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    1. Success!

      by , 02-15-2011 at 10:22 PM (The Vault)
      About a week into my journal keeping and reality checks I've had my first lucid dream.

      It happened during a 15 minute nap between classes today. Was sleeping in my dorm room and I had a dream about sitting on the other side of my room and talking to my roommates. They leave the room and suddenly I realize (with no apparant cause) that I'm actually in a dream. I say to myself the phrase I learned reading here recently, "I am lucid, the world is vivid" and crack my knuckles (my reality check) just to make sure.

      Since it's my first real lucid dream in a LONG time, I simply walk around my dorm room and observe the dream world. It seems much more like I'm floating than actually walking. I go into the next room and play with the door behind me via telekinesis. Works like a charm. I keep walking and when I look into the bathroom I begin to lose lucidity. I try spinning and turn the bathroom into a totally different room with brick walls. I explore around there a little bit and decide to look at my hands and feet. They do definitely look distorted. I walk back to where the dream started. I hear my roommates talking in the background and begin to wake up
      . I try to hang onto the dream but accidentally move my leg and become fully awake.

      Very proud of myself, going to try and have some more fun with it next time.
    2. My World

      , 02-15-2011 at 09:50 PM
      a while ago, i was killed. next to me lay a co-worker and a rodent, both dead. i couldn't open my eyes, but i could see everything in 360 degrees, i think. as i started rising up, i was slowly spinning and it would appear that time was speeding up really fast. i noticed the rodent twitch back to life and scurry off before all the plants and shit died, that freaked me the fuck out. it was dead as shit. it felt as if the higher i floated the faster i was spinning and the faster time was going. i felt i was reaching the end of the earth, i was far past the end of civilization for sure. Then i started smashing into my ceiling, but i couldn't see it, i could only feel it. This is when i realized i was dreaming and woke up. That's been lingering in my mind ever since. It;s been a few days and it's still quite clear.

      note; the co-worker, i think, was probably Dwight Shrute. It was another sort of The Office spliced with Fallout 3 kind of dream, but we were in the office instead of the wastelands most of the dream. The paper work made sense at first, then it just all went to shit and i was all stressed. I think we stepped outside for some air when we were shot down or grenaded. i didn't see it coming, i just felt it and dropped.
      Tags: death, dying, timewarp
    3. Breaking the Streak

      by , 02-15-2011 at 09:17 PM
      So I've been on a little bit of a dry spell with LD's. Haven't had one in several months.. But last night I decided to set my alarm for 6am and take a vitamin B tablet and go back to bed to see what happened. I had 2 LD's before 7am. They were awesome!

      They kind of blended together, as they were back to back with a false awakening in between. The first one I was laying with my ex girlfriend in a tent, and realized, why is it that I'm sleeping with you? I became lucid and somehow got to my dorm building at college fully lucid. I was really excited and sprinted around to try and find someone to talk to. After about 20 seconds or so I found a group of people I recognized and struck up conversation. They were talkative until I brought up the subject of dreaming and the fact they were in my dream. They ignored what I was saying so I tried to prove it to them. I saw a group of girls and told them to get naked and sure enough they did, and my DC's were still quiet.

      *False awakening*

      Then I was back in the same dorm, and looked for this girl I was seeing in the past and found her. We started kissing and i made the mistake of shutting my dream eyes. When I opened them again I lost my lucidity and was shocked that the blonde hair blue eyed girl was now black, but I wasn't in control anymore so I didn't think anything of it. It didn't strike me as odd that she had a tail either..

      It was GREAT to finally break my dry spell, it's been too long. In the meantime, I'm going to keep doing the 6am and vitamin B routine. Dream on.
    4. 2011-02-14.2f | nonlucid

      by , 02-15-2011 at 08:32 PM (Short Stories with Tragic Endings)
      I am sitting in a classroom and the teacher is partnering people up for something. I hope my
      partner will be someone I get along with. When she calls my name I listen for the name of
      my partner. The teacher says "Astral Pixels". A boy turns around in his seat a little ways in
      front of me
      and the dream ends. I wake up and think, wow I just had a dream involving
      someone from DV.
    5. 2011-02-14f | nonlucid

      by , 02-15-2011 at 08:28 PM (Short Stories with Tragic Endings)
      I am on a bus and I have my Alto Saxophone. There is a lady going around having people play
      for some sort of audition. She gets to me and I play "Sonata for Eb Alto Saxophone by Wolfgang
      Jacobi". She then goes on down the rest of the bus.
      The dream ends.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Tuesday 15/02/11 - DV gathering

      by , 02-15-2011 at 07:37 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! A second night with good recall. The dreams were of the usual stuff. Will write them all down as fragments.

