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    1. Cryptic Lady

      by , 03-28-2011 at 10:57 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      I was just waking up. My dad had parked his car in my bedroom, or my bedroom had became the garage. Anyhow, there were people hiding behind cars and in the shadows. They smiled when they met eye contact with me.

      I didn't bother even getting ready for school and just hopped in the car.

      "Hey," I heard a dark whisper of a man. It was still dark outside so I could barely make out the silhouette. Apparently, this guy was my exboyfriend.

      "I'll drive you to school hun" He said. I didn't really remember this guy too well, was he even ever my boyfriend? I didn't trust this guy. He hopped in the car anyways and he drove off.

      He was speeding, swerving, and not even driving the right way to school. I told him to turn around or else I wanted out of the car.

      "Ok!" He cheerfully yelled, slammed his foot on the break and did a U-turn.

      As soon as I thought that PERHAPS I would be on time to class, he made a wrong turn (it was right for him, ofc) and he laughed saying that I should know him better than that. It was an awful drive.

      I finally made it inside the building and swore to myself that I would never let that freak in the car again. I looked at the time... 7:34 ... I was going to be late! I realized that I didn't even have my books. Grrr.

      I took off to first hour, but started flying up in the air...Huh..Interesting!

      I thought to myself how this only happens when I am dreaming and that this is a dream sign. I did a reality check and I had six fingers!

      I continued to float around for a bit, enjoying the zero gravity. I did summer salts and flips. Then I realized - Oh! I am DREAMING. I have some stuff to do!

      I knew that I had to find Nephanim, but I wasn't sure how I was going to do that. I wandered out of the building and looked the the sky. Our plans were to meet on the moon, but it was a perfectly clear day so there wouldn't be much in the way of reference points. I could always make reference points, but the thought of trying to fly up there still shook me a little.

      I decided to find other means. At first I walked into the building again and tried calling him, but there wasn't much success. The strange thing was that I wasn't calling him by Nephanim, but something else. It may have been his dream name, I'm not sure. But I remember thinking that I should probably start calling out Nephanim instead of this other name.

      I walked back into the school (which really wasn't a school anymore) and found a fridge. I told myself that inside this fridge would contain useful objects, stuff I could use to perhaps find him.

      I opened the fridge.


      Being lactose intolerant in real life, I gladly took this opportunity to drink the chocolate milk to my heart's desire. But I also had other plans for the jug of chocolate milk.

      I took the jug of chocolate milk and flew outside and on to the roof of the building. The roof was about 2-3 stories high. People were outside enjoying the sunshine. When people came out of the building, I would pour my chocolate milk on them. It was entertaining.

      Oh...right...I have to find Nephanim!

      I flew back down from the roof of the building and landed on the pavement. I noticed that people were gathering outside for a marriage ceremony of two men. I realized that pouring chocolate milk on people in marriage might look bad on any kind of dream analysis...

      I went back to my Fridge, spawned more items inside of it, and opened the door again. This time, there was vegetable oil, my cell phone, a strange fruit drink mixture and a decapitated head. I picked up the decapitated head and the fruit drink and left the other two objects behind. I examined the head closely...She was alive! But dead. She looked very old, I could see all of the wrinkles in her face and her eyes looked like a brown and blue supernova. She had white hair, but her countenance resembled that of a bird. She looked mean. If I made a facial expression, she would copy it. She wouldn't talk to me, but just mimic my expressions. She looked like someone I know...But I couldn't figure out who...I kept staring into her eyes, they stared back into me daringly.

      "She thinks that I am Russian just because I have a Russian accent!" I heard a lady from behind me. I turned around to see a woman (who looked Russian despite her protest) standing with a small girl. I wasn't sure if the woman was talking to me or the girl.

      "Hey," I greeted the woman. We walked down the hall together. I told her about my fridge of useful items.

      "It's pretty cool, but I realize that the objects are only as useful as I make them." I explained, thinking of my chocolate milk fiasco.

      "No. Your mind makes the items only as useful as you allow them to be." She responded in her think accent. She talked very cryptically, and sort of looked that way too. She had brown hair that was in a bun, and her cheeks had a pink blush. She was wearing a black outfit.

