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    1. FAIL lucid dream.

      by , 04-29-2011 at 09:25 PM
      This is it:

      I was on a swing set, when I realized I was dreaming. I decided to jump off and try to fly. I jumped off, and nothing happened. At this point, I thought something along the lines of; "Darn, now I can't be lucid. I failed the test."
      Later in the dream, I was playing a computer game where there was water that was supposed to be blue, but it was orange. Since I was dreaming, I tried to control the dream and make it blue. It didn't work.

    2. Doesnt Make Any Sense.

      by , 04-29-2011 at 09:09 PM (The Quest For Lucidity)
      i was at like a yoga place there was the boys side and the girls side one girl i know her name was victoria she hade the back pockets of blue jeans but wasn't wearing any pants? even though there was a boys and girl side you could see over the the girls side and.. of course i looked but in my dream there was alot of places. even a bar the girl wearing the pockets was sitting down on a stool with a green covering over it similar to my friends old one they were sitting at a wooden counter, at a certain point i was wanting my phone activated? and i lost my phone i was tremendously filled with sadness i went to the yoga place a couple of times.. at some point i was at school to but the part i remember the most is when i was sitting in my kitchen my grandmother sat on the sink. and asked if i could help her. pretty much meaning "kill someone" i play wat to much Grand Theft Auto. so we went past the barn where i did this thing everytime i went by.. like stretches or something. so we went racing through the middle of the barn onto the road we were in ethier a silver super GT or a comet it went 3rd person so it really looked like GTA IV now i busted the window in 3rd person pulled out a mini uzi and shot at the car my grandmother's rival that i think owe'd her money Lol. but shooting didnt feel right it made me sad because it was my mom's boyfriend's cousin so i stopped. i think i woke up after that but there was alot of .. strange things in that dream . from the yoga place to when my grandma sat on the sink with her panties showing x_x well look foward to my next dream.
    3. Goals

      by , 04-29-2011 at 07:10 PM (Curiouser and Curiouser)
      I have a real life dream journal I've been keeping, so at some point I'll get around to typing it all up online. For my first entry though, I just want to state some goals:

      [ ] Sharpen my lucid dream (be VERY present)
      [ ] Find my mind's art gallery
      [ ] Walk through a door into a friend's dream (I don't reeeally believe in shared dreaming, but it would still be fun to fake it)
      [ ] Meet Alan Rickman
      [ ] Meet my subconscious
      [ ] Dream in French

      Wish me luck!
      Tags: dreams, goals, newbie
      side notes
    4. Fragments

      by , 04-29-2011 at 07:04 PM (Sehnsucht)
      Being on vacation with my family right now, I don't have time to properly invest time in dreaming and noting them down, but I want to at least note the most important things.

      I wake up in a big bed, I am slightly older, maybe I even am another person. A woman comes into my room, she wears glasses and has long, brown hair, I think it is a ponytail. She says "Time to wake up master, you'll be later for your appointment." I get up, but the way our relationship is right now doesn'T feel right. I respond "Please don't call me 'master' anymore..." It feels like our relationship is a very long one, but it has gone terribly wrong at some point. She is now facing the other way, I can't see her expression while she says "Looks like this will be our last morning together." I embrace her from behind, and say "I don't want to let it end like this..."

      I get lucid while looking at the sky, it has a yellow-orange color, and the clouds are making a very weird structure. I think about what I want to do, I finally got lucid again, but I decide to continue to look at the pattern of the clouds, so I wil remember it. I do so, and wake up after a few seconds.

      I will try to paint this pattern when getting home.
    5. Healing

      by , 04-29-2011 at 06:50 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      This was a strange dream. didn't really feel like a dream I was sort of half awake half asleep. I was lying in bed. Sam and another Paki woman that seemed to be her guide were pouring healing energy on me. They were laying slabs of large stones on my body. While they were big they weren't heavy at all. Their effect was quite pleasant. Sam was rubbing my feet at times and other times laying her head on my chest. I noticed something about her. Asuka was merged with her. But it was like they were fused into one single being virtually indistinguishable from the other.


