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    1. Fireworks and Christmas Dinners

      by , 08-23-2016 at 07:40 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      Here's this morning's collection of dreams, which had a sort of holiday theme going on.
      I stood in a grassy field with a friend I vaguely know in real life. It was night time, and we were waiting for fireworks. All of a sudden, multiple fireworks shot up into the sky. They were abnormally huge, and all the more beautiful because of it, filling the sky with a multitude of wonderful colors. Before I could really get out a word about how great it all looked, this friend of mine kissed me. That's all I remember here. Pretty odd my friend was involved in this manner, as I don't know her all that well!
      I was swimming in a pool that looked a lot like the pool we used in P.E. class in high school. As me and a bunch of other swimmers were heading out and back to the locker room, one of them collapsed by the entrance, having a sort of seizure. A guy I know IRL, we'll call him D, who I don't like very much appeared out of no where and was suddenly giving the collapsed guy medical attention. D looked up at me and held out his hand, asking me to give him my phone. I hesitantly complied. Seems like there could be multiple ways to interpret this one. Hmmhmm hmmity hmm.
      I was at a Christmas party with a good portion of my family, as well as a couple of familiar coworkers and people I didn't know or recognize at all. It was a fairly nice party, with lots of tables, food, and nice music playing. We were all standing in line at a vending machine, but when it was my turn to pop in some change and pick my drink, I couldn't for the life of me figure the thing out. Standing directly behind me was an old coworker of mine, we'll call her W, who was starting to get quite angry at how long I was taking. She eventually slapped the change out of my fumbling hands, yelling about how I needed to get a move on and let everybody else go. My cousin, who was standing behind W, told her to take it easy. I slumped my head and walked over to the nearby fridge, which had a smaller selection of drinks.
      I saw one that caught my eye: Strawberry soda in a very fancy bottle. I picked it up and went back over to my cousin, who was now standing next to this girl I didn't recognize. They were both drinking bottles of beer, so when the girl saw me approach, she gave a cold look at my bottle of soda and rolled her eyes. Seems everyone just wasn't having it with me at this party! Her and my cousin sauntered away, talking about something incoherently.
      In real life, I actually have never had alcohol to this day, and I don't plan on it. If I were at a party like this, that's pretty much exactly how it would go. I'm happy with the amount of detail recalled~
    2. Hotel and Camping

      by , 01-07-2016 at 10:10 AM
      I was with my boyfriend in a fancy hotel that had a private patio with a table and an outside sofa bed thing near the doorway that led to the private patio. In the hotel me and my boyfriend got drunk I think. Then I started drinking lots of soda and flavored bottled tea drinks. And there was a vending machine in the room. When given a light tap, it would dispense a free drink. I kept on drinking the drinks because I was so thirsty and the drinks were so refreshing.

      Then me and my boyfriend were on a college campus in the campus store. A boy with yellow hair was reaching up to get some aqua colored party cups from the top shelf and my boyfriend grabbed one down to show me and he thought the boy was getting the last of those colored cups. He knew I liked that color and didn't want the boy to get the last of them. There were many different colors of party cups but they cost $1.38 each and I thought we can just use the glasses we already have and we don't need expensive aqua colored plastic party cups.

      Then I went into a restaurant that had glass walls. I was to meet my boyfriend there but he hadn't arrived yet. The waiter came and got my drink order. I tried to order a diet Dr. Pepper but I don't think the waiter heard the diet part because he was like "Dr. Pepper, ok." and walked off so I thought to myself whatever I will just drink the regular soda. Then I noticed that there were frogs and bugs on the tables. That was kind of disgusting and made me not want to eat there. The frogs were in a unnatural frog position, standing on their back legs like they were frozen but their eyes were still moving and it was very weird seeing that.

      Then I was camping in a camper with a bunch of my family members but people were not in the camper for the majority of the time and I had my own space and liked it. My space was at the back of the camper and every night I pumped up an inflatable mattress though sometime during the dream a full bed appeared and I never actually saw any of the people I supposedly was camping with.