      "I was able to spawn this drink, it tastes really cool. You should try it." I handed the drink to her. It was red and yellow.

      She instantly moved back, repulsed.

      "No no no! The fumes, they are choking me!" She exclaimed.

      I was in shock for a moment, then puzzled at how a smell could choke someone.

      "You're lying, a smell alone cannot choke someone," I replied, in a bit of an accusing manner. She continued to act out as if the smell of the fruit drink was hurting her. At first I thought that perhaps it was, but this wasn't logical unless she had some allergy to it, and even so it couldn't truly "choke" her.

      "LIAR!" I yelled out, mad that she was putting on a scene.

      She stopped her fit immediately and smiled.

      "So, you do think and understand," She whispered as if this were an epiphany to her, or some kind of test.

      Realizing that there was a chance that this DC could perhaps possess some intelligence, I asked: "Do you know where I can find Nephanim?"

      "Yes! Turn around, and I will draw the map on your back." I turned around and felt the ink pressing against my skin. I knew this was some kind of riddle again. I wouldn't be able to see the map on my back, so I tried my hardest to picture what she was drawing inside my head. I tried to make out the shapes from the pressure of her hand. This is what I saw in my head:

      The two triangles may have been two domes, I wasn't sure.

      "You are ready to go now." The lady said in her thick accent, and I awoke.
      lucid , memorable
    2. PILD - Pendelum induced lucid dream? A possible simple induction technique.

      by , 03-28-2011 at 10:50 PM
      Hello DV!

      I just got a great idea. Let your subconcious tell you if you are gonna have a Lucid dream.
      How to do this? Using a pendelum. This is actually self-hypnosis. First, we need to make some preperations.
      Step 1: Take a piece of paper, any size but i recommend a A4(Thats what its called in Sweden) and a pencil.
      Step 2: Draw a circle, about 10 centimeters wide(This doesnt really matter, but i uses that size.)
      Step 3: Now draw to lines, crossing each other in the circle.
      Step 4: Now take a pendelum, a neclase or whatever. They just gotta get a good swing. Place it over the circle and the crossed lines. Now, we wanna ask our subconcious "When will i have a luciddream?". The answers are: When the pendelum goes forth and back, it means "Tonight". If it goes from the left to the right, it means "Tomorrow night". If it goes clock-wise, it means within a week. If it goes anti-clockwise, it means "within a month." Write that down. (Look at the attachment for a example of what it may look like)
      Now, take the pendelum back and forth, ans say for yourself "Tonight". Then from the right to left, saying Tomorrow night etc etc. This inprints your minds the answers. You might wanna do this a few times. Now place the pendelum in the middle of the circle. Now ask yourself the question "When will i have a lucid dream the next time?" or something like that. Dont move your arm. Now, your arm will slowly move your arm to control the pendelum, giving you the answer. Remember, this is not magic. Its just you. You can actually say "Whats my name on Dreamviews?" and make up a few answers. In my case, it would point out "Zelzahim." But this also means, if your subconsious doesnt now the answer, it wont tell you. After some training, you wont need the paper. Pretty cool isnt it?
      I really believe in this one. Remember not to afflict it with will.

      What do you guys think? I tried with several question. It says i were gonna have it tonight, 2 out of 4 in vividness and 1 of 4 in recall. Ill report back tomorrow with the results

