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    1. Sailing Through Dreams

      by , 03-26-2011 at 06:35 AM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I am on a strange boat made of wood and bone.

      I am sailing through dreams with the god of the dead... Morpheus...

      WTF is going on?

      Listen, Nomad, everything you were ever taught is a lie. Nothing is true. Everything is possible. You are the god of dreams, of death, of nothing. You are Nothing Incarnate, and everything simultaneously, for every point in the infinite multiverse is connected to every other point through a line. Everything that exists, and everything that does not exist is all part of one big thing, which is All.

      Stones fly through the sky and smash our weird ship. The dream wiggles and changes.

      I attack this god thing, leaping upon his chest, and biting into his skull. I chew a piece of it, and swallow. I start coughing, then I have an acid trip. It's like a TOOL video made by Alex Grey.

      I slap my head.

      I am in Hollow Earth, having a picnic with Raven, Sylvia, Angel, Selene, MoSh, and Asuka....

      I am so confused.

      A hole opens beneath me, and I fall in. I clamber at the sides, then I just surrender...
    2. Poorly-recalled lucid from last night

      by , 03-26-2011 at 06:14 AM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, Semi-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      I'm in dream!Las Vegas. At some point [I don't remember when or how], I realize that I'm dreaming. From the top of one of the lower, more square buildings, I admire the view of the city around me, with its many tall, themed buildings. “Beautiful day for it,” I remark. It is indeed: sunny and clear with a few puffy clouds.

      Looking down and to my right, I can see a big, broad swimming pool. I say, “There's a pool, if you're into going swimming.” I'm not that much into it, myself.
      [True in real life, too.] Nonetheless, I find myself swimming in the pool at some point, once again naked. [I don't know why dream!me likes skinny-dipping so much. I've only ever done it in reality when I was totally alone in our backyard spa.]

      Later, it occurs to me, “Just let yourself drift... drift...” I start floating upwards off the ground, very slowly, not really flying, just sort of drifting away. [Clearly, the subconscious influence of the wording of the “Hypnosis for Sleep” audio recordings was at work here.]

      I eventually end up in a grassy field where hundreds of golf balls are flying at me in a thick, fast, continuous onslaught. I firmly determine in my mind, “This is a dream. I'm going to let those golf balls go through me, instead of hitting me.” It works. I feel one of them bounce off my shoulder, but it doesn't hit nearly as hard as it would have in real life. I don't feel any of the others touch me at all, so they must be going through me. [Awesome! I finally convinced myself that I can become intangible to objects in the dream world! I'm one big step closer to walking through a wall without leaving a hole in it now!]
    3. 3/25/11

      by , 03-26-2011 at 04:15 AM (Book of Dreams)
      It's really hard to record dreams in the morning on days I have school, so this is just what I can remember.

      I'm in a big church for mass, and afterwards, I'm trying to find my way out before the next mass starts. I make my way into the small narthex, then down a flight of stairs into a sitting room, which also looks like a makeshift chapel. The procession is making its way through the sitting room toward the stairs. To the right is a great wooden door with stained glass windows. I ask a man near the door if I may exit this way. "Well, the customer is always right!" He says. I then leave and run down the paved parkinglot to the car. Someone is driving me, and while I'm on the highway I realize I have forgotten something in the sanctuary. I tell the driver to turn us around and head back to the church. Then I get a text from Kelsey asking me where I am. Apparently, I was supposed to go to mass with her and her family at the 9:30, but I already attended the 7:45.
      There is a cut-scene where Kelsey and her family arrive in a white car, and Kelsey exits the car wearing a fluffy white dress. Her parents, normally dressed, follow her into the church.
      I sneak back into the sanctuary through a door next to the altar. I spot Kelsey and her family in the pew where my stuff is. I try to sneak in without them noticing. I don't remember exactly how it happens, but Kelsey notices me and begins chasing me all throughout the building, yelling at me for ditching her mass. Near the end of the dream, I realize we were supposed to get married. Oops.
      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Programmer's Haven

      by , 03-26-2011 at 03:37 AM (Short Stories with Tragic Endings)
      Here is where programmers interested in working on the Lucid
      dreaming game can come to chat about things that need to be
      done and share code that they have written for the project.

