Some dream fragments. There was a third one but I have such a faint and vague memory of it, not even sure where I'd start. I practically lost the other ones while getting up but made sure to keep my eyes closed as much as possible until I could write here, which helped. Dream Fragment: I remember being at some sort of concrete structure. I'm not sure if I was "me" but a couple of other people were here too, I think one of them was that Torres guy from NCIS. This place was dark and there was a massive abyss right in front of us. Across this abyss was another flat area made of concrete and there were some soldiers there. They were holding us here or something and they shouted that we should stay put. The soldiers got on a platform and it started moving down very fast. They disappeared from sight. Somewhere down there was some light, but it must have been a literal mile or more away. Then some more soldiers appeared but this time they didn't wait for the platform and just jumped down where the platform shaft area was. I was intrigued but at some point in the dream I simply "knew" that at the bottom was a special fluid that would break any fall, no matter from how high. Torres like the idea of just jumping across and into that specific area. I felt it was too risky. It was a long way down and there was no way to aim ourselves properly and the gap between the two concrete areas was quite wide. But he got on some sort of pole hanging from our side and got closer to the other side, hanging just over the middle. Then some soldiers came back up on the platform and noticed. They started shouting at him and warning him to stop. He ignored them and now he grabbed onto some rope that was hanging from the ceiling. That's as much as I remember clearly for this fragment. I do remember there were no light sources. We were very deep underground most certainly, but somehow we had a light radius of our own, like in RPGs where the characters just give off light... Dream Fragment: I don't remember how I got there but I arrived at a small lab/office place. This dream was somewhat vivid, more than the other one. There were two researchers, wearing labcoats, and one of them greeted me. He seemed a bit uninterested at first but then he saw my boots. They were covered in some sort of pale golden sand. I realised I hadn't noticed this myself until that moment and he became very interested. He went over to a counter and showed me some tins with rounded caps. The caps were all a shade of gold or tan. He asked me to see which one I thought was closest. I selected four of the tins first just as a guess. Then I held them and made their coloured cap be over my right boot in my vision. The first wasn't it, too orange. The second and third one seemed similar, the fourth one was too dark but the right hue. I compared between the second and third against the sand and decided the third one was the closest. He seemed happy with this and I felt somewhat happy to help. I made a comment saying "well at least I can definitely tell that my skill at recognising shades correctly has improved". I genuinely felt this was true in that moment and realise now that it was indeed a very accurate test of my skill in this. The other researcher was just doing something on his own over on another counter but I don't remember what. Oddly enough, despite looking at my feet, can't be certain what the floor was like. Some sort of plastic tiles? Maybe wood. But square shapes. The counters were an off white on the top and a light stained wood on the cabinets. There were a couple of windows to the outside and I made note of the fact that it was daytime outside, but the room was quite brightly lit anyway with some fluorescent lamps that actually gave off a warm colour for once. This whole dream bit felt like it was in sequence of the previous one or another one between them. Side notes: - It could possibly be the first time while dreaming where I had to use a skill that I'd use for painting in waking life. For me this is a particularly good sign because for a long time I've wanted that context to come over into dreams in some form. - The researchers wearing labcoats were clearly dreamsigns that I missed. The labcoat is a dreamsign I successfully managed to insert into my dreams as a dreamsign a while back, I think last year or the year before. - The dust on my boots reminded me very much of gold powder in the dream. In the dream I had a much clearer notion of where I had been previously, which was relevant for that context. - Despite looking at my boots and remembering them very clearly as the black leather army-type boots I have in waking life, I only vaguely remember my trousers and can't really say which ones they were. It seems odd that my boots are the only detail I remember clearly from looking down, despite the fact that in the dream everything was the same level of vividness. - I do remember I was wearing some sort of dark hoodie in that dream. I remember it because I remember the sensation of having the sleeves pulled up, something I often do if I'm indoors. - Don't have much at all to make note of from the first dream since many details are vague now, but the fall-breaking fluid definitely made me think of stuff from Portal and from Satisfactory.
-1-In a high-tech building, I opened an attic door that had nothing special in it. Then, I discovered a hidden door that led to a secret room in the attic. Everything was old and dusty, and looked to be around 200 years old. Also, fitting National Treasure music played in the background. After I left the attic, Riley from National Treasure showed up at the front door. He said, "Are you kidding me?" And ran inside. Next, I found myself entering a room near the attic with the help of Riley's hacking skills. -2-I was at the top of a skyscraper in Paris. I checked the charge of my Dark Steel Boots. They were nearly depleted. (They completely negate fall damage when powered.) Because of this, I readied the command to toggle the glider function on my Dark Steel Chestplate. I then jumped off the top of the building, and shook my phone to open the glider about 10 stories from the ground. -2 scenes were lost.
