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    1. Night of Friday 9/29/23

      by , 10-01-2023 at 11:49 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed at ???

      Purgatory Island
      I'm on an island in a Harry Potter game.
      Lots of grey colors. Feels isolated and alone.
      3rd person view. Playing as a man in a bowler hat.
      Like Wayne from Mistborn.
      There is a water-logged cave up ahead.

      Recalled from early morning.
    2. WILD A Brief Visit To Inner World

      by , 04-13-2022 at 04:53 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I had to wake up a bit early in my rest because of something that needed to be taken care of. Once I returned after a few hours I got back in my bed and laid there with my thoughts. An idea after 10 minutes of laying in my bed attempting to sleep came to me. I decided if I needed some guidance in my life what better than to visit my dreams. I decided I wanted to lucid dream and try to find some answers.

      I close my eyes and could feel my brainwaves change, a couple of random images came in to my mind as it became difficult to stay aware. Soon one image felt so strong it surrounded my entire view and I soon found myself in a warehouse. I look around and a man was talking to me about co-workers and how they can be annoying. I said yea I know and proceeded to walk more wondering it must have work. I tried to get some alone time to process the environment to make sure I am fully self aware. However the other co-worker began to follow me wondering what I was up to.

      I started to run through the factory and avoided him. I then look around and thought my brain really memorize the environment of this place a little too well. It looks just like how it would in waking life. I felt very awake and stable so I knew I had some time.
      I look outside the window and saw how colorful and crisp everything look as if I could sense the life from it. I kept walking down the hallway leaving the warehouse behind in to a very quiet and voided of people area. I then heard a voice saying alone constantly in the background as I marvel of the detail of what I was seeing.

      The voice got louder and I began to feel a presence. My body froze and I was no longer able to move. I said hello before the dream environment change in to this grey void. I thought I was going to wake up but instead I only saw grey all around, I tried to my open my eyes to wake up but I could only feel my physical eyes for a second in a failed attempt to open up. I look around and tried to move feeling a weightless leg and arm.

      I soon felt a pressure in my neck start to choke me as I tried to wake up again. I was in a lot of pain and finally felt the grip around my neck disappear. Only to have images come in to my thoughts against my will of places and people I knew nothing of. I then saw darkness and could feel my physical body again and knew I was awake.

      Updated 04-13-2022 at 05:02 AM by 67903

    3. cxiii.

      by , 04-15-2020 at 12:25 PM
      I haven't been keeping on top of my DJing but recall has remained fairly consistent throughout. Still go through my recalled dreams every morning even if I don't make note of them.

      Today several dreams, some fragments of them here. I think the order is more or less the same as the order of their happening.

      Dream Fragment:

      H was driving. Remember being in a town like where I'm originally from. Night time or just past sunset. There was a previous dream in which I was in the car with dad, so perhaps this was kind of a repeat? But in the dream with dad, I took over driving for a bit and somehow sort of spun it out of control and bounced it on its sides, only for it to land fine and carry on anyway.

      Dream Fragment:

      Was at a supermarket. Don't remember exactly everything I got or did, but do remember that by the end of the sequence I was looking through some kind of storage cupboards for tins of canned meat or cheap baked beans. Probably brought on from having a craving for meat an hour before bed.

      I also remember that the supermarket was poorly lit or dark, but had a warm (in a nice sense) atmosphere to it.

      Dream Fragment:

      This one was obviously because of playing Stellaris recently. Was managing some kind of space empire and the interface looked weird. I remember sending fleets to certain star systems on the empire's borders or beyond.

      In the dream I can remember talking to someone, we were discussing the choices I could potentially make with a unique society altering technology, which would let me restructure some native traits of the species. For whatever reason I remember picking some choice that would let me sacrificie "Noo"s (Pops, essentially?) for some kind of benefit, but I don't remember what. Something about this melded with archetype memories of Master of Orion II.

      Dream Fragment:

      Something about being on a slide. I don't think I myself was in the dream, more like it was a scene from a show. It was the "past" (there was some time travel transition in a previous dream) and this kid and his dad were in this covered slide. It was a very long slide but they were going slowly, and there were two other men, friends of that dad. They were all discussing holidays or something. Outside, visible through some tiny porthole windows on the slide, was a guy on a red motorcycle or something?

      The dad and the kid were saying something about making fun of the motorcycle guy because they were somehow faster going from one end to the other than he'd been.