      I can't remember what I was dreaming about when I decided to do a reality check and I counted my fingers. On my left hand I had five fingers and on my right hand I had seven fingers and I realized I was dreaming so I was like "What do I want to do?" but I couldn't decide and I was disappointed because I felt like I was about to wake up because I could feel the bed under me. Then I saw a black and white cartoon image of a girl praying that looked like it might be an illustration from a children's book. Then I lost lucidity and may have had other dreams that I don't remember. But IRL I was at my boyfriend's mom's house and I had a false awakening where I heard the door open and it was my boyfriend's mom opening the door and I lay back down and pretended to be asleep. That may have actually happened IRL but I am not sure.
      false awakening
    3. I Think Its Jaw Moved...

      by , 12-20-2015 at 05:34 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      I Think Its Jaw Moved... (DILD)


      So, here I am in this jungle that also has a base that’s structured as if there were human inhabitants; Aztecs and what have you. Looking up at the sky, it’s clear as day, and the atmosphere above is light sky blue with a few clouds that are close to dissipating. There’s a myriad of things I ended up doing, but I can’t seem to recall everything in a sequential order.

      It’s almost as if this area in the dream was a hub for other dreams to occur. Some things that came to mind were:

      - Using weaponry to kill off all sorts of monsters from skeletons, and other disfigured entities. An image popped up of a huge skeleton that’s wearing this maroon helmet with gold trimmings that are about 3 inches in width, and they’re wielding a generic round shield, and sword. I even glimpsed a few moments of a floating gun turret akin to one in MGSV.

      - I’m sitting, or trying to sit on one of many chairs laid out at another section in this grandiose environment, and I get a random mélange of entities flashing around me.

      - I eventually start flying for a little bit to land on top of the huge machinery to slay the creatures I mentioned in the first part of this list.

      Then, after all that, and then some, there was a resting period. I believe I was traveling with someone, but I couldn’t make out their visage at all. I tried to pay attention to their voice, but for all I know, they could be mute, or too shy to respond. I’m walking down a rectangular pathway composed of stone brick tiling filled with Nature’s wear and tear, and greenery. There’s this milky, yellow tint emitting off of these bricks, but it’s not emissive.

      I see a few yards ahead that there’s two pitchers with a red base, and a white top. One of them is opened up with all sorts of juices and sodas, and when I get closer to them, it looks like a lot of Fanta juices from red, orange, and yellow. The other one is closed, and it almost felt like opening Pandora’s box. I think maybe I was a little exhausted from the previous events, and the dream starts equivocating like crazy from this point.

      Firstly, the pitcher seemed to have either dissipated, or shifted into a dead, black, crab that’s fairly huge in size. The outer regions of this entity consisted of a light brown trimming, and it really looked like it was dried up in some areas of its body.

      Then, its composition becomes nuanced significantly, and it looks like it could be a skeleton for something else to take shape from it. And every time I glance at it, and glance over something else, the form starts accumulating into something else entirely, and eventually looks like an unconscious black panther.

      For some odd reason, I was predisposed into wanting to take my right hand to try and open its mouth; as if I was still in the process of opening that other pitcher that’s still nowhere to be found. I immediately start controlling myself, and retracted the hand movement with a subsequent jolt, and started to push it towards my body, and made this weird shivering body gesture for a few seconds.

      It was clearly a black panther, and I can see that the sunlight above contributes to some parts of the highlights being violet in some way. When I started to step back from it, I see its jaw move…

      I immediately made a retort towards my unknown dreaming comrade, “I think its jaw just moved…” We both naturally seemed to have wanted to walk back slowly just in case it reacted to sudden, powerful movements like say…RUNNING.

      After we reached a certain distance, we just turned around, and made a run for it. But as we’re doing that, I’m somehow looking at myself in front of me, and then zooming into the unconscious panther. I see that its visage is starting to have more nuances, and its body starts moving upwards a bit, and then its face starts shaking like crazy as if it’s becoming conscious again.

      The moment it woke up, and while it’s busy processing what environment it’s in, I felt as if my ability to run is slowly decreasing. Either through me zooming in too much to want to naturally slow down, or just the fear gradually building up, and slowly paralyzing me instead of getting that kick in adrenaline.

      I noticed that the section we’re at now is this short distanced, but grandiose brown bridge with some subtle hints of red bled onto it. I’m holding on one of the wooden railings, and its literally being utilized as a crutch for me to hopefully propel myself. I can feel myself struggling a bit to pick up some speed, and the view of the panther from afar only makes things worse.

