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    1. Weird commercial

      by , 10-07-2010 at 01:41 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I was at a beach, and, according to a voiceover, I was in Parramatta, which isn't near any beaches IRL. The voiceover talked about how you can use this awesome new car, a four-wheel-drive, to reach a better beach around the corner. I stood there while the car went off around the corner. I decided to follow it.

      I slipped on some mud (this being the crap beach) and eventually got up onto some metal staircases in the cliffside. I saw a couple halfway up watching their laptop. It was Windows 7 and they were looking at their files which were on their home computer (I have been seeing so many ads for it).

      At the top was the car, which had two girls and their dad. The car had a section infront of the dashboard where I sat. The dad said something about how I shouldn't be seen with them. We drove back down to the bottom. I got out and got my stuff, I'm not sure exactly what I had. Then they all said bye and drove away. I tried to see what the number plate was so I could contact them again someday, but when I looked, the car was a person running away, and there was no number plate on their legs

      The end.
    2. Almost hit by a car

      by , 10-07-2010 at 01:11 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      So, I was in a van being taken somewhere with a few others as if we had done something wrong. Then we stopped next to a busy road. The drivers said we can take a break. I decided to cross the road for a walk. It was nighttime.

      So I crossed halfway and stopped at the pedestrian island, and watched all the cars zooming past. I prayed that God would protect me. All of a sudden a car spun out of control and was skidding towards me! I bolted away yelling while other cars had to stop for me. The skidding car hit a little pole right where I was standing.

      I walked back and saw police already there giving the driver a breath test, and the police said "You can make a statement unless you have to get back really quickly," he was referring to the people who were driving me at the beginning. I went back to them

      The end.
    3. Shit dreams.

      by , 10-06-2010 at 11:39 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Just another Exciting work dream... NOT. but yeah I was sanding drywall mud with a sanding sponge. I did an entire floor during the Entire dream. how exciting is that huh? Then i went home and for some reason stuck a syringe filled with drywall mud into my neck. Turned out there was an air bubble in the mud. OOPS. I died and therefore ended that dreary dream. Then I got to do it in waking life YAY! Except for the ending with the syringe...

      Asuka and me watch stuff

      Brief dream about watching a cartoon based on my very own dream adventures. On the screen i was a cartoon flying green snake with a cobra head fighting A giant black water snake in mid air. It bit my neck and then I bathed in in green flames! Then nomad was a red dragon and kicked the black snakes ass! I was awesome. Then we were all in a healing cave!

      False Awakening

      FA, Get out of bed and RC.... NOT I wish. I woke up in my house and heard my mother knocking on the door begging for food. there was know way she knows where I live or would ave the means to visit me... Definitely should have RC'd but did not.

      Being cool at school

      I was at school and Cacophony was there. Don't remember much a bout her though... I put a fake name on my schoolbook that ended with "Torres". I thought it was cool. but then my brother came by and laughed at the name on my book. Then I realized it was pretty lame for a name... i mean What was I thinking?!?!?!?!?


      Loads of mini lucid flashes where I was looking at my hand.

      Updated 10-06-2010 at 11:41 PM by 6012

    4. 2 Oct. 2010

      by , 10-06-2010 at 10:26 PM
      I was in my biology room, listening to a teacher instruct us as to how the tryouts for the school floor hockey team would be arranged. I don't quite remember what he said, but he explained that the changing rooms were on the right (which is where the closet is in the actual room). There was a piece of tape dividing half of the room, and the left half was team red and the right was team blue. We would be scrimmaging to decide who made the real team. To my dismay, I noticed that my ex (S) was there. Recently, he spoke to me and we got in a huge fight, so it's not a real surprise he was there. We were dismissed to the changing rooms, where we put on full-body suits that were red or blue and prepared to start the game. Each team would divide into offense and defense, and we'd have one person trying to score goals. The plan changed so that we would not be scrimmaging against each other per se but rather competing to get the best score without opposition. I did my best to pretend that my ex didn't exist, and started to play the game. We were playing with a small rubber ball, and I used my stick to pass it up to our goal-scorer. This continued for the rest of the game (for the sake of boredom, I won't go into details). My biology teacher called a halt and switched up our teams. I was put on the red team with the rest of the relatively good players, but I didn't notice when he put me on the team. I was wondering which team I was on, and he went into the hallway so I followed him to ask. He told me "I put you on the red team, you must have missed it when I made the hand gesture pointing you that way." So I went to the changing room and struggled to switch into a red suit, only to go out and find my team wearing orange and already playing. I quickly realized that the suit was reversible and it was orange on the other side. Then, that portion ended, and my ex approached me and started to argue with me to tell me we should stay friends and keep talking to each other. I can't remember the exact conversation, but he wasn't acting like himself at all. He was pleading with me. We were dismissed from the tryouts and told to leave, so I did. At the end of the hallway was the staircase and two door-like portals. I went onto the staircase and watched people go into the portals (girls in the left portal boys in the right) riding motorcycles which were small and quite quiet, but sounding like they needed a good tune-up. I followed into one, and found myself on an escalator that went down into a store in a mall. The dream ended.
    5. 2 Oct. 2010

