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    1. Ants!

      by , 09-02-2010 at 09:06 PM
      Ants! (Non-lucid)


      I was inside my house, at the big window downstairs. My mother was in the room too. I looked outside and saw some small ants crawling between the stones. They were pretty big, but not immense big. There were a couple of ats in a row going between the stones of the ground and the last ant was the biggest. I was very afraid. I went to the other room and looked out the window. The ants there were even bigger, they were almost a meter big. i was even more afraid now, and i was crying. I told my mother that I was afraid. The ants were actually crawling between the surface and under the stones. then I saw shark-like fins coming from between the stones. It had the color of the ants. They went around the stones and when they went around a stone it fell down in a void below the ground. That is when i really became afraid and constantly started panicking. I kept saying to my mother: Mom help they are sawing the stones out of the ground! Then my mother woke me up. It was fun to have the dream because it was vivid, it was a good dream.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    2. #137. RC Fails

      by , 09-02-2010 at 07:51 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      I pull myself out of bed, even though I really don't want to. I'm tired, and miserable, and everything's just a bit blurry. I drag myself into the kitchen and sit down, staring into space. Really, this whole thing seems a little... off.

      I hold up my right hand. "Two, three, four, five, six." Seems normal. My hands are leaving little motion paths behind them, just like they would in a dream. I dismiss the phenomenon, though. The paths aren't distinct enough to really be noticeable.

      Never mind that I'm sitting in the back-room kitchen of the motel my grandparents used to own. Never mind the fact that my grandma sold this place years ago.

      I feel shadows forming in the corners of my mind, indicating traces of worm-like creatures on the verge of existence in the other room. I go still. If this was a dream, I could deliberately induce a nightmare. That would be fun.

      Maybe I am dreaming. I'm standing behind the glass doors to the patio, looking out over the lawn and the pine trees planted around the perimeter. There's a bunch of things I could be doing if this was a dream.

      I hold up my left wrist and bite down on the skin there. I catalogue my reactions. No pain, which doesn't strike me as strange, not really, because I can feel my teeth and lips on the skin there.

      I'm tired.

      End recall.

      Scare Factor: 1/10
      Rating: 3/10

      Updated 09-02-2010 at 10:22 PM by 31096

      non-lucid , false awakening
    3. Mild 30 day test. Night 1

      by , 09-02-2010 at 06:57 PM
      Night 1

      I had a dream a boring one for that matter. The dream was that I was on the internet and was on this forum and there was a debate going on about how one N.F.L player was better then the other pretty much trolling comments and shit. I woke up and looked at the clock did a RC nothing I was a awake. I went to the bathroom came back fell asleep but like 5 minutes into trying to fall a sleep I felt SP coming up. I was shocked I wasn't expecting this well anyways I went along with it and it was working. But it failed soon after because I was to awake and my body woke itself up. I finally fell asleep and had a another boring dream. I was at school and we were being given a essay and to leave the class you had to right a 10-page essay. I should have woke up the second I heard the teacher say 10 page which is too much. Well everyone was finishing the essay and I guess I was the proof reader for the teacher or the kid who collects the paper. Because everyone but mostly these three girls were giving me their papers. I kept rejecting there papers and saying the had to right a full page on each side. They were getting mad and I was getting anxious on when I was going to leave and that's when I woke up.
    4. September 2, 2010

      by , 09-02-2010 at 06:52 PM (Requiem's DJ)
      2 story lines in which I was able to re-enter.

      A Close Game (non-lucid)

      The top of the first inning we are on the field. I am in the outfield but we've got an extra fielder. My teammates make a lot of errors but I make 2 diving catches. The pitcher strikes a guy out. They score 7 runs.

      My first at bat I get a single and the runner in front of me steals so I steal. We score a few runs.

      I make another diving catch.

      My next at bat some fat kid tries to bat instead but I tell him to get lost. I take it to a full count, foul one with a defensive swing and get walked. The coach spits in my path so I stare him down. We close the gap, 7-5.