      I told the dream entity at the time to just RUN….RUN…RUN!!! I noticed for a few seconds that entity was a female. She’s wearing a black jacket, white shirt underneath that’s a bit longer than the jacket, or maybe there was some physics involved of the jacket’s ends moving upwards as she’s running, and she’s wearing light, faded blue skinny jeans with some black boots. She has black hair, or at least that’s what I want to believe; she could be anyone at this point.

      As I’m trying to escape, the alarm from my phone starts ringing.
    4. 10-10-14 "Good Lord, boy!"

      by , 10-16-2014 at 06:02 PM
      I took violin lessons from Professor Snape, and one day I forgot to bring my violin. I was mortified!

      My mother and sister were baking something, and these two old men were kind of aimlessly wandering around our kitchen. twice, one of them nudged my elbow and said in a hillbilly accent, "Good Lord, boy!". The second time this happened, my mother started giggling uncontrollably.

      My mother had a pinched nerve, and she read online about a remedy. She took some dill seed, some Fresca soda and some coconut oil, and combined it all in a glass. If the draught was to be at all effective, she had to drink it as fast as she could. She did. It tasted terrible.
    5. Deli Mustard Salad and Losing My Car Over and Over

      by , 07-16-2014 at 02:04 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was working at the coffee shop again, but it was much different. The only thing that was the same was that I had the same boss. It was sometime early in the morning.

      I had to fill in this tray with whatever the side item of the day was. There were things on it like potato salad, deli mustard salad (wut), etc. I had to make it so people who wanted to take some could scoop it out of the tray. There was a sheet that said which day got which side. There was another sheet that was laminated that had a description of the meal of the day. The place where the side went was blank, and was meant to be written in Expo marker each day, then erased at the end of the day so the new side could be written in the next day.

      I went to go look at which side item was the side of the day, and it was deli mustard salad, but mustard was spelled weird, like "mustrd". I used a small ice cream scoop to scoop the portions out onto the tray. It looked like chicken salad. I scooped the mustard salad out into a line on the tray. The first scoops I did were kind of small, so I made the last ones bigger. I could only fit about ten scoops on the tray. I didn't feel like that was enough, and some of the scoops started to blob into one another. I imagined people taking the scoops of mustard salad.

      Then, something about being in the shower at the house I grew up in with this girl I met at my old job named Brittani. I was naked, but she had underwear on.


      I was at a local go-kart/fun park. I was inside the building, wanting to get a drink. I looked in a drink cooler, and saw "Diet Mountain Dew Sprite". The bottle was green, like a Sprite bottle. I also saw a regular Sprite, which I picked up to get, but changed my mind and put it back. Ok, the Diet Mountain Dew Sprite sounds good (in IWL, I rarely drink sodas. I never go out of my way to buy them). I took a bottle and went to check out. There was a teenage girl at the check out. I had to either get something else or go look in the cooler, but I put the drink down at the counter and then come back. My drink was gone when I got back, and I couldn't find it. I looked all over the counter. I then saw it had been placed under the counter and opened by the check out girl. I said something to her about it. I don't remember her response. I went to go get a new one. I remember drinking some. It tasted like Sprite. I had really been craving it. I had the taste in my mouth throughout this dream.

      I don't remember what happened next, but the next thing I do remember is walking out in the parking lot, searching for my car. It was nighttime. I could not find it for the life of me. I went back inside, and stopped at the cooler to get another Diet Mountain Dew Sprite. I noticed on the tags in the cooler that they were buy one get one free. But I also noticed that they were all gone. The employees had them behind the counter, saving them for some sort of party they were having later. I saw that they all were labeled with names for the employees. I felt that this wasn't very good for their customers, especially since I also noticed that they had done that with many other drinks in the cooler. I thought to myself that I probably didn't need the drink anyway.

      I ran into Jake at some point later. He worked there, apparently. I told him I couldn't find my car. I remember getting in his car with him, though his was different from the one I remember. It was a used white car, but nicer than his old used red car. He drove me to a different parking lot, and I found it again.

      Except for I didn't really find it again. I zoned out or fell asleep or something, and it was, once again, gone. I went back in and found my husband's band's drummer, or someone who looked very similar. I remember being in a car with him also, but I remember him cradling me in his arms, or me sitting in his lap. This time, we went to a different parking lot from the last two. I don't remember if we found it this time or not. I had another zone-out moment in his car for awhile.