      22.30: Sleep

      05.10: Fragments
      *I'm playing an action game where I get to control a walking cat. I bump into two other animal characters, but they are no match for my extreme agility. I kill them in seconds with some jumping around and slashing with my claws. I spot a high tower and I decide to climb it. As I start climbing the vertical wall, using my claws as hooks, people start shooting at me. Soon atleast four or five people are gunning me down and I fall.

      *I'm in a huge spa of some sorts. There are shallow pools of water everywhere and my cellphone rings. I answer it. It's a DV member, telling me where we are about to meet up. I dive into a pool and get up again, the phone all wet. "What? Sorry I couldn't hear you" I say out loud, there's something wrong with the phone. People start appearing out of nowhere, and they head for a large platform. As we're in a place of pools, some people are only wearing swiming suits, and some not even that! Some guy greets us all to the first ever DV gathering. People cheer.

      *I'm with my brother and we're drinking heavily once again. I spot a small clear syringe and I inject the clear fluid into my bloodstream. It's apparently heroin, and I'm wasted already. It doesn't seem to do much, but I've still done hard drugs, which makes me a bit paranoid. My brother tells me it was one of the "bad guy's" drugs, and I try to fix the second one so that it will look untouched. I try to put the tiny rubber tube back on the needle itself, but it takes forever! I try to do this for what seems like ten minutes, then my mom shows up.

      05.10: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 6½ hours

      Supplements: 2 x Omega-3

      That's it! Sleepnight coming up. 8 hours of sleep is the goal. Also, didn't get any comments last night. I'll repeat the question. For my next dreamgoal, I will summon a companion. I'm thinking my mom's previous, dead dog Ozzy, or her current one; Igor. What do you guys think? Taking an exam in telekinesis and flying is something I've thought about doing. To make sure I have mastered them before I move on to my next goal.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      dream fragment
    7. 2 tiny bits

      by , 02-15-2011 at 07:34 PM (Cathy's Dream Journal)
      Two random, remembered bits from the last few days:

      -A dream about Kurt from Glee
      -A scenerio for the next Supernatural episode
    8. 15.2.2011: The zombie apocalypse

      by , 02-15-2011 at 07:28 PM
      Dream Lucid Me DC

      I´m in my school with some other students. I find out, that the zombie apocalypse has begun and we´re hiding in the school building. More survivors show up. I look at some posters on the wall. One of them says something like "Join the survivor club. We´re a friendly community and we´re more than happy to welcome you to our fight against the undead." or something like that. Then I somehow got bitten by a zombie and got infected. I fell to the ground and started to crawl on the floor. But after awhile, I just stood up and said "Just kidding, I just wanted to scare you." And then teachers started to give us our tests for some reason. (Zombie apocalypse survival test?) I woke up.
    9. Some naruto-themed battles, possible dream sharing?

      by , 02-15-2011 at 06:47 PM
      A good friend and I have been attempting shared dreaming for some time now. I have a feeling it may have happened last night.

      I don't remember what happened up to this point, but I had some sort of crazy dream adventure, that climaxed with some kind of roller coaster or train about to fall off a broken track. Two other people were with me (one was my friend, I'll call him C). We decided to try and save the people on board. My non-lucids are always trippy as hell, and for some reason I saw a giant spider crawling along the track. For some reason, my first reaction was to simply shout "Spider man!" at which point the spider turned into spiderman himself. At this point, I just started yelling out names of characters to come save us. I called for Superman, Goku, and few others. The last name I yelled was "SPIRIT BEAAAAAAR" (no idea where that came from). I may have performed dream control without being lucid, but besides spiderman none of the other characters showed up. In fact, Spidey didn't even help with the situation at hand. My 2 friends and I ended up building a bridge from the broken track to safe ground, by holding up something (cardboard boxes? I have a feeling that might be it but can't quite wrap my mind around it). However, 2 of the passengers fell into some spooky dungeon below. At this point, I became lucid. C and I plunged into the dungeon to rescue the people. If I remember correctly, we had been waiting for another friend on the train/rollercoaster, and he told us the people who fell were his sister and grandmother or something.