      I was on a couch cuddling with someone. I leaned in to kiss the person... but I found it wasn't a person... It was a dog. and I wasn't trying to kiss it's head... I was going right for it's crotch... I jumped up startled. The dog was small white and shaggy. It jumped off the couch. laughed, barked and wagged it's tail. Then it ran out of the room.
    6. Fragment (April 29, 2011)

      by , 04-29-2011 at 06:43 PM (Chronicles of Ethos)
      General text non-lucid dream awake lucid dream

      I don't really have much to say on the dream/dreams of the night. I remember waking up in the middle of the night, but I barely had any memory of my dream at that point. I didn't write anything in my journal at that point because I was so tired and I had so little information. I had another dream between that moment and the time my alarm went off. My recall of this one was also horrible, so I'm not even sure what fragment belongs to which dream.

      One fragment I can remember is standing in line to an amusement park. I was with my grandpa and I pointed to a wooden roller coaster that was built around a small mountain. I yelled, "OMG!!! That's my favorite ride!" Although I don't remember anything after that, the roller coaster probably woke me up.

      This fragment was even worse. All I remember is being in some place that was a cross between a jungle and a swamp. I remember being in a Jeep with some other guy who had a funny mustache. I also keep getting a vision of a giant steel robot in the jungle.

      I guess I need to work on dream recall a little more.

      Updated 04-30-2011 at 03:11 AM by 32005

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. The retarded joke.

      by , 04-29-2011 at 04:44 PM (The weird dreams of Appe96)
      Type: Non-lucid
      Vivid: Long

      Dream: I'm in the military training ground for teenagers. Our instructor tells us that we have been great "students" and therefor going to do a "special thing". He tells us that we are going to choose if we want to storm a beach from a "LVT" or if we want to do a paradrop. I am thinking for myself if I want to do the paradrop.(I was scared of doing it.) After a while I decides that I want to do the paradrop so I dress up for the paradrop.

      While in the aircraft I waits for my turn to jump( Wich takes ages.) When it is my turn I thinking to myself if I really wants to do this. After a while I thinks for myself "Screw it" so I screams and runs for the exit for doing the paradrop. While at the exit I see's that we're not airborn and all this was a joke...

      I woke up.
    8. 28 April 2011

      by , 04-29-2011 at 04:37 PM
      I've had REALLY crappy recall lately. But last night's dream was kinda cool, and I actually remember it!

      I was in my dorm getting ready for breakfast when I looked into the hall and realized it was another high school senior day. There were high school students EVERYWHERE, but they were all girls! I decided on the way to or from the cafeteria I'd talk to some because I figured it'd be easy to hook up with these high school girls. Anyway, I get about half way to the cafeteria and I realized I forgot my tupperware. I turn back to the dorm to get it, then I realize that there was a play in the student union I wanted to see, so I called Alex and told him I wasn't going to breakfast. There are EVEN MORE girls on the way to the union, but I'm in too much of a hurry to talk to them.
      Then, I don't know why, but I started hauling ass to Lee Field. Then I decided I was burning too many calories, so I wanted to buy a hamburger. There was a Burger King and gas station where the gym is IRL, so I hurried over to the gas station to check the balance on my debit card to see if I could afford the hamburger. Inside the gas station was some creepy dude, and the inside of the gas station looked like his house. He said the ATM was inside the coke machine, and I knew he was trying to kidnap me and electrocute me by touching the inside of the coke machine. I speed out of his house/gas station and sprint across Lee Field, which is not forested. I weave in and around the trees cause I'm trying to loose him, and also because he's shooting at me. Also, my Cameron is with me trying to dodge bullets. Then I hear a whistling sound coming from above, and I realize he's trying to BOMB me and Cameron. Right before the bombs hit the ground, I jump out of their way (they're little bombs). There is this building on the far end of the field, and I run in and try to hide, only now Cameron is Bryce. Bryce is leading the way now, running down all the halls and going up stairs, and I lose him and get really sad. Then some little black boys motion for me to follow them, and they lead me to the attic. They say there are spirits in the attic because they keep hearing things. I open the attic door and move away a bunch of air filters and see Bryce hiding. I get all emotional because I thought I'd lost him. Then he jumps down and gives me a hug. Only now Bryce is both Marry and Pippin from Lord of the Rings, and they start stamping my body, saying how awesome I am.