I'm sitting on the edge of a bed in a small rented room, wood panel walls, watching a man kneel and lace up the boots he's just given me. I'm thinking that a chase without consequences lacks interest - we've caught each other several times now but neither of us has actually killed the other, which should be the natural conclusion here. Makes me feel tired. I think I'll stop hunting him after today. The boots belonged to a dead Nazi, and I'm wronging people by wearing them; that's the reason he's giving them to me. Later the same day, we're standing in a very small graveyard on a green hill, and now he's giving me a green hat that I think of as going with the boots, though it doesn't resemble a military uniform. I recognize both it and the boots as part of a costume signifying Ivan, which would make him Koschei. He disagrees with this observation, says he'd rather be the Firebird. I'm thinking that he's greatly misinterpreted our story.
Updated 11-05-2015 at 10:28 PM by 64691
Ritual: WTB 12am, WBTB 4–5:30am (working), woke 6:15am with dream. I dreamed I was working in a museum and I had assembled a collection of objects to show people. I had left a bunch of things lying outdoors on a forest path and wanted to bring them in, so I grabbed an armful of tall leather boots (there were least six pairs in different styles) and walked back to the museum. By the time I reached my destination I was only carrying one pair, and thought I must have dropped the others along the way. I wasn't sure where to store the boots I had brought back, but I looked around and decided to lock them up in a tall armoire of Japanese design. I opened up the doors and there was another set of doors behind the first, and another set behind that, three in all before I reached the interior. I decided to take my car to go back and get the rest of the stuff since I had left a lot of things lying on the path and I wasn't doing a good job of bringing them back by hand. I have a third-person impression of watching my car wind its way through a narrow gorge: at times I was afraid the rocks were too close together for the car to fit, but I found it easy to lift the car off the ground and twist it as needed to avoid the rocky outcroppings. After getting safely through the narrow rocks I felt very pleased with my success, and decided that I should spend more time driving like this, using the wind as propulsion. This jogged my memory: wind! Wasn't that one of this month's TOTMs? At that moment I became lucid and decided to attempt the task. I raised my arms and called out in a loud voice, "Wind!" I remembered that the task required not using any active power to fly, but letting the wind pick me up and carry me wherever it might be going. So after summoning the wind, I waited passively but invited it to lift my body in the air. The air picked me right up like I was as weightless as a feather, and I relaxed into it. It was wonderfully pleasant and enjoyable to be buoyed up in this way. Curiously I looked around me, wondering where we might be going. I have the impression of thick flocks of birds darkening in the air in what seemed like abstract geometric patterns. I recalled that the bonus task also involved mastering the elements, and wondered if I could use this same wind to knock things down on the land below without getting buffeted too much while I was floating in it. I peered down at the trees, which appeared to be somewhere between 50 to 100 feet below me (I'm terrible at estimating vertical distances). They were in full green leaf and showed no sign of being blown about excessively by the wind at its current strength. I thought it would be a shame to knock down such beautiful trees, and before I could convince myself otherwise, I felt the air around me destabilizing and woke up.
In my other dream, I was walking towards Belen. I notice instead of my shoes I had my boots on. It started to rain and I arrived at Amy's house. It was me, Amy, Kristy, and a young girl. Kristy looked smaller and skinnier than she actually is. It was a pretty big house and then suddenly we get the feeling that someone is going to come rob or kill us. We hide in a secret room behind a bookshelf. Kristy starts grabbing my penis and telling me she wants it. I'm like wtf? After, we hear stuff going on outside and the town is engulfed in flames. There's a huge monster attacking it. I go outside seeing if I can kill the monster but I can't find anything.
I'm in this underground wet place, there's a latter on the wall that leads up. I'm this bald man, I'm wearing a clown mask that is covered in blood, and these three guys are holding guns but don't even need to shoot, me because I'm moving wrong and slamming my head on the floor and against the wall and the men laugh at me. It amuses them, and I'm making grunting noises and am drooling and foaming at the mouth. I try to use the wall to get up, but then they all step down on me with their boots on me to hold me down, so I scream and they laugh more, and then we hear load foot steps coming from down this hallway, his boots are stomping in metal floor. The three men who were fucking with me, ran silently in fear up the latter and leave me twitching and stuck on the floor. I don't know if the man is coming to help me or hurt me.
