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    1. Beer Brewing

      by , 05-05-2011 at 08:59 PM
      [color=blue]Me, my dad, my uncle and his daughter and my little stepbrother are going to drive out to a place where you can brew your own beer. My uncle and his 1 year old daughter drive by bicycle, my dad, my 2 Year old Brother and me go by Car. It's raining and the sky is dark. Suddenly our car flips along the front-wheel-axis and cuz of a reflex I can grab and hold my lil' brother before he falls down. After 90degrees we stop and fall back. After that my dad talks to my uncle and they notice we forgot some ingredients. One is called like "Blutstein" (Bloodstone in english).[/color][/center]

      Updated 05-25-2011 at 01:43 PM by 47031

    2. Dream inside a dream

      by , 05-05-2011 at 08:01 PM
      I'm trying to induce a wild for some reasone I look up and there are sliding glass doors in my room. (I don't have sliding glass doors) I don't become lucid instead I ponder on why I never use those doors to go outside. As I lay back down to continue my wild my body starts a strong vibration and a very loud screeching sound. I can now feel myself rising out of my body. I rose up right threw the roof into outer space there are all these bright red spirals in space. I just keep drifing past stars planets and spiral things wondering if I was out of body or in a dream. I decide I want to fly back to earth so I imagine it in front of me. Earth appears and I fly down to to I landed in a shopping mall parking lot. I felt as I was waking(could feel my body in bed) so I spun in circles in the parking lot it almost seemed if I was drunk. But it worked. I stabalized the dream a litlle then walked up to a Spanish my who had a bag of food in his hand. I tried to think of a great question to ask him but the only thing I could think of was"what's the purpose of life?" he looked at me and started talking but his words were deep toned and I couldn't make out what he was saying then I woke up. I grabbed my dream journal and walked out the doors (that are not in my room) so I had INRALD and a false awakening in the same dream room
      lucid , false awakening
    3. 5/5/11

      by , 05-05-2011 at 06:40 PM
      One dream I became lucid, some girl wanted to have a make out contest. Was pretty cool

      Had a dream i worked in an office with my sister.

      Another dream I was running from the cops for skating on school property. They were like solving the crime and I was watching. Then i went to some house with Jeremy from top gear and there was an armadillo there.

      Was telling my friends about my lucid dream.
    4. Tornado Drill? And Seeing my Dear Old Friend

      by , 05-05-2011 at 04:07 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was in my room. There were lots of people in there with me, mostly people around my age. I also remember my brother being there. It was nighttime outside. Looking out the window, the weather looked really tumultuous. I remember all the lights being off in my room.

      I then remember something about a tornado, or maybe it was just a tornado drill that we were supposed to be doing. I remember a girl, who was "new" (new to what, I'm not sure). She suggested that we have a "cake party". The places she suggested that we have it were very strange, like at a Winn Dixie, and there was another place she mentioned, but I can't remember it right now. No one thought it was a good idea, and no one wanted to participate. I remember something at this point about being in my closet.

      Then, my friend Tori came up to me and said that if one of us had presented the "cake party" idea, which was originally Tori's anyway, more people would have been in on it. It had something to do with the way the new girl had presented it.

      I then remember seeing Ziggy, my old cat (we put him to sleep about 7 years ago in waking life). I remember seeing him in our kitchen. I pet him. He meowed. I thought to myself "He looks so young, healthy, and full of life!" (I think something along these lines every time I dream of him). He ran around, jumping off of walls and doors. He seemed so vibrant! I pet him some more and listened to his meow.

      A backnote on Ziggy: Ziggy was my friend for years, until we put him down (he was very old and sick). He was my protector, in a sense. I felt like he was a guardian angel to me almost. I miss him dearly.

      Updated 05-05-2011 at 04:27 PM by 32059

      Tags: tornado, ziggy
    5. Ecstasy Field Trip + Homeless Shelter + The Mansion

      by , 05-05-2011 at 03:23 PM (The book of mars)
      Ecstasy Field Trip

      I've just done ecstasy somewhere. I'm in Barnes and Nobles, a bookstore. I "forget" that I'm on ecstasy and just feel really, really stoned. My school is here and we're on some kind of field trip.