      Then I woke up.
    9. apocalyptic sun

      by , 04-29-2011 at 04:03 PM
      first real apocalypse style dream last night. i was just standing with a mate and the sun was getting larger and larger. you could see the flames all around it and it seemed to be coming closer to earth. as well as the flames, it was also sending out all these bright red electric looking waves and pulses. the odd thing was there was no fear at all. in fact we were just walking towards it slowly. there was just a feeling of oh well if you gotta go this seems like a good way to do it. also a feeling of there isnt much point in trying to run or fight against something as massive and powerful as an expanding sun. it was just mind blowingly beautiful and that was the main feeling i remember from it
    10. The Emotive House

      by , 04-29-2011 at 03:01 PM (Ancient Memories)
      April 29, 2011


      I am driving on back roads to a local skating rink. A group of my friends are already there, and we head out onto the ice. The surface of the rink is rough, with holes everywhere, and as I am not a strong skater, I fall often and decide to leave. My girlfriend and I are driving around the countryside, with the sun shining brightly. We pass several large houses, and finally get to my house. We head downstairs to my room, and as it has been a long day, decide to call it a night after saying goodnight to my parents. My desk is pressed up against the wall opposite the bed, and is covered in papers and other clutter. The room is bare, with little color. The bed has a faded blue duvet. We have sex before going to sleep.
      The next morning I wake up in the house. My girlfriend is gone, and my dad is at home making pancakes for breakfast. I go outside through the back door into the morning sun to get a few chores done. The yard is beautiful, green grass and flowers shining bright in the sunlight, but not too warm. When I come inside for breakfast, my dad asks me where my girlfriend is. I reply that she has already gone home, although how she got there was a mystery. I walk downstairs and...
      ...it is as if the previous day was a memory, and I am visiting my old home after many years. It is abandoned and run down, and I walk through it fondly. I head into my old bedroom. The house is worn down beyond any imagining. In the bedroom the bed and duvet are as I left them, the desk is bare, and mold and bacteria create psychedelic patterns on the floor. I walk up to the bed and look around in dismay. After standing and thinking for a moment, I start to walk out, and my exit quickly grows faster as I see the mold and bacteria have actually moved towards me, and are close to touching my feet.

      This dream involved intense emotions. The house on the first day, with the bright sun, left me feeling euphoric and contented. Later, fond nostalgia quickly turned into dismay, anxiety, and fear. It was extremely vivid, and semi-lucid. I did not become fully lucid, but there was a part of my mind that was aware reality was not as it usually is.
      non-lucid , memorable
    11. First Lucid

      by , 04-29-2011 at 03:01 PM
      Dream: Lucid
      I am walking through a hall and trying to find a bathroom, I think to myself "I'll create a path as I take turns down the hall." I create a path as I go and keep taking turns making the halls appear as I want them to be. Finally I decide to make the bathroom appear after taking a few turns and make it co-ed (Based on other dreams where there are girls naked in the coed bathroom. I start using the bathroom but the toilet starts to overflow with me still needing to go...
      forgot rest of dream

      Dream: Great dream but can't remember the good stuff
      I am on a boat and see another boat coming toward mine, I know that there is someone important on it.
      Frag: money on a shelf of my parents bed
      Guy, Mom, and I going somewhere (taking the same dream rode I take to my sixflags dreams) riding four wheelers, I'm riding down the road and see Mom on the side of the rode so I try to stop but the breaks suck (real life 4wheelers breaks suck) and can't stop until I get to an offramp and I cut the wheel to make it stop, I turn around to look for her but she is on the offramp talking to two guys

      Dream: Fragments/personal
      Dream girl, sex, my cousin, aunt, and mom in it, computer porn.

