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    1. Lucid Dream #14

      by , 10-02-2010 at 07:21 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 4/10
      Vividness: 7/10
      Length: ~10 Min.

      OK, in this one I went along with everything that happened. Alright, I was in a brick tower and O-Kwi-Gon gave me a choice of a short knife or a long knife. So I took the short knife, it wasn't exactly a knife. It was more like a plastic one. So I took it and we walked out of the building. We were up high, narrow, brick bridge. There were a bunch of dead people everywhere. O-Kwi-Gon said "watch your back" so I found a rifle and picked it up. Then I checked my pockets and the pistol I had in my pocket was gone. So we kept walking and we got out of the towers some how. We were next to a bunch of women and I pointed my gun at them. They looked like they wanted to kill me. Then I looked to my left and there was a bunch of women running after us. I asked O-Kwi-Gon if I could shoot them and when I tried it didn't work. He said it was not effective any way. So I pulled out my little plastic knife and jumped around slashing them. It was epic. There was this one guy that I couldn't hit. He was trying to beat someone up so I threw the knife at him. It went past him and flew back at me like a boomerang. So I tried again and again. But I couldn't hit him, so I grabbed the knife and jumped on him slashing him. Then I wasn't lucid anymore. The End.
    2. Total Eclipse of the Heart (End of the World)

      by , 10-02-2010 at 05:58 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      s I was sitting outside on the porch with my mother. The sky was a beautiful solid blue without a cloud in the sky - it was a great day. Looking up to the sky, I saw what looked like a star getting closer and closer. I dismissed it as an airplane at first, until maybe hundreds of these little twinkling stars appeared in the sky. My mother and I both looked to the sky in wonder. When they began shooting across the sky, we realized that it was a meteor shower!

      Some of them were getting really far into our atmosphere before burning up. We could actually see the flames arising from them. Those brave stars looked like orange fireworks. There was one star in particular though, it was coming towards us very slowly...and it wasn't burning up. As it neared us, the star turned black and round. It looked like a solar eclipse in the sky. Mom told us (I apparently had a friend over) to go seek shelter in the basement.

      My friend and I did so, and by the time we were safe, the ground shook and rumbled. The meteor had crashed into the Earth. We came back upstairs.

      We were now on the school grounds, and the meteor shower was growing with intensity. There was a HUGE 'meteor' in the sky, it looked like a solar eclipse from hell. It took up about 1/4 of the sky and just hung there ominously.

      We were all told to take shelter in the school cafeteria. They split us up by last name. I wanted to sit by someone where I could just wrap my arms around and hug them, because I was pretty scared. A guard didn't allow me to sit by anyone I knew. I was sad.

      Within the last moments we had, before the gravity of Earth pulled the giant meteor towards us, the officials alerted us of our possible fates. Sitting in the cold dark, we were told that the chances of our survival were minimal, and even if we did survive we would most likely be blinded. The officials weren't able to finish their sentences before we heard loud crashes and bangs. The meteor was coming towards us.

      I awoke sometime later. I was covered in ashes. The roof of the cafeteria had fallen in, dead bodies surrounded me in the dusty dark air. I was alone...Everything, even the corpses, were covered in a thick layer of gray ash.

      I waded through the piles of ash, which sometimes amounted to over 2 feet in depth, and climbed into the remains of the other room where the other half of the student populace was. It was dark in that room too. If there was any light, it was dimmed instantly by the amount of ash that hung in the air.

      I found someone I knew. He was laying down. His eyes were closed, but they were moving. He was dreaming.

      "Wake up, the end is over," I whispered in his ear. His eyes opened, and he smiled.

      "I'm going to get out of here," I said quietly, "Do you want to come with me?"

      "No, thanks." He said. He stretched for a moment then looked around, feeling the same creepy vibes as I did.

      I walked to the end of the room before finding a door. I pushed it open and piles of black ash fell out of it. Knowing it was the only way out, I pushed through the ash. We were now underground. There was at least 20 feet of ash piled up on top of the school.

