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    1. Inventing Scrambled eggs

      by , 06-14-2011 at 11:32 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      So I arrive some where in the early 1920s or 30s, and some guy asks me what's my name....I tell them captain. Something else happens and eventually they start calling me doctor because how smart I seem. Anyway...I remember going to the bathroom, but all they had were holes in the ground, and I ended up falling.

      I had a job at this diner stocking, and I noticed everyone who ordered eggs ate them boiled. In particular, they had them boiled, and cut in slices. No one knew about the scrambled egg! I pulled this waitress to the side, and started talking to her about how we could put a patent on the scrambled egg. I proceeded to give her instructions on how to make one, and her eyes practically lit up when I told her that we'd have the ability to be the only restaurant that sold them. She hurried off, to tell the cook, and my pops arrived, beat up wearing a zoot suit. Then I woke up.
      non-lucid , memorable
    2. The Local Tavern

      by , 06-14-2011 at 11:28 AM (fOrceez's Quirky Subconscious!)
      Notes| Dream|Lucid

      I guess i've been slacking off a bit lately.. heh.. I'll try and catch back up with what I missed. I've been lazy lately.. not bothering to write down my dreams when I wake up each night. I shall stop that silliness and write everynight! EVERYNIGHT!
      Anyway, here's the journal

      5th June
      I was at Jewells tavern with my small bunch of family, Dad and a few family members from Dad's side (uncles, aunties). Dad and I went outside for some reason, and then a lady that was cleaning the plates away from an empty table dropped a glass cup. Dad and I helped her pick up the shards of glass and a lady sitting next to us started a conversation with me. I don't remember the particular words of the conversation, but she was asking me about how much a slushee (icee) costed from the bar. I told her it was about seven dollars and we both agreed that it was fairly expensive for a slushee.
      I turned to Dad and said I wouldn't have enough time to finish my meal- I had to go to the gym with my cousin. My aunty came out and told me to just call my cousin and ask if we could go later.
    3. In search of Harmony.

      by , 06-14-2011 at 11:27 AM (Typho's DJ)

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 05:00 AM by 44350

      lucid , dream fragment
    4. More Portal 2

      by , 06-14-2011 at 11:25 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      The personality that ran the testing facility was no longer Glados, instead it was a booming male voice, possible an animal, a dog, or a pig I think. I was fiddling around in one test chamber with a portal at the top of a very tall wall, and another at the end of a bridge. I would hop in the portal on the bridge and come out the top and repeat a few times, just keeping myself entertained. This triggered me to question what was going on, I knew SOMETHING wasn't right, but didn't conclude I was dreaming. A lot of the levels had black/yellow stripes on the walls, as though it was to signify it was under construction.

      The last of the dream I remember was crawling through a rather large air-conditoning duct, and looking out a vent at the male Glados, and someone it was talking to. I remember pushing open the vent, thinking 'They're going to see me, why am I pushing this open, stop pushing it open.' It was too late, they both turned to look at me, and I jumped out and killed who/whatever it was that Glados was talking to. I then ran as fast as I could to a small room to the left. Here I needed small parts to kill Glados, and had a false memory about finding the parts I needed in the back of the computers in the room, but that for some I would need to break the computers to find the pieces I needed. The first computer I checked I found the piece straight away, a small glowing metallic part in the grate of the power supply. I quickly tore apart a couple of other computers, trying to find the same part. The dream was repeating slightly, and I noticed, but didn't become aware it was a dream. I had used up too much time searching, I wasn't going to find the parts and Glados was going to kill me. I wake.
    5. The Llama Guard

      by , 06-14-2011 at 11:23 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      Weird dream about eagle boys pizza. The beginning of the dream is unclear, but I'm sure I was in an Eagle Boys pizza, which was more like a Hogs Breath Cafe restaurant on the outside, and inside. It was some kind of school excursion, perhaps. I was using my school laptop to try and access their webpage to get information - perhaps on the llama, but the internet wasn't working or the website didn't have the information. The page looked something like a router settings page. We were discussing something at the table, I think it was about animals, in specific, pigs?

      I remember discussing with a curly haired male - reminiscent of one of my friends about the signature of the Llama which was the security guard of the restaurant. I remember having passed the restaurant in a bus at the time, and trying again to get information about the restaurant on their website.
    6. 3rd Lucid, and a REALLY long FA!

      by , 06-14-2011 at 11:22 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      I haven't been uploading my DJ entries lately, because my recall went a bit haywire, and then I just couldn't be bothered typing out the really long dreams I've been having but I will upload this one! The FA I had at the end unfortunately messed up my recall of this one a bit.