      I'm being shown a science demo. An older guy is holding a glass full of some kind of liquid. When he tips the glass a certain way, the liquid drips out the bottom in a gelatinous manner. He tells me to touch it but I'm really sicked out by it and a little afraid.
      Where the magazines usually are in the store, there is a big empty floor. A few people are sitting around in a circle. I stay here and enjoy how stoned I am until a lady who seems to be in charge of the whole thing tells us to go to the Blank Journals Section.
      I follow the crowd into an area with the sections: blank journals, pseudo science, and Japan. We form a circle around these shelves. I'm standing next to the Japan books but I want to be by the pseudo science books so I make a little leap around the shelf to do so.

      Suddenly I remember I'm on ecstasy and go over to a music box. It's playing really soft music. I wonder how different music will make me feel so I press a little square with fractal album work on it. I don't hear the music change and feel no different.

      I walk around to the children's book section. The mentally disabled kids are hanging out here. A teacher begins to laugh at me and says I have an overbite. I realize that my teeth are hanging out of my mouth. It feels like I had fake plastic teeth over my real teeth for a long time and now I'm conscious of my actual mouth. It's bizarre and the feeling doesn't go away.

      Homeless Shelter

      I have no body or consciousness. I am watching my dream.

      My friend Pehry is in the homeless shelter. He's fighting with another boy. The boy says he wants to have a physical fight downtown in a half hour, and Pehry goes along with it. There's a mediator, an older women. She doesn't make him say no, and follows him as he walks downtown.

      I am now myself. I am walking around near the homeless shelter. I'm with Heather. Under my arm I'm carrying several rolled up colorful mats. We're dropping them off here.

      Heather is afraid to go in so I walk up to the place. I remember that it's only available for homeless people to go into at night, so I wonder if I can get in. I knock on the door and it swings in my direction, locking me between the door and the outside wall. It swings back in, I hop over the other way and knock again. I enter.

      A few ladies are here cleaning the place. It smells like cat litter. There's a calendar with a family photo as the month's picture. One lady comes up to me and asks what I want, politely.

      I explain to her I have a few "yoga mats'' she can have for the shelter. She replies rather excitedly but then questions if she needs them. I realize they aren't yoga mats but actually mats for sitting on while you draw with chalk outside. You put the chalk on the mats so the pieces don't roll away. I don't tell her this.

      The Mansion

      For whatever reason, I am walking into a big mansion home owned by a girl I went to high school with briefly. I'm wearing my hat really strangely but don't seem to mind.

      She greets me like we were really good friends and I do the same to her. We walk around her house and I ask her if it's haunted. She says "sometimes". Her boyfriend is a really gangster dude, very unlike her, and walks around us to go to the bathroom. She lets me wander around her house.

      I look up the stairs that are in front of me and see the silhouette of the bathroom. I see a rat fall out of her boyfriend's jeans. I go over to her and tell her this. When he flushes the toilet, the rat falls down the pipe and lands in a box under the stairs. She "changes reality" and when I open the box, its just an outline of the rat. She kind of winks at me.

      I get a ride home from here with Jack and Heather. The road is really torn up and we hit all the bad sections at high speeds, making us airborne for a moment. He drops me off at home.

      I play the sims and make the Brady Bunch's house. The girl calls my phone and asks if I want to hang out, but its like 11 at night and I don't have a ride. I tell her this and feel really bad.
    6. 3 non-lucid dreams recalled

      by , 05-05-2011 at 03:15 PM (Jacob's dreamjournal)
      First dream:

      I was in a hotel room, and I'm somehow attempting to cheat in the lottery, to win the big prize. I have no idea how I was attempting to do it, but I was. I am concerned that my dad has figured me out, but I never see him. Suddently I'm at my parents house with one of my friends, and he is bleeding from his ear.