      1. The other storyline is the collapse of America or something. The wealthy elite jump ship. There aren't even police. Just chaos. I am in some rural area. Some women is attacked by thugz and she tazes them. She runs when she sees me. A car chase with the one sheriff, he hits my car and knocks it into some water. "New American Republic"..."Press Start" I saw. Like is was a video game.

      Updated 09-13-2010 at 08:13 AM by 29419

      non-lucid , memorable
    5. Taking out the Trash.

      by , 09-02-2010 at 06:34 PM (Dreams I can Only Dream.)
      Date: Sept.2
      Time: 6:00am

      Description: So I tried to use an alarm thing to wake me up in SP, but all it did was wake me up for good. So anyway I went back to sleep and woke around 6 am. I attempted a WILD, I got the vibrations, and auditory hallucinations. Then this dream happened. I lost lucidity quite early, but I was lucid nonetheless.

      Dream: I got up from my bed, I did a nose plug reality check and it failed. So then I became aware that I was dreaming. I walked toward my door and tried another reality check, the finger through the palm RC. That also failed. So instead of getting all excited, I just noticed I was only wearing my boxers, so I walked toward the laundry room and found a pair of shorts. I put them on, and ran upstairs and outside. I wanted to fly. As I went into my backyard I passed a "How To" book on dreaming, I didn't pay any attention to it. I jumped into the air, but fell back down again. So I did another RC and it still failed. So I tried it several more times, I couldn't. Even with thoughts such as I know I can fly, and other things. I lost my lucidity right then as my mom and sister were taking out trash, so I decided to help them. (Thinking about it, I should of just ignored them.) The trash was quite full, and smelly. I put the trash out and walked back inside. My mom got a letter, about how messy the schools got after the last class of the year. She seemed annoyed when I told her that it was because of the last day of school, kids throw their papers. She would have none of it. So I go to my front door, and see this kid Omar I used to know, he walks up to me and asks if I have any Gatorade or anything like that, I say no only pop. My dad pulls up my driveway in his car, and my brother Josh right after. I go and pick up the book I saw earlier and flip threw the pages, and see instructions for different things, like teleportation, and flying. I black out, and wake up for real.
      Tags: dream, flying, lucid, wild
    6. Musashi Revealed

      by , 09-02-2010 at 05:51 PM
      Musashi Revealed (Non-lucid)


      I'm at some party with my friends, I don't really know where I'm at. I'm with Justin, Tim, and Jeff. Crystal Castles is playing (the 2008 album) on the radio in the kitchen. Everyone is in the living room, hostilities are rising, I don't know anyone here. A fight breaks out, I think I see Justin in it and try to join the fray but Jeff holds me back. I keep yelling at him to let me go, but the fight is over soon enough.

      Everyone is drinking crappy Corona, I lost my beer, I keep having these dizzy spells. My friends all go outside through the front door, I'm in the entrance from the front room to the living room where the big fight was.

      A bunch of jock kids approach the narrow opening where I am standing, saying something like "Leave or we'll kick your ass" They are all crowded together and pressing on each other like a mosh pit. I grab the first guys shirt and pull him forward and everyone stumbles. Then I push him back and they stumble more. I say I'm leaving and hurry outside into the night. I see Tim down the stairs on the lawn, he tells me to hurry up.
      I go down the stairs and realize i left my hoodie in there. I also start thinking about what Musashi would have done when he waws challenged by the room full of people. He would have said something like "I am a Samurai! I'm not going to just run away!" I decide to never turn down a fight again, even if it is with a whole room of people, after all Musashi fought the entire Yoshioka school and won. I must follow the same path in life.

      I turn around and head back towards the house. I see only one big guy at the top of the stairs.
      "I thought I told you to leave." He says threateningly.
      "I forgot my sweater" I say without even bothering to look at him. I walk right past him into the house and find it, then leave.

      Outside, it looks like my friends left me, maybe they thought I was staying when the saw me going back inside.
      I get down the street a little and I can see them. They are renting a building for the rest of the night, an old man is unlocking the doors.
    7. Dream Within a Dream + OBE

      by , 09-02-2010 at 05:50 PM
      Dream Date: 5/8/10
      (This dream was from a few months ago...)

