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    1. My First Lucid Dream ( 5-6 Months ago ) ( Sausages)

      by , 04-26-2011 at 01:57 PM (. - ~ = * [ |{(Welcome to my Weird Dream World)}| ] * = ~ - .)
      Ok well this dream is 5-6 months ago and i still remember it cus it was totally funny and so...

      So what i remember is i was with a friend we were moving to other countrys with trains and so we were smoking pot everytime and talking , then somehow my friend lost orgone somewhere so i went alone.
      i went alone i climb the ladder down somewhere ..
      then i walk normal for like 5-6 seconds

      and i fall down on the ground , that moment it was very warm the sun was shining and i got lucid dream and asked my self how i can control my self or something ifthats not real.
      i was on the ground ... then 2 People came to me with (Sausages) and asking me

      i was on the ground and they were moving to me

      They: Do you want sausage? ( i looked the sausage it was like dick )
      Me: No i dont want ...
      They: again , you dont want Sausage? good one
      Me: i dont want ur dick man
      They: come on is not dick do u want?
      Me: no no thanks (
      i was scary and i moved abit away so they moved too)

      then they walked away and i walk somewhere too.

      While walking . . .
      3 Guys came like friends to me and starting asking me

      They: u want sausage?
      Me: i say i dont want ur dick !!!
      They: Its not dick is a sausage
      Me: I said then i dont want ur sausage then !!

      and after few seconds i woke up ^.^ .
      i mean lol they ask me u want sausage but it wasnt sausage and i was like wtf..

    2. War with some0ne . . .

      by , 04-26-2011 at 01:39 PM (. - ~ = * [ |{(Welcome to my Weird Dream World)}| ] * = ~ - .)
      Well i've smoked litle weed before sleep , i was awake for like 1-2 hours max then i went to sleep and left a movie watching .

      i sleeped and in my dream i was with 1 friend.. and we were trying to hide in 1 tunnel on the woods
      then we did hide there and in that tunnel we found a way to move there was a long way and hole to move..

      we moved and at the end we came out from this tunnel/hole whatever was it and we were somewhere in city [ from Woods to City ] (Through Tunnel ).

      ok then there were lke 15 people there was like a fast food shop or something so we stopped and ate there , but we allways have in mind that someone is hunting us and my friend went to (WC)
      and hide in a dough box the dough box was on the top and on the wall

      so then 1 or 2 people came and was seraching for my friend they looked in WC and found nothing and then looked outside and found nothing so they have to left.

      then my friend came out from WC and i asked him , dude in a dough box? how can u .. ^^
      he is like "it was the best place to hide" ...

      ok then he came out and some woman asked us how we got here and so ,, we asked from woods through a tunnel we got here .

      well then i woke up for sure or something and i said to my self i should write this dreams down cus i remember them good. but i was too lazy i guess and sleepy so i didnt writted down anything and i cannot remember the rest of my dreams

      so i remember me and my friend at the end we did something and they stopped hunting us thats what i remember and after few quick dreams i woke up

    3. One dream remembered!

      , 04-26-2011 at 12:54 PM
      So last night I had two very vivid dreams. One was a lot more interesting than the other. Sadly, I only remember one (damn alarm clock) and that's the boring one.

      The boring one went as follows: I woke up, grabbed my dream journal (which I don't physically have one), and began writing down my first dream in a very, VERY neat cursive, as opposed to my usual chicken scratch.

      I don't realize why I didn't notice the myriad of different signs saying "HEY! THIS IS A DREAM!", but eh. I'm getting closer!
    4. My friends are dicks

      by , 04-26-2011 at 12:37 PM
      It's been awhile since I have posted my dreams on this site. I did keep a dream journal but I think it's easier to do it online. Since joining I can remember a dream almost every night. Im surprised how well these journals work.

      I was watching a street comedy my friends were doing in a park. They chose me to be the audience for their routine. There were two pretty funny goofy routines. My parents asked them to do it again so they could take a picture. We grumbled but did it anyway. As we were joking and laughing I had a fun fight with one of my friends...

      I woke up on the top of a tall bunk bed next to a road that was at the edge of the coast. Aprently I had my butt handed to me. Next to me was a laptop with some stats on it. My friend was a black belt in some martial art. He gave statistics on how I fought to some web site. He gave me 3s and 4s out of 10. Ouch. I looked at the bottom of my bunk. Their was a group of maybe six guys all passed out. It was good to know I was not the only one who was crushed. I saw an rv stop on the road. It was my friends. They were the ones who put us in the bunk. They were pointing and laughing. With a major headache I decided I would go to sleep. I lied down and said that I would try to lucid dream. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine a scene. It was not working so I just slept .