      If you are new to programming, don't fret. I will be giving a crash
      course in C ( Programming Tutorial )

      I will also use this page to keep track of the contributors to the
      programming aspect of this game. If you are on the team or
      are interested in joining, if I have missed you, please post here
      to have your name on the list.

      Current Programmers:
    5. Programming Tutorial

      by , 03-26-2011 at 03:34 AM (Short Stories with Tragic Endings)
      This is where you will come to learn C for the programming team!
      The course is outlined as follows:
      Lesson 1: Introduction to Programming
      Lesson 2: Variables and expressions
      Lesson 3: Loops and conditionals
      Lesson 4: Functional Decomposition
      Lesson 5: User Input
      Lesson 6: Data Types
      Lesson 7: Arrays
      Lesson 8: Linked Lists
      Lesson 9: Stacks & Queues
      Lesson 10: Recursion
      Lesson 11: Vectors & Matrices
      Lesson 12: Introduction to Graphics with SDL
      Completed lessons
      Lessons in progress...
      Lessons not yet begun

      I will also most likely be creating some short little assignments for each section so check
      regularly. The first lesson will be posted when I have time.
      Thankyou for your interesting in the Lucid video game idea!
      Tags: programming
    6. 03/25/11 Epic Recall

      by , 03-26-2011 at 01:54 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: This is another night of attempting to have a successful MILD, I believe this is the 10th night. This night I actually met with success! My goal focus was to complete a lucid Harry Potter dream with MoSh, and I did, indeed, have that dream! Here is that dream, along with other dreams that came along with my epic recall last night.

      Demonic Payback
      I am in a city, walking down the street with a friend of mine, my friend is a younger girl, and I feel very protective of her. I also feel she is a best friend of mine, much like a sister… We are walking down a street with shops on both sides, she is talking animatedly and seems like she is in a very positive mood. She is looking in the shops at everything from clothes to nic-nacs to books and talking about which ones she would like to have, though she is clearly under no delusion that she can have all of what she would like. As we are walking I am halfway listening to her and halfway surveying the area and everyone around us for possible threats. Soon the threat I am expecting happens, a hole opens in the ground in front of us, I see the glow of fire and lava through the floor.

      Everyone around us screams and runs away, a strange arm reaches out and pulls my friend into the hole. Just before it can close I jump into the fire after her. I land on a solid ground down at the bottom of the hole where I find three demons toying with the girl. Poking at her, pushing her between them, as they are doing that they are also wrapping strange sticky ropes around her, ropes like giant spider webs. They see me and turn their attention to me, leaving the girl on her own. She is already hopelessly entangled in the sticky ropes, the ropes are also sticking to the ground, making it impossible for her to get up. I tell the demons they made a huge mistake by kidnapping my friend, and now they will pay the price. They are laughing at me about that, but I wipe the smiles off their faces really fast when I form Witchblade into a sword and cut them down where they stand. I am then able to carefully cut the sticky ropes off of the girl and open a portal to get us safely back to the surface, although she no longer seems interested in shopping, she is crying on my shoulder from the traumatizing experience.

      Senseless Destruction
      I am in my own house, though it isn't the home I live in right now, rather it is the house I lived in before moving here. I am in my mother's room, looking out onto the patio beside a door that leads from her room to the back yard. For some reason I am in a destructive mood. I grab a flat screen television and smash it down on the concrete, and of course it proves to be very smashable. The screen breaks open and the wreck sits there on the ground. I decide I like breaking things… I grab everything breakable I can find. Some china dishes, some of my mother's and my nic-nacs, a chair made of wood proves to be a bit harder to break but I am able to smash it against the ground a few times to break it. I smash my mother's computer on the ground. I smash a few more pieces of china dishes out there, then I smash my own laptop on the ground.

      My mom apparently gets home now, she comes into the room and sees the pile of broken crap on the ground. She asks what am I doing? I say I feel like breaking things. I am smashing a book case with a chair, this is proving to be a bit harder than breaking some of the things, but it is breaking. She asks if I have gone insane. I tell her not to worry about it, this is just a dream and everything will be just fine when I wake up. She looks at me as if she is now certain that I am crazy.