      8:30 - awake and said goodbye to my Fiance, who is leaving for the day..
      9:30 (ish), laid back down to rest.

      Blue = Dream
      Red = Lucid Dream - level 1
      Dark Red = Lucid Dream Level 2 - The OBE

      As I drifted off, dream-like visions faded in very quickly (not typical dream cycle, this happened within 10 mins of me lying down)...early on, there we 2 guys conversing, the exact subject I can't remember, but their whole conversation was very clear at the time. Eventually I was 'dreaming' that I was at work, in class, but we needed to pull a girl from another class to help out. I was walking around looking at student's computers and their work...up to this point, it was very much like a dream...I was merely a passenger to wherever my dreams would take me. Then suddenly I was very aware of the moment, and I could feel first hand everything that was around me. I turned to the girl and said quite normally "It's pretty bright in here" (and it was, all of a sudden. Blindingly so.... and I squinted my eyes to see)...she asked me to repeat myself, and as I started to speak again, the sound of my own words blurred and faded out, as if time was slowing down, and without any control over what was happening (but yet, I WAS the dream body) I began to slip away, as if I was suddenly passing out. There was a moment of concern, but it felt peaceful and i didn't offer resistance. My consciousness shifted "inside of myself" (myself being the dream body), but could feel the 'dream characters' hovering around my 'dream body'. I was aware of everything - that my 'real body' was lying in bed, safely harboring a 'dream' of my second body, which had gone into a deeply vivid 'dreaming' state', in which I was extremely lucid, and could use that second level of dreaming to host my "lucid dream". This was different than a lucid dream though...it felt more like an out of body/lucid dream hybrid. I felt my consciousness 'physically' leave my dream body, and my 'real body' and I was moving around the room (a little clumsily, but I had some control over it nevertheless.) I remembered that in an OBE you can turn and see yourself...I could not. I tried, but...controls were difficult, and I was in someone else's room. It was a child's room...almost everything was white - white bed, with white ruffled comforter, white walls, and sun shining in through windows adorned in white. There was a Winnie The Pooh doll in the room...I never owned Winnie The Pooh anything, so i knew right away this was night my room. I continued to "stumble" around (I was floating, not walking)... the room changed, and it felt more like the room my 'real body' was in...I saw and felt the door, and somehow managed to open it, but the other side was not a hallway like I expected, its...Another door i believe. Or rather, a door warped strangely, like 2 wooden doors that had grown together...somehow. There were many illusions. I decided I wanted to see if I could find my fiance. I found myself at a place that almost resembled a night club, and i was higher up looking down at the people that were there. I moved over the reception area to the main room and found my fiance standing talking to friends. Soon my legs were wrapped around him from the side, and I was stroking the back of his neck, and hugging him. I had resumed my 'dream body' at this point, so I could feel him, 'physically'. He was not aware of my presence...(note: I was not seeking him out within a dream, I was seeking him out in "reality"...so I believe if this was merely a lucid dream, I would only be able to find him within a dream (his 'dream body' manifested by my mind). But since this was more of a Lucid Dream/OBE hybrid, I had a link to the 'real world' and could seek out his 'real body'.

      Interestingly, before I woke up earlier this same morning, I had been dreaming of a very "Alice in Wonderland" type world. But the world began to break apart, with nothing but darkness surrounding the stepping stone pieces of the "reality environment". We were hopping on, from one piece to the next, as the world broke apart. Between 2 pieces, there was a sort of vortex, that one of the dream characters I was with said was (a worm hole or black hole, I can't remember which ).

      Sidenote: I did happen to watch some videos on wormholes before bed, which definitely influenced this dream?

      Updated 09-02-2010 at 06:00 PM by 36096

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    8. Zombies!

      by , 09-02-2010 at 05:21 PM (Hiro's Dream Journal)
      I remember this being a really long dream, but I can only recall parts of it.

      There was a huge labyrinth which I was going through with a group of people I didn't know. Inside there was a bunch of creep things, like a swamp area, and an old cackling witch. Everywhere I walked in the labyrinth, my shoes made an annoying sticking sound because there was gum stuck to the bottom of them.

