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    1. The Beginning of fOrceez Dream Yoga!

      by , 02-25-2012 at 10:21 AM (fOrceez's Quirky Subconscious!)
      Dream Yoga START (DILD)


      I’ve been trying to practice dream yoga, I think it’s going reasonably well. It took me about 4 weeks to see any results. My first lucid came 4 weeks after starting to practice dream yoga. The week after that, I had 3 lucids and this week, i’ve had 2. It’s probably too soon to say that this lucid rate is steady, but I definitely feel that there’s a lot of progress.

      My lucid from this morning:

      WBTB, DILD

      I sit up in my bed to realise that I’m in a dream. Oh. I couldn’t remember falling asleep at all. Oh well.

      It’s dark.. the sun hasn’t come up yet. My room looks perfectly normal, even my bedroom dream sign (no desk) wasn’t visible. I’ve been reading Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self lately and remember that it mentions intermediate lucid dreamers explore their dream location upon getting lucid before going to explore. I make my way into the living room where I see my friend’s computer set out on the floor, the sofa-bed is pulled out and my brother is sitting in an office chair with his back to me. I didn’t think to interact with him, but I made a mental note to interact with dream characters in my next lucid dream.

      Having little hold my interest within the house, I walk towards the door leading to the backyard. Not noticing that my dog wasn’t waiting outside for me, I ponder whether I should put shoes on.. finally deciding that it was a dream and so it shouldn’t matter, I walk into my backyard. Surprisingly, it’s a lot lighter outside, being lit up by the moon but pouring down rain.

      I decide that I want to change the weather, something I’ve tried but never been able to do before. Slowly, the rain eases up and within 20 seconds, the sun is out shining. Satisfied, I walk onto the grass and start flying.

      Flying in this dream was much different to any other.. It was like the only thing that was keeping my up was my speed. If I slowed down, it felt like I would fall out of the sky (kinda like flying a plane?). I fly over many rooftops, sometimes almost falling out of the sky due to day drea- .. Can it still be called daydreaming if you’re already in a dream..? huh..

      Due to the mindless flying with no objective, I lose lucidity and end up beating up a few goons.
    2. Saving DV Members

      by , 02-25-2012 at 10:04 AM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: February 25, 2012 – 2:30AM (USA Eastern)

      I am scrolling through the "post photos of yourself" thread, and each photo is overlaid with an icon that says "rescued" and "lost". As I scroll, the ratio of lost members to rescued members is increasing. I right-click on a member's name and a context menu appears which shows options such as: leave for dead, sell to the Russian mafia, convert to the new DV, and a couple other menu options I can't recall.

      As quickly as I can, I hold Ctrl and click each lost member's profile to open them in a new tab so I can send each one a message, but the tabs close just as quick as I open them. I click a few of them a second time, but they open momentarily and then close again.

      I wake up (FA) screaming and throw my laptop against the wall, and then I woke up again and realize that I had just thrown my pillow on the floor.

      Updated 09-29-2012 at 05:06 PM by 36447

    3. Many Encounters and Intense Battle with Lady in Black Latex

      by , 02-25-2012 at 07:01 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Many Encounters and Intense Battle with Lady in Black Latex (Non-lucid)


      I took a nap a while ago (it's close to midnight now, but I forgot to finish this entry when I woke up, I guess I was confident that I would remember the details of it, and I still do).

      For some reason, either the alarm didn't wake me up in One and a half hour, so I probably slept an extra 30-40 minutes for the nap....


      Dream 1: Meeting Black Cat from Spiderman

      I'm not too sure on this dream, but where I started from is when some DC was trying to kill another one on the floor with a revolver pistol with a long barrel.

      I think he had necklace with a bullet on it
      (which I knew had to be Ocelot from MGS3), and he was saying something as he was preparing his gun to shoot at the DC that couldn't stand up. I assume the DC was injured from some prior battle, and was just left behind because maybe he was unconscious or something.

      off topic-3396256691_ea6a16cd3f.jpg

      Then as the Ocelot DC gets ready to aim the gun at the old man
      (which now that I think about it, it was as if Ocelot was shooting his future self), I believe someone came from behind and stabbed Ocelot. The older version of him is still in shock because the younger Ocelot shot the pistol as he was dying.

      Then the dream shifts to where I'm somewhere at a futuristic science base, and when I try to turn to the right to enter an automatic door chamber, this random DC in black latex comes through this metal door, she resembles Black Cat from the Spiderman Franchise.

      +off topic-pk1184.jpg????

      She has a transparent Arm Blade attached as a weapon when she came after me.

      I'm not too sure on her how the experience was, but I do remember fighting back
      (or at least the body that I'm taking a 3rd period perspective of).

      I think it took a few hits to take her down, but when that happened, the dream restarts over again. She's coming after me again, but I forgot what happened after that.

      I had another dream of this Black Cat Female DC coming after me before, I don't know if it's my subconscious trying to get to me by using fear as a means to help me become lucid and figure out what's up with her doing this, or maybe it was just random.

      But at the same that, it was too dangerous for the dream to be random when she came along.

      I had other dreams after this, but they were so short and random that I felt too lazy to remember them.

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 08:11 PM by 47756

    4. Catching up the last several days!

      by , 02-25-2012 at 05:16 AM
      I couldn't sign in until I changed my host files, so I was just keeping my dream journal in a word document until I broke down and decided to mess with my host file, so I'm adding them all in now, I just hope the post will take all this! lol

      Dream One (fragment): I remember seeing pictures of Nintendo Characters flashing in the dream. That’s pretty much it. I got the feeling I was being shown options or something.

