't you look the same?!" Not the exact same words but I still remember asking something like them. It didn't work. I tried a few times and knew it wasn't going to work. This is all I could remember.
I'm inside this big mall. There were a lot of open spaces everyone so it was probably easy to tell where some of the stores were at. I was with another group of people, criminals I think. These criminals were leaning their backs against the staircase in the middle of the big mall. I didn't see a lot of people in the middle, just a few. I'm not sure how it happened but as soon as I realized I had a gun on me, I thought about doing something with it. There was an entrance to my right, so I walked there to see what I could find. There was someone who did catch my awareness. It was Quynh. She was walking towards the direction I was walking in. At that moment I was there, I thought about her kindness and innocence, and I thought about the way she just left me. I no longer see her the same way and because of that, I pulled out the gun and started aiming and shootings towards the direction she was in. Everyone in the room was running, even Quynh. I didn't think I had shot her, so, I ran back to the staircase in the middle and sat there along with the other criminals still there. The authorities were coming, my fate was determined. I saw some of them enter the room. I grabbed my gun and thought once more about losing my life. I aimed the gun towards my head and squeezed the trigger. Although I didn't die, I did managed to escape from the area but I think that might have been another dream, so I'm posting it after this one.
It first started somewhere out in Pacific High School, somewhere in the back of the school where my old history teacher was teaching in. I had a cold feeling being here but I'm not exactly sure why I was feeling like this. I remember something, someone I was pursuing to kill. It was Quynh, I wanted to kill Quynh. Pacific is no longer the school I'm attending but one of the problems I have is with Quynh. I went through groups and groups of people hoping no one would recognize me and catch me. They didn't know my intent and I wasn't going to stop the urge. I scattered all around until I came to a new scenario. I had a scary feeling during all of this, I'm not sure how to describe it well. The more about it, the more scared I was. I then appeared in a mall. I was feeling this group of three girls until they led me somewhere interesting. The lights of the mall weren't so well light. The lights gave off a grey color to the whole room making me feel like I've been here before. I never been. As me and these group of girls were walking around the mall, I thought about killing someone. I felt lucid but it didn't feel all that exciting here. We were walking under the escalator and that's when it happened. I grabbed someone by their neck and cracked it, not knowing why the body I was holding felt really thin. The next person I murdered in the dream, it was Quynh, my old Vietnamese friend. I summoned her with my eyes closed and twisted her neck as well. Even then, I felt no satisfaction in feeling that liar died. That wasn't all. I had to get away with it now. I was now in the back yard of my home. There was an online buddy chasing me. Their name was Gold_Digger_5000. I chat with them on a Minecraft server sometimes. I had this card that read "hax" on it. I'm not sure what it was supposed to do but I held on to it just in case. This buddy of mine, he wanted to catch me, so I won't do anymore harm. He was the only one after me at the time. We climbed from roof top to roof top, from yard to yard until I decided to use my flying abilities. I jumped and started flying just a few feet above the ground. I struggled with it at times but I still managed to get away.
The time is late in the afternoon, walking under the cold rain. My parents are walking with me. We're walking towards a toy store in front of the parking lot as I struggle making my way through the parking lot. I feel some sort of weakness. I don't know why but my feet are half paralyzed, so it's going to take a really long time to walk to the toy store. My parents are already there. "Keep walking!", I said to them. I made my way under a parking lot light pole and stood here for a while. I'm taking a rest here. It's such a really good feeling I have here right now. No one is bothering me which makes it even better! It seems pretty calm. I see a few cars pass me by and there's a school I see in front of me. There's someone in the crowd. She looks a lot like Trinh. She's wearing a red/white jacket and blue pants. I'm positive it's her! I'm going to walk up to her and get a better look. It is her! It's Trinh! It's really Trinh! She looks exactly the same way she does in the waking world! I haven't had this great feeling ever since I first saw Quynh in a dream! I can't believe this non lucid helped me find out the way Trinh really looks! I walked up to her and hugged her and gave her all the love she can get(not too far). I see her face and automatically believe this is all a dream. I will never have her in the waking world, friend or girlfriend, so I know her just standing her is all just a dream. I'm kissing the this girl and as she kisses me back, she makes those funny lip kissing sounds. Her lips feel nice as well. Nothing about her feels strange at this moment. And even though she wasn't the first girl I fell in love with, she is still more admirable than the first, and not so much like a bitch.