      When I finally got out of the pit of ash, I found that the world was beautiful. It had renewed itself. A stream of black ash was flowing through a valley of painted cliffs. There was a man in the river, he told me to come with him. Who was he and where was he going?

      The current in the river was rough, but I followed him until he disappeared. On the river banks, there were piles of trash, such as forks, clothes, etc. I took what was useful to me and went back to our colony.

      When I returned, more people were awake. I showed them what I had found, but they rejected it. They said that they didn't want to leave the confines of the cafeteria. They said it wasn't safe. I wished that they had come with me, because it was beautiful.
      non-lucid , memorable
    3. More dreams

      by , 10-02-2010 at 04:34 PM
      So, I just now remembered more dreams lol. Here they are:

      Segment 4

      I am returning home to this shared house-like apartment with my DC roommate. He and I are staying here with two other girls, and its a pretty big place. I'm assuming there are at least 2 bedrooms, perhaps 4, because I wasn't on the second floor. But we had a kitchen, a big living room, a dining room, a downstairs with a main room with a pool table and chairs/couches, and then at least 3 other rooms in the basement. The walls were colored light blue and there was carpeting that was either of a white or blue shade, that made the place have a blue tint to it. I go inside the apartment first and the girls were in there watching TV or something, and remarked that "Oh its just you, we thought it might've been the _____ mechanic" (can't remember which one, might've been 'water mechanic' or '*something* workman') and I chuckled and said yeah, its just me. Then they went back to what they were doing. Then I saw some other girl with them too, and was taller than them. They each had long straight blonde hair and were college-student ages. I eventually went downstairs and there was a party going on. There were about 15 or 20 people there, and I think there was alcohol there but I'm not sure. Anyway, it was in the big room in the basement with the pool table. Looks like one of my cousin's basements actually. So after a while I notice that I'm naked. Except, I didn't used to be naked, but somehow the dream changed and I was naked, and everyone else was still clothed. But I didn't really care. Then, I needed to go to the bathroom. For whatever reason, there was a huge guy's restroom in the basement of our house, and I went in one of the stalls. This restroom had at least twice as much space as the room the party was in. For some reason it was uncomfortable sitting down on the toilet so I started to cuss a little, and then some guys walking about gave me looks of distaste. But I was thinking, "I'm just expressing myself, AND its my restroom technically." I thought it was funny how they were offended by my swearing.
    4. Dreams

      by , 10-02-2010 at 04:22 PM
      Was dreaming a lot last night, and will refer to bits of my dreams as segments, as all of these were part of the same dream but do not remember their exact order.

      Segment 1

      I am watching the dream from 3rd person, and it is Vash the Stampede and some other anime character that resembles Vicious, except with a more gentle and not stone-cold demeanor. This guy had a low voice like Rai-Dei the Blade. Vash was flying through the sky with this other guy hanging on to him (I thought "woa, Vash can fly too?") and they were flying across this suburb area. of a city with lots of trees. They were going to face off against some enemy, and this other guy was talking about Knives (I presume, although he said some other first and last name) and he said something like "It would be ironic if another (half) demon was going to be the one to fight (Knives)". Then Vash instantly stopped in mid-air, and looked uneasy, because he knew that he was the one that was like Knives, because they were both not human. This other guy asked what was wrong, but Vash said it was nothing and then they kept on flying towards their destination. Then they both were getting worried that they wouldn't get to a certain place in time, and I started to get images of another place and this girl in trouble.

      Segment 2

      I saw an cylindrical interior of this factory, and these two circular metallic platforms in it that resembled blades, and a couple short platforms leading to them. These platforms were just supported in this interior by being the width of this chamber, and there were no supports beneath them. The walls were a rusted faded light orange-faded green color. I saw this anime-looking girl in some futuristic clothes that was in distress, with this another anime-dressed bad guy with some sort of sword or staff running after to her. He was saying something to her but I forget what it was. Vash and that guy were not going to get there in time, but then a kind of police officer arrived, and with her several other guards with these big white and yellow colored rifles, and they looked like children's toys kind of. Their uniforms were white and gold and some had hats. They surrounded this bad guy around the perimeter of this chamber and the women in charge said for him to stop what he was doing. They all had their rifles pointed at this bad guy. Suddenly the two circular platforms everyone was on started to dislodge themselves from the walls and began to fall down the pit of this chamber. It seemed to be an endless pit but I could hear other machinery in there. The girl who people were trying to protect was either gone, or out of my vision, but I could see the bad guy, the police women, and lots of the guards fall down into this bottomless pit.