      Secrets Within
      I am in my own house with Tigress, and we are looking for something in my closet. While we are looking at that, we notice that there is more area between my bedroom and the game room beside it than is being taken up by the closets of the two rooms. There is an unused area in there? That seems weird. We look closer at that area, we are wondering if there is a space in there that got closed off during the construction. Tigress finally finds there is a way to open one of the walls, there is a door deliberately hidden there, it's no accident. We open the door and look into the small hidden space.

      There is a stairway heading down deep into the ground, which seems surprising considering I live in a manufactured home that sits a couple feet off the ground with a crawlspace beneath it. I think about that for a minute, then I figure since I have never looked under the house very well before, there is most likely a pillar in the middle of the house to accommodate this stairway. Tigress and I head down to explore the place beneath the house, and we find a small maze of passages crossing each other. There are some small rooms branching off of the passages that are set up as bedrooms and a small living area. I remember telling Nomad that if there is an emergency I don't have a suitable shelter to hole up in… now I see how wrong about that I was!

      Dreams of Dreaming
      I am in my living room with my mother and Tigress, and we are watching television, we are watching an episode of the series Medium about a woman who sees visions through her dreams. She is having a dream about a man who kidnaps young girls, about 12 years old, takes them home with him and rapes them repeatedly, then he hangs them upside down from a tree and beats them to death with a baseball bat. He leaves the bodies there for whatever unfortunate individual receives the shock of finding them. What a sick bastard.

      Allison Dubois is having problems with the vision because even though she can see the man's face in the dream, she is never able to focus on it well enough to identify him. I am talking to Tigress and my mom about lucid dreams, I say she should learn to do a reality check and realize she is dreaming. I say that even though she wouldn't want to do anything to alter the vision in the dream, she could make an effort to remember specific details that she might tend to forget if she hadn't realized it was a dream. Tigress agrees with this idea, though she adds that Allison might unintentionally interfere with the messages the dreams have. My mother says she remembers my late brother John talking about his dreams a lot. This seems strange to me since I don't remember hearing him talk about dreams much at all.

      Daytime Friends, Nighttime Lovers
      I am at a hotel in a swimming pool, it is a nice day and I am enjoying the water. I am surveying the people around me, there are quite a few colorful characters about today. There is a really fat woman in a bathing suit that is much too small for her, and her even fatter husband is wearing swim trunks that are so tight on him that they look like tighty whiteys. Ok… that's something I don't need to be seeing… but it makes me feel quite skinny by comparison. I look at more people around, and I notice two couples that look like newlyweds. Or at least they are going at each other like newlyweds, and I am thinking that's what they are. Both couples look like perfect couples, pretty women, hot men, very much in love. Finally everyone leaves and I am alone in the pool. Before long, the two women from the couples come back, now they are in costume. They are dressed as very hot and sexy sorceresses from some fantasy realm, though I can still easily see they are the same women.
      They get in the pool and start making out with each other. Um… I wonder if their husbands know they are doing that. Well, it turns out all of them are on even ground. Both of the men come back dressed in costumes that make them look like muscle bound freaks, the costumes are clearly meant to be comedic. I can also easily recognize them, though. The two men get into the water and start making out with each other. I figure they must all be friends and having a bisexual relationship. That turns out to not be true, however. When they all see each other, the entire group of them start fighting and cursing at each other. I am getting quite a show during my swim here…

      Animal Rescue
      I am in a house looking around, I find there are lots of cages with small animals in them. The main problem is that these animals don't belong in cages, they are all wild rodents from the area. Squirrels, mice, rats, and other rodents I see regularly on the ground gathering food. So why are they in cages? They should be free. I open the cages and start setting the animals free. Before I let each animal go, I take a photo of the animal on my iPod so I have a record of what animals I have set free from where.