      Second dream:

      I'm at a weird place I've never been to before. I'm sitting in a sofa watching a movie, and a big turtle in the movie starts talking to me. I don't remember what it said. Suddenly I'm in World of Warcraft walking around, talking to dwarves. Then I was back in the sofa, and I see one of my friends cycling on a exercising bike. I go to him and see that he is reading a blue book. I ask him if it's the lucid dreaming book that I also have, but he tells me it's Harry Potter 4. Really annoyed that I didn't realize that this was a dream at this point! I woke up just after.

      Third dream:

      I'm in a church, which for some reason is also my home. Some of my friends walk in the door, and one of them desperately needs to hide his laptop, so he climbs up on my desk, and hides it in a window sill. Some more of my friends come in, and we talk. I dont remember what we talked about. Suddently I'm at a supermarket, buying fries, vegetables and meatballs. I grab a bag of meatballs and a boy comes over to me, and tells me they taste really good. His father walks over and agrees with his son.

      Thats all, pretty happy about recalling 3 dreams in 1 night. And dreaming about my lucid dreaming book is also progress I would say!

    7. Fight with Emil in Pavel's grandma hose

      by , 05-05-2011 at 02:04 PM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      I am at Pavel’s or Barbara’s house. The whole setting is about me having some arguments with Emil, Barbara’s uncle. At one point I want to go to the toilet (number 2). The bathroom is where the bedroom on the first floor is in Pavel’s grandmother house. I go there and lock the door, but I can’t. I can hear Emil coming downstairs so I pretend that I am not going toilet and start having a go at him. So as we argue, I try to sort it out psychologically, to find a common way. But he is stubborn and aggressive so I punch him several times in the face. I can feel how nicely the fist landed on his face. (This is different from most of the dream fights, as I normally feel as if I missed or so). Even though he is aggressive, I can sense good deal of respect from him. (What I like about my dream self that I have no fear at all and react fairly masculine to situations like this.)
      Tags: emil, fight, pavel, shit
      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Still not rememberng much

      by , 05-05-2011 at 12:59 PM
      Cant remember many dreasm still. today i just got up early to keep my mind awake for my first wild attempt...
    9. Endeavors

      by , 05-05-2011 at 12:57 PM
      I'm in a hotel of some sort. I was staying on the fourth floor (I know this because when I opened my door it said "04.012"). In and around the hotel people were working (moving stuff and painting, stuff like that). There was this girl that appeared to be my girlfriend. We teased each other a bit, then we kissed. The next moment she came around the corner with a friend of hers who was weeping. A family member had died. For some reason I had to kiss my girlfriend's hand (it was tradition, which I didn't know). When I didn't really knew why she put her hand out she looked at me in a weird way. The next moment she was standing with a couple of her girlfriends. I joined them, she made a joke about me. I played that I was mad, and left for my hotelroom, hoping she would follow me. I sensed she was following me, the dream then faded and I woke up.

      Sorry, weird dream.
    10. Suicide

      by , 05-05-2011 at 12:14 PM (Nude Pictures of Myself)
      I took a nap this evening and had a dream that was grotesquely gory (yet strangely beautiful [in a sense]). I was pretty much watching myself tear through my flesh with a gun (a MAC-10 I beleive? Idk, something automatic) and then eventually dying once I was nothing more than a mound of sopping flesh. Not nearly as pretty a sight as it sounds, I assure you. The dream then went on and kind of showed me a "what if" and gave me a rundown of various things I was missing out on now that I was dead. The dream ended with me and this girl that I'm almost, kinda, sorta, not really but in a sense I am with in real life. I think. Yeah... I don't get it either. I get the feeling like I'm "just a friend" but then there are times where it seems like it's more than that. As if she wasn't hard enough to read already, now there's this other guy that she kind of seems to have a thing for as well. Oh god, what if I'm one of those pathetic saps that don't realize they're being strung along... Does this mean I have to start laughing at myself now? D: It's complicated and you probably don't even care so I'm not going to go into it any further. Anyways, the dream replayed my first kiss which was with her a while back.