      I went back in, and there was an older lady behind the counter with permed, curly brown hair. She was also kind of short. I knew she was the manager. They were shutting down early for this meeting/party, and I "remembered" that they did that often. I think I said something to her about them hoarding the drinks for themselves. I don't remember what she said, or if she even addressed my concern.

      Jake was in there again somewhere. I don't remember much about that part.

      I was given this tiny red kickball that had monkey arms, legs, and a tail. It was alive. Its purpose was to help me find my car. I described my car to it. I remember it bouncing from car to car, and speaking to me as it did so. It found a car that looked exactly like mine, but it said that the license plate's first three numbers were off. I looked at the license plate, and it said "PPPPPPP". Yup, not my car.

      The monkeyball was explaining something to me as we walked through the parking lot. It seemed like dusk now instead of nighttime.

      I was then woken up by my husband's alarm.


      I know I dreamed of a couple of other things, one before the first dream and one after the last, but I can't remember them right now.

      Updated 07-16-2014 at 02:20 PM by 32059

    6. Mixing Drinks

      by , 06-08-2014 at 08:51 PM
      Morning of June 8, 2014. Sunday.

      I am in what seems like some sort of composite of the kitchen at Barolin Street (in Australia) and the one in my sister Marilyn’s house (in America). There is at one point a concern that people had thrown out the older originals of dream work, report cards, drawings, and some original school work from my Kindergarten and part of first grade days (prior to my family’s moving to Florida years ago). This is not the major aspect of my dream, though. (In terms of recordings, my brother Leslie had sent me a large box of reel to reel and cassette tapes and paper and picture data transferred to CDs in real life, some even from my other sister’s house in real life.)

      There is a strange focus on how my brother-in-law is “gone” though my sister is still alive. In fact, in real life, the opposite is true. At any rate, I decide to have a drink of lime soda. Somehow I end up accidentally pouring it into a bowl of apricots of the kind in syrup from a can. I then try to get some of the juice into a different glass on a bookshelf.

      After a time, I end up with three glasses of drink, all mixed in slightly different proportions. My wife wants to drink from one glass but then reports that “it isn’t apricot juice” even though it is only about ten percent lime soda by that point. We end up drinking a bit from transparent glass bowls. I end up drinking most of it and I believe my mother is there in the background.

      After I wake up, I end up pouring some of my cola into the wrong cup on the counter, which is kind of amusing but not precognitive in any way, just pure absentmindedness.
      Tags: drinks, soda
    7. 12/5/13

      by , 12-05-2013 at 11:20 AM
      I was in some sort of class, but it was outside. We did a few things, but I can only remember the details of the ending: we filled a big container with Mountain Dew. The container's sides touched the walls. Then, there was some problem with a wall and water was flowing into our yard that we were in. The class attempted to fix the issue by pushing on the side of the building. As my friends and I were wandering and talking, we heard a sound. We immediately realize that the Mountain Dew container had broken and that the class's pushing had squeezed it until it broke. We saw the rushing river of soda and ran to warn the class, but it was too late. As the two fluids were about to hit...

      The dream ended.
    8. [We Defeated The Swamp Monster / Honey-Fizz]

      by , 10-15-2012 at 12:36 PM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Sunday, October 14th, 2012]
      (Around 3AM and I wake up and remember quite a bit. I've been sleeping for along time. A LONG TIME.)

      <dream had more before this, but this is where I started to remember>
      I remember being ontop of a building's roof with a few other people. There is a small lake between me and the rest of the land. In the small beige-mud lake, there is debris everywhere and people scattered through out. Whenever I come close to the edge of the roof, a giant tenticle shoots out of the mud and tries to hit me. I hit it with a weapon before it sinks back down. Eventually, it becomes like WoW... when the tenticle pop's back up- I command the rest of my "raid" group to attack, and all of the people drowning in the mud all leap out and attack the tenticle. I begin to shoot it with some kind of range attack as this is happening. It sinks back one more time before I lure it back up for a final attack. We did it! Everyone is teleported to the dry land. There's a neat looking Mage Staff with a star at the end of it for loot. A few people "roll" for it- in a new way that I don't recognize. I leap from piece of debris to debris all the way across the swamp and as I'm climbing up a small hill to get to the land, I realize that I'm a low level but also the leader of the group. I walk up to the loot on the ground and try to right click on it, but nothing happens. I try to ask how to roll, but I'm teleported to Stormwind or some other city in real life before I have a chance.