A dream I had just before another long one... I'm inside a mall again, or a store. It was sunny outside. I forgot when I first turned lucid but I do remember trying to summon a few people. The first person I summoned was Quynh. I've done that by yelling out her name and extending my right hand back. The first time I tried, I was only thinking of her name. Nothing else but that. I then tried a second time but this time I would try and picture her whole face in my mind and see if that would work. I've done so and it worked a better than the last time. When I turned around, she did look something like the real one, but I still wasn't buying it. I was kind of hoping for a better feeling inside me when I saw her face, just like I did in dreams when I saw her about one year ago. The only difference I saw this time was she had a different hair style here. I continued walking around the mall trying to get the real look of Quynh in the dream but eventually gave up and tried to summon someone else. There was someone whom I've never met before that I wanted to summon. It was a girl on Youtube, I don't know her name but she was the one posting dream journal entries on her channel. She looked beautiful when I first saw her, and still does probably but, whenever I think of someone as pretty as that, my sorrow for Quynh begins to fade away because I'm way too young to try and lose my freedom over some female who doesn't pay attention to me. But the idea of letting her ago without punishment still bothers me...
This entry would probably fall in to the category of my most favorite lucid dreams. I've never had a lucid dream that went on for a long time! It was also one where summoning Quynh felt like a bad idea at the time, though, I did meet some beautiful girls on the way. I first started inside a hotel room, one that views long strips of the city streets. The first person I noticed here was a girl who posted a dream entry on Youtube. She was seated right next to the window. There were also a few other people here, but I could not remember their faces. They all appeared calm. My job at the time was to punish these people for something I may have forgotten about. From there I noticed some lettering on my left wrist. The lettering I have in reality read "Dream" on my left wrist. There was obviously something wrong with the lettering in the dream. I stared at it closely, very closely and noticed strange triangular symbols written on it. I looked up to a girl's face to my left and felt the feeling of really being in a dream. I was now dreaming. I began my first move by promisingly yelling at them and commanding them to break the hotel windows. They never said a word. I felt in control but I also felt bad as I stood there staring at their terrified faces. I walked outside the door in the room and closed the door. I walked in to a chef's kitchen room. It looked more like the inside of a mall when I saw the chef's cooking tools in there. There was a chef I talked to. He was a very tall, dark man who looked busy at the time. I followed him as he was cooking up some food and eventually asked him my favorite question. "We're in a dream." He didn't say anything for a moment but then replied, "I don't know." I was hoping to receive a more sensible answer. So, I turned back and saw a teenage girl. I walked up to her and told her, "We're in a dream." She didn't say anything either! I was out of ideas. My first idea was to summon Quynh and hope I could get her face right this time. But then again, I found it more exciting to see what I can find in the dream world if I lasted a little longer. I went ahead and followed that idea. It wasn't a hard choice at the time, probably because I tried summoning her in a dream before this one, but failed. My lucid journey began with a bad thought. There was nothing else I found exciting on the moment, so I tried something I could not do in waking life. I wanted to kill someone with a knife, just to see how it feels to stick a blade down someones back. I walked towards the chef's table of tools and opened individual cabinets, looking for a knife. At my worst luck, I could not find any. All I found was spoons and I'm pretty sure they won't do much to someone who is willing to fight back. I gave up on that idea. After checking all these cabinets, I saw a group of teenage boys walking up to the table in front of me. One of them was carrying a long pick fork. I hoped they weren't there to kill me. They stood in front of the table in front of me and starting and just stood there. I was relived he didn't try to kill me. I then left this area and continued on to a scenario in the dream. This next scene, I was back at Pacific High School. It was already dark. I was on the parking lot riding a powered scooter all over it. It was had for me to control the vehicle but most of the times I rode it without a problem! A few seconds after riding the scooter, I saw a huge crowd of students walking out of the school. Me and my scooter were heading right towards the fence in front of the school. Sooner or later, I realized I was going to crash in to the fence and did. I felt embarrassed but no biggie, I laughed after it. I also noticed a girl laughing somewhere in the crowds of people. At first I thought she was laughing at me but then I noticed she was laughing at someone else in the parking lot. The dream changed faces again. This time I appeared in a mall, where my lucid world felt more beautiful to explore. The mall was pretty full. It reminds