      I awoke on the bunk. This time I was alone. I jumped down and went into the rv. It was empty. I was somehow told that the RV belonged to a girls parents. The parents daughter was in a serious conditioned and they blamed us. I was told I had to run. The mother was mad and was coming...

      I was in a building. All my friends and I were gathered in a circle. It turned out that the mother was more than just mad she had come with two guys with guns in order to kill us. She had just walked into the building. The leader of our group told us she had this drink/potion that would wake us up (How did I miss this ) so that we could escape the mom. We all had bowls. People were walking around filling our bowls. The potion looked like thick broccoli soup. They put too little in my bowl so I asked for more. I drank it. I began feeling tired. I fell asleep
      and woke up. When I woke up I still felt the soup in my mouth even though there was nothing there. I did an RC out of confusion. I was actually awake.

      How do I miss all these dream signs?
    5. girl in wheelbarrow

      by , 04-26-2011 at 11:46 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      A girl was riding a long motorcycle (which may also somehow have been a horse) along a beach-like area which bordered a jungle and which may have had something like a concrete path running along it. The girl looked like my friend FA, except that she was possibly a little girl. The motorcycle was long, much bigger than usual, and it was hot pink.

      The girl did a pop-a-wheelie on the bike/horse. The bike/horse reared too far back and tumbled backwards. The girl fell off the bike. She was severely injured. Two men with dark, coppery skin and black hair ran up to the girl to see if she was okay. She seemed to be in terrible shape and she had a broken leg.

      A third man ran out of the jungle. He had a cell phone in his hands. I thought he was going to call the police. But instead he just kind of conferred with the other men. He figured he'd load up the girl in a wheelbarrow and push her to the hospital.

      I was kind of frustrated by all this. I thought the men should be calling 911. I was now in the scene. The girl was in the wheelbarrow. She was wrapped up in a lot of old-looking grey blankets. She was so wrapped up that she couldn't be seen at all. I began pushing the woman to the hospital.

      I was pushing the wheelbarrow along a concrete path on a university campus. The campus had a lot of lawn between the buildings, and the lawn was all shaded over by the thick canopies of tall trees. I saw a big, red brick building with a white facade and columns in the distance. I thought that was the hospital.

      At an intersection on walkways, I stopped. A huge, red fire tuck was coming from my right. As I saw it approaching, I actually pushed the woman out into the intersection. I figured the truck would see us and stop. But it didn't care about us and wasn't going to stop. So I pulled the wheelbarrow back, let the truck pass, then went on.

      I now realized the big building wasn't a hospital. It was a police station. I had pushed the woman inside the police station. It looked like a garage, but it was lit beautifully, like for a Broadway play. There was one man hunched over a small box on the floor, working away.

      I tried to get the man to look at the woman. But I didn't want to be too pushy and get in trouble with the cops. But after a moment, a female cop came up to us. The cop was tall, heavy set, with feathered, blonde hair, tan skin, and a really red face. She asked me what was wrong with the woman. She then gave me some advice about what to tell them at the hospital, once I got there. It was something about making sure they did the job right and didn't rip me off.

      I was now with a group of friends in some small room. The room was some other place I'd come to for help. The people there were co-workers of mine. The room was like a kind of dumpy office room in a community center or church. There was a potted palm somewhere.

      One of the friends with me started answering questions that one of my co-workers, CB, was asking. CB was asking a lot of questions, not out of concern, but mostly because he was trying to reassure himself that the injured woman's experience wasn't more intense than his own personal experiences.

      Eventually we were told to go somewhere else, like a hospital. As we were leaving, the place became like a cafeteria. I figured I should buy the woman some food, since she was probably hungry. I was in some small, crowded hallway part of the cafeteria. One of my friends, a short female, stood right in front of me, as if waiting for instruction.

      Somehow I had bought two apples. We were now outside, on a concrete walkway on a college campus. The campus was rather active with students. My friends and I were pushing the woman to the hospital. But I decided I should stop to feed the woman.

      I managed to pull the woman out of the wheelbarrow. She was still wrapped up in all the blankets. I unwrapped a blanket near the woman's face and held out an apple.The woman didn't seem to be responding. I was a little worried.