      I remember a dark BMW or dark Mercedes somewhere. The weather was grey and overcast but fairly bright.

      - I have already noticed this a few times in the past, but usually around an hour or so before bed, whatever I do or happens seems to be more likely to appear in some form, even vaguely, in my morning dreams. Namely the looking through cupboards with a craving thing, in the case of this DJ entry.
      - In the space empire dream, I remember being dissatisfied with the whole sacrificing thing, mostly because it seemed to just be massively inconvenient; I had the feeling I was locked into the choice or something.
    4. lxxxix.

      by , 02-24-2020 at 05:30 PM
      Morning of 23rd of Feb.

      Dream Fragment:

      Not sure where to start. I was in a church, but I remember a feel of RTS game to things and I was preparing an assault on the priest or something. Details are missing. Then I was ready and water appeared and partially flooded the church? Previously, me and someone else had replaced the trousers the priest was going to wear. Then the water was more like bed covers or something.

      Eventually this bit is over and I'm outside walking around. I walk on cobbled streets, meant for pedestrian use only. I reach some place like a parking lot. Mom is there for whatever reason.

      She starts telling me off about the trousers thing with the priest. She tells me all about how he can't get out of bed easily now and how depressed and sad he is... He has to call for a bucket of boiling water to be poured on his legs to get up each morning? I remember that scene vaguely, visually.

      Apparently he can't feel them anymore either. I think it's all a bit ridiculous, just because he was without his trousers for a while in a cold church...

      Mom and I get into an argument of sorts. She won't see reason and how there's something weird about priests story. I ask rhetorically "how miserable can he be, with his fancy BMW" but she gives me the old "money isn't happiness" crap. I comment "good riddance" if the priest doesn't return to the church, because he had a monotone voice that made his sermons completely boring, regardless of how interesting they actually were.

      Eventually we can't agree on anything and mom gets into this old and grey VW van? I walk away and put my hood up. At this point I'm keenly aware of what I'm wearing. My working trousers, my old cream hoodie and my black boots.

      I feel moody after the argument and walk back from where I cam from on the wide cobbled paths. Some teens are about, up to no good I feel. I feel moody and I am aware of my face doing that thing where I look so grumpy that I just end up looking nasty and violent to anyone who sees me.

      I message H on my phone, which feels bigger than it actually should be. My message is about mom and how it felt like she was being unreasonable. While messaging I am distracted and I take the wrong turn. I see a barrier of some kind along the path and a kid's park beyond it. I feel annoyed. In the dream I knew this wasn't the way and turn back around and cross some bridge.

      The surroundings are odd along these paths. It's like an old town area but there are no buildings properly speaking? Just some walls, not even building walls. A transition?

      I am back at the church. I realise it's more like a chapel really. There's a service and the priest is nowhere to be seen. There's a small black man. It almost looks like he suffers from some form of dwarfism. People in the church aren't paying full attention because they are reading something on the pews about the priest's current/latest condition.

      The small man invites me to stay, and I nod or something. I try to find somewhere I feel comfortable about sitting. When I do sit, he starts singing. He has a beautiful and sort of deep voice, much more than I'd expect for how small he is. I think to myself how I'd much prefer to see him all the time at the services, over that priest.

      Then everything finishes, and we're outside. I find the priest at some stairs going into an underground area, where I was going to leave through. The priest is wearing what looks to be an overly warm coat, even for a cold day and he seems to be pretty much fine in terms of his health.

      For whatever reason, an old school friend of mine is in the tunnel too, but I see him as if I'd see him every day. But he's carrying some stuff, including a toolbox like H has. I give him a hand and bring the toolbox. We quicken our pace and move away from the group of people behind us. I want to tell him something about what's been going on, but I forget what it was.

      Some transition again. I'm at the priest's house for some reason. He and his wife are there. They're not aware of my presence? They talk about how their plan worked and how they could now swap hairstyles or something. It didn't make much sense at all even in the dream, but I felt it proved I was right about something weird going on with the priest.