      Dream Two: The dream starts off with me sitting in a car with my kids and a male. I don’t know who the man was, just that in the dream I felt he was a family member or a family friend. We’re impatiently waiting for my husband. I have dream memories of my husband telling me that one of his best friends from high school is in town giving a spiritual seminar, and he wanted to swing in a see him. This is the third time he’s gone to visit this friend in as many days. I remember thinking this friend is a quack. I’m pretty open minded, but everything I had read about the guy gave me a wrong feeling. My husband is inside a hotel where this seminar was supposed to be taking place, and we’re in the parking lot waiting. The Kids are getting impatient, and cranky, so I say I’m going to get my husband and hurry him out. I get out of the car and go inside the hotel. The seminar is in the lobby and it’s HUGE. I see my husband just watching this man talk, and I go up to him and tell him we need to go because the kids are cranky. He says he can’t leave yet because the man is still talking to his attendees and my husband hasn’t had the chance to talk to him yet. I tell him he has five more minutes, then he’d better come out whether he talks to his friend or not because the kids are ready to go. I walk outside and inform the man who was in the car with us that it’ll just be five more minutes, and that I’m going to go back in and make sure it’s only five minutes if I have to drag my husband out so be it. I walk back, but instead of cutting diagonally across the parking lot I take my time walking to the sidewalk to my left then following it up to the building and then around to the door. When I get inside, my husband is still standing there listening like one of the other attendees and I’m really annoyed. I check the clock and its been five minutes. I grab him by the arm and tell him it’s time to go. He protests that he hasn’t been able to talk to his friend yet. I say I don’t care, he’s talked to him two days in a row already, and we need to go. My husband protests again, louder this time, causing the friend to stop talking and all the attendees to turn and look at us. My husband turns red with embarrassment, and lets me pull him out the door. Outside he starts whining like the kids how he just wanted to talk to his friend and yadda yadda yadda. I get pissed off and tell him he’s seen his “girl friend” in there twice in two days already, and I’m sorry he can’t see the man today, but if the friend thought he was worth seeing he’d make time for him and to come on. My husband gets pissed that I called his guy friend a girlfriend and implied that he had any feelings like that for the guy. He tells me I’m just jealous, and I tell him no I am pissed because he’s not thinking about the kids being cranky and tired and needing to go to bed. He argues that they can sleep in the car, and I storm off to the car. I tell the guy in the car that I’m sorry, my husband and I were having a fight, would he and his wife mind keeping the kids over night? He says no problem, and his wife is in a car nearby so we move the carseats over (somehow with the kids still buckled in them, lol!) to her car so they can leave. My husband comes over and keeps complaining again, and I tell him to go fuck off and do whatever the hell he wants, I’m going to walk home. I start walking home and he gets in the car and follows me telling me it’s not safe for me to walk home alone. I tell him to piss off again, and he drives off giving me my space. After walking another couple feet, I feel like it’s this friend of his fault and know there will be a repeat of the incident if this friend doesn’t either make time for him or tell him to get lost he’s too busy to talk, so I decide to confront the guy. I walk back to the hotel and it starts raining. I put my hoodie on my head and run for the doors. I get inside and the seminar is over. The front desk says they will summon the guy, but he’s gone back to his room. There’s a bed in the middle of the lobby and I’m tired, so I lay down on it. I fall asleep in my dream, but don’t dream (because I’m already dreaming? Lol) when I wake up in dream I hear the desk attendant telling the friend of my husband’s that one of his followers wanted to speak with him. I decide that now that he’s in the room, and I’ve rested, I’m not fired up anymore and am too intimidated by him to say anything. I pretend to keep sleeping. The guy doesn’t seem intimidating in the dream or anything, but I’m a big chicken when it comes to confrontation unless I’m really worked up over something. The guy comes over and sits on the bed, then reaches up and brushes my hair behind my ear while saying, “Good morning sunshine.” I growl at him that I’m already awake, and he says he knows. He says he knows who I am, I am C’s wife. I nod, but before I can actually voice a reply he starts saying, “I know you’re unhappy. The two of you are too different. He doesn’t understand or have the patience you do with your children. He doesn’t share the same beliefs you do. You love each other very much, but love isn’t enough to make things work. There’s someone else out there for both of you. Someone who will make you both much happier than if you stay together.” At first I feel really subdued by the man’s words thinking, he’s exactly right, but then when he starts talking about there being someone else I roll off the bed as quickly as possible and start storming off, my fists balled up without a word to him. He stays on the bed and call out, “What’s wrong? You know I am only speaking the truth.” I turn and glare at him and tell him, “I may not be happy, and your right about the things wrong in our relationship. But you’re also right that I love him. I don’t want to hear that there is someone else, you are supposed to be his friend. If you want to offer advice, advise us on how to fix things, don’t try to split apart our family!” Then I wake up for real because my husband is going to work.
      Dream Three: I’m still angry with my husband, but we are home. I have run out the back door and across the pasture to the barn. The barn looks totally different on the inside. I am fuming mad, at my husband for choosing to spend so much time waiting for a friend who has no time for him, and at his friend for being such a jerk and trying to split us up. In the barn I look back and see my husband making his towards the barn. I close and lock the front barn door, and when I go to lock the back door so he can’t come inside and bug me, his friend is standing there. I realize at once the guy looks like Russel Brand in that movie Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and if he hadn’t suddenly appeared in the barn I would have probably laughed about the realization. He doesn’t act goofy like that character though, but he does put out his hand and say, “You know I’m telling you the truth, why won’t you admit it to yourself? Why don’t you want to be happy?” I reply that I know my husband loves me, and I love him too much to hurt him. I’d rather be miserable than know my happiness was at the cost of his, and my children’s when they’re suddenly divided between parents. The man tells me that my husband isn’t really happy, he only thinks he is because he has what he thinks he wants. He tells me that there is someone else that would make him even happier and I am selfishly being a martyr by clinging to the idea that I am sacrificing my happiness to make my family happy. I get mad and yell at him to get lost, that I don’t like him and I want nothing to do with his so called advice. I turn to lock myself in a stall where he can’t get to me, but instead of finding a stall there’s a desk full of papers on a wooden platform. I stomp over to it thinking I can make myself look busy and maybe he’ll leave me alone, but on the table I find my husband’s wedding ring. Instead of being all shiny and maintained, it looks like it’s rusted and there are big dents in it. I grab it and feel sad for a moment, but then I realize I haven’t got a clue where my own wedding ring is so why should I care if his is unworn? (In reality mines been missing for at least six months, we think for almost a year, neither of us can remember when I last wore it and there aren’t any pictures of me wearing it since 11 months ago) I start to leave the barn, now feeling more sad than anything else, and when I open the barn door my husband’s mom is there. She says “Well hello B, how are you feeling today?” I tell her I’m frustrated, that her son is really getting on my nerves, and she just replies, “oh well, your married, things are going to come up to bother you both.” I nod and she turns around and walks off. My husband is finally at the barn, and before I can start to talk to him and tell him I’m sorry or anything he starts talking about his friend again. I get so mad and angry that I want to scream. I turn to go back inside the barn and close the door, thinking that there’s no point trying to talk to him, there never is. I need to just walk away until I have more patience, then I wake up.
      Dream Four: I am in a dark apartment. My dream self recognizes that the apartment is my brothers (my brother doesn’t live in an apartment, and I’ve never been where he does live) He’s asked me to pick something up today to take to his girl friend. I’m looking for it, and a voice tells me “The droid tablet is under the recliner.” I reach under and find it, say thanks, and leave. As I go out the door, I end up back in the same room, but it’s daylight and I know it’s the next day now. Instead of having the tablet, I now have flowers or something his girlfriend wanted me to deliver to him. I don’t expect him to be home because he’s out of town for training, but when I go to set the flowers on the coffee table there’s a chair to my left with a pile of blankets on top of it. I startle as the covers move and my brother appears from under them. I feel relived it’s just him, then chide him for scaring me when he’s not supposed to be home yet! He laughs and says, “I just told you last night where to find the tablet. Did you forget? Or did you think it was a ghost telling you where it was?” I glare at him, still feeling annoyed from my previous dream, then ask him if he’s called his girlfriend yet because she’s really worried about him. He says no, he just got home last night and was tired so he went straight to bed. He’ll call her in a little bit when He’s done waking up. Then I wake up.