      Another female friend knelt down in front of me and told me that the woman may have died. I couldn't believe it was so. I looked at the apple I was holding. It was rotten on one side. Eventually I heard bites being taken out of the other side. Then the apple was eaten all the way through, to the side I was holding. So the girl was alive!

      The girl was completely unwrapped. I was holding her in my arms. But she was completely invisible.
    6. Trying New things

      by , 04-26-2011 at 11:45 AM (Typho's DJ)

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 05:09 AM by 44350

    7. Dragon Ball Z Dream.

      by , 04-26-2011 at 11:34 AM
      Launch from Dragon Ball was talking to the Z warriors and master Roshi. She told them about going with Tein to Korin tower. She said that Korin made her stronger then got out a thick board to demonstrate. She got out a pen and stabed through the board. Master Roshi then said "Anyone can become stronger."

      This was the Blonde evil personality of Launch.
    8. My First Lucid on This Site

      by , 04-26-2011 at 10:50 AM (Just Dreaming)

      I've been having dreams lately, but I just haven't had the time to write them down. I'm going to try and get better about it.

      Most of this dream has to do with a green colored cell phone. It starts out (from what I can remember) with me on a cruise ship. My family and I realize that Katy Perry is there, so we go to the main gym of the ship and wait for her. She comes in and looks like what I imagined. She then starts to talk to people about how there are a lot of people who helped her get to where she is now. She starts to introduce all of the people (the people she introduces are people who were once friends of mine, but aren't any more. I don't seem to notice in the dream).

      The dream skips around from there, and I'm walking to a class with some friends. One of them asks why I could possibly need a new phone. I tell them that my old one was crap- and it was just time. I'm then sitting down with a friend in the lunch look (it looks like the real lunch room, not fake lunch rooms that have been in my dreams). Me and the friend I was talking to just keep talking about the whole phone thing. I don't really remember much of what we were saying though.

      I then get up and leave to go to class. I'm talking with another one of my friends about Graphic Design and what we are going to be doing that day. After a while of walking with him, I realize that I'm going to the wrong class. I ask him what period it is and he tells me. I turn around and start running. (I don't remember what class he said).

      All of the sudden I wake up. It's strange though, I'm just standing in the middle of a white space. The white is blinding and I can't see anything but the same white color. I do a reality check and realize that this is a dream and I just had an FA. I immediately wake up after I realize I'm dreaming.

      I wake up again and have a FA, I'm in my bed this time and everything looks normal. I'm so excited I grab my laptop and log onto DV to change the amount of lucid's I have.

      Then I wake up for real. I wish I had dream control and when I realize I'm dreaming, I don't wake up right then.
    9. 4/?/2011 - Tme travel, deathmatch, and a windmill

      by , 04-26-2011 at 10:50 AM (TheNinja's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1:
      I am an adult around 20 years old, and then go back in time with my friend L (who is just starting LDing in real life), and I find myself seated in a classroom surrounded by the younger version of L, a friend from school T, the kid from modern family who is the son of Gloria, another kid who appears to be my best friend, and three random girls one of whom in the dream I apparently liked when I was 16 (Everyone including me are now as old as they are in real life, which is around 14). Everyone is talking like they just met, and is the 3rd day of school, and L and I share knowing glances. I walk over to him and make sure that he knows we are dreaming. We all talk, and it's like I'm getting a second chance with all the people there. Later on, I ask my friend T if he knows we are in a dream and he looks at me like I need to be placed in an institution. I awkwardly walk away.
      Dream 2:
      A bunch of people and I are in some sort of competition to be the last man standing (We are in some bombed out city that reminds me of one of the multi-player modern warfare II maps, but I don't know it's name). I go around killing people and get their weapons. Then with around 3 people left I face off against this guy who is heavily armed and he runs off after I badly wound him in the shoulder. Then I encounter the last guy in an extremely overcrowded playground that Is exactly like my old elementary school's but with a giant windmill in the center of it. I chase the guy around on top of the windmill, but we never end up getting each other.