      Updated 07-21-2011 at 02:35 PM by 44201 (Putting correct category)

    12. Late for My Final, Tornadoes, and Other Weirdness.

      by , 04-29-2011 at 02:58 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I woke up in my bed. I looked out the window, and it was very cloudy. I looked at the stereo clock across from me (don't have that anymore in waking life). It read 11:30. SHIT! How did I sleep so long? I was supposed to have a final at 10, and now I was an hour and a half late. I wondered why the hell my alarm didn't go off. I looked at my phone. The alarm was still set. I tried to do an RC on the clock to see if I was dreaming, but it passed. Well this sucks.

      I got up and started trying to figure out what to do. Then, the phone rang. I answered it. Some lady was asking me why I wasn't taking my final. I apologized and said I had slept in too late because my alarm didn't go off. She told me to just go ahead and get over there as fast as I could. I threw some clothes on and left.

      As I got to the parking lot outside of the auditorium, I noticed a tornado forming in the parking lot. It spun for a bit then disappeared (I actually saw something like this happen in waking life a couple of days ago O_O). It then happened again. The clouds looked super ominous.

      I got into the room I was supposed to be in for my test, and saw a line of students with notebooks and neatly organized papers going up to my teacher. Shit, I thought, I was supposed to have my notebook together for her. I frantically started trying to get my worksheets and stuff together. I got up to the teacher, and she told me I should have done that before now. I told her I knew. I started tearing sheets out of my workbook (don't have a workbook for that class in waking life) to put in order for the notebook. When I finished putting everything together, I handed it to her to check. There were candy wrappers all over and between the pages. As she was looking at it, I was cleaning up the wrappers.

      I then remember sitting down in a classroom that looked very similar to one of my elementary school classrooms.


      I was with Ryan. We were at my parents' house. We were trying to play Cupid and set a couple of people up on a date. I remember the guy being obese, and I think the girl was too. I remember seeing the guy in my parents' house. Him and Ryan were talking about cars.

      I then remember Ryan and I looking at these receipt paper printouts that looked into the future of these people, and some other people as well. I remember Ryan talking about them spending 60 days of the summer together, but I corrected him and said it was winter break, because they had gotten together during the fall semester. He agreed with me.

      Then, I remember being in my car with the obese guy beside me in the passenger's seat, and Ryan in the back. I reached for my sunglasses in the cup holder. The obese guy had to move for me to get them. I started to back out of the garage. I noticed my mirror was about to hit the edge of the garage as I was about to pull out. I pulled back up, adjusted my wheel, and tried again. Only I had adjusted the wheel way too much. I said
      "I don't know why I can't back out of here!" I thought that Ryan was getting frustrated with me, because he's so into cars and driving.
      I finally made it out.

      Then, I was standing in a room with everyone. The obese guy was holding a very fat cat. He put it down, and I picked up an ugly brown argyle sweater that was sitting on something behind me, and I threw it on the cat. The cat started walking around with it draped over him. Someone asked if the sweater would fit the cat. I said
      "It's a size 24!" We all seemed to agree that it would fit the cat. We laughed.

      I remember driving down the street, and seeing that the sky was very cloudy. I saw a piece of dark cloud stuck to some telephone wires. Then, as I drove a little further, I saw a few people standing on the side of the road. One had a little dog on a leash. A tornado formed above them. I thought they were screwed, but they just stood there as if nothing was happening. As the tornado disappeared, it got smaller and smaller. It was then very tiny, and stuck to one of the guys' shoe. He started trying to shake it off.