      I don't quite remember how I entered this dream, I was at my house. I knew I was lucid for quite a while, but I wasn't taking full control. I was with a group of my friends, including Toby. We were in the family room of my house, and they were trying to distract me and make me re enter the dream plot. I decided I was sick of it,
      "Go!" I yelled, and raised my hand and watched them all disappear. I'm not sure, but I believe Toby may have actually stayed, even though I got rid of the rest of them.

      I remembered that I needed to ground myself, and I was surprised I'd forgotten for this long. I was outside in my backyard, and bent down to feel the texture of the pavers. I looked around my backyard, trying to take in things in my vision and trying to see as much detail as I could. I breathed deeply, and thought about how I should increase the limits of my vision again. It was sunny, and as I increased my vision to a hyper-realistic field of view, everything transformed into this magnificent glowing orange colour. I don't think I've ever seen a colour like this before, it was like everything was bathed in this orange/red glow, while at the same time looking normal. I was quite happy with myself for being able to do it at will this time.

      I then went back inside, still taking in my senses, though moving too fast because I was overwhelmed. I remembered I had to get to the lake, and figured this time, I would use my glass sliding doors as a giant portal. I looked at the doors, and willed them to transform. Various scenes appeared: a tundra, a dense green forest, and then small patches of the lake started to shine through. I think I focused too hard on the doors, I started to lose my grip, and I exited the dream.

      I woke up in my bed, and completely forgot to RC or even write it down in my dream journal. My memory of this is quite blurry, but I know I texted Forceez about it, telling him I'd just had another lucid dream!
      The rest of this FA lasted for a very long time, and my dad was clearing out the garage. My bathroom cabinet was in the middle of the right wall of the garage, and my parents were telling my how I needed to cut my earlobes for the holes in my ears to fully heal. I had a false memory of having had my ears pierced before, and unpiercing them and being left with tiny holes in my ears.

      We proceeded to snip from the lobe up to the hole in my ear, leaving me with two dangling bits of flesh. It didn't hurt at all, but the skin felt squishy and dead, and I wondered if they would ever join back together properly.

      When I woke up and started to recall this dream, I'd originally forgotten I'd had a lucid. I took myself back through the dream until I remembered texting Forceez. It was then I wondered "what did I text him about" and remembered I'd had a lucid!
    7. Drm1 June 14 00:36

      by , 06-14-2011 at 10:39 AM
      Drm1 June 14 00:36
      Wnted a ld badly so dreamt that I was having a LD where I was sleeping and snoring. Then suddenly I became aware that of my snoring and my surroundings. I became elated that this is what u mean by being lucid. I followed my snoring n breathing and I tried or looked sideways while snoring and it was pitch black but still I was able to see n snore. But then I realized this is not possible as in rem sleep ure paralyzed and then I was ejected from the dream within the dream. I got elated in the dream and wrote about it in the forum or maybe I thought I will write about it but then I got out of that dream too. So I cursed myself why I didn't do the RC. And tried to remember the entire dream and wrote about it.
      Ok gnite. To dream 2 prolly. Bye.
      Note to self: RC.

      June 14 08:30
      Then I had 2 more dreams which I don't remember. Final dream. I am going to Bombay with my wife n my friend's faimily. We took a bus or a cab to Pune which dropped us to the Pune railway station. I could see vivid details of the station. Old very few ppl. Some vendors selling tea. Then a person incharge of selling tickets. He gave us 6 tickets to bbay. And his assistant told us that the train aid arrive on platform no 13 which is the first platform from our side. He showed us some train layout map which confirmed the train would come on platform 13. Also the train was to leave At 3:20. It was 12:30ish at that time. Then there was a lag or gap and I was telepprted to London. I was there with my Sis and my cousin from Bombay and we were on a bike. We were trying to reach somehwhere but we were in a continuous loop. The road was like a on mountain with steep valley on the other side and I was riding on a narrow road. We would climb out of the mountain but then the roads would be closed due to some construction work and we had to go back. In between my cousin asked me to go to the place where his ex lived in London. And she cited some stories about good times she had with him. Finally we asked some local ppl there how to avoid the loop and go where we wanted to go. They told us. We thanked them and started towards that way but the doorbell rang and I had to wake up.
      I think this dream would be more because of the conversation I was having with my friend yesterday that there was a bus from bangalore to Pune and it was just an hour's ride from Pune to Bombay on the express highway.
    8. School holiday , Weed from Pipe

      by , 06-14-2011 at 10:33 AM (. - ~ = * [ |{(Welcome to my Weird Dream World)}| ] * = ~ - .)
      Well i dont remember it all at all. bt it was soo that i finished my school and i was free so then i was going otuside and doing anything

      there was a day i was in school so my friend rolled a Joint.. it was a slim joint and he said take it and lets smoke it down in the toilets..
      i took it we gone down stairs to the toilets and i saw the joint in my pocket it was defeated so the guy had to roll nee one i walked 10 feets outside it was my close friend but he didnt came to smoke with us so i went in toilets again and i see my friends smoking from PIPE.
      i took the pipe and i took a big 5-6 hits and i woke up from that dream ;D
    9. Climbing (Kz) AGaIN.