      Happy hypnosis,
    3. Trying to get some

      by , 03-28-2011 at 10:39 PM (Insights from Id)
      In my dream, I was single. I went to visit some friends out of town, and decided while I was there I was going to get laid. I was out walking to a club when a group of guys surrounded me (much like happens in superhero movies) and started harrassing me. One of them tried to reach up my skirt, when a guy shows up. "What's the deal, guys? Can't get it without taking it? Pathetic." I immediately decide to bed this guy.
      Many of the details early in the dream are fuzzy, but at some point, he said that he didn't agree with premarital sex and I agreed to marry him. After our brief, private ceremony, he took me to his place, where a bunch of his friends had crowded in.
      "Excuse me, what are you all doing here?" I indignantly exclaimed.
      "I heard there was a party!" One guy shouted.
      "Well, there's not! Get out!"
      After everyone had left, I sat down on the bed and tried to kiss my new groom. He dodged me. "I can't make love to you." He said.
      I stopped. "Are you a virgin, because that's okay, we all have to learn somewhere..."
      "No," he said, "I'm not a virgin, I lost my virginity a while ago, and he was really sweet."
      "Well what is... wait, did you say 'he'?"
      He grinned at me sadly. "I'm gay."
      I stared at him, bewildered. "Why didn't you just say so? Maybe before I married you?"
      "I didn't think you'd actually marry me. I was trying to get you to lose interest in me. I can't let me friends know, they'll never see me the same. Just do me a favor." He grinned sheepishly. "If anyone asks, we divorced because I was too much for you tonight."
      I rolled my eyes. "You ought to tell them the truth, but whatever."
      The next day, I went to my mother's house (except it wasn't her current house but the last one she lived in before it), and she there was a wedding in her backyard. I pulled her aside and told her what had happened. After she finished laughing, she said there were plenty of lonely groomsmen here waiting to be taken advantage of (yes, my mother is like this IRL). The last thing I remember beofre waking up was heading for the buffet.
    4. Intresting Lucid Dream Inducing method

      by , 03-28-2011 at 10:15 PM
      Latly iv been noticing a pattern with my LDs and the pattern is after you have your first LD of the night the rest come very easily as you have that awareness and excitement of LD fresh in your mind when you sleep again.

      so i thought what if when i wake up after a ordinary dream ill just pretend it was a LD and get excited about it and think about it.

      So i tried this last night and it worked i had about 5-6 dreams and about 4 for Lucid.

      because when you wake up from a normal dream and have that little dissapointment of not having LD i personaly think that decreases your chances of LD during that night.

      anyway if it works for anyone els post it here and share how it went.
    5. I'm the Partially Lucid Defender of Children

      by , 03-28-2011 at 09:59 PM (Rawracookie's DJ)
      At some points this dream seems unfocused.

      I RC (I don't remember the circumstances at that moment). I remember trying to give special consideration to be in control. I then seek to stabilize the dream. I am in some italian restaurant (I don't think I was there before). On each table is a large cylinder of spices/condiments. I think originally it was just shredded and powdered parmesan cheese in a small cylinder. I try to get at the shredded parmesan cheese. A waiter is fiddling with the container. It is expanded to include lots of things in it. I grab a good pinch of the fancy shredded parmesan cheese and eat it.

      In here I forgot some dream material.

      I remember something about a house that my family and my aunt Sa. and her husband live in. For some reason, her two sons (just a couple years old) are not there. I don't remember all that goes on in there.

      I am in a caricature of the dollar general next to the price chopper. It is here that I do some defense of a little girl from some pedophile. The girl's character is initially D.W. from the children's show Arthur, but I think it morphs into my little sister Ge. The pedophile is some male school figure. The girl does some weird self-defense on a roller coaster in the large parking lot. Something about using a wrench to dismantle the weird scaffolding/car the pedophile is on. I think at some point it is apparent that the girl is the wrench (lolwut).

      I think I have some detour from the roller coaster to a playground.

      I eventually kill the pedophile back at the roller coaster. I think this makes some people angry that I murdered him. I am chased out of the dollar general to my car in the parking lot. I have trouble lining up the key to the lock, but I make it into the car and lock it. A large woman is threatening me from outside my window. She attracts a large crowd around my car as I try to start and drive it away. I think about how these are just dream people and I try to run them down to get away. I try to drive but find that the people are able to hold my car in place. I think then to try to teleport. I close my eyes and try to do some sort of dream spinning, but I can't really move that well in my car.

      I don't think it works, but late I am away at the other end of the parking lot. I think I do some random stuff in the parking lot. Primary of which is doing the nose plug for fun. It felt good to breathe through pinched nostrils. In fact, it feels odd to not be able to do that now (lol).

      I am at the auto parts store at the other end of the parking lot. I'm trying to leave to go somewhere else.