      Segment 3

      I was around my parent's house and saw a little of my mom and possibly my sisters, but then I ventured out and it was a totally different place than what my normal town is. But I somehow knew where everything was, and I was going to get this butterbeer from this tavern, and I also expected to run into this enigmatic older guy that was the head of some large company or someone of significant authority. And his reputation was that he was into dirty work, and involved in illegal/bad things. But his business was secure and prospering. He was wearing what a captain of a ship would wear, with the hat and everything. Anyway, I was walking down this street full of small shops and businesses, and could see a larger part of the city in the distance with some skyscrapers, and also knew that we were near a bay or dock and that this town was built next to a lake which eventually lead out to sea. It was a peaceful town and I felt at home there. I entered the tavern; it had a hardwood floor and wooden tables, slightly dim lighting and two large "dining" rooms. I saw several people sitting and chatting, the admiral too (although I didn't approach him, even though I knew I needed too eventually) and approached the counter. They had several things to eat here, hamburgers, hotdogs, onion rings, and various combination's of food and some types of food I didn't recognize. I also saw the butterbeer on the menu, and even though it wasn't "real" beer (it was like root beer, except a different flavor, presumably like honey) and I wanted some, and also wanted to order this hotdog meal that came with a interesting type of curly fries and something else. But I had a flashback that I had met with this admiral before, and I knew I needed to do the same thing before. It was like I was having precognition of what was to come and I knew exactly what I needed to do with a strong purpose.

      So, I remember having more dreams last night, but not the specifics right now. Hopefully I will later.
    5. Dreadful recall the last few nights

      by , 10-02-2010 at 04:00 PM (Images In The Night)
      I can't remember jack shit for the past few nights. Maybe a little piece of a dream here and there. But i just can't get any recall. I even tried some b6, melatonin, eating alot of eggs and bananas, and eating bread more. I'll go back to whats normal for me i guess, but even wbtb doesn't help. I tried wilding last night and i just can't succeed. I fail every time. I've DEILD once before, but wilding is out of my power i guess. I'll keep trying, but i can't even get to SP lately.Well i'll post last nights dreams i can remember anyways.


      I'm playing a mini-game for halo reach. The camera is looking back at where i am defending. Its like a tower defense game, but you're defending a station from space. So i put turrets up and they are supposed to defend from guys jumping on and tearing a whole in it. I keep getting distracted and they keep winning. Its supposed to unlock a new armor or something.


      I drive up to a resort. Its snowy on the hills around, but not around the building. The entrance to the building is a like climbing a rock wall, just that it has stairs. Its hard to stay on them, but i manage to get over it. I walk inside and talk to a lady about going to a room 23. My friend had owned it in the dream. She says ok and leads me outside. We climb the wall. I have trouble at the top because of my fear of heights. We walk up to a building thats across the parking lot.
      We walk into it and set the table for dinner. We are in the middle of eating when a guy comes in and slides passed me to get to a computer.

      I lose track their. But both dreams were short, and i want longer better dreams. I'll try and try though.
    6. Writing dreams down

      by , 10-02-2010 at 03:38 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! I really have to stop being such a damn slacker... I had three dreams last night, but I only remember one of them. I didn't write anything down, and I ended up with a few fragments instead. Well well.

