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    1. day nap 9

      by , 06-30-2012 at 11:02 AM
      ate falfel with my sister - had confusion me and her about paying the sellers - later we went to sit on a becnch and we heared a father arguing with his sun - later we noticed a child looking at us later another and one more

      Updated 07-03-2012 at 04:41 PM by 55917

    2. Dream about School

      by , 06-30-2012 at 09:38 AM
      I came out of lesson thinking I had english so I walked to the other building in my school and went up to the highest floor where all the english classes are, as I was on the top floor walking to my english class, I saw a girl that I knew in the corridor staring at a wall. I went inside my english class and there was a different class in there I didn't realise this until I sat down then I quickly sprinted to the door. I looked through some classes and I was puzzled because I thought I had an english lesson but then I realised I had english for my first lesson and then I thought to myself I have history, so I walked down the stairs and my friend was next to me, we both jumped down the stairs and we said something at the same time, we said if we would of 10000 we said something before that but I can't remember, so we walked out to the exit of the building when my friend saw one of his friends and they sort of done a weird facial expression to eachother, we walked out the door when I was awoken by my cat who opened my door.
    3. Walking with a girl

      by , 06-30-2012 at 09:31 AM
      I dont remember the beginning of the dream I remember walking with a group of people a couple of blocks away from my house when we get to where were going I ask a girl if she wants to go with me and we start walking back to my house and we get a few blocks closer and we see some type of parking lot see a car with a person inside it and he about to shoot at us he was from earlier on in the dream which I don't remember, so we blow his car up and dipset.
    4. 30/06/2012

      by , 06-30-2012 at 09:11 AM (Tom's Dream journal)
      This was an interesting night to say the least.
      I didn't get to sleep for a while as in 11:15 ish i think? So 45 minutes later than i normally am
      I set an alarm for 6:50 as i had an EMD the next morning (I go to a boarding school and one of the punishments given is an early morning detention, EMD, that starts at 7:10) So i needed to be at this part of school just below my dorm at 7:05 ish.
      Anyway i woke up slowly, rolled over and saw the clock, 7:20
      Got dressed as fast as i could (I even used a special faster method of tying shoe laces) and ran downstairs, I got there at 7:25 and the teacher running it was nice and let me do it anyway.
      Anyway long story short, when i woke up this morning i didn't spend so much time on recall.
      Despite this i do remember one lucid dream and one fragment.

      I dreamt that i had just woken up during the night so i made my way out of my dorm down the corridor at night, I saw the fire extinguisher which is red (an RC of mine) and did an RC
      Boom, Lucid almost straight away. As soon as i realised i was dreaming someone came running down the corridor, so i didn't stabilize,
      Here i lost some lucidity as i didn't stabilize and got caught up in the dream.
      i used TK to break the window at the end of the corridor (Im on the third floor up) and then ran and flew down the corridor and out of the window.
      I flew around the school buildings and had a pretty good time using TK to lift things like cars, but though i knew i was dreaming i didn't try the things i had listed down, like using the subtle knife. I had forgotten about them in the dream.

      I also had a fragment where i was eating a special curry that i have seen recently on a cookery show
      Anyway thats it for the night.
    5. Triple Lucid

      by , 06-30-2012 at 07:27 AM
      Dream 1: I was in the city with Eduard (TheModernNinja) and I saw my mum, and we bought Macca's..
      I bought a can of Monster which turned into a bottle of V and cost $5.50 then we needed to bus home.. On the way I did an RC and got Lucid!
      I started doing awareness to stabilize the dream, Eduard was still next to me, but I just left him and started flying towards the harbour bridge. I flew to my old road and 'got it on' with a hot chick.
      Lucid +5, Dream remembered +1, WBTB success + 3, Fly +4, Interact with DC +2, Stabilize +2, Meet a team mate +10 (And +10 for achieving the same Team-Task as another team mate, and another +10 for the entire team achieving the same task)

      Dream 1 - 5+1+3+4+2+2+10 = 27 points for me, and 20 points for the team.

      Dream 2: I got lucid in my house. I started doing awareness in order to stabilize my dream. Then flew out the window and I knew I had to do my Three-Step-Task, so I tried pulling a banana out of my pocket, but I always turned up empty-handed. I also tried telekinesis but it didn't work either. It somehow turned into night time and I flew around this big building in the middle of my suburb which isn't actually there IRL.
      Lucid +5, Dream remembered +1, Fly +4, Stabilize +2, +5 for achieving my first Three-Step-Task

      Dream 2 - 5+1+4+2+5 = 17 points for me

      Dream 3: I was in some kind of village things and there were loads of chicks... I was Lucid from the start.. I was the king of the whole village and it was some celebration.. I tried talking to the chicks but they didn't want to. Then the dream just faded.
      Lucid +5, Dream remembered +1, Interact with DC +2,

      Dream 3 - 5+1+2 = 8 points for me

      27+17+8 = 52 points for me
      And 20 points for the team!
    6. Dreams from June 28 - 29... too Tired to Make a Good Title

      by , 06-30-2012 at 07:10 AM
      Ok well, here are the two dreams I remember from my hotel visit last night...