      Dream One: I spent the evening watching the two Dream Views sites fighting it out, the real vs. the hacked/fake one, and my first dream of the night was a blurry rehashing of that. In my dream, our dreams weren’t being monitored online, but rather in our heads, and every time we went to sleep alien hackers were hacking into our brain and watching our dreams trying to find those who opposed them. I don’t remember much beyond that concept though. I do remember praying to the “Dream Views Goddess” in the dream, who seemed more like a Joan Of Arc than a real Goddess, someone who existed and was fighting the aliens. I was praying that she would protect my dreams so that I wouldn’t be taken down by brain hacking aliens. Every now and them, my dreams get crazy conspiracy theory like enough to make even me think, WTF?! Lol
      Dream Two: I was in the car with my husband. We were on our way to a house where we suspect someone who was trying to kill me lived. I have dream memories of being different from normal, that I had suddenly gotten myself thrown into a weird mystical war. It wasn’t one where it was like good versus evil, but rather one species verses another, where people’s allegiances were determined by what changed them, not their own personal beliefs. I wasn’t aware of what I was at this point in the dream, just that there was a prophecy of some sort. My husband is driving and the kids are in the back seat, I’m worried and stressed out, and my husband pulls into his old high school parking lot. He says he needs to ask someone for some advice, and I lock the car doors afraid to get out of the car. I feel like I’m safe in there. I see three skinny guys in girl jeans and black leather jackets with bleached hair smoking against a white sports car. I notice they’re watching my car and it’s freaking me out even more. I wonder if they’re the ones trying to kill me. So I lean over and hit the lock button one more time making sure all the doors are locked. The guys start laughing and walk up to my car. They’re surrounding it, one on either side and one in front of the car. Suddenly their faces and clothes warp and they look like skeletons in black cloaks, like grim reapers. They’re all wobbly like their bones are made of rubber or something and two of them are moaning eerily. The one on the driver’s side presses it’s self against the door and starts speaking in a moaning prophetic voice, “Kill the one who seeks your life or be killed by him. Then, only through rebirth can the prophecy be fulfilled.” I’m terrified of these things, suddenly hoping they don’t think about busting through the glass. Then my little boy crawls into the front seat with me and they vanish. He is unafraid, and doesn’t seem to have seen them. Out of instinct I fuss at him for crawling over the seats because he could get hurt, but inside I’m so happy because I feel like he’s saved me by scaring them off. He whines a bit about being bored in the back seat, but then my husband unlocks the car door and tells him to get back in the back seat. With all of us in the car, we get back on our way to where we think the man trying to kill me is. My husband drives past the right road, and I ask him where he’s going and he says he forgot the way. I tell him he just passed the road. He turns around and we go down the right road. When we get to the location specified in the prophecy there are a lot of people who look alike, like a whole family complete with grandparents and cousins and such, having a picnic and it seems to be a park. My kids are no longer in the car, but my dream self doesn’t seem to care they’re not there anymore, all I’m thinking about is that one of these people want to kill me. The whole family gives me glares, and I ask where the man who wants to kill me is. An old man says, “He’s not here. He’s running away from you and your damned prophecy! Why should I lose my son because of some stupid prophecy? He has done nothing wrong! He has not hurt you!” I feel the same way, but I don’t say anything, Instead I feel like there’s something important to my right. I turn right and start walking, then I feel like I need to go left again, So I turn left and start walking down a big grassy hill. Halfway down the hill I see a man laying on the ground. He’s dressed in holey shabby clothes with stains and has a red bandana tied around his head. I can tell just by looking at him that he’s the man who’s supposed to try to kill me, he’s the one the skeletons said I had to kill before he could kill me. He’s asleep. I still don’t want to kill him, but I know I have to do something, so I lightly kick his shoe to wake him up. I point my fingers at him like they’re a gun, and as soon as he opens his eyes I say, “Bang. If I really wanted to kill you, you’d be dead right now. But I don’t want to kill you.” The man jumps up quickly and pulls out a huge knife, probably a foot long with really jagged edges. He’s waving it wildly at me, and tells me, “I don’t believe you! You’re going to kill me. The prophesy said so! But I’ll kill you first!” We start circling each other with our hands clenching at our sides like in action movies, lol. I counter back at him, “I have so much to live for, and I’m sure you do too. Let’s just toss this prophesy bull shit out and live our lives. He counters, “No. My family is counting on me being the winner. If I fulfill this prophecy they will finally have a reason to be proud of me!” I reply, “Your family would rather have you alive and the prophesy unfulfilled than have it fulfilled and you dead!” Then he says, “They don’t care about me now, but they will when I am the victor of an ancient prophesy!” “I counter with, “They do care! And even if you don’t think they care, don’t you care about them? Wasn’t that little girl your sister? Is she in kindergarten yet? Do you think she wants her big brother to die?!” He replies, “She starts next year, but she’s the only one who cares. She’d be better off without her loser brother making her look bad!” He leaps forwards towards me with this knife, and I instinctually turn into a giant wolf (think of something like the shadow wolf Link becomes in Twilight Princess) and I lunge right back at him. I grab his wrist that is holding the blade in my mouth, and push him to the ground with my weight and momentum. He hits the ground with a thump and drops the knife. I turn back into myself, still straddling him, and I grab the knife he dropped and hold it above my head. I yell really loud in anger and frustration, and then bring it down as fast and as hard as I can into the ground an inch from his head. The guy is nearly crying in fear of his life, and I stand up. He’s cowering on the ground trying to figure out if he’s still alive or a spirit now. I hold my hand out and grumble at him, “You now owe me your life, consider this your death and be reborn as my ally.” The can is crying but gets up and thanks me. He says he has changed his mind, I was right, he doesn’t want to die or kill anyone. He realizes having almost died that his life, no matter how worthless it seems, it’s still worth the world. I tell him to go tell his family he’s safe, I have to track down the creepy skeleton guys because I think they’re the real enemy for making up these crazy prophecies that pit people against one another. I walk forwards and end up in a cave, then I can’t remember any more of them dream though I’m sure there was more to it.
      Dream Three: I am in the car with my husband again. We’re driving in the dark down a dirt driveway or road, and there’s grass almost as tall as the car on both sides. The road turns and winds, so it’s often that you can’t see anything but grass all around the car, like being stuck in the middle of a field with super tall grass of some kind. There’s a lady in the back seat, and she’s really worried. She says it’s been three or four days since she’s heard from her husband and she’s worried the giant were-crocks have gotten him. The road opens up, and there’s a tree and a front yard, and a tiny yellow shack like house. There’s a tire swing on the tree swaying as if in wind, but the wind isn’t blowing the grass or the tree. I’m getting really creeped out. We pull up to the house, so close that if my husband opens the door he’ll hit the front porch with his door. The lights are on in the house and on the porch. There are two doors on the porch, one on each wall against the porch. The one directly in front of us has a closed screen door, but the actual door is closed. The other door looks like it’s made of slats of some kind and it’s closed, but light is peaking through the cracks between the slats. It looks like every single light is on in the house. I tell my husband not to open the door, he nods and says, “I’ll honk the horn. If he’s still alive he’ll come to the door. If he doesn’t we’re going to have to wait it out for an hour, and after that assume the worst.” He lays on the horn a few times. No one comes out of the house. The woman is crying. And this is where my son wakes me up, thankfully, lol.