      I eventually end up in cool crest (an arcade). I walk around for a bit before deciding to try to break the glass and steal the prizes (normally won by tickets). I look around for a bit trying to find something hard enough. I pick up a chair and try to break the glass. I find that the chair (something like this: http://sarahbernardy.files.wordpress...stic-chair.jpg ) just bounces off of the glass. I give it several good solid whacks before observing that I can just hop over the counter (lol). I grab the musical keyboard that has caught my eye. I successfully get some sound out of it. I go around trying the musical instruments. I get some guy following me around trying them too and trying to strike up conversation. Eventually some dude comes in and plays some metal on a nice keyboard thing people around us are calling a bass. He's playing the full song rather than just the bass. More of that random guy following me. I wake up.
    6. Task of the month, eating fruit on the dark side of the moon...

      by , 03-28-2011 at 09:24 PM
      Purple-Relevant to task

      I started off in a small room just off the hallway of a grand corridor. Upon exiting the room and walking down the hallway I came to relize that I was inside my school. I became lucid thanks to this dream sign. I decided that I wanted to go and drive around some, so I walked outside.
      It was the middle of the night, and the stars twinkled, surrounded by several large, insanly beautiful planets. I searched the sky for a few moments, unsure what it was that in was looking for, then I remembered. The moon!

      But the question was, how was I going to get there? I looked around the parking lot and spotted a beautiful silver car. It was the DeLorean from Back to the Future II. I went over and got in, the door opened as I approached. Now I new what I was going to do. I flipped a few switches and was off, flying into the sky.
      As I approached the moon, I saw the American flag stuck on the pot marked surface. I soared around to the darkest side, where I saw below me a dense forest of dead looking black trees. I landed in a small clearing and got out of the DeLorean, then walked to the edge of the trees.
      Nothing moved, nothing made a sound. Then I saw it. A large tree covered in beautiful fruit the likes of which I had never seen. I rushed to the tree and grabbed one of the fruits, but a faint beeping noise was starting inside my head. I quickly shoved the amzing green fruit into my mouth and swallowed, before being awoken by my alarm clock.
      lucid , task of the month
    7. Meeting Karim and Receiving a Key

      by , 03-28-2011 at 08:34 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      I wake up in my current room, go out to the kitchen, and start attempting to make coffee. The coffeemaker is big and complicated, with lots of buttons, and I can't figure out how to use it properly. While it's percolating, I decide to take the carafe out [I don't remember why], and press the Stop button, but it doesn't stop completely. Six thin jets of coffee continue to come out of it, streaming down onto the heating element and boiling and sizzling away. I look in the cupboard for breakfast, and find lots of mini-donuts and other packaged foods there. All the time I'm getting breakfast, my mind is on the fact that I have to get out of the house in time for my 8:00 A.M. meeting. [I actually had such a meeting coming up in the morning in real life, and it was on my mind as I went to bed, so, not surprisingly, I dreamed about it.]

      I have another false awakening in which I check the time on my cell phone and see that it's only 6:17 A.M. Good; there's still plenty of time to get to the meeting.

      I woke up, for real this time, at the end of a sleep cycle, and said sarcastically, “Well, that was wonderful.” I didn't bother to get up to check the time on my phone.

      I'm on my college campus, walking around outside the dorm buildings, which are big and L-shaped and multistory. I'm trying to get to my room, which is room number 16999-A (that is, bedroom A in suite number 16999). I stop and talk to a resident assistant (RA), who asks me where I'm going. I tell him [her? not sure], and he [she?] consults a list and says that someone else is already in that bedroom. I know I'm supposed to be in that room, and I say so, showing the RA the key I have to that suite. He [she?] permits me to continue on and go to the room.

      I continue walking, outside, among the dorm buildings. I pass another RA at the entrance to a new part of the complex of buildings, and speak to her as well. She tells me that there's a game of Sardines going on in that part of the complex, and offers me a raffle ticket, which shows that I'm participating in the game. I accept it and continue walking. I find the entrance to suite 16999, which is at the corner of the long, narrow building, on one of the longer sides. I stick my head in the door, but don't go in. [So I never did find out whether or not anyone else was in my bedroom.] All throughout this part of my dream, my mind is still focused on the fact that I have to make it to an 8:00 A.M. meeting.