      Anyway, we entered the dungeon, searching for these poor people. Going deeper into the dungeon, we battled several groups of ninjas. My preferred method of dream combat is through Naruto-style "jutsus". So, I performed some handseals and dispatched the ninjas with a few different techniques, including a lightning bolt, a fireball, a dragon flame, and a stone prison. (for the stone prison, the ground just opened up underneath his feet and he fell in, at which point it started squeezing him, holding him in place as my friend owned him with some explosive attack). As a side note, my current Lucid Goal is to perform jutsus of each element from the series. The lightning and fire jutsus are staples for me, but this was my first time improvising an earth jutsu. As of right now, I'm at 3/5, I only need wind and water. Immediately after the battle where I used stone prison, I had a false awakening. C was sitting next to me in my room, and I failed to do an RC Instead, I turned to C and started discussing the dream. "My dream control is getting better, I think. I mean, did you see that stone prison?" C agreed with me, and we concluded that we should go back to sleep and continue our adventure.

      Unfortunately, I lost lucidity at this point. The dream continued with me entering a church where a huge amount of people were gathered for a service of some kind. I wanted to join the church, but they wouldn't let me. Nothing else really eventful happened after this, I went to a college, and was walking around looking at the students, still non lucid.

      All in all, a pretty good night of dreams. I need to get in touch with C to see if he had the same dream. Wouldn't surprise me if it was only a DC though, as both of us (especially C) are low-level LDers
    10. School Pizza

      by , 02-15-2011 at 06:34 PM
      Pizza at School (Non-lucid)


      Log: 11:30 Teusday, February 14-15th, 2011
      Hours:6:30m Alarm: 5:45am Audio: None

      This dream starts as i am going down the stairs that lead to the East Atrium, and i need to get something to eat for lunch. I noticed that the line, that of which was formed right to the left of the bottom of the stairs, was quickly getting bigger. I ran as fast as i could but didn't make it very high up in the line regardless. But surprisingly, the line went really fast. I was to the front in no time. I wanted a couple pieces of pizza so i kindly told the lunch lady what i wanted. Two pieces of cheese pizza. She acknowledged me and grabbed for the pizza. She repeated, "Ok, so one cheese and one pepperoni." I was confused, but i knew that the lunch ladies were tempermental and slightly crazy. So she finished putting them onto a counter, and then she started getting out that little piece of paper that they put them on. The second lunch lady in the kitchen started asking the first what the piece of paper even was. he first went on to tell her that it was just a grease collector or sponge. But she gave it to me regardless.Then something was going wrong so i just asked her if it would be easier to give me some new pizza that was sitting right there close to us. She was fairly angry so she just gave it to me and i left. I walked off to my left and walked around the atrium. I, for some reason, passed by what i thought was Jacob Carillo's house, noticing the blue suburan and thinking about why i don't pass this more often. I kept going toward the small ramp between the two atriums. As i was about a third of the way up, i came across Riley. As i was about to talk to him i noticed that Sam was walking right behind him, but i was too caught up in him to talk to her. So as we were talking, Riley was showing me either a big poster or a picture, that just happened to have him in it, and it said somehting along the lines of, " Many African children were killed by Hitler." Riley was flabbergasted at how fail this was and he was cracking up. I was laughing specifically at his facial expression. It was great. And then it ended.
    11. Forgive us our trespasses

      by , 02-15-2011 at 05:48 PM (Ruesia's Dream Journal)
      I had this dream Feb. 14th. I did not sleep well and woke frequently

      I am in a bunker. It is metallic and technologically advanced. There is a man sitting in it next to a computer screen. He has auburn hair that is longer and falls in front of his eyes. He turns to me and we are connected. I feel as if I need him. I go to him and hold him. He awkwardly holds me back. He is not warm and loving. There is no compassion in him. We kiss and embrace. I feel as if I have been searching for him forever.