      10.00: The stolen puppy
      I'm with my sister Madde, and we're in a city. It's night out and for some reason we're standing on a hill, holding a puppy. We run down the hill while trying to soothe the now crying puppy. "Make it stop crying!" Madde tells me. "It will attract its mother" I start worrying like hell about being chased by a huge black dog and ofcourse I can hear it barking behind us. We run through the city into different alleys and we get rid of the puppy in one of them. The dream skips and I'm now facing the dog. It attacks and it's wearing the face of my other sister: Malin. I pick up a few rocks and I try to hit it/her with them. I miss completely and we fight for a while. The dog has now transformed into my sister and I'm very careful not to harm her. Everything gets very emotional and I hit her with my knee in the stomach.

      13.00: Fragments
      *Something about dried up roses, my girlfriend keeps them everywhere.

      *I'm wrestling this guy in knee deep snow.

      Amount of sleep: 11 hours

      Food before bed: 1 can of mackerell, 1 egg,
      protein shake, 1 omega-3 pill and 100mg B6

      That's it!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Oct 2, 2010

      by , 10-02-2010 at 02:51 PM
      I'm back home from the retreat and ready to start dreaming again! For the MILD-1 class, my current goal is to incubate a lucid dream where I am flying in a desert. No success in this last night. I had two medium dreams, and one quite lengthy dream.

      Dream 1: I know this one was a lengthy dream, but since it was very early on in the night I can barely remember anything. It is what seems the start of a new year at my school, and we are getting put into new houses (My school uses the house system like in Harry Potter). I get assigned into Phoenix, and am kind of mad since I've always been in Gryphon. I don't understand why this year they're changing the house system. After assigning everyone new houses, we go outside for some house games. The first game is baseball. It seems that if you do really well, you can choose what house you want to be put in. I was up to bat and the pitcher pitched a lightning fast ball, I got a strike. Something wasn't right though, the balls were oddly shaped and seemed to be made out of clay. The pitcher gets ready to pitch again, and I tap the home plate with my bat and ready up. He pitches, and I swing at air and miss. Apparently, the pitcher had thrown the ball way out of bounds, and it would have been a ball but since I swung, it counted as a strike. Quite frustrated at this point, I get ready for the next ball. Before I know it, the pitcher throws me a ball. I squeeze my eyes shut and swing as hard as I could. I hit the ball square on, and it shatters into pieces. The bat was vibrating as I dropped it, then the dream faded.

      Dream 2: I was at school, but the building was completely different. I'm in grammar class, and my grammar teacher from last year is teaching. She seems angry, and ends up assigning math homework. Someone asked her what gave her the right to assign us math homework, since she's the grammar teacher. She said that any homework she assigns should be done unquestionably. Everyone goes home, and I go to get some ice cream. When I found it in the freezer, it was frozen solid. I remembered that my teacher gave me advice earlier, to turn the microwave on setting 200 and microwave it for 4 seconds. I went to the microwave, and found a knob on the side of it that I could twist. It seemed that when I twisted it, it went two numbers up, then one number back. So it took me a while, but I eventually got it to 200. I took the tub of ice cream and placed it in the microwave and decided to microwave it for 4 seconds. 4 seconds later, I got my ice cream and sat down in the living room. A strange commercial came on, where a really fancy restaurant was shown, with it dimly lit and the tables seemed very high tech. A man was talking about how his restaurants strive to give the best food, then he started naming a few plates. At the end, I saw that the commercial was for Luby's. I thought that was really strange, since the Luby's near us is the nicest Luby's I've ever seen and it is still disgusting. My sister walks into the kitchen, and pours some stew out of a pitcher into a bowl. She then puts it in the microwave for 84 minutes. I said, "No! Don't do that, I have the settings set for 200!" She didn't seem to care. A few seconds later, her stew was done. Those were some fast 84 minutes. It was boiling and had exploded all over the microwave.