      I coax the last little animal, a ground squirrel, out of a cage and pick it up. The animal wants to be free. I take the photo of the animal, then I hold it for a few minutes, thinking how nice it is to pet. I finally set the squirrel down and watch it run up a tree. I go out behind the house and I find there is a large display made of dog biscuits. Someone has used the dog treats to build dog houses, fire hydrants, and many other interesting structures. There is a white powder all over the treats. I realize that is poison… someone wants to kill dogs! There are several dogs heading for the display, drawn in by the smell of the treats. I have to stop the dogs. I stop the dogs from getting to the treats, then I use the empty cages from inside to build a makeshift fence around it. The owners try to deny knowledge of it, but their denials are pretty pathetic. To my surprise, the rodent I was holding last seems to be impressed by my efforts to help the dogs and the other animals. The squirrel comes back over to me and wants me to pet it some more.

      Death Hospital
      This dream relates to the girl I was protecting a few dreams back. I know she is now in a safe place, but the enemy is still looking for her. They are willing to do anything and everything to find her. The enemies have captured some people and are holding them in a hospital, interrogating them for information on where the girl is. We have to get those people out of there. I am with a man, and we sneak into the hospital with false identities. I am searching for the prisoners, I found a place I wish I hadn't. One of the prisoners, a woman, is strapped to an operating table. They had cut off the top of her skull and they are messing with her brain, clearly they are deliberately stimulating the pain areas of her brain to induce excruciating pain.

      They are also asking questions about where the girl was, I know she knows where the girl is, but she is refusing to talk. The assholes keep torturing her, but all they get out of her are pleas for death and some cursing. I break a window from the observation room and get into the operating room where they are torturing the woman. I already know there is no way to save her life, they have done too much damage to her brain… so reluctantly I grant her wishes for a quick death using one of the scalpels the assholes had been using to torture her. Just as she is dying she gives a smile of relief, reassuring me that I did the right thing. I somehow manage to get out of the room by cutting a couple of the doctors with the scalpel and making a break for it as I reach the door. I meet up with the man, he just got back from a holding area where he was able to rescue a man and a woman. We evade enemies and reach the roof where there is a helicopter. The man manages to get the helicopter off the ground, but he isn't very skilled as a pilot, so when we are being chased, he hands the controls to me. The woman doesn't think I can fly, but I prove her wrong. I stay low to the ground and fly very dangerously through a canyon, managing to lose our pursuers. We reach an airport and get on a plane, heading into the sky before the enemy is able to catch up.

      Harry Potter: Sunken Treasure
      I am at Hogwarts with several other people, and I am lucid. I fell asleep focused on getting to this dream, and it seems to finally be happening. A group of us are standing on the banks of the lake near Hogwarts. It is a warm day, though it isn't especially hot, and the water in the lake is still quite cold. The people in the area I recognize include MoSh, Hermione, Harry, and Draco. Hermione says she has a spell to allow Harry and her to breathe underwater. She says she knows I am MoSh's friend, but she can't share the spell since I am also on the opposing team. MoSh says not to worry about it, I surely don't need any spell to breathe underwater. It is time to start the competition. Hermione uses her spell on Harry and herself, MoSh says he doesn't need it. He says they should take hold of his fin and hold on tight. They look a bit puzzled, but then MoSh transforms into a water serpent… with fins… so the three of them go into the water, Harry and Hermione being pulled along at high speeds by MoSh.

      Draco is staring at that in shock, as is everyone else. I get Draco's attention and I tell him we need to get moving. He says he can't breathe water… he whispers he doesn't even swim very well. I tell him I have that covered. I hand him a leaf of an herb, the herb tastes like mint. I tell him it will allow him to breathe underwater. He asks what it is. I tell him I've been brewing a special potion, and soaked the leaf in it, and it allows breathing underwater. I eat one of the leaves… which is just a peppermint leaf… it tastes minty. He is unsure. He finally takes the leaf and eats it. Now it is hard to get him to take his first breath of water. I practically have to drown him to make him breathe water… So we get a late start. We dive down to the bottom of the lake where the maze entrance is. The maze is a bit confusing, but we get through it without too many problems. At the center of the maze we find Vegeta is down there. Of course being underwater is no issue for him. He is talking to us telepathically. He says the next challenge is a martial arts tournament, where only the most skilled stand a chance of winning. He says he is willing to teach if we are willing to learn, but anyone who will learn from him will have to take their training seriously. There is treasure there, too. Draco and I both get red gems. We go back to the surface of the lake and find out that MoSh and his team finished first.
    7. dreams

      by , 03-26-2011 at 01:15 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      just a vague dream about Sam getting mad at me because some lady from work was being a little too friendly with me. hehe.