      I continue exploring around the sunny side of the building. There are basketball and handball courts there; it looks a lot like the playground of an elementary school. The sunlight is very bright and cheerful. On the other side of the courts from the building, there is a chain-link fence on the border of the playground. On the other side of the fence is a river.

      Not far from the playground is a covered pavilion housing the queue for a tram that offers tours of the campus. It's the same kind of tram used at the parking lot at Disneyland. The tram passes through, setting out on its tour. A group of five students with ski masks on, their heads wrapped in white cloth, and dark sunglasses are walking alongside the tram. They're tour guides, and this is their on-campus job. They're holding a series of signs that say something like, “Be sure to pay your tram driver.” I wave at them as they pass, and they wave back. As the tram pulls out of the pavilion and drives away, a group of five or six people runs out of the queuing area, trying to catch up with the tram. They wanted to get on it for the tour, but they got there too late.

      [Dreamskip.] I'm walking across a parking lot. I recognize that I'm dreaming, and that I've had this dream before. [Now that I'm awake, though, I don't remember having had it before.] I begin to concentrate on my feet, watching them move as I walk. I'm wearing dark red-brown, slip-on, closed-toed shoes with big bows on the toes that are made of the same shiny, leather-like material as the rest of the shoes. As I approach my car, I attempt to ensure that my computer backpack will be in the trunk when I get there by expecting it to be there this time. It doesn't work. Other stuff is in there, but no computer backpack.

      Some guy starts talking to me as I look into my trunk. My boss is there, too. The other guy gives me a long, ornate, old-fashioned, brass key with a long, thin black string tied to the loop on one end. When he gives it to me, he says something like, “These instructions are very important. You must never let this item leave your possession.”

      “Because it represents my soul?” I ask.

      “It represents a lot of things,” he answers. I infer that my soul is one of those things.

      [I don't remember the rest of the instructions, but they probably included the following information, because I do remember knowing it:] I understand that this key is a skeleton key. It's not just an ordinary skeleton key, either; it is magical and can unlock any door in the dream world.

      That guy, my boss, and I go exploring somewhere else together. I use my key to unlock a door at one point. At another point, I ask that guy, “Do you have a name?”

      “Karim, or...” he begins.

      “Karim,” I say. “Okay.” To me, the way he said “or...” after his name implies that he has many names, and I'm welcome to use any of them, but I just go with the first one he says.

      Karim, my boss, and I are climbing a ladder up through a narrow shaft. I look up and am intimidated by how long the shaft is, but I can see the top of the ladder, far away.
      [That's the last thing I remember from this dream.]

      When my alarm finally went off, I was relieved that I was back in reality, and that there was still plenty of time to get to the meeting.

      Side notes:

      I don't remember having the high level of conscious self-awareness in this dream that I've had in past lucid dreams, but if I started trying to use dream powers, I must have known that I was dreaming. Also, when I was receiving the instructions about the key, I was definitely aware that the context to which those instructions applied was my dreams, which I was in.

      Have I met my dream guide? I can't say for sure. I feel uneasy about it. What I can say is that I hope Karim and the key show up in future dreams.
    8. Lost

      by , 03-28-2011 at 08:23 PM
      I started on my school yard. The cleaning lady told me to collect the garbage together with a girl. I remember that i was constantly thinking that i had a big test for biology. I then saw 2 of my classmates that were looking for me. I talked to them and told them i had to clean up the yard.

      After the cleaning was finished, i jumped on my bike and started cycling to the gym. I then remembered that i had Bio. So i cycled back in panic while it was dark. I lost my way and ended in a street with no houses. There only was a wooden ruin with a toilet standing in a wooden box. I went into the toilet and as i entered it became light again. I saw 3 people i knew walking towards me. I also saw that i was near the sea, i could see i was on a cliff. Now i became lucid.

      I talked to the folks and remember i could see everything very clear and real. This was the most clear lucid i've had so far. I then saw some ladies walk by and i approached them.

      The dream took a sexual turn again. Unfortunatly i woke up before it finished.
    9. Boring normal dream

      by , 03-28-2011 at 08:04 PM
      Wasnt trying hardest to LD as have a massive headache and stomach pains.