      Dream Four: I’m swimming at an indoor public pool. For some reason I’m expecting to have some books delivered to me, and I get out of the water to ask my mom who happens to be there as well if she’s seen anyone come in with them yet. She says no, so I get back in the water. I dive under the water, and see something brown on the bottom of the pool like two boxes. I swim to the bottom and fetch the boxes off the bottom of the pool. I look at the labels after I set them on the edge of the pool, and they are addressed to me. I open the boxes and they’re full of very wet manga. I am pissed. I take the volumes to the front desk and tell them I am a first time customer who was expecting a package today, and whoever accepted the packages in the office threw them into the pool instead of trying to find the person they should have been delivered to. The old lady in the office sighs and says she’s sorry, she’ll replace them. She takes the books from me and starts writing down the prices and adding them up on a calculator. I wake up.

      Dream One (Fragment): I remember reddish orangeish brownish rocks, like you would expect to see in Arizona or somewhere. There was also a huge cave with water and dripping stalactites/stalagmites with a big pool of water. I don’t remember any of what I was doing in those, but I get the distinct remembering that I was not alone. I remember waking up, but it could have been a false awakening, and thinking I needed to write that dream in my dream journal. Then I recalled I still can’t log into Dream Views, and I vaguely recall there being another web site I used to write all my dreams on before. I think of some name, that I can’t remember now, and then roll over and go back to sleep. In reality there is no other websites, dream views is the first I’ve found dedicated to dream journals and lucid dreaming and such. I have however always sent my best dreams to my BFF over Facebook as messages. That could be what I was thinking of.