Dream 1(fragments): I was in some palace-like place and it was on fire, i was in some group and we were evacuating people, then there was some princess i had to find and after leading her to the exit, a voice with leader-like tone, that i thought to be a dragon, said to search for more people. Dream 2: I was entering some gas station place with some group, it was somewhat abandoned. Many doors and windows were closed one way or another. Inside we found some junky person, i was asking him about something but he was laughing and was unreliable in many ways. We kept searching through the building until one of us, a kid that looked like he was from some anime, found a secret passage in a wall of hay, and what we were searching for was here and it was a vehicle of some kind. The junky dude from before kept following us and when we were going on the vehicle outside, he got a hose that sprayed some liquid around that on contact made people drunk, it hit a few cars, including one police car, drivers of which promptly got drunk and drove them into walls and stuff, the liquid missed us though. Dream 3: I was in some group and we were wandering around, we went near some power plant looking place and then reached an area full of caves. I went into one of caves and there was lava in some place, at certain point i got my PC and started playing some video game. It was 3D semi top-down semi from-behind perspective game that had Link from LoZ as main character, progressing through some dungeon, i also thought that it was some LoZ inspired game and that it was made in game maker(Interestingly though, i haven't played any games from LoZ series yet IWL). I was controlling the character, finding way through that dungeon and fighting various enemies, ones were some humanoid brown rat-like creatures. There was also checkpoint/save point system, but i really disliked it. I got distracted from game and went outside the cave, and i ended up scouting around some hill area. Soon i found some girl with a spear and another person, i suddenly decided to borrow the spear for something without asking for a bit, which i did, and in the end getting hit hard with that spear after returning it, which didn't affected me much though. I returned to cave and continued game. Soon i reached what appeared to be endgame part, there was some place with stone conveyor belt-like mechanisms, i was talking to some shadow person and i had to make a choice. I knew that one of choices triggers one endings immediately so i selected another one to prolong the game. Some genie-like beings as well as some efreets were spawned through whole dungeon and i had to find/fight my way through it, but this time from the end to the start. After some fight i have found that different shadow person was waiting for me, it literally grabbed my character and we quickly got back to start of dungeon, though near the end it was behaving weird and i thought AI glitched up a bit, also it was killing enemies almost in one hit. Upon reaching the exit i suddenly was in game instead of just playing it, there were some scientist people waiting and testing some experimental stuff. One of them being 'living' boots of various kinds. They were making new ones, that looked yellow and had small 'legs', i thought i would test them even though scientists were against that, so i got them on and they became alive and started bouncing extremely. I ended up bouncing around the place and getting "Tester for !!Fun!!" achievement.
I only remember a few dream fragments. I think I woke up in the middle of the night and thought about writing down my dreams right away, but I was too lazy, so … oops. 1. In one dream, I’m watching some kind of game show, and all the contestants are little kids. I can’t really remember anything else about this one. 2. I’m staying in some large house, and some of my high school friends are there. I decide to go for a walk with one of my friends––Alison––but I need to find my rain boots first. I seem to have brought an enormous pile of shoes with me, and I have to search through them before I finally find the right boots. Then I go outside with Alison. It’s very gross and barren looking outside. The ground is muddy and covered with ice/snow in some places. There are only a few trees here and there, and they’re all completely bare. When Alison and I return to the house, I see that all of our other friends are reading the books I brought with me. I notice that Catherine is almost done with the book she’s reading even though we were only gone for like ten minutes (which is funny, because she does read extremely quickly in real life). 3. I go to this food store place with some friends. We’re all planning on buying pretzels. There are these pretzel sticks and they all cost like 25¢ or something. So I grab a handful of pretzel sticks. And then there’s this tray with change all over it, and I grab a few coins. I wonder if I’m stealing the money or whether I’m allowed to do this … but I do it anyway. I go up to the counter and put my pretzel sticks down. The cashier tells me that it will cost me $3.99. This surprises me since I thought it would be cheaper, but I don’t question it. I look in my wallet and I seem to only have quarters, so I start to pay the guy in quarters. It’s taking forever and I’m holding up the line, and the cashier is getting impatient with me and telling me to hurry up. Finally I find a $5 bill and put it down on the counter. But when I look up, I see that the original cashier is gone and now there’s this random girl where he was standing. And she’s like, “He got so impatient that he left” or something. So I’m like, “… Sorry,” and I buy the pretzels. I go outside and sit down on the sidewalk with my friends. I believe Sarah Jayne, Cara, Megan, and Luna are there. We all start to eat our food. Sarah Jayne has these big vitamin things that she offers to everyone but we’re all like, “No.” Somehow, we all end up sitting in this random tunnel. Megan is rolling around on the ground for some reason, and then Luna is asking her questions about her life and Megan has to answer them. I think Sarah Jayne is also asking some questions. And … I’m just sitting there. And that’s all I remember!