      I was in some house. I remember some big guy twice my size wanted to fight me or something. So we broke out in a fight. Somehow I was punching him in his left eye over and over again. I was trying to hit the same spot over and over again so that he would just give up. In the end he was grinning, but also clearly in pain and suddenly he was friends with me.
    8. At My Dad's Old House Again

      by , 03-26-2011 at 01:12 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I was at my Dad's old house with my wife. Another family lives there now in waking life, and I knew that in my dream. I kept telling my wife, "Let's get out of here!"... but she was on her computer and wasn't moving.

      I looked out the window of the kitchen door. I was afraid someone from the next house would see that someone was in my Dad's old house when they weren't supposed to be.

      A car started to pull in the driveway. I just knew we were busted; but the car never drove up the driveway. that happened twice.

      I told my wife to come on again, but she was eating a pan of pound cake or swirl bread. I decided to leave by myself. I slipped out the back door certain someone would see me leaving, but I had to get out of there.

      The dream ended.

      I had other dreams, but I can't remember them. Maybe I'll remember them later.
    9. Letters from the future

      by , 03-26-2011 at 12:36 AM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I wake up and stretch. I am at the house I lived in in Aina Haina, the weird A-frame...

      I was 14 at the time. For some reason, I go outside and check the mail.

      It's a letter addressed to me, the return address is a date 200 years in the future, and it says, "UFRUMTEHFUTUREE".

      I open the letter, and it sails out of the envelope. I chase it, but it lands, and becomes a 2D image standing in front of me. It looks something like an origami robot hologram in the shape of adult me, but the hair looks ridiculously styled.

      The hologram opens his chest, and images appear like a movie. I am drawn into it. I feel like I am falling into a graphic novel. I am three inches high standing on an open comic book on a desk in a boy’s room. The boy walks in with a backpack, and sees me. He stops and his eyes widen.

      He lunges to grab me, but i jump into the comic book.

      I am in a concrete underground city. I scream in terror. I feel claustrophobic. Where is the sky. A man appears next to me. He looks like me, and also like Timelyst Knight my android Future Self. “I am not you from the future. I am your True Self, and You are now Here.”

      “What the fuck do you mean?”

      “This is where you are from. This is where your Real Body is. You are sleeping in an underground bunker 200 years in the future in the bowels of Oahu.”

      “Alright Morpheus, cut the bullshit.”

      An astral tentacle extends from his third eye to mine, and he downloads information not in words, but images. I see myself born as a faun with lion claws on my hands. I have a lion-ish face, with a big goattee. I am born to two parents who look pure human. My mother sets me in a dumpster. Two mutants come by and rescue me right before the trash truck robot comes.

      I grow up in the slums with other mutants. Humanity is enslaved. Most people are now chimeras, a mix of animals and humans, but the pure humans rule everyone else. The world is all concrete underground prison cities.

      A shaman sees me dreaming power, and trains me.

      The mutant government asks me to be part of their secret program, what could possibly be a one-way trip. They describe their program to me. They have discovered time travel. They have learned that the soul can travel through time while dreaming or while the mind meditates. But, the soul can never be made physically manifest in another time, until now. They have been experimenting with hibernating people for extended periods of time to increase their dreaming power. These oneironauts have been sleeping for days and weeks on end, lucid dreaming for weeks of real life time.

      Then, they hibernated three brave souls for a year. Their goal: soul insertion. These oneironauts would try to somehow insert a portion of their energy into an embryo in a human womb in order to physically manifest in the past.

      The people in this time can communicate with the sleepers, because they all talk in their sleep, which is mainly a stream-of-consciousness.

      All the people were apparently able to do this soul insertion, but their manifestations in the past all died when the people awoke. When they were put back to sleep, their past manifestations were ghosts looking at their own dead body. All the past manifestations were ten years old. After the people woke up from this, they were all so traumatized they went insane.

      We hibernated three more people for two years. One past manifestation died before the two years and the person awoke screaming. They screamed until they were hoarse. Then they cried for two weeks. Then, she killed herself in the town square. The others’ past manifestations died when they were twenty.