      The first thing I remember is that I was in a city and it was night. I then remember knid of randomly just being able to walk up the side of this skyscraper. maybe I had a repel line or something? IDK. Anyways, as I was going up this building, two fighter jets wizzed by and almost blew me off the building. I jumped onto one of them and asked the pilot if I could come along. He said that would be fine. (how I didn't do a reality check by this point is beyond me) So then we were off. We went around for a while and then climbed up really high and there was this space station / floating fortress thing up in the sky. Each pilot pretty much unloaded a couple of missles into the thing and it was toast. That's all I rememer from that one.

      I was at my house in the kitchen. I walked outside onto the porch and found this little snake. i think it was one of those little brown and yellow corn snakes. Anyways, it was really wierd cause it could talk. We became friends and I said I would find it some food. I then went around looking for another little garter snake or something for it to eat. I found one and brought it back and it ate it. As we were going along we found one of his friends. He asked to come along as well and we said that would be cool. Then we found this big python type snake. The two corn snakes told me that we should kill it. I asked why and they said because it was eating all the prairie dogs. Well, being a fan of shooting the little things, was more than happy to help so my little God-given targets wouldn't all be gone. They told me I needed to pin it down. This I did and then as it was distracted with me the other two killed it somehow. I'm not really sure how but they did. After we had finished this task we started off again although I don't really know where to. I must of woken up then because that is all I remember.
    7. June 29 Notes

      by , 06-30-2012 at 06:58 AM
      Yes I know it's almost midnight but I just got back from a buisness trip you might say, and felt I might as well make an entry.

      despite staying at a hotel last nigh I actually had some really vivid dreams. (will make a separate post) The wierd part is I wasn't trying to focus on dreams at all. After finally checking in to my room, it was about 11:00. I was so tired I just crashed on the bed when I got there and didn't even change or get under the covers or anything. That is how I woke up too. I sure was tired.

      So basically, now I should be back for a while and can focus on dreaming again! Also, I think I am going to try out the alarm thing a few more nights, and if it doesn't work, go to the DV Academy and work on WILDs and DILD's.

      And why am I even making a entry right now??? IDK. I am really tired but if possible try and make at least one entry per day. So all the stuff I just wrote probably makes no sense and I think I will shut up now. *passes out in front of computer from tiredness (is that a word?)*
      side notes
    8. Ordering cobras online

      by , 06-30-2012 at 06:26 AM
      In the dream, I ordered 2 snakes online, my mind tells me they are cobras. They come in small packages with a plastic film on top (how barbie dolls are packed). I can see the snakes behind the plastic. I take it upstairs to my room. I tear open the paper behind the thick plastic film and the snake jumps out and it escapes.
      For fear that it will bite someone, I went after it. It goes under a bookshelf. I see it in a corner under the book shelf. I stick my hand in and try to take it but while taking it, I accidentally kill it. I go to the room and then 'open' the second snake and *abruptly wakes up*
      Tags: snake
      non-lucid , nightmare
    9. New beginnings

      by , 06-30-2012 at 05:06 AM
      In dreamed I was with old friends walking through the old familia dream mansion in the the familia dream property and favorite (dream), geograohical location. I was me (52 year old woman) but (in dream) I imagined a little boy of 6ish, spontainiously, bust-out of my old body, run down to the beatiful blue-grean swimming pool and jump in.

      Seconds later when I got to where the pool was, the pool was gone. There was a new bitumin road with just a fresh white outline where the pool once was.

      Then I noticed the familia hill in front of me was changed. My memory remembers a a brightly lit rocky grey hill with a great view of a town below (on other side). Now the hill is lovely and emerald grean with lush grass and the view on the otherside is rural.

      I wake disappionted and sad.

      What happened to the way it was?

      Later I realized it was now (here in Adelaide) Sat the last day of June. TONIGHT I start dreaming of 1213.

      Wow! I might have missed that.