      Dream Two: I’m not quite asleep yet, but I’m in that stage where reality and dreams tend to overlap. I’m rarely in that stage for long, but I roll over. When I roll over I feel a shift in the room, and I’m pretty sure it’s the spirit in the house moving from one side of the room to the other, but in my half asleep state of mind, I picture it as a giant white and grey wolf walking through my room. I freak out and roll back over to get a better look and I’m awake now so It’s gone.
      Dream Three: I’m in a room, seems like a living room or a lobby. Beside me is Twig the Faerie (She’s a Renaissance Festival Circuit Faerie, and very cute!) We’re sitting on the floor and she’s giggling (Those who know Twig know she doesn’t really talk, lol). There is a HUGE girls bathroom behind me, where two heavier girls are doing their hair with the door open, talking to us loudly so their voices project out of the bathroom. Suddenly the back door opens, and a bald middle aged man walks in, driping wet and stark naked! I turn my head quickly so I’m not looking because it’s embarrassing me, and twig is giggling at him. The man starts talking, he’s mad because someone stole his towel from the shower and he thinks it was us. We insist it wasn’t us, but it’s a funny prank and we bet the boys did it so he’d come over to yell at the girls while he was naked. I’m studying my thumb very closely hoping he’d just hurry up and get out. He grumbles a bit more, then leaves, leaving a puddle in the floor. I start to clean up the puddle and Twig hops up and I notice that her wings are bundled up and hidden under her shirt, except that one seems to have gotten caught on her shirt and is peeking out and making the back line of the shit look wrong. I tell her to stop, and I fix it. She says, “Thank you so much! No wonder my wings were hurting so bad this morning!” and I’m happy to see she has a very high pitched and adorable voice to go with her adorable character. I tell her it’s not problem, but just then someone bursts into the room and the whole thing goes to pot. They had seen me fix her wing through the mirror, and called the cops, and they were going to take us into custody for being faeries! Twig pulls a string under her shirt that’s holding her wings down, and her wings fly out the back, shredding the shirt at the same time. It’s barely staying on in front, and the cops stop to stare briefly, then she flies up and the roof is gone, it’s just open night sky and we’re in a city instead of a living room. The cops come at me too, and I find a string under my own shirt that has the same effect as hers. I fly up, and we’re being shot at as we try to escape. I find that I can’t sly as high as I would like, and instead try to use my aerial height to boost my speed by diving and hoping to land far enough ahead of the cops they can’t find me. When I hit the ground I call out, “Goddess help me!” and the whole dream warps and shifts again. I’m back in the living room again, alone, but I can hear people outside. I open the back door the naked man had come in through, and find a beautiful landscape. There’s a stone porch, with wooden trellises hung with beautiful vines and flowers. The platform goes on for about fifteen feet ahead, and then there’s a curved walk way also made of vine covered trellises, that has an opening at the center. I start to walk in, and from inside I can see that if I go left I will end up on the beach and if I go right I will go to a wooded area. If I go forwards and out the other side of the walk way I will be at a long building. Then this little critter that reminds me of a sugar glider with a Koala head and EXTRA BIG eyes. I say, “awww, how cute! Come here little Chi Chim!” (I’m pretty sure this is a direct result of reading SpeedRacer to the kids before bed, and Chi Chim is my brain rehashing the little boys pet monkey’s name, Chim Chim just dropping or forgetting the first m ) The little critter crawls up my arm and rests on my shoulder for a minute so I can pet it. Then I hear my mom’s voice behind me. The little critter scurries away, and I turn to see my mom behind me. She asks me how I’ve been since I’ve moved here to be with others like me. I tell her I love it here, it’s so wonderful. Everyone can feel things, I don’t feel like I’m crazy anymore. She nods, and says it’s a really pretty place, she wouldn’t mind living here herself. Then, there’s a loud screech behind me. I turn around to see a bird of prey diving at what looks like Chi Chim. I freak out and run towards it, scaring the bird back and grab Chi Chim. But it’s not Chi Chim, it’s another cute critter that looks more like regular grey squirrel. I carry it up to where my mom is, and it curls up in my hands, happy and safe. There’s a group of other people laughing to my left, and I notice the bird of prey resting on one’s shoulder. I call out to him that what he’d done hadn’t been very nice, to which he replies his birds gotta eat. I show the squirrel critter to my mom, and tell her everyone here has a familiar or some kind, they always just show up shortly after we arrive in our stuff and take up with us right away. I tell her mine is named chi chim, he’s kind of like this little guy, but more independent and has much bigger eyes. Then I tell her he looks like my daughter’s toy “oogie” only with grey instead of pink and white stripes, and the size of a rat. To my right some girls walk up and start talking. I recognize them as the girls from the bathroom. One’s carrying a baby. She asks me if I want to hold her, and I say sure, “I set the squirrel down and hold the baby for a moment. I tell my mom that I was there when the girl gave birth, and the girl says she was lucky to have me there because I’d given birth twice and really talked her through the painful parts. My Mom says that’s sweet, and asks if she can hold the baby. The girl says sure, and I hand over the baby. Then I notice something funny about the girls eyes, they almost seem to flash like blue and yellow lights. I get a bad feeling like something was wrong, so I turn to walk away hoping not to be pursued, but the girls suddenly grow huge claws and start walking towards me. I turn and run back into the arched walkway, but the group with the falcon now has Blue and Yellow flashing eyes as well. I run the other direction towards the beach in the walk way, but there’s a guy there, and he’s got the yellow and blue flashing eyes too. He runs at me while everyone else is just walking, so I turn back around and go towards the long building I had seen when I first saw the walkway. I make it to the door, but then the boy leaps and knocks me through the door, to the ground. The floor of the building collapses and my back hits the basement floor hard. It hurts, but the guy had his hands around my shoulders digging his thumbs into my windpipe so I can’t breathe. I try to fight him but I can’t, I can’t stop thinking that he feels so familiar, and that he would never hurt me, something has to be wrong with him. Then I reach out and pull him closer to me, I manage to get his lips to mine and his grip on my neck loosens enough that I can gasp for breath and say broken up words. I continue kissing him until his hands drop from my neck completely. I’m gasping his name over and over trying to breathe but also get through to him past whatever is controlling him, “K, I know you’re in there, K please! K!” He grabs my head and pulls me closer and starts saying my name and I know I’ve gotten through to him but he just keeps kissing me, in full out make our territory now, which is definitely a first, in all the dreams he’s been in we’ve never kissed, let alone made out hot and heavy, and yet here he is groping me. Then I get the closest I've been to lucid in a LONG time. I can feel my body in bed, the sheets and pillows and even tell that I'm laying on my back, I just can't move because I'm still stuck in the dream (and honestly, I didn't want to leave! lol) At the same time, I was seeing K in a bed as well, with the dream super imposed on him, like a project on a screen for a split second. Then, I lost my awareness of my bed and everything, all I saw was the dream building and K back to dream "normal" . Suddenly he pushes me away and says, “Oh god, B, I’m sorry!”I’m not sure if he’s apologizing for trying to kill me or for making out with me, so I just say it’s ok, everything’s fine now. Then he says everything is not fine now, the others are still under something’s control , so we need to get away quickly. He runs out a door on the back of the building. I follow, and there’s a sharp hill to the left. He climbs into a barrel that’s beside the hill, and then climbs onto the top of the hill. I follow. Then there’s some time I can’t remember what happens, but we cross a road and there’s a building made of glass, like a green house. We walk in, I’m following K, and he seems determined about the path, like he’s concentrating on it and won’t talk to me. My Mom comes up behind us, and she starts to talk about stained glass and a project she’s working on. K tells me to ignore her and keep moving, but she’s my mom so I talk to her as I walk. She’s saying someone wanted a certain piece of glass because she liked the way the colors swirled in it, but the rest of the class broke it because they all wanted it to. Then when it was shattered the girl couldn’t use it anymore, and it was purple and blue swirled so she thought I’d like to have it. K says NO, firmly, and I have a bad feeling about the whole thing, so I just tell her no thanks. She keeps insisting I should have this piece of glass, and offers to make me something out of it. I tell her the whole thing gives me a bad feeling, and I don’t want anything to do with glass that someone else was wrongfully cheated out of. Then my daughter woke me up.

      I didn’t sleep well last night so I only have two dream fragments and no real dreams to write about.
      Dream One (Fragment): I was in a store, it looked like our local J.C. Penny at Christmas time, with lots of toys stacked up around the escalators. I was looking at a giant train set, the kind that was made for little kids to ride on. I decided it was too big and too expensive to buy for my kids, so I turn to walk to my right. There’s a table with a group of guys hanging out around it. I stop for a minute to see what everyone’s doing, and they’re playing some sort of card game. My first thought was it might have been magic the gathering, (I’ve never played the game, so I don’t know what it looks like when people are playing) but then I decide that even though all the cards are fantasy like creatures, it can’t be magic because my husband has some magic cards from his high school days and they’re all regular rectangular cards. The cards in this game were shaped like the creatures they represented on top with the bottom being a rectangular section listing the attacks and damage. Someone hands me a few cards and tells me to join in. I don’t know what I’m doing but I decide to try it out if someone will help me. The first card I have is a girl creature. It has a woman’s face and body with blue furry looking hair, wings, and a blue furry tail.

      Dream Two (Fragment): I’m viewing this dream from third person, so it’s like watching a tv show or something. I’m watching Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and he’s in front of a house with a blonde woman in a pink house coat and her little girl who must be 7 or 8. He looks off into the distance where there is a blue and orange flame high above the trees. It looks very unnatural. He tells the woman and her child to go inside and lock the doors, he’s going to check the fire out. She tells him to be careful, then quickly pulls the little girl inside and slams the door. Angel runs at super vampire speed through the woods, and comes out at a road like an interstate or a big highway. There’s a big middle aged man standing next to a car that’s burning on the side of the road. The unnatural flames are coming from the car. The man tells Angel he knows what he is, and he is going to die like the filthy vampire he is. I wake up.