      We are walking through the woods, the man, a few others, and myself. There is a pond that we are walking down to. We see a family that is setting up a picnic nearby. The father sees us and is troubled. He tells us we are trespassing. He comes at us and his family is behind him. The other friends flee, and it is just my partner and I. The family is composed of the husband, his wife and two daughters, perhaps in their early teens. As we are trying to flee, the father catches up and grabs my partner. I cry out and turn back. I fight off the father and I tell my partner to run. We are both running, but the father catches me. I struggle and am able to pull out of his grasp, but fall into the pond. The pond is now a deep swimming pool and I dive down to the bottom. I see the father swimming toward me and I try to evade him. I hear him speaking, but he is speaking in my mind. He tells me I am trapped. He tells me they are coming and his two daughters splash into the pool. I am thrashing and trying to get away. I think of my partner and hope he is ok. That is all I am worried about.

      That's all I can remember right now. I have had this man in my dreams twice now. He is the same man (but I do not know him in reality) and I am always raptured by him. I feel like he is my soul mate, although he does not show any compassion toward me. He rarely talks.
    12. Lots of dreams

      by , 02-15-2011 at 05:38 PM
      Ive been taking Silene Capensis for 3 days now. One of the things that I have read about it is that you should do whilst taking it is try to think of a question where you would like guidance in your life, and the answer will come to you in a dream.
      Me being 27 and bumming round in jobs that I hate, my question to the dream-spirits has been "What should I do with my life?"...because i still have no idea!

      Well, I think my dream recall is definitely improving. I seemed to have lots of dreams last night that were vivid. Was this due to the silene capensis? I am not sure. I wish I had wrote them down during the night, but they were vivid enough for me to think "I will definately remember this!" Except by now, I can only remember snippets:-

      Dream 1:
      I am a rich and successful man. I am wearing a suit and I can buy pretty much anything I want in life. How got to be rich... either I can't remember or it was not explained.

      Dream 2:
      On a submarine...? Or inside some kind of metal tank with other people. No idea what this was.... Just the tiniest fragment, but I know it was a long dream. I shoudl have wrote it down!

      Dream 3:
      I am playing Fallout 3 whilst my girlfriend watches. She is unimpressed with the storyline. I describe to her how I love the way the civilisation is existing right on the cusp of life and death.

      I am sure I had more dreams too, but i cannot recall them right now.
    13. Another failed WBTB :(

      by , 02-15-2011 at 05:37 PM

      I went to bed at at 9:15, and fell asleep for 9:30. I later woke up for a WBTB at 3:21. I had set an alarm for 4am, however I woke up before hand and thought I might as well experiment with times. When I did my WBTB, i recalled the following dream fragment:

      1) I was on Last.Fm, and I was scrobbling Aphex Twin - Vordhosbn.

      After 30 minutes, I went back to bed. I decided to sleep on my side for this WBTB as I find it much more comfortable, and I thought this might have been the reason why I had no success with WILDS. However, I feel laying on my side my have limited success even further, as I was continuously switching sides which probably prevented my body from relaxing properly. Anyway, I had no success :/ I recalled these dreams in the morning
      2) I was walking through the art block in my school. It was sunny with only a bit of cloud coverage outside. There was an extra door on the right of the block, whereas there is normally only one on the right. The block was now made of black glass, not brick, and it was much bigger. After walking into the block, the entrance looked the same as the real entrance. Suddenly, a Facebook page appeared out of nowhere on the right I think this was almost like a hologram. I saw a very sexist comment, and this made me laugh a lot. So, I 'liked' it. However, this automatically 'liked' every single other comment on the page! This didn't bother me, as all of the other comments were sexist and hilarious. However, it was still odd.

      3) I was in a holiday home abroad with my Family, however only my sister and I were in. I was sat by a desk with my Sister. The area and the desk looked very similar to the art block in my school. This dream may have linked with my last dream. We were on a laptop together, talking about something that annoyed us. I cannot remember what.

      4) I had written in my dream journal that I had a dream about having sex with one of my female friends. My friend Ryan. B read this, and thought it'd be funny to tell the entire school

      5) I was sat in my friend Chloe's house. Her house was on the left of a hill up to my local Sainsburies. Me and her were sat in her living room on a soft, worn sofa. It was very dark in the room with no lighting, and it was early evening in the winter, so there was very little light coming in. I had told my Mum I was going out briefly, but I decided to stay for a bit longer.