      by , 06-14-2011 at 10:24 AM (. - ~ = * [ |{(Welcome to my Weird Dream World)}| ] * = ~ - .)
      Well i sleept after movie "Enter the Dragon" haven't seen it for loong long time , but anyways
      my dreams were so that i was playing a map and climbing it the first who climbs it to the top wins for example...

      so i was jumping jumping .. i was Terrorist lol and there were like 5-6 Police players...
      so then they took Snipers and they started shooting at us we were like 2-3......
      i couldnt cilmb anymore.. i got mad... i took a sniper and i went close... i killed them all headshot headshot and so..
      my team freaked out.. then i see 1 more guy.. boom he headshot at my face.. then i respawned. .. and climbed back.. somehow i changed dream i think it was finished..

      then i dreamed again i was somewhere and i wanted to climb also , but found1 friend there he was better at jumping especially his speed at [Bhopping] but he was crazy he had something to do with sex while climbing or so..
      i did jumped a map and did record then i think i just woke up

    10. Jumping , work , KingYoshi's Place , friends ...

      by , 06-14-2011 at 10:22 AM (. - ~ = * [ |{(Welcome to my Weird Dream World)}| ] * = ~ - .)
      so i sleept and i had dream on some place that i had to climb jump upstairs and jump int some boxxes to win or so ,
      well i did i was winning till i falt down to the 2-3 stock and i haad to climb back but i saw someone is hurt his legs and i didnt know what to do thenn i just changed my dreaming i had 2 times SP with FA and HI but for just 4-5 secs.. then i woke up and sleept again..

      next dream was so.. i was working and finished working.. somehow kingyoshi came to my mind and i wanted to go to his place and smoke or so ..
      what i did was i though abt that my passport is expired so i acnt do easy and i google something like "Holidays to Virginia" then somehow i went to a train and i had like 20 bucks and the train took me fast in Virginia.... o.o i was like woow..
      now i will write sms to KY and meet or so..
      cant find good pic
      something like that

      so i started sending to KY msgs.. watsu p and so i was saying to him i will come to virginia but i was already there just abit out of city.. andwe were talking ...i dont remember exactly what about weed and so..
      theni sended him last 1 msg.. he didnt answer me for while..
      and i went somewhere and seated and i got then 2 msgs 1st msg was video msg..
      he was fking 2 girls.
      2nd msg i couldnt read or find it..

      ok so... then somehow i went somewhere else and i meet another friend "sayed" he had mobile and i had too mine was so old.. but was doing the work.

      then i was searching for girls and 1 friend came from sayed and they checked my mobile it had 1 video inside so funny a face like .. lol krazy..

      then i asked my friend,,, hey can u try teamviewer me with ur mobile to my mobile? it might work.. he said ill try.. idk what he did he dissapear i went somewhere near restaurant or so and i took the water queue or how is called and i was cleaning the plae under seats and everywhere... then i stopped and i saw a hot girl told her in german "your very cute" she stand up and idk what she did went somewhere...
      then i walked abit or so and i woke up.

      tried to sleep again but couldnt anymore ;D

      thanks for reading

    11. 14/06/11 - Hilarious

      by , 06-14-2011 at 10:21 AM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Bad morning! R.I.P 5 of my entries. I not only lost a bunch of awesome dream entries, alot of text in the forums aswell! I better hope the people I was teaching something really read what I wrote and remember it. Anyways, had a very cool dream last night, and the most hilarious Nightly Adventure up to date.

      22.00: Sleep

      23.20: Nightly Adventure
      *I wake up and I'm pissed! I grab my pillow, bring up some spit from my throat and spit at it violently. I throw it away and do the same with the next one. Monica is sitting at the computer. "What are you doing?" she asks me. I throw all her pillows away aswell. "Fuck off!" I say angrily (not sure if it was meant for her or the pillows, but I think the pillows) and lie down to sleep without a pillow. Some of them didn't make it to the floor and I have to kick them off the bed with my feet. "Aren't you going to sleep with a pillow?" Monica asks me. "No..." I say and try to fall back asleep. After a few minutes I get up reluctantly and we both laugh.