      Tonight I incubate as I drop-off the sleep:

      "Now (tonight) I dream about the 1st day of 2013."
    10. Night 8

      by , 06-30-2012 at 04:49 AM
      dreamed on going to a feild with archeological findings someone one who explains to me on someone that was burried there because je was drunk but he died in battle time so people thought he died in battle so they first wrote died in battle and later it was changed- we see a place with graves and more stuff the owner wants to plant a vineyard there - he is the

      me watching tv debate with the prime minster and politican - later there was a singing competition and i decided to be a singer .....
      something about a building with a huge tree growing on it - the tree reminds of mushroms

      at a school im wating for someone to finish class - i later try to impress this girl \|


      at my dorm i imagine im flying on a dragon and seeing where to go on a map which is like a magical map which glows in the places i need to go to - im starting to fly out of the room then remembered i forgot the map so i return and take it

      later on im with a took with roomate who arnt really my former roomates about astral projection and someone mentioned he uses dream view

      Updated 06-30-2012 at 05:41 AM by 55917

    11. Anger, Scanning, Horrible Cropping

      by , 06-30-2012 at 02:53 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Almost close to 99 summoning on Runescape, just have to keep catching Implings for cash since it's the quickest method I can think of that isn't stationary and boring (at least until I start going crazy...)..
      Anger (Non-lucid)


      I took a nap that was intended to end at 6:30 PM starting from 5PM, but I wake up around 8:20PM.

      I'm in middle school again, and I believe I was doing random things in the the gym, or just conforming to what the group of students were doing. When it was time to head to the lockers, I quickly head to the one that I remember using last time when I was in middle school.

      It seemed I had set of gym shoes and a set of walking shoes, probably to make sure that the walking shoes didn't skid on the gym floor. I'm peacefully taking these gym shoes off and switching to the walking shoes, and I believe I already had my clothes on already.

      There's another guy near me who looks like James in waking life that I knew in a High School. Let's call him James D.

      James D informs me that some guy named Jon is in a bad mood, and he does look like the Jon that used to be on the tennis team in one High School I attended.

      I wondered why James D would tell me that, because I never had any problems with the guy in this dreaming state or waking life state, because James D in waking life told me Jon was afraid of me when I hanged out with James D and a few others because......

      Because I was black...LOL.
      He was afraid of me because he thought I would do something to him, but clearly, I wasn't the aggressive type in High School, because I hanged around all races, I didn't care who you were, how you looked like, I treated you with common respect.


      I look at Jon, and it doesn't seem like he's in a pissed off mood, and he's talking with two guys about something, but all I hear is mumbling. James D continues professing how Jon's "bad" mood is still augmenting.

      I still get confused because Jon looks perfectly normal to me, what is James D really trying to do? Instigate? Pretend? Lie? But why?

      I done tying the shoes by now, and then Jon suddenly comes near us, making fun of James D by calling him "Snotty" and nicknaked some other guy around us with a random nickname that I can't remember.

      Then he starts insulting me with something with the word "Black" in it. It must've been really offensive because I usually don't get angry like that in waking life....but dreaming life is a different story. =/

      I tried holding in my rage, I get closer to him, and then told him in my trailer dude voice...(LOL I actually did it fluently in this dream for once)....the perfect voice to use in rage, and I basically gave Jon a piece of my mind. After I talked to him in a normal tone, I increased my alone and told him to not piss me off again.

      To portray to him that I earnestly mean that, I grab him by his collar, turned him upside down, and slammed in onto the ground.

      I didn't look back, I just walked away in a pissed off mood.

      I wonder if James D was telling that I was going to be a bad mood, and not Jon, but used the wrong name?

      Scanning (Non-lucid)


      Apparently, I'm walking down the hallway of some kind of airport-esque environment. The flooring and walls were mostly light and medium shades of blue, and there was the section where they used those black metal scanners.

      For some reason, I was worried that I would have something in me, since I clearly didn't know how I got here in the first place. I'm also walking with my mother....loooool, anyway, I finally pass through with ease, nothing in me.

      My mother hugs me from behind and says,

      "We did it!"

      I tried to get her off me, and told her that this isn't really a big deal at all, and I felt embarrassed because there were a bunch of people in front of us that seemed to be going on some kind of tour. I quickly glance away from them and proceeded to the exit with my mother.
      Horrible Cropping (Non-lucid)


      Apparently I'm trying to crop a decent image of Itsuki from Yu Yu Hakusho, and it seems I lightened the image too much.


      Updated 06-30-2012 at 03:03 AM by 47756

    12. black dog

      by , 06-30-2012 at 02:40 AM
      I was in dillons old house and we walked down the hall to the room next to his it had two couches and a lamp in the room was a dog that he did not have the dog was black and left a large amount of fleas where ever it was laying and then his dog cubby walked by the door the his brother walks in the room and starts to talk but I wasn’t paying attention his dad tells us to keep the dog in there but it got out twice then I woke up.
    13. attack of the water bear

      by , 06-30-2012 at 02:37 AM
      I was in a red boat with Dillon and we decide to dive with no scuba gear then a barracuda like fish swims next to us and we try to get away it left us alone after a while so we try to get to shore but then Dillon yells “O SHIT WATER-BEAR” I turn to see a small black bear swimming underwater next to me we get to a dock and in a tank is the barracuda like fish the water bear and a pink shark he asked me if I was going to let them out I said no then I woke up.
      Tags: weird dream
    14. A Blast from the Past