      No notes for now.
    5. The First Time

      by , 12-16-2016 at 06:01 PM
      Last night was not exactly fun. I can remember brief instances of this one; they mainly seemed to be warped situations of things that have happened to me in the last few months IRL. I am at a performance, with cover bands, but it’s as if they’re all playing to a track, not actually playing their instruments. I am expected to play piano to a Queen song, but someone takes my place. I’m at a movie theatre, about to go see a film by myself. I run into several old high school acquaintances. I’m finishing a group project and turning it in at the last minute; I think this is at my old house. The last instance was the most vivid and unfortunate. I’m sitting alone on a couch in a strange room; it’s like some parts of the wall are missing, or maybe the ceiling. It’s cloudy and grey outside. I think this place is near a lake. I see my ex-girlfriend just outside, her red hair vibrant and flowing in the wind. She is soon inside on the couch with me, and we begin to kiss and hold each other close. This is the first time I can think of that I’ve had this good of a dream about her since we broke up. In most dreams I can remember, she is cold, distant, or angry. In this one, she is welcoming, reciprocating, and affectionate. Then my friend comes in the room, acting like his usual annoying self. IRL, he didn’t like my girlfriend, and even told lies about her to my friends. This anger I feel toward him was evident in the dream. I am happy with her in this dream, and I want him out of the picture. Feelings of affection I have for her in the dream are coupled with the feelings of hatred I have for my friend. This is very similar to an instance that occurred a couple months ago IRL. But I wake up and realize, that although I’m over her, my hatred for him remains.
    6. Grey Room

      by , 08-27-2016 at 09:25 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I dreamt about my liking of the color grey in a grey room
      Tags: grey, room
      lucid , non-lucid
    7. 07.20.2016 Travel-Shop

      by , 07-21-2016 at 04:05 PM
      Too many July birthdays today! With all of the festivities, made it to bed around 1am.
      Easy practice day. The last 5 days have been workout hell so I gave myself an easy day.
      Echinacea drops in 2 oz of water before bed, along with a myriad of B supplements.

      DR 1
      I'm in vacation clothes- a type of short sarong dress with a bikini under it(black). I'm walking around with friends and we are in a building with a huge open area. The walls and floor are white/light grey. There are people kind of buzzing around and I can hear "crowd noises". It feels as if we are in an airport, but we are not in a rush to get to a gate. People are shopping and we are exploring. I am in third person view for awhile, as the place is bigger and expands. I can see that the area is a lot bigger than I initially thought. We are on the second or third floor of the bulding/plaza, and there are stairs and elevators to my right. I was trying to find something. I was having a good time doing it though. There is a man in our group; we are conversing.

      Side Notes:
      Recall is so bad when I go to bed too late.
      Colors: white, grey
      side notes , non-lucid
    8. 07.19.2016 Numb

      by , 07-20-2016 at 02:18 PM
      Bed at midnight, no sleep until at least 3am because of body soreness. Took echinacea drops in water again before bed.
      Body is hurting again. Workout is challenging me and making me extremely exhausted these days.

      DR 1
      I could feel my body slip into a deep calm. My body went numb and I did not move. All of a sudden, I could hear lots of things going on around me. My niece was talking to someone- a man. I didn't open my eyes for a long time, because I felt lazy and I didn't want to move. I felt a light vibration and I wanted to stay there, because it was soothing. I realized it was prompting me into lucidity, but I didn't want to do it. (?) I felt too relaxed and preferred to stay right where I was.

      I kept hearing my niece's voice- asking the man, "are you sure that's supposed to go there?" I didn't hear the man's reply, just murmuring. When I finally opened my eyes, I was in a bed in a different place. The walls of the room seemed grey (or was it just dark?). I looked around, but I didn't move my head. There was some talk about a party, and then nothing.

      Side Notes:
      Excessive exercise is really bad for dream recall.
      The color grey, again.
    9. 07.18.2016 Kidnapped

      by , 07-19-2016 at 08:58 PM
      Bed at 10pm in attempt to catch up on much needed sleep. I also took echinacea drops in a few ounces of water.
      I did not end up sleeping, because I could not get comfortable.
      I was still sensitive to noise (???) I even put in ear plugs but I kept waking up.
      My body was aching because of working out and practice. I began to develop a slight headache.
      At around 1am, I decided to take something for the headache and went back to sleep.
      Decided to sleep at the foot of my bed after many failed attempts at sleeping or resting.
      I was finally able to fall asleep during the early morning hours before my alarm at 6:45am.
      Recall is not good; I was so tired and I didn't jot anything down.

      DR 1
      I had been kidnapped by a man. I remember sitting on the floor in a cell (?), but it was rather large. The room was white, the floors were white/grey. I couldn't really see the bars around me when I was inside. I could only see them as a third person. I was scantily clad. The man would tell me to do things- like "bring a dish(?) or plate(?) here" and "there". And "go sit on the floor". I was not the only slave. There were others. We were not "frightened", but more "broken". I felt like my spirit had been broken.