      Dream 3: I started out at a museum with my father. He seemed really excited, and got a call on his cell phone. It was my sister. She's coming to the museum. She arrived here with her and her boyfriend, then a guy from my school showed up. He parked really badly, so I decided to just pick up the car and place it where it should be. I gripped the GMC emblem on the front of his truck and pulled up. The emblem snapped off, and I panicked. The owner didn't seem to care, but I figured out how to fix it. Apparently, it was all attached through some strange magnetic wires, so I fixed it. A bunch of strange things were wrong with his truck, but he told me to ignore them. I started going to the museum, when suddenly the guy from my school started to panic, apparently he forgot about his cousin's funeral. I said I'll go with him, and we got in the truck and sped to the funeral. At the funeral, they had to body for the girl since she drowned in a small pond and her body was decayed. Everyone seemed really angry at one kid who was there, everyone thought he killed the girl. For some reason, I felt like I could really relate to this kid, so at that moment I took it upon myself to investigate the girl's death. I walked to the pond where she drowned, accompanied by the accused kid. Apparently they had a clubhouse in the reeds surrounding this pond, and the only way to get to the clubhouse was to go underwater. I jumped in and found the entrance to the clubhouse, and inside it was quite large with just a table made of paper in the middle. I wondered how the paper table survived through rain and other bad weather, and just decided that it must be coated in wax. There were some papers on the table. Each paper had a picture of each child in the club, but it was very poorly photoshopped to turn each one into a vampire. The kid told me that it was these pictures that convinced the investigators that he was guilty, since they thought he was a vampire. I was determined to prove his innocence, and the kid thanked me and gave me a strange power. He said to use it to go underground and attack my enemies from below. I knew exactly what it did somehow, and didn't even bother practicing with it. I went to the funeral with the photoshopped images in hand, and confronted the crowd. I tried to explain that they were fakes, and it was clearly obvious. No one would listen, instead they thought that I was an enemy! They got up to attack me, but I took out the paper table that was in the clubhouse and used it as a parachute to jump off a nearby cliff. I landed in a cave with a cyclops. The cyclops seemed very angry at me for disturbing his house, and I somehow knew that I had to kill the cyclops to prove the kid innocent. I jumped up in the air and squeezed my eyes shut and started to twist my body in air. When I hit the ground, it seemed to suck me into it until I was completely buried. "WHERE HUMAN GO!?" shouted the Cyclops. The dream became third person at this point, but I could feel my body. I crouched down underground and sprung towards the cyclops. I traveled extremely fast underground, and when I was underneath the cyclops, I jumped up and stabbed him with my sword. He screamed in frustration, but said that he had a gift for me. He said he was told by the gods to give this to the man with power. It was a portal gun from the game Portal. Then the cyclops ran away. I knew he would die of his wounds so I didn't bother pursuing him. Instead, at this moment I saw many more cyclops, but they were working carrying boulders some place. Instead of facing them all at once, I used the portal gun to teleport them to me one at a time. When they popped next to me, I slashed at them with my sword until they exploded. As I was finishing off the last of the cyclopes, the dream faded.
    8. Wave 60: Huge Storyline

      by , 10-02-2010 at 02:28 PM (The Meerkat's Lair)
      Once again, this morning I had one huge dream (see Wave 58). I feel like this is the only thing I dreamed about.

      Dream 1: Actually, im not sure if this one counts as a separate dream or im missing the link to dream number 2. In my art class, we all have to make something that looks like, well, nothing at all. I ask a girl what I need to do and obey. Then I look over to Julien and see he did it in 3D with little stairs with a red carton. Damn it. Someone in the class smells chewing gum and tells the teacher. That son of a bitch. Since I am chewing gum, im in trouble. However, they seem to suspect its the girl sitting next to me. The teacher comes up to me (who happens to be Mr Fortin, in the next dream) and checks my mouth. While he was doing the others, I was desperatly trying to hide it somehow. In the end I get caught and have to throw it away.