      by , 10-06-2010 at 10:26 PM
      The dream began in some expensive looking home. The premise was that I was getting married, to an overly large person who in hindsight I can't recall whether they were a girl or a boy. I was marrying them for their money. (Apparently in my dreams, I am a gold digger.) They were extremely obese, and the dream progressed to the point where we were 'married.' The ceremony never actually took place in the dream, but I remember the partner unbuttoning their shirt (looked like the buttons were fit to burst anyway) and revealing their plenty of fat rolls. The dream ended here. Luckily for my innocence.


      I think this dream was linked to the last one somehow. I remember ending up in a bathtub with someone else, who seemed obese enough to be the person in the last dream. They insisted to let them 'take care of' me. I was completely naked. The rest of the dream was extremely creepy. >.<


      I think this dream was linked to the last one somehow. I remember ending up in a bathtub with someone else, who seemed obese enough to be the person in the last dream. They insisted to let them 'take care of' me. I was completely naked. The rest of the dream was extremely creepy. >.<

      * This was a night of weird, sexual dreams, and so I just grouped them all together.
    6. 28 Sep. 2010

      by , 10-06-2010 at 10:24 PM
      I think this dream was actually the first one I had in the night, but the chronological order of my dreams is usually slightly askew so I don't really mind. My brother, my dad and I were looking for new houses. We had found one, and were inside it, looking around. Suddenly, I saw a small kitten, hiding behind a small shelf that seemed to hold a TV. It was black. The kitten was an orange tabby, and looked to be a month or two old. I picked it up and started to stroke it, then carried it out of the room to show my brother and dad. They naturally went "Awww!" when they saw it. (This dream is a little bit foggy...I did sleep for a really long time and considering it was probably the first, that does make sense.) There was something about another house down the hill. Then, I took the kitten outside and found another one, identical to it. Both kittens started to play on the other side of a hedge, and I went back inside. My brother and dad stood there and the next thing I knew, my brother shot one of the kittens with a BB-gun, and it collapsed dead. I was shocked, and stared at him, before he picked up the gun to shoot the second one too. Then the dream ended.
    7. 28 Sep. 2010

      by , 10-06-2010 at 10:24 PM
      In this dream, there was some sort of fraternity. Someone was narrating, as if it was their story, like people sometimes do in movies where they tell a short portion then let the film tell the rest of the story. Myself and a small group of other girls were crammed naked into a public shower, from an aerial view. Then, it panned out, and then came back to just me standing by myself in the corner trying to get enough warm water. It panned out again, and suddenly there was a huge crowd of people. Everyone was trying to make their way to the double doors (glass) in a large room, waiting for some sort of starting signal. The signal went off, and everyone raced down the hallway. Everyone was looking for something, which would be redeemable for a scholarship. The first person to return with it would get a full ride. I needed it, but they said that if anyone waited for ten extra seconds, we would be able to fly... So I waited. I was watching the clock anxiously, and the second (pun not intended) they rang the second bell I leaped forward. I started to fly; I could feel wings flapping, the feel of wind rushing through my feathers. It was quite vivid as I flew down the hallway, but after I reached the end of it, I glided to the ground and started to sprint, then leaped upward again to fly once more. It seemed like I couldn't stay up for very long, which I now attribute to the size of my rather small wings. The only other person who stayed behind was pulling ahead of me, and suddenly they found the object. They grabbed it, and then the dream skipped and we were back in the crowded room. He was deemed the winner of the challenge and the scholarship. Dream ended.
    8. 28 Sep. 2010