      The two people awoke. They were extremely depressed. One slipped into catatonia. The other spoke for awhile about his experience, but he was frustrated that he could never remember his mission in the past timeline: to warn the people of this nightmare future that they may avoid it. He said we wasted two years of his life, but at the same time, he was grateful to be able to have lived another life, and see the beauty of nature, and the sun, and water. He has become a recluse and incessantly draws pictures of trees all over the city.

      We realized that for some reason one year of hibernation equals one year of past physical manifestation. In order to have the person remember their mission after the trauma of soul insertion, they must live longer, and in order to come back with a peaceful and sound mind, the person’s past manifestation must live a long full life.

      So, we asked you to hibernate for ten years. You accepted. Your present manifestation is always on the brink of death. It’s not easy to keep someone alive and healthy yet asleep for a decade. There is always the threat of civil war, earthquakes, flooding, fire, fallout. We are fucked. Travelers from the future have already warned us of a nuclear power plant failing in seven years from now. We all live underground. There is no way to go but the surface, but the way is heavily guarded. Most people don’t even believe the surface exists. They think it’s a myth. Plus, there are millions of us now in here.

      We are planning to escape. But, because we have the technology and magic to time travel, we are taking a multi-pronged approach to tackle this problem. Our species is about to make itself extinct. Maybe we deserve it. But, I don’t want to die, and neither do you. We are doing everything we can on this end to keep your original physical body alive and well. If you die before a hundred, you will wake up here, and report to us your findings from your lifetime 200 years in the past.

      He lets go of the astral tentacle.

      My eyes are bugging out of my head. We are standing on a busy street now. Everyone around me is a chimera of some sort.

      “Would you like to see your real body?”

      I nod slowly.

      We teleport to a room with a large tank in the center. My body is floating in a clear green gel.

      “This simulates a womb. The gel is like amniotic fluid, but thicker. It offers you resistance so your muscles don’t atrophy.”

      There are people in lab coats milling about. My face, anus, and urethra are hooked up to hoses.

      “You have trained yourself to eat in your sleep. If all works out, your body will come out perfectly healthy, but ten years older.”

      “This is not real.”

      “This,” he points at me, “is a dream.” He points at himself, “this is a dream.”

      “But, all this, Nomad,” he gestures to the world around us, “this, is real.”

      I suddenly realize everything he says it’s true. I feel like it’s just me talking to myself. I fall over and vomit. I feel like my mind is being ripped apart. I scream and claw at my face. My future self beams positive energy over me, and I go into a meditative state. I am now watching the scene as if I am ghost watching my life. My future self looks at me and gives me a thumbs up.

      I jump back in my body, and stand up. I inhale deeply the nothing dream air. My future self grabs my hand, and opens a portal. He grabs my hand, and we go sailing through dreams.
    10. What I can remember

      by , 03-25-2011 at 10:49 PM (My world)
      Someone told me my dad had downsyndrome.

      I was in an alien rectangle room with ryley and shanon playing with some remote control cars that could go on youtube.

      Aliens were putting what looked like giant gas tanks in the earths atmosphere to prevent humans from doing something.

      I was playing some sort of game in my moms basement, I tried drinking some water but it had some pieces of stuff in it.

      I was playing a first person shooter.
    11. Strip Club

      by , 03-25-2011 at 10:47 PM
      Thursday, March 24, 2011

      My buddy Mike and I enter a bar that I recognize as “Mac’s Two Lounge” in Billerica, MA, a seedy 18-plus strip club. The place looks nothing on the inside like it does in real life. In the dream, it is a narrow, short room, with a small stage (about the size of a restaurant booth table) connected to the wall by a door and has a pole in the middle. The “stage” is surrounded by a red faux leather booth, in which is seated all manner of seedy and unsavory individuals; ash trays are strewn about the booth and there is no dancer on stage.

      At the other end of the room is a small bar with four stools in front of it bolted to the floor. A few patrons occupy these stools. The room is filled with cigarette smoke and I remember thinking that it was strange that smoking would be allowed in such an establishment, as Massachusetts has banned smoking in bars and restaurants. I am also concerned that my wife will smell the smoke on my clothes and know that I was at a strip club.