      Not the most pleasant dream I've had, rather disturbing actually, but I enjoyed it nonetheless because of the rush of relief that followed when I woke up.

      Updated 07-13-2011 at 04:10 AM by 38313

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable , dream fragment
    11. Mom Talks Of Her Father's Anger

      by , 05-05-2011 at 11:59 AM
      Mom and i where making a bed, it had a white bed sheet and a green blanket over it that we where putting on. Mom told me that her dad inspected her bed and if it wasn't right he would yell and scream at her. The dream ended.

      Updated 05-07-2011 at 04:27 PM by 46539

    12. A Strang Game Visit

      by , 05-05-2011 at 11:55 AM
      I was at Anthony's house from school. He and I where standing in the living room, I don't remember much of what it looked like. He asked me if I wanted to play Doom on Playstation, but stupid ole me didn't know what Doom or Playstation was. We walked into his room, I remember seeing a carpet palish white in color and white walls. For some odd reason I wasn't wearing my shoes which I wear everywhere but the shower and my bed. He sat down on the floor cross legged, I sat down to his right with my legs folded under me facing him. The dream ended.

      Updated 05-07-2011 at 04:27 PM by 46539

    13. Bus Crash.

      by , 05-05-2011 at 11:27 AM (The Escapades of FireDevil)
      At first my dream started off with me getting off the bus to go stay at some house with two girls. I don't know why I was staying there it just was kind of like instict. We walked off the bus and the girl said something like it's only a little stroll to the house. Soon we got close, we had walked behind the whole forest to find a hidden house, it had blue shutters and doors. We enetered the house and immediatley her grandma came out of the bathroom and walked away. Then the dream skipped.

      I was now on a bus with one of my friends in irl sitting beside me. I sat there quietly as the bus made a stop. Some people loaded on and we were on our way again. I noticed one of the persons was one of my good friends. They walked toward me, however they began to talk to my friend beside me. Then randomly she grabbed my hands and it felt so real, I could feel everything. Afterwards she said she had to go and got off the bus. Then the bus made a random stop and I got off of it. The bus drove off, however I decided to look behind me and I saw the bus crash and immediatley burst into a flaming wreck. I thought to myself at least my one friend got off safely. I immediatley ran towards a car with a man inside. Somehow I was now in Britian and everybody had british accents. I asked him if he could dial the emergency number, since I didn't know what it was in Britian. He ended up dialing 8967 or 8968. Nothing happened and I randomly forgot about the bus at that point. Then some other DCs came up and wanted to test us on our knowledge about different types of molds. The molds were handed out and I told them that I hadn't learned half of these in science class. Actually irl I dint know anything about molds and we definatley never had a science class about mold. SOnn after, the dream ended.

      Just to remind you, always remember to have incredibly sweet dreams.
      non-lucid , memorable
    14. Unexpected Question

      by , 05-05-2011 at 09:47 AM
      I was inside some kind of huge mall building with many semi-mossy stone walls in the inside. I'm sitting on a wooden bench attached to one of these walls in the middle of a square area looking after a younger version of my little sister when two girls from my year at school walk past. Let's call the Caitlin and Georgia, the latter of the two i barely know in real life. So Georgia comes up to me and asks if I've already been asked to go with someone this October. At first I didn't know what she meant, but then I thought of the school ball (which in reality my year can't go to until next year) and said no, I haven't been asked. I then say did you want to go with me? She sheepishly nods and says "Yeah". So I reply "Yeah for sure I'd like to go with you, it'll be nice." She smiles and blushes and says "Thanks" to which I reply "No worries". She then walks back to Caitlin and I assume she tells her our conversation because then Georgia looks over to me and I smile, making her giggle flirtaciously. I then walk up to them and say to Georgia "I guess I'll see you then" and they then walk off and I hear Caitlin saying I'm 'such a kiwi bloke'
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. Midnight Lucid Awakening.

      by , 05-05-2011 at 06:40 AM (Typho's DJ)

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 05:07 AM by 44350

      lucid , dream fragment