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Indoor Cemeteries and Tornadoes.

      by , 02-15-2011 at 04:12 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid - AP

      I was in what was supposed to be my friend Kacey's room, sitting on her bed. My butt was hurting (weird). Later, I took off my pants and there was a lot of blood in my underwear because I was bleeding out my butt (ahhh!!). I told Kacey and she said "Well that explains the stain on my bed." I was then told by someone that I needed to switch to softer toilet paper.

      I also remember someone wanting to have sex with me, but that was not going to happen in my condition at the time.

      I know there was more to this one, but that's all I can recall.


      I was in my living room, watching my brother, who in this dream was much younger than in waking life, play with some toys. My friends Courtney and Caitlin wanted me to go to the mall with them. I had already been, so I didn't really want to go, but I went anyway. They went to Forever 21, and I went in there with them and browsed.

      Then, we were in an indoor cemetery. We walked by many graves, and went through many different rooms. I think Caitlin was looking for a certain one. As we were walking, I saw cemetery workers taking these boxes out of the graves; boxes of the deceased people's internal organs, and they were cleaning them. It really grossed me out, so I turned around to leave.


      I feel like this may be a continuation from the first dream.

      I was at my boss's house, but it was much smaller than in waking life and kinda looked like Caitlin's house. Caitlin, Courtney, and my old friend Stephanie were there. My boss was standing in front of a glass sliding door. Outside the glass door was a huge field. It was dark and very cloudy outside. My boss was talking to us, when, in the distance, I spotted a tornado. I told my boss to turn around and look. She did so, and we all went outside to find the tornado shelter that was built into the ground. I herded everyone in there, but my boss didn't come in. I pointed out where the benches were. I remember I was sitting on a bench to the left, Caitlin was on the right bench, and Stephanie was on the back bench. I can't remember where Courtney was sitting.

      We knew the tornado was coming closer, but my boss was still not in the shelter. Someone looked through a crack in the shelter door and said they saw her, and that she was alright. Then, the tornado picked up the shelter, and we were spinning around through the air. This lasted for a few minutes before the spinning stopped. I remember thinking to myself that it probably didn't last near as long as it felt like it did.

      We exited the shelter, and it was sunny outside. We were in the middle of a field. I remember seeing a family in a garage holding a wedding ceremony. We were trying to find my boss's house again. I can't remember when or if we made it back, but I feel like we did.


      Yet another continuation.

      I was back in the house, but my friends were gone. The house was now my grandparents's old house, but it didn't look like it. My grandparents were there. I wanted to take a shower, but I knew I had to time it so as not to waste water (my grandparents used to make me time my showers with a kitchen timer when I was little in waking life).

      I started the shower, and then I realized I had to eat dinner with my grandparents. I sat at the table with them. I don't remember eating, but we all talked, I think about the tornado. I know I was thinking about the tornado at any rate. I then went back to take my shower, but my grandpa had turned the water off. I was just about to turn it back on, when a very big, tall, older man entered the bathroom, and asked me if I was going to take a shower. I said yes, I was. I think he wanted to take a shower first. Then, he started asking me more and more questions.

      Updated 02-15-2011 at 09:46 PM by 32059

      Tags: tornado
    15. olicoolkid: the RPG (and ive worked out my dream sign!)

      by , 02-15-2011 at 01:01 PM ("see you in the next dream, brotha.")
      again, non-lucid. i really need to improve on getting lucid. anyways, i was in what seemed to be an RPG. i had a party of me, my mum, my friend jake, and what seemed to be a form of my friend catherine. there were loads of puzzles we had to do, (in standared RPG format) and we progressed. what was interesting is that there ws an ice lolly stool, just randomly placed in the dungon/classroom/corridor/idk, and it selled mountian due slush in a cone. i found that strange. the last i remember of my dream is me doing a super-long cutscene move/attack in which i turned into matt smith and smeared lipstick all over my face, and the did a morris dance. then the raw awsomeness of that attack woke me up. maybe. or it could have been my mum.

      i did remember alot more of this dream, but my pen for my solid DJ feel down the side of my bed.

      of, and i relized that my dream sign is....wait for it....my friend jake! he's not going to like that though. he thinks lucid dreams are a load of balloney. so when everytime he walks up to me i do a RC, hes going to get very mad, very fast.

      oh wells.