      Side Notes:
      This is the 2nd dream this week with a kidnapping.
      I felt very submissive in this dream. I don't generally feel like a slave IRL, but I suppose it mean being a slave to many responsibilities and still trying to do what I want to do.
      The colors white, and grey
    10. life aint no groak

      by , 01-10-2016 at 04:37 PM
      D1 - There was a creature that did not need human comforts, it moved out of the house where it had been as a human. It now lived in a hollowed out tree, surviving on things left on the tree floor. It was very cold and dark but it did not care. It just existed. Children came to the tree and it did not mind or pay them attention.
      It went to work and carried out its duties with minimal interaction with others their and was able to dupe them into thinking it was a human.
      The creature reminded me of the groak from the moomins.
      Which One Is Cuter?-groke_by_grokey_groke-d5v1oyt.jpg

      D2 - At college sitting outside with a group of others, a girl is tuning up her guitar. A string is broken. It is a steel length with barbs on it. I offer to fix it and use my powers to melt and then stretch it back to normal.

      D3 - Taking my daughter (when little) to a cinema to see a film. The cinema is on two floors and is very stark, qrey concrete walls. I buy tickets only to find the picture is not on, as the projector is not working. People are occupying themselves by eating in an upstairs resteraunt or drawing on the large screen with is not in use.
      Eventually the film is back on but it is not the right film, no one cares as it is a children's film and pretty much the same. But I know my daughter will care and try to get a refund. I cannot however find my receipt or remember if I did infact purchase a ticket.

      D4 - Some of the college students from the earlier dream are having a car race, the car is multicoloured with slogans all over it, mostly green thougth. We are in last place with the other cars infront bunched up. I use my powers to fix the car in time to speed ahead and win at the last moment.
      In the student bar after their is a guy who was on the other team. I am concerned he will pick a fight with our team leader, so I invite him to sit with me at a table, away from the others. I then will be able to use my powers on him if he tries anything.
      I ask fi who is there if she will hold my hand, I use my powers and when we hold hands it does a glowy red thing.

      I feel I have been living a life with no joy. Fairly bleak like the groak.
    11. By The Window

      by , 03-13-2015 at 05:41 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a school building on the second or third floor (felt like high school building during senior year). The lights were off and it was night. I looked outside the window. On the ground floor, I saw a guy looking up at me. He's familiar (but not in real life). I had a fleeting memory of him and me doing something and then I think I ditched him for whatever reason. He promised (to himself?) that he'll be there looking at me at night until he gets an explanation.

      I sighed and went down to talk to him. I had to go down the other side of the building because there were no stairs on that side. I didn't experience walking down the stairs. When I reached the ground floor and about to go to the other side of the building, I bumped into a guy I met before (not in real life), a guy I like. He was smiling while we were talking. We talked a bit, but we were separated by crowds while we were talking. I loved his smile. My uncle (familiar but not sure who in real life) started moving a TV on wheels into one of the classrooms. I helped him out and totally forgot the guy who was staring up at me.

      I was inside a HUGE sandbox, the size of football fields. Around it were one-level buildings/houses and walls. I was riding some sort of motor-run vehicle that runs on the sand as if it was water/ice (jet/snow ski?). I was "jumping" (using the vehicle) over the structures using the speed as momentum. I had a vision, however, that I was still boxed in, with the farthest ends blocked by higher structures.

      Somehow, I was able to exit. I was in the entrance/exit area of my high school (DBTI). The color/mood was greyish and gloomy, like it's about to rain really hard. I stopped by a mobile hot dog stand. For some reason, the seller gave me an extra hot dog. The other buyers wanted extra too, but he said they pay for the extra.



      - I went to sleep around 3 a.m.
      - Woke up around 10-11 a.m.
    12. Cross motorbike and someone in the attic.

      by , 11-24-2014 at 09:20 AM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      This is a reoccurring dream.

      One of the first things I remember was that I was somewhere near PEPE and there was a rally going on. I had a feeling that I was parking a car, but in fact I parked a knife... the old grey knife that we used to have in the kitchen. Strange. I parked it near some bushes.

      Then I went up where the cars were racing. I cannot remember whether I saw any, but I think I did.