      There is nowhere for my friend and I to sit, so we just stand around waiting for something to open up. I tell Mike that this is a weak scene and that we should leave because there are no girls dancing and there is nowhere to sit. As I say the last part, two people who were sitting in the booth at the other end of the room disappear (which triggers no lucidity in me whatsoever) and Mike and I take their seats immediately.

      The only thing I remember next is waking up and performing my RC.
    12. Parking Garage

      by , 03-25-2011 at 10:45 PM
      Thursday, March 17, 2011

      I am in a parking garage. The garage is filled with numerous cars parked between white pillars, just as one would find in any such garage. The ceiling of this garage is incredibly low, to the point where I must duck to move about, as such it is just above the roofs of the parked cars. At one point, the ceiling become so low that I must crawl to move about, bringing on feelings of claustrophobia; there are no cars in this part of the garage.

      I find my car in an area of the garage where the ceiling is of a normal height. I get in the driver’s side and am speaking to my best friend Mike, who is sitting in the passenger’s seat. I do not know if he accompanied me to my car or was already there when I got in. As we speak, I see a kid that we went to high school with walk by the car and out the door to the exit stairs, he accompanied by several people that I cannot make out from my vantage point. I turn to Mike, “hey, that was Ted from school.” Mike readily agrees that it was and we exit the car, heading for the exit door.

      Upon moving through the doorway, we are in a run-down hallway with white cement walls. Up ahead the hallway narrows considerably and there is sunlight in that direction. As we move forward, Ted and his entourage approach from the direction of the sunlight. They squeeze past us without acknowledging us, nor us them. I remember thinking that Ted’s sister was hot back in the day.

      Now I am at the scene of a car accident in which I am not involved. I am standing by off to the side chatting with a police officer while the two drivers involved argue and try to exchange insurance information.

      Next thing I remember is waking up and performing an RC.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Lucid Dream 202: Harpy Hunting

      by , 03-25-2011 at 10:25 PM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      March 21, 2011
      Lucid Dream 202: Harpy Hunting
      Series: Friends, Episode 8
      around 9:00am

      Category - Action

      I am on a small college campus with my friend Cliff. We were walking into the food court when he brought up an interesting subject. He told me that he could do things other men could not. He demonstrated by setting a napkin on fire with his hand. He told me, "The end of the world is coming and you should join forces with us." I asked what he meant by "us." He told me they called themselves the "Red Army." I asked who the leader was and he told me it was the coach of the football team, "General Maynor." We talked for a bit and I asked Cliff how much power he had. He told me he had the most power of all the army with exception to the general. I looked at him and said, "Ok, but if we do this thing...we do it big! F*** General Maynor! We will dethrone him and take command of the red army." I could feel my blood boiling. There was a weird energy rising in my body. I asked Cliff to teach me his power. I was soon lighting things on fire with ease. Within minutes my power level had risen far beyond Cliff's and we headed to the stadium to assassinate the general.

      We arrived at the stadium and walked through the bleachers. I saw Deej and Keith sitting there. Deej looked at my eyes and said, "They got you too? You are going to turn against humanity?" Keith and Deej looked sad as I dropped down and laid on the bleacher. I felt something inside me, release. I stood up and told Cliff that I would not join the Red Army. I told him that I had to fight for the sake of others and not myself. Cliff informed me that he was afraid of that. He told me he was going to have to kill me. Suddenly, four harpies swooped down and landed beside Cliff. Me, Deej, and Keith hauled ass through the bleachers as Cliff and the Harpies began throwing live stun guns at us. I dodged most of the stun guns, but one caught the back of my leg and it went completely numb. I hobbled out of the stadium and jumped into the bed of Deej's truck.