      by , 10-06-2010 at 10:24 PM
      I was skiing with a group of my friends. We were on two trails, sort of going cross country, but we were supposed to be playing instruments as we did. It was like marching band, except in the winter. However, I have no clue how to play any instrument (maybe a small amount of guitar, piano, drums, or bass, but nothing that's actually considered being able to play it). I was taking a small crash-course thing on how to play the pieces we were supposed to play on trombone, but by the end of the ten minutes we had to practice I didn't know anything. We began our performances, each groups divided. Two of my friends gave me a bit of crap because I didn't know what I was doing and I kept messing up trying to move and play at the same time, but it wasn't too bad. Afterwards, there were many people meandering about. I saw a hot guy, who happened to be on crutches, his leg in a cast. I approached him just as he walked past me, and tapped him on the shoulder. I offered him a friendly smile and asked, "Hey, I couldn't help but notice...what happened to your leg?" He smiled back politely and said, "Ah, I have a rare disease. It's called (some weird name I can't remember)." I frowned a little bit and said, "Oh, it looks painful." He shrugged. "Yeah, it hurts like hell, but it's okay." I smiled a little bit uncertainly then my friends came up and interrupted. The dream ended.
    9. 28 Sep. 2010

      by , 10-06-2010 at 10:23 PM
      This dream began with the same setting that the first dream ended with (the courtyard). Everyone was with a suitor or a significant other, and I started to have a breakdown, because I appeared to be the only single person within sight. I was running away, like in the last dream, trying to get away. As I was on the brink of escaping the prison-like area, I almost bumped into an old friend of mine (no longer really a friend, but not an enemy, per se) who was looking into the eyes of a tall, sexy blonde. He chuckled softly and leaned his forehead against hers, kissed her briefly, then withdrew. I started to sob, because even she - who is essentially the needy type of girl that no boy wants - could get a great guy, and I couldn't. The dream ended.
    10. 28 Sep. 2010

      by , 10-06-2010 at 10:23 PM
      My mom and three siblings were with me. It was A, S, and J. Only A is actually my sibling in real life, but S and J were my mom's ex-boyfriend's children. We were standing in a movie theatre/general store type thing. There were up to six aisle's on the right, and the check-out counter looked like the snack counter at a movie theater, with the listing of movies above the counter. Someone came around the counter as I was standing there, to talk to a fellow employee. I overheard them ask, "How much are we getting paid, $2.50?" I turned in shock at the low payment, only to realize that one of the employees was my friend's older sister. I automatically assumed they were tipped heavily. Then, I was distracted by my mom, who emerged from one of the aisles followed by my siblings with a shopping cart filled with what turned out to be Monster energies, which looked nothing like Monster energies. They were like the standard can, but extremely tall - about three times taller than a typical energy drink's can. We all got different flavors, and mine was orange. We checked out, and then went out to the car, where we fought over who sat where. J (the youngest) called shotgun, so S and I got into the back seat and I sat on the left, she sat on the right. It was a bench seat, so there was a seat between us, but neither of us wanted to sit next to A so we told him to get in the far back (where a third row of seating typically was, but the seats were down, so it was serving as a trunk). He decided that instead, he would lay on the floor, so we rolled our eyes and let him do that, even though it would be less comfortable than just agreeing and going into the back. The car suddenly started moving, but not with the sudden jolt that tells you that you began moving suddenly - more like the dream skipped, as in a movie where it skips the boring stuff where everyone's putting on their seat belts and whatnot. We were going up and down the hills on the way to the town where we go to school, and I didn't recognize the roads at first because forests seemed to have filled the areas where there weren't trees beforehand. Also, it was winter, and the land was blanketed in what looked like freshly fallen snow, which I attribute to the coldness that's been around lately with Autumn rolling in. I asked where we were, and S said, "I don't know, where were we?" Then I realized, and said, "Ohhh! We're on our way towards the school. Well I feel dumb, considering we go this way on the bus every day." (I no longer ride the bus.) She agreed, and then abruptly the car went over a hill, did a roll, and everything vanished for a few seconds. It was completely white, and when I 'resurfaced' I had no idea where anyone was. I started looking around, for my siblings or my mom. I wandered aimlessly over the hill, screaming their names and looking for them. After a few minutes of this, I saw S. My brothers A and J were nowhere to be seen, but I had forgotten about them. I started looking for my mom, and we gradually started to meander in the direction of the school, which was just about a mile farther up the road. (I go to school/will soon live in a small town.) We got to the top of a hill and all of a sudden saw a huge pickup truck (looked like a Nissan Titan on steroids) headed straight towards us, with its headlights on for no apparent reason. I assumed it was a pedophile - not sure how I came to that conclusion - and at the time, I was with just S. I told her to turn and run, and we did. We raced down the hill at top-speed, and as we reached the top of the next one, we threw ourselves into the bush. For some reason, there were three, from what I could make out, people, selling grape juice like a lemonade stand. We hid behind their stand and as the so-called "pedophile" passed, they started to shout at us to "get out, get out!" Moments later, we did, and in the field next to us I saw my brothers J and A riding a scooter - electric Razor type thing. I called them to us, and we made our way the rest of the way into town. As we got there, the dreamscape turned into a water-park setting, with a bunch of small lockers you could pay to use on the right and the actual waterpark on the inside. My siblings said that they were going to go inside, and started to get excited, and I said "Well I'm going to look for my mom. Because for all I know, she could be out in the cold dying!" All of a sudden, my mom walked into view from behind the lockers, in a peach bathing suit with a sun hat on. "No I'm not!" she said. I stared at her in disbelief and I got very mad, very fast, just looking at her. I started to yell at her, tears jumping into my eyes. "You didn't think you could tell ME that? You didn't think I would be worried?! Is it so hard to just call me and tell me that oh, I don't know, you're not DEAD?!" I started to cry, and turned around and began to run away. To my surprise, there was a large group of people gathered, sitting on boulders in various places around the courtyard area just behind us. I ran up the hill, looking away from all of them, ashamed that I made such a scene. I kept my eyes on the ground as I ran away, tears streaming down my face. The dream ended.
    11. 27 Sep. 2010