      1) In Russia winning some soccer match and then going in a car with ma grandad and driving on train tracks with police cars around (how do i not realize im dreaming)
      2) Eating some mintss.wtf.. ma mum wants me to do somin
    10. Boring normal dream

      by , 03-28-2011 at 08:04 PM
      Wasnt trying hardest to LD as have a massive headache and stomach pains.

      1) In Russia winning some soccer match and then going in a car with ma grandad and driving on train tracks with police cars around (how do i not realize im dreaming)
      2) Eating some mintss.wtf.. ma mum wants me to do somin
    11. Unborn Daughter Warns Sam to get healthy.

      by , 03-28-2011 at 08:02 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      seriously WTF

      Had a dream that Sam was in a hospital on a bed with a skull and cross bones symbol looming above her head. She kept telling me to give up on her since she was going to be dead soon. Sam dies and we are whisked away to a strange place that was very peaceful. There was light all around us and I was with Sam still. Someone came out of the light that looked a lot like a 12 year old version of Sam. But it wasn't Sam, it was her Daughter, and Mine, that hadn't been born yet. She kept telling Sam that it wasn't her time to die yet, She just stay alive And try to make her way to be with me so that she could be born. Sam was crying and said that it was so hard, she had lost her will to live. The daughter begged her, "please Mum, you have to do this for me, and for him, but most importantly for yourself, this MUST happen,"

      The Daughter pointed at me and asked why I wasn't helping her, I said there's not much I can really do in my situation, I don't have money or the means to help Sam since I'm all the way on the other side of the world. The situation seems really hopeless, but I'm trying everything I can to be supportive of Sam.

      With that the daughter whisked us away in a vortex and the dream ended.
    12. A few wacky dreams

      by , 03-28-2011 at 07:52 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Had a dream I was outside at night time with Mine and Asuka's kids. I think I remember Asuka around. we were playing a game similar to hide and seek.

      Movie WTF.

      I was riding some weird sub way train that was high up in the sky with my dad. He was getting off at a station to catch a movie. I told him I was going to the other mall station to go to a larger movie theater there.

      I went to the other station and wound up in a strange mall. I saw this strange booth and heard people talking about hypnotizing someone. They were plotting having a sleeper guy go into a trance and then bet on horse races and gamble for them to make money, after the man would win the money he would send it to the hypnotists and then have his memory wiped. They were going to use this guy often.

      Crazy show.

      I came across a strange booth in an out door market where these people were on a circular rotating board about to do a dance. They all had machete's on their belt and looked like they were in a trance. I got freaked out and thought these people were hypnotized and the beginning of the music would cue them into killing everyone with the machetes. I started running away from the booth and was heading down an escalator when their music started playing, which sounded like video game music.

      Strange instrument.

      I was with some guy that had made a strange musical instrument made from swinging vines over a large 40 foot area. You would swing or pull on one of the vines to sound a note. I tried a couple and started to make a melody when I accidentally pulled one of the vines off. The guy said it was okay, he still hadn't perfected the instrument yet.
    13. Toy Street

      by , 03-28-2011 at 07:48 PM
      I was up visiting Mac at Utah State when I tried to turn into a busy parking lot and missed the turn. I kept driving, I was in my Expedition, and came upon another point where I could turn into the parking lot. I turned in there and saw that he was driving his truck away and I had missed the opportunity to say hello. I drove out of the parking lot and turned down what looked to be main street. I ended up on a bike somehow and was no longer driving a car. I rode down into main street and there was some carpeting lining the ground and there were people in blue and white sparkly jumpsuits lined up along the road that intersected the one I was on. I got onto the road and saw that there was to be some kind of winter themed parade going on shortly so I quickly crossed the street and said to myself, "Man, now I'm going to have to find another way around."

      One of the guys dressed in a blue jumpsuit said, "Well, at least you don't have to do flips down the street."

      I got across the street and was now walking with my brothers Drew and Logan. In front of us was a wall that was full of toys like at Wal Mart and behind us was the street that the parade was going to be on. We were checking out these toys when a man came up behind us and started yelling, "They aren't supposed to be back here! Get them!"