      Dream 2: Alright here we go. Mr Fortin starts telling us about how to ameliorate your dream recall in what seems to be a big dark forest. I chuckle, since im already a fairly good dreamer myself. First LD reference. The dream fades and I end up in front of a big manor in the forest. It is day. The narrator (yes, theres a narrator) presents the history of the building:
      In the 19th century, the French army who had soon reconquered the British required a place to practice their religion, Catholism (as opposed to Anglo-Saxon Protesters). Their vision stopped on this gigantic horizontal-built manor somewhat recluded from modern society. I made up some of that and theirs probably a lot of historical mistakes in there, but you get the picture. As I am not "holy", a sister forces me to find a door, on the side. Inside, it takes the form of a lateral video-game in which me and my sister are followed by a Yeti. The setting was similar with a level from Donkey Kong Country. The Yeti, you could only his shadow and it is still unclear how he ended up in my dream. Also, I recall a striped ball that was linked to the end of the game. We play this twice (we also switched directions once) and then something else came up. Inside the bathroom, I get the idea to make a person/DC lucid. I tell Charles-Antoine this is a dream and he is dreaming. I ask him (in these exact words):
      Are you perfectly conscious ur dreaming?
      Then go and have fun!
      .................................................. .................................................. .................................Second LD reference.
      I think (though I am not sure) that this is the point where I woke up. About 6 o'clock. I go back to sleep. Next (still in the manor), I see Méo from Les Boys taking out a cup with a gold lining of the Canadiens on it (which I refer to as the Stanley Cup) out of a toilet bowl.

      Here is my problem. Im not sure wether I became lucid at some point. I know (for sure) I did an RC that worked. But I really dont remember becoming lucid, or even being aware or the dream. Then how did I get a DC lucid without being lucid myself? No idea. This is the third LD reference. For now, I conclude as I never became lucid (unfortunately)
    9. 3 dreams.

      by , 10-02-2010 at 01:12 PM
      Friends, and a weird scary place. (Non-lucid)

      Again no WILDing before sleep.
      First dream:
      First thing i can recall, is being with E. We were sitting next to each other. Suddenly i realised that it was 24 Octomber and it was her birthday (none of these are true IRL). So I kissed her and stroke her in her back, or so i thought. It seems that i was actually stroking her leg and she was like: "ummm..." and i was like "what? wow wth? sorry" LOL.
      Second dream:
      I was in my car driving towards my home. There was a girl with me. I m pretty sure it was a friend but i can't remember who exactly. We stopped some blocks before my house to meet a friend of her, called N. His named sounded really familiar in my dream. Like he was a common friend or some kid from school, but i didn't know him personal. After we introduced ourselves, we went to the car. I remember the car was stuck for some reason. I remember trying to pass through some rails. I was wondering how i parked there in the first place. I should RC DAMN!
      Third dream:
      I was in a strange place. There were many levels. I went from one to the other through some hatches, consisting of rectangle shapes with diferrent colors. Each level was supposed to be more scary than the previous one. So i went through the first two, but i don't remember what i saw there. I was wondering what the last one would be like, so i went through the gates again and again, till i reached the last one. I was with someone else there. It might have been my friend M, but i can't really remember. It looked like the whole scene was a toilet room, with many shrinks, white tiles all over and many doors and stuff. The last door was closed. So i went close and push it to open. And what i saw really scared the hell out of me for a second. There was a girl hanging there, pale. The very next second i saw her, she opened her eyes wide and looked at me. Must have been all these thriller trailers i 've been watching last night. So when see opened her eyes at first it was reaaally scary and spooky, but then i just accepted it. A dead person looking at me. Why not? (RC screaming there, hellooo??) Then i notice that she is really tall and she wears heels too. She's tall enough that she actually doesn't even hang. The rope had only irritated her neck, but she was dead nevertheless.
    10. Motorbike ride.

      by , 10-02-2010 at 01:07 PM
      D Riding Motorbike (Non-lucid)