      At one point, our group got attacked by zombies, and a girl in the group wouldn't let me use first aid on her even though she had been bitten by a zombie.

      After that, I remember discussing a few books I've read with a friend, and the dream kind of fades out from there.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Effed

      by , 09-02-2010 at 05:14 PM (DC's Dream Journal)
      I've only been asleep for about three hours, but every dream I remember was so unbelievably effed up it brought me back here - after six months... Just thought I'd try descibe/express the level of freaked out I'm feeling right now.. Anyway:

      I am in a place that looks like a graveyard, there is like a red fog, I only remember there was a group of us trying to get into this hole where all the mosters/zombies/aliens whatever where. I think someone got chopped into pieces, lasered or something.

      There is this person who can control people by jumping through them, he has no physical form. He started jumping through my family, I was holding my baby brother and when he got to me he tried to throw him downstairs, I resisted, he went to my dad, and I knocked out my dad with a glass bottle

      It's dark and I take my sister to mcdonalds. There is nobody anywhere, no cars, not even customers in the stores... She talks to someone at a bus stop about this guy who escaped from prison. Dream ends there.

      It's dark in my house and relatives come into my house. They talk to my dad about in the kitchen random stuff, have a laugh, maybe they were drunk? I go in, the lights go out and I get beaten with glass cups, I feel a knife at my back and get water in my face

      Which wakes me up, my face still feeling wet

      Something else about childbirth, flying around looking for cookies...

      I might try to go back to sleep now :/
    10. Secret Agent/Back at school

      by , 09-02-2010 at 04:55 PM
      First, some fragments:

      -The worship leader at my church raised her hand and I though that she's make a good sister.
      -Something about exaggeration and cliches on the screens during the service.
      -My mom complains that I have enough clothes for 26 days instead of 21, so there's no point in cleaning my clothes until later.

      And now the good stuff:

      1. I meet a guy who kind of looks like Jason Statham, but it's definitely not him or I'd be more interested/surprised. He's a skilled secret agent for some society, and enlists me. I myself beat up a middle-aged guy for some reason I can't remember. Later I break in to an office to steal something important, but I can tell that someone's about to come into the room, so I hide myself behind a wall. The guy walks into the room and I shoot him. He's dead instantly. I keep working, and then notice there's someone else in the room. It's a guy about my age, in a suit. He doesn't seem like much of a threat, so I don't shoot him right away. He says something like "if you kill me, they'll find you." I realize that I've actually killed someone, and if I kill this guy two that's more crime that I'll be in trouble for. I quickly decide that I don't have the ability to hide the bodies adequately. The young guy kind of seems like he's on my side now. I decide to call the guy who recruited me, because he should know what to do. The scene shifts, and we're on a train together with the guy I beat up earlier. Now he's making a deal with the guy, and it seems like everything is going to be alright.

      2. I arrive back on campus. There are people everywhere, and campus looks nothing like it does in reality. There are a bunch of booths set up, but I'm not interested in these; I figure they're mostly for the freshmen. I catch a glimpse of Abraham, but I know that he doesn't go to Princeton, so there must be something wrong. I ask someone else there, but I can't remember whether they gave some false explanation or just agreed that it was weird. I catch a glimpse of Lindy also. I'm incredibly happy to be back, and to see people I remember. I even decide to run my hand along a surface just to feel it more vividly and express my happiness, but when I do, I almost cut my hand open because the surface is very rough.
      Now a few things happen, but I can't remember the order. Aunt Sandy says something about how nice it all is. My dad leaves and tells me what he's doing for the rest of the day, but I quickly forget. I decide to do a reality check, so I think about whether this is where I usually am (the one I've been doing recently). So I say no, this isn't where I usually am, but that's because I just arrived here, in fact I can remember driving in the car with my dad up here. (false, I'm leaving in about a week. It's all very upsetting, I'm going to have to choose a better reality check). I decide to call my dad to ask him where he is, but never get around to it. I spend the rest of the dream trying to get to my dorm.
      Since everything is different, this proves to be very difficult. There's now a stream and bridge in the middle of campus, but it's not allowed to go on the bridge. There's another passage on the bridge, climbing up from underneath, which I remember (falsely) using before, so i give it a try, but it doesn't work. It becomes night. I walk around the stream and end up in the Southern end of the junior slums. Going North from here should be simple, but it's blocked off because of construction. My prox isn't activated, so I can't get through any buildings and have to walk around. I step into one building lobby hoping to get directions. I see some girl there, and ask her how to get to Laughlin. I'm very careful to pronounce it correctly, and not look like an idiot. She starts saying how to get there, and two guys walk in the lobby. One of them is the guy who plays guitar for the worship team. He asks, as though there was something dishonest going on here, what's going on here? I can't remember whether I even bother to respond, but I leave shortly afterward and then wake up.