      In this other city, I try talking to the Raid but realize I've left the group and that it was a Guild group- that I can't talk to since I'm not in it now.


      I'm leaving town to go up Yarnell hill with my Mom and maybe Casey/Nathan. We're on our way up the hill, and we must have been walking. We walk up the hill faster than usual and we notice that some parts of the railing going up the hill have been smashed and damaged. There've been reports of someone vandalising the rails. We make our way up the hill and we find a cave. It's a giant cave temple- that I tell my Mom is a "Shaman Training Temple" inside, we see people who look like WoW characters all standing around, as if they're really Shaman Trainers or people to buy things from or Questgivers. We walk up to the middle of the giant cave/room and one of us talks to a questgiver. One of the quest involves stopping the man from damaging the rails, apparently its Virgil from McDonald's management.

      We leave and start walking up Yarnell hill more. Now I'm not with my Mom or Casey anymore, it's Nathan and Tyler. After awhile, we become thristier than ever and have to stop at a random convenience store. Inside, I grab a cup and fill it with a little ice and water. Its not enough ice though, so I hold the cup against the icemachine more and I notice how I can fill the cup up with ice without the water overflowing. I turn around and see a few kids I know selling some new drink ideas. (There was a peanut butter & honey snack- and there was a "Honey-Fizz" drink, as I'd like to call it, was handed to me. It was a dark yellow bottle of "Honey"-flavored soda. I opened it and downed it quick. It was AMAZING. It was one of the best drinks I've ever had. I made this known to everyone around me. After awhile of talking to Tyler and Nathan about this, I wake up.
      <woke up>
    9. Clusterf*&k Pt. II

      by , 10-12-2012 at 11:14 AM (Voyages of a Skywalker)
      Suzette tries to snatch up my bag for me. Christa M. is there. She is laughing. We realize that it is out of reach. Lakeside. Riverside. It is on a counter in the bathroom of the hotel room. I though Brian was sleeping so I have a cigarette. H says to me calmly, “I though you quit smoking?” I proceed to explain that I have but make a list of reasons to justify my slips. All I want is a soda back at Suzette's house. All I can find is beer. Maya and I leave Laura and Brian at the house, while we go either to the garage or a small store. On the “familiar departure” I remember being lucid enough to realize it's familiarity and also talk myself into opening my eyes for the fast decent downward which otherwise I am too afraid to experience. I feel my stomach jump. I think that it's only a dream. Laura C. and I decide to take a set at a tall round table with stools. Mildly aware that there are at least two people with us. One, a boy, really wants to sit by me. At an intersection we find Laura M. broken down/stuck in her white Jeep and one one seems to be helping her. I also hesitate.
    10. Wendy's Meal

      , 07-25-2012 at 03:16 PM (My Nighttime Experiences)
      Me and my buddy Eric were hungry so we drove to Wendy's and got two Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers and two medium fries. Then we were driving aomewhere and I at all the food except for one burger. I was getting full while trying to eat the last burger, and I said we needed some drinks. He agreed and we drove into some busy city and stopped at a mall. Inside the mall we bought some large sodas. (Like the ones you buy at McDonald's, they were empty cups which you could fill at a soda fountain.) Mine came full of water, so I poured it on the floor and got another drink.

      Also I remember sitting in an office with some lady on a computer. She was on some news site, and she was also talking on the phone. While on the phone she said something like, "Yeah I can look at SlickDeals right now."

      Updated 07-26-2012 at 10:05 PM by 42776

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Accidentally the phone

      by , 07-17-2012 at 12:27 AM
      I woke up on phone and I Wonder where I am. then I accidentally all over the phone and on my Dog. I Was very disappointed when I see that my Dog dead. And my Phone break. All over the kitchen floor my mess there. So I Had to pick it up and it very dirty in side. I Drank the soda and juice and reestablish connection to netwok and accidentally all over your face this time. Was not happy.