      We took off down this row of toys and eventually the street opened up into a big toy store. We took a left and I saw a wind up helicopter lying on the table in front of me. I grabbed it and wound it up to throw at one of our persuers. I said, "Well, obviously you haven't had a helicopter thrown at you before," and threw the helicopter at him. He got hit in the head but that didn't phase him. The persuers ended up catching us somehow and we were now in this room that looked like an interrogation room that had one door and a large mirror on the other side. There was a table with three chairs around it in the center of the room. I was sitting at one end of the table and there were two men on the other side. My brothers were in separate rooms. I don't really remember much from this part of the dream. My brothers got into the room somehow and we fought off the guys and they got knocked out. Suddenly the window burst open and there were three girls standing out there. The window opened to show another street with the three girls standing there and a truck behind them. Somehow we knew they were here to capture us. I said to them, "You know you can come with us and we'll keep you safe." They looked at me and said, "Well, you did save the queen right?" I said, "Yes, we did." They came with us and we all got onto the truck.

      Me and Logan were on motorcycles and Drew was driving the truck. We were on a reddish brown rock road heading for a canyon and were being chased by a bunch of the guys from before. We went off a jump and hit hard on the ground but we all managed to stay on our motorcycles. We went off a second jump and we didn't fall off again. Then the walls of the canyon began getting closer and Logan hit my motorcycle with his and knocked the girl off. I told my brothers, "Go on without me, I'll get her." They kept going and I turned around to save her. I never got to her.

      We were now in a grocery store and we were shopping around for some stuff so the girls could fit in to normal life. Apparently they weren't from earth or had never been part of regular society. We were looking for clothes when one of the girls went to the front of the store and saw their king. He had come to take them back to where they had come from. She came back and told us this and I said, "We need to use the emergency exit."

      The girl went back to the front of the store and turned into a vampire and began fighting off all the kings men. The other girl opened a chest that was on the ground and began throwing out pieces of armor to me and Logan. Drew had disappeared at some point previous. The armor was leather but when you put it on it fit to your body perfectly. She also threw me a sword that was supposed to attach to the back of my hand but it wouldn't so I just used it regularly. I was fighting a man with two swords and wasn't doing to well. He cut me across the face and I was starting to lose the fight. He brought both of his swords up for a killing blow and I saw a weak point and cut him from his neck down into his stomach. The blade didn't do any actual damage and he brought his sword down flat on top of my head. He said, "Ha! I killed you."

      I responded, "No, I am wielding a shardblade," and he died. We ran back to the emergency exit and went into it. It was a restroom with a door inside that led to somewhere else. Me and the girl went into this door and Logan stayed behind to distract the other guys. At this point I became lucid for a moment because the girls pants were white when we went into the room but when we got out she was wearing red pants. I lost lucidity soon after this. The room we got into was what looked to be another bathroom but the back wall was gone and there was a forest beyond it. Further up on the left wall of the bathroom was another door and we saw a woman go into it and she called for us to follow. We did and we were in what looked like a school to train people like the girls we met. After much following we came to some stairs that led down and I went down them to follow this woman. She was gone and we were now in a grove with a wooden staircase leading down from the ledge we were standing on.

      At this point I woke up.
      memorable , lucid , non-lucid
    14. =(

      by , 03-28-2011 at 06:28 PM
      I must be really tired lately because I cannot remember my dreams. This has never really been a problem for me, now it's really bothering me. Anyway, I only remember bits and pieces and nothing is in order...

      I had another baby and it was amazing. This is really pissing me off though, all I can remember is a house and me being partially naked for some reason, it wasn't exactly an unpleasant feeling but T is with me somewhere.... I just keep getting vague flashbacks... =( I guess that's all for now, maybe it will come back to me...
    15. Half-Life ?

      by , 03-28-2011 at 05:53 PM

      Half Life 2: Chapter "Follow Freeman"

      Once again, orange/red scheme. Fighting Zombies with unknown person. I had a feel it was just a game and we were on a mission. Calm smooth feeling at all times. We were in this room for a minute, waiting, then activated somekind of door and zombies swarmed in. Very detailed dream. Floor was partially on fire so we could see, else black as night.

      Person seemed to be female, voice sounded very familiar somehow but can't tell for sure who/what.