      Updated 06-14-2016 at 12:30 AM by 53224

      non-lucid , memorable
    5. Brother, ponies & rings

      by , 02-25-2012 at 04:29 AM
      - I had to help some guy look for his little brother. We were walking/running a pretty long way across a beachy area. We came to a place with a lot of people sitting on bleachers on the beach. We saw his brother in the crowd and pushed past people to get to him.

      - I was with someone who was trying to teach some guy the names of the main MLP characters and how to tell the difference between them. Suddenly I spotted Fluttershy standing against a wall. She was in the cartoon style, but living and 3D - sort of as if a giant plushie of her had come to life irl. I went over and started patting her and scratching her chin like a cat, which she seemed to enjoy. (For the record, I've watched and enjoyed some MLP, but I don't really consider myself a fan.)

      - I was wearing a bunch of lolita/deco accessories including two heart-shaped rings. One of them was lavender and it kept falling apart. I found another one and put it on, but thought three was maybe a bit too much, and so I thought about taking the broken one off. I also thought of replacing it with a rainbow bow ring I have.
    6. First full dream (non lucid)

      by , 02-25-2012 at 12:05 AM
      So, I started my dream at home (which I wasn't my home in real life). I was on my computer and I got an e-mail saying I was going to be a captain at camp. I guess being a captain meant that I was the leader and speaker of the kids at my camp XD. I also read that because of so many campers, there was going to be 2 captains this year. I was pretty pissed because the other captain was someone I hated. So I got driven to camp and I remember the campus being a really fancy, hotel like, building. Then I got my captain uniform which was a blackhawks jersey (I'm thinking that blackhawks jeresy's are my dream sign) I had a "C" on my jersey (for captain) We then had a big camp meeting in which me and the other captain were leading the discussion of were everyone sleeps. Behind us were the assistants (had "A"'s on their jersey's). Then we all went to dinner and my dream ended.
      Well, thanks for reading XD
    7. Vivid

      by , 02-24-2012 at 10:03 PM
      I tried something a little different when I wokeup, tried using a one of the supplements before i passed back out, as opposed to when I go to sleep in the first place. It was a Big difference.

      It must of just been the right night, because I can recall the dream prior to even poppin the b12.

      It was war themed, I was geared, and i was engaging enemies..... Was rather realistic.

      I remember several times having to take cover and then returning fire.

      After I awoke, I went to the bathroom, took my b12 and went back to sleep.

      It seemed like certain parts of my dreams were narrative, without visuals, to which i'd have visuals after/prior.

      I recall this city/town upon a hill, overlooking the bay/sea/whatever. There were large homes built upwards upon eachother, several people swimming off the side of a concrete bit. It was rather nice since it was bright and warm. I was walking with some woman, talking to her about how I needed to leave or something.

      Anywho, I keep walking and she is no longer with me. I get to this area and see this boy dressed for swimming. Im not sure but seems like he was sneaking off to go swim in some aquatic animal exhibit or something. There were a few other details. Nothing important though.

      After that I recall arguing with my stepfather. nothing important to note.

      The city was so vivid ^_^
    8. 02-23-12 Very Long Hawaii WILD- worth the long read.