      Updated 04-26-2011 at 10:57 AM by 40995

      non-lucid , dream fragment , lucid
    10. April 26, 2011

      by , 04-26-2011 at 07:42 AM (Requiem's DJ)
      catch the ghost

      mon: i didn't sleep this day
    11. Anxiety/evil kid/maya

      by , 04-26-2011 at 06:05 AM (Trial and Error)
      I was is an a extreme state of anxiety and could find no relief. I was offered a beer, I told them that I do not drink (and I don't irl) but I ended up drinking it anyway . Slowly as I was drinking I felt my stress leave me. I was so happy to finally be free of my anxiety, but I started to feel guilty that I had drank since I was under age, plus a conversation I had with S irl. I get another drink and sneak around with it trying to find a place to drink it where no one can see me, until I accidentally leave it in an elevator, and when it reopens it is gone. I turn to the people I had been drinking with and say "I just made someones day" and we all laugh. I left the dream just feeling horrible to resorting to drinking to fix my problems, knowing that it would just make them worse.

      I was some evil little boy trying to kill someone. The dream was mixed with me modeling in maya. I was using the maya tools to aim my blasts at him.
      There was more to this I just don't remember.

      (my recall has sucked lately )
    12. cereal/sleep/ and link

      by , 04-26-2011 at 06:03 AM (Trial and Error)
      I wanted cereal and went to the kitchen. I poured cereal in a bowl and sprinkled sugar over it until it looked perfect. I ask someone where the milk was and someone said, "we are out of milk". I don't care and go for the apple juice and pour it over the cereal. Someone goes, "grooooooss!" and I reply "What? It is all going to the same place anyway"

      I was asleep at work but could not force myself to be awake . (I think I was trying to move my sleeping body, that is why I felt so heavy) I could not force myself to get up. My boss, R, walks by and nudges me, I freak out for a second, thinking he is mad at me for sleeping but he says "no its fine, don't let me bother you" I am surprised but go back to sleep relieved.

      I was Link in some kind of game. Some other people and me have to go through trials for some reason and a piece that looks like us is moved on a board game. But there was something on my side of the board, that looked like two outlets, blocking two spaces. I wondered if that would mean I would get automatic wins in those places, but I was told that it meant I would loose those rounds instantly. I got to the end of the game anyway but everyone I was against died at the same time, I thought that meant I would win, but whoever was running the game said that I had to save someone to win, and since all the characters were dead, that I could never win. I remembered that there was some sort of stale mate or something so I went backwards and saved a girl in her match to win.
    13. Floods and dolls

      by , 04-26-2011 at 06:00 AM (Trial and Error)
      There was some kind of evil organization or something that was kidnapping people buy forcing them out of their houses with a flood. They would somehow conjure water until the houses filled up, and they would ride by on horses and pick them up.

      I woke up in a house with no roof (like some kind of doll house) and began to wonder around. I find my friend A sitting on a table, pouting. I ask her what is wrong and she says "It's your fault I am here!" and continued yelling at me in distain like a five year old. I pick her up and say "I know, I'm sorry" and begin to search for more people. I find my friend Sar and a bunch more people I know irl. I realize we are all wearing the same green and white dress.
    14. "Show me my unbridled emotions,"

      by , 04-26-2011 at 05:48 AM
      I've been pretty busy but managed to have a lucid dream
      I DILD. I'm in my school I see five kids standing in a row laughing at something. They light up like in a flashback in a movie that sunset sort of light and I realize i'm in a lucid dream. I immediatly think to myself and ask the dream out loud" show me my unbridled emotions,". instantly I feel a tugging on me and I lose visuals as if I'm apparating (harry potter reference but the same concept) I lose most of my lucidity but I'm somewhat aware in the dream.

      I'm with same chick 1 as my last dream and were in bed again ? were talking about what to do (i'm thinking sex but I feel as if she is vulnerable some way so I don't push it ) she says lets watch a movie I'm like aight lets. Then we go brush our teeth or something along those lines talk a bit more and as we are about to watch a movie I wake up. :shadewink

      I had one short dream again
      different chick 2 still attrative. I'm walking to the library and she is following me. The bell rings and we have to go to our next class so I say were. "Next class we have to go"
      "She laughs .

      Dream ends I wake up
    15. Norwegian school change

      by , 04-26-2011 at 05:31 AM
      I lived and studied at Norwegian school, seemingly i had got there for advanced studies yet still school all went to hell cuz i still would not work for my school studies.
      There was multiple teachers from my current school and there was some kind "holiday opening party" me and my group was supposed to design.
      Later my friend called me and asked that why had not i come to french school?

      Once again too little sleep, gotta get that sleep pattern right...

      (later edit)
      I´ve been feeling strange today, like i had had somekind of crazy lucid i cant remember...

      Updated 04-26-2011 at 09:22 AM by 36342

      non-lucid , dream fragment