      Next thing I know, I am on a cross motorbike riding across the fields behind Drzkov. There are two girls on horses. I think I knew them at the time, but cannot remember now. I am sure one of the horses is the old, nasty Magda - Popelnice s artrozou. They start racing me and I am somewhat slower than them. I now that this is not my bike and that my bike is stronger. With mine I could have outrace them.


      I am at home with my sister. There is no one else. Suddenly I hear some noises from the attic. Steps in fact. I look at my sister, and we exchange looks such that we know we have to go and look what it was. I take a knife... again the old grey knife. I walk in to the lobby and the door upstairs slam closed! We both jump and are little frightened. My sister a lot. I start walking up the stars and I can feel my sister shaking violently.

      Then I think to myself, how am I going to walk in without the person attacking me, or kicking the knife off my hand? (at this moment I wake up a little bit... but I go back to sleep as I want to finish this).
      I call some friend that I know has a pack of wolfs or dogs or so. He then walks up the stairs, the wolfs are all excited and ready to attack pulling the leeds.

      I wake up....
    13. Woman on a pier

      by , 10-20-2014 at 08:23 PM
      Disembodied, I'm looking at a woman standing on a pier some two hundred or so years ago, facing away from me, looking out to sea. She makes a striking image, her black hair and her long dark skirt in stark contrast against the bright grey of the clouded-over sky and sea. There's music being played badly. The men she's been staying with or traveling with are having a going-away party for her, but she's stepped away from it for a moment.

      The scene changes to the place she's headed - a man's riding a horse recklessly fast over hilly terrain, playing what he refers to as a game of tag with her.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      After a few other dream scenes, I'm back to that woman on the pier. This time she's turned around, talking to one of the men from the party. He has a going-away present for her, two small dark objects that he presses into her hands, something that I think of as 'artifacts.'
    14. Nepal, OpheliaBlue

      , 10-18-2014 at 01:32 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night, bed 11:20pm - 4:40 am


      I need a business suit for some occasion. I hate doing that IWL. I'm in a store and OpheliaBlue is there, on my left as well. I see business attire hanging. It's dark grey, with some white in it, almost like salt and pepper, but lot more gray. It's knitted top that's more like a sweater than a jacket, and a short skirt with folds. I like it right away, pick it up and hold it against me and I'm asking Ophelia if it would be ok, and the salesperson, if size would be ok.


      Traveling on a bus on a country road. We are in Nepal. Road is winding, and as we go up the hill, I see typical Nepal houses and typical Nepal beds. If you didn't know, typical Nepal beds are on the roof, and they are as big as a roof itself. Made out of very dark wood, almost black. I scamble for a camera but by the time I aim it, there is only a small portion of a house visible, most of the view is sunset over the ocean on the left, and house on the right.
    15. 22 Jan: Reversing time

      by , 01-22-2014 at 11:42 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I am revisiting my kindergarten. It is now fully modern and totally different. I see one of the teachers from my time. I avoid her before she sees me. It connects directly to an art school. It feels familiar, but why should I know it? When several guys in the common room start looking at me, like they know I don't belong here, I hide behind a book shelf and pick up a large comics book. A boy appears and talks to me. He knows me, says he didn't expect to see me there again, I do feel like we've met before.
      We go for a walk. A semi-rural area, it's pretty, but he says the surprise is still to come. At the top of a narrow street sided by old stone walls, we encounter an entrance to an old castle. He introduces me a couple of hippies who have reclaimed this abandoned site and are slowly making it their home and reconstructing it.
      I leave and find myself floating through the air down to the urban area. I become aware and watch an open area, with concrete floor, a few trees, people walking in a hurry in different directions, heading to their jobs. It's a grey, rainy day, people look somber and mindeless. I am lucid and don't have a clear goal, so what I decide to do is reverse time. Don't know why, but I do it. I watch people walking backwards, the wind blowing backwards, the clock moving anti-clockwise. Then I stop it and time resumes it's course, forward. Most people don't react to what just happened, they do exactly what they had done before, repeat the same steps. But something amazing happens, a few of them remember! And whatever they are feeling changes their perception of everything. A couple of friends who is crossing paths again, they walk slowly to each other, with lucid understanding in their eyes, they stare with a smile in their faces and then they hug, with no rushes. Others stop walking and swirl around, like dancing, or stare at the sky or look at others admired that they haven't seen what they saw. They experience a small enlightnement with the realization of the relativity of reality.
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