      Updated 04-29-2011 at 06:23 PM by 32059

      Tags: cat, school, tornado
      false awakening , non-lucid
    13. Unknown Decision

      by , 04-29-2011 at 01:52 PM

      From 4/24/11

      I woke with Drown by Stuart Davis playing in my mind.
      Only remembered that I had changed my mind about something and shifted my body with that change.

      This was the song looping in my noggin.

      "Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen."
      — Ralph Waldo Emerson

      Ruh roh.
    14. Awake Brainstorming: Lucid Dreaming Goals

      by , 04-29-2011 at 01:25 PM
      From 4/22/11

      • Ask what I can or should do for my insomnia / odd sleeping schedules - so that I can have more of an option to join in events that typically occur during the day on a regular basis.
      • Create a computer program; come up with ideas for computer programs
      • Explore my waking life meditative dream house and characters (I had a significant series of meditations that stemmed from a dream years ago. It was part of the work I was doing with a Jungian counselor.)
      • Write jokes or ask dream characters for jokes (develop more enjoyment and free playful thinking)
      • Ask about career goals and how to bring them about
    15. Video Game; Killer Car; At old GF house

      by , 04-29-2011 at 01:13 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I have been playing zombie games with my boy.

      Last night I dreamed I was playing a game where you had to shoot these zombies,
      but they looked more like slugs that stand up, which is an idea that a friend of mine
      had in waking life. The interesting thing about the game was that there were clouds
      that you had to blow on or they would form a dragon.

      It was a cheap looking dragon, but I remember at one point, after we had blown the
      clouds apart, they started coming back together, and watching them start to form a
      dragon was really neat.


      I was outside somewhere and it was night time. A limousine pulled up by a curb under
      a tree where it was even darker. It was an old limousine. The paint had lost all its luster,
      and it didn't look like any old limo I've ever seen. It had a grill like a truck on a
      tractor-trailer. It was a giant square grill.

      Then, the grill opened like a mouth. It was a devil car. The grill opened to reveal another grill
      behind it, on which it said something about sex. Super evil. Then the car started to talk with
      the inner grill moving up and down so it was more like a mouth. It told some guy that he had
      to kill some people or the car was going to kill him.

      This guy went into a room where there were a bunch of servers that held information on
      people around the world. He started pulling some kind of cards or mother-boards out from these
      shelves of servers and destroyed them all. Somehow this translated into killing hundreds of
      thousands of people around the world.

      Then I saw his boss and some other guy who didn't even seem to care. I thought that they
      didn't care because the damage was done and there was nothing they could do about it.

      Dream skip:

      I'm in a room that is like a museum. I see a ceramic pot that I really like, and it is teetering on
      edge because someone placed it incorrectly. I was upset and tried to fix it, but only succeeded
      in knocking it over. It fell about 7 feet to the floor and bounced a couple times only barely
      nicking it.

      (This was a replay of when I was 15 in waking life. I was changing a light-bulb at
      McDonalds and it dropped from waist high. It landed perfectly on the top of the bulb--the glass part,
      and bounced back up. I had no idea it would bounce, so I didn't have the presence of mind
      to catch it, though if I had bent down a little, I could have caught it. Instead, it fell back down
      and shattered.)

      Anyway, dream skip and I'm in bed with a stranger. This isn't strange somehow as in my dream
      this happens a lot. I always snuggle with my partner, but it is not sexual. It is just being close
      at night. I kiss her on the forehead and she tells me she doesn't want me to kiss her, so I apologize
      and roll over. Her body was still touching me, so I try to scoot over. I tell her that I am at the edge
      and can't move over anymore.


      I'm at my first girlfriends house and she is telling me something. Her dress comes up a little and
      she exposes herself a little. I look at her in the eye, but enjoy her accidentally flashing me.