Haven't updated in a while, so here I am to post my latest dream! My sister is about to go to a costume party, and she’s walking around our room dressed as Groucho Marx. And I’m like, “Oh, nice costume.” In another part, my sister is watching a video on YouTube of this girl singing karaoke. And she’s like, “Oh, I know that girl. She’s a terrible singer.” The girl is singing something by Vanessa Carlton or Michelle Branch or something along those lines––can’t remember what song it is. But anyway, she’s not as bad at singing as my sister had said. There’s a panel of judges watching her, and they all have to give her a “grade” on her singing. So, all the judges give her an A except for one judge who gives her an F. And then everyone boos her for giving the girl an F. (By now I’m kind of … part of the scene instead of watching it. So yeah.) The girl’s father walks up on stage and he’s wearing these ridiculous knee-high boots. And he starts talking about how his boots are “traditional” of his culture or whatever. Then he talks about this traditional suit that he has, which for some reason I know looks like a red elf suit. Apparently this suit is some important family heirloom and it has never fit any of his children, so he’s upset about it. The scene morphs into a family reunion type thing … I think a Christmas party. Someone brings out this weird decoration, which is this Christmas tree with Santa’s head on the top, and it sings and dances. And my mom is like, “Oh, I made that a long time ago and then I left it behind somewhere.” So I start playing with this thing with a baby who’s crawling around on the floor––an imaginary cousin who I think is named Tim or something like that. That’s about where the dream ends.
Short fragment this time, branching off from the previous fight. I'm back on the battlefield, sitting on the ground, there are loads of boots on the floor and I am looking for a pair better than mine, again the HUD pops up and I can see each boots stats. There is some epic boots but the armour value isn't very high (1500 for some reason), so I find some more scruffy ones with an armour value of 8000. Panoramic view, there is two warriors standing near a dock, the women is wearing what seems to be similar to Oblivion guard armour, equiped with a bow. The guy is clad in thick rusty plate (may have been thick leather) and is the tank of the two. I am watching from above as they take out two guards and begin to walk up to the port, the women sending an arrow straight into the guards neck, while the guy sweeps his sword into the side. I zoom out of the dream and it seems to be as if I was watching from youtube. Fade.
Good morning, everybody. Dream #1 A woman stood in a field of grass. The grass may have gone up to the woman's knees, though it may actually only have gone up just past the woman's ankles. The woman was pretty and young, with long, black hair. She may have been wearing a grey dress. She wore black, ankle-high boots. The woman stomped one foot against the ground. There was a loud click on the ground, as if the woman had stomped on wood, or as if two wood blocks had beat together. I had the thought, "A misstep in no direction." Dream #2 Two aliens stepped out of the doorway on the underside of a silvery flying saucer. They stood out and looked over some landscape: either a field of tall, green grass or an atmosphere of hazy red and orange. The two aliens wore shimmery, metallic outfits. Their helmets were tall and cylindrical, like huge toilet paper rolls painted silver. The helmets had two glowing, orange dots, side by side, on the front. The dots were either eyeholes or actual eyes.
I'll start off by mentioning how I slept last night with pen and paper by my side, in hope that I would write down keywords of my dreams throughout the night. But instead of doing this, I dreamt that I wrote keywords down, haha. Typical So, I was in New Zealand with some random people. AK was there and she kept leaving the shed unlocked because it no longer contained things that were of value to her. In there was just my clothes and stuff. She'd taken out her photography equipment. Outside of this shed, we were in a group of about 10, and walked on a path around this grass courtyard thingy that had some large machine-looking apparatus that was either a furnace or a rocketship. The boots I was wearing were made of a thin, black, fake leather and they were too big for me. So I was looking around for a peg to secure them, otherwise they would've just fallen down. Luckily the place our group walked towards had a clothesline with several blue pegs on it. There were a few different types and some were broken. I chose the best one and secured the boots. SJ was in my group. She commented on my boots, although I recall not what she said. So after walking around the grass courtyard and arriving at the place where the clothesline with pegs was, we were about to go to some next stage. There were security guards preventing us though. Then the guards stamped us one by one on our hands as to give us permission to go. They used the Bunnings (some large hardware store company) stamp that I have in my room IRL. They had stamped my left hand but it was in a slightly inconspicuous position, so I got them to stamp my right hand. They then wrote "pipe" on it too, because all of a sudden I was apparently carrying a flute of some sort in my left hand. Another girl they stamped decided to write "New Zealand, fuck yeah!" on her hand below the stamp.
Morning of April 8, 1967. Saturday. I am in a featureless and seemingly barren landscape with the zigzagging path (recurring). In the background, it seems almost as if the horizon is “fake” or part of a theater backdrop. A pair of boots walks more to the right side of the scene, and forwards toward me. This is not nightmarish, but quite eerie. It may relate to the idea of “filling the shoes of my father”. Because I was only six at the time, I am not sure about any viable associations, though.
Updated 07-12-2015 at 09:21 PM by 1390