      Deej floored it and we took off toward the exit. Cliff and the Harpies showed up and began launching stun guns at us once again. One of them caught Deej in the neck and knocked him unconscious. I jumped around from the truck bed, through the window, into the driver's seat, and took the wheel. Deej recovered and said, "Man that hurt! Good thing this is a dream." I became lucid. I swerved toward Cliff, but he jumped clean over the truck and landed in the truck bed. I told Deej to take the wheel. I then melted up through the roof of the truck and started battling in the truck bed. The majority of his attacks involved stun guns that actually felt quite pleasant. I acted as if they hurt, so he would keep using them. Finally, I got into an ideal position. As Cliff thrust the stun gun toward my neck, I dipped down, opened my mouth and swallowed the stun gun. I then grasped Cliff in a hug, tensed all my muscles and then released built up energy. The stun gun I swallowed, electrified my whole body and I shocked the sh** out of Cliff. I noticed my body was flashing and letting off electricity in way that reminded me of Blanka (from street fighter). Cliff collapsed and I kicked his body out of the truck bed. I knew he wasn't dead, but I couldn't bring my self to finish him.

      We were now looking for Keith and the harpies who had been separated. I lifted the truck into the air with my mind and flew us out of the area. I saw the harpies hovering around an old building like vultures. I flew us over and the harpies scattered. We landed out in front and I called out to Keith. He was in the old building. Suddenly, a Harpy swooped down and busted through the window, entering the building. I heard a scuffle going on inside, but before I could enter the building, Keith walked out holding a huge pair of bolt cutters and the head of the harpy. He said, "Gather up the rest of those b****es. I'm collecting heads!" Two of the Harpies landed and tried to intimidate us by screaming in a menacing fashion. I used the flash step technique from the anime, "Bleach," and got behind one of the harpies. I grabbed her by her hair and walked her over to Keith. He applied the bolt cutters and snapped off her head. Blood gushed as I noticed Deej had easily caught the other one. Keith snapped off her head as well.

      Deej informed me that harpies have to swoop down at anything you toss into the air. He launched one of the detached harpy heads into the air. I shot off the ground and followed it, flying several feet below it. Sure enough, the third harpy swooped down and I wrapped my arms around her. We fell from the sky and slammed hard into the ground. The harpy was badly injured and started crying. She pleaded "I'm sorry! Please forgive me. I was possessed by..." Before I could do or say anything, bolt cutters flashed across my face and snapped off her head. I looked over at Keith who twirled the bolt cutters in his hand as he said, "You have to keep the pimp hand strong." I laughed and tossed the harpies body aside. We heard some sex noises coming from the building beside us and entered.

      There were two harpies in the 69 position in the middle of the room. I reached in my pocket and felt around for the object I was imagining. I then pulled out two stun guns and gave one to Deej. We sneaked up on the harpies and put the stun guns up to them. They started convulsing and couldn't get away. Keith sprinted up and in the blink of an eye, snapped off the final two harpies' heads. Cliff and Chris entered the building. They had snapped out of their trance/spell and were normal. I talked to them for a moment and asked Cliff how he could give in to the temptations. I asked about his family and he responded, "The general told me they would die peacefully in their dreams." I told all of them we were dreaming, but awoke as we were about to all take flight.

      Series Details
      In the dream series, "Friends," I join the DC counterparts of my waking life friends and tackle the dream world. You never know what we will be up to next, but I guarantee it will be one hell of a time. Stay tuned for more entries to the series!
    14. cant really remember

      by , 03-25-2011 at 09:27 PM
      something to do with tits
      non-lucid , memorable
    15. 3/23/11

      by , 03-25-2011 at 08:38 PM (Dreamscapes)
      Was showering and so was r wanted to see masses. Went in complete to get something. Started playing jokingly with giant masses of r. Continued escalated and became full playing. Was with kara having fun. Called michael seeing when he was going to his own place so I could continue with r. Kara wanted kisses. We were having family over and lived in a big place with lots of tvs.

      Michael sand I were at some atlantis resort. Were with a friend. For some reason we ditch him while he's getting q massage on purpose. We go explore. Its miley sirus concert and there'd a ton of people walking around. We go downstairs andbsay that we know miley sirus and two girls hear. They wont stop bothering us and follow us asking us to take then to her. He eventualy say they will kiss us. We say no and michal walks away with one. I go to the other and we kiss.

      Traveling around with leo in differnt areas. We ends up in some really dangerous village that sells cheap things and food. We walk around and find cool stuff and steal a lot of things.leo is on some mission to do something there. I steal money and walk around trying to think of what to do