      09.00: Fever and a horny girl
      I'm in my appartment, waiting for Monica to come home. I'm pacing and I know I'm running a fever. Shit gets very trippy from here. I walk around for a long time, shouting random things. Having hallucinations about strategies, work, life, theories about all kinds of shit and I feel threatened. I hear someone at my door, pounding on it. "Leave me alone!" I yell. Ok calm down, this is just the fever hallucinations. I enter the kitchen and look at the counter. There's paracetamol everywhere in different sizes. I grab three pills, one which is as thick as my middle finger.

      I grab a glas of water and try to gulp them down at the balcony. It's almost impossible but I get it down after a few tries. I enter the living room again and I figure I'll do a hand RC. I count my fingers, eight. That can't be right. I re-count them, seven. Uhm, okay last time. I count eight again but I'm still not convinced I'm dreaming. I jump and the gravity is off.

      The dream skips. I'm in a restaurant kitchen. People are working like crazy around me, scrubbing floors and fans and cooking food. There are two girls my age there. "I miss working in a kitchen" I tell them. They laugh. "No seriously, I mean it's hard work, but it was kinda fun if you got into the flow and knew what you were doing." We talk for a while and all of a sudden, we're all naked. One of the girls starts to hit on me.

      She gives me a kiss on the lips and grinds herself on me, moaning. I'm getting hard. I push her away gently. "I've got a girlfriend sorry, so I won't do anything with you. No more kisses either" I tell her. She's super hot, but I manage to hold back my urges. "How come you don't have a boyfriend? You're very cute" I tell her. She smiles at me and laughs. "That's a secret" she says, and winks.

      I figure she's just screwing around with different guys. I notice something red and it's coming from my leg. There are small scratches all over it and they're bleeding. It's like we've had sex, very rough sex at that. "It must be the painkillers I took, they're acting as blood thinners" I say.

      The dream skips. I'm walking up some stairs with my friend Felix. I tell him about the kitchen. We're just about to enter the appartment Monica is in, and I feel very bad about what happened.

      09.00: Fragment
      *I'm with my friend Henrik and G. We're up on a roof and we have a very old moped with us. We all get on and start going down from the roof. A staircase going down is filled with water. I refuse to go under there. We jump down to another roof and I land hard. There are countless roofs under us and it seems as if we have to jump all the way down.

      09.00: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 9½ hours

      Supplements: None

      That's it! Man I'm so pissed about the crash... Oh well, atleast it made me start backing up my entries.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
    12. gangster life is glorified in rap music

      by , 06-14-2011 at 09:16 AM
      Long ass dream here with my best friend whose currently in jilla. (i think it's a signal dream)

      I was at home with my friend O and we where just about to go outside. The sun was shining, i wanted to go right but my friend saw 2 guys on the left side and he wanted to go there.
      I was reluctant but i agreed.

      *dream skip, dont remember*

      We are in a car with these 2 fellas and it turns out that they are two seasoned gangsters. They talked O into doing murders for them and we did. We went to some places and i think O killed some people.

      *Dream skip*

      Later we are walking down the street and they requested something hideous, O had to shoot a kid at a kid's party. We didn't want that. We ran.. We ran but realized if we just ran down the street they would catch up on us. I saw an alley somewhere and i said O get in here.
      As soon as i was in the alley i realized one of them was going to come from one side and one from the back, they had us cornered.
      There was a backgate of someone's house and it was not locked. I signallled for O to get inside, we did. We where standing in someone's back garden. I tried opening their backdoor and it was also open.

      There where people in there and i was afraid to go in because they had a right for privacy.. (how dumb) We stayed outside and the gangsters saw us . They took us with them and we arrived in a park. There was one kid playing there near the river with a ball, a few minutes from now O was gonna shoot this kid. It was so sad.

      O walked first and he started playing ball with the kid. Me and the gangsters got out of the car and we walked over there. There where suddenly loads of kids and was a busy kid party. I was standing near a wall thinking that O is gonna grab his gun any second now and kill this kid.

      One of the gangsters came up and talked to me. He mentioned that they do kill people but they only do it at night. So O didn't have to kill this kid, he's only convinced he HAS to kill the kid. That's his problem he says.

      Then a girl i knew stood next to me, Ashley. I said "Hey Ashley". She said "Hey Emiel"
      Huh? Emiel, that's not my name. I looked over to my left and saw 2 babyfaced kids sitting there and i realized she was talking to them and one of them was Emiel.