      I went to sleep. Didn't try to wild. Just fell on the bed and sleep.
      I 've seen many things but i recall only the last dream right now.
      I wake up (first false awakening) and get ready to go to school (i finished school 2 years ago). I see a text message on my cellphone. It's a friend D. He asks me if i can pick him up to go to school. So i go to pick him up. I recall he told me he would be waiting in a specific adress, which i don't think even exists, but i knew the way there. So i am driving and then i pull over to pick him up. He told me something like "Why did you come to pick me by car?". So all of a sudden, i am riding a motorbike (wtf?). So he sits in front but i still hold the steering wheel (not sure i use the right word :p). So i say "whatever, you can drive". D: "are you sure". me: "yeah". D: "wooohoooo". He speeds up, making a one-wheel thing, but we were on higher level than the road. So the bike lands on the front wheel and we fall down. When we get up, there is a pretty big police motorbike stopped in front of us and a cop on it. So D is like "wow i hope he didn't see us. I got no lisense". I was scared he would arrest us or sth. :p We ride the bike (with me driving this time) and try to pass him, but he stops us "Lisense please". The next thing i remember is him, running some checks on my lisense and seeing some numbers on it. I can recall there were many "nines". Then i woke up.
      non-lucid , false awakening
    11. Alone

      by , 10-02-2010 at 12:30 PM (Raspberry's Second Life)
      Awake Non-Lucid Semi-Lucid

      I'm handed a cello and told to go sit down. I try to argue, telling her that I don't play cello, I play piano. She refuses to listen, so I take my seat, defeated. I experiment by playing a few strings, but none of it's good. I look around the circle of people, all holding string instruments. Is this the school string group?

      There's an older man sitting on what looks like a lifeguard seat. I quietly tell him that I've never played cello before. He smiles kindly and says I'll be just fine.

      The teacher screeches at me to stop talking, and then hands me a sheet of lines to write out.

      [Dream skip - A few hours] We're now on a school trip. But since I'm in my teachers bad books, I'm not allowed past the bus. They all leave, so I look around. There's a path going around the side of a hill, to my right. I break into a car and drive up there. But I go too fast and suddenly the hill is a cliff. I spin and knock a car off the cliff, swiftly following it.

      [Dream skip - A minute] I'm in a wreckage. It's dark, dust clouding the air. I choke a little a try to get up. Someone pins me down.

      "Little bitch, you'll pay for this." It must be the man who I knocked off the cliff. He doesn't look hurt, but he's furious. He holds me down and grabs my face. I scream at him to get off of me, and try to kick him off. We struggle for awhile, and I hit him numerous times. Someone grabs him and pulls him off me. I'm shaking and scared. The guy sits down beside me and puts his arms around me. I recognise him as Asher, he kisses me and then the dream skips again

      [Dream skip - Unknown] I'm in a small shop. A garage perhaps. I know I'm dreaming but I'm not fully aware. I see a pale boy sitting down, black hair... It's Asher! I go over to him, smiling. I sit on his lap, and he says he needs to introduce me to someone. I extend my hand in front of me and motion upwards. The door across the room opens. He grins and takes my hand. It's a toilet, but there's a blond girl sitting on the window ledge.

      She says she's his sister, Katie. I smile. She's got short hair, and is small. She's a little intimidating actually. I motion upwards again, a bowl of water crawls into the air. Her eyes widen. I turn to talk to Asher but... he's gone.

      I begin the panic. "Where is he..?"

      Katie's eyes are dull. "He has some things to take care of."

      I run outside. The streets are busy. I can't find him anywhere. He just got here, and we have to talk! I have so much to ask him. The sun blinds me.
      lucid , non-lucid
    12. Night of 10/01 - The rhino-incident

      by , 10-02-2010 at 10:23 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hello This one was really weird

      I'm in my car and drive with a few DC. Suddenly, out of no-where a rhino was on the road. I asked the DC's, why there is this big animal. They explain to me, that there is a zoo and they have "lost" a rhino. I didn't know what to do, so I accelerated to avoid the rhino. But it was really aggressive and it started chasing me.
      my perspective changes and I now see how the rhino attacks my car, chase it in a group of hippos which destroy the car. the car starts to fly up in the sky and lands in a group of zebras and finally lands in a lac, where 50 or so crocodiles are and they start attacking the passengers. I was shocked, but I wasn't scared.
      The scene again changes, I'm in a house, and I meet the victims. They don't have any injuries. A friend asks me who they are and I explain to him what happened previously. After explaining, I approach one of the DC's. I ask him/her, what kind of injuries he/she had. But she couldn't remember xD

      Hmmm... Why didn't I get this? FAIL.