      by , 02-24-2012 at 09:38 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      LD9: This one was weird, I am typing it just as I get up, because there is somuch that happened I don't want to forget any of it. I had 6 hours sleep and waited for my wife to go to work, then I began attempting a WILD. I must have laid there for an hour breathing rythmicly before I got into sleep paralysis. I was not very comfortable, a little restless after lying still so long. Now I couldn't move, and my face itched a little. I had to try very hard to not give up. I saw the standard color swirls and felt all tingley. I started to try to form a lucid dream of me on a hotel pool patio in Hawaii.
      After maybe 20 minutes, I started to be able to visualize things. I am a bit frustrated at this point. Everything is blurry and almost in black and white. I look at my hands, but they are blob like sticks of white on a black background. It took about 20 more minutes to get to where I could see fingers and feel somewhat of a solid dream body. Boy, I am having to work for this one!!!
      Ok, I am finally in a WILD LD but not very pleased with the lack of detail. I decide to just start having some fun even if the resolution and color suck. I picture the place I went on vacation. The Royal Kona Resort. I am by the pool standing on a low wall. I try to bring more detail into the scene, I should be able to see the ocean, but it is just black beyond the immediate area. I move my arms around and tried to stablize more. I was not happy about the low resolution. The real pool area has flagstone floors, this floor looks flat and vague. I get off the wall and try to correct this. I run my fingers over it and picture flagstone. No luck. Oh well, the color and resolution are slightly improving, maybe it will get better.
      I have set a 2 new dreaam goals for this month, so why not try one? My goal was to not only look at my hands, but be fully aware of articulated joints at my elbows and knees at the same time. I want to squat and place my elbows on my knees while looking at my hands, and be able to feel and visualize them all. I won't bore everyone with the details, but this ended up being very complicated. I had to focus on each joint, just like you would on hands, then somehow do the whole thing all at once. I actually managed to get the whole thing to come together and work, but it took me about five minutes.
      That accomplished I look around beyond the pool area. Some improvement. I now can see the ocean and sky, but still poor resolution. I can also see the tall hotel buildings and palm trees. Opps, I almost lost all the stablizing I just took 5 minutes accomplishing. I jump around, moving those elbows and knees I worked so hard for.
      I try to jump to the top of the northern building because it is maybe 6 stories and that would be quite a jump. It take two tries. I look down from up there and can still see the area below, but in much poorer resolution. What is up with this lack of color and detail? I realise I seem to still be part awake. I know what day it is, and where I am sleeping and can fall right back out of this dream if I am not careful. Ok, so I decide to just be happy and have a ball in low resolution. I jump back down to the pool. There does not seem to be any random dream elements or DCs at all! I quess this is because my unusually high mental presence.
      I decide to wade into the ocean. It is not the lovely blue green detailed ocean I want; it is more a gray mass that undulates up and down. Oh well. I work my way down the vague rocks into that gray mass. Hey, not bad, it feels maybe 20% like water should, a slight temp varient from the air and gives me buoyancy. I float out a ways and it is fun. The low resolution waves are still picking me up and then dropping me down. I dive under. Pretty cool. It is easy to swim down about twenty feet and look back up at the surface. I swim back up, and walk back to the pool area.
      Still not a random event or DC has appeared. I decide to try my second dream goal, which is to vividly smell something. I know where a luau girl would be standing during a luau. So maybe if I picture her having perfume or a flower in her hair? Yep, there she is, but she is not acting like a DC, she is just scenery. I try to smell her perfume but fail. I stick my nose right in her flower, but fail to smell it. Hmmm, well, being male I decide I could play with the pretty luau girl for a minute. I remove her body wrap and touch her. Things are still in low resolution. She feels soft and nice, but only about 35% real. I get bored quickly of this because she does not move or react unless I move her or put energy into causing her to act a certain way. Oh well.
      I go back to the pool area and am feeling just a little bored, if you can picture being bored in LD. Maybe I should try shape shifting. I take about 30 miunutes and do all sorts of successful shape shifting. I focus on really feeling as if I am the things, not just picturing. I acomplished this by stablizing in the forms. I became a moongoose and actually looked at my mongoose paws, stretched my long body, and ran along the ground , then up a tree. I decided to really challenge myself and became a snail. I tried to feel how my snail body had to undulate to move me forward and eventually got it. I became a large ant and had a lot of trouble with it. I had to try to feel 6 limbs instead of 4, and figure out how I should move them together to walk. I have never shifted into a woman that I can remember, so that seemed like a reasonable 3rd dream goal since things were going so well. It was a real challenge and very odd. I stablized looking at my hands but made them thin and female. Next I went through every body part changing it. I explored my new breasts, and found that very novel indeed. Now, for the biggest reality check! I removed the concept of my male genitals. You boys know that is hard to imagine! I slid my hand down there and everything was female. I did it! I was fully aware of my new female body and could look down and see a sexy female body. Strange though, it took so much focus to maintain this, that I found I moved like a drunken robot. I could not keep all the body parts as they were and do much more than stumble a few feet.
      I have never been in the form of a bird, so I set that as my 4th dream goal for the month. Not just to see myself as a bird, but to feel how a bird feels. It took alot of work. Finally, I had transformed my arms into backward projecting wings that moved as they should, and tranformed my legs into talons. I did a stabilization by loooking at these talons and moving them, gripping and bending at my bird knees. Then I tried to fly, but I did not just want to fly. I wanted to feel how it feels for a bird to fly. I got all confused trying to flap the wings, but kind of half ass, got the feel for it. When I looked around, the resolution had improved alot. I flew around a bit then decided to try diving from really high into the ocean. Very cool. I plunged down about 20 feet below the surface. Now, I tried to become a sea turtle. It took a bit and was weird trying to stablize with flippers and a wide flat body, but I eventually got it. I looked up from the depth and saw that the resolution had improved dramaticly. It was very cool seeing the sky through the surface of the water.
      I had a strange idea. How about being a flying turtle? I surfaced and tried it, but the concept must have been one step too wierd. It just would not work. Well, enough shape shifting for now. I teleported back to the pool. I realized my real body was becoming very uncomfortable and at risk of ending the dream. I tried to focus back on the dream. I decided to try the 2nd dream goal again. That is vivid sense of smell. I walked over to the barbaque pit, and inhaled deeply a few times. I realized my real body had tried to enhale deeply too. I was at a real risk of waking! Ok, no more deep breathing. I went back to the luau girl and tried to smell her perfume again. No luck. Well, again being a male, I decided to screw around with the pretty girl again. No need for details here but after about 3 minutes, I was not really satisfied with the experience. Again, because she only moved or reacted if I focused attention on her doing so.
      I teleported us up to a room on the 6th floor of the south tower, and tried to enjoy the experience in a bed. It only took 1 to 2 minutes to realize this was also unsatisfying. So, I went to the window and looked down. I was seeing things pretty vivid by now and the color had really improved. I jumped down and went for a swim in the pool. This dream has been going on for so long now! I just screw around for awile. Doing things like jumping up the buildings and diving off into the ocean.
      I have been suprised by the absolute lack of random events and DCs! I decide maybe I need to relax my control a little. I have certainly trained my skills enough, so maybe I should try to let something random happen. I lay back in a lounge and play around with changing it from day to night. When I get it to stay night time. I lay there and trie to not control things, and get all relaxed. A waiter comes by and some people are sitting in stools at the bar. Ok, there are some DCs now.
      My waking body is becoming very uncomfortable and kicks a leg. I am loosing sleep paralysis and must act if I am to stay in the dream. I decide that the dream has all ready been a marathon, and I may as well get up. So I wake up, and came straight to Dream Views to put it in my journal, before I forgot any of it. Duration ~90 minutes
    9. First lucid!

      by , 02-24-2012 at 09:20 PM
      ok so I don't remember much about the beginning but I remember (as a random thought) how boobs actually felt, the thought trailed off to "I couldn't do that in real life" which caused me to grab my nose and try to breathe, I COULD BREATHE. I immeadiately screamed "YES!!! I'M LUCID!!!!!" I tried to fly as my first activity, I tried one technique which was to to focus all my power into my feet then push it out... (lol i watch too much Dragon ball) well obviously it didn't work, so I tried to build up some speed to do it. I ran full throttle down the street and jumped into the air, i could fly but only just, I tried to adopt a superman pose (putting both hands in front of me to gain directional movement) as I tried to twist my body into that pose my mind trailed off so I crashed, I tried to spin because I knew I would wake up, I woke up in my bed, I did a RC and guess what, I could breathe! the scene immediately changed to sitting at the bottom of a hill near mcdonalds... (lol, of all places, it had to be macdonalds... I can just imagine the ad now "polluting the minds of people, even in dreams!") I was with my friend, we walked up to the macdonalds, I used my supposed mental powers to convince me to buy food, he did so I got some money and put it in the slot machine next to the counter, a milkshake token fell out, I gave it to my friend and went to the bathroom, my mum was in there so i decided to scare her, I came up behind her and grabbed her, at that moment my uncle came up behind me and tackled me... I woke up...
    10. DC Mod Practice, Reminiscing

      by , 02-24-2012 at 06:02 PM
      Well, I tried not taking my melatonin tonight in the hopes that my insomnia would come back forcing me to wake up tons of times all night and remember a ridiculous amount of dreams, but instead I slept just as well (almost even better) than normal and all it did was make my dreams less vivid. Oh well, I still became lucid, but I didn't get to use it as well as I would have hoped.... I'm actually becoming a little concerned about my DILDs, I'm afraid that they're starting to become less exciting to the point that I just don't even pay much attention to my lucidity, it's like I'm aware that I'm dreaming but I just let my non-lucid mind keep doing its thing. Maybe I'm just being paranoid though, I'll give it a few more lucids to say for sure....