me back when I had the dream about a woman giving me a piece of candy with a letter in it. I didn't do anything that would cause the dream to fade away, so I kept calm and carefully explore the world. I walked through crowds of people finding things of my own interest. I found a few girls and decided to accompany them for the rest of the dream. I saw an Asian girl standing in front of small store. I walked up to her and held her right hand. Now that I think of it, this was really awesome! Usually, only the Asian girls want to be just friends with me but this was where my dream came true! Well, in a dream it did. We didn't even walk too much though. There was this other girl walking to our left but this time she was holding another guy's hand. I ditched the other girl and walked in front of the couple. I extended my left hand towards the girl as she grabbed mine. The dude even encouraged me to take her by pushing her towards me! I felt like a pimp. This other girl I stole from the guy was even more beautiful, well from the back she was. I stared at the back of her head and noticed how vivid it looked! I was so glad I stole her from him. But anyways, I continued the dream by searching the mall for something interesting, even though I already found someone. I did find an old friend on the way. I found Valerie, one of the girls who went to piano class with me. She was in front of a store yelling out sales. I walked around the mall for a while not doing much but observing everything I saw. I do remember trying to use my imaginary powers to break down some walls in the mall. I pointed my fingers at these walls and was hoping for an explosion. Nothing happened. After long minutes of just walking through the crowds, I finally noticed the girl right next to me changed her appearance! It was strange at first because she looked a lot like my sister! I was no longer interested. So, me and my older sister decided to take a trip down the parking lot outside the mall, which appeared to be inside the mall. Me and my sister walked through it and made our way past a street just outside the mall. I paid close attention to the cars driving past me. Some of them were going in the wrong directions, I felt. I walked past the street and only a thought of one thing. This was my dream and even if I do embarrass myself, my brain would be the only one would know, unless Leonardo Di Caprio tries to steal an idea off me... I walked up towards a park and musical class I saw in front of me. I saw a piano inside the music class and a few students right next to it. I feel like I've been here before. To my right I saw a classroom full of elementary students listening to some of the adults reading to them. I stared at them. I noticed the restrooms were right next to the music class and far from the classroom of students. I wanted to see if I can use some kind of secret powers against a gate I saw in front of me but it still wouldn't work. So, I moved over to the classroom of students and told them and the adults out loud, "We're in a dream!" They all looked at me as if I was crazy. Then the dream ended.
I started out at a party somewhere in the dream. I cannot recall the faces of strangers, only close friends. The room gave off a noisy feeling as I walked around the ball room. There were a few family members who met up with me near one of the tables. It was at this moment where I felt a very small bit of lucidity. I saw my little niece Alyssa running up to me in a white dress. I felt happy to see her here! There was another dream I explored later on. In this next dream, I felt very lucid! Here is how it went... I started out in a neighborhood I recently visited inside one of my previous dreams. This place I was in, it was on a long, narrow street. I was lucid as soon as I stepped on to the road, but I can't remember how I got on it. There was a house in front of me. In front of this house, there was a tall man. My job was to kill him and make sure he doesn't kill me. I walked up to a car in front of the home and stood there waiting for a good shot. I saw the man walking down the porch of the house. I extended my hand in front of me and imagined there to be some kind of a special power within it. I pointed this imaginary gun towards the man and started shooting. The man fired back but never hit me once, his bullets only ricochet off the car. As soon as I killed this man, I felt in control enough to try and summon someone. This times I wasn't going to summon Quynh though. I summoned someone better. I walked back on to the road, extended my right hand towards my back and yelled out, "Come here, Trinh!" At first, I failed, but next time, I summoned someone. I turned around to look at her face, but it wasn't her. She didn't look anything like Trinh. I thought it could of been probably because I imagined her appearance from a recent Facebook picture of her. The third time I tried, I done something differently, and please don't take offense in what I'm going to write because I love these people! I turned back around and immediately imagined her and the way her eyes looked, beautiful Asian eyes. I extended my arm back again and yelled, "Come here, Trinh!" I turned around and saw the way I imagined her! There was something else wrong though. She did have the eyes but her mouth and teeth looked like that of a horse's mouth. I was still happy it worked though. And although it wasn't Quynh, I couldn't wait to try again next time, or probably something different. Hopefully...