      by , 10-06-2010 at 10:22 PM
      I was recently talking to my mom about getting my ears re-pierced, and so it didn't really surprise me when I had this dream. I was standing in front of the mirror, "had just woken up" (my mindset in the dream, although I had no actual recollection of waking up and walking to the bathroom...coincidentally, it looked nothing like any of the bathrooms I've ever had in my house at any point in my life). The bathroom was basically just a mirror and a counter; everything 'behind' me in the mirror was pure white. It was just me. I was looking at myself, and I had 12 piercings in my ears. There were three pairs of two on each of my ears. Each pair was close together, the matching earrings on one ear, and no two pairs were the same earrings. There was one set of hoops, and the rest were studs of some sort.
    12. 27 Sep. 2010

      by , 10-06-2010 at 10:22 PM
      My friend K has been going through some rough times with a guy friend of hers (potential boyfriend, they had a 'thing,' to put it in high school terms). The other night, she was telling me about how she was planning on writing him to tell him she wanted to end it all, because recently he's put her through hell. In this dream, she messaged me on Facebook telling me how she was distraught and had sent him the message, then showed me her letter. It was about a paragraph long, and it essentially described how she couldn't go on talking to him because he had hurt her so much. But she said how sorry she was, and how messed up she was over it. She said she was "crying as she wrote it," which isn't something she would've said in real life.
    13. 26 Sep. 2010

      by , 10-06-2010 at 10:19 PM
      There was a building that was supposed to be a school. An elderly lady ran it, so I suppose she would be considered our teacher. However, it was a bit more like a day care for teenagers. There was a board that looked like a sound board (for those who have ever seen one) and I was using it to run the controls on it. The building morphed into my middle school, and the bell rang, so I grabbed my stuff and walked out to find that I had missed the bus. This was a previous dream sign. My dad picked us up from school in what looked very much like a Ford police cruiser but yellow. He was in front of two other cars, and E and I got into the car and he drove us home. There was going to be a homecoming dance the next day, and I realized I hadn't gotten anything for it but didn't want to worry about it. When we got home, E and I went down to my bedroom. For some reason, it was unfinished, without carpet or even walls - just concrete and a bed, much like a cot found in a prison cell. She looked at me and asked, "Do you want to have sex?" I nodded and agreed, said yes. She told me she wanted to do it in some strange position, where you stood shoulder to shoulder with the person, and I just wondered how that would be managed. I Google image'd examples, and still had no clue how it would work. Suddenly, the police called, and I picked up the phone. They demanded that we take out the screens in the windows, so we took them out and started to go upstairs. On the way, we noticed X's room. He's a guy I had a thing with a few months ago, and his room was in my house for who knows why. For some reason, we started to take out his walls, and pry them open and off the cement and wood. On the side that had been attached to the foundation, they were covered in spider webs, and it was disgusting. Then, we went back down to my room. E and I were ready to get on with the hot lesbian sex, but she suddenly got up and walked to the bathroom. I followed her because I found that I also had to pee. The bathroom, like the rest of the basement, was unfinished - it was cement, and lacked a door. My cat was there (who is dead) and he meowed very loudly, repeatedly. I reached down to pet him, and he purred faintly then followed E into the bathroom. After she walked out, I walked in, and sat on the toilet. I held a towel out in front of me, despite the fact that I was entirely naked and she would be seeing me like that in a few moments anyways. She was getting irritated with me, and telling me to hurry up or we'd never be able to do it. I told her I was going as fast as I could, then got up and flushed the toilet and walked out. My cat was still meowing loudly, so I told her to follow him. He vanished somewhere along the way, but we ended up back in my room. Then, I woke up.
    14. Acquaintances