      **fuzzy memory, wake up**
    13. The Failure

      by , 06-14-2011 at 08:57 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      I caught the bus home from school, it was raining, hard. All colour was washed out because of the overcast sky, and I walked home as fast as I could to try and avoid the rain. I remember getting home and getting on the computer and talking on msn, before I decided to check DV. It wouldn't load! Firefox came up with an error that the page wasn't found, I'm not quite sure what was going on. I checked again, and there was an error about a username being denied, and the password being 'YES!' The forum was laid out all wrong, as though the CSS was missing. I remember I made a post in a thread, someone else was noticing what was going on.

      A few minutes later, the site was back to normal, but I was hit with massive dejavu - isn't this the way the site was a few days ago? I did an RC - I'm dreami-!

      I wake up.
    14. Morning of 6/13

      by , 06-13-2011 at 06:00 PM (SCPantera's Dream Journal)
      Ultrashort fragment this morning wherein I was at a party or social gathering of some sort and we were trying to get some girl to freak out by making it look as though we were snorting cocaine, but it was really just crushed graham crackers and powdered sugar.
    15. Musical Guards and other dreams

      by , 06-13-2011 at 04:09 PM
      *Recovered from 6-13-11*

      Sorry it's been a while; my computer was broken.

      1. I was part of a small group that was supposed to infiltrate the enemy base. It was situated in a snowy forest It was in a sort of pit, such that only the top four or five feet popped out over the snow, and to get to it you had to slide down this steep slope that would be hard to escape from if you wanted to retreat. We crawled close to the base, to see how they were guarding it. There were about five guards on every side, except for the back, which had no guards. I crawled around to the back, and then, with my back to the wall, moved left until I got to the corner. I peeked around to get a close look at the guards. They wore white and grey helmets with matching vests, and black boots. All five of them were holding cellos. I darted around the corner and started fighting the closest guard (they were all standing shoulder to shoulder, looking straight forward). I grabbed his cello so he couldn't whack me with it, and for a second we just pulled it back and forth, then I grabbed his bow and started using it as a sword, and he started using his cello as a giant club. I smashed his cello, and at this point the other guards were beginning to notice the fight, so they all gathered around me, trying to whack me with the cellos. However, they were too close to be able to whack effectively, and instead all broke each other's instruments. Suddenly a trumpet sounded from behind me (I was facing the wall at this point), and a bright yellow and green light illuminated the wall. I broke away from the guards and rolled backwards toward the hill, since there was no way I could take all five of the guards, even if they didn't have weapons. I was lying against the hill, watching them come towards me and feeling afraid, when I started to hear sounds of fighting from behind me and also from the front side of the building. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone from my team emerge from the forest and come riding down the hill on a llama. He came down the hill that was associated with the front, but all the way to one side, so that he could charge down my corridor. He was galloping closer, and so the guards that were coming for me got distracted, preparing to deal with him. I took the opportunity to scramble up the hill, intending to investigate the yellow and green lights which had been getting brighter. When I got out of the pit, I saw a giant grey spaceship landing in the middle of a battle which was taking place on a large snowy plain in front of me. I thought, "who are these people... are they with us or are they another group of attackers?" I didn't think that they were on our side because a big attack wasn't part of the plan, so I decided that we had to finish the mission quickly. I turned around and looked down the hill.The llama guy was retreating around the back of the building. Several guards were lying on the ground, but by this time more guards were coming out of the base, so a bunch of them were coming from the front to chase Mr. Llama. I took a grenade from my belt and threw it down the hill, trying to throw it a little ahead of the guards so that it would land by the time they got to it. It exploded in a bright yellow flash, that's the last thing I remember.

      2. I was sitting at a piano, and I played a nice chord: C, C#, D#, F#, A. I was very pleased by the sound, and I started thinking of my cat.

      3. I was at college and I ran into a girl who goes to my school, whose name I don't know, and we just kind of looked at each other and didn't say anything, but we were communicating without speaking. It's kind of hard to recreate the conversation since it didn't really have any words, but I will try. She showed me the concept of music, as if to say, "You're musical, aren't you?" In response I sent something from Don Giovanni to her, then a duet from Saariaho's opera L'Amour de Loin (which I just watched yesterday). She gave a sort of half-smile, like she was glad to know that her intuition was correct, but she was still waiting for something. I showed her a picture of her playing Chopin on an upright piano (I have heard her play Chopin irl), along with a feeling of admiration, but the admiration had a sort of flavor of, "will you play for me?" So she started walking across campus to where the pianos are, and I was following her, sending her Stockhausen and Messiaen music along the way, which gave us a feeling of a thick blanket and a cat.

      Updated 06-18-2011 at 06:48 PM by 47510

      memorable , non-lucid