      Updated 10-03-2010 at 10:38 AM by 27488

      Tags: accident, animals, car
    13. The Video Store 30/09

      by , 10-02-2010 at 07:06 AM
      I didn't write anything down on the 29th. But on the 30th I have quite a lot written down. A lot happened and some of the events may not be written down in the order they happen.

      In the first part of my dream I remember being in a shop, I am unsure if it was the video store at this point or not. I briefly remember my friend Jonty being involved but I am unsure what he did. I then received a phone call from another friend Isaac to come and work at the video store with him later; I don't have a job but for some reason this proposal didn't seem strange to me, nonetheless I made up an excuse and got out of it.

      The next part definitely took place at the video store, even though I am not sure how I got there (possibly could have used that fact to get lucid), I had actually been at one the day before I had this dream though and they were pretty similar. I went to the basement, it kind of felt like Silent Hill (I had got a Silent Hill game from the video store that day and played it close to when I went to bed so this isn't much of a surprise) and I thought stuff was bound to jump out at me. This is part of the dream I didn't remember very well when I wrote it down but I feel as if it was crucial to the experience for some reason.

      When I was back above ground some strange things happened. What seemed like a few Pornstars from the covers of videos in the store's restricted section were having sex with the few people around at that time. I can't remember if any wooed me or not but I remember the whole thing feeling very out of place and me running around the store trying to work out what was going on (I never once thought it could be a dream).

      That stuff cleared up and then something else happened. I am unsure where it took place, it seems like it was in a place that was a cross between my actual house and the video store. I was with a girl called RzQU and watching wrestling, I am surprised I didn't realise I was dreaming at this point, girls watching wrestling? dream sign for sure. But it actually felt very real and I had no idea I was dreaming, but I was really happy. I don't remember anyone else being there.

      Soon after the dream started to get weird. Before that point I drunk some vodka; for some reason I took the vodka into a backroom and mixed it with coke (the drink) I didn't taste the vodka as I drunk it though, even though I put quite a lot in. Then a girl named Carolyn came into the backroom and took the vodka away without saying a word.

      And then Isaac shows up for work, along with a lot of other people. They start hanging out around the store, they appeared to be having a bit of a party. There were people making out, people fighting but I don't think anyone was interested in videos. Isaac didn't care though, he just stood at the counter or hung out with me. I remember going down to the basement again, it was a lot less freakier this time as there were people down there but a lot of them were scared for some reason. I remember coming across a shower and RzQU's sister CNz naked but I can't remember if anything happened with us or if she even saw me.

      I then remember finding my dad in the store and we had an important talk that I wish I could remember the content of but after this I remember dad, me and Isaac tried to get everyone to leave and we wanted to close the store. I don't remember much beyond this point but it was not an easy task. I wish I could remember more as it seems pretty exciting but oh well. This was one of the clearest dreams I've had. Interestingly it occurred in the morning after waking up for a few minutes but being to lazy to get up and falling asleep again.
    14. Hindered

      by , 10-02-2010 at 06:46 AM
      There's no way in hell I'm typing out a dream journal on a PS3...

      For one, the character limit is insufficient, and two, It's a pain anyway to type using the controller.

      Once I get my computer running again though...
      Tags: note
    15. The Walls do not Move 28/09

      by , 10-02-2010 at 06:09 AM
      My second dream I recorded was even more mysterious than the first one. I also remember less.

      I remember being suplexed (wrestling move) onto a concrete floor which broke as I hit it but I wasn't injured. I do not remember who suplexed me either. When I got up I saw an entirely stone room with a smooth concrete floor, it could have been a dungeon. I wrote that the dream had a mysterious nature but I can't remember why I wrote that. I also wrote 'The Walls do not Move' and that it had something to do with a book but again I have no idea why. There was at least one booby trap, I stepped on a certain part of the floor and it started moving down and I just managed to get my leg out before I was put in a very uncomfortable position. I think there were others but I can't remember specifically what they were. The last thing I wrote is that it was a very strange dream but hard to remember much.