      by , 10-06-2010 at 10:00 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I find myself in a dimly lit room sitting at an arcade machine. Theres this beautiful Indian girl who sat next to me. She has nice eyes, and long wavy flowing hair. Were about to to play this game and when I grab some money out of my pocket, it falls out on the floor. I go to the floor looking for it and something strange happens.

      It's almost as if I go to sleep right up against her leg for a few minutes. Everything blacks out for a few minutes.

      Then the scene resumes. I told her something like I must have really been tired, but she tells me she didn't notice what happened. I sit back in my char, and we both put our quarters in. Instead of pressing the buttons right away and skipping the intro scenes, we took the time to talk to each other for a few moments. At the beginning I thought the game was just a one on one street fighting game, but it turned out being something like a RPG. It started out in a dense forest, but I really was paying attention to her.

      I can't recall what we were talking about for the most part, but I know that the conversation just flowed. We both had something to say with a different approach on the same subject, and we were still agreeing. It was like two halves of the same mind making decisions.

      She grabbed one of my napkins that were sitting near the buttons, and started wiping my right cheek, just under my eye. She started explaining to me that more people like her now that she's been more of a bitch, than when she wasn't. I was confused, because I didn't see that in her at all. I told her, whatever she was at that moment I liked, and it really didn't matter to me. I was going to say something else, but the dream ended, and obviously rage ensued.
    15. American Girl

      by , 10-06-2010 at 09:55 PM
      I am dog-sitting my (late) dog, 2 white dogs- one large and one small, and one shepherd-like dog that is a "skinwalker." I know this dog is really a man but I let him hang out with us as a dog. The larger white dog I know(in dream) from a doggy daycare I take my dog to. Later, I am with X and I point to the sky where the larger white dog is flying (Mindy? Millie?) and tell him I was dog-sitting that dog earlier. That the dog is now flying doesn't phase me. Walk away from X thinking I need to tell him I don't ant to be with him anymore.

      I am at a crowded outdoor market at night. X is there but with his friends, and I am avoiding them. I see Zach G. (saw him PBS this evening IRL) and I make a stupid joke and he laughs and walks away. He later reappears and makes a joke and I laugh. A band or some kind of performance is going on- kids are on stage. I see my old friend KO and wave. She is sitting with the skinwalker, he is in human-form now. I say her name and she looks uncomfortable and tells me that she doesnt go by that name anymore, she changed her name to Lauren. The skinwalker chimes in that she hasnt used that name in 10 years. I know better because I talked to her last year, and I say, it's ok, you don't have to lie to me about it. She says woman lawyers usually change their names when they pass the BAR. I tell her my lawyer friend didn't. She seems like she doesn't want to know me anymore. "American Girl" by Tom Petty is playing over loudspeakers.

      I see a co-worker, and I ask him if I can follow him because I have nothing to do. He says, "come on." I follow him down a parking-garage-like hallway, but I lose him.

      Next I am skateboarding, but using an office chair. I am in the forest, and sometimes I have to stop to move the chair over tree-roots, but other times I am zipping in between giant trees and it is exhilarating. I hit a dead-end, where the path is cut off by a school building and a road. It is lighter outside now, like the day went backward, but I don't think about it. It is beautiful out. I turn my chair around and climb up a hill I had just skated down. I enter a type of bridge- like a traffic/car overpass, only partially built and over a giant canyon of forest. I realize I must have been going really fast on my "chair" (standing like a skateboard) to not notice I went over a narrow ledge so high up. I suddenly hear someone singing "American Girl" echoing what I heard earlier in the market. It scares me. I look to my left and see my co-worker, his back to me, sitting on the ledge of the bridge, his legs dangling over the side carelessly. I realize I can't walk over the ledge because I feel like I will fall- it is too high up and too narrow. I start to move backward and crouch down. I don't know if the co-worker is aware of me, but I think I must have passed him up before and not knew it. I start to yell for help, I feel like this might be the way I die, and adrenaline is stinging my insides. I wake up, still with that feeling of terror.