      Awesome recall for my fifth day or so, though the fact that I slept an hour past my alarm sucked.
    11. Probably just the xanax.

      by , 09-02-2010 at 04:54 PM
      Dream Date: 9/2/10
      Influences: I took a xanax a few hours before bed (which I rarely take), to relieve some anxiety and clear my mind a little.

      Since the xanax made me a little dopey, I dreamed that I was on shrooms with a friend of mine (not sure who). We were in my room, and time seemed to go on forever. My friend seemed like they were starting to get nervous, so I told them all we had to do was go outside and get a change of scenery. We walked out my front door, and I was hoping no one would see us, but instead all of my neighbors were outside. A swarm of locusts came flying toward us where we stood (probably because I had heard several locusts at sundown earlier the same night). I went in the back yard, expecting to see it untouched, since I didn't recall doing anything crazy earlier while we were tripping inside, but I was wrong. All the back windows had been broken, and there was glass everywhere, and there were several bed mattresses that had been thrown into the pool (I don't have a pool in waking life). This made me wonder what else we may have done throughout the night that I couldn't recall?

      (Other dream here, that I swore I could remember without writing it down, but now I can only recall fragments)

      After waking up and returning back to sleep several times, I had a lucid experience of lying in my bed, looking out the windows, and seeing fruit - apples and grapes - dangling from tree branches in front of my window. I knew they were not actually there, so I didn't want to open my eyes. There was something else earlier in the night, but unfortunately I can't recall it right now...

      (Side note to self: DSM & LM- repeated tries, but no success )
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Death Games

      by , 09-02-2010 at 04:52 PM
      I am in a dark hallway, with a dark red carpet, scattered with dolls. Death is coming, and a voice is talking to me. There is a pile of childrens toys right in front of the door. The voicce says that if I'm going to bring daeth here I need to give him something to make him happy about being tricked into coming here. The door opens and Death (looking like the Grim Reaper) Is standing there. I hold out one of the toys to him. I notice I am seeing myself from outside, and am a young girl in a yellow dress.
      The voice speaks again, and says that if death comes on his own, then I have to go straight to the game we will play. And there always has to be a game. The door opens again, and this time I hold out a child's skeleton with a spike-studded skull, all made of metal. Then I am flying upward.
      memorable , non-lucid
    13. Shipeater Fish

      by , 09-02-2010 at 04:44 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm inside this ship looking at a small aquarium thats supposed to represent the sea. Theres a ship thats inside there thats supposed to represent us. The ship is underwater and damaged, and theres a fish with it. A person comes on overhead speakers and starts talking about a "Shipeater Fish". The fish in the aquarium is big as the sunken ship, and it has these stripes going across it. They're white black and blue. I looked closer and noticed that all the stripes on it looked like a silhouette of a ship.

      As it got closer to the ship, the narrator on the loud speaker can be heard talking about the facts of this creature. He stated that they literally ate ships, and the process was quicker than expected. I continued looking at the fish in the aquarium. Once it got near the ship, it too a huge bite out of the end of it, devouring almost a third of the ship. The room suddenly shook at the same time, and people started leaving by now. This one girl told me we only had a few minutes left and she went off in the reverse direction of where everyone else was going.