    12. Anal Lab Experiment, Rejection, Hot & Slutty Girl, Cheapskate DC

      by , 02-18-2012 at 04:42 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)

      Dream 1:

      I was inside a lab in college. Apparently, someone had to finger me to get my feces and put it on what seemed like a Petri Dish.

      Two scary dreams in one night-glass-petri-dish.jpg

      I was a little scared, and wanted to lube it up a little before they stuck my fingers up my ass.

      Then the dream skips a little bit I think, and I'm holding a Petri Dish that seems to have green liquid inside of it. I think I had to drink it, but I didn't know if it was my own feces or green tea, it was steaming a little bit I believe.

      And then I drink it.

      Dream 2: Rejection

      I was asking a person if they would like me to do a drawing of them (I don't know why I asked them, they didn't look they would be worth my time drawing them), and they said No. For some reason, I felt kind of bad that they didn't want me to draw them. I think I cursed at them too for some odd reason...

      Some person tells me to not worry about it too much, but I couldn't remember who. I think I even posted on Facebook requesting that I'll draw anyone who PMs me or whatever first, then someone tells me "who cares?"

      Two scary dreams in one night-facebook2009-04-21-1240343633.jpg

      And one of their friends tells "I know right?" I stalk his profile, and see he's wearing some black tuxedo suit or whatever with a back hat. It looked like a top hat, but I'm not too sure.

      Dream 3: Hot & slutty Girl

      I was walking with some girl, but I didn't remember her facial features, I just knew she was hot. I think we were sitting by the stairs somewhere, and we went on talking about something. I think there were like two random DCs with us.

      Eventually, the girl asks them if me and her can have alone time. They were confused I think, and she told them, "You know what I mean..." And she showed her vagina to them, but I don't think that helped at all for them to leave.

      Two scary dreams in one night-sexy-legs.jpg

      In fact, one DC basically says wants some of the action when I'm done with her.

      I don't know if I was the person in the dream with the girl who wanted alone time with me, but I grabbed her arm and carried her somewhere away from the other DCs.

      Too bad I didn't have sex with her...

      Dream 4: Cheapskate DC

      This is more of a dream fragment, but whatever....

      I was outside talking to some DC, I think I wanted more soda, but he said I had to pay for a refill.

      I ask him, "How much?"

      He replies, "$10.00" I then replied saying how that was too much for a bloody refill, and asked him it shouldn't be too hard to get more soda because he can just use a mix and add water to the vending machine.

      Two scary dreams in one night-pepsi_fountain.jpg

      Then I told him some random scenario that if I had more water, but there was too much sand, and some random crap I can't remember much on.

      Updated 02-18-2012 at 04:48 PM by 47756

    13. Nitrogen flashback

      by , 01-29-2012 at 07:59 PM
      The most vivid of my dream occur in late mornings - not surprising, given that usually by now I'd be in waking life - and it was the only fragment I remember. This one happened roughly 10 - 11 am.

      Oxygen is paramagnetic. That means at low temperatures, it is attracted to a magnet, and to magnetic fields. Oxygen is a liquid at low temperature, but here in front of me, I had a 0.5 x 0.4 x 1.2 inch sample of SOLID nitrogen.

      Here I was, in my semester two chemistry class. Anyway, This solid sample looked rather like some coarse granite, though more greenish and with finer grains. It was submerged on some sort of floating circular spoon, within a water bottle. I reached in to touch it using my finger, and it burned. However when my nose went near it, not sure how given it was a bottle, it didn't burn, but only felt cold. We submerged it in the water slightly, and it started to fizz.

      I knew that liquid nitrogen expanded explosively when converted to gas, but that is not what happened here. Soon, I took the spoon thing and submerged the entire nitrogen solid packet underwater, where it started to boil violently. We drained out the water, and then poured in some soda water, which turned the water greenish and made the boiling into some inverted vortex plume.

      There was a guy in my class I don't get along with, and I hope he is not in my class. There was also a girl near the chalkboard, who asked me what I was doing. Thought I might get into trouble, because I had just destroyed a sample of expensive solid nitrogen.

      Nevertheless, I wondered what would happen if salt water or just plain salt were poured onto the solid nitrogen sample.