      by , 06-30-2012 at 01:51 AM
      I can remember being back at my old classroom in Math class. I was seating as the teacher was organizing the stuff and everyone else was preparing to get ready to graduate from the school. I am seating there watching my teacher packing up some books while she talks to another teacher. Being here again made me feel so happy. I thought of Abby during this part. I think it was because I just got braces the day before. The teacher then dismissed us and now we were able to leave the class and leave the school. As soon as I left the classroom, I noticed how bright the sun was again and I saw so many people walking out of their classrooms. It was a ghetto city, so I was cautious of what or who was able to attack me. I followed the long crowd through the hallway right next to the classroom I just left. I followed until I saw an empty open space and walked in to it. I decided to help a few teachers help pack their things.But as soon as I entered one classroom, they were already receiving help. So, I decided to go home now. On my way home, I seemed to have super natural powers. I had the power to move as fast as I could. I was moving so fast I felt like Wesker from Resident Evil 5. As soon as I finally reached the school parking lot, I moved extra fast. Most people didn't even pay attention to how fast I was though. After a couple of minutes of running, the scenario changed and now, I was a different character of this dream. I was now a girl living up to her dreams of being successful in her life. I watched as her life slowly started to change from a bad one to a really good one. At the end of her success, I was in a jungle just watching as she took a high jump off a high ledge and landed on another one below her.
    15. Friday 29th June 2012

      by , 06-30-2012 at 01:06 AM
      Last Nights Dreams

      Dream 1

      My girls are in their room, it's a little different to what it is in RL but in my dream I didn't notice this.
      They have two T.V's on their walls. One of the T.V's is hanging normally but the other is hanging sideways. I go into their room to turn off the T.V's, I look for the remote and find one, I look at it and say "that's not the right one!" I now find another remote that is exactually the same as the first one I found. I examine this remote and shake my head while saying "ohhh, these ARE the right ones!"
      I now tread on a small toy that is on the floor, it looks like a small plastic horses head it felt funny when I trod on it so I keep my foot on it for a minute as I am slightly amused by this, it feels like its nibbling at my foot and I find this quite weird.
      I now go back to bed, as I'm lying in bed I hear my daughter P shout "tell her Mom to stop talking about voodoo!" . P is now in my room so I go back into the girls room with her. I see my Daughter L sitting on the bed next to my daughter S. my daughter P now says "and she's been smoking in here aswell!" I say to L "you better not have been, now get out and into your own bed!" I worry incase L has given S some of her fag.
      I now pick up a Macdonalds strawberry milkshake, I take it into my room and put it on my bedside table and climb back into bed.
      With my hand I feel the dip in my side of the mattress ((which I really have )) I lean over to my hubby's side of the bed and feel the side of the mattress there and I feel bare foam. I now push my fingers slightly into the dip on my side and pull out a small piece of foam, I now think "shit, my hubby's going to kill me!" ((for wrecking the mattress)).
      I now think about having my milkshake when suddenly my duvet is over me and something evil is trying to pull it off me .
      I now realise that I'm dreaming and I'm fully lucid. I can see this things shadow through the duvet and it now says "get out of this fucking duvet, I'm going to get you!" I shit myself. This thing has never spoke before. I can't say if it's a mans voice or a woman's voice, but I can say its nasty!
      I'm trying to fight this thing off me and push it away, it's pushing itself at my stomache really hard, this thing is really strong, it's really trying to get to me!!
      It's now biting me on my stomache through the duvet and it hurts like a bitch!!. I think to myself "it's my dream..I'll blow it away". I blow it hard and for a second it stops ((but literally only for a second)). It comes back at me hard now, it's trying to rip through the duvet to get at me. It now says "you can't stop me, I will get you!!" it's pushing hard against me again.
      I can see its shadow better now and I can see the shadows of 3 like tentacle things or legs or something like that coming out either side of this thing. I'm now thinking "what the fucks happening, this isn't just a dream, this thing is fucking real!!!"
      I can't explain it but I know this wasn't just SP or just a dream, it sounds crazy I know, but this thing is sometimes in my dreams, I can always feel its presence when it's about, it's a bad, bad feeling..but this is the first time it's ever spoke to me. I'm sure as crazy as it sounds that this is some evil fucking entity or something!!!
      I'm still trying to fight this thing off but I can't, it's far too strong compared to me. I decide to scream really loud to wake my real self up out of it.
      My god this thing was really pissed with me this time. I feel totally invaded by this thing!!!!!

      Dream 2

      I'm dreaming about something to do with mice. In the last bit of my dream a girl comes into my house with either two mice or two hamsters. She now drops them on the floor to let them go because my Mom says "you can't have them!". My Mom now gets a shoe and starts smacking things and swearing as she tries to get them.