      #1 - DC Mod Practice [DILD]

      There was some very long and strange dream leading up to this point, but I only remember brief flashes of it. Part of it involved being in this gigantic building that was also several of my old friends' houses combined. I vaguely remember being in the part that was D's house, something involving E with a sword (a katana, I think) that magically spilled oil and they were mad that we'd have to clean it up, and J's family being pissed that they had to come home to check on us. Or something like that.... Anyway, eventually I went out the front of the building, which at some point turned into a school, so now I was in the school parking lot. I was with this guy A and this girl M who I went school with, and I guess I was giving them both a ride home (I very vaguely remember a conversation about it) so we were looking for my car. We went to the left side of the school (from the inside looking out) and passed through a garden of really psychedelic-looking flowers to a back part of the parking lot but didn't see it, so I went back around to the right side of the school to look there. While there, I actually saw myself in the distance with K, N, and I think O, and we were all standing by my car. I started walking over there but but by the time I got there it vanished. :T There's a point in my memory here that's fuzzy, and I think this is where I became lucid because I don't actually remember that part, I just remember being non-lucid and then suddenly being lucid. Like I said though, my lucidity level was very low so I didn't really think to try to work toward any of my goals. (Well, except the sex one, I guess. ) First I flew back to the front of the school, then started going up to random cars and opening doors and trying to modify the DCs. I went up to some ridiculously fat man (gotta be at least 500+ lbs) and said I was going to change him into a skinny girl. I grabbed his arm and he visually vanished but I could still feel him and I felt him changing into the girl, but then I got distracted and went to the next car. I tried another one hoping it wouldn't vanish, I saw a guy through a car window and opened the door expecting him to be female when I did, and it sort of worked but she was really blurry, I don't actually remember any features of her now. The next car I went to had a cute guy in it so I started trying to do something sexual. I honestly don't remember quite what it was though.... I think the dream was falling apart at this point. I do remember the guy just stared at me, and then I noticed a group of girls also in the back of the car with him, and thought briefly about the oddity that there were so many people in the back of this tiny car, but then I woke up.

      #2 - Reminiscing [Non-Lucid]

      I have very little memory of this one, except that for some reason I had to become a ball and roll down a long tunnel of dark patterened squares so that I ended up in some kiddie restaurant with a playground in it, where I ran into an old friend of mine I haven't seen in years. We hugged and walked off and reminisced about one time we were in that restaurant smoking some really good cigarettes together, which never happened.
    11. dvmemplayingguitar

      by , 02-24-2012 at 04:21 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      This member was with some guy. #1 had a short, choppy haircut. I didn't see the other guy. They were doing some weird thing where they put one finger under the strings of the guitar where you tune it, then strumming and picking also in a rather strange way.

      The dvm would mess up a little, but made it OK by the way was strumming the guitar.
    12. Super Deepthroat and Shinobu Sensui panicking

      by , 02-24-2012 at 02:30 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Super Deepthroat and Shinobu Sensui panicking (Non-lucid)


      Dream 1: Super Deepthroat

      I was given a blowjob by this girl, and my penis was abnormally long. At first I thought I was just watching some random person being lucky, but I ended up not feeling much of the blowjob (what a shame).

      Get Well Soon, Lost Soul!-banana_400.jpg

      For some reason, I didn't like this woman giving me this 5 star porn star fellatio, in fact, I think I wanted to pull back. (I still can't tell if it's me being lucky or some random DC)

      This woman was amazing, it was as if she had no gag reflex at all! I think the penis I had climaxed in her mouth. I think she had saliva all over her face, and I think even foam was on the side of her mouth.

      I think I wanted to have anal sex with her, and she's like "Ooooh?" with the penis still in her mouth. I think she turns around and I start fingering her butt.

      Bad idea.

      Dream 2: Shinobu Sensui freaked out

      I'm not too sure on this dream, I remember being somewhere, and then I saw Shinobu Sensui when he was a teenager panicking.

      Updated 02-24-2012 at 02:54 PM by 47756

      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Get Well Soon, Lost Soul!-shinobu_sensui_14280.jpg  
    13. Dragons, and wise words.

      by , 02-24-2012 at 01:59 PM (Enter the mind of Ladendais)
      I do not particularly remember a lot of this dream, but I do remember bits and pieces that I would like to write down. My memory picks up standing outside of my old middle school, and I am standing next to a rather old individual that closely resembles some sort of elf. I am apparently a certain race that has been trained by this elf, and I am asking a few questions about various topics. When I asked "How long have you been training people?" he simply responded in a rather wise crack tone, "I've been training your people for billions of years". Just after he said that he cast some sort of magic on me and he flew away into the distance. I assume this magic was some sort of "Dragon speak" like the type on Skyrim. Shards of rocks began to sprout out of my body, and I started yelling as I circled up into the air. My voice was very loud, and with each shout a feeling of pure awe came over me and it was getting stronger by the second. I remember calling out for "Talos" and a huge dragon flew from the sky, bigger than anything I remember seeing within my dreams before.

      The feeling that I had was simply mind blowing, words cannot describe, but epic would be the best way to confer the feeling. I soon find myself inside of the school setting within the halls with this giant dragon, and I seem to be questioning him as I pet him. I cannot remember the conversation between myself and this dragon, but I do remember that his words were wise.This has to be one of the most memorable dreams I have ever had simply because the scale of this dragon was just unimaginable, and the feelings of power and overall excitement were overwhelming.
    14. 02-22-12 Non-lucid ninja chicks

      by , 02-24-2012 at 07:19 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      No lucids. Darn. A very vivid and long non-lucid with moderate recall. Ther was along stretch of running about doing things, but little recall. Then, I remember a weird scene where I was looking down to a lower level at some spiral stairs. My friend drops a bag of Chinese food, and I watch it fall and splatter. Very vivid. Then I am down below, and me and others are trying to clean it up. Finally I go through a door into a pool hall. Something unsceen punchs me in the stomach. Then 4 pretty Asian women start attacking me. They came one at atime with basic moves like a old kungfu flick. I do judo type throws on a couple of them. Suddenly my shirt is knocked off. Then I punch at one of them and it knocks her pants off (has long johns under) and attack another whos Kimono top is knocked off (bra under).
      I remember thinking "this is really down right silly" and "my brain is a bit of a perv" yet this failed to bring me into a lucid state (so close!) Then I woke up, and before moving I thought 'man that was so close to getting lucid, and a funny playful scene at that. So i did not move. I pictured the scene and hoped to re-enter it lucid. But, no luck.
    15. 02-21-12 No luck

      by , 02-24-2012 at 07:04 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      I had to take sleep aids, and did not even have recall of non-lucids. Oh well, I just had 8 in 4 days, so I am pleased.