      That's when I woke up.
    14. Adventures of Cake and Soda

      by , 07-14-2011 at 01:52 PM (Shooting from the Sun: Solarflare)
      I was buying cake at some fast food cake store (wtf). And i bought some flavor (i have no idea which one). So i ate it and went off to the next store. it was also a cake fast food store and i bought another cake. The flavor choices were chocolate, vanilla, pink icing and blue icing. I chose blue icing and devoured it.

      I then appeared at ANOTHER fast food restaurant and i was ordering fries. My ice skating teacher was there giving the orders. She was as nice and funny as she was IRL. Whenever someone in front of me would order something, she would crack o joke or laugh. Soon the person in front of me ordered 15 Dr Pepper cans. So she started taking all the coke cans, popping them open and dumped them in the sink, while sarcastically saying oops over and over again. I was like wtf is she doing as the dream faded.
    15. beat up in apartment; cannibal hamburgers

      by , 04-18-2011 at 11:42 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in the hallway of my apartment buidling. I was at the other end of the hallway from my apartment. There were two black boys, one kind of tall, both probably in their early to mid teens. One of the boys saw me and wanted to do something disrespectful to me, so he spit in the hallway, near the top of the stairwell going down.

      I was now in my doorway, yelling at a few adults, who were also all black. I asked why people needed to keep doing this kind of stuff, not only to me, but to the whole apartment.

      Somehow a really big, thuggish-looking adult possibly dressed in a red hooded sweatshirt, black bubble vest, backwards cap, and slightly tinted eyeglasses began to beat me up. He pounded and pounded on me until I was lying on the floor. Something may have been really wrong with my left shoulder, as if the man had almost torn it off.

      But I may possibly still have stood up after this to run after one or two of the adults who were now walking away, down the hallway. I told them that I wasn't going to stop complaining just because of what they'd done to me.

      Dream #2

      I was out on some lawn which may have been surrounded by some kind of small building, like a wide villa. It was a kind of pale, slightly overcast day.

      I had possibly done something bad, and now some woman possibly wanted to get me in trouble for it. The woman may have been a few years older than I, with a kind of thin, rough-looking face, pale blue eyes, and very short, red hair.

      The woman was really taunting me. I finally felt so threatened that I grabbed the woman by her ankles, swung her around, and threw her up in the air. She went pretty high, then she landed. She seemed injured. But now I just wanted to kill her. So I lifted her back up, spun her around, and slammed her back down to the ground. I did this a few times, until the woman had been smashed so much that she was finally dead.

      During the last few throws, I saw that there were two men watching me from a porch. On the woman's last fall, her body bounced up onto the porch, then actually tumbled down into a smallish, plastic cooler that was full of ice and sodas. I slammed the lid down on the cooler.

      The guys were still staring at me. One was younger. The other was very old. They both looked kind of grizzled and wore worn old clothes and cowboy hats.

      I thought I'd impress them somehow, so I opened up the cooler and pulled out a Dr. Pepper. I sat it on the porch and made some weird comment about how the woman's body had become a Dr. Pepper and how it would taste so great to drink because of that.

      The men "told" me that I had killed the woman because I didn't want her to tell on me and get me in trouble, but that now the police knew the woman had been killed, and I'd be getting in even more trouble. I should probably get out of here before the police came around.

      I agreed. I started taking body parts out of the cooler. But the body parts, mostly just a bunch of shapeless chunks of meat, were all inside of white paper bags from Wendy's. I sat the bags up on the porch. I asked the men if they would hide the body parts for me, so that the police wouldn't find them.

      I was now leaving. The two men were sitting in a room back from the porch. The room was dim. The two men sat side by side, with their backs to the wall opposite the doorway. As I walked away, on the lawn, I asked the men if we would still be able to cook the woman's body parts and eat them like a hamburger. The men said that we would be able to do it.

      "In fact," the older man said, "You've already eaten a hamburger made out of humans."

      I thought back and realized, with surprise, that the man was right. There was a man just a while back. His body had been turned into a hamburger, and I had been fed his meat without even knowing it! I had been tricked into cannibalism!

      I was now in some bathroom that looked like an outhouse or a bathroom that you might see at a camp in the woods. I was in a stall. I kept coughing and pulling meat out of my mouth. The meat was yellowish and looked kind of like fish or curried chicken. It had the texture of fish. I had apparently not yet swallowed any of this meat. I hadn't even chewed it very much.
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