I had just fallen asleep with the idea that 2013 will be no different than 2012, it was a bad year for me. Me and the rest of my classmates were back at that same area where one of the doctors had to inject a needle through me. This time it was different though. I felt no happy emotions throughout all of it. These feelings scared me. It was depressing! Me and the rest of the class started to work our way through a narrow hall down to the next station. There was no other classrooms in front of us, so that was kind of strange. I can only remember stopping once. I sort of smelled like a wet dog at the time, so I didn't want any of the classmates around to smell me. I tried my best to keep my distance from them. Okay, that seemed to be it for that part. There is another scenario that came along with it so I'll just include that one with this one. It was on a dark, lonely street. It was way past our bed time and being out here was very dangerous! Me and my family were walking down streets trying to find our home. We were all at a distance from each other at the time. While this was happening, I could only recall the horrible experience I've been through last year(beaten up while walking alone to see one of my friends). I have always hated to feel like it, especially loneliness. I began to shudder at the darkest parts of this street. I had no choice but to continue my search for home. I did run in to a few obstacles on the way. I ran in to an old man throwing some kind of fireballs on to the street I was on. Me and my father watched this man feared this man would've throw one at us. This other older man had a routine on where he would through the "fireball". He only threw it on the street. Oddly enough, my father walked past around the circumference of the landing zone on the street rather than simply walking on the front yards of homes. I did the same, it only took me longer. Once I got past that, a new fear entered my mind. I finally reached the end of the street. I was standing on the spotlight of a street light. I took the street to my right and continued walking, leaving my family behind. I was now alone which meant danger. Luckily, I reached one of the wide roadways, so if I got attacked, people would see. I was walking in the same direction from when the dream started now. I slowed down my steps. I saw a little boy a few meters away from me. He had seemed to be lost. I walked past him and heard a scream come out of him. The boy yelled out once he saw me right past him. I don't remember much of what he said but he said something about being afraid of me. I told him not to be afraid, I would not hurt him. Then a few seconds later, I see this young middle aged man in a car's passenger seat staring at me. He just kept looking at me. It was as if he though I would kill the boy. :/ The dream would end here but there is another part I'd like to mention. A part that saddened my mind. I appeared in a car this time. Some woman was driving me to places I've been to before. She had no problem driving me to places. It felt like I was lucid dreaming sometimes too but it didn't feel like I had much power controlling it. She brought up Pacific High School. "You wanna go to Pacific?", maybe worded a bit differently but that's what she said. She drove me over to Pacific but I knew it was a bad idea to go back there again. That was what is bothering me. I'm not sure if I want to go back there again. I finished high school two years ago, but I still dream of this place! But going back there meant I could probably see my old friends again, possibly even Quynh, when she wasn't such a bitch. Still, this woman took me to this school I gained some awareness there or at least I thought(I kept asking the woman dreaming questions when we got there). But when we got there, I was spectating the whole thing from the top of the school. From there, the school looked a lot like a medieval palace. So anyways, I woke up after this and saw the Christmas in front of me. It was a sad year for me but I don't plan to keep dreaming about Quynh as much, but if I do, it'll be the only place where I can believe she loves me too, well, after I kill her once in the dream.
I just got back from a mission to save myself from a dungeon filled completely with water. And by the time I reached a new scene, I became lucid as soon as I stepped foot on my first elementary school. Everything was calm. I walked in to the school from the side parking lot to the left with a man following me. There was no one around, it was all very quiet. I saw a classroom near the parking lot and decided to walk in. Me and this other man came in with me but just waited next to the exit door. I saw the classroom half empty with kids. The teacher looked a lot like my old 12th grade science teacher, Mrs. Kelly. No one made a peep at the moment. I decided to investigate the room for anything of interest. I don't know what I was looking for. I turned around and saw a girl that caught my interest. This girl was wearing a purple/white striped t-shirt. She had black long hair and was light skinned. I walked up to this girl seating in her seat and before I could talk to her, she got up and turned a piece of paper in to the front of the class. I turned her way and gave her a small kiss on the lips. She tried to resist at first but didn't bother pushing me away. I guess the ladies just love my kisses... So after that kiss, I walked outside back with my partner, or the man, and continued to search for other stuff. I saw a playground to the left of the classroom that was completely empty! And because I saw lucid, I felt I had enough time to be able to attempt summoning Quynh again. I rolled up my sleeves from my sweater and started my job. The scenarios began to change again. I don't remember much about how I got to different places but I remember the types of things I saw on my way to the next place. I was walking for a while and saw so many people walking past me. All of a sudden the whole place was filled. I noticed a few places here and there but there was only one who really stood out from the rest. Her name was Stephanie. She was the first girl I really liked and even though it's been six years since I saw her, I still see her face in dreams. I'm sure it has to do something with Quynh. When I first saw Stephanie's face in the crowds, I noticed the structure of her face changed. She didn't stare back at me but it was nice seeing her again. I went by so many people at that time. It was a happy moment knowing it was all in my head while I slept. I reached a corner and finally saw a chance to summon Quynh. I used my imagination and tried to summon her but failed. There, I thought of summoning her by extending my hand back with my face towards where I'm walking and yelled out, "Quynh, come here!" I did feel a touch but when I turned around it wasn't her. This happened on several attempts and for each time I failed, I pushed the wrong ones away in to the crowd. i even tried my best to picture her in my mind by imagining the Facebook picture she has on her profile. Nothing worked and as I continue to perform this kind of task, the more I realize she falling out of my mind. The big mall I was now in, I just exited, where I felt my control was losing itself. I stepped on to the sidewalk of a street and tried to see if I can summon someone besides Quynh, like one of her friends. I turned to my left and saw a long way to the next corner. I had a choice whether to walk in to more crowds of people or on this long sidewalk. I chose the sidewalk. Before I could do anything else, I slowly woke up.