      ***CRUCH!*** The fish took another bite out of the ship. And the room shook once again. The model ship was nearly gone, and nearly everyone who was in the room with was already gone as well. I saw the girl sprint out with some kind of package and knew it was my time to leave as well. As I headed out towards the exit, there was another loud noise, and the entire room tilted virtically just as I passed through the exit doors. I looked around and saw water was rushing into the room I just left as the ship was being pulled into the murky depths. I grabbed on the exit doors and pulled myself out of the ship, and moved myself away from the hole that was steadily being filled by tons of water. As I swam away to the nearest dock, Dad was there, and he said "did you like the ride"? I pulled myself up and said "yeah, it was okay".

      (gap in recall)

      I find myself with that same girl and we're hurrying through this store. The package she took from the ship is apparently something valuable. We don't have anytime to talk, and we're just trying to get to this location as quickly as possible. We enter a side door, and it takes us to a room with a safe that looks like a refrigerator. I manage to open the top part quickly, and then she starts working on the bottom. Theres someone else telling us that the guards are coming, and we're running out of time. I thought we were going to get caught and thrown in prison, so I said something to her to get her mind off of the situation, and she got it open.

      We all separated and casually made our way out of the building. As I got closer to the exit, the guards appeared and started chasing me. I gave them the run around in the store so the other people would at least have time to escape, and then I headed out through the doors. There was a beat up gold cargo van that was waiting on me, and I jumped in through the side door. Ving Rames was the driver, and Nick, and that girl were there. We sped our way down the street and I was trying to get to a seat to buckled in, and just when I got to one, we hit this railroad track and the van launched in slow motion. I held on to the the seat and felt my body stretch out and leave the ground as we mad the jump. We landed and everything went back to normal speed I cussed Ving out, and everyone started laughing. At least we were safe.

      Nick started talking to me about how hard it was to get the item from the ship, and the other two were talking about how they would spend their share of the money. We pulled up at a store, and Nick said, "man, Akono needs a motorcycle for this next one". I looked at him and said "what!?". He said "I was gonna buy you one right now, but eff you then". We started laughing and the dream faded.
      Tags: ship
      lucid , memorable
    14. Pwning

      by , 09-02-2010 at 04:43 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I was fighting some 8ft tall Asian guy. Well it was more like I was just owning him. Everything sing kick and punch i threw landed, and all of his were parried. I started telling him the moves I was going to use so he'd get the hang of my style, and finally the guy blocked one punch. We were moving all over this dojo, and there were other people watching us fight. For some reason the guy didn't want to stop fighting, even though he was basically a walking punching bag. We got near this pole that was next two a wall, and I got between them and climbed up it so I was just above him. I waited for him to punch, and caught it and put him in an arm bar. He tried to twist out of it, and I jumped out of my position towards the way he was twisting so he couldn't get out of it, and it forced him on his knees. Some kind of magical way the guy got out of it. He got up and was huffing and puffing....I knew it was time to finish this, but I woke up.
    15. Search and destory

      by , 09-02-2010 at 04:42 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I was at some event that had a lot of memorable people at it. One was a girl I've known most of my life, but I haven't seen her since i grew up. We ended up playing some free for all tag game using BB guns. Three people with me just crouched on the edge of the theater and watched everyone else run around like maniacs till most of them were defeated. One guy ran by and tagged someone in my group, and I started chasing after him. I stopped for a split second and realized he had two other people chasing after him. I determined that one of them will get him, and then they would turn on each other, and I thought there would be someone else to worry about in the mean time. I quickly spun around and saw that some guy had his gun pointed at me. I squeezed the trigger and nothing came out. He shot and I tried to jump over it, but it hit me in the corner of the pants leg. I looked around and saw that I was one of the last few people who remained.

      scene change

      I'm walking with some Spanish girl...we're dating. She says something about how her feet hurt, and I start massaging them. Some girl calls me out, and says she needs me to look at something. I've only done one foot, and I really don't want to leave this girl. I head off anyway, and I can hear two girls call my girl over. I could overhear them saying that I wasn't good enough for her or something to that effect as the dream faded out.